HE OREGON SENTINEL "Wednesday, June 25, 1S70 AGENrs FOR TIIS SEHTIEEL. S. M. PpttcnziM & Co New Ynrl- m. P. Uo'vfII &Co Nivt York Ilnwfl! & Ciiei-8in'in St. Lmii- L P. Filier San F.nncw J) II. Stpin I'lirllMiri t7'mM' n7 ' ' 1J1 IF'T-iiiBi rLWfm Wf7Mfl1 V.H"t fj f I jS t .if "i1 Religious. President Rogers, of the Ashland College, will occupy tlie pulpit of the M. E. Church next Sun day at 11 a. M. Rev. F. X. Blanchet will hold services at the Catholic Church at Eagle Point on Sunday, July Gth. Returned. Messrs. Echleson and McKenzie returned from Roseburg on Friday last. Their surveying contract is located on Applegato and Evans creeks, the ground to bo surveyed on the latter being above Thomas' mill. Recovered. We are glad to note the recovery of Mr. Geo. A. Jackson, who has lipon'TPrv low for spvpral mo 'tbs .bul who ' a- fally recover d. 't is r vitly due to the beni'ficialtsirect.of llie 'water fltj ,S6da Springs whcreheA Agent Muller : ha-3 en sojourning. TTonTast tiuie July FouttTn op July. Preparations fr r our celebration are still progressing. The prospect is that we will have a very pleasant celebration without in terfering with any of those outside. The ball in the evening will, no doubt be well attended. SoMETmxo New. Mr. IL Kubli has at his store a novel appliance the "whipple guide." It is intended to equalize the draught on freight wagons and steadies the tongue and prevents it from striking the horses. It is said to be a success and of course is patent ed. Lecture. Prof Lowell L. Rogers President of the Aslilirrl Collpge nnd Normal School, will lecture on "El ucation" on Saturday evpning next at the M. E. Church.. This ralijpct has been the work of Prof. Rogers' life and the lecture will no doubt be very in teresting. Private School. Prof Merritt started a private school on Mondav morning with over thirty scholars. It is a morning school, tlin hours lining from eight till eleven. The scholars are all small, the olijrvt being to give them a f".ir start in tho race for honor during the next pc onl year. Puucttas-vg Hr.ns-3. ?Ir. .To. Monri left hero on ThnrnitxJatJ; witii a number of fine horses with which ttv slock the line between Rosei-urg anil Coos Biy. At present tho n-ail .is br ing packed, but. very soon it will be taken through in first cla-.s pasrotger stiges, aud Clough knows just how to do it New Buildincs. Mr. J. A. Card well will soon commence the erection of a framp building between his livpry stable and R van's. It is to be fiflv four feet deep with a store in front and six rooms in the rpar. Mrs. Mc Cully has lumber on tho ground for the construction of another building for rent on her lot. Odd Fellows Celebration. We are glad to announce that Ex-Gov ernor Chadwick has accepted the invi tation of Jacksonville Lodge I. 0. 0. F. to deliver tho oration at their anni versary celebration on August 18th. Mr. Chadwick's reputation as an ora tor is well known, and the public may expect an intellectual feast. Mind Reading. Prof. Rice gave fo u- tests in this office yestprday in mind rearlini and in every instance walked straight to an obscure object thought of. Our devil thought he had found his hrother. AH we have to say is that the performance was incompre hensible. If any one thinks this is a puff the v can speedily be coavmted to the enntrarv. : i. - BEACTirUL-WREATII.tr-We saw VPS- terday an exquisite wraith of flowers made of zephyr by Miss Pauline "Wet terer. It was made under the instruc tions of the ladies of St. Mary's Acade my, and was the work of several jnonths. It is a beautiful thing, com. Inning roses, rose buds, lillies, pansies geraniums and other flowers, looking exceedingly natural and reflecting cred jt both on the instructors and the pu pil. Board of Trustees. At a special meeting of the Board of Trustees held on Monday thclGth the following pro ceedings were had: Tho Committee on Streets was order ed to have the sidewalks on the west side of Oregon steeet, from its inter section with Miner street to the north line of G. H. Young's lot, constructed to conform with tho grade established by the survey made by J, S. Howard. The considetaujn of the ordinance prohibiting