Oregon Sentinel. Oregon Sentinel PUBLISHED WEDNESDAYS AT Jil'KSOMLlK. ACESO.V CODSTY, OREGON BT KRAUSE &. TURNER. ADVERTISING RATES. 0aesqui lOllnes or less tint Insertion. $ 3 00 " " each subsequent Insertion......... 1 CO !'. h 3 mostl1 T " ...... ............ ....... 10 00 One-fourth Column 3 montht TS 00 " " i " 30 0 One-half " 3 ' jo 60 , " " 00 On. Column 3 month. eo 00 " " ..::.:.::: mm A Discount to Vmrly AitTirll.tr.. $3 PER YEAR TERMS; One copy. Per Ymr, In ad.nnre, S3 51) ?- VOL. XX1V--WO, 24 JACKSONVILLE. OREGON? JUNE 25, IS79- 5sf- r2ggy&4(Atf joBMpSj PROFESSIONAL CARDS. J. V. ROBINSON, M. D. )HYSICIAtt AND SURGEON, JACKSONVILLE, OREGON. Office on California c!t..pi.lte P. J.Ryin'.. Residence at B. F. Dowell's. L. DAN FORTH, M. D., pnrsroiAN and surgeon JaCKS0NVILLTS,OR"eG0N. OSlce on California street, oppo-lte P. J. Ry.iT. tore. Cull, pro-rptly attended to, day or night. G. II. AIKEN, M. D., DHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, JACKSONVILLE, ORE00N.' JtaPOTIco opposite P. J. Jl jan'. .tore. MARTIN VROOMAN, M. D. DHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, JACKSONVILLE, OREGON. YnnimvicomM here with the Intention of per mvientlY Ixttlnx lu-ielr in th nr.rtic of hi. prnle.in, I a grlnit. and. from tentv aeYrn eir. exnirlenc. In tno di.ene inclient i this Cm.t. fHtters himself as being able to girt: ceneral .VLfictl-n. Omce at Kahlcr & Itro's Drug Store. CHAS. J. HOWARD, TIUNTY AND MINERAL SURVEYOR. JACKSONVILLE. OREGON. Mining .nrreYs, an1 11 other business tn my line piumptly attended to. E. 0. AU TEN itlK I'll, TTORNEY-AT-LAW. JACKSONVILLE, OREGON. Will rrnotu-e in ell the Court, of the "late. Promt t attention; clMi t ialUli islnesjSIeft.llij "iU3itT in UrtU . uric Daiming. B F. HOWELL, TTORNEY-AT-LAW, A. Jacksonville, oregov. Alll'ii"tne pl.r.lln mv Irtnd.will receive prompt attention. 3"ipeclal attentiun given to ixllec tions. WILL. JACKSON, E N T I S T, JACKSONVILLE, OREGON. D mERTII EXIUrrvFD AT ALL hour.. Lnnchlnc IT., "d' i-nlnMerM. If drslred.for which extra 'pli.rirM will he male. OfUce and residence on corner of California and Fifth streets. BERTH 3LD ROSTEL, gAsst: SURGEON of the German Array AND PROFESSIONAL HAIR-CUTTER. IN ORTH'S BUILDING, Jacksonville, ------ Oregon 2J-The Treatment of Chronic Caes Made a Specially. v - Jl. 0. OIBBS. B. STF.ARNf A TTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS, Of Rooms 2 and 4 Strowbridc's Building, PORTLAND, OREGON. Kill praetice In all Ocnrt. of Ttocnrd In the State of Oregon and Wihhtu;tn Territory: and p.y p.p tlcnlar attention to business In Federal Courts. JIG BUTTE STEflM SAW-MILL J. P. PAUKSR, IG BUTTE, : : : ; : OGN. rEEPS CONSTANTLY ON IlAND planed and unolaned Sagar pine lum- ' of the best quality. 2DGING, MOULDING, RUSTIC, SIDING, FLOORING, SHINGLES, ETC. Lnmber dresed lo order on short notice nd reasonable terms lor those convenient tbe Mill. LjtS""County Orders and Greenbacks tuk- at par. rAHLER BROS KEEP THE LAROESTSTOCK rand StatloncrY, CITY MA&KET, CALIFORNIA ST , WILLIAM BYBEE, - Proprietor. rtllS WELL-KVfHVN MARKET site Eati1er& llio.'s drugstore oppo- is het- ter prep-tred tbmi ever lo furnish Ibo pub- lie with Hie chotctst quality or FRESH BEEF, PORK", VEAL, ' V Psau i iua,.ua.u. lt-t SALTIEAT; iaHICfr-;iQ ATT.4M V TO SaS nitaguff j-MumKBrcrjsTKrtviz&iar. t Ttk BACON; Fuperor, SAUSAGE, L-ARD, ETC., The mot fivorable indnci merit, offeror to patrons a- d no effort will be spired to ward giving general satifnetton. VM. UYBEC OUT BAEBER SHOP AND BATHROOMS. California St., Jacksonville, - - - Oregon THE UNDERSIGNED IS FULLY prpred tn dn nil work in U line in ilie beet muiiner untl ul rtafonuble prices. HOT OK COLD BATHS ''un be bad at this place nt al hours of the d iy. GEORGE SCIIUM PP. NEW STATE HOTEL. 