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About Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888 | View Entire Issue (April 9, 1879)
THE OREGON SENTINEL THE LAW OF NEWSPAPERS 1. Eubreriberi wbo do not give cxpraM notice to he contrary, re considered as wishing J continue . holr Bulrtcriptlons. ...... , 2. If any robscrlbers order tie dljcontlnnanee 01 their newspaper!, tho publisher may continue to ecndlhcm until all arrearages are paid. 5. Ifnnbscriben neelector refuse to take their ncwpper from ,lie offices to which they are di rected, the law holds them responsible until they hare settled the bills, and ordered them discontinued. 4. If subscribers remove to other places without Informing the vnbllkhcr, and thsaewspapcrs are sent to the farmer direction, they are heU respenslble. 6. The Courts ha JocWs-I that refuting to take newspapers from this office, or lercovliiR and leav ing them uncalled for, is prima facie evidence of in tentional frau'l. 6. The postmaster who neglects to rive legal no tice of the neglect of a person to take f.-om tho office the newspaper addressed to him, Is liable to the pub lisher for the subscription price. HOW SHE nTRED IHJI. It was late in tho afternoon when Brown was going homo, and ho solilo quized thus: "Herol ha! Premised to be homo early, and think I'm apt to be d d early. Hope the little girl won't bo melantholy. I hate melancholy company after good fellows' society, and I don't know she's been melan choly of late a good deal. Used to bo awfully jolly. "Wonder what's the jnattori Everything's all right, if she'd j only think so. Well, here I am home. Door locked, bad prospect. Pull down your vest, straighten upl Didn't mean to bo so lato. Ring the boll for Sarah! Ah! Deary, sorry I'm late; couldn't Lelp it" "That's all right, Brown," sho replies cherrily, "conio in. "Wo had such a splendid time. I want to tell you about it. Come right into the dining-room, like a real good fellow as you used to be. Why, you ain't half tho boon companion you were once, and Bob Fletcher said tho same thing to night He's just gone away. What a funny fellow ho is! Taught mo to play bean poker while ho waited for you. S2e, there's tho beans on tho ta ble yet, and the cards too. I was just going to put them away when you rang. I do like it so much, and they all do it Sit down and have a game. I'm sure I can beat you, for I don't be lieve you're half as well posted as he is. Cut for deal mine aco high. Ante up, old man. There you are. Til take two. Well I'll stand." 'Til bet you two." "Fll see your two and go you five better." "All right, call your hand." "Two pair aces and trays." 'Well, Brown, Til rake in tho pot Jolly, ain't it? Bob had a little sherry before ha went home, and you seem tired, so you shall have somo too, and, ns Bob said, I won't let you drink alone, so just a spoonful to keep you in countenance. Now, shall we have just VUV U,tilO Til icl mn WIint,"An!iidJndirmpnr. as attornsv'a fees an.! de- Pll play you a game of big pedro for for let me see for a new pullback silk, of course against 20. I've only got one twenty, so I risk more tlian you do. What do you say? "Say? WJiy, you can have a dress if you want it Confound Bob and his play. I don't want you to gamble for your clothes." "Oh, fudge, Brown, come on. It's fun you know. Take another glass of sherry and let's retire." "No, d d if I do. Let's go to bed without the sherry or the pedro either." Brown never goes out any more, but enjoys pedro at homo and waits for Bob. And Bob says he was never so surprised as when Mrs. Brown asked him to teach her poker. Of course, he couldn't refuse. An actual incident of San Francisco life. Ex. - DON'T FORGET IT. If youaro troubled with nervousness, are disheartened, tired of life, fear death or feel out of sorts as tho