f THE OREGON SENTINhL THE LAW OF NEWSPAPERS 1. Subscribers who do not glre express notice to be contrary, are considered u viihing U continue hair subscriptions. 2. If any subscribers order the diseontlniuuiee of thslr newspapers, tbe publisher may continue to tend them until ail arrearages are paid. 5. Ifsubscribero neplector refuse to taVe thalr newspapers from tha offices to which they ara di rected, tba law lioldi them responsible until they bare tattled the bills, and ordered them discontinued. 4. If subscribers rtmore to other places without Informing the publisher, and tba newspapers are sent to the firmer direction, they are held respenslble. t. The Courts bare decided that refusing to take newspapers from this offl, or remoring and leay !ng them uncalled for, Is prima facie erldence of In tentional fraud. 6. Tba poSbaster wbo neglects to glre legal no tice of the neglect of a person to take from the office the newspaper addressed to him, is liable to the pub lisher for the subscription price. THE CONDITIO OF OKECO.V. We take the following hand 6orae compliment frort the San Francisco Examiner, and are glad to note that Mr. James O'Meara has not yet forgotten the land of rod apples and never failing crops: Oregan cUpps pot rapidly in crease in population. 1$ -want of railroad connection rn the cause. Her great future has yet to come Fifty years hence she will be among the richest and greatest States in the Union. But, notwithstanding all tho diffi culties against which Bho has to Contend, Oregon is growing and prospering as no other State of tho whole Union is. In that Commonwealth of vast area, mag nificent scenery, Binguhrly fer tile Boil, hoaltbtul climate, un failing harvests of the best sta ples of tho worldr tho growth at presontis more in- absofuto wealth lhanin spread of ostentation. Sta tistics recently published, show how the State is improving. Her product of wheat, oats and hardy fruits; her great herds of cattle and of sheep; her wool and man ufacturing interests, and hor un equalled facilities for manufactor ies, cause riches at homo aud at' tract notice abroad. Also are there the salmon fisheries, tho lumber trade, and the mines for which Oregon is celebrated. The products of all these interests amount yearly to many millions of dollars. There are 150,000 eople, all told, in tho State. iritb.--t.lua constantly jh5 creasing wealth, earned by and distributed among so small a pop ulation, there is a bettor show ing of average comfort and plena ty than can be found in any other portion of tho Union. Pauperism is almost unknown, crime is un frequent because detection is gen erally swift and punishment is euro and severe; and in all the conditions of life the people of that State are favored. San Francisco will, in coming years, reap richer trade than ever from Oregon. FXTOK1BLE RETOKT8 OF OREGOX BIIX8. "Washington, Feb. 4. Tho sen ate military affairs committee to day reported favorably on a bill for payment to the State of Ore gon the amount expended by the authorities and citizens in aid of the suppression of the Modoc war, with an amendment reducing the total amount from 223,000 to 8180,000. The same committee also took favorable action to-day on a bill to-appropriate 50,000 for im provement of tho military wagon road between Scottsburg and Camp Stewart, Or., and referred it to thojcomlnTtteeir appfoprfc" ""ations with a recommendation for its incorporation in one of the general appropriation bills. Tbo committee also Lagroed to rocoramencl tho passage of -the bill giving tho court of claims jurisdiction of the claim of Robert Dunbar, for losses occasioned by breach of contract on tho part of the government regarding the possession and caro of buildings on Port Orford,military reserva tion. A woman on C003 Bay, a short time since, says tho News, in duced her husband to mortgage his ranch to get money for hor to take a trip xo San Francisco. Ho had papers served on