wj..'1 "myai i Oregon sentinel Oregon sentinel 1 V r PUBLISHED WEDNESDAYS AT J1CKS01TILLB. ACKSOX COUNTi, ORECON BT KRAUSE & TURNER. TERMS: One copy. Per Venr, In advance, S3 00 VOJk XXIV-WOx 12. E.h--.aju rraEZB2VjyWJ'SJJUJMJlJ,;i.&'Sriy'X PROFESSIONAL CARDS. J. W, ROBINSON, M. D. . "pHYSICIAK AND SURGEON, JACKSONVILLE, OREGON. 'Odce on Califnrnlarir.. opposite r.J.Eyan's. Jlesldince tit 11. F. DobcU's. "MRS. DR. ELLA FORD ROBINSON, JACU3S VIW.B, OREGON, DISEASES jOOMEN A SPECI-AW. OFFICE AN1 B. F. Dowell'i KFICE AND RESIDENOE AT L. DANFORTII, M. D., "pHYSIOIAN AND SURGEON Jacksonville, oeegon. 'Crlce on Calirnrnl'. "treat, oppoUo P. J.-Ttynn"s store. Calls promptly atteslcd to, dy or niglit. G. II. AIKEN, M. D., .pSYSlCIiU AND SUSGS0N, v. JACKSONVILLE, OEEGON. S83-0fT.ee opposite T. J. lty-in's store. MARTIN Y ROOM AN, M. D. DHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, JACKSONVILLE, OREGON. "Yrirtmanco-ncsliero with the Intention of per-mA-iintly lncitlnr hlitwlf In the practice of his prole.l in, In a sralinte, nl. from twenty seven veirs experience In tne -li.case. incident to this Cu-ut, flitters'tlmvlf as being able to gtre cnenl satisfaction. OGlcc at Kalilcr Bro's Drug Store. CHAS. J. HOWARD, QUNTY-ANI) .MINER L SURVEYOR. . .l- "j-, i. . . JACKSONVILLE,' OEEGON. r sspiompllha UuiKU to. jf ' JB i T . '- 1 tuuiMjLa E.'iifAUrENum'n, A TT0HIIEY-AT-LAW. JACKSONVILLE, OREGON. Vlll -rm-ilcr m nil the Omuls ef Hie Ftstr. Prompt attend .n given to nil binlne lift in my car-. e5-Offlco In Orth'j brick building. B. F. DOWELL, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, " Jacksonville, onnooN. lllnnlnesplanl In myhinlsnill recelreprompt nttentlon. JKy-ipocUI attention ghcu to cidleo tlons. J S. HOWARD, iyrixsilLLSUEVEY0E I.B, OREGON J. f. rtOWATtn, linTlncbcen dnly eppnlntM V. S. Jlli0"al Snnerir f ir the coiintiHirjii,itrAn, Joi. plilne anilCnrrr.Stste nf Oregon will msio ut ilel.il survejs of uiiiuug claims. WILL. JACKSON, ryE.NTIS T, JACKSONVILLE, OREGON. .t.,.-- rnr.ETII KXTHCTEB AT ALL iTrtSrl. V- benrs. Lui'liliig pis nil mlnlstcrnl If desired, for which extra ' ' chsri.a Alll be made. Offlce and residence on comer of California and Fifth streets. BERTH OLD ROSTEL, Asst: SURGEON of ibe German Army AND PROFESSIONAL HAIR-CUTTER, IN ORTH'S BUILDING, -Jacksonville, ------ Oregon- 3J"The Treatment of Chronic Caes Made 0 Specially. a. o. omns. U B. ETRARNf. GIBBS & STEARNS, A TTORHEYS AND COUNSELLORS, Rooms 2 and 4 Strowbridgc'a Building, T0r.TLAND, OREGON. Will practice tn all Ocnrts of Record In the State of uregon ana w aiMiunirton xerruorr; ana pay par ticular attention to uiuiness in jreaertu uonrts. OOTO KAIILKB BROa AND CDT yOUK-OrelfOiUl'en. S-C& fefc-' gsn- W2E2" SKOUWEtT The People of (iiis YallcySave THEIR MONEY WHEN THEY CAN- BUY 2Jry-Skcrl5 nad Is'ancy-Goods GROCERIES, BOOTS A3SD SSiOES, TOBACCO & LIQUORS, AMI ALL KttD3 OF .J j 1V1ERCHANDISE ! ! FOR AI.Ii KINDS OF PIIODUCE BY GOING TO jS. ZHT;5.&jIh3LCs:n? aC2 CDib. RYAN'S BUILDING, ESest door to Pest OSe, JACKSONVILLE. OREGON. Where HteliEst Cash Prices s arc paid. ks-cuj. AD SEE us.