the constmction of wooden buildings on blocks seven and pight was deferred until tie nest regular meeting. j,...,; ' . LOCAL ITEMS. "Weather still cool. County jail empty. New goods at E. Jacob's. Haying all over the valley. Ashland is rising from its ashes. Ice for sale at Noland &, McDan iel's Read Sheriff Bybee's new advertise ments. Yesterday was the longest day of the season. A large supply of candies at Grob tfc Ulrich's. Mrs. Prim has some elegant summer styles on hand. Plans for tho new Presbyterian church looked for daily. Dillon has a large stock of choice liquor and cigars. Circuit Court adjourned till second Monday in August. Go to Schumpf's bath rooms, take a bath and be happy. Mrs. I. W. Berry is always ready to please her customers. Rostel shaves so easy that you never know when lie begins. savs stages commence Don't forget Ryder's grand ball at Kerbyville on the 4th. Odd Fellows meeting to-night for work in the fifth degree. John Miller is receiving new hard ware and sporting supplies. The Wilton troupe are showing to large houses in Lake county. A very interesting sketch of one of our old citizens crowded out. A number of extra copips of this is sue on hand in wrappers to send East. Bidders on mail contracts must have bids in wi'li P. M. Muller this week. Born On Thursday the 19th inst, to the wife Patrick Donpgan, a daugh ter. Mr. Lnngford, superintendent of National banks, passed South on Moii-1 ay. Prof. B. Robb has accepted a poi don in a public school in East Poit Kind. Family ice cream freezers at Mrs-. Bilger's most convenient and very cheap. Read lettpr from Lake county, and description of II. V. Helms' cabinet ou .juuide. The hay contract at Fort Klamath has been sub-let by Mr. Manning t Jay Beadi. John Bolt's hyih-aulic claim on ra ris Gulch is still being worked will, ample water. ZKler Martin Pet?r?on will hold a basket liioetinginSams YallyuuHj; n...rav iieiu WT- Dr. Aiken wi!l(cfnimence his frame 'milling next to, Mrs. Gauung's about .lin 1st of July. " "' ,' Cv."ebrr.tion here on4th. Hobt. A. MUIt, Evj., orator and Miss EmiK Bown as reader. Mensor has a largo stock of dry good and clothing jut received which he u selling at half price. The "Tidings" announces (hat Prof. Rogers is to deliver the oration at Ashland on the 4th. Dave Cronemiller never turns a. poor job of bliiuksmithing or carria woi 1: out of his shop. B. F. Dowell, Esq., started for Port land yesterday morning to attend tt. his case against Griswold. Mr. Simon Oaro, left here for Rose burg last Thursday, to take charge ol the business of Caro Bros. We learn that Mr. Jav B:ich ha purchased a large tract of State land noar.Linkville for a stock farm. Clough and Carll have sub-let the first forty miles of tho mail route be tween Roseburg and Empire City. E. D. Foudray has taken charge or the Bybee & Hawkett mine ax receiv er, and has hands engaged in cleaning up. Those contemplating building should confer with Edwin Smith, as very ad vantageous terms can bo mado with him. Work is going on rapidly on the !w,brid2QacrsSRocuo river at Rock PoinfcxlrJjtffivcJtfeats are in posi- . -r K-&r-;--- C. ILtKlum ofrAshland is receiv ing new harness, ' saddlery and every thing in his line and sells at lowest rates. The New State Hotel is becoming noted for quiet, cleanliness and an ex cellent table. Its guests always look happy. Thanks to Misses Maggie Linn and Rhwla Kinney for a nice present o' chei ries. The young ladies are always welcome. P. B. Lewis, of Apiilegate, has gon to Fort Klamath with a four horse load of freight He will bo gone until next week. Mr. Pat Donpgan has rpeovered from the injury to his foot and is .gain at woi k and is ready to phoe or do anything in the blacksmith line. The. Ashland "Tidings" will appear in anew dress this -week. Glad "to i-ee such a t-rsn of the prosperity of that steady journal. Plyniale has some of tho nicest turn-outs in the city and turns them out in prices in accordance with the times. He is always ready to furnish transportation for travellers. Edir; ''-"-'-' Mr. J. "W. Manning has refused three hundred dollars for a foal only six weeks old sired by Jay Beach's "Altamout." The