saying is, you may safely conclude that you have tho dyspepsia or Liver Complaint Tho liver is very apt to become torpid this season of the year as poisons aris ing from stagnant water or decaying vegetation are moro numerous and are through inhalation taken into the blood. "Unless the liver is strong and active, and furnishes a supply of fresh and pure blood to drive out the impurities, tho nbovo mentioned symptoms surely follow, and if not heeded, end in .moro terrililo diseases and death. White's Prairie Flower proves itself the Great ""Tm Ttl fl"'"Ti on thp livpr is different from any other medicine over compounded. Its cures are truly wonderful. Try it Price twenty-five cents and seventy-five cents. For salo by E, C. Brooks. Piaxo or Organ for Sale. Par ties desiring to purchase either a piano or organ will do well to call at this of fice before buying elsewhere. Tho in struments aro warranted first-class in every particular and tho terms very reasonable. The National Gold Medal was awarded to Eradley & Itulofson for the best photographs in tho United States, and tho Vienna Medal for the best in tho -world. 429 Montgomery Street San Francisco. To The Ladies. Mrs. N. J. Mc Pherson is prepared to do all kinds of ' Bowing. The making of ladies' and children's clothing is made a speciality. Booms in Orth's building, up-stairs, next door to "Times" office. Jack for Sale. Sheriff Bybee of fers ono of his lino thoroughbred Jacks for sale, or will trado for either hogs, sheep or cattle. SHERIFF'S SALE. BY VIRTUE 01? AN EXECUTION AND order olaledn!y Issued oat cf the Circuit Court of tlie State of Orepon, for Jackson coua ty , oa tho 13th day of ilarch I8T9, up on a judgement and decree in favor cf Mary Berry, and against B. BGrifflu, Sally Grif fin and Josephine GriQin for the earn of $1,139.82 gold coin of the United States with interest at the rate of one pr cent, per month in like gold coin from February 21, 1879, and the further turns of SS9 8G gold coin with interest at the rate of one per cent, per month from the 21st day of February 1879, and $122 9C and the further sura of $11 85 costs and disbursement, and the ac cruing coslf, and to me directed and deliv ered, commanding and requiring me to make legal levy and sale of the following described premises viz: The east half of the west half ofdouatiou land claim No. 4!) in township SS S It 2 W being the east half of that part of said donation claim est apart to the said Sally Griffin, and the whole of said dona tion claim being bounded and described as follow: to wit: Beginning at the north west corner from which a B oak 13 inches in diamter bears S 37 E 28 linke; A B oak 20 inches in diameter N 21 E OS links; A B oak 20 inches in diamofcr bears S S3 W 12 links; Thence cast 111,00 chains; South 80 chains; West 49 chains; North 40 chains; West 02 chains and North 40 chains to the place of beginning; to satisfy the above named de mands iu puruanie to said above requir ments. I have levied upon and will offer for sale for cash in U. S gold coin at public auction to the highest bidder, at the Court .House door in Jacksonville, Jackson county. Oregon, oa Saturday tnc lutn day of Jay, 1879,'Et-one o'cicck p m. ofsflid day, all tkfc right title and interest of tho Defendants B. B.Gritan, Sally GrilSa and Josephine Grif fin in and to tho above described premises. Levied upon as the property of the above named D.fendant3 B. B. GriQu and Sally Griffin, to satisfy the demands of the above named execution. Dited this 31st day of March 1879. WILLIAM BVBEE, Sheriff, Jackson Co., Ogn. