.,- ., v'jagk.ns -ji r 1 - -s n b, rv sJUiSaQ&ENTlNEI. THE LAW, ,OF NEWSPAPERS l.,nberlbs.srho At not Eire express notice to KsntrrX atA.consIltredi wlslilpgl continue heir subscriptions. 2. Ifuny iratMcrlVni order the dlteontlmmnee of Jhelr newspipers, the put)llhsr my ontiuue to eni them until II rrrgM lire pnM. 5. It subscribers neelector refn to te their lie ffjtnperi from the officss to which they re ill- -TWtiS'thelnw holds tlrt-n "nlble until they hirr settlnt the blll. an ordered Ihem discontinued 4. If tnbvribererrmnyets stlier pUrei wlthont infhrmlne; hepnhllslier,nilthepper are sent to the firmer direction, thev lire held rep nslble. 6. The Courts baTerteel.led tlnu refuMnjrto tale newspapers fmm thl oBloe, or removing and leii tng them middled for, U prime, fails erldence of ln untlonal fruit. . . . The postmaster who neglects to clre lecal ne llee of the reelect of person to tke fr-m tli office the newspaper addressed to Mm, is liable to the pub lisher for the sulrlp Ion prfce. The Orcgonian accounts for the Dem ocratic victory in Portland by assert ing that fraudulent votes were cast in the First Ward. Jefferson Davis denies that he in tends to ask the people of Mississippi to elect him to the Senate in Bruc's place. Why not? He would bo per fectly at home in the "present Congress. But "perhaps he is looking out for aething better. feTsS&'rTTo te Gould fc Co. will, we are informed, take place on the 1st of July. Gould has purchased four-fifths of the stock, paying therefor 85,000,003, and also purchased six-sevenths interest in the Walla Walla Railroad. Dr, Baker will retain one-seventh. It has been said that a portiou of the contract is that old stock holders shall also receive the net profits for one year. Stand ard. Piaso or Organ for Sale. Par ties desiring to purchase either a piano or organ will do xvell to call at this of fice before buying elsewhere. The in struments are warranted first-class in every particular and the terms very reasonable. The National Gold Medal was awarded to Bradley A' Rulofson for the best photographs in the United States, and the Vienna Medal for the best in th world. ' 429 Montgomery Strict, San Francisco. Chew Jackson's Tobacco. Best Sweet Navy The Fine Draught Horse "TTJKK,95 WILL STAND FOR MARES the -ensuing season at the following jjlanes commencing April 1st and end' jag-duiy ist, ia): At Manning s livery stable, in Jack sonville, April 1st, Win. Penniger's d, Wtstrop's farm on the 3d, 4th and 5th, Pennigers's 6th and at Phoenix, at G. W. Bailey's stable, on the 7th, 8th and 9th, alternating at each place in the order named during the season. Description and Pedigree. TURK is 10 years old this Spring. His sire was Arabian, out of a Timo leon mare. His dam was French. He is a dark chestnut sorrel, with white points, 17 hands high and weighs 1,500 pounds in working condition. Compe tent judges agree that his colts will compare favorably with any yet pro duced in the State, and he is highly recommended by the leading stock-j-aisers of this and Douglas county, where he has made several seasons. JOook at him before breeding. TERMS $15 for the season, pay rftbje in cash, grain or note on the 1st tlay of July. I have engaged Hall's pasture, adjoining PennigerVi ranch, .containing plenty of good feed and run ning water, and will be prepared to fur bish pasturage at SI. 50 per month. The ibest of care guaranteed. ROBERT WESTROP. April, 187 BY VIRTUE OF AN EXKCUTION du y i3ni d out of I lie