M. E. Church South building, at Phoenix, has been raised and me chanics are at work inclosing it. It will be a neat structure. J. E. Bejgs has the government freighting contract from Roseburg to Fort Klamath. It is at a low figure, but Joe knows his own business. Jcse Huggins killed a California badger weighing eighteen pounds on Missouri gulch one day last week. They ate quite a 'juiioiity in this local ity. The people of Phoenix held a meet ing last Monday evening to consider the question of celebrating the Fourth at home. We have not heard the re sult. Look out for the "needle lottery man." Betting at his game is the lowest kind of street gambling, and might as well be thrown into Rogue river. John Fritz, who was at Bartlott Springi aliout ono year since, can hear of something to his pecuniary ad vantage by addressing the Sextixel office. ,-., , K. KublLis'iagQrit'for the celebrated; Wli)'tPwatei5iWfarniWwBg"onacknoVlj edged to beTetheJiPstVmauuubturaT Examine them before, purchasing any other. .-a? -,. u v BreckenfiVld has suits cheaper than any. A full stock of gent's furnish ing goods and latest styles of standard prints. If you call, you cannot fail to pui chase. Jos S. Cone, of the firm of Cone &. Welttn, wool dealers of Red Bluff, is a candidate for Railroad Commis sioner in California on the Republi can ticket The Grave Creek gravel mining company have discontinued piping '.he water becoming slack. They wiL nrnbibly continue the extension oi their ditch. Mr. Henry Klippell, Supt of th ?quaw Lake Company, was in town veterday. The mine is looking wel' jid the depth of the bank of pay grav 1 is increasing. The Board of Engineers are still aking testimony of sea Captains witl egard to the harlior of refuge. Faunt Vroy appears to be the main champiot: of Crescent city. Our friend E. F i. f Portland, -.peaks inn printe luttrr of the rupii .mproveinent ot that city, (1 adds tlut .uilroad connection with the East i 'io longer doubtful. The scholastic year of St. Mary"- Academv closed on Friday last The "MKt'-'s" (.ft on Monday for Portlant. nd the summer vacation will em ihout the last of August. Our pitriotic frifjp'tls at Ashland ir" nrpninng tor auspiciniiu cetelira ri6V;PfcdiUBoMjggiJf thtAsiIilaii College, is to delivertthe. oration, un"3 i splendid timo is anticipated. A largo number of Congressmen are going to Europe on a pleasure trip so far as the value of their services t he country are concerned they might Lave been to Europe all summon Sujervisor Jacob Ish has repair. he bridge across Jackson creek in hi Oistrict in a most creditable manner. A ittlc attention in the way of grave! x the Ross hill would not be amiss. There is said to be an unnsua" imount of travel on the road to Rose 'urg at present. Largo ainounU .' .vool are being shipped and a consider ible emigration is pushing Northward Wool from this county isnow swlliin.' it Roseburg for '20 cents cash an !2 cents is allowed when pay is takei in trade. The latest San Francisc mototiyns aro 25 to 28 cents per o mnd. The Sterling mine is Incoming quit i place of resort for Sunday pie nh, ;iarticx Piping whl be continued for v month yet, and the scientific manne. ,n which the. mine is worked is a source tf great interest to visitors. The members of tho "Eintrachf f this place are requested to meet a 7eit Schutz' hall at 7:30 this evening 'he election of officers for the ensuini .erni will b among the business to be ransneted and a full attendance i. lesired. We learn from the "Union" that a priousa.fray took place in Yreka las; .veek betweeji' Geo. Ffock and Chrin sehock. which resulted in; the .latter being veremcutjwltniafflhniiiyfAig ast accountlltIia.voundeatmaiifwasi comfortable.- . - -? , f-' comfortable. Notice the 'projrninur.e for the Odd Fellow's celebration which is to tak.' dace on Apgust 18th. It is Fevera' ears since this order has had a ce!e .ration .and thpre is no doubt lhey vill do everything to inako the occasion i ileasant one. TheE.-pubiains of California have lominated Geo. G. Perkins of "Butte' 'or Governor, Geneul John Mansfield if Los Angeles Lieut. Governor, D. M. Burns of Yolo .secretary of State Mc--venna was again nominated for Cou-re-A in the 3d ditrict. We acknowledge the rec-ipt of a eomiilimentnrv ticket to 'he annual Fair of th0 ' ieIiii.L'1 i tnty Ag--icultural -S' . v. to j'u f.'