Oregon Sentinel PUBLISHED WEDNESDAYS IT J1CRS0SVILIF. ACKSON COUNTY, OREGON BT KRAUSE &. TURNER. ADVERTISING RATES. Oaeiqnaia lollneiorleit lint lniertlon.7 J 00 " " eachiutneqneat Insertion 100 " "J month T CO MAM la GO v ..............a.......... iW W. OnftfoartUColana6moDthi Tl CO m a m in fid One-balf m 3 m so M " " a " oo On Colnmn 3 monlha to 00 ' " 6 " BAA) v .......... Mi. ....... a W W A ninconnt to Yearly AWertlT. 83 PER YEAR U TERMS: One copy. Per Year, Inadrance, 83 30 VOL. XXIV--NO. 2 JACKSONVILLE. OREGON: JULY 23. 1879- Oregon Sentinel. (pfldpfttt PROFESSIONAL OAKDS. J. W. ROBINSON, M. D. pHYSIClAN AND SURGEON, JACKSONVILLE, OREGON. Office on California n't., oppnelte P. J.Ryan'e. Jteetdence at B. F. DoweU'. L. DANFORTH, M. D., tHYBioiHO-ymniRQ eon K-' -tr Jacksonville, Oregon. Office on California itreet, opposite P. J. Ryan'a lore. CalU promptly attended to, day ornlgbt. G. n. AIKEN, M. D., DHYSICIiVN AND SURGEON, JACKSONVILLE, OREGON. JKaH).1lc oppoilte P. J. It yan't itore. MARTIN VROOMAN, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, JACKSONVILLE, OREGON. Vrwnmvi cornel here with the intention of per mmently locating hlnnelf In the pmctlre of hi protetin, I a grata-ite, nod. from twentv eeeen reiM experience In the diea Incident to thl Out. IWttenlilintelf al being able to giro reneral mtifacti-n. Office at Kahler Bro'a Drug Store. CHAS. J. HOWARD, "10UNTY AND MINSRAL PURVEYOR, .JACKSONVILLE, OREGON. 'Mining nrreTi. anl all other bn.lne In ray line piuinptlja'tended to. E. H. AUI'ENlClETII, TTORNEY-AT-LAW JACKSONVILLE, OREGON. A Iff 111 -Tarllre in ell the Ov,,rt "t the lliM. IV-m. t attention tlr-ntn allhwlnew l-n In my car-. e-0(!ire In .)rtU- brick lmlUing. B F. fiOWKT.I.," ATTOXNEY-AT-LAW. Jacksonville. ortico'ts. .All'nulnen plv.Iln nr hinlevl'l recelce prompt attrition. Jr-pe:lil attention glien to cllrc tlont. DR. J. M. TAYLOR, ENTIST, D ASHLAND, OREGON. IUt or pe rmanenttr located at thi plr I am, now Intly prepared to do al t kind, nf ilental wirk. Tarticulur attention glreti to all mliinerf;f unrplcal tprrattmiH In connection ltli my IniRlneM, iuciuJ Ing clift palate, etc diartei reaawiallo. WILL. JACKSON, r E N T I S T, JACKSONVILLE, OREGON. TEimi EXIHOTED AT ALL hirll. Linclilnc; paa ad-lmlnltere-l. if Jelred,for which extra BtjtW Jrlirr ulll be made. Office and reitdence on corner of California and Fifth etreeti. BERTH DLD ROSTEL, i Asst: SURGEON of tbo German Army AND PROFESSIONAL HAIR-CUTTER, IN ORTH'S BUILDING, Jacksonville, ------ Oregon ."The Treatment of Chronic Cacs Made Specialty. A. O. QMBS. I.. B. ETKARNf. GIBBS & STEARNS, A TTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS, Rooms 2 and 4 Strowbridge's Building, r-ORTLAND, OREGON. fill practice In allCctirta or Record In the State of Oregon and Wahahlngtin Territory; and pay par ticular attention tobmlneM In Federal ConrU. DR, SPINNEY & CO., SPECIALISTS, No. 11, Kearney Street rj-lREATSALLCnRONICAND PRIVATE tlS- L eate wlthont the aid of merenry. J Offlcehonn 9 a. x. to 12 if; 2 t & and 6 to 9 (-. arn CoNsni.TATIOH FrKB. ( Fniikaaexcepted. Conn1tati(in free. Call cr ad VIB A P SPINNET A CO., No. 11. Keirner Sfaacivco. CITY MARKET, 'CALIFORNIA ST., WILLIAM BYBEE, - Proprietor. rHIS WELL-KNOWN MARKET, OPPO eite Kapler &, Bro.'a drucstore Is bet ter prepared thau ever lo furnish the pub lic with tbe choicest quality of FRESH BEEF Hvtork; veal, v -. MTJTTON, HAM, SALT MEATS, BACON, Fuperior, SAUSAGE, LARD, ETC., Tbo most favorable Inducements offered lo patrons, ad no effort will be spared to ward giving general satisfaction. WM. BYBEE GUT BARBER SHOP AND BATH ROOMS. California St., Jacksonville, - - - Oregon THE UNDERSIGNED IS FULLY pri-pired to do nil work in bis line in the best manner and at reasonable