Circuit Uonrt nf tbe Slate ol Orrp'-n for Jarks n comity on lUili duf ol June, ibiy.upnr, n jultr M churl '.'olwell am) J Conrtnay" 3dkrreiv sevori dollars a with interest month Irnm the the Imther snm thirty tevt n and a hull cents (524.37 1.2) cosic and me accruu.g en? is, und in nit di rected mid delivend. I have Irviid tpon nnd will offer fnr sale for cash at public imc tion to the highest bidder at the ciiiri Hoase door in Jacksonville, Jucki-on coun ty, Oregon, on Katnrdar, theSCUi D.ir or Jnlj-, l8:o.i At two o'clock P M ol Mid day. ull thp right title and inleresi nf the defendants I) C Courtnay and M J CmirliiHy in and to the following f srrihed real pmp-rlv. In wit; The K l-2orN W 14, the K 1-2 of S E 14, 'the W 1-2 of N W 1-4. the S XX 14 of N E 1-4, the N 1-2 ol M E 1 4, the N W 14 .t S E 14. the N K 1 4 ol S IX 1-4, the S E 1 4 of K E I 1. the W 1-2 r.f N K 14. the XV 1 2 orSE14,Sec2,T40.F.R2E. The N W14ofN E 1-4, the N E 14 if N E 1-1, Si II. The J 1 2 of X XV 14. fee 12, T 40 8. K 2 E. The E l-2orSXV14, the IV 1-2 of 8 W 1-4, SecS5.T39S.R2E. Levle.1 upon m the reel property of tbe abuTe, named deendauts I) C Courtney and M J Courtnay, to itisf) the demabtl rf the above named execution. PltdJDu. 19,1579. WM-BYHEE. Bberlffof JacVaou Connt.r, Oxn. NOTICE TO nORSEMEN The Thoroughbred Stallion SCAMPERDOWN THIS THOROUGHBRED STALLION will stand the eliciting reason, comminr- l April let and ending July Irt an follow: yrtayp, 1 ne.sdayB ana Wcdni-s.layii at lh Mbniiing In Jackfoiivillc, iAwmmmthMtr PWfTy-five cents. '8393451 at lliettite of one per it-Miner 2d diiy of June 1879. land nf iwciitv-fiiur d larsiand Sheriff Sale BY YIBTDE OF AS EXECUTION duly tspneJ out of the Circuit Court of the Stale of Oreiror.forJ ckwn County, nn the 23d day oi May, 1879, upon u judgment in lavor ol S. P. Hanoi, and against Mi-clme-l Col well for the snra orth'ee hnndrfd (300) ilnllars in U. S. U'd co:n, with in leresl at one per ceul. per muriih from the 4ih day of Dromber. 1878, in like coin, and the further sum of two hundred and thirty-one ad 7-IHO (3231 07) dollars xv t'i ii.tereft at the rate til ten per cent, per an num, from the 10th day of Mny. 1879, and the farther Fnm nf St-venly dnlluts and twen ty five cents (S70-25) cost, and the Hceruine ciaty, and in me dirri'ttd and delivered. I have levied opnn and will oiler for Faleior e.i'h in D S. (i Id coin, or currency, al public auction to the highest bidder at the Court llutw door in .lucKpouvillt, Jnckson (!ounly, On-con, 00 Salnrday thel2ihday ill July, 1879, at two I'. M. ol said day nil the right till aud interest of Michael Col nellinandto the I'dlowine described real property. t"-wit: The S of ihe X W ij it.d N i4 or the S W tf. ..f titc 2C, T 3.i, SR2 W cmitaing 160 acre?. The N ) ..I ibe S W , S.c 8. T 35. SR1W cmi liiininir 80 acre". The W yi of Ihe S E J Sec 23, a..d Ihe N E M ol the N K K '""' ihe S H ..r the S Ei. See 26.T 35 S li 2 W. ponlMiimiL' 200 ucies. The S W l ol the H W M.c 8.T3", S It 1 W containmjr 40 ac.eirttf N W 4 of the X K J& ainaiff 4U acirW Hie N K of the N E X, Src 35, and ih- S V H r the N K H, Sec 23, T 35. S It, 2 W containinp 120 MtTea, Tne S E J of the N E K n,l(1 xh" N K H of ,l,e fa v' X Sec 23. T35. S R 2 V cnntaipinc 80 Hcre The ,S . or the N E J, and the N' y, or ihe S K 14 Sec 26. and the S V 1-4 id the S V 1 4.S-C 25..T 35. S H2 W riiiilnitiing 200 nrreR. 