"""35- Twmsn't - -x f "v 11 ttta k' THE OREGON SENTINEL 'THt LA'Vt OF NEWSPAPERS 1. SnbscrllKrs who do not i;ire exprass notice to 'he contrary, are considered as wUlilug ta contlune heir subscriptions. 2. If any subscribers order the dlscontlmianee of their newspapers, the publisher may continue to 'tend them untH'ait arrearages are paid, 3. Ifsubscribera neglector refnseto talte their newspapers from the offices to which they are di rected, the law holds them res,xnslble nutll they liaTe settled the bills, and ordered them discontinued. t. If subscribers remorc to other places withont Informing the publisher, and thenewspapers are sent to the firmer direction, they are held respvnsible. i. The CnnrtshaTedeclded that refusing to take newspapers from this office, or remoTinK and lea lne; them uncalled for, Is prima facie evidence of In tentional fraud. 6. The postmaster ho neglects to give legal ne iwof the neglect ofa persotno tale front the office lt hefap.- BildretWl to him, Is liabloto the pub- iher for th suliscripilon price. Somi,thixq New in Journalism. "When the present Pope was a Car dinal, ho cherished the idea of publish ing a grand Catholic journal an or gan for his cfrurch that could Be read by all the people in Europe and Amer ica in their mother lantruace. Since is elevationto the Pontine, Leo XIII. tiaex&fKSKtttfj io-pwt- his ideas of a great newspaper into practice. He has succeeded so far as to authorize tlieannouncement that its first number will be issued in July or August of this year. It will be print ed in Seven different languages; it will discuss all the political and eco nomical questions of the day, and of facially represent the opinions of the Holy See. The compositors are to be Ihe deaf and dumb boys educated in one of the asylums of the Church in Home. Alimonde will be the genc-r-al superintendent. The Popo is anx ious that a Cardinal should be at the JEead of the editorial department; he offered that position-to Cardinal Nina, "who dctlifiecf it. The novel paper will start with forty-two thousand subscri bers; very few of this number arc Ital ians. Once fairly under way, the grand Catholic organ is likely to com mend itself to future Popes, and be come a permanent power among the newspapers of the Old World. Thimble" M.AUFACj?m& The pro cess of making thimbles is described as follows: Bright new silver coins are re duced to ignots by mdtirtg into cruci bles. They are the rolled into required vthickness and cut by a stamp into cir cular pieces of the required siee. These circular disks are placed under a solid ductal bar of the intended thimble, which, moved by the powerful machin- bpttomless nlold of 'the size ot the outside ot the thimble !and presses the metal in to the desired "shape at a "single Wow. Tne remain ing operations of brightening, polish ing and decorating are performed by "means of" a lathe. First, the blaiik iorra is fitted with a rapidly revolving 'rod' a slight toucli-with a- sharp chisel takes atliin shaving from tlie end; an other does the same ot the side-, while a third rounds off the rim. The pol ishing & done by a round steel Vod, which is dipped in oil and pressed upon the surface. Small revolving leel wheels, held against the revolving Clank, pierce the indentations oil the lower half and end of'thts thimble; All ifiat remains to be done with the thim "blcs is to Brighten and polish the in ', 'sides, boil them m soap-suds to remove the oil, brush them up and pack them -for the inarkefi- Capt. J, B. Eads Veports, undef date of July 10th, that the greatest depth and width of channel required' by tb's;Jetty act at the mouth, and al so of