t? '- w" .a --"-- THE OREGON SENTINEL "Wednesday, Jolt 2, 1879 AGENTS FOR THE SENTIHEL. S M. P? ttcnfjill & Co New York Geo. P.Uowell & Co New York Rowell & Cheesman St. Louis L P. Fisher San Frnnc'scn D. H. Stearn Portland s Rcltlout Ulreclol'. M. E. Church. Religions ervics ov. try Sunday at tho usnal hours, hv the Iti-v-erends M. . Williams, D. A Crnffell ami A. Hardisnn Catholic Skrvicrs. Servires will h eld at the Catholic Oliurrh in llii ple every Sunday at the nol hinr in lb" mornitie and eveninir, Rev. Father JJIua chet ofliciatinc:. M. E. StJNDur Scnonr,. IVenHr mt Idr every Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock Catholic Sundat School. Regular meeting every Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock Demkqukxts. Sheriff Bybee will attend to delinquent tax payers imme diately after tha jthjqf JuIy. Those knowing theiuhdves in arrears will take notice that the collection will be expensive to them. To Tnc Ladies. Mrs. Shaw will arrive in Jacksonville in a few days where she will teach the new system of dress cutting, for which only half the usual price will be charged. She is al so agent for two new style of plaiters without needles, to be offered for sale on her arrival. Ditch Survey. A. 0. Eckleson started on Wednesday last to survey a new ditch from Palmer creek to the ground of Kahler, Lackland fc Co., above IheHamilton claim on Applegate. The ditch will be .about five miles in length, but the ground prospects well and the company are satisfied that it justifies the expense. It is expected to be finished before Winter. Moue Nuggets. On Wednesday last Mr. Hein Deniff, who owns a rich claim on the left hand fork of Jackson creek, picked up a couple of pieces of gold that together weighed nine ounces. Mr. Deniff has been work ing his claim with a small hydraul ic and seems to bo well satisfied that he is still on the rich lead of that fork. Serious Accident. On Friday last ohn Miller, son of James Miller of J" trHrttpmtcl, to ..K-Iq nT. i load of hay for the purpose of obtaining a drink of water and was unfortunate ly caught on one of the sharp stakes of the ruck. The point of the stake eutered under the right jaw passing through to the opposite jaw bone and inflicting a painful and ugly wound. Medical assistance was soon obtained and the boy is now doing well. Indian Visitors. On Saturday a delegation of nine men from the Siletz reservation arrived here on a pleasure trip. They are a remnant of the Rogue river tribe, sJ& "ne of them, "John Smith," is evidently quite civilized, as on Monday he telegraphed .. polite in vitation to "Bogus Tom"" at Yreka to attend a dance at "Kanaka" flat near here early next week. Verily these untutored children of nature are not so far behind the superior race in the matter of educating thtir "heels." TnE Fourth at Pikenix. The citi zens cf PkGanix'aii.t-sn Jir.e -24th and decided on having a celebration of their own on the coming Fourth of July, appointing the following committee to make necessary arrangements: S. Fur ry, Mr. VanDyke, John Coleman, H. Tweed and W. Arnett Finance Com mittee Miss Laura Sargent Miss Ber ry, C. C. Low and James Birkhead. James Reames was appointed a com mittee of one- to secure an Orator',and rornT'tJasto 'was cliosen as Marshal . good time is expected. Red Men Election. At a regular oeeting of the Oregonian Pocahontas Tribe No. 1, Improved Order of Red Men, held on the evening of the 24th ult, the following officers were elected for the ensuing term: E. H. Auten rieth, Sachem; Geo. W. Frey, Senior Sagamore; G. W. Elliott, Junior Saga more; 0. W. Savage, chief of Records; Jlenry Pape, keeper of Wampum. H. K. Hanna, C. W. Savage, E..D. Poudray and John Cimborsky were elected representatives to the Great Council The new officers were install ed last evening. The Willow Springs Celebration. . The preparations for a grand and JKtppy entertainment are complete. terything will be done that can be nake every feature of the