0. W. SAVAGE, Prop, JACKSONVILLE, OGN. T1 RE U'DER'IGVEI) TAKE-! PLE lire in nunoiiucilii! that In- hi II td u. ind thorn tgiily r-noatel th- New St.it 'mililliiir Tor hotel puipe-es and that th inii'u U now opvii lor tbe uciplion o tiest. THE TABLE iVIll h CQ'istllltlCJJlflalii'l 'ltb lb? Im"-'. WUhi, inntkr-t all l dri .li..ls can be oiiiulued at nlh lira. Tlic I) d arc new ati'l k'-ptcl'-'n and ni a! i. will lii fpifd tn Kiu tbe utmost ealih MLllon in ' Yd pirt cii'ur. ?uClmigei reA-onuUle. 0. W RVfiv JOS. II. HYZER, B( DSP, S6A, G1RBU8B AND ORNAMENTAL PAINTER, J ksniiville Orrgon T!5 rULLY I REARED TO DO ANY L Work in 11: b line on rhort nolice and ask for a fhare of tin p'lMic pulronagi". Orders from tbe country piomplly attend -d to. p. DOiSTEaA.! GENERAL BLACKSMITHLNG 1-AND-i- HORSE SIEOEING, Cor., of Second and California St. A LL KINDS OF MARK ETA I5I.K produce taken mexebanue lor work. P. DON KG AN. BLACKSMITHING! DAVE CRONEM LER. BALK AT TUB OLD STiXDa T,M NOW PREPARES TO DO AL,. JL work in my lint cheaper than ever, atl in fact will do it cheaper tbau any otber shop in Siuillii'i n On-con. Give me a call and I will convince you. DAVID CKONEUILLEIt. KAHLER BHOTPIER. Dealers Tn 9 BOOKS AND STATIONERY. UNION HOTEL, Kerbyville Oregon, . M. Ryder, Propr. FIRST CL 4 SS ACCOM MOD TIO A' CN always I e had at this house at tbe most reasonable rates, p3 Vu excellent stable connected with IIih hotel. .'riaaR tz ESCRIPTION OF CUT MILLERS. JUij cr als 2yi frT irtfcii.-'-.gT-Taati- - -aa v w.u "",it Ji C1TYBAKEJZY AND SALOON", In Masonic Building, Oregon St., JACKSONVILLE, OG.V. TnK UNDKRSIGNEn nEREBY PE-firi-s lo unnounce in t lie public thai lliey art- now prepared lo Gil all orders for cakes of every drfcripliun. such wedding rake., '. cake, fur putties, wine cuke-; ulso liniwn and rjeeaManHMagtU, rrc A luncli lion'e will alio be kept at thi place. h-re ovfttrs in nil piyks, Limburper ind Schwpitz r cheepp. can be bad at nil SKiirn if ilie liy or niaht. iEFreh bnad every day. Pnces reasonable nud satisfaction goar nnteed. GROB & ULRICII. TABLE ROCK SALOON, OREGON STREET, WIWTJJ2M and HELMS, PROPRIETORS. THE PROPRIETORS OF THIS wrll-known and pnpulir n-ort would iiilorin tlieir friend. n'id lite public jrcnerallY ilial a complete and first cla 8 Mock of ilie tu-i' brand of liqiinr, wines, cigar-vie anil norterjpic., are constantly ki pt on hand IVy will be plmoed to have their friends 'call and fmtle." CABINET. A Tahinet of Curtooiiies may also he found lure. We wnn'il be pleavd lo bavp niroon. pn.spFsinr; cnrio.ilii'fi and pecimen brinir theiii in, anil we will phue them in be Cabinet foi ingpprtion. WIVT.IKN& HELMS. Criterion Billiard Saloon! CALIFORNIA ST., oIrik1 & IcDauiel Pio;s MII3 P()PULR RESORT, UNDEI! I new rnannairnfnl. i tnrni.liing ih li l rands of liquorc, win r and cijpir. Th readiuj; tibte la Mippli. d willi Eas'prn p-ri dicils and letding p-er3 of the Cot ,T m Jl f0m S. P. HANNA. WAGON-MAKER, Tacksonvills, Oregon, p UBON'EvlILLEH'S BUILDIN'G 13 IV L receipt of a lull a"-ortment of irmhrial nd prepared to do nil wok iu his line on hurt notice and in a uorkmmlike intuner Vebttlouf every description made to or I r Term, reasonable and satisfaction gtiaran eid." 5BRepairing a speciality S P HANNA. Jackonville. Felimiry. 211. 