prices. HOT OR COLD BATHS Oan be bad at this place at all hours of the day. GEORGE SCHUMPF. THE ASHLAND Woolen Manufacturing Co, Take pl"nnro in nnvmncln,j that Ley non bare on baud, a full und select (lock of . GA883SaS3ESs 2HBE$K3-35 AMD" "BSESY;, Made of the very best NATIVE WOOL ud of which Uipv will dtpt.;at very rca tuuuble I ale". Ord'-r from n dHnrcwill receive prompt attention, oeud tbem in aud give our goods u liiul. ASIIMKD WOOI.FN MF0 Oil. JOS. H. HYZER, III W, WH, CiRRUOE AND ORNAMENTAL PAINTER, Jksnuville. Oregon T:? fKUr.LY I RF.PaIIED TO 1)0 ANY J. Work in tb f line on tbnrt nonce and a?k for a lmre of the public patronag. Orders from tU couutry promptly attend etl tfl. S. P. HANWA, WAGON-MAKER, Jacksonville, Oregon, TN CRONEMILLER'S BUILDING IS IN J. receipt of a lull ncortmcnt of material and prepared to do all woik in bis Hue on short notice and in a workmanlike manner Vehicles of every description made to or d.r. Terms reasonable and satisfaction guaran teed. s3Repairing a speciality. - - EtlANilA Jacksonville. February, 20, 187. RE-OPENED 1 JAOOBllEYEE, PIONEER WAGON.MAKER, HAS RESUMED BUSINESS AT the stand of :he late J. L Badger aod is prepared to execute all work in In? line with promptness and dispatch and at very reasonable rates. All kinds of vehi cles constructed. Repairing a specialty. Good work and low prices cna'anteed Give me a call. J. MEYER. WALDO EXPRESS, Leaves a cKs olivine MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS FOR WALDO. LEAVES WALDO, Tuesdays and Fridays. First-class accommodations for passen gers . Express business promptly attended to by R. M. GARRETT. T"F TOn WANT A LARGE STOCK OF PERFTJ mery and fancj aoapa to select freia go tl icri ana u tney UQajnnre wpat top i make it, or anj-ll tore. SODA SPRINGS HOUSE ! HEALTH and HAPPINESS I S THE REWARD OF ALL WHO visit these famous Minornl Sprinss( Twelve miles East of Ashland. Tbe wa ter not only contains " P MEDTcA1? RbPERTiESH OF GREAT CDRATiVE POWERS. BUT is also delicious as a beverage. Tbe hotel at tbe Springs is kept by Mr. 4 Mrs. D C. Courtnay, and affords all tbe conven iences and comforts required by tbe most fastidious. Good Pasturage. For horses, and all charges reasonable. Good bunting and Troazt FASTI 1 t g Facilitbe near by. and everything to make a visit to tbe Scda Springs pleasant to either the athlete or invnlid. MR. &. MRS. D.C. COURTNAY. C1TTBAKEPY AND In Masonic Building, Oregon St., jacksonville, ocx., TnE U-VDERSIGNEO HEREBY T)E fires to unnnnnce lo the public tbat they nre now prepared to fill nil orders for cukes of every riW-ription. snch n neddinji cake", cales lor purties, wine cuken; also bmwii and rye linad, ginger snapj aud crackers. A Inneb Iinine willnlo be kept nt thi plat e. whi re oysters in all styb 8, L'mbtUKer and Sebweilz r cbeese, can be bad at all benr of tbe iUy or niaht. Frc-h bread every day. Frees rt'asonablcuiaMiiakaaaUUaLuar- HKkt.l t GROB & ULRICQ TABLE ROGJC SALOON, OREGON STREET, WIXTJEW and HELMS, PROPRIETORS. rpnii PROPRIETORS OF TRIP A well-known und pupulir report woii'd inform their friend? iisil the public ceneralU that a complete and first c!a-s stock of the hesl brands ol Tqnors, wines. cipar.,nle and porter, etc, are constantly kipt on hand They will be pleased to nave their frieod 'call aud smile." CABINET. A Cabinet of fjuriosi'ifs may nTn h found lure. We would be pleatd to have persons pnsfCPSing curiosities and ppeeimen hrinir them in, and we will place tbein in the Cabinet for inspeetinn. WINT.IEN& HELMS. NEW STATE HOTEL. C. W. SAVAGE, Prop, JACKSONVILLE, OGN. TnE UNDERSIGNED TAKES PLEAS ure in announcing that he has fiitid nH and thiiro-.iitD.ly renovated the New Stat building for hotel purposes and thtt the house is cow open lor