the head of South Pass, has been secured. The completion ot . the great work was certified to the Secre tary of "War the same day by Gapfc 11. Pu Brown, ai the United States Engineers, inspector of the work. The jetty channel is over 30 feet deep, and a good navigable channel of 26 feet measured at the lowest stage of he river, exists at the- head- of the jjacses. The benefits to commerce like Jy to flow from tins brilliant achieve ment are inestimable. The Sciopticoii gallery so well and favorably known, will bo at Jackson ville on the 18th of August and will furnish those excellent pictures at rear sonable rates, for which it Is- noted. "Old pictures copied and enlarged in the very best manner. Children's pic ' tures a specialty and good-workguarran-t?eJ Do not delay But securepictures "while the opportunity offers, as the .'gallery will remain only one week.- Call and see tlfose pictures of laughing Und crying babre only one week. The National Gold Medal was awarded to Bradley ic RuTofson for the Ibest photographs In the United States, und the Vienna Medal for titer best in the world.- '423 Montgomery Street, San-Francisco. TheSbasta "Courier" intends discard ing the patent outside, which is a good move and furnishes more Eome work in preference tor- patronizing San Fran- cisco.- If we are faithful to f He duties of the present God will provide for the future- A &SbktKCm& flirtation is aTeTy To Ihe People of Northern California and Southern Oregon! ASHLAND COLLEGE AND NORMALSCHOOL LOCATED AT ASHLAND, OREGON. First Session will Commence Scjil-If, IS9. IJO.tltD OP TRUSTEES: A. G. RnCKFKLt.OW, W. II. AtKlNSOS, Rkv. J. S. McCain, Jacob Waoner, Rev. W. T. Ciiai-man, Jnnjf Walker, Clare Taylor, U. F. Biili.g3. -prion tub pnnrosK if fodndixo the Asifc 1 ' laud Collrcn and Normal School tiie property known as the Ashland Academy lias L.-en placed, frew fn.in idebt, undtr the control of a Hoard of Trustees, who hate inanoirvcit the" CntehTlse by filling the foll?wi4IJBu In the - RACTJL.T":: IlEV. LOVfELL E. KOCHHS, A. M., Presiuent; rrofessur uf Mental and Mori! Science. W. I. NICHOLS. A. 5L. Vice TiesidenV; Professor of Mathematics. MRS. A. A. ItOORKS. Preceptress; Teacher of English Grammar. MItS. JENXli: BALBWIJI NICHOLS, Teacher ofMnsic aud French. Oilier competent instructors will be scrnred as fist as the needs of the Institution require, aolhat pupil may be provided with the best facilities for commenc ing and completing the following COTJRSES OF'STtTDY: 1. Classical, retjhlrlng sit years, Including prepar ntory etudies. Graduates ibeeile the DTgtets of A. B. aud A. M. 2. SSttsHHc, requiring four years. Degteo confer red, 11. S, 3. Norxii, CoMuimcAl and" Mfoicit, ritcnoTlng three years earh. Diplomas giien certifying t'oat tainmentaof graduates. - EXPENSES. Tuition In four Collegiate Branches. SS a month. Mnslc, $3 a month (use of instrument $1 additional). Vocal music In class. $3 a quarter. Board In Beard ing Hall or in Private Families, S3 SO to JI.M a week. Itooms or Cottages fir self hoarding, tl to to er mouth. TAItTIAL LIST CF TEXT BOOSS. Bobinsotrs Mathematici Steelos Series In Natural Sciences, Harkties' Latin. FasqneUa French, Recd'8 ?eKts In English Cumjiositlou Kicliaidsou'a Piano Instruction. PBOMIXENT FEATURES' ixli ITEMS OF INTEREST. 1. The Collesfe 111 be chattered; and the Normal or Training Sriitsd lor TcaUie'iS will be liladr. It is hoped by special enaetment,nn adjnnct ofther"ntdlc School systetrf.nnJ Dlilotuas made eitlralcut to first grade ccfliflcatds. .2. Ashland has no saloons. The sale of Intoxicating lienors is prohibited by the City authorities, whoaie sustained by a strong public sentiment. 