-a 0ITY IIA1KET, CALIFORNIA ST., WILLIAH BYBEE, - Proprietor. piIIS WELL-KNOWN MARKRT. OPPO L Mte KalikrA I!ro.'i flrusittoru is bct Ipr prcpand tbaii over to furnish the pub lic wills the cloicist quality of FRESH BEEF, PORK, VEAL, - MUTTON,' H AM, SALT MEATS, UACON, PSAUSAGE, LARDEfC, t-Tbc pio.t Tii'""-' ,- 'i-"--"- - - jo patrot.j. an: no ell.nHvln ltecpareu .o ffitlil givtug gcotralgati-fiietltiti. W5I. miJI.B guy mm shop AND BATH H00MS. California St., Jacksonville, - - - Oregon THE UNDERSIGNED IS FULLY pppiretl tn An all work in bis line in the best wanner mid at rcafoniibli; prices. HOT OR COLD BATHS Can be bad at this place at all hours of Uio day. GEORGE SOnUM PP. p.X)Oisrj:Gj-A.N jiA3I.CijjZTi-i--ii. JicaitrrtrT-M-ri -AND- S50KSB SEEOE3KG, Cor., of Second aicd California St. 0 ALL KINDS OF MARKETABLE produce taken io exchange lor work. P. DON EG AN. BLAOESlITHIIffl DAVE CRONEMLLER. BAUK AT THE OLD ST.4iD. T AM NOW PREPARED TO DO ALL JL work in my line cheaper than ever, and in fact will do it cheaper tbau auy other shop in Southern Ortgou. Give las a call and I will convince you. DAVID CR0NEMILLE2. KAHLVER BROTHERS Dealers In BOOKS AND STATIONERY, THE CITY BREWERY. VEIT SCIIUTZ, - - Proprietor. I WOULD MOST RESPECTFULLY IN form the cttltens of Jack.onT.lle and any tlroo, at my Erawery. the best laccr rUf.rtf beer. In any qnantlty the purchaser may desire My house Is conrenleutlysltnated and my rooms are always In order. A Tlslt wilt please you. Gr O TO Ba.33CXiS3H. tiros for paints, oils and brushes. CJENERAL m m G i r-j ji . -i' jjv iri - -- -,K".-r-!"j.'- fr JACKSONVILLE. OREGON: APRIL rrgn.Jiq.- rw mlil inwiMii j CITYBjBLKEFY AND SAJLuOON, In Masonic Building, Oregon St., JACIS,OXVjrj.E, ogi-., TnE UNDERSIGNED nEREBYDE Firea Io announce to the public that llicy nre now prepared to fill all orders for cakra of every description, such at wedding .cake?, ; eaVes lor prtit'. wing-cikc-n; n';" rrrflv.' z&L rye bicad.JMkBliSfl A lancli bono? willaUo be kept at this place, where njstcrs n nil stylm, Limburger and Schwe Hz. r cheese, can ba had at all hrurs of the day or nijjht. "Freah bread every day. Prices reasomble and satisfaction guar anteed. GROB & ULRIOII. TABLE ROGX SALOON. OREGON STREET, WIWTJEJV and HELMS, UPROrRIETORS. HE PROPRIETORS OF THIS well-known and popular rvnrt would inform their friends oiii the public crn-rallj that a complete nnd first cla-s Muck of the best bruiidd ol liq'i)ri, wines, citrjr!--,nle nn.i porter, etc.,-are constantly ktpt on hand They will be piiweJ to iiavc their friend-, call and emile." CABINET. A rabioet nf Curioci'its m-iy also be found In rf. We wou'd u p'caid to have persons posfts'ifr coriosittts aid FpeKtnens brins them in, and wo will place them in ihe Cabinet for irspertinn. WINT.IEN& HELMS. nr nntii:m nit nnti iff Bliil hXhWL C. W. SAVAGE, Prop., JACKSONVILLE, OQiS!. nVYIVG .A;.VIN TAKEN POS irNeion of th; mIooii. tl nndertsi.rI public .:ciiernly ut ilns oil nml pnpuTir!' rt. The flilt-st l'qti-re- Mid i-iirirs enn al wiivy he hid Kltlns plan, ami the taWtv nr. f. y-gLjj-lL Eiippl'e.1 with li lit1 leading newi-pnpi m nod pcri'iilicm ol tne iljy. A fir3l claps billiard tn'i'r is al-o kept at this boo-. G W. SAVAtJE. "C. O. D." SATjOOIT. CALIFORNIA ST., J. P, fllcDaniel - - Propjietor. TI1I3 POPULAR RESORT. UNDER new min-isn rai'nt. 11 furnishing the l)-t brands of liqiujrs. iiig and cigars. The reading t iliL' is mp;li,-d with Eaplorn peri odicdN and loading papers of tba Coast. Give me a call S. P. KANNA, WAGON-MAKER, Jacksonville, Oregon, TN CRONEMILLEr.S BUILDING IS IN L recpipt or a full nvorttnont of matcrhl and prepared to do all work iu his line on snort ti0ti;r''4j-a.gprkmjilike manner Vehicles of even di-scnntTrnTSSE4P or dr Tirms reasonab'.c and satiifaction guaran teed. JiSTRepiWng a speciality S P nANN.V. Jacksonville. Febrnnry. 