tbe rtceplion oi guest.". THE TABLE Will bf constantly supplied with the best the market affords. Meal a can be obtained at atlh urs. Th?b.ril"arc new and keptcln and no pains will be spared to give tETuImo3t satis' faction in every particular. "iSgj.Charges reasouable. C. W. SAVAGV Slate Creek House, Slate Creek, Ogn., J. I, KNIGHT - - PROP'R, THE UNDERSIGNED HEREBY JL gives notice to (lie travelling public thai first-class accommodations can always be bad at this houce.und no pains spared. to make a visit agreeable. The bar will always be supplied with the best of liquors and cigars. J. I. KA'IGHT. UNION HOTEL, Kerbyville Oreon, M. Ryder, Propr. FIRST CL 4SS ACCOMMODATION CXN always be had at this house at tbe moet reannabl" rate", 3rAi excellent stable connected with the hotel. THE CITY BREWERY. VEIT SCHUTZ, - Prorjrietor. T WOULD most respectfully in form tbe cltitene of Jackion;ile and the world at larice, that ther can find, av any time, at my Brawery, the beet lager beef, 4a any qnantitywtbe purchuer rcyoVj My novo laconTenieniiyeiinaiea ana mxTM aiway id oraer. a wn nmintwe . T. 0. REAMES .E. R. REAMES. REA9IESBROS., Californlast., Jacksonville, - - - Oregon, AHEAD AS USUAL ! ! BY ADOPY&G A CASH BASIS !! THE GREATEST REDUCTION TN PRICES AND THE 1 I LARGEST STOCK . HF GENERAL MERCIIAXDIS -the- GREATEST VARIETY TO SELECT FROM A Auy One Store in Southern Oregon or KTorthern California. ALL FOR CASH!! T?. OUR STOCK iJSl5TS OF FALL SlWI'TER DRY-GOODS, FANCY GOODS, LAPIEP' nRES GOODS r VSHMERE3. AND DIGONLS. SILKS. AND S VTINS. HOOTS SHOES, CLOTHING. ETC,, LADIES' CL, HIDE CLOAKS WE CALL THE ATTENTION OF TnE ladies to tbe fact that we have now on hand the larg'-t and b-st selected assort ment T LA DIES' DRESS GOODS and FAN CY OOODS or every defcription in South ern Oregon, and we will henceforth make this line of goods our speciality aud tell 11 em at Cheaper than the Cheapest. To the gentlemen we will say, if you want No. 1 SPIT OF CLOTHES you must go to Reames Bros, lo bur them as we claim to have the best STOCK OF CLOTHING In Jackson county and will allow none to un dersell us. These goods were all purchased by a mem ber of our firm from FIRST CLASS Uoiues ir San Francifco and New York, and we will wairant every article and sell them as cheap fur rash as aiy house in the county. We also keep ou hand a lull slock of GROCERIES, Hardware, Cutlery, Glassware, CROCKERY. A rmttTttPE-iSrSBIPBinreWBR- FAWW AND FREIGHT WAGONS Plows, Gang Flows & Sulky Plows- In fact everything from the finest needle to a threshing-machine. Give us a call ind judge for vourtelvea as to oor capacity of furnishing goods as above. The way to make money is to save it. To save it bny cheap. To bny cheap pay UA3H for jour goods and bnv of REAMES BROS. F. RITSGHARD, practical Watchmaker and Jeweler, California Street Jacksonville Oregon, "jlfAKES A SPECIALTY OF CLEAN ItX ing and repairing watches and clocks. Cimrges reaonable, Give hint a call. Criterion Uilliard Saloon! CALIFORNIA ST., -- Nolnnd & IHcDantaT Props HIS )ER newl "ihe best orann irs. Tbe .PS! Bit. COBRESrO.DE.NCE. S. Messenger has a aevr reaper and mower which is doing fine work. It was a long time but now they have caught it on "Williams creek, I mean "base ball" More hay has been cut on Ap plegate than ever before, and perhaps there will be cheap feed for stock next Spring. AJeromePriarTeithc biggestelflbrn. tion of tho 4th was held with Carson and others as orators. Lots of fun frol ic and feed. Said to be the most en joyable celebration ever held in South ern Oregon. Weather cool but very favorable for the harvest work, which has been push ed along very energetically for about three weeks. Next week the grain harvest will begin, which looks fine but how it is going to