3. TbeSihnol will be under the Miperrlpinn of an Etangel'cal airlstian Church. Tlie Bible will be reverently read and studied; the worship cfGod en conraeed; but the Institution will be sectarian In no ohjectional sense. 4. Hook-keeping. Business Arithmetic. English Com position and other branches specially prep-iratory for Business Life, will receive unusual attention. 5. Tlie Precyptress will (tire fier chief attentfon fo the care and oversight of the young ladies. 6. Air Endowment of J2n.009.will be, there is reason toliUpe, promptly CTieirlbed, enabling the Trnitees to ;eduee the nresent rater of tultWw. sneclallv to lonmers, aiier tue present yc-ir. AffKss communi ca'ions to . Ashland College and jflB fchco!, ASULAKD, 0 lVotic of LhlilfOIIlce nt nos.l.llrp.Ogn. Jhl-7th,lS7y. Notice i lierebv given thai ihe following namorl eettler b"tt filed notice of bi intention t makt! final proof in anpport of liis claim, and secufo ffnal en'ry thernif" at the cxpira lion of thirty dajB fiom the dat of litis no tice. Vi: Homestead entry Aro I!)."9 of John S Curnmons. ofJack.vm cnuntv. Oro con. Tor the E 1-2 o! jf W 1-4 Sec 17 T37 S, U I West, and names the followine br hit vritnes'es. viz: Alexander Stewart of Jackson county Orccon, and Thus McAndrcws of Jackson county, Oregon. Wm F Benjamin. Hcgister. ' TCotice. LnncfOlrioc nt Ilaai biirc. Ogn, 1 Jfily, 5.1S7U. J Not'ce is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his inten lion to rrml.e fi&al prdnf irr support of hi? claim, and secure final entry thereof nt the txpiration of thirty days from (be date nt this notice, v:2: Homestead nrrpliralion. No 1.68?. of David Stogie, for the V K-or S E H Sec 17, T 23 S, H 4- W. and names ihe following as his witnesses, v't. 'I'liomas R Basje of Applegate, Jackson county, Oregon( and August Relikopf ol A"pplegate, Jackson ennnty. Oreeon. "Wit F. Bexjamix, Register- No i ice of Final Pt-trbf. Lnml OfSrc nt Itnarsrnrir. t)gn. 1 JuIy7ib.lS7Ui . Nolice is hereby civen lhat the following named settler hai filed'tiotice of his intention to make final proof in support of bis claim, and secure final entry thereof nt the-expiation of thirty days from the dale o 5,1 bis no tice, viz: Homestead Ifo. 2312 or Matthew Cbapm&n, of Josephine county. Otvgon, for the N -W 1-4-or Sec 3. T 39 S. R 5 Wet, and names the following as bis witnesses, viz; James Aail, of Josephine county, aud Samu el Kiusey, of Joephine county, Oregon. Ym'F BenAmiv. Register. Kotice. ', Lnntf UlcettHoacblirtl.lfrii. 1 Tttly.ISf 1STO. Notice is hereby given tliat ilie following named settler has filed notice of hi' intention to make final proof in support of bis claim, and secure final entry thereol at thetxpira tion of tbirly days Ironr the rrate of this no lice, vie, John Rotcn homestead applica tiorr No 1 871. fri? the N E of N V . Sec 11, E K or S V i ami S' E of N W H. Sec 2 T 3-7 S R 3.W. and names the following as his witnesses, viz, Tolberl L Beck of Willow Springs, Oregon, and Da vid Marfan of Willow Springe, Jackson county, .Oregon. WM. F. Bekjamij.,- Registerr- Noticc- Lttlid Office at Ifoscliiirg'.Ogn. 1 Julj-,18.1b7J. Notice is hereby given that the following oanred settler has filed nolice o! his inten tion to make final proof in support of bis claim, and secure final entry thereof at the expiration of thirty days from the date of ibis notice, viz: Janus S. March, home stead application. No, 1 957, for the W y, or the S 17 Us S W ii of N E Sec 4, and N W ? of N E M Sec 5. Township 36 S, of'R 2 West, nnd names-the following as his witnesses, viZ: William A Childers ofSamsVollev, Oregon, and Benton Yin cent, of Sams Valley. Oregon. Wii. F. BeJAHIJi Register. PlA-soon OeoaN toit aIe. Par ties desiring to purchase fiithera nfano or organ will do Well to call tff this of fice before baying elsewhere. Tie in struments afe"SvarTanted first-class in every particular and the terms very reasonable? 