20. IR7K. RE-OPENED! jaqob"meyeb, PIONKBR WAGOS.31 ICEIt, HS RESUMED BUSINESS AT the stand of the lute J. L. IMet-r itid is prepnreil toxetni'e nil -wurlC 1ini line with promptness and dixpitdt nnd nt very reasnuable rates. All kinds of vein cles constrnctei. Repairing a specialty. (Jood work and low puces (rnnrnnlcttl Give me a call. ,T. MEYER. F.EITSOHARft PRACTIOAL WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER, Cclifcrssta Street Jack3onvill Oregon, MAKES A SPECIALTY OF CLEAN ing and repairing watches and clocks. Charges reasonable, Give him a call. DH. SPI3STNBY & CO., SPECIAL.ISTS, No. 11, Kearney Street TREATS ALL CITRONIC AND TKIYATE Dis eases vlthont Ihe aid of mercury. OOieehours 9 A. u. to 12 a; 2 to 5 and 6 to 9 F. ., Consultation Fhke. Sundays excepted. Consnltatlons free. Oil I or ad dress Dr. A P SPINNEY 4 CO., No.ll. Kearney treet San Francisco. N ELEQAXT ASSORTMENT OF POCKET AND 1. labia Cutlery for sate by JOIIXMILLEB rf - ,v2u - jai;.l"'mjiit' - rmor'ta fcr'w p... In the Circuit Cot af the State of Ore goo, for the county 4f Josephmt- 29. 3. F. Simon plaintiff j Israel Dietrich jtn' Adeline Dietrich hi? wife out! Charlti Ilurtsoo dcfendiiii. Suit in Equity to foreclose a mort gage. To Israel Dietricli.ilpline Dietrich and Charles flnrtson derj-tidanH: In the ncms nttbVcSlate of Oregon, you ore hereby reqh;redsti appear and answer the complaint fjW-jvpin youjo the nbovc vul".L;Ui riiit, -l.uT'rfi iir.it 111? Alt ol the reprice df this if served -within this Snuimons upon you, Ctiunty, or, if served in any ottier county in th.s State, tbeu within twenty days from tho date of the per. v'cp of this Summons upon you, or if ser ved by publication, nr, out of the State of Oregnn. then by the first day ol the term o! this Court, following soch services, viz. April 2Stli, 1879. And if you fail to answer, for want there of Plairtiff will take judgment against you Israel Dietrich for SJ3G9 -14 po'd coin with interest at I per cent, pi r month from Si pt. 22J.18TG less S4 and his costs nnd dis bursemtnts in this suit. And a decree ncninst all of you d'-feud-iiiis foreclosing pl.tintill's mortsraire on the N W of N W , Sediion 25 T 40 S, R 0 W, and for the sale thereof Io sitify safd judgment, nnd ten per cent, additional on the whole amount of aa:d judgment, ni atlorrey'.-, fees nnd de claring plaintiffs said morlaspe n prior lun Io that of defendant Charles Hartson's de cree of said court. Published bvj)rder of Hoo, II. K.IIanni Jn Ice of said court. Made February 19th, 1879. E B WATSON .d'tomty for Plaintiff. SU3SSU10KS, Jnstice Court for tho precinct of Kjrbyville. State of Oregon, county of Josephine S3 J. WimfT & Sons J civil action to recover vs v money. Jerome Murry, J TO Jerome Murry. the nbovc named De fendant: In the name of ll.- S'Jie nf Oregon yon ore hereby n quired to appear before the undersigned, a Justice nf the Peace for the prrt-inet a'onsa d on the 6'b day of .May. 137i), nllO n'rloik in tlic finvnooii f said day, nt t hi i office of mid justice in s.iiil precn.ct. to aiswer the aboie named Plaintiff in a civil Iclion. The Pi f.ndiit dill tnkp nnli that if he U.l uJ ahoHi.11 PlainiiQ will liikeyPinent against Inm for the rum of S70 Dfi npl ctHts and fxprnses. 