'Ihe lot munbtred 5 OrSec 23, the S W 1 4 or ihe S E I 4. S-c 25, and ihe lot numbered 1 ol Sec 26, T 35, S It 2 V contumine 72 77 acttn, ANn nil I lie risrhl title and interest of ihe Paid Ml churl Culwell in and to tic followin? &f crided real property, to-wil: Tbe E 1-2 ol ihe N E 1 4. iml the S W 14 of the N E I 4, Hee 14. S W 1-4 or the S E 1 4. and the S E 1 4 of Ihe S W I 4 S-P 28, the S V 1 4 .f ihe S E 1-4 S c 32. the S W 1 4 ol the N V 1-4. Sec 3J.nnd the SW14 il the KK14 and ihe N E 14 of the N W . S-c33 S. It 2 W and the X K of the N E Sec 5. and ihe E y, nl the S W i. iheX V J..nheS W 1-4 nnd the S VV 1 4 ol the X W 1 4 Si-c 3, T 36, S. It 2 V, containing 600.28 acres. The lot num. bend 2 ol Sec 10. T 36 S. It 2 V contain mc 37 69 ncrt.. The X E I 4 ol ihe X W 1 4. an I ihe X W 1-4 ol ihe K K 1 4. Sec I4.T34. S. R 1 E containing 80 acre . The N K 1-4 or the A W 1 4 Sec 10, T 36. S. It 2 W ennta-ning 40 acre. The S 1 2 r the AT E 1 4 Sec 14, T3J. S, R 1 E con taining 80 acres. Levied Qpmi as the real properly ofihe abox'ennnrd U. fondant Ml ch.iel Co'well to fatiy the demundj of the above named execution. VM. I5YBEE, SliprifT of Jiirkcon County, Ogn. Dated June 6th, 1879 Notice to Donation Claimants. rpiIE ATTENTION OF CLAIM X ants lo Donations or land, their assign its and legal representative, i particularly called lo thai part ofsiriioa 3 of the act I-f ril ouij jT. i-.-e. .. uiieo "an act lo amend an act apprnx-ed S. ptember 27, 1850, lo create the office of Surveyor Ueneral of the public lands in Oreuon,etc and also the act amendatory thereof approved February, nineteen four teoi eighteen hiimlrtd and fjfly ihne, winch read-t as follows,- 'All persons claiming donations nnder thii act or the art of winch U i? amendato ry shall give notice to the Surveyor Grneral or other duly null onzed officer of the particular lands claimed as such donation, xvillnn thirty days alter being re quested so in do by such iifficer, and failing the clnimant or claimants shall forfeit all right and claim thereto. Xow therefore, the undersigned being such 'other duly nnthnrhed oQicer'' dn hereby give nonce lo euch and every per son Ins or her assgnres and representatives, claimants of donations of land within the district ol lands subject to sale at ihe Unit d Slates District Land Office at Rostbnrg Ortgon under said acts of Congress, tint each and every one of them within thirty diys from the 19ih of July, A D. 1870. (tieinglbe day of ihetxspiralion of six wet Its pnblicition hereof) give notice lo the Reg ister and Receiver of said .Land Office at Rnsi burg, Oregon, of "the particular lands clmmed ns such donations," and fuilii g such notice the claimant or claim-inU shall foi feil all right and claim tin rem. And each nnd every person cloiming the benenfits of s lid act of St-ptember 27. 1850 and the legislation supplemental therein, wili within nx month, alter the expiration of the aforesaid hix wetk publication caiiss io he filed in the U. S District LnniTOffce at RoebnrgOregon.tb?p-fooras nqmrtd by law, to cnmplelp-'ineir claim lo a donation or land anifert,!! ncl, nnd failing so to do eneh.rA'.iWle. will he held for cancellation. " In witness whereof ibe Register and Re ceiver of the U. S District Land OfTcent Rocbnrg Oregon have heretofore subscribed tlieo- nanip this . rrp- day of. . , , LJ A. D. 1879. tt'M.T. REXJAMIN Register, J C FtjLLKi.Tos Receiver. May 24th, 1879. Sheriff Sale. BY VIRTDE OF AN EXECUTION DULY is-ued out of Ibe Circuit Court of Ihe Slat- of Oregon, for Jncko t County, on tl e 23d day of Miiy, 