program- success. The managers request eople to meet in the grove at an hour in the forenoon at 9:15 when the exercises will com- The ladies are requested to buqucts with which to decorate Filion or hall All who wish ' join the company of lancers the e tne merrier, iney win provide n selves with a saddle horse and a at lance. A' purse will be raised as LOCAL ITEMS. Weather beautiful. Hurrah for the Fourth, Green apples coming in. RobL A, Miller orates here. Sewing machines at Brooks'. Cardwcll's building going up. Every body going the ball at Veit's. Brandy and ginger relieves cholera morbus. The Ashland ''Tidings" comes out with a patent outside. F. X. Blanchet returned from Jose phine county 3'esterday. Mrs. Duniway speaks at Willow Springs on the Fourth. M. F. Hurst gives a ball at his place on the evening of the 4th. For the best flour and bacon at the lowest prices call at Elliott's. Judge Hanna and A. C. Jones, Esq., returned from Lakeview on Monday. Alvin B. CardwelljsJ,'xyxv:eterina ry surgeon ajyta" located i-, sd Bluff. UaL Judge Mason of Like county passed through f own on his way north yester day. Mr. N. Joe Levinson, agent of the "Oregonian," is here canvassing for that paper. Bead Edwin Smith's advertisement before building, and get your hous es neatly made. Wintjen tfc Helms have any quanti ty of ice from their Dead Indian ice house. Its n-ice. Veit Schutz has the thanks of the printers for some splendid lager. He knows how to make it. McCully t Moore have driven their large band of sheep up to Chappel's Springs, on the Siskiyou. Kahler Bros, can now furnish the thirsty with a delicious glass of soda from their fountain. T. J. Kenney received a large lot of fresh oranges this week which he is now offering for sale. The music for Mr. Ryder's ball at Kerbyville will be furnished by Alex. Orme and Prof. Wright. M. H. Drake has sold his band of stock and ranch in Warner valley and will return to this county. The stockholders of the Emeline Quicksilver Mining Co., hold their an nual meeting on the 17th inst. The Roseburg "Independent" of lar' week gives Geo. Stephenson's horse, Sir Walter, a handsome notice. J. H. Penn has opened a tin and hardware store at Corvallis and is get ting a good start. Success to him. If you want a splendid wash board manufactured in Jacksonville, and as cheap as those imported go to Kubli's. The Eckleson ditch surveying party returned on Sunday, having surveyed one and a half miles of their ditch line. Observe Mr. Grotz'calltothose owing him. Wo saw'hfm talking to a law- yer here and think he means busi- ness. We have a splendid specimen of rye over seven feet in lieighth brought to this office by Mr. John eisa or this city. Mr. Lewis Ross returned from his studies at the State Uuiversity on Saturday last, to spend the vacation at home. School Superintendent Fountain was in town Saturday to examine applicants for teachers certificates, but none ap peared. Mr. J. A. Cardwell, agent of the Firemen's Fund Insurance Co., has been ditribntins calendars ardoirg Ifely T-affif -efj-dsjr life,. friends." Charley Savage, of the New State, will furnish the ball supper on Friday, and that is a guarantee that it will be a good one. Manning & Webb run a four-horse hack between this place and Roseburg for the accommodation of army officers, drummers, etc. If you want to revive the memories of Bunker Hill and-Brandy wine go to Dilldn's,butdon't :let"your patriotism get away with you. The Beck boys, below Mr. Wright's on Applegate, are at last nearly ready to work, their new dam having with stood the last heavy freshet The season having closed S. Booth will not bring Scaraperdown to town after this date, but he can still be found at his ranch near Fort Lane. Dr. Glenn, of Butte county, brother of James T. Glenn, formerly of this place, has been nominated for Gover nor by the Constitution party of Cali fornia. Mr. James Hughes has rented the saloon property of George Grotz at Kerbyville and his