4HBr. A SPEED F2EIO GRAMME -OF THE SISKIYOU COUNTY AGRICUL TURAL SOCIETY FAIR, AT TREKA Commencing, OctoiJer" 1st, IS79 And continuing four days. FIRST DAY W'odxiosday, Ootv 1st. JVb. 1. Trotting race, three in five, free for all horses in the district that ni vcr beat three minutes. Purse $100. Entrance $10 , JVb. 2. Running race, free for three year olds and uml'r, single dash oi ouc mile. Turse S50. .Entrance $5. . .. SECOND BAYf. 1?Zx-ixxrisc3.t-yr Oct. 23.. Ao. 3. 7b be called Ihe Society' Handi cap, Running race, mile heat, three in five, rree for all horsca owned in the district, with the following penalties and allowance)': 7he winner of any race of the vaiife of S20O to carry twenty-one pounds (21 lb) txt.a weight. 7T)e winner of any race the value 1 ofSKll) to rjarrv fouftrai xioaaila U4- lh'3 extra wesgni. jue winner tu any I ace the value or $30 to carry 7 pound? eslra weight. .Maidens, (tbofe herfes which have never won a race) nllowtd 7 poaudr, weights not accumnlatirc. WcicclS ttoi accumulative means that no fTnehobie Jtill be compelled to fiirry mere than one of the above extra weights. Seven or more to ct:Jer and four to start. Purse S200. Entrance S.S. En tries to clote on the let day ol September. Race Arj, i. T'roltine race, miie beat?, two in three, free i or all uutritd horses' or horse that have never tfolted for public money. Purse S50, Entrance S3. THIRD DAY, 'IPx-iciiiy, Oct. 3d. A"ii. 5. Running race, mile hetn, fe in five, fiee (or all. Purse S125. E-itrance $10. &rae day exhibition of stock A'o. C TVotting race, mile heats, free for nil three year olds o.rnea in ihe district. Parse S50. Entp-nce $."i. FOURTH DAY, Saturtiar, Oct. -SU-tli.. A'o. 7. Jrotting race, mile heals, three it five, free for nil hordes owned in the district prior to July let, 18 1 9. Puisa S150. En trance Si 5. itii. 8. Rnnning race, half mile and re peat, free for all. Purse S75. Entrance $3 RULES AND REGULATIONS. 1st 7he above purees to be given without discount. 2d fhe srcotid horse to save entrance money except in race A"o. 3. 3d Entries to be placed in the entry box kept for lhat purpose tit the pavilion prio to U o'clock P M on day previous to the race, except in race Ao. 3. 4th Entries mtist give name, pedigree and description of the burse entered as far as known. 5th All trolling to be in harness. Cth A'ational Trotting jfttoclailbn rules' to -govern trotting rnees. 7lb Pacific Coast rules to govern running race". 8th Free fur all mean just what it sayp. 9:h In all the above r-ceH entrance mutt- jvsddeil axcipt in race All. 3. tjollowinc SWiri-laltc raCeis nronnsed con nice, iree tor any colts In lite ili-trict that were foaled this .Spring, 18T.1, to tun a: two years i i tlie Tall or '81. to be cnti red k fullows: To nanw Si.il put tip ten dollar- mi the Iat diy of tin- fair; aLd twenty dolla in one yiar from the time, ami twenty dol-' Jars m rc Ihe daj before the raci'.- Tiie first hn,Ba ' pet i of the money. krse to gel 2-3 or the remain der. The thiid to 1 3 of the remainder. r. a. STiUCKLAND, rrasiJeut. II. A. Honsr Secrvtary. WOOL, WOOL ! ! 10 g'8-!i hi WOOL GROWERS OF Northern California and Southern Oregon. ANEW ERA HAS DAWNED UPON you. An enterprise has been starl-d in jourmidJt which innrrs tnynufuil vuiue fur yonr product; You can sell your pro duct ut SHE WOOi. 2IOUSB- OF- GONE & HELTON, I0r 3EJ.332D TSZFE'li For more than you can realfe? by shipping to San Franeisco.