him the other day for a divorce. His wife applied in San Francisco. Such is life. Thisjoko, considering that it comes from Scotland, is not bad: Why is professor: tho great est jevivalist of tho ago? Be; cause at the end of every sermon there is-a great awakening. m i Subscribe for the Sextiki FKATUltE OFSUPERIOKITY Tho superiority of "White's Prai rie Floter for diseases of the stom ach, liver and Blood consists in its uniting harmoniously with the gas tric juice, strengthening and enabling it at onco to dissolve the food. If tho gastric juice is weak the food ferments, giving rise to sour stomach, the pa tient also suffering from insufficient, nutrition. It aids the Liver, over which it has a specific power, in fil tering impurities from the blood. Its action on the kidneys is likewise salu tary, increasing tho secretions. As & blood purifier, by enriching the chyle, it is without a peer, curing some of the most obstinate and long-standing cases on record. It is pronounced by one and all The Great Blood and Liv er Panacea. Price 25cts. and 75cts. For sale by E. C. Brooks. C1TYBAKE&Y AND sax,oo:nv - In-Masonio Building, Oregon St., jacksonville, ogn., THE UNDERSIGNED HEREBY DE BircB lo nnnonnco to tbe public thai they are now prepared to fill all orders for cakes of every description, each as wedding rake, cakes for parties, wiue cakes; also brown and rye bread, ginger snnps ntd crackers. A lunch horas will also bo kept at this place, where oysters in all styles, Limburger and Schwe itzer cheese, can be had at all bears of the day r night -Fresh bread erery day. Prices reasonable and satisfaction guar anteed. QRUBE & ULEIOa AW SPITE SALOON. O. W. SAVAGE, Prop., JACKSONVILLE, OGN. HAVING AGAIN TAKEN Pos session of this saloon, the undersigned will be pleased to meet hie friends and tin pnblic generally at this old and popular re sort. Tbe finest liquors and cigars can al ways be had at this place, and the tables arc supplied with all the leading newspapers and periodicals of the day. A first class billiard table is also kept at this house. O. W. SATAGE. S. P. HANNA, WAGON-MAKE JacKsonvilleOregoii, TN CRONEUILLER'S BUILDING IS IN A reoeipt of a full assortment of jnaterial and prepared to do all work in his line on short notice and in a workmanlike manner Vehicles of every description made to or dcr. Terms reasonable and satisfaction guaran teed. aj-Repairing a speciality. S. P. HANNA. Jacksonville, February, 20, 1878. DANIEL P. BBATTY'S PIANOS AND ORGANS. WASHNGTOrNEW JERSEY. R T? A T HP V PIANO, Grand, U lhJ. X. 1 I Square and Up- ght. and BEATTY3, CELEBRATED OLDEN TONGUE PARLOR OR- GANSare the sweetest toned and most perfect instruments ever, before manufact ured in this or any other country. 1 he worm is CDanenged to equal them. Iicst discounts and terms ever before given. Rnck Ttottnm nnnln nrirvq nnw ronrii. fn jobbers, agents and the trade in general. mi uuei. i ucbb ceicuruieu instruments feither Pinnn nr firofln hi.Ywl nni cMnnnil to anywhere, on five or fifteen days test trial. Money refunded and freight paid l it. :r : .f f . uuui ujs u in any way unsaus:aciory. Fully warranted for sir years as strictly first-class, EXTRAORDINARY LIB ERAL discounts given to Churches, Schools, Lodges, Halls, Ministers, Teach ers, etc., in order to have them introduced at once where I have no agents. Thous ands now in use. New Illustrated AD. VERTISER, (Catobgae Edition), with list of testimonials, now ready, sent free. Established in 1859. Address DANIEL F. BEATTY. Washington, New Jersey. "iroiTCEfjxnnmsEsiEK"" The Thoroughbred Stallion SCAMPERDOWN. WILL MAKE AN EARLY SEASON for mares who bavelort their colts, at Ihe stables of the undersigned, neir Fort Lane, and nine wiles north of Jacksonville, commuting February 15th and endiac Anrii 1st, 1879. b DESCRIPTION AND PEDIGREE. Scampekdown is a beautiful dark bay, 1G hands high, seven years old this Spring, and as to form and appearance is unequalled