friends will always find him ready to wait on them in his usual style. Read E. Jacobs' advertisementto-day. He is now running a stove and tin es tablishment in Orth's building besides his store in the Masonic block, ai.d will give you bargains. Captain O. C Applegate, of Lake county vas in town, on Friday last on a flying visit. He has returned with his family to his home among the sage brush. Mr. Kubli has received over a thous and pounds of Devendorfs famous Smith River cheese, Mr. Devendorf having arrived here on Friday with an other load. It is a splendid article. Our neighbor remarks that the town has given a "neat" sum towards the celebration. We suppose as the sura was only ten dollars that the word "neat" is applied in its diminutive Phillips' is carrying the Link ville mail on time. Passengers can now rely on getting either way with out unnecessary delay and with all the comforts incident to firt class stage travel. The stages of the California and Oregon Stage Co. changed time on the night of Saturday last. Schedule time from Reading to Roseburg is now fifty two hours, whicli is the next thing to railroad time. George Elliott will hang up a seventy-five dollar watch for the winner in a saddle horse race on the 4th. Ten dollars entrance. Besides this he says he will sell anything in his line cheap er than any one. Our fripnds on Butte are going to have a celebration of their own this year as it is too far to come hero or to the other points where the patriotic citizens will gather. Wm, H. Parker is to be the orator. Brother Leeds, of the "Tidings," made us a verv pleasant call on Satur day last, and we are happy to say that his visit to Jacksonville created quite a nutter in urVrPivvIa -nivlw iaccimi fee two fifty payable in advance. The following officers for Table Rock Encampment, L 0. 0. F. were elected on Tuesday, June 24th: K. Kubli, C. P., S. J. Day, H. P.; T. B. Kent, S. W.; Fred. Luy, J. W.; Her man Helms, Scribe; John Miller, Treasurer. Read the marriage notices and ob serve that somebody was watching and waiting till he found her "and that's what's the matter with Hanna" We acknowledge wedding compliments, and wish the hajtply couple their full share of wedded happiness. First Assistant P. M. Gen'l. Tyner, passed through town on his way south on Sunday last. He should select the winter season if he wishes to inspect the mail routes in this region. He then would have a "soft thing" so far as the roads are concerned. Read what Clough fc Carll of the Roseburg and Coos Bay line propose. Through fare from Roseburg to San Francisco at twenty dollars, the time being three days, and combining a de lightful spin over the mountains with Clough, and a pleasant steamer voyage of about sixty hours. In spite of all that has been said about the various celebrations we in tend to have more fun, better music, colder ice cream, and a better lunch and more patriotism than any we hear of. And tho ball in the evening when it is just cool enough to dance. Really its too nice to think cf. It is a disgrace to this town that there arc no halliards rope in the liber- there are boys here who would under take it for live dollars, and it is well worth it. Are there ten men in the place who will contribute a half dollar each so the good old flag can be un furled to the breeze? Veto numbar four, that of the Judi ciary bill, is recorded. The "Brigadier Generals" are having considerable yport at the expense of the country. The feat of putting "riders" on the ap propriation bills is a most successful and amusing one, but that of "riding" President Hayes seems to be a sorry failure. Clemens, a native of France, was taken in charge by Sheriff Bybee on Saturday night and committed to jail while in a state of insanity. He was examined on Monday before Judco Day and found guilty of "dehrium tremens." The next stage of the dis ease is said to be "snake3 in the boots," which must be peculiarly comfortable. Prof. Rogers, of Ashland, delivered