187!). upon a judgment in lavor of Thomas Chavener and ngaiiut Michael Colell for the enm of Four Hun dred and Twenty nine Dollars and fifty cento (SI29.5) iu U. S. Gold coin, with in terest at the rale ol one. per Cfiit, pur month in like Ciin from the 3Ulb dity nf March 1878, and the further sum of S1S.5J. attorney fi-ep, auo the further mm of $'12.43 3-4 cotn. and . he teeming cosls, and tome directed nnd delivered. I have levied upon ami wi.l i If rfor ra'e for cakh'in U S. Cold coin, at public auction to tbe highest bidder, at the Court IImie door in Jacksonville. Jackson County, Orgon, on Saturday the 12th day or July. lh"S, at one o'clock I', M. of said day, all ihe right title and interest ol Michael Cohvell in and to the following de oeribed real property to wit : Lot No 3. i Ulock No 2fi. and Lot No 1. in Bh.ck No 50, situated in Jacksonville, Jockfou County Oregon. Levied imon as the real properly of tbe above named Defendttit Micbat.1 Col well to satisfy tbe demands of the above named execution. WILLIAM BYBtiK, Sheriff, of Jackron County, Oregon Dited this Cth day of June, 1879, IE CITY BREWERY. IT SCHUTZ, - ProDrietor. l most Rr.spi'rrrrnt.i.v iv. LTIIIiennof JackouT.le and ; kree. lust tbcv cn find, nt 3 plltjr tb pnrcbacer tsiydeilre fijBunaiea apqinrroo: The Past Trotting Stallion. OPHIH! WT ILL STAND THE TRE3ENT SEASON- OF VV 1879. comiatudnz on Arll Jt t! en-llne Jnly 10pi. IlciHbet Alilnd T-lr wt t PWoiz XX'Inel; the rct of tbe ntk at Man nlneV tatilf.lnJacl.ionTlIle. ...... DESCMITI IN Oplilr 1. beautiful ilark cheit nnt, itlimit maik or upot, IS hnnd- ii lncli lileh, andwelRlia 1S0O poon.N, t a i'lenilil mild dhpoii tlon.am! vlllka 10 years old ou tbe 15th diyof July. Ee lias a Record of 2:35. FEDHinEF Oplilr was tlrrf by the celebrated ,.nt,ir. dtiiiA,i Kmtn Ict llnnter. licbr Dniken Lr z Hnrter. nf New Yru enn llre, Sorrel llnnter; great Enii'isire, uia iraiui.Kj n.iuri, fcttHb. cr'niMie, lllplilmder. S-irrd Ilnntei'K Dam wai a Sir Ileiiry mare from K-.nm fmm wiileli the name K ninik orlirinateil tlie name if Hnnter aderiyt from li It Lnplhih llnnter Mimd. ... ,, Kentucky llnnter a dim (from a Jioin.lilne Mare,) wasi-iie.l Ivy the trotll ig ftMlim llanlen llnnter; itrndlre. Sorrel Ilnnten znit K'rillre, V'l'l Ken tnrkv Ilnnt-n Rreat great nrandire, lllslilander. Thla l n curr.-ct ,iclljrrei r Kentucky llnnter, and ml.e4 lila about een-ei;Iitli Ha. ten or r- hp, '-etter known i MrMeiiKer Iilowl. anil wnicu i liaalieen tioi-i'iighly proyen to be the fatet anil !rt itiKk or boraes oter tntroancea irio me unnea Oi.lilr" Dam in sired by Darld Hill; Iter dim was si-edl-y Prince AILeit, nIewenser owned by XVII liam Jlejnold, ofCulimUtnity.Catlfimli Opblr'e dam In ii"w ne'l In Santa Clara County ly Dr. L. French; lier dam h tmnfdby D M Peavn, of Bntte County. Tney are buth fine, largeaud splendid road- 1'e.llgree of Op'ilr'i Dam'a Sire D id Hill wa lr.it hr nark I.ln-t lie brDifld IllH'a celebratid trotting atalllou Black Hwk; lie b Sbtrmniot- wiio was tniunrieii Jroni u-neiajir na nta ur uener - al Delincoy as a charter on Jing Island iu 177. IinvM Hilla UJni aa got ny iiaiiibiriontais lie or Abdtllali; lie !) old U'mlirlno, an I he by lmirlt-d Mcfr-rngrr. lliedani of Ilaniblrtunttii was Charles Kei t's mare brimpni ted i; 11 rounder. TEltJl; SliiRle seirice SJ0, pajuble Inadranc". For the eao , $39, payable at the en I thereof In surance 140, tayabi n ben it is ascertained that tbe nitre is In i al. All pus-ible