- We have bought Three Hundred Ttioasand bales thu far this3ason mid want Three Hundred Thousand more il wp can get them. Dout fail to see ir be riire von sell, and we will either Bny your wciii or see that you get more lor it than it is worth in San Francisco. OUR WOOL r-S.ESSI5S Are turning out 100 compres.'rd bales daily, nnd it takes wriol to fetter them going, so bring along jour clips nnd get a good price for tbem, and help yourselves, and by so do' inj help u3 to1 keep the ball rolling and presses going. Enterprise should be flflrtur ed and enconraged, especially where it bene fits the country. Bring on your wool, and get the highest market rates. We want it all. CONE & WELTON1. Bed Bluff, May ICtb, 1879. NEW LfiVERY STABLE BACK OF COURT HOUSE. MANNING- AND YEBB, Proprietor. T r AVISO LATELY FITTED DP THE COM JQ. niodiottt barn on tlie School Hoosa Flat anil in the rear of the Cotlrt Hoti'e. We are now fully prepared to attend to all tmf infra lnofirlioo with promptness auiTdispatcli atitl at tlie ta at reasoBalile rates. Fine Turnouts The stable i torn i'lif d With the best animals and most substantia buggies; also a first class hack and saddle horses. Horse) boarded, and the best care bestowed on theai. Satisfaction guaranteed In etery instance. Give nsacall and Judge for yourselves. jr. W. MANNING. JactsODTllIe, April 10th, IS?' XTU3El "ST HSCRIPIIOIf OP CUT. ilery cr 1 Iwf MILLERS. lr &EEAT OLEAEANCE SALS FOft SIXTY DAYS IMPORTANT Seduction in PRICES AT THE STORE OF' WBWMAN FIHEK. IN OTtKEuWsfAkE ROOlf F03 T Aljls AN"i WINTEli STOtk I AVILL' sell for the next SIXTY DAYS 31 YEKTilVE LINE of ' ' ' " msimmes MMm PKKSS FMGY GOODS, LADIES' KID GLOVES, SATS, ETC. ETC. ETC.- ETC. AT PlriCES TEAT WILL DEFY COMPARISON. EXTUAOHDINAKY INDUCEMENTS" WILL BE OFFERED TO CASH PUIi chahcrs during this great sale ut N. FISHER'S. EXCELSIOR LIVBRd&MD FEED S T'a-XS Xa23 . Corner f' OREDOS Am CAUr'OItXM et.i., Jacssoxvim.k. W. J. TXX2ZALE, Trcp'r. Would nESiTCTFnt.LV iN'FnnMTiiErbb iicthat he has a fine stuck ot Horses, Ilusgies and Carriuges And he Is preparrdlo furnish hN patrons and thepnb r1z gtneral' y ttl. Pine Ttirnoufs As can lie had on tlie Pacific coast. Siddle IiorscT Limltugu to any partot the country. Animals BotlKlir nitd Sold. Horrs 1 rolce to wrk single or flonhle.. ifort lHianled and the I.et bfcaie lwstolttM fin tlieni uliilrinn-T ctnrEf. A libcnil fhnre of the public (atrorage Issoliciltdou rtuoiubiv tcrmt. DR. SPliNlfMEY K"o. 11 KBA2lEJE12 S3., Treat nil Cliroulc nnU Sjirelnl DUrnscs "STCSTJjXTGr PC3330T . WHO MAY. I5B PUFFKUING rROM tbenVcls (if ytulliful follicB or indis cretion, will tlo well to uv.iil llipuiH'ke of thi, Hip p;rHiet hoon evr laiil at tlie nltir of (ofluriuj; lintnanitv. I)il. SPINNEY will Ctinrantce to Torfeit $."00 for vvory c:in" ol isemiiml weakliest or private ilifa- of suit kiiid or chir.icter which be uuderlukcs at.il rails to cure. miudm:-agkd kikx. There ate minv at the asi o tlitrly to fi.xly nhom! truiiMcrl vritli t.io fnqUftit rv ncnatinn of th bladder, iftn acciiiiip'inicil by a flight Mnartins or litlt-iilng ttni-alion. and a Wi-aketiinjoJ the f.T'lem in a mnnner tbepatient Cahnul account fir. On exam n it.K the urittarj dcposiis a ropy n-dimwit will "lien lie fo'.tnd nt.d pomvtimei! fniBll uarlicles of albumen will apiM-ar. or the colur will beof a thin milkMi line, again changing to a dark and turftid appearance There arc many men who die of tliia dlfli cully ignorant of the caue wbicb is the st-c-ond stage of reniinal weaknerg Kit. S. will giintatitt-r a pet feci cure