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Couit of the Slate of gon, for the county of Josephine 33. Ore- H. F. Simon plaintiff vs. Israel Dietrich mA Adeline Dietrich Lis wife and Charles Hartson defendants Suit in Equity to foreclose a mortgage- To Israel Dietrbb, Adeline Dietrich and Charles Hartson defendant': In the name of the State of Oregon, yon are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed aga'nst you iu the ubove entitled suit, within ten days from the dale of the service of this Summons upon you, if served within this County, or, if served in any other county in this State, then within twenty days from the date of the rer. vice of this Summons upon you, or if Ber ved by publication, or, cut of the State of Oregon, then by the first day of the term ol this Court, following: such services, viz. April SSlli, 1S79. And if you fail to answer, for want there of Plaintiff will take judgment against you Israel Dietrich for S309 41 gold coin with interest at I per cent, per month from Stpt. 22d, 1876 less S4. and b'13 costs and dis bursements in this suit. And a decree against all of you defendants foreclosing plaintilf's mortgage on the N W J of N V M, Section 25 T 40 S, R 9 V, and for the sale thereof to satisfy said iudgment, and ten ner cent, additional on the whole amount j. . .'..;.... - . .. daring plnmtills saiu mortgage 2 pno.1 litn to thot of defendant Charles Hartnon's de cree of said court. Published by order of lion, H. ILKanna Judg-e of said court. Made February 1 9th, 1875. E B WATSON ttorcey for Plaintiff. SUMMONS. Justice doart for the precinct of Ksrbyville. State of Oregon", county of Josephine ss J. Wimer & Sons 1 civil action to recover T3. v money. Jerome Murry, J TO Jerome Murry, the above named De fendant: In the name cf the State of Oregon you nre hereby required to appear before tho undersigned, a Justice of the Peace for the precinct aforesaid on the 6th day of May. 1879, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon cf ssid day, at the offiee of said justice in Raid precinct, to answer the above named Plaintiff in a civil action. The Defendant will teke notice lhat if he fail to answer the complaint herein the Plaintifwill take judgement against him for the sam of $70 9G and costs and expenses. Given under my hand this 12th day of March. 1879. By oroer of the Court. JAMSS W. BA1NE, Justice of Peaw, Kotbyvilte, March 22, 1G79. " R'otlce of rinal Settlement. In the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Jackson, sitting" in pro bale on March 20tb, 1679. In the nutter of the estate of J. L. Louden, deceased. jAX MULLER, ADMINISTEA IVI tor of said estate, 'jtiving Sled iasaid Court his final account for rettleascnt, and time for hearing the farce, therefore notice is hereby given that said final account will be heard and determined in said Court en Tuesday, May 6. 1879, at 10 o'clock a. it., at which time all persoos having any object, tions to said final acconnt and settlement must then and there make the same. Published in the Obroo.v Sentinri. for four consecutive weeks by order of Hon S Day, County indue. E B WATSON, Clerk Executor's Jjotiee In the matter of the estate of tcob Miller, aeceased. EVJOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN 1 M that the undersigned has been ap pointed by the County Court of Josephine county, Oregon, sitting in probate, Execu tors of the estate of Jacob Miller, de ceased. All persons indebtedto said esfate are re quested to nettle the same immediately, and those having claims against the estate will present them with the proper vouchers to me at my residence in Jump Off Joe precinct Josephine connty, Oregon, within six months after the first publication of this notice. JOANNA MILLER, Executor of said estate; Dated March 2-1 th, 1879. P3f3L 2EJ S CRXprpXOKrs carefully prepared at JLAULKU DKOS. Biy JJEt-S- DESCBIPTI0X OP CUT- tvij iVi BtUC KUCttf VJ UILLEES. THE OLD FAVORITE FEHOTGEH'S MIKS. fsjeaii ILL STAND THE ENSUING season ol 1870, commencing April 1st and ending July 