Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, April 02, 1879, Image 3

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April 2,1879
!S. M. Pettengil! & Co New York
JQeo. P. Rowcll & Co '. . Now York
IEowpII .t ChecBman St. Im:s
, P. Fisher , San Francsco
ID. II. Stearm Portland
Jttlllom Directory.
M. E. Cucrcu. llelfciotu services ev-
ftty Sunday at fip u?nal hours, hv the Rev-
erpnils M. a . illiams, D. A. Crowell ami
CATnni.io Srrvices. Services will he
eld nt the Catholic Church io this place
very Sunday at the usual hnn'8 in the
mnrninsr nnd evening, Rev. Father Ulaa
chet ofUciatinpr.
M. E. Scndav Scnnnr,. R-cnlr meet
ng every Sanday afternoon at 2 o'clock
Catholic Sunday School. Tlccnlar
meetinj every Sunday afternoon nt 2
Found. On Sunday evpning, by
Mr. Berthold Hostel, a lady's black
ace veil. JLlie owner can nnu it at
is office no chorees.
The Cantos Boad CUfc-Judgg
Iistrict, has notinea'j
Messrs. "Willis and Abrahams to ap
pear and answer by April 10th, wheth
er or not they have any monies in
their hands belonging to the Canyon
Road Company.
.New Hotel. Charley Savage has
quite a force at work fitting up the
New State Hotel, and will be ready
for customers in a couple of weeks.
He promises splendid beds, comfort
able, clean rooms, and square meals.
See if he don't keep that promise.
Appleoate Mail. Po&trnaster Mul
lerhas received a letter from the De
partment requesting a diagram of the
new routo between Jacksonville and
"Wright's, on Applegate. Service on
the route will probably not commence
until July 1st, the commencement of
the fiscal year.
Being Overhauled. The Little
Butte Flouring Mill, now the property
of Daley fc Son, is being thoroughly
overhauled so as to bo in perfect order
for the milling season. The flour man
ufactured at this mill is of thevery high
est standard and enjoys a reputation
second to none in this valley.
AmateurDramaUc Company have post
poned their first entertainments until
the two Saturday evening, 12th
and 19 th inst. They will positively
play on those evenings and the public
msctatreat a? there is consider-
We 0i,el3arJ
to see them liberally patronized,
"" - I
Stock Released. IL M. Garrett"
mii! contractor on the route between
Jacksonville and Crescent City, whose
stock was wrongfully attached by cred
itors of a former contractor, won his
suit at Crescent City last week. Mr.
Garrett was at considerable expense
and inconvenience and, we understand,
will commence suit for damages. He
should certainly have a remedy.
HiGn Wateb. The recent heavy
storm raised the waters of the large
streams in Josephine county higher
than they have been for the past twelve
years. Sucker creek was so high that
it washed over the levee at Gov. Brigg's
ranch, flooding a large portion of his
land, but doing no serious damage.
Illinois river was booming and in some
places did considerable damago to
ranches in Illinois valley.
Challenge to Foot-kacers. "We
arc authorized to say that Henry Mcn-
Bor, of this city, challenges any runner
in Jackson, Josephine and Lake coun
ties (Messrs. Stow and Bobcrt's iuclud
cd) to run one hundred 3"arils at Jack
sonville, .on the 1st day of May, for a
purse of one hundred dollars a side.
Twenty-five dollars forfeit to be put up
by April 20th. We take some of that.
Henry's address is Jacksonville.
Odd Fcllow's Celebration. The
Jacksonville Lodsro. iro. UTY. have
determined to havo a celebration on
f '
the 25th inst. and a public ball on the
evening of tho same day. The mem
liers of Kerbyville and Ashland
Iiodgcs havo been invited to partici
pate and no doubt some of their mem
bers will attend. A general invitation
to tho ball, is of course, extended to
the public and a pleasant time may be
anticipated as thi3 Order generally do
such things in a handsome way. Fur
ther particulars next week.
Mine Sold. Wo are glad to note
tliat tho quartz lode, partially prospect
ed by Beekman, Fisher and Klippel,
and located on the land of Oscar Gan
iard, has been purchased by Mr. H. P.