. Ilills tiorough on July thirt. D. M. C. Joult, formerly editor of this paper, is secretary of the society. , The "Independent" i-? still of the ipinion that the "ring"' is yet in exist ence in Jackson county. We had for gotten that "a ring has no end" and Kel iy hems to think political lings are governed by the same rule as long as there is a treasury to plunder. How ever it may be wo will always be found on the side of the people. rsaE'cn ajv.r'.Ai.'.'ii.. Walter Jackson with Wasserman Jt Co of Portland is in town., Madame Holt, of the" "Franco," is always on hand to entertain her friends, and spares no pains to make them com fortable. Her tablo is always supplied with the best in the market The managers of the Willow Springs celebration are making grand prepara tions for the Fourth at that place, and they propose miking ths Lancers quadrille executed on horseback, one of the features of the occasion. Read their ad. - -- Daley,-, Tozer &, Emery, of Ashland, have a new planer in operation in their sash, door and furniture factory. It is one of the neatest pieces of machinery ever brought to this county. The com pany is kept constantly busy-filling or ders. The Prince Imperial of France has been cruelly assassinated by the Zulus, who crept on a small party of officers while reconnoitering. Thus perishes the last of the Bonapartes except "Je rome," son of Madime Bonnparte, who recently died in Baltimore. More trouble about tho Parsons and Brunts claim? ywter.lav on Jack son creek. Deputy Sheriff Caton went up with n warrant for John Cimhors key, who seems to have te'us mixed up irithe affair. They shBdd, settle 1irti-titl in n lufrifTnij: MiMlli I -. iJSi - v e-acKnowteuge a iianoaome net specimen of gold quartz from the Sugar Pine ledge, the property of Daniel and Geqrgn Green. Those gentlemen have a competency in this mine, and we hear that their supply of rock is still abundant and yielding handsomely Mr. D. F. Leahv, Division Superin tendent of the W." U. Telegraph Com pany for the territo ry between Britit-h Columbia and Yreka, was in town .-esterday on his way to the latter place. He was accompanied by Mr. John A. Crouch, his chief of construe tiou, both on a tour of iojpection. Mr. Atkinson, general manager of f the Ashland Wco'en Mill, has estab lished agencies at Roteburg and Port land. The fine fabrics of this mil ire commanding attention and ven 'ustly so. Every dollar invested in the cloth or blankets purchased at thi. establishment is so much saved to out people. Stnge drivers and travellers between this placo and Ashland report tlu Wagner creek bridge in a very bai condition and not safe for the crossinj of heavy wagons. We call the atten -ion of the Road Supervisor of tha listrict to the matter so that repair an be made before an' accidant oc ours. Democratic papers in Ciliforni -teem to concede the success of the Ri luhliam ticket It is to be Vpe hat Luttrell of the Third CV.ngrpSMrr d Lfusirict will be replaced by McKe m, as Luttrell's whole s'ock in t' statesman's trade is , cheek of t' uxjau tji ii.t-i nulla nfr KlHlVlIt T-trJ mill V ,-u.' " ..UV-t We took some Portland visitors t Jr. Peter Britt's beautiful phic ye terday and they were a little sir :rise o find oranges and figs approachin uaturity. 'lhey were informed, how vpr, that the orange was an exotii iTib croj) of figs is large and Mr. B. ex ,ject to have ripe fruit within tw .reeks, and a second crop in Septem r. Mr. Thomas Berryman, who ha .ust arrived from Silver creek, inform .is that some of the claims on tlip .trenms are paying good wages. B viuteiod there aiid thinks that ther v ill be many claims that will not pa or working but that others will l comparatively rich. All the groun s claimed and claims can bo readil urchased. A few claims on Brigg' reek appear to be paying well. A subscriber who lives on the deser sends us the following, which leads u ;o believe that "The Defert"' is a mi--miner: Desert land ns tried by mf Sarly york cabbage heads that weig"' our pounds; pea vines seven feet high cn acres of corn from four to six fee ligh and in tassel, and bean vines fu of beans. Have had new potatoes fo wo mouths. V ho can beat this in June 20th? - J. S. Grigsey. Mr. Richard. Cook of the Rteambo purtz mine was in town ye.sWda do says active preparations are bein uade to sink again in ihe main slia" diuil good. rock is found if it is in th nil). Mi; Cook 13 a miner of tl.on uj, ..radical experience an is no reason ivhv neb be soon struck. !'