in the State, lie was bred by Theo . Winters, of California, and was sired by Norfolk. (See Norfolk's pedigree,) His first dam is 'Nettie W., by "Belmont:" second dam "La dy Davis," by -Red Bill' (See Stud Book.) The some authority gives "Lady Davis" as the dam of "Dashaway." "Beauregard" aud "Richmond," all by "Belmont. Terms: Thirty-five dollars, for the season, payable at tho close thereof, in cash, note, or, such produce as may be agreed upon. Marcs proving not to be with foal (witbout fault of the owner) can be bred the follow ing season Fret of Chargt for the services of tbe horse. Tbe attention or breeders is invited to the unequalled colts of "Scampcrdown" for size. actiua, looks and general make-up for all ufes s. BOOTH. i N ELFGANT ASSORTMENT OP POCKET, ANE i. Table Cutlery for sale by JOIEs MILLER Gr O TO KAECIiE" JUrOJ fur. ratals, oils aud brushes,- lirVri:nll."sfl CatarrH A HYSICIlll'S TE8TIM0KY. SO Year a Physician. 12 Yean a Suf ferer. Tried Regular Remedies. Tried Patent Medicines. Per manently cured by SAHFORD'S RADICAL CURE. TiriSSRS. WEEKS; & POTnre. SIri I hara .1U. praetlssd medietas for thirty rears, and hero been a sufferer myself for twelTe years with Ca tarrh la the nasal passages, fauces and larynx. I feaTe used ererjthlng In the materia medlea wlth out any permanent rellef.untll finally I was Induced to try a patent medicine (something that ire alio- Ssthlsts are rery loth to do). 1 tried and lrers others nntll I irot hold of yours. Ifollowsd the directions to the letter, and am happy to ear nave had a permanent cure. Tonr RADICAL CORE is certainly a happy combination for the cure of that most unpleasant and dangerous oi diseases. Tours, rerpifhlly, D.W.OKAT.M.D.. OfDr.D.W.Gray&Boo, Physicians and DruKtrlsts, Muscatine, Iowa. Mrsd-mrr, Iowa, March 37, 1377. Tbe vilno of this remedy must sot be OYerlooted In the cure of those SYMPATHETIC DISEASES, Affections of tho Eye, Ear, Throat, Lungs and Bronchial Tubes which In many cases aocompany teYere cue of Catarrh. 1 he inflamed and dis eased condition of tbe mucous membrane is the eanea.of all these troubles -and nntll tha lYitfjn 4-Sas-feeen fclOEzht-prttBWirJinikr-tfee-lnflnesM' -f the radical cultB, perfect freedom from them cannot be reasonably expected. It Is bnt three years since SANTORD'S KADI CALCUKEwaa placed before the public, but la that short time It has found Its way from Maine to California, and Is everywhere acknowledged by drug-clsta and physicians to be the most successful preparation for the thorough treatment of Catarrh eyer compounded. The fact will be deemed oi more Importance when It Is coupled with the state ment that within Oie years over 250 different remedies for Catarrh haYc been placed on sale, and to-day, with one or two exceptions, their names cannot be recalled by the best-informed druggist. Advertising may succeed In forcing a few sales, but, unless the remedy possess undoubted specific medical properties, it la absolutely certain to fall Into merited obscurity. Each package of SATTORD'S RADICAL CURE contains Dr. Banford'a Improved Inhaling Tube, with full directions for Its use In all cases. Irlca S1.00. Sold by all wholesale andretall druggists and J!l'JSr!inro,1?.,!2tUl9 United States and Canadss. WEEKS rOTTEK. General Agent and Whole sale Druggists, Boston. Mass. COLLINS'B VOLTAIC PLASTER IS SIMPLY WONDERFUL. - KisasToir. Mnnr) 1 April 20,1877. f I consider Collins' Voltito Flistik the best piaster I eyer aaw, and am recommending them to all. C. McMokeow. Hum. Ili I orrlUMSn.J ItnasdonemyboYmoregood than all other medicines. 