Macnevin, of Virginia city. This
lode is a continuation of the famous
Gold Hill mine and lies on tho North
sido of Rogue river. Mr. Macnevin is
a quartz minor of thirty years experi
ence in Mexico, Arizona and Nevada,
and will prospect tho property thor
oughly during the coming summer.
If thedevelopcmentsare favorable they
will give a new start to mining opera
tions in Southern Oregon.
Bees busy.
John Neil still sick.
Bead the outside to-day.
Flour 20 per thousand.
"Weather soft and warm.
Taxes collected to date $20,000.
Joe Clcugh returned from Silver
Chew Jackson's Best Sweet Navy
County Commissioners meet next
Mr. John Bolt was in town Mon
day genial as ever.
Evan Beamcs is in San Francisco
purchasing a fine stock of goods.
The air is full of fragrance, nearly
all the fruit trees being in bloom.
Green Bros, have sold their store on
Galice creek to Henry Smith of Wolf
The Green Bros, are still running
two arastras and their rock is yielding
big returns.
Eead the notice of Max Muller, ad
ministrator of the cstateofj. Lj'LStK
den, deceased.
The Grand Applegate Co. expect to
be piping in a month. Their water
will be unfailing.
Miners still very busy all over Jo
sephine county, generally gunning their
claims night and day.
Rev. M. C. Miller will preach in the
M. E. Church at 7:30 P. M. next Son
day. No morning service.
Geo. Schumpi has decided to build
another story on his brick this sum
mer. Jacksonville is improving.
John f . Layton is now at work in
Farris' Gulch, where his best ground
is, and will have a long run of water.
Mr. Y7. A Owen will remove his
family to Jacksonville about the 1st of
May to enjoy the benefit of our excel
lent school.
Holt is funning the walls of his
brick hotel up rapidly. He expects to
have the lower story ready for the 4th
of July ball.
Street Commissioner Young has con
structed a neat foot-bridge on Oregon
street, north of Plymale's. It lias long
been needed.
The boys on Foot's creek have plen
ty of water, and first "rights" will
probably aflcrd a supply of water all
through April.
Mr. J. W. Manning is engaged in
purchasing mules for ,the government
rim Aiulnii n nlinllf -fil'n 1
ilU UiiiUi IQilWUUb liJJtA.
Tho Ashland "third nine" are to
meet our boys here on Saturday 12th
inrt. and have a friendly game of ball.
Foot racing will also be in order.
It is reported that tho snow on Sil
ver creek, mx inches from the surface,
is paying twenty cents to the pan. Sub
scription to tho Sentinel 2.50 in ad
vance. The report that ex-Senator Mitchell
is going to Europe is untrue. He will
remain in Washington to look after
mail matters for this State until June
and then return home.
Senator Slater has introduced a bill
providing for the removal of the Uma
tilla, Warm Spring, Klamath and Siletz
reservation Indians to some point out
side theStato of Oregon.
Call at Morris Mensor's and see the
prices he has marked on his goods.
.tie proposes doing just what lie says
and is olfering goods cheaper than ever
before sold in this market.
Ladies desiring the earliest Spring
fashions, and what lady does not?
should call at tho millinerv store of
Mrs. I. W. Berry and see her styles.
She has some "Spring beauties" on
Tho Democracy who forced an extra
session of Congress at a great expense
to the country are beginning to discov
er that their action has been inconsist.
em, v.na
jluillltuii III l'pllL1.
A school meeting is to be held at
Ashland on Saturday next It is said
some of the people of that district wish
to purchase the Academy building for
the district Take our advice and run
both the district school and academy.
We notice the genial face of ex-Governor
Chadwick in town, having ar
rived on Saturday night from the North.
Tho Governor is looking through our
various mining localities, but whether
with a view to investment is not known.
Henry Mensor of this city ran two
foot races at Ashland on Saturday one
against Stough, of Ashland, eighty
yards, the other against Johnny Rob
bcrts, of Lake county. Henry beat
the former ten and tho latter two feet
John, infant son of Christian and
Alice "Ulrich, died on Saturdav night
last and was buried on Sunday after
noon in the lot of its parents in the
Odd Fellow's ground. There was a
larg funeral considering tho short notice.
Matt Dillon has just a little of that
whisky he got'direct from old Ken
tucky, and he hands it out like an
Irish prince. The style is as good as
the beverage.
Bob Garrett has an ad. in this issue.