1P7"'. RE-OPKNED! JACOElkIEYEE, PIONKEU WAGOV.3IAEER, H AS RESUMED BUSINESS AT the 8iand of :he lute J. L Budgtr -tKi i prepareil lot-xecuie all work in h f line with promptness and dtspalch nnd al very reasonable rales. All kinds ot eln eles coti-'iriicled. R-patring a sp-cialtv. Oood work and low prices t'oa'antifd Give me a mil. J. MKYF.R. F.RITSCHARD, practical. Watchmaker and Jeweler, California Street Jacksonville - - Oregon, t TTnrl,' 'nrrrr .st o.t. y .t.k... c flfeSjSi ia. ,., iMHMr-Wrtui I UfAilrJA JN llJ. mg and repairing walchrs and clock Uliarnes reasonable," Give him a call. DR, SPINNEY & CO., SPECIALISTS, No. II, Kearnkt Street nnrtEAT' ALL CIIROXIP AND PRIVATE DIS- 1 e e..cfl wllliimt Ilie nid of MifrrnrY. Offlcehours 9 A K. toUM;Z t 5 anil 6 to 9 T.X., CoveiH.T?"- Fr-R. Snndav. excepted. Con.iiltatlnn. free. Call or al IressDr A 1" SI'INNEV CO., o.ll. Kearn.Y treet San Francisco. WALDO EXPIiESS, CarryinsTI. S. TVTxils Leaves Jacksonville MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS FOR "WALDO. LEAVES WALEO, Tuesdays and Fridays. First-class accommodations for passen geis. Express business promptly ntlpnded to by R. M. (JARRE1T. TJV.IZjS, ROPES CARPENTERS AND WA l gnn-mskcrs' tools for sale by JOHN MILLER. T. G. REAitES. RK. REAilES. E REAJUESBKOS., California st., Jacksonville, - - - Oregon, AHEAD AS USUAL ! ! f- . " . SfVP, iw.'SawrSmyr - MSrvMWf- 13 3SttiKira"ialJtSjI. .- "J BiqiCa': AIAA'SH BA-! IS THE GREATEST REDUCTION IN PRICES -AND THi: LARGEST STOCK OF- GENERAL MERCIIAIVDIS THE- GREATEST VARIETY TO select from in Any One Store in Southern Oregon or Northern California. ALL FOR CASH!! ,fun xxfva: FALL & WINTER DRY-GOODS, FANCY GOODS, LADIES' DRES GOODS f!PnIERE3, AND DIGONLS. SILKS. AND SATINS. ROOTS & SHOES, CLOTHING, ETC,, LADIES' CL., MADE CLOAKS "T7E CALL THE ATTENTION OF TnE V ladie. tn the fact thit we have now n hand th- lHrc--t and li-st fdect'-d norl nMiit f L DIH3' DRES-? IOOI)S and F N '"Y 0O()D ot every diC'iition In Soi'l'i Tti Oregon, and we will henceforth make this line of goods our speciality and sell Sim at Cheaper than the Cheapest. To the r"ntli'mn wp will fay. if you want No. 1 SUIT OF CLOTHED yon must go lo Reami-s Bro. In buv them a we rla'm to have the be-l STOCK OF CLOTMSG in Ixcksou county and will allow none U un ili r-rll us. " Thest poods were all purchased by a mem her ol our firm from FJRoT CL SS House-' i' San Franci co and New Vork and w will :nrant every article and sell Hum as cheap for ra-h a aiy hnu.e in the county. We also keep ou baud a lull slock of GROCERIES. Hardware, Cutlery, Glassware, CROCKERY. nrtrr ,,nr, ,. BX.-JS"J ruUbLlffi UPl'ABIlL.ALMjUl.'llS KI-AK .( ayt. im tf1 ' " I - rl JHSEtlT'?!KtlCA MILLS f iuws, uaus flows oi onmy riows-' ni n ti " Tt n'n " .'I In fact everything from the finest needle to n tlireshmg-mach'ne. Give ns n cull nd judge for yourselves as lo our capacity of furnishing good, as above. The way to make money "is to save It. To -ave it bnv cheap. To buy cheap pay GASH for your good, and hnv of RKAMES BROS. NEW LIVERY STABLE BACK OF COURT HOUSE. MANNING ANDVEBB, Proprietor. TTTAVINO T.ATKLT FITTF.T) UP THE COM I L ruMI-ros biro on the School Hins Flat and in the rear of the Cmrt IIone. eare now fnllj prepaied to attend t allhnslne.. inonrline vlth promptness auddispatch and at them .t reiuonable rates. Fine Turnouts The. table Is furn l-hed with the best animal, and ninr Knb'tantlal bugi;le; alM a first clu. hack and .al lie horse.. Horse, boarded, and the best care bestowed on them, y.tlsfnetkin gn.tanteed In every instance. Give n. acalland Jndgefor vourselre.. J. W MANNING. JacVwnYllle, April 10th. W t1331X7- G-rrKTS MADE TO ORDER 1" and repa -Inf j-mp-rlv "1t hr MILLhR. WOOL, WOOL ! TO THE WOOL GROWERS OF ITorthern California and Southern Oregon. ANEW ERA HAS DA WNKD UPON jou. An enlerpristhiis