are will be taken brf an experienced hand, lm thoroughly understjinls lh treatmem of innresand lioe.. to avoid accidents; but will li t be rrsi.ionib!e slnmld any-ccur. PasiuiajefurnUhcd al leav.iial.le rates S. L. DMtl.3, t'ruurietor. Johs Colt xi, 0 room. State of Califnriiin, ) Coiiniviif IlnltP. " TP. HENDRICKS, OF THE TOWN nf (Jhico, 0'iuiiiy uf Hnlte, and Sta i of California, bell k first duly eworn, depiw es and sjys that he is well arqu-iliHed Willi the btallion, Ophir. and tluteaid horse to deponent's knnwlediie is a sure tetter ol colts, and that ull his colts are turning nut nicely, and that raid drpnnent is now the owner of two colls of said nurse, nnd that all Ihe colts of pjid horse are as fine and promising as any stock: there is in tide part nf the country, and ihat nhtneter hiiudted Tor that purpose are dihivinr fine spml. T. P. HENDRICKS. Subscribed nnd pwurn to before me this Uth duy ol April 1879. (Jf.o ,'. Bouk.nr, Notary Public, Butte County California. Slate of California, County nf Untie, FS JOnN L. K1NNEV.OF THE TOWN of Chico. County o, liutte, and State ol California, being first duly sworn, deposts und siy thai he was the owner of the slul. 'ion, Ophir, that he und Geo. O PrrKin, nf Oroville, purchnsHi sud horse, Ophir, Irom Judge J. E. W. Lewis, of Oroville, at the use of nne year, that the said Kinney & Perkins have been the owneis ol said Inrsr lor eight yturs, and during the whole time he has nevrr tailed to get loal, in fact he i' ni.e of the sutest getters nf colts in this sec- llXm tl lu.t,.' -, tf jn.1? JLlI J1j willa nftri said hotse, 0ihirjwhenever at'd wherever they have been lyndled for that purnoe. have invariably shown superior Fpnd.nnilJ that tlie puligree and spetd of 8a d Ophir is trnihfully set furlh in Ihe annexed bill here-' tontlached. J. L KINNEY. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 14th day of April 187.1. Ceo. .1 . Bourne, Notary Public, Butte nunly Ciihlnrn'a. THE OLD FAVOSITE PENINGBR'S MIKE ILL STAND THE ENSUING seaon ol 1879, commencing Annl Ul und endino; July lstt tj. w , 'UNION LIVERY STABLE Jacksonville, reserving- to go into the coun try as cflen as necessary for the oecninmi -dalion of customers. .Should any mare be brought to the stable in hiB ah-ence they will be Ted and carrd fr without charge lo Ihe owner unlil his retnrn. Patnra punished at moderate rates Inr lhne dt-siring Tt. A.1?ervrirr-fm-m-i!hfjyrugf J.ek Moi)i gnmery, an experienced horseman, during Ihe stnsnn. 'I ER.MS For the season, $20; payable in cash or grain at harvest. J A CARDWELL. SSJs.5as:rAdnciSs.3le BY VIRTDE OF AiV KXKGUTIOA' and order of sale duly issued nm ol the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, fur J-trksnn county, on the I9ih diy of June 1879 np'ni a iudginenl end decree in favor nf F II (Tux nnd T II Shaw and iigmn-t James Purvis for the mm nf thrre hundred nnd seventy 'our dollars ($374) gold coin of the United Stales, with luu-nst at the rat? nf one per cent per month from February 24th. 1879, and ihe further sum of twenty i-evtn dollars and 87 1-2 ccins iS27 87 1-2 rnsts and dicbnrstments. nidlhe ntcruing costs and to me din clrd and delivered, cum minding and n quiring me to make legu l'vy t.nd Bile ol ihe following described prem'ses tnwit: The Jenny Onek 3uw Mill, situated nn Jenny enek.on the Purvis homestead, in Towndiip 33, in Jacki-on Counir. Oregon, to sa!i-fy the above I'ameil demand, nnd in pursuance to siiil renuire- ments I have levied upon