"Safety and promptness" is his motto,
and ho is a reliable stage and express
man. Ride with him and his company
will repay your outlay.
Mr. Robt. Westrop, of Sam's valley,
is in town with his fine stallion,
"Turk." He intends making the sea
son with him here-and in Sam's valley,
and will bo well patronized.
The value of advertising is illustrat
ed by the fact that Mr. W. A. Owen
sold his band of cattle at good prices
after advertising only two weeks in the
county papers. If you have anything
to sell, advertise it.
The Squaw Lake company have fi
nally commenced piping and it is
thought their ditch will give them no
further trouble, as the weather is set
tled. They propose putting up a tele
phone line on their ditch and using the
Bell instrument
Mat Obenchain and J. W. Manning
started this morning for Roseburg with
a band of thirteen work mules for the
government service at Vancouver. The
increasing demand for-lliulcs, and their
evident scarcity, might well be sugges
tive to our stock raiseis.
Little Lilly Banister, child of R. B.
Banister, of Applegate, died last week
from the effects of drinking lye several
weeks since. The poor little thing suf
sered terribly till relieved by death, and
parents should be warned to keep lye
out of tho reach of small children.
The S. F. "Chronicle" says: "Nine
hundred Chinese coolies at Canton
were deterred from embarking for this
port by news of the Anti-Chinese bill
excitement. The incident indicates
what magnificent results would have
followed had the bill been made a law."
H. C.Owen returned to the Willam
ette on Monday. Before leaving he
filed on a portion of Third street, be
tween our office and Mr. Papa's resi
dence, as "swamp and overflowed." We
hope the trustees will defeat Owen by
draining the laud before he secures ti
tle. Mr. Chas. MoRher, of tho "Western
Star," left on Tuesday for Eoseburg to
tako charge of his paper again. Char
ley, apparently, had a very pleasant
sojourn among his fricnls here and we
hope to see him again before snow falls
as ho says ho is going to return on
'"pT'HlrflgDS.JTll'.J!. ' JE";
The Jacksonville'"thir.lnine" went to
Ashland Saturday and got badly beat
en, but flie peoi.le there did the hand
some thing by giving them a nice little
party in the evening, and it is said our
boys out stripped tho Ashland gentle
men in their attention to the ladies
which made tbing3 even.
Yesterday was "all fool's" day and
seemed to be much enjoyed by the
young folks, but tho worst case we
hear of is that of a lady who regaled
her husband on red flannel pie just as
the Spring fat-hions had arrived. If
she gete that new hat it will probably
be in the Fall style.
"Peniger's Mike" appears in full in
another place. He is regarded as one of
the very best and useful horsc3 in this
county and is a favorite with stock
raisers. His owner, Mr. J. A Card
well, has' put him in the hands of Jack
Montgomery, a thorough going horse
man who knows how to handle him.
We are sorry to say that little Mat
tie Sisley, niece of Mr. and Mrs. E. D.
Foudray, accidentally chopped one of
her toes so nearly off that it hung only
by a little piece of skin. She was
amusing herself by chopping up some
brush with an axe and unfortunately
struck her foot The little sufferer is
getting along very well however.
Mr. Clark, a new comer in this val
W.3a3 Introduced a novel feature in-
T7 w VtfiMMMM
to Jackson county farming. Every
time he comes to town ho hauls back a
load of manure. Many of our farmers
have been trying a mortgage on their
land, with poor success, and Mr. Clark
seems to prefer manure as a fertili
zer. The Mendocino (Cal.) "Dispatch,"
announces that Archie, son of Dr. T.
T. Cabaniss, formerly of Jacksonville,
is to take editorial charge of its col
umns, and he receives a high compli
ment from the HumboMt "Times" as a
writer. Wo remember "Archie" as a
very bright little hoodlum but did not
think ho would meet such a sad
"Mountain Trapper," in to-day's pa
per presents the other side of tho Rock
Point bridge case in a very strong
light. Mr. Chavner will make a stub
born contest against the erection of a
new bridge, but if the question is
viewed from a purely Democratic stand
point, the County Court may be guided
by the principle if "tho greatest good
to the greatest number.
A Hard Case. Only a couple c
weeks since John.Nyswarner, of-Phoe
nix, got married. Prior to the wed.
ding ho had discharged a brick bat at a
man's head to its great damage, but ap
peared before a justice and paid his
fine like a man. The owner of tho
head swore 'out a warrant before a
Justice in Jacksonville and it was.put
in the hands of Deputy Sheriff Caton.