! 3eenjtoneldfa,onrAvery inniwe' arej cist rrfind the lost"veihthat perfectly yellow with gold. Frank Eimis, Su t of the Sterlin. :.iue is a business man. He startei out early on Monday so as to caul his Uoily Hock at the wah tub, bu when only a short distance from honi his celebrated horse lay down in tht road, breaking one of the shafts of thf huggy. This is the bame auimal thai stopped in the middle of "Applegate" o count the taltnon while Frank and his girl were shivering to de4th. We dont expect to go to Frank's wedding till he parts with tho brute, Mr. Sam Cameron, of Doudas county, was exceedingly anxious to marry a Miss Shoemaker last week but her friends desired him to shov that he was not aheady .ufHcieiitly .Harris.. Ho assured them that a di vorce bad beon granted in Jackson countv and teleraphed to our Countv IClerk for the record. The reply was quite unsatisfactory and the bigam ous alliance was prevented. Mean while the proposed bride has been spirited awav and the "Independent" predicts that if her' friends try ' to re gain her by force itwill make serious trouble. "" ' -v. j "'" J-- -"i '"'"'' Novel Settlesiext. Aoout tT years ago tho clothing of a man named M. M. Brown was founil on the banks of Rogue river, and as he had been despondent for some time it was quite certain that he had suicided. His rash act was deeply deplored by his credit ors, but they promptly gathered up Lis few worldly effects, had them sold at Sheriffs sale, and in sorrow that they did not cover the judgments di vided the proccpus. Poor Brown was forgotten; the treacherous stream had swallowed up all his faults, death had paid all his debts. On Saturday last Brown resurrcted himself and was met on the street in Jacksonville by Mr. Rfibt Westrop who shrunk aghast at tho appirition. Brown recognized him and said quietly "dont be scared, I'm not a ghost." Boing askedwhy he played such a trick he answered: "Over head and ears in debt, couldn't get out; that old jumper I left on the bank only co3trix bits, shoe-, wore out, hat didn t cost any thing, and so I paid the whole debt with a wardrobe that wasn't worthy a cent" Brown is on foot travelling towards Roseburg andajl attempts at suicide on his part ronfsl aouKiBoaiooKeajtuiicin.jWitn suspi- Wrecked at Last. Dr. J. " C. Belt, formerly of Jacksonville, was last week sent to the Insane Asylum from Douglas county cause whiskey and opium. Only a little paragraph, but a sad sorrowful sermon. Only a passing note of another human wreck, but a whole volume of fearful warning to many young men who are following in the same dangerous track. Only a few years ago in the bloom of man hood, respectably connected, trained :or a noble pursuit with a fair start in in life, now but a driveliing idiot. Reflect young men who are sailing your boats in the same dangerou tYack. Do not imagiueyou are strong jr than poor Joe was or flatter your selves that the devil's-quicksand tha swallowed him is not bottomless. Am. iTou who sometimes violate the law iy giving whiskey to boys under agn know that the act is criminal and tha: ;he sin of a suicide or the responsibil ity of a human wreck may sometiim all like a black oal. shai uow on your own School Bo'oks Adopted. The School Board ol Education have, upo" ..