11 o sow goes to school, for the first time In three years. Euza Jisx OCrrtSLD. EatVl.tLL., April 2, 1577. J IllketheonelKotwell. Ther stre tho best plasters, no doubt. la the world. S.L.1IcOili Asn OaoYx. Mo, March a. 1877. t. Aeeent nr thanks far tAfl rood derived from the two Cox X.IHS 1'I.ABTZffS sent Dlfl SOXUS. time ago. W.CMookx. COLLINS' VOLTAIC PLASTER for local pains, lameness, soreness, weakness, numbness, and Inflammation of the lungs, liver, kidneys, spleen, bowels, bladder, bean, and mns cles. Is equal to an army of doctors and acres of plants and shrubs. Frloo, 25 cents. . Sold by all Wholesale and Ectall Drncrlstl throughout the United States and Canada, and bl WKEES & POTTEli. Proprietors. Boston. Mass. EXCELSIOR STABIiE. Corner of Oreoon axd California, sts., Jacksonville. W. J. rLYIVIAHE, Prop'r. w OULD RESPECTFULLY INFORM TUB PDB- 11c that he has a fine stock of Horses, Buggies and Car inges And hell prepared to furnish his patrons sad the pub uc general' wiu .Pine Turnouts As can be had on the PocI8o coast. Saddl horses hired to go to any part of the country. Animals Bought and Sold. TTnrst itrolro to work single or double XIore boarded and tbo best of care bestowed upon tlicfh while in my charge. A liberal share of the pupllc patronage lolidteJ on reasonable terms. NEW LIVERY STABLE BACK OF COURT HOUSE. W. MANNING-, Proprietor. HAVING LATELY FITTED UP Till! OOM modlous barn on the School House flat and In the rear of the Court Tlouse. We are now fully prepared to attend to allbuilnew lnonrllne with pmmritnm imddlrfatch and at.the.mcst reasonable rates. Fine Turnouts The stable Is fum lshed with the best animals and most substantial buggies; also a first class hack and sanaie norses. Dorset boarded, and the best care bestowed on them. Satisfaction guaranteed In every Instance. Give us a call and judge for yourselves. J. W. MANNING. Jacksonville, AprlUOth, IS UNION LIVERY SALE ANolNlEX CHANGE Corner 4th and California Sts JACKSONVILLE, OEKOON. J. A. OABDWELL PROPRIETOR. n1nE PROPRIETOR IIU I fully rebuilt and refitted this well known establishment, and has made extensive and comfortable addl-uiT" tlons thereto. I have the very best horses, buggies aoa livery arnouigoi an Kioas. fliy stOCKOf roads ter cannot be excelled In the State. Horses Boarded On reasonable terms, and the best of cars and atten tlon bestowed upon them while under my charge Also Horses Bought and'Sold. I am satisfied that I can give satisfaction and (marantee the same. With this Impression we have no hesitation In soliciting patronage lV-A.IXjSS.ROrEPOAIlPENTERS'ANDWA. LM goo-makan' tools Rr sale by JOHN MILLBB, BACK A.T THE OJLX) STAISTD Immense Reduction in PRICES ! ATTHE STORE OF NEWMAN FISHBU TO THETUBLICr RAVING DETERMINED TO MAINTAIN THE POSITION HERETOFORE occupied by' roe as tbe largest RETAIL DEALER ia Southern Oregon, I take tbis measQ in aurjonDCing tbat 1 am now displaying tbe LiRGffiuWSMOCrOfGEiML'lERffiSM forth of San Francisco consisting of a Fine Stock of GENTS? AND BOYS' CLOTHING, HATS & CAPS LADIES' ANI! CENTS' FORNISHIM GOODS - THOTOKS' VALJSES, Etc., Which is surpassed by none in the county and will be sold ot low prices to SUIT THE TIMES. It shall continue to be my aifu to give The Most Goods for the least Money, x and to place before my patrons a variety of articles not to be found in any other hoase. t is n6t my ioteotion to mislead the pnbljc by advertising goods I cannot produce upon nqury bat to give value receiTod in every instance. A call from every parchnser at my old standis solicited. N. FISHER. -f i kt? .-.'-."!. 3:SSJKG!-,. W h r Cit-ci . f...n skx ts ar?'gfeig5giaja ' afv ! rii'zr - mm mm mcim'sm aas bb e t9ra E Kf srasi esiHy niNE in woritmanshlp Is equal to a Chronometer Watch, and as eScgant.i tlntehsd as a first-class Piano. !t received tie highest svi-arrfo at tho Vienna and Con tennial EposKicnrs, IT &2S OF2E-FOURTH FAST- ER than Other mnr.hlrsr.. There are more VtflkQQU United Eintoj? thrsn ihe, others. THE WIXSQW FdEHDIPJC ATTACHMENT, for doing all kinds of repairing, WJTHQUT PATCHING, given'FREE with each machine. A Certificate is given with each Machine, guaranteeing to keep it in repair, free of charge, for five years.. Et requires no special instructions to Eearn how to use it. Satisfaction guaranteed, or