For a while John sought the air of the
mountains, but coming into get mar
ried Caton heard of the event and a
week or so after the wedding the cruel
and relentless officer concluded to nip
the groom. John fled from gulch to
gulch, from mountain to mountain, the
Deputy still pursued till at last John
took refuge across the line in Califor
nia. Capt. Caton is a cruel, cruel man;
he has severed tho tie that bound tiyo
young hearts by his stern senseof duly,
but he says if John will return ho will
plead his caso before the Justice Avjth
out a fee. The case is surely a hard
one and will entitle the refugee to ihe
greatest amount of mercy.
Sign of a Scold,
Young man when
vou go to see her tako note
"morning glory" wears a red pett:
If she does, beware, for it was the
ment of Xantippe, the wickedest
on record, it is a symbol or conpi
defiance that will bring the cold s'
upon your brow. It is the flaunting
oriflamme of an amazon. It mav Te
handsome to look upon, but it means
war. Mayhap, an innocent red petti
coat may hang on tho clothc3 line and
belong to the old woman, but avoid it,
for its evil influence- is hereditary and
like the red flag of tho "Toredero" wav
ing before its victim it conceals the
sharp tongue of the vixen. While sur
veying the area covered by her feet, if
you discover the hem of a red and
flaunting garment tako a sudden pain
in your stomach, a walk, and the
advice of experience and go to see her
no more.
Judge Bellinger, of Portland, has
just sentenced J. H, McDonald and
Wm. Bell, the bunko sharps, to ten
years in the penitentiary. The former
is a prince of swindlers, and on one oc
casion at Roseburg, ho swindled a man
known as "dirty Dan" out of one hun
dred dollars, and on hearing that Dan's
wife was near confinement Ma mime'
diately gavo her tho money won from
her husband. At ono time his "cap
pers" beat an old emigrant out of fif
ty dollars and the old mah-rtook"lt so
much to heart that Mc, turned round
and gave the poor old fellow.i hundred.
'His career is now euiedjfocawand J.
Judge Bellinger is niakingPhhLself
terror to evil-doers.
.Good .fowByron.
r .?
WiiATWiff It? On Saturdav last
while at Ashland, several of our young
men, among whom were Chas. Strang
and Alven Card well, observed what
they confidently believed to have been
a balloon. It was first seen by Mr.
Strang, apparently sailing steadily in a
direction a little West of North. He
at first thought it a kite, but others
whose attention was directed to it at
once pronounced it a balloon and could
distinguish the basket swinging be
neath. The statements of the young
men are quite reliable and i thny were
not deceived somebody is "up in a bal
loon" and steering for a very inhospita
ble country.
Pbobate Court. Proceedings since
our last issue:
In the matter of estate ofE.-Sebring,
deceased. E. Jacobs administrator
was authorized to lease realfyvhelong
ing to estate. -'
In the matter of tho estate of J. L.
Louden, deceased. Max: Mullbr, ad
ministrator, files his final stctcraent
and Tuesday, May Cth, set as t me for
hearing the same.
In tho matter of the estate of " '. Nus,
deceased. J. N. T. Miller, adm
tor, files his third semi-an1
which was approved.
oUauoC -ubciiMt. 4i.uu7iii.v.,eii
- . .'
meeting is to be held On Saturda; r next,
oth inst, to vote on the question of
levying a tax to build a new' school
houso in tho Wagner Creek District.
A tax of fifteen mills was levieqi at the
annual meeting, but as '- legality
might be questioned a special roeeting
was ordered. We hope to chronicle
the success of those in favor of .the tax.
Spend your money for education judi
ciously and your children will .make
their own.
Ashland Propeutt. Assessor God
dard has just completed tho assessment
of Ashland and says that, notwith
standing the heavy loss occasioned by
the recent fire, the property valuation
of that place has onlj fallen off about
three thousand dollars. This speaks
well for the prosperity of Ashhud dur
ing the past year.
Mrs. Miller, of Josephine countyj
has been appointed Executrix of the
estate of Jacob' Miller, deceased, by the
Hon. Probate Court 'of thatxjunty.