yield I cannot say. Water on Briggscreek so low that mining operations for the season al most suspended. No news from Sil ver creek. Recently A. it W. Hyde from Dakota Territory, and their fam ilies, came here to live. They are look ing around for locations. The champion sawistis Adam Wim er of the Murphy creek saw mill. He knows how to set his saw and how to make smooth, even and No 1 lumber. In a few weeks I think I will report the erection of a 30 foot aras trafor grinding quartz preparations are now being made for the same. The markets at present are all tak ing a vacation, not even a whisper heard about the matrimonial market, in fact the conclusion of most of the bachelors is that it would be better to repress the market entirely until we get railroad communications with Crescent City, a new wajjon road oV of the -am. s to tuo vegwjp' erpji can be predicted now, but the prospects are very flattering, except the weeds got too much the start of some of the gardners. Corn wil' be but a short crop as the weather has been too cool. Beans look well, aid if there is a good yield of what are planted, Applegate is able to supplv all of Southern Ore gon. Take tho prospects as a whole and they arc quite good. The health of the people excellent, not one case of sickness on the river that I know of. Wilderville, Oregon, 1 July, 13, 1879. Ed. Sentinel: The celebration at tho Grange hall on Jerome Prairie was considered a success. The attendance was large considering perhapsas many as five hundred persons in all. Where ther all came from is a nivstery. The best of order prevailed and very general enjoyment. 0. E. Topping, Esq., of Williams creek, read the Declaration and Hon. S. H. Carson delivered tho Oration. Several excellent toasts were in order and responded to by C. SchiefT elia, Esq., of Jackson county, and Messrs. A. H. Carson, O. E. Topping and M. S. Dean of Josephine. The Glee Club, led by Prof. M. S. Dean, and composed of the following singers: Misses Sarah Burns, Farinda Borough, Celesti Borough, Mrs. C. Bums, F. Burns and J. L Knight, ren dered the day more pleasant by the singing of several National and Grange songs. Two free swings were kept con stantly running all day long. The young folks enjoyed this amazingly. So much for opposition. The small boy seemed exceedingly patriotic as the continual popping of that nuisance the fire cracker would lead us to believe. The dance at night was also a success over eighty tickets sold. Considerable sickness prevails in the neighborhood, and one death on the 1 1 th. Toil, youngest daughter of Hon. D. L-, Green died of Lung or Typhoid fever on that day. His eldest daugh ter is also sick and not expected to live. Mr. B. F. Sloan has two children sick with the same disease. The race of matrimony has been ruv ning high' down this way lately The following is a list of the luppy couples who have been joirvd" together in hap py wedlock: Njar Jeronio Prairie, bv Justice P,oVn, Mr. Thomas MurryTJ and Jiiss Ella Miller; Mr-Charles Cgee, and Miss JSajrfne Mail; Mr. Marshal Woodjand Miss Matilda Mills, all-efJosephine county. Beat thisWho next? Crop of hay nn.t grain above an aver age c tluuk. Hawkeye. COrtUF..SrONIE.CK. Big Botte, July 17th. Chas Snider is seriously ill. Ed. Smith is our champion troutist. School will continue until the first of August. Several thunder showers during the last few days. A dangerous Frost on the night of the 4th inst. 2'at McMahon purchased a load of hides in this vicinity yesterday. Mr. Geo. Kennedy, f ormerlyr an em ployee of Pat Dunn of Ashland, is gar-dening extensivly in this locality. J. P.Parker had a finger accidentally and seriously cut, with a knife about three weeks ago, which he will proba bly lose. Mrs. Chambers of Jacksonville, has