no pay. Machines delivered free of charge anywhere in the United States. Send for Illustrated Catalogue, and ask for sample of mending, and our Circular No. I97 for further Instructions for buying machines upon terms stated In tho Catalogue. , .SffiLttiriLSON SEWINfi MACHINE CO. f m 827 & C29 Broadway, Hew York; New Orleans, La.; Cor. Stato and Madison Ste., Chicago, Ills.; and San Francisco, CalJ For Sale by all Mrst-Class Dealers MRS. I. W. BERRY, LOCAL AGENT. FRANCO-AMERICAN HOTEL & RESTAURANT AND GENERAL STAGE HOUSE. Opposite Odd Fellows' Halt, JeKSHfVir,lTTWvr.. ,8113-CU. MADAME HOLT, Proprietress, TRAVELERS AKD RESIDENT BOARDERS will find the most comfortable lodgings at tkls bonse to be met with anywhere In this part of the State. The Beds and Bedding Will always be fonnd of first-class "character and rr t In a nut and clean condltloowhlle The Rooms renewly fnrslrhed and will always be kept In neat sd homelike condition. A plill'nl impplyof the est ef etery thing the market affords will be !b Spread on Tier Table. Tier home will be;kept open all night, anifSQUARE MEALS" can he obtained at any hour of the day or night. OYSTERS PREPARED IV EVERY STYLE, d& Anl ranches to be bad at any time. Stare musen. gers and others ho may be ont late at night, can al tars find a good fire, hot meals and good beds a this house. No trouble will be snared todeterre the patronage of the trarelllnas wsll aa the permanent comma. nity. aire, mi a call. BEATTY PIAH0S1 ORGANS LOCAL AGENCY. AM AGENT .FOR THE CELEBRATED X Jieatty Pianos and Orpans for the conn ties of Jacifon, Josephine, Douglas and Lake. Any one wishing to purchase one of these tnf trnmnnta ran tmnenrt thnip Imita.a wttu me. Prices extremely low, AH wishing a guuu nuu.cutBp piano can anu see rnc. iD. I. UVHrAjLi. LPJ EP3S; ti ft.y' " j1g?srgs L' .lyiiiM. i3 L'..iT fc"-aJm Oai2 rr:?M? wBJB "WQa -r7WafiTEaD m m its carcacitv is unlimited. F;. AG K i N SS so.d in the PAmWnr.i -it. nii u DR. SPINNEY No. 11 IISAZirjEY ST., TreaU all Chronic and Special Olscusc T7tTnO MAT BE SUFFERING FROM V f the effects of vrulhful follies or indis cretlon, will do well to avail themselves or this, the greatest boon ever laid at the altar ST funering humanity. DR. SPINNEY will guarantee to forfeit 55UU for every case of uciuiuiu ncaiiiiera ur privum uiecase ui auy kind or character which he undertakes and fails to cure. MIDDLE-AGED MEN. There are many at the age of thirty to sixty who arc troubled witb too frequent ev acuation of the bladder, often accompanied by a slight smarting or burning sensation. and a weakening of the system In a mnnner the patient cannot account for. On exam'n- In tbe urinary deposits a ropy sediment w often be found and sometimes small particles of albumen will appear, or tbe color will boot a thin milkum hue, again changing to a dark and torpid appearance There are many men who die of this difli cultv ignorant of tbe cause which Is tbe sec ond stage of seminal weakness Dr. S. will guarantee a perfect cure in all eucb cases, and a healthy restoration of the gunito-uri nary organs. Officio Hours 10 to 4 and 6 to 8. Sun days from 10 to 12 a. m Consultation free Thorough examinations and advice, $5. Call or addres, DR. SPINNEY & CO. No 11 Kearney St., San Francisco. E AGLE BRE WE'RY. JfOSEPn WETTERER, Proprietor Oregon St., Jacksonville. IE BKSTOF LAOER BEER ALWAYS KKPT on band uulreodr for sale bj tbo keg or gloss. GREAT -nsr- PIANOS HI ORGAN Imith's Organs - - mYAK - IG&E - L - EAD OVER AL OTHERS for J " ..w w. .v.v., NOTICE, "2"ou can Bua FIRST CLASSPIANO OR ORGAN CHEAPER Of mo than ANY OTHER DEALER in the business, because I sell at WHOLESALE PRICES FOR CASH, and at a slight advance where sold on EASY INSTALLMENTS. Agents and Piano Tramps who make LARGE PROFITS are requested to open their batteries UPON ME or my INSTRU MENTS at .once. The public will soon ascertain it is to THEIR AD VANTAGE to give me a call, and find that MY