b-en,8larl-irin JVlS4PlSB",,'cn "''nreinffiyowlfBilirvttloe. Lf-projiiaBroulcan slyMtrpJu1 TIIH WOOL 1IOTTS3 -0F- CONE & WELTON, XTNT 113323 33XiTT0?,3P For more than yon can real z hv shipping 1 1 San Francisco. We have bonirht Three Hundred Thousand bales t litis Tnr Ihi. 8"aon mid want Three Huudreit Thousand more iT we can get ihem. Dun'l fail t" w u be fore yon sell, and we will fiiher buy your wool or see that yon cet more for it than it is worth in San Francisco. OUR WOOL PXIESSES Are turning nut 1 00 compressed biles daily md it lakes wool to keep them eouis. so hnnir ulontr jour clips and gel n good price 'or them, and help yourselves, nnd tiy so Ac ng help ns lo keep 'he ball rolling nud tiree.eo going. En'erpriep should lie nurtur ed and encouraged, especi iliv where it b-ne-fiN the country Rnng on your wool, nnd iret the highest market rateei We want it ill. ( 'ON E.tW ELTON. n.ilBlnn", May 16ih. 1879 SODA SPRINGS HOUSE ! HEALTH and HAPPINESS TS THE REWARD OF ALL WHO visit these famous nvrizLox-ai s Twelve miles East ter not only OFGRETC'URTiVEPOWE1S. BUT is also d-Iicirus as a beverage. Th nit. 1 at the Spring, is k-pt by Mr.i Mr D C. Cotirtnay. and afiurds all the conven tenccs and coraforti required by the most fastidious. Good Pasturage. For horses, and all charges reasonable. Good hunting and Trout :EMSla.ixxsr Jacilititp near by. and everything to make a Visit to the St da Springs pleasant to either the athlete or invalid. MR. & MR. D.C. COURTNAY. THE ASHLAND Woolen Manufacturing Co, Take pleaire in announcing that t.iey now have ou hand, a full and select stock of A0E5IISEn EE3Sfl5a QMS) HgDUKVp Hade of the very best NATIVE WOOL And of which thev will dispose at very rea tooable rates. Orders from a distance will receive prompt attention, bend them iu and give our goods a trial. Akiilakd Woolen M'f'o Co, tkSrfefcsfe i- i. - OITUATED ONimR CREEK SEVEN O miles north-eat if Jacksonville, are prepared to a general Merchant and Exchange Uusiuess- The undersigned will give 36 pounds of flour. 2 ponudi shortx and 8pminili bran for every buebel cf wheat. Will aU sack aour- cu.lomers furui-hiugsnck.. STSatisfaction Guaranteed" T.T. McKINZlE Slate Creek House, Slate Creek, Ocn., J. I, KNIGHT, - - - PROP'R. THE UNDERSIGNED HEREBY gives notice tu the travelling pnhlic thai first-clas. accommodation can always ! had at this lina-e.atid no pains spared to make a visit agreeable. The bir will always be supplied with the best of liquors and cigars. J. I KATGI1T. TFYOU WtXT A LaROE STOCK OF PERFD mery an-l f.ncjr ..op. to select rem go to Kah ler'a and If the don't haYenh.t jrou want Bob wll make it, or anything else generally pnt upl. drug tores. KAIILKR lmO.'. AN ELEGANT ASSORTMENT OF POCKET AND Table Cntlery for sail by JOHN MILLER. fa ........lu'ur , - - - - taua............ i uuhl min rnR wniw OULGO.V. The following compliment to Oregon is written by Frank SI. Pixley, and appears in the San Francisco "Argo naut:" On our down trip from Portland to Astoria the ship made twenty-four miles an hour, which is the fastest sail ing we ever experienced. Of our trip we can only say it was ten days of un interrupted enjoyment Oregon was to us a revelation. We knew that CJaliforaiavwasjSboundedjon the north V wivuu, wo tkiiuw mat xuruuuu was situated on the "Willamette; that the "Willamette emptied into the Col umbia; that the Columbia emptied into the sea; dividing Washington Territory from the State of Oregon. We had heard the country was rich in forests and timber; that it was of agricultural value; that fish abounded in its streams. We had a school boy's idea of its geog raphy of coast