here on Sunday last, not a sermon, but a discourse on the practical effect upon n srml 1 trtMt AfiAnl n n tf mi 4i fr nli win The main topic of the speaker was the absolute necessity of individual charac ter, and he urged the young to build up and establish character that would serve them well if all else was gone. We want more such discourses. Marsh it Co's. Planing mill and fur niture factory is turning out every variety of work in their line, all execu ted in the very best style. The most skillful workmen are employed and every thing is done in a style and finish unexcelled. The company proiose enlarging the cajiacity of their establish ment soon in order to be able to meet increasing demands. They have now the contract for erecting four or five large buildings and supplying sash, door, blinds, and all tho other articles used in their construction. The Ashland Woolen Mills are still running to their full capacity. The company have now on hand between twenty-hve and thirty thousand dollars worth of manufactured goods, includ ing blankets, flannels, cassimerec, and cloth of every texture, waterproof, and every other style in the market They have also two thousand dozen pairs of half hose of superior quality. Seven teen hands, male and female, are kept constantly employed and not a single Chinaman on the pay roll. Wool suffi cient for a year's run is on hand and a wide market open for all the goods that can bo turned out. Bybee & Hawkette Mine. This property, now in litigation and in the hands of a receiver, is thought by many to be one of the valuable mines of Southern Oregon. There is now a depth of about sixty feet of gravel which prospects well, a large quantity being blue grave!, the lower stratum containing coarse heavy gold. The channel at the upper end of the claim appears to be leaving the present course of the river, making an angle with it thatshows that it : jJL.v tt ; -.:ii la ft vniir enouim to ciiVLun a smau area or DeduaflH Alii ASIILAXn ITEMS.- ,; Work is progressing on the Masonic building. Barney Miller has a new style bel lows in his blacksmith shop. The burned district. is being filled up with new buildings. Butler it Rockfellow received twentv eight thousand pounds of freight last Thursday. J. M. McCall it Co. are doing an im mense business in the mercantile line. B. F. Reeser is still supplying the trade with stoves and tinware. Dr. Chitwood has just returned from a trip to Lake county. He has a large trade in the drug business in that sec tion. The Presbyterian church is soon to have a new bell. It will bo of tho most improved pattern and different in tone from any other in town. Jasper Houck, the genial landlord of the Ashland House, has just comple ted his new hall. It is eighty-fear feet long by thirty wde. with retention and ante rooms fifteen by sixti feet li,,i The fruit crop in Ashland will be immense. Cherries are particulars abundant Capt. Thos. Smith's and 0. Cbolidge's orchards are perfectly vermillion with the fruit Dr. J. M. Taylor, dentist, has locat ed here and will practice his profession. He proposes to be a permanent fixture in Ashland. Great preparations are being made for the celebration of the Fourth. Father Hill is tireless in his exertions to make the affair a success. C. K. Klum is still receiving largo supplies of goods in the sadd.ery and harness line. He also keeps the best of workmen engaged in the manufac ture of custom work. The Soda Springs House is the re sort for all invalids as well as pleasure seekers. The best of accommodations are always provided by the accommoda ting host and hostess, Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Courtney. Death of Mrs. Dr. Robinson. Wo are sorry to announce the death from consumption of Mrs. Ella Ford Robinson, which occurred at Salem on Sunday last It is but a short time since she was taken from here by her devoted husband in the vain hope that surrounded by all those dear to her she might recover. Several years