- . ..... Jf 1 U.JJ.f.l. u. l.tl JA 11 is . fi v'lioi ouiien.iie-a-mmmmmwjr 1 n pndant F no nmancel that they will bo thp au horized books until 1881. The vote .tood sixteen for the Independent, two or the Appleton, three for the Em roft series, the superintendents ol Tackson, Josephine and Grant voting or the latter. Tin new series are of lie very highest order of excellence oth in point of construction and in iterary selectiou and arrangement Vlthough the contract is only for two ears their adoption will doubtless end he controversy for many years, as i: vill be next to impossible to supplant hern with a more excellent work. The kate will be supplied by September 1st School Meeting. The school meet nj,' held on Saturday last was well at jiidctl and much interest was uianife.i mL A etition addressed to the Di pctors akking for the re-engageiuent of Prof Men ilt and signed hy one hun 'red and ten of his uupils was read .ml a motion requesting tho board to etain liim for the ensuing year at the alary asked !y him was adopted wi:li- at a dissenting voice. The directors xiirp.s.sed their int ition to provide an .dditionul tracher for the next s-chool ear eo th it full justice can be done to ll deprr.ments. Wo are conGJ'nt atrons willsu.tr.in the I lirectors it will ent ltthey o not prJfiuo tlio means f carn'ing out their own wishes. 7unis are all tho Board now asks to nike ours tho best public school in the State. Visitors. On Saturday morning Mrs. Chrisman, of Lafayette, and two of her daughters, Miss. Mary Chrisman and Mrs. Geo. If. Stewart, of Vancouver, arrived here by tho Northern stage. Mrs. Chrisman is the mother of Mrs. Vin. Turner, and was a resident of this county in 1835. Stage travel was a new experience to thu ladies and they peak in the highest terms of tho kind and gentlemanly treatment of Agents and drivers. Indeed those who speak otherwise are exceedingly scares. Notice. j he Stockholders of the Galice Creek Mill and Mining Com)' ny are hereby notified that t'i? .'. . cd meeting of the company will r h'-i ; at the office of C. W, Kahi-r, -i Jr. -,;-sonville, at 4 P. M. on the lot U ,y of July, 1879. J. W. Meruit-", Sea mi r nesH. J.u I Tl -MMa' V II.,, C- fc should no ... .ttm. -at" ......aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa v-m i r-ivi va"aAAL - -H I .. .,.-. .. .... aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa'i i u n rn."i n u "i 'iiii ''-'aPH'i, wawwu'wi'i The absence of saloons in Ashland is one of the strongest arguments in favor of its college. Keep your chil dren from temptation if you can until their characters aro strong and firm and it will save many a wreck. There is nothing more sad on Go l's earth than to see bright eyed generous bays lounging in an idle andprofitles3 way nltout saloons, familiarizing themselves with vicious habits playing with" fire that mav afterwards consume them. Keep your children from temptation; if in after years they fall, they alone are accountable. NK W A DVKU I'l WM I'.VIN. 19TH AWMRT. Jacksonville Lodge J''o. 10, Will celebrate thp Nineteenth Anni versary of the institution of their Lodge at bXACKSONVri.LE, OGN. ox K0I?DAY, AUGUST ISth. 1579 '-BVynmcpssion. "-Exercises at the Court Tr . ?iao48T$s nIN VeTt Schutz' Hall. Members of the Order will meet in Odd Fellows Hall at 1:30 P. M. and forming in procession will leave the hall at 2 o'clock P. M. After march ing through the principal streets th" procession will move to the CourtHousc quaro whero the following exercise will take place: 1. Music by tho Band. 2. Opening ode. 3. Prayer by the Chaplain. 4. Vocal music. 5. Reading of Dispensation. G. Music by the Band. 7. Oration by Ex-Governor S. F. Chadwick. 8. Muiic. 9. Closing ode. 10. Prayer. In thp evening a ball will be given it "Wit Schutz Hall to which a cordial nviUition is extended. Muic by th" Jacksonville Brass and String Bind. Tickets for Rill, iucluding supper, 33.00. Cr.miTtillee of Arrangement': Fred Lny, K. Kubli, H. v. Holm-!, Frank Krause, Thos. B. Kent llctepl'on Committee: lea.'a Ilouck, Win M. Turner, Jno. Eo! I7oor i!(in tgen: '. v. II lm. 1 Mcltauiel, T.T McKenz . Marshal, IT. v. Helms Assistants . Bish, and J. H. Ilyzer. No pains will bo spared to make th' 'ebratioii and bull a succe.i in every i.irticul.ir and an invitation to partici pate vj e.vMmopti to ai ' ,, i -" f3 ii2LEM2- SSTSB.2ita Bv. VIRTUK OF AN KXKCUTIOA ml oriii-r ofi'e iliill ueil mil ol II' !rcmt Oi.urt ol lilt- S'n'e n( Or-?ii. ', J ..