been visiting her son, M. S. Perry and family, of this place, for a short time and returned home yesterday. The celebration on the Fourth at Big Butte was a success. Much credit is due the committees of arrangement and music Mrs. S tough t was at the head of the former, and Mrs. King conducted the latter. A good dinner. Ed. Smith marshal, C. A. Cary reader, W. II. Parker delivered the oration. A base ball game during the tlay, a "way up" dance at night. Several Eagle Pointers were here. Reporter. Cleaned Out. French Pete, . a gavky, green looking chap, got away with the sporting fraternity of Yreka lately, and left a few days ago with a big stake of coin. He was here some 12 years ago, having run a dray for Charley Hodman. His first introduc tion in town lately was as an assistant with a surveying party, having a bun dle of iron pins in his hand with red flannel strings tied to them. He hung round watching soaiepoker games, jriLrjvf out three or four twenties, as though it was his all, which the boys of course went for, but didn't get. On tho con trary Pete bursted all who took a hand. Every effort was then made to cinch Pete, first by playing in together against him without success, and then forming a "cow" or in other words making a pool and pitting the best players against him. It was no use, however, as Pete invariably came out the cham pion poker sharp, to the utter disgust of several who lost large quantities of their loose change. Pete being an ex cellent violinist, after winning all the coin in sight, would give the boys a tune to soothe their sorrow. He had a keen sharp eye, and could detect in the countenances of the players, or by standers, when his opponents held good hands. Oftentimes he let his coin go as a bait, so as to encourage greater risks by his victims. He will probably turn up somewhere else as a poor plo bian, only to make another raise from professional sharpers looking for "greeu ies." Yreka "Journal." A Cheap Quartz Mill Amongst the most important and promising in ventions of the day is the Huntington quartz pulverizer, now on exhibition at A. Fish & Co Machine shop No. 9 i 11 First Street, San Francisco. It will grind to tho pulp (be hardest quartz or iron ore. It is 30 inches in diameter, 8 inches in the face, and will crush 1G and 25 tons per day, ac cording to the nature of the ore, through a 40 screw with 8 horse pow er, weight 2,000 jounds. Louis Blan ding, the inventor, is thorougly testing its capabilities. He has the benefit of an experience of 20 years and if he suc ceeds in satisfactorily proving it to be a cheap and effective substitute for an expensive quartz mill he will material ly benefit the State as well as hi-; wn bank acconnt. The price cifthe pul verizer is only SSOOatjA'tbo roc; biter, a necessary appendage, 250 more making the &tsl outlay, freight to the mf'iiit&Vis excepted of S750 for a complete outfit for the developed! of a quartz ledge. Hardoe of Refuge. The board of engineersconsisting of Colonel Stuart, Colonel Mendell, Colonel Williams, Colonel Gillespie and Lieut. Payson, all of the TJ. S. A., will leave San Francis co on the 17th inst., by special steamer and visit all points on the coast as far as the Columbia river, for the purpose of selecting the most eligible location for a harbor of refuge. After the site is chosen the board will sail for Astoria, and will reach that point about the 1st proximo. Agricultural Societt Fair. Tho premium list for the coining Fair has been made out and will soon be pub lished. More liberal prizes are offeretl for several articles than were awarded last year, and many new features will b presented to add greater interest ami enthusiasm. Tho Fair will be opened on Wednesday, Oct 1st, and continuo in session