1st at the UNEON LSVERY STABLE Jacksonville, reserving to go info the conn try B3 often ns necessary for the accommo dation of customers. Should any mare be brought to the stable in h'i3 absence they will be fed ami carrd for without charge to the owner nntil his retoyi. Pasturmp. fenished nt moderate rates for tbo-e desiring it. Mike will be in charge of Jack Mont gomery, nn experienced horseman, during the season. TERMS For the season, 820; payable in cash or groin nt harvest. J. A UA11DWELL. The Thoroughbred Trotting STALLION SIM WALTER,. WILL MAKE THE ENSUING SEASON in Jackson county, at my stable in Jacksonville, near the Court House, where he will be every day in the week excepting Thursdays, on which days he will bo at Phil lips' stable at Ashland. Ttnus S25 for the siason, payablo nt the end thereof in gold coin, or by note with ap proved warily. Good pasturage furnished marcs from n distance at $2 per month. Tae best of care aesurcd, but no respoiielbilily assumed for accld DESCRIPTION AND TED1GREE. Sir Walter is nine years old this Spring. 1CJ- bandj Liirb. weighs 1,250 pounds, is a coal bUck ami a very fast trotter. He has a RECORD OP 2:35, Jnd has mado other performances of cqnnl note pi nee his arrival in this st-ciion. -Sir Walter was tired by Marion, he by Mcmbri no Chief, he by Membrino Paynwtcr. he I17 Membrino. he by imported Jlcscnger. His dam a Long IUnd Itlackhawk marc. She was sired by the noted trottir Andrew Jack son, sire or Henry Clay, the progenitor of tbp Clay family of tr" iters His first dam, Sally Miller by M--mbrino. son cf Iraportcd Messenger; Andrew Jackson Ijr Young 11a shaw and he by imported Grand Bashaw. For further particulars enquire of G. W.SJ'IH'IIENSON. - NOTICE TO&e&S&XEN Yfcc Slicrovighbrod Stallion SCAtViPERDOWIM TIIIS THOROUGHBRED '5TALLIOII will stand the ensuing season, commenc ing April 1st and ending July 1st as follows: Monday?, Tuesdays and Wednesdays at tun stable of J. 7. .Vanning in JeokVonvilte, and the remainder of the week at our stable nsar7crt Lans. Tkkks: For tbo seaon S35. Grain end other marketable produce taken nt csh prices. pS-Pasturage famished. BOOTH & OI.OUGH. EXCELSIOR LIVBRI291KD FEED Corner of Oekoos Asn Cauforsu bts., JACKsoNvrii?. W. 5". EUStiR&ZS, Prop'r. W'OULD Ri'SrBCTFULI.V IHF0RM THE PUB llc that he has a fine stock of Horses, Etiggics and Carriages And he la prepared to famish hli patrons and the pub Uc generally with r' Fine Tcmcizts 1 Aa can be had oa tho TtMc ccat. Srjiih ijorsos hired to gs to any part of the cocntry . Animals Eoglii autl SW. Horses broke to work single or docble. Ilcrsej boarded and the best of care bestowed npon tbera while in my charge. A liberal share of the public patronage U'solidtcJ en reasonable terms. UNION LIVERY SALE AHbIJIEXC HAN GE Sr3ar-2UES:irC-i'EH3a Corner 4tU and California Sts JACKSONVILLE, OESaOK". J. A. OARDWELL PROPRIETOR; mnE rnopRiETOR nis l inUy rebuilt and rentted this veil known establishment, and has raade extensiTe and comfortable iMI. tions thereto. I hare the Tory best horses, bumrles and livery turnouts of all kinds. My stock or roads ters cannot bo excelled ia tho State. Horses Boarded On reasonable terms, and the best of care and atton- tlon Also uojiuiveu opon incm wntle under my charge Horses Bought and Sold. I am satisfied that I can rira llfi-ln .! RS.'iKf-.Sf.