Observe ths official announpenmnt.
iVOx I IA,
to Their
Let t!ie
People 'IjooIj
Mr. Editos. It is the duty of every
citizen to assist in guarding the inter
ests of the whole people of the county
and State ofwhich he is a j-esident
Norneed ho be untrue to himself in
doing so, for that which inures to the
interestyof one is an advantage to all
in a public point of view. These
sthoughts We suggested by an effort
now being made by certain parties in
terested in business at Rock Print to
induce the county to pay from four to
five thousand dollars to aid in the con
struction of a free bridge across Rogue
River at .that point A petition is be
ing circulated over tho county at this
timo and citizens are being importuned
to sign the same askiug the County
Commissioners to appropriate the
amount of money above named for the
purpose stated.
Be it known that Thos. Chavner has
now-a splendid new bridgo across the
river, one and a-half miles above Rock
Point, where the stages carrying the
ariWiT;' nM "ter .tiaydcross
at the most reasonable rates. And
this bridge is situated on the most di
rect route from all parts of this valley
South of Rock Point leading to the
North. The road is better in every
respect than that leading from Darda
nells to the old bridge, and it has been
rendered so by the individual enter
prise of Mr. Chavner. Every one who
has ever travelled the road knows that
near the old bridge, on the South side
of the river, it is rough and dangerous
because of its rocky condition. There
havo been enough wagons broken on
that almost impassable portion of the
road in the last five years to pay for
the construction of a bridge better than
the old one. The road on the South
side of tho river, leading to tho new
bridge, is gravelled and passable for all
manner of vehicles at all times of tho
year. Mr. Chavner has spared neither
time nor expense in making it so with
out asking the county or any one else
for a single cent Then why this effort
to add to tho heavy burden of taxation
already borne by the property owners of
the county in the construction of a free
bridge. Rock Point makes nothing in
the operation, as the road leading from
Chavner's bridgo North passes directly
through that village
So far as the people of Foot's creek
are concerned they constitute but a
small portion of the population of the
county, numbering only thirty or forty
voters, and while their interest are to
be guarded with those of other citizens
they are too magnanimous to expect all
to become subordinate to their special
and exclusive wants. If it is- inconve
nient for them to receive their mail
Rock Point they can apply fc.
nave a man oi tneir own
"bridge at
"white ele
county aulh
demneu as unsafe ly
ior tour years, ana it is located on no
county road. The location is in no re
spect equal to that where the new
bridgeisconstructed. On the North side
of the river the apron has been once
washed away, and Chavner's bridge
would be safe when the old one would
be washed away. Nor can there be
one constructed at Rock Point that
would be safe from high water except
at the heaviest cost.
Again, in regard to the people of
Foots creek : It is not especially ne
cessar that they should purchase their
goods and groceries at Rock Point
Merchants at Jacksonville sell equally
as cheap, and certainly do not feel dis
posed to bo taxed heavily to divert
trade away from themselves. I am an
old resident of this county. All my
interests are here. Not one cent of my
capital is invested elsewhere, but the
county receives taxes on every dollar I
Now, taxpayers of Jackson county, in
conclusion one more word. Our taxes
are now high. This effort to increase
the burden is in the interest of a few
individuals and not for the benefit of
the whole people. Chavner's bridge
is safe and the approaches to' it are
good. Footmen pay nothing for cross
ing, and all others cross at reasonable
rates. Be careful then when asked to
sign a petition to increase your burden,
to please the caprice of a few parties
who imagine that they can hoodwink
the public and thereby put money in
their own purses. I have too much
confidence in the Board of Countv
uiiiiiiatiiuntirs to Oelievelor a moment
that they will listen to a proposition to
swell the taxation of the people, cither
to wrong mo or to favor others.
The Old Mountain Tpjvpper.
McCarty, of Happy Camp, now lin
gering in jail at Crescent City, charg
ed with thu murder of a German miner
at the former place last Summer, is to
be tried this month. McCarty offered
a quantity of dust to John Bolt of Ap
plegate, but on finding that Mr. Bolt
recognized it as Klamath dust took it
to Uniontown and sold it to Theodoric
Cameron. The latter gentleman has
been subpoenaed as a witness.
Wm. Bybeo returned from his
claim on Rogue river on Monday, and
reports a slide in the claim, that car
ried away a quantity of pipe and caus
ed a short suspension of operations.