and will offer fod !nle lor cah in U b gold coin, at pnMic Huclion to the highest bidder, ut the Court Houe door in Jacksonville, ackson Coun ly, Oregon, on Saturday, the 2Sth Pay or Jnly, 1873. Atone o'clock P M of said day, all the right title and interest of the above named defendant James Purvis, in and to the above described premifes. L&vied upon as the rfal property of the above named defen. dant James Purvis, lo satisfy the above named execution r"-"" - J I WM-.BTDEE. S'MWyfJgfkson tVraa'T Opi, Dated Jitnp 23d 1IXJSB w BAOS T THE OXjX) STAJSTD Iiiiiiieiie Mediiefiii ! , : - PKICES ATTHE NEWMAN TO THE RAVING DETERMINED TO MAINTAIN THE FOSITION HERETOFORE JoccupTedhy me us the largest ttl-J 1A I Is DEALER in Southern Oregon, I take this means in announcing that I am now di$p!ayjDg the L WT AMD BEST STOCK OF GENERAL MERCHANDISE -1 1 North of San Francisco consisting of o Fine Slock of GENTS' AND BOYS' CLOTHING, HATS & CAPS LADIES' AND MBS FnENISHIHB fiOODS. T2LV2SJI&' VALISBS, Etc., Which is snrpacd by none in the county nnd will be sold at low prices to SUIT THE TIMES. It shall continue to be my ait., to give She ESost Goods for the Xcast ErZoney, and lo place before my pitrnn a variety of article notjto be found in any nlher house it i not my intention to mwlend the fnblic by advertising gond I cannot produce upn Iiqnrj but to give value received fn every ioslunce. A call Irom every puri'lmsir at my old stand is solicited. N. FISHER. EXCELSIOR LiyBRjISlSB FEED Corner of OrtEGCK ASD CaUFORXIA ET3., JACSSOKTII.IR, W. J. PLYSSilEE, Prop'r. W-OULDnESl'ECTFULLYINFOHMTnErUB-lic that Le has a fiiii stock ul Horses, Buggies ninl CarrtixKt"1 And ha Is prepsed to fnrnWi Ms patrons and thepnb , lceneraPj- with T"?"0'1 riintits As cn be had on tlio Pictfic cn-t. Sidlla borsss hired togu toanj part ol. the country. Animals BojtgJtt ami Sold. Ilorsrs l-rotje to work Uncle or donMp. IIor- tywinlM nd the be.t ofenre tM-.tiwrt ioii them whllf In nijr rhnrur. A Mral l.arc or th puUio pitronage Is sollflU-d on reaouahle term.. E ETo. 11 SSAS.B7SY ST., Trent all Chronic nnd Sjirclal Olsensra yOXJIVGr IWI232M W-I10 MV DE SUFFERING FROM the i-fieots of yr ulliful lollies or iudis crctinn. will do well to avail thcmelve nf this, the greatest boon ever laid-at the nltar of sulTeriiig humanity, flit Sl'lXNBY will guarantee to forfeit $500 for every cie of Seminal weakness or private dias of any kind or chiracter which be undertakes and fails to cure. BIIDDLC-AGKD MEN. There are many at the age of thirty to sixty ho are troubled with too frtquent ev acuation of the bladder, often accompanied by a slight fmartiug or burning setii-atinn, and a weakeiiiiijgiU4iwi;ten4tt-TETE-rx tluTpatotliT'cairtiot account for. On ex tin n ii.g the urinary deposits t ropy ridimmit will often l;p fhjihil at d sometime small imrtfcle" of nlhnmen will appear, or Ibn cnh.r will li.-of h thin milkMi bun, again Changing to a dark and totpid nppearunce There are m my men who die or tlii- ilifli culty Ignorant of the cne which U th si-c mid stage nffeminal wiakne-s Hit, S. will giiKtaiitft- a perfect cure iu all such caes. and n healthy restoration of the genito-uri nary organ". Offic Hrrnfl-10 to and fi lo 8 Snn jpv. frmn in in 19 i i CmiMillatiot. free Thoronjb ex imi.ialioiis and advice,55. Call or addn--, D. SI'IXNEY t CO. No 11 Keiirnev St. San Irtnc"o. THE STATE I:FESiJIiiT & IKantASOB COMPANY, OF SAN FRANCISCO. FIRE AND MARINE. INCORPORATED, 1871. Established iu Oregon, IS7-1. CASH