-.'S,, -.TV"h '.W' JPreio I taTe no hesitation la soliciting patronage. via &?s m km ffv&tfy fX Horsemen Look to Your interests ! ! . PRICES K.SDTJCED . THE, IMPORTED PEECHEEON STALLION 4$yVx,"! Pride of Percbe. . L-r-aw:WBr;nr- Jf JDxXKt VJS&-VXlf-'i PKEDE OF PEECHE. WILL MAKE THE SEASON BEGINNING APRIL FIRST AND CON-, tinue till Jaly 1st: Tuesdays asd Wednesdays at the livery stable of V. J. Plymale in Jacksonville, and Monday A M, Thursday and Saturday of each week ut my stables near Ashland. The first importpd French stallion thai came west of the AlIeghiTiics came into Union county, Ohio, in 1851. This horse was called LOUIS NAPOLEON and showed tHfe great value of this stock. Up to 1SG9 ihere were sucty.two wore imported into the Unit ed States, and in the last ten ycara there have been five hundred and sixty-six imported. Some coantiSMo Ohio and Illinois give business to from twelve to fifteen imported stal- liono, trades. ''"riie gradfs ot-this stoclre now soio;j'rn1ohi?nTfego-Mid New ToVi markers and readily brin; from Rfty to seventy five per cent more than the common slock of work horse. Tbi above show the reputation this slock lws where they have had over a quar ter of a century 'h experience with them. See the money brousht into this connty by the sale of WHITE PRINCE colts and fil lie". There have bsenjorty fire ht-ad sold and taken out of this county which brought 513, 317, an pvcrage price of near 296 each. They were mostly sold when under two years old many of them nt weaning time. They were taken to California, Eastern Oregon, Washington and Idaho Territories. Favorable reports have come from oil, and in several ir.slancf-8 the purchasers have ordered or came and bought moro. WHITE PRINCE ba3 not made a reason here since 1873. Every besinesi mm knows that large, well formed horses have always been in demand at good pricss, Thtre has been a good deal said that the Percheron stock that I have introduced on this coast at great cost wis a failure, n humbug, and did not suit the wants of farmers and teamslcrs, &c These parties that give currency nod credit to the above are. ro doubt, interested in some other stock and never owned or gave the Pcrcherons a inai Hear what itK'.iADt.'? mrx, that are well W, the unilcrsleiifl. Laying bred, owned or nsedcolta sired Ljtbe imported Tercherun homes tntro- unco'l Iliu-urrjuil u n .u. 3ITer(OIAUlMia,DCIleYe STATE. Mthiee Ire! here all ehavr their oritrin In make-np, irilh good lione, fine form, kind dfopmition enoneh toworkglro ko,1 iwUsfictbn ou the timi or highest .rices for wLIch work horses are sold. The 1 erctierou muou. In vlewof these facta thero can ho no'donht that a Tainable improvement of our common stocky and add to tho financial interests cf the country . S. VsnDjke, Jn. 8aa-e, P. Dunn. IV. F. Sonner. A. Martin, ffm. Kar, C. F. Blake, O V. Fordyce, F. Ileber, 8. Orubb, S. C Tajlor, Juhn Mnrphy, 1 . Oupman, A. F.Kaudali, V. O. liishop. E. (lo.f. D. Penirer L. I conld Mith fha above get like endorsements from partite that lure bred or owned yonn st.jcx from ray horses in Cabfjrnia, TJrapqna and Willamette Talleys,-antem Oregon, Vashlnton, Idaho and Montana J.niiiuiic3 nil'- uuw-u AJIUKIUJR. PRISE OF rtllCIIK-nu elected in Francs br (Tie then l.ad23 years experience with this slock) and 1 ranee, uu produce iu uiu stale mow mm :o t-e a AKABIANEOT and E0ET1V BTTT.SS will ewh ARaBIAII BOY 535 to Insure. B0SBY ETJaNS, tlie Shetland, $15 to Insure rastaragc- 62 1-2 cents per week; will nso duo tare tut ill not be liable for acci lnts or escapes. Ashland, March 2Glh,187D. '- -wwii ii.J!L. BAOK A.T THE OJLD STAJSTJD Mneage Medinetitem San i K" - AT THE HAW FTAVING DETERMITCEn Tfl jiatvtjtv Triii! pnTTtnv nvnvrnvrtvv li. occupifdby mo as the largest 1UJTA1L UExVLEU in Southern Oregon, I take mis iiieuua m aunouccin-r iLai 1 am now displaying the LARGEST ID BEST STOCK North of San Francisco consisting of n Pics Stoeli of GENJ"S' AMD BOYS' CLOTHING, KATS &. GAPS MiSB' ABB mtS FDMSHfflfi SOOBS, ,: SS.USJKS' "ASISSS, Stc, rx!$oi3 s"rPaKcd bJ non8 in Ibe co'in'y and will bo sold at low pricc3 to SUIT THE JlilES.'