A partial clean up was made and the
result was far beyond Mr. Bybee's ex
pectations. Tho company will have
two months water yet.
Tako notice of Sheriff Bybee's adver
tisement of sale of real estate.-
MBiKrri su.
fc' , 'Biy.-ii,-,".,.,miaMU-uiA:
Applegate Items. Three inches of
rain has fallen in this locality since our
correspondent's last report. . . .Whoop
ing cough has made its appearance
down the river but is of a very mild
form.... Mr. Lister cut his foot very
badly on the instep one day last week
while cutting wood but is recovering
from the injuries received The
Murphy post-officO is a fixed fact, all
rumors to tho contrary notwithstand
ing. . . .Hostilities have ceased and ar
ticles of peace been signed in tho
Hickey Taylor war .... Mr. John
Brown, an old man and resident of
Rogue river, was recently crossing that
stream and about to land, when the
boat careened and threw him with
great force on his shoulders and put it
out of place he did not yell nor send
for a doctor, but right then and there
ho put it in place all by himself.
The California press if earnestly dis
cussing tho new constitution, and it is
apparent that opinion and influence is
rather against its adoption. Nearly
all the papers representing capital, such
as the "Record-Union," "Bulletin,"
"Call," "Examiner" and others are ad-
Lvorr while ammi" the country press,
representing individual thought, is
nearly equally divided. Across tho
line the Yreka "Union" is opposed to
it but concedes merit in many of iU
provisions. The, Yreka "Journal" is
in favor, finding but little to condemn,
and i3 willing to accept it as a whole.
Who says the red men are not pro
gressing in civilization! The fierc yell
of Kearney "the Chinese must go" has
been swept on the Northern breeze to
wild snow-capped mountains of Idaho;
and the Red man of that distant Terri
tory has caught the refrain. More
practical than Kearney, the Indians on
Loon creek.a tributary of Salmon, made
a raid on a Chinese camp and six of the
unfortunate heathens "went" never to
return. The same Indians may con
clude that the whites "must go," and
trouble is anticipated.
Staoes Delayed. Last week was
the first time during tho past Winter
tho stage between Jacksonville and
Waldo- was delayed or missed a trip.
The stages of the O. it C. Stage com
pany were also delayed both North
and South but regular connections are
now made on both lines, the high wa
ter having subsided.
Mining Accident. A young mau
named Curtis Miller was caved on while
rirdine creek la3t week.
et high
Fob Silver Ckeek. Wo learn from
Mr- E. Dimick, of Grant's Pass, that
there were thirty men from the classic
shades of "Long Tom" camped just
North of his place on Monday. They
were bound for Silver creek.
Leaves Jacksonville
Tuesdays and Fridays.
FirsNcIass accommodations for passen
gers. Express business promptly attended to
season nl 1870, commenciai' April
1st and ending July 1st at the
Jacksonville, reserving to go into tl.c conn
try as cften as necessary for the accommo
dation of customers. Shonld any mare be
broneht to the slahlo in his absence they
win oe lea ana cnrui inr withont chnrgc
to the owner until his return. I'a'turage
funishpd at moderate rates for those desiring
it. M'ke will be in charge of Jack Mont
gomery, an experienced horseman, daring
the season,
'I KRMS For the season, S20; payable in
cash or grain at harvest.
We are glad to announce thit Mrs.
Dr. Robinson's symptoms are a littles
better, although she is still in a critical
condition. Her sister, Miss Angio
Ford, of Salem, arrived here on Sun
day morning and has been in constant
attendance on the sufferer. Mrs. Dr.
B. A. Ford, Mrs. Robinson's mother,
arrived this morning, and it is hoped
that her presence may bo beneficial,
and there is still hope of her ultimate
Wm. Worlow has purchased a ono-
half interest in the saw-mill on Ante
lope and will hereafter attend to that
business in connection with his brother.
Executor's Notica.
In the matter of the estate of Accb Miller,
33 that the undfrsigncd has hitn niw
pointed by the County Court of J6xcphitie
county, Oregon, sitting in prob.ite. Execu
tors of the estate of Jacob Milltr, ii
ceased. All person! indebted to said wlnfe: are re
pealed to ectlle the same immediately, and
those havin-j c'aiais a?niiit Ihe estate will
present them with tho proper vouchers to
In-enhioe county, Oregon, within six montET"
after the first publication of this notice.