since this estimable lady graduated in medi cine with rare distinction, and a bud of brilliant promise that might have blossomed for suffering humanity has been cut off too early.Qily-. a ,few months ago, arrayed in 'thinfridal veil, now in the robes of immortality, wo sadly wonder why death robs life of its choicest flowers, and the fairest blossoms of earth woven into the gar land of tho Eternal. Mrs. Robinson made many friends during her stay here, who will with one accord say: Alas too soon I No Water. The "Standard" in timates that Joe Clough "takes water" in stipulating that it must be an Ore gon bred horse to run against Scamperdown. Not at all! Mr. Joseph Taylor never took Mr. Clough's offer of five thousand dollars but did propose to take less than half that sum with out naming his horse. This left Mr. Clough at liberty to make a new prop osition, which was done, and if Mr. Taylor thinks Joe Clough is fond of water he can deposit a forfeit and trv him if he thinks he can scare up an Oregon bred horse that can beat .Jack son county's favorite. That is the propo sition nowan'aTterio-RO-VjsJalkl.TgJ.. - - b ' . abou t one that was declined. Until we hear of his being beat Scamper is chief. Probate Court Proceedings. The following are the proceedings in this Court since the last issue of the Sen tinel: ' , In the matter of the estate of JLHS,,; HaydenJ deceased,-Lxecutoraf autttrj-l ized to sell all. the personal p'ropertyiofj estate. In the matter of the estate of I. W. Stow, insanp, Thos. McAndrews apr pointed guardian. In the matter of the estate of John P. Baker, deceased, John Ashpole ad ministrator granted further time to' make final settlement. Court in Lake. A. C. Jones, Esq., informs us that business at the late term of Court was exceedingly light. There was very little civil business, no jury trials, and no bills found by the Grand Jury. The case of the State vs. Wm. Wallace, charged with murder, and transferred from Grant county, was transferred to Wasco. Mr. Jones says Lake county is rapidly filling up with settlers. Religious. Rev. Father Blanchet will hold service next Sunday at Eagle Point in the Catholic church. Elder Martin Peterson will preach at Mound District school Sunday next. Rev. Mr. Hardison is expected1 to occupy the pulpit of the M. E. Church heie on Sunday, Appointment. Mr. Daniel Crone- miller has received an appointment as head farmer at the Klamath Indian) iJAeewswuid commenced dutv Distinguished Visitor. Mrs. Ab igail Scott Duniway, the talented Ed itress of the "New Northwest," is sojourning here and intends remaining a month in the valley. It is the lady's intention to lecture at various points on the disabilities of her sex, and on moral, and educational and religious topics. Her established reputation as a laborer in the cause of oppressed womanhood must command good audi ences. We hope to be able to an nounce her appointments. Her lecture on Sunday was to an overflowing house, tho subject being "Woman and Bible," and strangely enough to say the ladies of the audience were less pleased than the sterner sex who were the subject of attack. The Lecturess declared that her mission was to make woman discontented but we noticed on Monday morning that house wives were at tho wash tub as usual, happy to know that they anv linpn t rlAtnca nrul Imslinnrltt to buy soap. All of which shows the utter perversity of woman kind, or their sensible appreciation of the sphere in which God has placed them. Educational Lecture. The lect ure of Prof. L. L. Rogers on Christian culture was delivered on Saturday ev ening. It was a clear eloquent and logical appeal for Christian training in connection with intellectual devel opement Mr. Rogers is broad and liberal in his views, is opposed to doc trinal or sectarian teaching except in theological seminaries, but contends that broad universal christian belief is necessary to keep pure and strengthen the minds of the young. He regards correctly, the most