'Jiicn under my band this 12. h day 0 March 1879. j Bv order of the Cofart. JAMES V. BA1NE, Jn'iiceof Peace. Kcrbyville, March 22, 1879. Esscator's Kotico- In tho matter of lhiv.erate of U. S. Hay- den, decPMSi-d SjOTICE' IS -HEREBY GIVEN J3 that the undirsigred have been ap pointed by the Conr.ty Court of Ji.ekson county, Oregon, sitlins in prob'ite. Execu tors of the estate of U. S. IlaydwD, de ceased. All persons indebled to said estate nrere ,nestid to settle the same immtd ntely, nnd those having dlaims nj;ainl Ihe estate wil. priFent them with the- proper vouchers to either of us at our residence in Jacksonville. Jarkfon county, Oieaon. within six months after the first publication ol Ibis notice. AVM. IIOFF.M AN THEO. CAMERON, Executors ol said estate. Dated March 5th, 1879. C. BROOKS, -, HSt "f Watches, CIocXs, Jcwcifj; i3: S3 ot-o-cjxj: :3, SCHOOL BOOKS, 8TATI0,EItY 1ANCY GOODS, SHEET MUSIC, FIE!,0 GLASSES, VIOLIN, CITIIERNS, HAUPE A3NP STRIMQFn THFSVMg. ALSq DliUGS, MEDICINES, T( iLETi SOAFS A.ND BT PEFUMICRV Needles and Best Sperm Oil FOR Seeing Mai chines, HAS SO I. J OUT HIS l si stockf of Anvrtnti cew.ng Machines number of tjnHM. but ias another lot of lh"m on hand. This i the ligthest and no't rapid rnnninjr. n fill im durable, machine there is made, a id to imple that little girls five or fix yei rji 0jJ make tkur pa tth work on them. This Ii the pbce to 1 uy pood watches, clocks and jewelry, a-id lie will sell cheap jowflr'v cheaper than ani one. .EsT-Walches. click V, jewelry and sewing machines cleaned laud repaired at a reduced puce. BEATTY-PMOS )k ORGMS LOCAL AGENCY. T AM AGENT FOR THK CELEBRATED L Ueatty Pianos and Orprvns for the coun ties of Jackfon. Josephine, (Douglas and Lake. Any one -fishing to purchase oco of these inrtraments can transact tneir business with rap. Prices extremely lovy'- All wishing a good and cheap piano c.MIljJiflfyc me. NMlUj. liMmjOiL. ni' 2, LS79- now tin ma it ov scotts kik. BY THE EDITOR. Talkin' about vigilantes, boys, jest square round, an' I'll tell you how wd did it on Scott's Bar once." Wo were cnnipcd up in the Siskiyou Range a prospecting party grouped in the various easy attitudes of camp life ronud a glorious pitch-pine fire that sent its ruddy gleams deep among tho .shadows of tho dense fir timber around and overhead, and thq conversation had uTntSrpnSDsuiii, vn tlte earry'HyToF California. As Californians, wo have a peculiar fondness for this kind of retro spect. It does us- good to recall tho flush times with their rich strikes, even if the golden harvest did slip through our fingers. We like to tell how tho boys wing-dammed tho river just round the bend, you know and took out a wash-pan level full the first week; how Sandy Drown sunk at the mouth of the gulch until the water drove him out, and an emigrant came along, went six inches deeper, and struck it rich; how Ned Jones got "broke" at a monte bank, got kind of desperate, and picked up a ropo with a horse at the end of it how the boys followed him and took Lhiui over to Kanaka Gulch, where Ned poor fellow! asked them to send word to his mother that the "Injuns" had got him, and died protesting against tho injustice of circumstantial evidence; how "Twenty-one .Toe" shot a man across his table, down at Spanish Plat, and dealt the game all night with the corpse lying on a bench in the same room; how an emigrant, hunting his horses one morning, found the famous Gold Hill ledge, nnd sold out for a big "home stake" within twenty-four hours; and about Jake Smith who reached Frisco, on his way! home, and saw a chance to double his "pilo at a faro b.ink, but went back to American Pork, declaring that "luck always was agin him." These and a thousand kindred rwonl of pioneer life, seeming now liko a dream, are told and retold with in finite relish, carrying us back to scenes so full of liberty, so strangely pleasant. The speaker was Tom Gray, ono of those easy-going fellows on whom bad luck seems to ltavo a perpetual mort gage always out at elbows, always laughing in the faco of misfortune, al ways