in all mcli catew. and a -healthy restoration of the genitu-uri-nary organs. OFKlte Unites 10 to 4 and C to 8 fnn daya from 10 to 12 a. m Coticnllatiin free Thorotteh,? aminationa aud advice, i3; Call"or addn-f", DR. SPINNEY cV CO. No 11 Kearney St.. San FrancKio. THE STATE ismimRT & mam COMPANY, OF.SAN FRANCISGG. FIRE ND MARINE. INCORPORATED, 1871. Established in Oregon, lSt-1. CASH ASSETS 8500,000 OFFICEKSl A. ,T. DllYAlfT PRESIDENT It D.IVERS.i.VlCE PRESIDENT C. H. GUSHING. . .t .SECRETARY A. P. HOTALING & GO. 45 Front Street, Portland. Gen'l Agents for Oreeon nnd Washington. JNUN'AX.Loiat Acnt. EAGLE BREWERY. JOSEPn "WEITERER, Troprietof Orejoh'StM Jacksdnvillc. npHEBES'TOt1 UdEKSEER ALWAYS KEPT JL on hand and ready for sale by the ken or class &fds 9 GOOD! FRANCO-AMERICAN HOTEL & fl RESTAURANT T-i f ff- AXD GEXE11AL Sf.iGElIOUSE, OpiWdteOdd Fellows' Kali, JAt'KSIIXVILI.E .WIEGCIIK, MADAME HOLT, Proprietress. mKAVKi.rns and iiiidf.nt noAKnKns JL villi find the mist rnnirrUllrlodj:lnj:i at thU hy't'e loi'e nitt nltuaiijniiere Intlils part or the 31Kie. The Bods and Bedding Will always Im fitnnd of flrstHlss4 chiracter ufcd lcrrt la a neat and cleali condition, whirs The Booms arenewly fnrnlrfird and will always lie kept In neat anil homi Iiaeri'nilitiiiti. A pltitifni sur-plyuf the Lest of erer thing the market affords villi be Spread on Her Table. Ilrrhrn-e will be kept open all iil-bt. and "SQUARr. JIFAIS" lanbe obtalurd at nay hour uf the day Hr hijfit. OYSTKIIS I'nKPAKKD IV EYEUY STYLE, pt-rtfsiitl thfl i HlS 111$ r he nt latent iuptit.cn al wbtc flint gouU fifb, fcci hicH'nan.l gol leI at thl !imi. XotnmM' wil hv njinrnl tmlcrvc f fi pitrohicr r lite trnTMiip' at well n Hie ierinaueut comimi nitj. GUemifl o. l. s. i SiAnsh, A. f. Qfints. J. A. liUitki MECHANICS PLANIHG MILL AND FURSITDRE. SASir. BLINDS DOORS AND MOULD 1XO in? jk-cdgh: j jas-""- IAESH & CO. GRANITE ST, ASHLAND OGN. All kinds of Planing, Jlouliliiij;, Turn ing, Circular and Scroll Sawing. Furniture and Orvamcn 4(il Carving, Etc. Bone to Order. 'Furniture,- Sa&li, Blinds, Doors nnd Jloukling constantly on liand and made to order WK WILL COXTllACr TO DK '"' s;cn and erect all kinds o( bnildiog? Whet desirable to those employinsr o?, we will fnrni-h all the malarial required M the constiactioa olony banding rp&tiy for occu puticy. . .MA KS II & CO. UNION LIVERY SALEANDMIHXCHANGE Corner It h anil California Sts JACKSONVHLLK, OHECOS. J. A. CARDWELL PROPRIETOR. Tun PRorniETOit ins fully rebnllt anil rrflttol tills veil known estalili.limrnt. and lias ade vxteiisire and corofortaUe adli tinns thereto. I Lare tbe tery best horses, bucztes andlirery tnrnoutsof all kinds. My atockof ruuds- ters cudkoi ue txcenca in tn EtaiEi Horses Bdardetl Od feaiohaMe terms, and the best of care arid attm tlon bestowed npoa them whlla under my charge AISO Horses Bought and Sold. -80.000 SMITH'SORHAMS ROW IN -USE GHEAT Arc now TAKING THE LEA'D OVER ALL OTHERS for" rilliancy, Sweetness of Tone, Durability aritf General FinisI? NOTICS', Yon an Hiiy a FIRST CLASS PIANO OR ORGAN CHEAPER Of me tlmn ANY OTHER DEALER in the businesp, because I sell at VH.OLESALE PRICES FORCASII, and at a slight advance where soht dfi EASY INSTALLMENTS. Agents and Piano Tramps who make EAltGE PROFITS are requested to open their batteries UPON ME or my INSTRU MENTS' nf (h'lfc'c. The public will soon ascertain it Is to THEIR AD VANTAGE td Kivc me a call, and find that MY PIANOS AND OR GANS WILL AVEAR AS WELL, keep in tune as lon, and SAVE .MONEY FOR THE PURCHASER. Don't be fooled or humbugged by any thing you hear. "Talk- is cheap" (usually.) The man or woman who is talked