PIANOS AND OR GANS WILL WEAR AS WELL, keep in tune as long, and SAVE MONEY FOR THE PURCHASER. Don't bo fooled or humbugged by any thing you hear. "Talk is cheap" (usually.) The man or woman who is talked into paying exorbitant prices, pays very dear. BEST OF REFER, ENCES GIVEN AND SATISFAC TION GUARANTEED. CTSend for special information to JAS. S. SMITH, 575 Market St., ' San Francisco. BEWARE of Circular instruments. are, cutirely diJnlereateJ. Address Eesidcncb 1709 Stockton St. S. F. Tffil ON WMMM IS aLVNTJFAOTUltED BY frssrnssnii WE MAKE EVERY VARIETY OF FABHIHu, FREIGHT AID G WAGQH S And by confiuing ourselves ft-ictly to one clnss of work; by employing none but tho BEST OP WORKMEN, Using nothing but FIRST-GLASS IMPROVED MACHINERY avd ihe VERY BEST OF SELECTED TIMBERr And by a THOROUGH KNOWLEDGE of the business, we have justly earned the reputa tion of making "THE BEST WAGON ON WHEELS." Wo give the following warranty with each wagon: We Hereby Warrant ihe FISH DROS. WAGON No to be well mode In evsr particular and of good material, and that the strength of the same Is sufficient for all", work with fair usage. Should any breakage occur within one year from this date by reason or defective material or workmanship, repairs for the same will bo furnished at place of sale, free of charge, or the prico of s-tid riniir.. ni nr ini'i nr!,.,. v., tn i.. paid In cash by the purchaser producing nmnanM evidence. . . f Kacme, Wis., Jan. 1st, 1879, ivnowme wo can snu you. we pouch patronage rrom every section of Ihe United Stairs. Send for Price and Terms, and for a copy of our AGRICULTURAL PAPER to FISH DO NOT FAIL tosendforoar Catalogue. It contain prices and description of moat every article In cm eral ue,and Is valuable to AXY PERSON f ontf mnlnt- Inr the nnrchaae of any article for IV r- KICK aral mm flonal, Fainllr or Agricultural uae. We have done a farce trade the imat aeaon In the remote parta of the territories. and have, with few exceptions, exceed ed tho expectations of the purchaser. many clafralnc to have made a saving IVe mall ilins :ATALoorf:s to atcv auiiik?, ntEK, UPON APPLICATION. 1Vevl oar goods) to nil siinnklnd at TOtiolrnalo prices tnqnantltlr to unit, ltclcrence. Vint national ltanlc. Chicago. MONTBOMERT WARD . CO., Orlzlnal Grange 8npplr Housje, 87 sft m Wa Wub Ave, CUckos IU THE CliY BREWERY. VEIT SOIITJTZ, - - Proprietor. J WOULD MOST RESPECTrULLT Iff form tbe cltisere of Jscksonrilla ami me world at Urge that they can find, at anr time, at mr Brawerr, tbe best beer lxer, in any rnanlitjr the purchaser may desire My bonse li conTenientlxsltnaled and my rooms are alwaji In Order. A t bit will plesse jm. i; now I USE- REDUCTION and Pianos uiuumtj uuu UCUUU1 JU lJUiBll- SMIMI'S PIANOS & ORGANS. In order to introduco THESE MAGNIFICENT PIANOS on this Coast, I have put tho prices MUCH LOWER than other FIRST-CLASS MAKERS, and as I do not propose to' make any agents, (who generally ox tort large profits from tho consumer) I expect to be severely handled by such1 persons in tho Piano business. Tho materials used in their con struction are of tho VERY BEST kind, and tho wood thoroughly sea soned. Thoy aro substantially mado. DURABILITY, TONE and tho power of MAINTAINING TUNE LONGER than any other piano mado, are tho characteristics of these instru ments. The greatest possiblo attention is given to their tone and touch, and I have no hesitancy in offering them to tho public as FIRST-CLASS PIANOS in every re.sject, and warrant them to stand in nny climato. TT nm RivulR who arc jVnlotn ol my succif am) my Send fur reply, and see what those say of nw whu JAS. S. SMITH, 575 MARKET ST., S. F. m.t3aiajiUKJBeB2vjuxMwXM-um IT WAN ajt3P? a sample or the broken or defective' parts aa Titus G. Fish. Edwiv b. fhu, FISH BROS & CO lju. vj. iiunm.ss, j BROS & CO., RACINE. WIS. fojriiiND,ojwosr. And JacksonYilie, Oregon" OTBRS A. KT'RA'RW will lln. tn .11 buiueHa in Portland. 80L (ilgsaggsKP "Xj