hunting up a poker game, forever getting up "broke." Even Tom's trou sers seemed so desirous of parting com pany with their unfortunate owner, eternally sliding off him, that his w hole life was an incessant struggle to retain his scanty wardrobe. We liked, him, however. Ho was trustworthy, full of experience, and familiar with the histo ry of every gulch along the faco of the Sierra. He could always command an audience. "Let mo see," he said, knocking tho ashes out of his pipe, "we struck Scott's Bar in '51. Them was the diggtns, boys; chunks big as flat irons lots oi 'em! Why, I've seen an ounce paid for a candle to play a little four-handed - - - - game by-.-aces worth as high as six ounces, an' ef a feller" get two Itair beat it gen'rally cleaned him. "But," Le resumed, after a thoughtful pause, probably spent in contemplation of the good old days when poker stakes were more plentiful than now, "that ain't tho story, an' ef you'll listen to me, I'll tell you how wofixgd a chanjjnce thai wasn't on the dead, square. "In '52 there come an emigrant to the Bar a young lawyer, by the name o Smith. He Had nung out ins sutn gle in tho States, but didn't have any luck, an' come to California to make a raise, jest like the rest of us. He w as an innocent sort o' feller, so Sam Pat terson an' I showed him a place where the bed-rock pitched, and ho started in an mil nrst rate, .every ootty iiKeu Smith; .he was always singin' in his claim. Ef you met him tw enty times a day, he always had a pleasant worth Ho didn't drink nor gamble; he said there was a little wife au' baby back in Illinois that needed his money worse than the gamblers. Smith cabined with a Frenchman by the name of Doc tor Baid wo called him 'Frenchy but he wasn't very thick with him, an' always carried his sack in the pocket of his coat to his claim. One day he forgot it. Frenchy camewalkin' down to whero he was rockin', an' told him his coat was up in the cabin, he was goin.' down the river, and he had better take caro of it. Smith was scared, but ho found his back apparently all ExsTssazasi right. Every Saturday night he weigh ed his pile, an' the next time he put it in tho scales it was short about six ounces; but he might have made a mis take in tho figures, an' didn't say much about it. "Frcnchy soon went over to Hum bug, an' loft Smith alone in the cabin. Along in tho Fall Smith's pilo had swelled up to about 1,500, an' he fix ed to leave. Ono night, Sam an' I Was up to see him, an' didn't he feel good? no was goin' in a week, an' -JW-trs-JifHtc- wsgetV-tfrslf rrm-vrtit his miniu' rig on, tell his poor little wife ho was broke jest to see if she would stick to him an' then pour the whole sackful right into her lap. We were busy talkin' about the old homes in the States, an' it might have been about nine o'clock when we heard a little rustle, like a mouse might make up on Smith's bunk, Wo didn't think anything about it for an hour, an' jest as we left, Smith reached up for his coat. It was light as a feather; didn't have the color in it. Wo begun hunt in' round, an' found that a piece o' chinkin' had been loosed during the day, an' the little rustle wo heard was made by tho robber's hand. Wo felt sorry for poor Smith. Ho novcr said a word but sot down, and swelled up an' choked till the big tears come, for tho meetin' with his little wife was a long ways off now. Next mornin wo raised the Bar, an' the boys were terri ble hostile. There wasn't a lick struck that day. We took a drink all around then held a meetin', resolved that a durned mean trick had been