-',. ii riK'.niv. mi I lit-1 1)' It (I iv uf Jui i 8"!) np"ii u Iii-ljnipiii u-hI dcirp in fnvi. l V II 'x noil T I! Si"T uml ncii-ii-' Jinii'.x 1'iirvis lui llitf -ivii "I ilir-c Imuiirf .nl -Tfiiiv nnr ilii Mis (S37-1) ao'i! com if Un-'ul S'u'C-. wi'li iiiiir.s: at ihe r.it I nti- pr ii nt p?r in'inth from Fe'iriia'1 4'l). 1ST!), iii'd ilir fiiiitiri mn f limn .v. ii (lilUre iiihI 87 '- ecu f i327 87 1-2 iihis ini,l d'-liiir i:nMtM. uidiiit- nccriiui. -Is und In iii il'fi clril iiml ili-lurtnl, cm iiiindintr n'I rquirui! nip In iiuki- Ihl'k vy niil sali ol ihi (nlliiwiii!? ilcscribw ri in - tii-wti: "I'll- J liny Onfk S In1, iliiiii' (1 iui .Frimy rr i-k.on M.e Fiirvt ini-sleHiI, in Township I!!), in J.ick-i (!iiiiiy. Offjnn. io cili-fy tlu nhovi' rmim i mm il. unit in ptif-n.mcv in Siil rripiiri- ii"iu 1 Iwve li-viI up n iiinl will i0Vr Io n't- fill oa-li in TJ S irn'i) ciin, at pnlil'i ncniiii tn ill" h'ji'-ist hiiMi-r. ut ilie I'finr lu'i-f ili"ir in jcksoiiville, .iclioii Cuun Oriffim. on Satanlny, (lie 33Jh Bay or Juty, 18:3. i ini i.'tfliu'k 'Ml .it I lUy, ull thi uht title nrnl in'rrrM of lln hIhivi tumu! li-fiiUiil .T.inn'S Tnrris, in mi.I t" tt linvr ilp-crihfil prpiniM4. I.rvipd upon up lie ruil pMi-riy of llj.-nhnve nmin'il ili-fcn I in' .Iuim 1'iii-vid, to sttijfy the bb iTi- i.uinid ezicution WW.I1TDBR. filif rffTcjf Jackscu Coutit', On. D i'e l.T mil 23il l79 t-s5a.t.Iii!IL"S5rs.i3.i.-- HY VIRMJ XKCt'l'ION ( llUtt pi-f i in pe mi t'i irnrn hie 2il ! y "f Jii 1873. a-if t e liiiihiT um .1 iwei li-Ii'iir T.. lrs tin Iritv i vi n unil ii Iiull cintn (52-1.37 1-2 I c unil 'lie tic'Tiiii r e.-i. .iU'1 t.i me il i'-t-i il ill ' vtT' il. I li.nty Ii-viifl npni ltd w 11 nlT. r f.ir s'e Inrc-i-li'nt piitilic nc ' nn In the Ii si i st liiiid r at 'Ik- Cour II. i up ilnor in Jacksonville, lIuekon coan y. Onitt.ii. mi I Saturday, SSielCKi Day orwnly, ZS'.O. At iwn i.'.liH'k I Mil (jiM day nil the Ii: title unil inipr.'pi of ile ilcleriilmlH l OSmrtimy ui'd MJ 0-inri.nny m an) ti. ih f ' O'vinf errili.il rtl ji'".pTly In wi': Tlie K t 2.r V W 1-4. lh E 1-1 of K 1 I, 'llm W 1-2 rMvn tiio s w l-i f n r. 1. 1, ib .n i-a .-i n k 1 4, II r N W WcUBl -J. Ill .V K I 4 of S W M. tn- s si t .ri -:'-t tiov i-soTS ri-j tiiewts ..fSni4 S-S.Tl.).!'. 112 E. The V W 1-; of S B 1-4. iln-Ni:l-ti.fN Kl-t.PtcU Tim M 2 of X W l.l.iwUTWS.USK Thr K'.l-2ufSWl I. the W 1-2 ol S IV 1 4, f ?, T M S. If 2 K Uvie I i.iwn i iHt reitl -oprlvof Iti rIn Te' litllitl u ruddiill D 0O"riny HtiHl J r..urlnny. WS-llifi tjeilemHiil f tlivitK.te li. mini rTecution. , DiudJu..olU,lSTO . WM.nYBEC. Sheriff oljaclou CV.Diitjr, Ogn. INSTRUCTOR IN MUSIC, JacIitntiTilli' Ore: tin. "AriliL COMMUSLt! HIS FODP.TI T ipim on M. iwdy, Va Ulh. Uiss;al ii prir-s i-" follnu8: 8tn;:p Lesou, eacli ... Frr Term ofSl Lsiont. S I Si t3 04 imus MlMMui .' To tL rcoplc of Xortlirni fclifcrata nr.j Soullirnt Orrgun! ASHLAND COLLEGE AND NORMAL-SCHOOL LOCATED AT ASHLAND, OREGON First Session will Commence StpU Kt 1875 IIUARD UV TUCsTnKSi A. (i ROCKFKI.T.OW. 'Jkv.J. MuUais, Kkv. U'. T. CnAMAX, Gl.AGS TaVL'R, w. n. atkis1" Jacob XVaussr Iwx Wxlkk 0. F. 1)ULI.NG( Foa the pnr.piSE if Fou.vctxn xhk avs: lnlOnll;niin.l VttrmM Sbkl, tbpDy- -kn-ivrii ns h A4iWnl AeattHy hft Ijrn ivl i fr,pi dHit, un,lr I)w cixilrtl ot Hirinl nfTfHtr-, rh- Vat ttvM3"raf(1 tlto ctiterjrNe b filling r fjllowiug pukiiitmii hi tbd FACULTY: REV. WWF.f.t. 1 r.OOr..s. A. M., PrwM-- PrufMMr oF 3Iiriil.il aul 3It,rl Sffenrmt. w. I. MCII II.S. A. M.. Vice PiM.d Pruft ir uf 3Iitheaittlc. 3ir.S A A. R0U:iW, pireeptrew; "" Xr3tirrvf Kii3'Iih Orammr MKS. J X.NIK PALDWIN NICHOLS, Teacher ufMntlo ami Kiti;h. O'her competent Instruct' r wi.I ho iiecnr1 i -u tlmnrel'tof tbo Ini Hull in nlr ,Mi(I)r p j may ! prorii!! with tha b-t f i-iiitlej fo. coitu.it iu auJ CumpUlinj the fIuwuij; l0U.ItSE3 OF.STUJ Ir.ry HtmltM. Unidiutu leveiTu tlw L'sxttt of . H.aiiJ I.M.- 2. Scuiiine, requtrliij lonrjmn. Diviucta Nfl.BvS. 3 Nmutu CnuMtEcut anil Mini , Bin Ihrwjmni nth. lUi.Iouiat iu tetuQrtiv ,o utiimcLU of gradu tfe5. EXPENSES. Tuition In fr C!