ranges, rivers, Cascade Mountains, bioad prairies and rich val leys; but we had no realizing sense of its splendid domain, and the inexhaus tible fertility of soil, its expansive pri meval forests; its River Willamette, more beautiful than the Sacramento, draining a valley more productive than Sacramento and San Joaquin combined. We had no idea, till we saw it, that the Columbia was the grandest and most picturesque of all the great riveis of the world; that it had scenery upon its banks in comparison with the Hud son and the Rhine) sink into utter in significance, that it and its tributaries penetrate a land which for food produc ing capacity has no equal on all God's five broad continents. Oregon is a wonderful State, and tried by what seems to us to Ihj the true test of a land's real wealth and ultimate great ness viz: its power to produce food it has no superior iu the woild. Astoria is theSBco of the north. ' 7 of the Columbia, no other reason that we could observe, than that it is cheaper to drhc piles and build upon them than to grade a somewhat hilly and uncomfortable background. Astoria is a city of pa tient hepes and great expectations; lo cated on the banks of the great river, it expectantly awaits the good time coming when it shall realize its geo graphical advantage and reap the har vest of an expanding commerce. For half a hundred years its owners have looked out upon the great waters of the Columbia and wondered for hall that time why the ships went sailing by to that inferior and interior town of Portland. Still they do, and Asto ria sits Mid smiles, confident of its ul timate greatness, when it will bo crown ed queen of the Columbia, and all its tributaries shall bring gifts and pour them into its willing lap. We would not dampen the ardor of its friends by suggesting that it is just possible that an interior railroad system may con centrate the trade of Western Oregon at Portland on the Willamette and that the trade of Eastern Oregon and Ida ho may seek the shores of Pugat Sound and pass out to tho great ocean over that broad highway of commerce, the Straits of Fuca. Portland is one hundred and fifteen miles from the soa, situated upon the beautiful Willamette, some six miles above where it empties into the Coluni bia; a city of twenty thousand inhabit ants good inhabitants, that go to church, don't gamble in stocks, are lit tle slow and poky, but always sure and content with a steady, healthful, hon est progress. There are more commer cial buildings now in progress of erec tion at Portland than San Francisco. We visited Albany, sixty-one miles i p the valley of the Willamette, by rail a rich and productive valley of farms and orchards, forests, and partial clear ings and natural prairies; u valley fro.u thirty to sixty miles wide, containing 5,000,000 of acres covered with groves, grasses, wood, and copso, and every acre of which is fertile and productive. The Willamette is navigable an hund red miles or more, except at Oregon City, where locks are provided around a waterfall a fall which gives power to make a great manufacturing city. Oregon is a better State than Cali fornia. It has a better and more promising future; and unless tho city of San Francisco looks to ifcelf, there will spring up somewhere on Pujjet Sound a great commercial emporium that shall challenge with us the com mercial supremacy of tho West. Ore- gou will, i i no distant time, outnum ber us in population. Washington Territory is an empire in and ot- itself," and both State and Territory hav as yet millions of unappropriated lands. There is now a large immigra tion pouring into the country; and thile