dono, an formed ourselves into a vigilance com mitteeevery ono of us. Smith said Frcnchy was tho only man that knew where he kep' his money; an when lie told about missin' the six ounces, wo concluded Prenchy was tho man we wanted. Cy Herd was made consta ble, an' sent to Humbug. Ho found Frenchy jest startin' for Yreka, an' as he didn't I ho would go along an' git a regular warrant irom tne oiu uuer o tne vijn lantes. He got tho warrant, an' I al ways keep it to show. Since they changed tho county to Siskiyou it used to bo all Shasta some folks want to deny that there ever was a commit tee there." Drawing out a greasy memorandum book, Tom produced the document, bearing tho marks of ago and tho un mistakable stamp of genuineness, read ing as follows: State op California. County of Shaste, Shaste PlainsTownship j "VlOELANT Cost Vs Dr B.VID "To any constable of Sliasto Tlaitis Township this day complaint having Laid before ne Vigelaut Commiteo that the crime of felony has Ben com mited and acusing tho above named Dr 15aid of the same therefore you arc to arest tho said Dr Baid and bring him before tho people and to bo delt w ith ncording to their Judgment A. Boles "Yreka 1852 chairman Commiteo" Evidently proud of his distinction as chairman, A. I5olrs had signed this uniquo document three times twice on tho back, ouco to give it an air of legal formality, again to direct Abra ham Tiomjison to 'Wvo tlie within Kit," "Now, boys," remarked Tom, as he folded tho rolic of tho people's court carefully awayy'that didti'tjmvo many big words in it, but it mount bus'rreH, Cy put it into Constablo Thompson's hands, an' they snatched their man an' started for the Bar. When thev Kot there with him, Frenchy was on the bluff, an' allowed he would make some body pay for that day's work. Brought before tho jury twelvo of tho best men in that camp ho weakened a little, but sworo ho was innocent, and called tho Holy Virgin which was tolerable strong for a Frenchman to witness that he had not been on tho Bar for tw o weeks. No one had seen him on the bar within that time. Cy Herd found out at Humbug that Frcnchy was there at sundown the night of the robbery, and at work soon after daylight tho next morning. Tho only evidence was Smith's opinion; ho stuck to it tliat ef Frenchy didn't have his money he didnt want a cent, but that wasnt hardly enough to hang on. Some of the boys wanted to hang Frcnchy on general principles but that wouldnt pan; thero was some good square men on the jury, and you bet he got a fair trial. "Smith told all ho knew. Cy sworo to tho time Prenchy was at Humbug, ADVERTISING RATES. Oaeiirnate lOllnes or lew first Insertion. 7 I 3 00 ' ' each subsequent Insertion 100 ' " 3 months. .......-.. -.... CO 10 CO 74 CO SO 08 One-fourth Column 3 months... A .. One-hair " 3 " 30 00 ii a ii 45 00 Ono Colamn 3 months WOO i ii 8 " WOO A Discount to Yenrly ArtTrtlscr. $3 PER YEAR and wo couldnt find a track anywhere that fitted his boots. Tho jury went out under a big oak all alone, talked it over, and took ono vote; about half was for Prenchy, tho balanco wantett to hang him, anyhow. Ono of tho ju rors were old Beek a kind of natural lawyer, ono of the worst men in an ar gument you ever saw. He know lots, and picked up lots more as ho went along jest liko quicksilver, awful slippery and would gather up all tho gold in your conversation into a storo -fer faNctv-v-,3.