(riitn Hi ivh f -k tnlc, $la rmmili (ueul 'iwtiii.aj r i-i uiiu V-trtit inuic inrli! f ,t qurter. tf- - 1 a & rig Hall vr in Private t'amM , 15 t 1 iO i v -IXtHtwt or Ctft..tgs frr lf uotra'u, - to $6 lUJtllll. P ARTTAn LIST CP TZZ Tl ))' K(bdtii' MatiiemitfCi tmlS SrV .) lt; "8nr Hirkna- l.ititi. yft Ml Pr.ici. Ke . ' iwiim tu Hnjliih Cun.tKW.tion, Kk!iHni,tV 2 -. las' ruction. PUOMINENT FRITUKKS AND 1TB tP l.NTriilKST. 1. Thir0nII4Kl!l to riiilpr1; an-1 tin Vm r Trtlnln Scln.l tor Tehers will to iI. it nml by ittwcfAl rnwlntwit,an uljitncr ofrlwPi -ciihI stieni aul Dr)kmai nuJ -jnJr.lit t . -'4Tft!Cfriii!c.it. '2, Ah'aml Iirh n- wilnn. Th o tttntxh' lUjn prublbltM by llm City tsutboriitw, wit, . . isaliWH) bt a tnii2 jHibllc sentiment. 3. The S httA will to unUr tto upArrrrtm of RT3;iAril CttriMfan Church. Th IliM wp i-fvrrrntly rl anl tnllwl; tho w.)rhliuf ffr "'iPMed; tot tliH Inititutlun w.U to berUttuu m l;JctifibMl ttne. 4. Itaok Kwf.lt!- Buhif99 Aritlmtlc, Hnnlifb C Kift'rifin ami 'hf bttrtctotpciilljr Irej-wi:r7 iu a.uiiM-a Ule,itl reontro utuiHiil ittenifou. 5. The Prcvprro ntl :Htp tor cMf fttteiitk . .to cire an I orerlgh: tif lh yuiiiig lallei. 6. n Jii lowme.it of $A,000 ulll to, thero h re-r tohoe, pM.miitl.v su nhIf enilillm; the Tfan-w Telttc t!i pri'tt rtK of tuitkit. speelill rMrh-rs ifier ttt present jotr. A-llreM OMUim " l I ww t J ashtand College and irorraal Scho'. ASlIKiAXI). OUKGON. OP THE sispo C01TI ABRICC TDRAL SOCIETY FAIR. i. i.xa3icil- reqnirinit six jrar. l-iln.icrT C'oisimenciiig, October Ttl Aud cuiitiuu'mg foi;r days. FIRST DAY, TiToclriosclny, Oo 2 AT iV. 1. '"mliiiig ripe, tlnee iu livn, do fir all horft i.t th-s il-tric tint n ret It nree ciinutrs 1'urjv SlUO. K-itrnuc !' iVn. 2. IliiniiiiiK race, free for threw y-' i d unil unil t, niiiplt daiU ol one mi'" I'nrm SoO. Hntrance Sj. SECOND DxVY, "27l3LXT.icla.y. Oot. 2e. Ait. 3- T It- calltil Ih'j i'uclft' IU . i nt. ItiiMiiinir r.t..v, mil" li.'its, thrt lv" fre fur nil hurMS nwneil in tlie li.-tn titli Hip foil. -Ain(; ! alt'L-i uml nllon i" 7'i winni r of any rue of tb vain..' of .' . i carry I'lt-iity-nno ptMiinN (il lt) ex' i-u)-t. Tot- Miamr of any raci ilie v it if SlW) In carrv fonripen piuiinls !'. itr.i ne'irlit Vhe wiiinir cit any rate i v- 1ii t S50 to Parry 7 pound uxlra unn1 laiil-iiN. (ihi)re li' rp wljieli li.iro i wnn a nce) ullmnil 7 pi'Rinl?, vcihti . i ciur.ii-.it. vo. Vt'ciithis not acoumnlit.' iii'int that no oiih Iiith" a ill bj cHip-' r.icirry mere Itian oiib ol the no w n ' eplm i'.vw or mire to mttr n:it i' Miniart. Purae SiU'1. Kitrnncn Si. '. rim to clu.-t! oc. tlie lt tljy ol Seilrut"i IJiice .Yi. 4.-rrnttiiiir race, mi.e fc-i wu in thre". freo or all untrird lnw 'inrM lliit liavo never trottnl forjulj noney. l'uis; S-i1). I'utr.incs Si. THIRD DAY,, ridny, Oct. Oca.. iV. 5. Ilmiinm; men. niil heiiy. ,ti- ii fivi-. fn-f Inralt. l'neSI23. Knits j. !) 5un iluy e.iliitiitiuii of stuck. Ait. fi Totiinp! raci'. mile Leat. fr.-. ill hri-n liar old o vnea ia ilit .1 s -line Sj'I, Bitr hop 3. FOURTH DAY, - t3a.Z-a.?:ci.a-'5rf uofii, ." n, JV.i. 7.7miin2"r!:iT-ate' ive. ire- ir ar ijom- w..ei itinr in J'liy in, ioij, uauce 515. - . . Alt. 8. Runnlnff.-f.'ice. at. free for nil. I'lifu S73. ' ri RULES AND REGULAR i lt Ti e alova purses to bo givcu , i cmnt. 2d The 5"-cnr.d borsa to save e-ti t. ii'iiiey pxct-pt in r.tco .Vo. 3. 3d Entries to Ix: pl.icpil In tlie entry Kept for tbut purpose nt tlia paviliuu , tn 9 ii'clocl: 1 .1 on d.iy previout lo racu.excHpt ia raco Ao 3. 4th Eiitrlts must plve name, td h i ml dwciiptioii of the horae eutcrtjii S-- . is known. 5th Ml trotlius to be in harness. lilbAalion.il Plotting Jssociattoa r, Io gt.vini trolling MPr?. 7 ill--Pacific Co.ist mica to govern rat nee-". 8 ti Free for nil nvann jnt what 't Jib In nil the aliove rcpn entrance ey added .ixcip. in race Ao U. TTie following St'rfp.le rnce i pn. Coll race, free fur any coltn in the . th' wtre foal.d t!ii prni, 1873, tn . mo ymri. in the fall of '81. to be ent. followx: To i.ainc and put up ten doi v he l.u-t Uy of the fair; and Uentj u. . n one yiar trora the time, and twemj i -, m tp ibe day b-fore tb rac. Tt first li'irst? to get . f tfii! innney. r .e 6tcoud horse to gei 2-3 of thw r-j d r. rbe third to 1-3 of the remainder. P. 0. STRICKLAND, Pr.". II. A. Mom Secretary. 'fv". "'IMS s'TaP