ASSETS - - 8500,020 OFFICERS I A. J. BRYANT PRESIDENT R. D. I VERS... VICE PRESIDENT C. H. CUSHING SECRETARY -A. P. HOTALING- & CO. 45 Front Street, Portland. GeD'l Agents for Oreeon nnd Warhinaton. J. NUNAX, Local a tent EA.GLEBREWERY. JOSEPH WKlTEEi?B, prorjetpr Ors3goii'St.,Jacksouvillc. THE BESTOF LAOEU IJEEIt ALWAYS KEPT on hand and retdjr for sjle by the kfff or class STORE OF F ISHEM PUBLIC: FRANCO-AMERICAN HOTEL & raj PiESTAIJRAXT AXD GENERAL STAGE HOUSE, Opposite Odd Fellows' Hall, JACKSO.W'ir.LF. .ORKRIIN', MADAME HOLT, Vrorietrens. miSAVFLrKS AM) KKS1PF.NT BO ORDERS JL U1 fiml thr nut conirtrtrMeUrIinE tt tltiv Imnne to be met uituttnjiv litre lu tills part or tlie SUte. Tlie IoIs and IUmIiIiii Villlway be fan ml of flrr-c.u character and kr- la a neat anJdertu conlititin(biIe The Kooms urenewljr fiirnfhi'f1 Bill will sIwht bel(pt fji neat and hoiuf UkerinUrlim. A pN-ntitnl nipplTtf the JLj't of ea fcli)KJ1t5j market nffjrJipill ! Spread on Her Tabic. Iff r lionno yll' bp krp open all nlrtt. and "SQUARE MEM" can bo obulued al any ht-iir of tb day or night. OYSTKRS VRKPAPED IV KVKKY STYLE. 5 And Innrlie to Wind at anytime. Stie piwen Cm audutliers rJtomT beotil late at ni-l.t nn al wavn fint a gtHnl lire, hot mea'fl and good WJ at thlhnnpe. No tr Milile wll1 be irtrrd tudMerve Uih patrnnce cf the tmclJI" n well a the permanent comma nly GUenitn c.IU L. S. P. MAUSII, A. F. QUIRKS. J. A. UURK. RIECHANIOS FLARING MILL AND FURNITURE. SASH. BLINDS DOORS AND MOULD ING sUijraTT ot. MAM & liU. GRANITE ST, ASHLAND OGN. All kinds of Planing, Moulding, Turn ing, Circular and Scroll Sawing. Furniture and Ornamen tal Carving, Hie. Done to Order. Furniture, Sash, Blinds, Doors and Moulding constantly on hand and made to order. WE WILT, CONTRACT TO DE ' jKCiiaiid i net all kind ol Imihlinc Whet deirnl!t' to ihife rmplnyi'C :i. we will funiKli nil the mnterial reqnirttl fur Ihf cnnHuction of any buildi'ii: rmdy fur nrcu pmcy. MARSH & CO. UNION LIVERY SALE ANDSXC HANGE Corner 4tli anil California Stb JACKSONVILLE, ORMOS. J. A. CARDWELL PROPRIETOR. rr-titE proprietoh ms I fnllr rebnilt and rrAlted srcll known e.tsbilshnu'rit, and 5JS ade xtenUe andcorofortal tlons therpto. I 1hti the it rr best horses, baejrft and lirerj-turnoals of all kinds. Mj stock of roads ters can&ot bo exce.Ied in tha State. Horses Bonrtled On reasonalde terms, and th best of care and altsn tloa bestowed upon them whlla under mj ccarge Also Horses Bought and SolJ. I am satisfied that I can f)e sttisfvtlnr and Raarantee tbe same. With this Impression I hare no hesitation la soliritloc T'trago. -80.000 SMITH'S ORGflS FDW li USE ,EAT IN nam in mill. Smith's irgans Are now TAKING THE LEAD OVER ALL OTHERS foc riHiaTny -Sieetness of Tone, Durability and General Finish. NOTICE. oq can Hoy a FIRST CLASS PIANO OR ORGAN CHEAPER Of me than ANY OTHER DEALER it.- 1. 1 T 11 -i in me uusiucs-i, uL-causu i Ken uu WHOLESALE PRICES FOR CASH, , ..,.,,, . , , ' and at a slight advance here sold on ( EASY INSTALLMENTS. Agents and Piano Tramps who make LARGE prmmT-c! .,,., ...,.