into paying exorbitant prices, pays very dear. REST OF REFER ENCES GIVEN AND SATISFAC TION GUARANTEED. CgTocnd for" .special information to JA& S. SMITH, t)l, 3D3i-205Du?o.TST, San FsahCtocn. nrMTT a t of C'rruf.f?a f.nrt l)jJ I 1 iliV.JL insiiiimrrts. Siuil are entirely Uiaiuteientel. Address RrawnNXS 1700 Stockton St. F: F. THS2 BB12ST WA6N M WfliEiei 13 MANUFACTURED RY RACINE, WIS, WE MAKE EVERY VARIETY OF Mill!., H Anil by conliuing- ourselves ft-lctly to one cl.tss of wntk: lv tmplovlng none Lut tbr- EST OF WORKMEN, Using nothing but FIIiST-CLASS IMPROVED MACTTTMtRYand the ' T 'ERYBEST OF SELECTED TIMBER, And by a TIIOUOCGII KNOU'LEDGE of the l.te.inef,. we have juitly curntil the n-puta- liun ot mukitig "the Best wagon on wheels. "' We "ive tlio following- warranty with each' wnpon: We Hereby Warran the PHII linos. Wagon Nn.,..m..t; h. well nn.ic in ever pariicular uinlor;r J Diatirinl. and that llifftrenslli. urilierame i. cufticirnt fora work wilh r.ir u-a? fchiitild any brraknsL-occur wtllitu,.uue jtnr fiWir lh( itijliy n-asoti sir difeetlvf. nali-riol or workmanship, rrpiirf Tor tiie-'fame will lj funiii-hd nt plnce nrnale. freer charcor Ihe price oriid reniirp. a p-r aj-nt' prist 11. . will lie paid in cash by tl purchater' producing u sample or the broken or defective parts as evidence. rt .- ,. , , , fTrrrtG.Fi-.if: ) Rncme, Wis., Jan. let, 1S79, kivj.x n. Kwh, f FISH BROS & CO. ( Imi. U. llriiMN. ) Knowlnir wrcan stilt ynti. we folicil patronnce from crry ftction of lh rnltrd1 Htatis Send for Price and Terms, "d rur a copy tf our AGKICULTUIEAL l'Al'KIl tu GRAY'S SPECIFIC MBOICINB. TRADl MARK. THE GREAT TRADE MARK. ENGLISH REMEDY, an unlalito cure lor Sptr m at orrhen. seminal wtalt- Before Taking "&' Impo- After Taking, tency, and all diseases that follow n a fe q-iftice of Sflf-aliuse; aa loss of Mctnnrv Universal favsiiudp. Pain in the Dick Dimness of Vision. Premature Old Aj;e and many oilier Diseases llint lead to Inan ity or Consumption and a Premature Grave. 3fFn!l pifticuliirs in onr pamphlet, which wedcRire !n send free by mail to everyone. t The SpeciGc Medicine is sold by all drnseNts at SI per package, or si packages for S5, o' will be sent free by mail on receipt of !he money by addressiD" Tim CK.VY 3IEDICIXE CO.. ' t!o. 10 Mechanics' Block, Detroit, Mich. Sgi,SoId in Jacksonville by oil druggists and by all wholesale and retail druggists everywhere. M -fc5 - KEHUCTi IN Ill (QiilK i lanos Sfflllll'SPIffl&fllKIAXS; In order to introduce THESE' MAGNIFICENT PIANOS on this Coast, I have put the prices MUCH LOWER than other FIRST-CLASS' MAKERS, and as I do not propose trr1 make any agents, (who generally ex tort, large profits from the consumer) I expect to be severely handled by such persons in the Piano business. Tlie materials used in their con" struction are of the VERY REST' kind, and the wood thoroughly sea soned. They are substantially made. DURABILITY, TONE and tl.tf power of MAINTAINING TUNE LONGER than any other piano made, are the characteristics of these instru ments. Tlie greatest possible attention is given to their tone and touch, and I have no hesitancy in ofTering them to the public as FIRST-CLASS PIANOS in every respect, and warrant them to stand in nny climate. It'va's wlio arc j'alotH til my stic.-(s mt'l my for retrlv, nnd we tvlmt tliiiM! euv ul me who JAS. S. SMITH, 201, 203 k 203 Dupont St., S. F. iliO SPRiH E3 ISB E1M F FISH. BROS i CO.. IUC11. WIS. --. nsTrasnaniBSj isssssassw Umff Tt 3r rrr k?iionicijol(Sau. -v pOJTl,AND,OlEaOJi m And Jacksonville, Oregon.- GIBHS'&. STP.AIIS will ua i. allbuatuess la't'ortland. rFir- -icr. 7jfvci'r?Jr --- ;arsg