Executor ol said estate:
Dated March 2tth, 1970.
.Volloc of rinal SetJIcm? af.
In the Oonnty Court of the Slate of Oregon,
for the County of Jackson, sitting in pro
bate on Mirch 20:h, 1879.
In the muter of ths e3tate of J. L. Loudon,
Svl tor of faidM-itrtte, having filed in aalil
Court hia final account for settlement, and
also praying for an order for setting tho
time for hearing the same, therefore notice
w hereby given that raid final account will
be heard and ilctermincil in aaid Court on
Tii"sil.iy, May C. 1870, at 10 o'clock a. jr.,
at which time all persons having any object
t:on to said final account and fettlement
r.iut then and there make the same.
I'nblished in the Oregon Srstixfi. for
four consecutivo wwks by order of lion S
Day, County Judire.
E D W'ATSOX, Clerk
order oH'ale duly issued outcflhc Circuit
Court cf the State of Oregon, for Jcl:sou
cou i ly . on the 13th i'ny of March 18;f. nrf
oii a judgement ami dicroe in favor of Mary
Berry, and nSaiiit B. B.;GritIiu, Silly Grif
fin and" Josephine GritJln fur thu mm of
51,1X3 Hi gold coin or tho United States with
mtcreit m ihii rate of one pfr cent. pr
month in lik-gold coin from February 21,
1879, nod the further nuns of SSD 8( gold
coiu with interett at the rate or one p.r cent,
per month from the 2Ut day or February
1870. aud S122 UC and the further sum oV
$U 85cosUaud disbursement, and tho ac
cruing costo, and to me directed and deliv
ered. commandinir noi rpnnlrintr m 'a n..i.
lciBblevy ai.d side of tho follow in e describe!
'Ziiilta No . 43 In fntvnthin-
, Dein th ii.il hnlf nf lla ....
ol mid donation c!j!n ml nnoi ( !, m
sally Grlffl.i. and tho whole of said dona-'
liou cla:m being boundul and described
asiollow?; towit: Beginning at the north
west corner lrom which a B oik 13 inches in
diatater bears S 37 E 2S links; A B oak 20
inches in dinmster N 21 K CJ link; .V B oak
20 inches in diameter bears S 53 V 12 links;
Thence wut.lll 00 chains; South 80 chains;
West 49 chains; North -10 cbaln West C!
chains aud North 40 chains to tha plac of
b-gnning;to satWy tha abovo named da
mauds in piiru inso to said abnvo reqnlr
ineuts. I havo levied upon and will oirer for
tain for cash in U. S gold coin at public
uujtion to ihe highest bidder, at tho Court
Houso door in Jacki-ouTille, Jackson county,
Oregon, on Saturday tho 10th day or Vay,
IS7U, at one o'clock r M. or said day. all tho
fight title aud interest of tho Defendants B.
B.Unfflj.Sally Gr.ffi.i and Josephine Cre
tin in and to the above described premises,
l.ovied urQ as ths property or tho abovu
named Defendants B. . Grifflu and Sally
UiilHu, to entkfy the demands or the above
named cwcutioj.
Bated this 31st diy of March 1S73.
Sheriff, JackonUo 0n.
Is tho placo to go for any tiling in
the Iiaril ware lino. lie has a largo
ami superior stock of Rifles, SIiQt
Gnus and Sporting Material, aud
in fact every tiling from an Anvil
to a
Kov. Ho sells at LESS than Bod'
rock prices FOR UASII, and all
tlioso purchasing Building Hard
ware, Tools of every kind, PainK
Glass, Cordage, Brushes &c, havo
That he is determined to under
sell any ono in tho market, and
people who wish CJutler, Quartz
or Spy Glasses, or anything mado
of iron,
. IE
Fact people from every placo or
"Will find that he meaii3 husirics?,
and will get bargais by calling
on him before going elsewhere.
Opposite Dr Jackson's
Caltingv Gltinz, cleaning nnd repairing
promptly done ot lowest living rates. AIo
agent for the
Sfafjer Ecwinj Hachincs
Will aho clean ond repair all kinds nf
sewing machines.
Jacksonville. Kt. 12, 1 W.
careiniiy prep ircu nt
li. vr m:iis