-., ..1 i,..:l batteries UPON ME or my INSTRU MENTS at once. The public will soon ascertain it is to TIIEIR AD - VANTAGE to give me a call and find that MY PIANOS AND OR GANS WILL WEAR AS WELL, keep in tune as long, and SAVE MONEY FOR THE PURCHASER. Don't be fooled or humbugged by any thing you hear. "Talk is cheap" (usually.) The man or woman who is talked into paying exorbitant prices, pays very dear. BEST OF REFER ENCES GIVEN AND SATISFAC TION GUARANTEED. JTSend for special information to JAS. S. SMITH, 575 Market St., San Francisco. BEWARE of C rcnlir f.nm insiruimrls. Stnd are entirely ilisluU'ieMed. Address Residence 1709 Stockton St. S. F. TME KSOT WAGON N WHEELS IS MANUFACTURED BY RACINE, WIS. WE MAKE EVERY VARIETY OF FMIJS, FEUliT &1D SPRING WAGONS, And by confJuing ourselves st-?clly to one clogi of work; by employing noue bul the BEST OF Using nothing ljut FIRST-CLASS IMPROVED MACHINERY and the VERT BEST OF SELECTED TIMBER, And by a TIlOItOUGU KN'O'.VLKDGB of llOIIOI IHIIKII1J "THE BEST WAGON ON WHEELS." We "ive the following warranty with each waeoni We Hereby Warrao iln- yill mio. W.fio.v No to bo well road m ?ver pirtiLiilar amliifvtr J malprial. and that the FtrHiivlh oftlitrame U fufflclent fom' work niih fair najr Should any breakngi occu,r within one jeac fr,nin Ihii dat- bjj reason or iklectivf nalerliii or uiS(iu-.n-Ivp. pl'iCf ufale. freoi cliarae.or the prici! of pmil in cdsli by th purcbaar pruducinf; urIOciicc. Rncine, Wis., Jan lpt, 1879, frlmo.K; IfISH BRQS&Cl ( i.mi. c. livoai. ) Knouinjr wp can suit von. wi solicit rftat.K Send for Price and Terrrs, L'Al'LU to GRAY'S SPECIFIC J1E JICIiN'E TpariF MARk. rue TADC PARK. GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY. an li ti t 1 1 1 ilT cure lor Sper m at nrrh en. seminal wcuk- Before Takinnes. Impo- Af:er Tokiie. leney, and all dwiwthit follow as a fr q'lence ofSelf-iihuBp; a Ioa of Mtinnr Univirpal ritjoindp. Pain in the Back DnniifFS of Virion, Premttnre Old Ayi Hiid many other Dieaie that lead to Inan ity or Consumption and a, Premature Grave. 5SyFpll ptrjjcularg in nnr pamphlet which e dmire to send Iree by mail to everyone. C3!u The Specific Medicine i sold by all druggista at SI per package, or six packaees for S3, o-will he sent free b mail on receipt of 'he nnnpy hy addressing THE KHAY .MEDICINE CO., No. 10 Mechanics' Block, Detroit. Mirh. C,Sold In Jacksonville by all drujrt;its and bv all wholesale and retail druggists everywhere. X iwfoiijrr"I'it Mi'Hat DUOS. yL WO' 4;or i. .v UCT10 am r lanos SMI II'S I'IMIIS & ORGANS, In order to introduce THESE MAGNIFICENT PIANOS on this' , Coast, I have put the prices MUCH ! T.nW"RT Mini, nM.oy PIRSTflTACt! " " " i.... iii.Ui-vunun MAKERS, and as I do not propose tq. make any agents, (who generally ex- tort pofits frm ihe consumer) I expect to bo severely handled by such persons in the Piano business. The materials used in their con- ;struction are of the VERY BEST ' Kmu anu tl10 wood thoroughly sea soned. They are substantially made. DURABILITY, TONE and tha power of MAINTAINING TUNE, LONGER than any other piano made, are the characteristics of these instru ments. Tlie greatest possible attention is given to their tone and touch, and I have no hesitancy in ottering them to the public as FIRST-CLASS PIANOS in every respect, and warrant them to stand in any climate. K vn's who arp jealous nl niy siicJisS allilfir for reply, and see what those tav ol me who JAS S. SMITH, 575 MARKET ST., S. F. WORKMEN,. the limine.-?, tye have justly earned Ihe rcputaj repnirfnr-Ui9-sam,M.wilS be Jutuihedjall siid rfunlri, n- p-c.irnl'. prij will li u sample of tbe broloju or defective par-trv.nj M p.itronaue from eery Kdion of he Uultei? a copy tf our AGRJUULTUllAL and for FISH BROS k CO,. RACINE. WIS. 'im i c V ciwionicijaicSaw, ORTlVVND.OEqO.V. And Jacksonville,, flri GIIiM. Xr SPPi nc tit an uudiuesn la f ortlaud. y