thorough education that can be afforded as only the ground work of the practical educu tion acquired by attrition with the world. The school room, he thinks, is not merely a' place where the mind of youth is to be stuffed with a few facts to be considered the whole educa tional capital of the future man or wo man, but a place where the mind will be trained to think clearly so that in the curious problem of life, truth may be sifted from the error. The lecture was beautiful in dictation and those who did not hear it may consider that they missed a very instructive and pleasant opportunity. other words show Oj willingness to let your neighbor ean? his bread. If an article is manufactured here that is just as good as a similar article made else where and just as cheap it should find sale in preference to the imported one. People are always complaining about scarcity of money, but never reflect that every time they "buy any imported ar ticle they send away money that never is returned to circulation here. Help to build up your own industries at home if their productions are as good und cheap as elsewhere and you assist in increasing and sustaining population. Many of our merchants purchase arti cles, such as brooms, wash boards and other things in tho San Francisco mar ket when they are made here just as good and quite as cheap. This is break ing down labor that in its turn uses the product of some other man's labor, and is a narrow, mistaken policy. Give every one a chance to live and patronize home industry when you "The Song BmiToy -Carmel". It was a noticable fact among the. early settlers of the Pacific slope that song birds were exceedingly scarce. Day afterday ono might travel without hear ing perhaps a single note. Tho fact of their advent is just as noticable now among us in Southern Oregonasa tanary appearing and ilismp- peanng witli summer anu win'.er like migratory birds, and at times the air isvocal with their sweet song. We believe them the progeny of canaries that have escaped from bondage, for their notes are no less brilliant than those of their imprisoned brethren. In appearance they are slightly darker than the domesticated bird, but this may be due to tho different food and change of climate. At all events they are hero and whether it be a verifica tion of tho prophesy that the song bird will sing on dreary Carmel or not they are very welcome. We notice tho pleasant face of Mr. H, M. Thatcher in town, having ar rived from San Francisco yesterday. xmj7M7TAYLdR FjEKTIST, ASHIAND, OREGON. rtar'ngpermftnentlj located at tliH pl Tam now lull j nrrarr( to do al kin.la o f dental work. Particular at If ntion glren to all mannercf Kurglcal oprratt'ina in connt ctlon with my bnInes, includ ing cltft palatta, etc Charcca reasonatle. THEOlKUGLER INSTRUCTOR IN MUSIC, Jacksonville, t ......, . .Oregnii. IKNCE 111$ OUItTH 11 is scale day.Mtti IM MAH.H.IED HANNA STANLY At the rrslJtnce of lb brides parents, in Tabl Rock predDct, June 29tb, bj JUr tin Petrreon, J. C- Ilinna and Miss. Sedoatha L. Stanley NEW ADVKll I'l -KM h.V I'd. Pay Up! PayTTpI! HAVING DlSCONTL UED MY busincsA in Kerlijville I want those in debled to me to fettle up without delay, or I will havi to make foroed collection so come forward and save trouble. GEO. GROTZ. Kerbyville. July 1st, 1879. jYu who uteto tre sea BY WAT OF THE ROSEBURG & COOSBYSTAQELINE- THE UXDEKSIGNED ARE now running a dally line of Cmr-horsr 8laeP8 between Roeburp and Coos City, making the through trip iu iwenty.foui hours. Staees leave RoMiburg every morn ing, Sundij excepted, at ti am, and make clorc connection with S.n Francisco steam? it twice wnpk rhe time frrjivllojeburir to (trough fare na been flxd at S2(. CLOUGH &CAKLL. GREAT SLAUGHTER IN PRICES AT E. JACOBS' STOKE Oregon Street, Jacksonville WHEHE A COMPLETE AND mngiiettcteiit a-sortmeut of uew gooJ bus jiit licen received, consist .ng Iu part of CLOTHING, DRY-GOODS, GROCERIES, FANCY GOODS, BOOTS & SHOES, SCHOOL