Jim McShatter, Col. Beale.jLux t Miller, Throckmorton and other and cormorants are holding their iroad acres beyond reach of purchas rs at S40 per acre.better lands and nearer to a better market may be lkssJ6w'-I0r'' -0 aumuprwt "lothing, or secured at Government price. Oregon has escaped the greedy black, speculative spider that stretches his web over the soil to steal and hold .irisoner the industrious fool that comes o plow. This is telling now in favor f our sister Stato it is getting ten im nigrants to our one. It is taking in djstrious and working men away from California. TIIE KL.U11TI1 Itl.lMH.llIOV. The following letter from one of tho nost prominent citizens of Lake coun ,y substantiates all we have said on the ibove subject: Fort Klamath Juno 14, 1879. Ed. Sentinei In reply to your inquiry whether a petition against tho leaioval of the Klamaths was sent from our end of tho county. I will say that one was circulated, and I think generally signed. I have not eantho aiticle in the Lakeview "Her ald," to which you refer, and really do not know the general feeling in that end of the county; but I think all right minded people will ngreo with tho Sen tinel that the-forcible removal of the Indians will not only be an unjustifia ble violation of faith, but will subject tho citizens of this portion of Lake county to tho ravages and honors of Indiafcwarefare. The treaty of tho .vith the Klamaths secures to anjirea Lcountrv that is better spared by tho citizens of Oregon than perhaps any other portion of the State. The Klamaths havo observed their fart of this contract sacredly never having committed any act which would justify tho flimsiest shadow of an excuse for its abrogation. Again, the Klamath Reservation hav ing bte 1, Jrom time immemorial, tl o home of these Indians; they are better contented, and less likely to give troub le than if driven from tlieir homes and placed among other discontented Indians who have been treated in the same manner. Thirdly, they are very nearly sell supporting hero, and that is important to tax-payers. As to the general feeling among our people there are perhaps a good many of our best citizens, who if tho Indians could be induced to go willingly, would be glad to see the change effected, and the removal might give the timid and distrustful among the settlers, a sense of security which now, (in mental res ervation at least),they do not always en joy. But that they will over go with out a most determined resistence I do not believe. It may be urged by those who favor the removal, (among whom might bo numbered the successors of B. J. Pen gra, those poor fellows whoso greatest triumph so far has been a success ful evasion (Sflfanayment of their Taxes 'ana which they hold at large figures), ested in having that I am inter, tho Klamaths kept here. But aupposo I ami The change has no bearing on tho matter in hand, and if sustained cannot impair tho force of common-sense deductions from facts, nor make tho willful viola tion of a treaty with an Indian, a thing of honor or oven decency. B. Settle Up. Simon Caro has re turned to Jacksonville and hereby gives notice to those indebted to tho firm of Fisher and Caro that immedi ate settlement must bo made or the accounts will be placed in an attorneys hand to make forced collections. No further notice will bo given. Piano or Organ for Sale. Par ties desiring to purchase either a piano or organ will do well to call at this of fice before buying elsewhere. The in struments are warranted first-class in every particular and the terms very reasonable. Chew Jackson's Tobacco. Best Sweet Navy Subscribo for the Sentinel.