four days, until Saturday evening. On the first day all articles must be entered and arranged prior to 4 o clock P. M., and at 'ft r m nex 'day the pavillion will be fiwnertTr! itors. On Friday the pavillion will bo closed from 8 to 10 a. m. for the exam ination of articles by the oemraitteeor Judges appointed, and on Saturday, the last day, the premiums will be award ed, closing with annual election in the evening. Extra efforts will be made to make the pavillion an attractive resort for visitors each evening during tho Fair. At the Agricultural Society raco track there will bo a number of races each day, the programme which may be found advertised elsewhere in the Journal, and for which all the horso men in Northern California and South ern Oregon are making great prepara tions towards showing off their nags and corraling the purses offered. For the penalized weight running age race, 3 in 5, free for all horses owned in the district, the 2 year olds will carry 751ls; 3 year 90tts;4 years, 103 lbs; 5 years, HOlbs; 6 years and upwards, 1151bs mares and geldings allowed 3 lbs off. The other races will be governed by the usual rules. Stalls and stables will also be fitted up at the Society Park for the accommodation ofanimals intended for exhibition and competition for pre miums. Arrangements will also be made with butchers and bakers to supply parties wishing to camp at tho Park while the Fair is in session. "Yreka Journal." IE. t'OLfMDIA ctal Herald" pays the following glowini tribute to the Columbia River: "la many respects the Columbia river is Mil grandest on the continent. Fourtccil hundred miles above its mouth it is al large as tho Sacramento river is at Ritj Vista, and it rolls to the sea with in creasing grandeur all the way. WhftrtJ it hews its way through tho Cascades, a new and gorgeous picture is patntcl every moment, and after the mountains are passed, it sweeps in perfect purity and immense volume to the sea. It is washed by tin most magnificent moun tains in the union, and where tho river joins at the ocean there is an everlast ing war of waters, which is a3 beautiful as it is terrible. By and by when conv-i munication with Oregon is cheap anJ comfortable, people will cease to go Europe in the summer, but will seel the Cascades of the Columbia, and asl thev watch will crow to be better! Americans, as they more fully. tbe claims winch their native larp .. ...... .. upon their admiration. Tho Missis3 ippi has greater volume than the Co lumbia; the Hudson makes rival pic tures which nre as fine as any painted in the Cascades, but there is a power, a beauty, a purity and a wildness about the river of the west which is altogeth er unapproachable in its charms." Thomas W. Knox writes from tB Lotas Club, New York, to Postinaster- li (literal two letters, Mp by of March to go arounl opposite directions. T'.l ter made the circuit in el including a four davs ill kohnma, and the othj tiiiricru u wwuiifere consul u...w...v... "xt oKoiiatna. wnieifi lof ntitirtii nt Vll. l . ?fj have bcejfavc-ided by an arrival ac porjvvo days sooner. The timST'l hy the more rapidly transported oj letters, or by any yet repor postothco department, ha greatly surpassed retfl mailed by a VouiiHH office of Saiierintenfl which accomplished the cr world westerly in seventy-one r We have been requested Register of the land ofEce to that in matin" tinal honiestecl claimants must presenttheir at the LanU Offie, or if th8v take advantage of March 3d, i make the required proof ll Judge, or in his absence the the court, that witnesses, nl the claimants must appear li Judge or Clerk. In othl proof of witnesses in final cases cannot be acceptnd whj before a Notary Public or I officer not authori7cd bv U tcilinionv in lioiiie&tftHl