BOOKS, HATS AND CAP3, TOBACCOS & CIGARS, HARDWARE AND CARPETS, TINWARE. In fact everything to be found in a first cla-R stock of General Merchandise, which uill bj void at pncei) That Defy Competition. The highst price allowed for country pro duce. r"Give me a call at my establishment in the Masonic building and be convinced tbdt there is uo humbug ab at this. B JAGOIJS. v A NEW'ARRANGENKNT! piANED LOMIJEK OP ALL KIN'D I can be bad in quantities to snit l.y writ ing to the nndernuiicd, at J I. 1'arkerV "team saw mill on Big Uutte Creek. Floor ing, Rustic, Ceiling and Mouldings can be had in an; quantity. We can plane lumber 21 inches wide in fact all kinds of lumber necessary to bu.Id bouses all of whicli can be got ready for use at tha mill. Parties who intend building can save hauling more lumber than they need Bills, plans and es timates can be had either at the Mill ou ltlg Butte or &t their eaop at Jacksonville. Ore gon, qAII orders will receive prompt atten tion. SMITH &WALSMAN. 19TH ANNIVERSARY. Jacksonville Lodge No. 10, Will celebrate the Nineteenth Anni- enary of the institution of their Lodge "" AT JACKSONVILLE, OGN. ON . HONDAY, AUGUST 18th, 1879 BvMJteaesiaorw-ExOTCisesrartho Cbur House Square and Ball at Veit Schutz' Hall. Members of the Order will meet in O.J.I Fellows Hall at 1:30 P. 31. and forming in procession will leave the hall at 2 o'clock P, M. After march in"; through the principal streets the procession will move to the Court House square where tho following exercises will take place: 1. Music by the Band. 2. Opening ode. 3. Prayer by the Chaplain, 4. Vocal music. 5. Reading of Dispensation. C. Music by the Band. 7. Oration by Ex-Governor S. F. Chad wick. 8 Music. 9. Closing ode, 10. Prayer. In the evening a ball will be given at Veit Schutz Hall to which a cordial invitation is extended. Music by the Jacksonville Brass and String Band. Tickets ior Ball, including supjKir, $3.00, Committee of Arrangement,- Fred Luy, K. Kubli, II. v. Helirs, 1'rank Krause, Thos. B. Kent, Iieteplion Committee: Jesse Ilouck, Wm. M.Turner, JnoJoIt Floor Managers: H. v. Helm. P. McDaniel.T.T. Marshal, H, v. Helms A. Bish, and J. H. Hyze. No pains will be spa: celebration and bal i.o.ggpo.i? To the Tccple tf Aorlhrru Inlifuriiia und Somlirrn UrrgonJ, ASHLAND COLLEGE .ND NORMAL-SCHOOL. located at . ASHLAND, OREGON. First Session will Comment Sept. 15L 1S79V UOAIID OP TUUSTEKSt A. G. ItorKFRLLOW, Rev. J. S McCain, Rkv. W. T. Chapman, Clark Taylor, W. II. Atkisokk Jacob Waonkb, John Walkkr, G. F. BU.UNQ3. "TTlOtTIIB TURPOSE ir FOUNDING THE A? IK X? lan.l Colleen and Normal School, tha prpertj known iu th Ah!and Academy haj befit plaretl, frei from, 'debt, nnder the contpil of a Hoard, of Trustees oho hare Inaugurated tin eaterurtae by fllltattJl kuuvnmg iuviuonr in me FACULTY: Jv tTOIeflCurol MrllLk k .'.I 44(1 A.TnrM. T1T . . - w.. .-n.r. .aH W. I. NICHAJ.S, A. M., Vico fiN.deniz PrufcOTr of rathemAtIeav MRS A. A. ROGERS. Frfceptms;, Teach rr ofE.iKHitii Oram mar. MRS. JKNNIE BALDWIN NICHOLS, Teacher ofUmlc mul French. Other competent Instructors will be a ecu red ai fait ta thentetlaof the Institution require. o that pupil may e provlrieil with the heiC facilities for commence log and completing the fulUiwIog COURSES OF STUDY; 1. Classic!., reqnlrtng six yran, loelndlng prepar. atory vtudies. Graduates lecelre the Degrees of A. D.audA.M. 2. Scuitirie, requiring tour jean, Hgic confer, red, B. S. 3. NoitMit, Commerciu and McsuJtt, oecupjlng three years each. Diplomas giten certifying tuat-, lalomeDtsof graduates. EXPENSES Tuition In four ColleRlite Branches. W a, month, Mmic, Jo a month (ue of instrument $1 additional). Vocal music Id cl-ws, $3 a quarter. Board In D ri( Inn lfall or In Prirate families, 53 5U to it. SO a week,. Rooms or Cottages for self boarding, f i to $5 pp month. PARTIAL LIST CP TBXT BOOKS. Robinson's Mathematics Steele's Series In Natural Sciences, II,trkiie-a' Lit in. Fasquell's French, Reed's Series In English Composition, Klchjrdsuii'a PUnu Instruction. PROMINENT FEATURES AND ITEMS Of INTEREST. 