- BeeJr trQ,.Jiis ler into an anninient, i"- as liko tw not take the wrong side, git tho rur or your points, nop round, make yov tako his side, and thellummuxn you, as he called it. Ho was of casy-goin, soft-hearted man, and for letting Frcn chy slide. It wouldnt never do, ho said, to hang a man on suspicion; Ij dont want no ghost jabbering Frencli round my cabin. Beek saved Pit cliv b neck, llo mauo up ins mi that ho was innocent, and ho ridd me evidence lest tike lieu been u regular court. Thero was somo 1 points in Frenchys favor, Humbujr a a irood ten miles irom tho 15ar. t night of tho robbery tho darkest ever saw, tho trail over the mount: terrible rough, it seemeu nnpossi to mako the trip in tho night; a iSeek spent an nour trying to pro i i , , ,i , ,a-S mat a man coutun c oe m two pi.io at ono time, swearing he'd starve I foro he'd commit murder. Final! Smith Krnnnpfl nn. Tin vs. ktivs Iir I rl. t.. j ,.j v - , me take Frcnchy out and talk to hi ef he dont give me that money in L an hour, 1 11 tlimk no ami tho m: They went outtogethcr. Smith tall- easy and soft to him at first. He t j him about his wife and little ono til was waiting for him; how i- was 01 cent ho had in the world; how ho toiled for it, pinched himself to saj and ef ho gave it up ho would and never exposo him. It wl when, all of a sudden, Smith junijsj to his feet, drawed Ins sishooter,aa in a voice so earnest and death lis that tho prisoner's hpsbp a, vo quftv and turn white, ho says, ei.cliy, Know you navo got my money, and et by tho time tho sun goes over tho hill j you dont tell mo whero it is, I'll kill you. Ho had him covered, and I al ways believed he would havo shot hiuJ like a snako thero was such a queer, devilish look about his oyes that itj made my flosh crawl; but in a few 1 minutes, thero was a loud yell, ami Cy said tho jury had agreed. So tho had; they had compromised, andagreed to givo Frenchy a littlo swing - just leave his tip-toes on tho ground -tha another, and if that didntchoko tl money out of him, ho was tho wroi man. Then they come in a body,lookn ing mighty serious, ono of them bring-J nig a rope, wttn a regular hangman a 1 nooso at tho end of it. Tito foreman read the verdict Guilty: to bo hanged 1 beforo sundown. "Poor Frenchy looked at tho ropo, then at tho jury; every faco was as cold as a stone. Hegaveawildkind of a wish-j ful look up tho mountain, but his legs were hobbled, an' ho weakened riht thero. 'Men,' ho says, 'don't hang me, I'll show you tho money.' Sure enough ho did. Thompson nn' Smith went dow'rivthc river with him abmu a mile,. to whero tJiy-tesAl. rM-uvJ 'bluff. V'Jt-fichy reached up as high S ho could, pulled the big sack out of a crevice, an handed it to tho owner without a word. Smith, in his joy, wanted to let Frenchy go.but Thompson said everything must bo dono regular, accord! a' to law. Meanwhile, tho jury got their heads together. Great Mosesl wasn't old Beek mad. 'Boys,' ho says, 'a man that can fool mo on human na ture that way, is an awful dangeroua element. Tho majesty of tho law is busted wido oien. Frenchy's got to have a little taste, to show him Ameri cans wont stand no foolishness.' That is always tho way," said Tom, quietly; 'do a man a positive injury, then hell forgit it; but jest imposo on his judg ment, and he'll never forgive you. Tho jury was all agreed on that proposition. They passed a string o' resolutions everything was dono that way: First, that Frenchy get twenty-nino lashes on tho bare back; second, that Smith was to do the whippin'; thin, that tho pris oner was to leavo Shasta Plains within five hours; fourth, that certain money found on him should go to pay all just dejnands against him after constable' Continued ol V. "3 &.