- xl Bhatl continue to be my r.iru to givs J , She SSost G-Qods for tfee Seast SSoaey. and to place before my patrons a variety of articles not to be found in eny other house. it 13 cot rty intention to miab&d the prbllo by advertisinjr G00&3 1 cannot produce upon incury bdt to give 7a!ue received in every instance. A call from every purchaser at my old stand lis soltciteo. jf . FISHER. r -- Tl ANCO -AMERliDAN B0TE9-& sill BESTADRAST r KV.S-.A ANIAOENERAL STAdEEOUSE, -t" '. Opposite Odd FeL'oe' Hall, JAcicsonrvir.i!: orecojj. IVDAMIil HOLT, w, Proprietress. THAKELEK3 AND EESIDEXT BOAKDERS win fln'l the most coiofortablo lodgings at cbis house to be met with anywhere in this part of the State. - Tjie Beds and Bedding JVM always be found of first-class character end krrtlq a naat and clean condition, while - A ir-Fbe llooms are newly fnrnifhed and will always be kept In neat and home like condition. A plentiful supply of the best of everything the market a&brda will be V Spread on" , Her Taole. Her house will bo kept open all night, and "SQUARE HEALS" con be obtained at any hour of the day or night. OYSTERS "PREPARED TV Jv EATERY STYLE, $gj And lasc Jes'to behad at any time. Stago passen gers and others who may bo out late at night, can al ways find a good fire, hot' meals and good beds at this house. No trouMe will bo spared to deserve tho patronage of thotrayelllasaj- well as the permanent commu nity. Give mc a call. -- j . .. ..... bite Kerne and foal. knwn in this count v. sav on this matter: mn sincKTa be a v aluaul-k AUltulMTlua TUUUIt a. VKKV MARKED D (HIKE. I.arin" ,1 snimrn. anlid and gwd Action tor animals of thli size. Thate old rrculM team Kmmals.anl And a ready market at the proJcce fioui the hair-Mum!, colts and fillies, show tho the Introduction of the Percheron has and will cause tho sasio nartr that brmnrht out old rnt Kannlnnn was purchased from ono of the bost breeders Li .o. i stocc liorso. serve a United cumber of mires and bo at my stables. Et2EC3TV5KercrI3rC5'3 Mms - j . ........ VlJ-rV FMM3E& I - - STORE OF mrr-rrr-'n T3P-S gjJcaliJfe, SLIC: OF GEIML MERCHANDISE :y mo. 11 ISSAELBHRS ST., Precis all Chronic nna Special Diseases "S"OXTXrC5r- HJH3Sr WHO MAY I5E SUFFERING FROM the effects of youthful follies or indis cretion, will do well to avail themselves of tiiia, the greatest boon ever laid at the altir of suffering humanity. DR. S1MNNEY will jiarantee to forfeit $500 for every case of Seminal weakness or private disease of any kind or character which be undertakes and fails to cure. MIDDLE-AGED MEN There are many nt the agebf thirty to sixty who are troubled with too frequent ev acuation of the bladder, often accompanied by a slight smarting or burning sensation, and a weakening of the system in a mnuner the patient cannot account for. On examin ing the uriuary deposits t ropy sediment will often be found and sometimes email particles of albumen will appear, or the color will be of a thin milkish hue, again changing to a dark and torpid appearance There are many men who die of this diffi culty ignorant of the cause which is the sec ond stage of seminal weakness Dr. S. will guarantee a perfect cure in all such cases, and a healthy restoration of the Ecnito-uri-nary organs. OrFicn Hocits 10 to i and 6 to 8. Sun days from 10 to 12 a. m. Consultation free Thorough examinations and advice, $5. Call oriaddress, DR. SPINNEY & CO. No 11 Scarney St., San Francisco. 