1. The College will ha rhaitrred: am) the. Normal or Training School lor Teachera will bo made, it Is. hoped by special enactment, an adjunct ofthe Public School system, and Diploinu m ide equtraleiit to first grade certificates. 2. Ashland has no saloons. Tha ga'enf Intnxlcat'ng liquors Is prohibited by the City authorities, who r sustained by a strong public sentiment. 3. The School will be nnder the superrlslon of an Eranicelical Christian Church. The Bible will b rrserently read and studied; tha wurahipofQod eu courai;l; but the Institution will be sectarian la no objectinnal sense. 4. Book-keeping. Business Arithmetic, English Com position nnd other branches speel illy preparatory for Business Life, will recelre unusual attention. ' 5. The Preceptress will glee Ler chief attention tq the care and orersight of the young ladies. 6. An Endowment ottiiW will he. there U reason to hope, promptly snairibed, enihllngtlie Trustees to reduce the present rater of tuition. spetallr to Teachers, after the present year. Address cummanl ca'ions to ashland College and Normal Fchoo!, ASHLAND. OHKijU.N. ?j?Ea2 rno&Et &iaraii OF THE SISKIYOU COUNTY AGRICUL TURAL SOCIETY FAIR. ATVRbKA Commencing, October lit, 1870 And continuing four days. FIRST DAY, w odnosclay, Oot. lait, .Vn. 1. Trotting race, three in five, free for all horses in the district that ii'ier beat three minutes. Purse $luu. Entrance 310. jyii. 2. Running race, free for three jenr olds and uuJt, single dash of one mile. Puree $50. Entrance 35. SECOND DAY, X'li.-ia.-r'sea.rvy, Oot. 2d. A'o. X7i bo called the Socifly'ii Handir cap, Unnuin race, mile beat, three in five, free fnr all horsed owned in the district, with the rolluvviiij; penalties and allowances) 7he winner (if an; rue of the value of $200 to carry tweuty-one pounds (21 lbs) ejttia weight. i"be wiuuer of any race the value of SIUO to carry fourteen pounds 14 lb? extra we'ebt The winner nf any race tha value of 350 to carry 7 pounds extra weight. Maidens, (those lurses which have neyr won a race) allowed 7 pcand', Wrights not accumqlatiye, Woidils not accumulative means that no one home -till be coinpdltd to ctrry mere than one of the above extra weights. Swven or more to enlr and four to start. Pur?e SiOO. Entrance $5. Eu tries to close on the lt day of September'. Race iVj. 4. Trotting race, mbe hentu, JrtTrt I .- ft-ini.! Fpiiam An nil n a at.w1 linaanVa hnHa. Kat Kifa nnH... t...tt..,l f . aLLHIS ui'ircg .ua II4G Puis . ad. IJVii 5 -Running race, mile b,ea.t. tl)rre IF live, fee for nil. Purre S125. Entrance S'O. S.me duy exhibition of stock, .Vo. fi -r.ottiug race, mile heata, free fop aI thrt-e year old owned in the district, Iure $50. Eitr-nce S5. FOURTH DAY, Sisjlii-rcizvy, Oot. tla., .Yb. 7. Trotting race, mile heata, three ir, five, free for all bors- owned, in th.e district prior to July M, I8i0, Purije $150. En trance $15, No, 8. Running race, half mile and re peat, free for all. Pure $75. Entrance $5, RULES AND REGULATIONS. lt - Jlie above purses fo be given without ili-ooutit. 2d Te con how to ave entrance money except in race Xa. 3. 3d -Entries to b placed in the entry bx kept for that purpose at t(ie pavilion prior to 9 o'clock P M on day previous to the race, except In rao jYo 3. ' 4th Entries mut giro name, pedigree am description of the burse eutered as far M known, 5th .All trotting to be In harnew. 6th iVatlnnal Trotting ."sociatioo rnles, to govern trotting rare. Tib Pacific Coast rules to govern runninp race?. 8th Free for all means jnt what it av Q.th In nil Hip nl itvr r .1 . r ey added except in rsn V 3 foe loiiowing c"tep-iaKe rn, muuii ,t colt race, free f ir ai.y cuiti. - ili.rr cu tha were foaled hi .spring. 19 in rtL two year? iu t'm fall ul '81 U bv eu follows: T' nam and 1 IB latj c Sjllmii- "-v ggaBBSBSBSBSBSBSBSBSBSBSBSBSBSBSBSBSBSBISJ - Ar . " T 1 X j,xrLa.sr7Soi -.1 to tha