3EEEX3 -80.000 SMITH'S ORGANS. NOW IN USE- ;AT Are now TAKING THE LEAD OVER AT.T. nTTTTCPS ,,. Brilliancy, Sweetness of Tone, IWFIGE. Hon can Su7 a FIRST CLASS PIANO OR. ORGAN CHEAPER Of me than ANY OTHER DEALER in the business, becauso I sell nt ".VIIOLESALE PRICES FOR CASH, and at a slight advanco wliero sold on EASY INSTAI ZLMENTS. Agents and Piano Tramps who make LARGE PROFITS are requested to open their batteries UPON MB or my INSTRU MENTS at once. The public will soon ascertain it is to TIIEIR AT VANTAGE to givo mo a call, ana find that aiY PIANOS AND OR GANS WILL WEAR AS WELL, keep in tuno as long, and SAVE money; for the purchaser. Don't bo fooled or humbugged by any thing you hear. "Tulk is cheap" (usually.) Tho man or woman who is talked into paying exorbitant prices, pays very dear" BEST OF REFER ENCES GIVEN AD SATISFAC TION GUARANTEED. JgTSend for special information to JAS. S. SMITH, 575 M-utKirr St., San Francisco. rT?157' A T? IT ('f Circn's"1 'om LJIJ 11 JXHiiil lRJtrum'Tiw. Scud are entirely d'.oiuterCi'leJ. AddrcS3 RjSIDKNCC 1700 Stockton St. S. F. ?Wi WWM BUST WACWMtf IIW IS MANUFACTURED BY PISH B'fI RACINE, WIS, WE MAKE EVERY VARIETY OF Beiii, noun And ty ccnSuing ourselves etcictly to one clags of work: by emplo;i33 soaa i I tij BEST OF WO&KMEiV, Utlng notbiog but FIRST-OLASSIMPmrEBMACHIjYERTana ' - VERY BEST OF SELECTED T)Jd. . ", And by 0 TnOUOUGH KNOWLEDGE of ft tawnean, w 1t justly (wteeu ue r r. tion of craklug "THE BEST WAGON CM WWEEI,.'" VTc give the following warranty with each wag-on; Wo Horeby Warrant the FISH BROS. WAGON No to bo well mte la 7c. particular iiud of good material, and that the strength oftheeame la mfllcient foral1 work with fair usage. Should any breakage occur within one jear from thia date by reason of defective material or workmanhip, repairs fur tho Fame will bo fj-rclahed at place of cale. free of charRe, or tho price or said rroair.', m per ascent's pri'- will bo pajd in cash by the purchaser producing a sample of tho broken or defective parta m evidence. Eacine, Wis., Jan, 1st, 1S79, J Knowloe we can mil von. we solicit States Bend for Prico and Terms, ;atm iu GRAY'S SPECIFIC MEDICIKE. TRADE MARK. r,THE C R E A T ENCLIS REM ED TRADE VARJC. ?S an unfailing cure Air Sper mnt orrhea. seminal wralr- Before' Taking nes?, Impo-After Takinff tency, and all diseases that follow as a ee qnenceof Self-abuse; as loss of Memory Universal Lassitude. Pain in the Back Dimness of Vision, Premature Old Age and many other Diseases that lead to Insan ity or Consumption and a Premature Grave. CSy-FuIl particulars in onr pamphlet, which we desire to send free by mail to everyone. JSJTha Specific Medicine is sold by all droits at SI per package, or six packages for S5, or will be sent free by mail on receipt of tho money by addressing Tlir, CE.VY IIEDIC1XE CO., No. 10 Mechanics' Block, Detroit, Mich. t,SoId In Jacksonville by all druggists and by all wholesale nd retail druggists everywhere. "WiJLUjQ.ROPrHOAnPENTEKa'ANDTVA i. Boa-maiers' toola for nle by J0IIN MILLER. M& 'y m.'.f i".r-,T fe!!? BUMJCJOTON m Durability and General Finbh mm p& m;:i In order to introduce TJTT""!' MAGNIFICENT PIANOS ci Coast, I have put tho pricr3 I LOWER than other FIRiI C : -3 r jUAivivKb, and as I do not pre- ocj xo mako any agents, (who gcnercil e tort largo profits from tha cocsunnr 1 expect to be severely handled by d j persons in the Piano basinota. Tho lupfcerifcls toed in tV!r en struciloa ate of the 'VERY L. ' 2 I.Lid, and the wood thorough! -. -v-soned. Tkey are" nbeteatifciiy &M DURABILITY, TOIF? wd t" i power of MAINTAZSIrfa Vf1- 1 LONGJ?R tiu-. &r.7 cA,- rr.c r. ...0, are the chtrcterltic8 of these icaUc ment3. 1))o greatt. poeeiblc attentk- i given to thoir tots and ter.33,. have no hesitancy in offsriag v.:e 1 the public m FEBST-CLAIW PL.-' . 5 in every respect, jmd vumzit iL;.- - ntaari in any ciimato. Ii;vak who ere jrnlotig ol 117 tr.-.n-r' .. -j for rttiW, sod w whet Uiusa .;!; I A C 5 -0$ J-riWi W .. t4 i . 575 MARKET SV. ud snik i f TiTrra fl T?rn Enwis n. Fni f FISH BROS CL. Datroanire from oTir .VclJon of VI uud for a copy cf our AfirTftoEujKAii 1i$k FISH BROS & CO., RACINE. WIS. naaanjiui nrii 'irrp es-tsl 7&Krasrararr5 Si.VlK!6a & 'iyS2kZZZH Tt(tomctjotait, Xortvnd , OIr:Gof. And Jacksonville, Oregon GIBBS & STEARSwill attend to all business in Portland.