M. 9 THE OREGON SENTINEL THE LAW OF NEWSPAPERS 1. SnbsCTltwrs wlio do not rItsp express notice to lie contrary, are connUernl as wUliing ( contlnne liclr subscriptions. 2. Many subscribers order the discontinuance of their newspapers, the publisher mT continue to cn4 them until all arrearages ere paM. 3. If subscribers negloctor refuse to take their riAwspipers from the offices to which they are di lecteij, tbelaw holds tbem responsible until they hare settled the Mils, and ordered them discontinued. 4. If subscribers remove to other places rithont informing the publisher, and the newspapers are sent to the firmer direction, they are held responsible. 2. The Courts havedeclded that refatlngto talte newspapers from this office, or removing and leas ing them uncalled for, is prima facie evidence of in tentional fraud 0. The postTSstcr xrho neglects to giTe legal ne ticeof thencslectof a person to tafce from the office the newspipcr addressed to him, is liable to the pub lisher for the subscription price. IIIIIIIIM IHIII1" J.UMIWS U'HHJSfWWSl.JllJUEHgl ritlMirtCsbrTUECKAMJEKS. DON'T FORGET IT. The Rational Grange of the United States, rccntly in session at Richmond, (Va)., adoptod the foK lowing declaration ot principles: "Wo, the members of the Na tional Grange, desiring to define pl-e-rreeWe-olsj'ts of the ordcv of Patrons of Husbaifoiy, andi place Ihem before the membership of. tho Order throughout the TJoibn, do hereby set forth the following proposition with our distinct dec laratiou of purposo relating there to, p In view oflhese truths wo are bound, in defence of our manhood, to assert our rights, and wo there fore declare our unalterable pur poso to emancipate agriculture from the burdens unjustly heaped upon it, and the means by which wc'shall seek to secure tho desir able end. 1. We shall strive earnestly, within and without our Order, to extend the benefits of education which shall comprise knowledge of public affairs and the methods of self-government. 2. "Wo shall demand admission in tho Legislatures of tho several States, and in both Ilouses ot tho National Congress, for representa tives ol ariculture chosen direct ly irom its votaries, as tho only means of relief. 3. "We shall accord to other industries all the rights, privil eges and immtujitics, which wo claim for oitr. own, and join with their representatives in earnest endeavors to impress upon tho Government of States and nations habits of wiso economy and fru gality as essential to the thrift and prosperity of all the people. 4. "We shall give constant caro and attention to the public school in which the youth of the nation arc deeply interested, limiting expenditures iherefor only by their usefulness, striving for that higher auil praticable on'ight enraent which should become the distinguishing feature of a free people. After tho above had been adop ted tho following was also pre scnted and passed: In accordance with tho above objects of our organization, and tho methods by which they arc to bo obtained, wo pledge our un violdimr devotion to tho work marked out. "Wo believe the principles enunciated in our dec laration are in full accord with tho highest welfare of our coun try, and that they deserve support especially by all tho farmers. The history of agriculture on this continent shows no organiza tiou in its behalf has over been attempted without direct"eSoft" on the part of those who prey up on the products to neutralize the work; and tho lessons of tho past establish tho conviction that onr only hope to is in tho full and cor dial co-operation ot farmeis, where ever located, to insure that success which is within their grasp. Wo appeal, therefore, to good men and women, whoso interests are our own, to join their efforts with ours, confident ihat, with thoir support, wo shall not wait loug for tho consummation of our hopes. "Wo nppeal to the agricul' tural journals of the laud, asking their great influence in aid of tho above object. To these forcas and to tho intelligence of our people wo. present tho purposes which animate thousands of farm era in every State in our Union and reverently trust in tho direction of the wiso Providence by whoso decree we are tillers of tho soil, that our efforts may bo rewarded by tho full accomplishment of tho measures which justico demands in the relief of an oppressed in dustry and the higher enlighten If you are troubled ritli nervousness, are HiEhcartened, tired of life, fear death or feel out of sorts as the saying is, you may safely conclude that you have the dyspepsia or Liver Complaint The liver is very apt to become torpid this season of the year as poisons aris ing from stagnant water or decaying vegetation aro more numerous and are through inhalation taken into the blood. Unless the liver is strong and active, and furnishes a supply of fresh and pure blood to drive out the impurities, the above mentioned symptoms surely follow, and if not heeded, end in more terrible diseases and death. "White's Prairie Flower proves itself the Great Liver Pancca. Its action on the liver is different from any other medicine ever compounded. Its cures are truly wonderful. Try it Price twenty-five cent and seventy-fiver gfjnts. For sale by E. a .BvaslnsT -l -. ''Nr.w Stoue at Piicexix. Chris Bailey has opened out business at Phccnix and is now prepared to do any repairing in the harness or boot and shoe line. This will be quite a conven ience to the citizens of Phoenix and vicinity, and they will do well to give Chris, a call for anytliing in his line. To TnE Ladies. Mrs. N. J. Mc Pherson is prepared to do all kinds of sewing. The making of ladies' and children's clothing is made a speciality. Rooms in Orth s building, up-stairs, ruia A PHYSICIAN'S TESTIMONY. SO Years a Physician. 12 Years i Suf ferer. Tried RcguJsr Remedis3. Tried Patent Medicines. Per manently cured by Mil's DAD1GJ.L CURE, st wis T-nnrs rorren, si-ss i m-s J71 prciisvii ui Uicnc lorintnj jiariscnd imra r I'Z W:i III l ft Hlilfnr injbeil i"r iwpitc ycin Willi I..I- lj. 1 rrli 1 1 Hi- iiaaf pasn s.ftnots aui lsrrin JfT nnvii ll.cn rverjiiuiiK in uic inatcna MO'injaWil ..! P7 pcrriaipnt relief, niitil flnnllr I M-rAfiOMirffl ltrrn p-ilenlfiiertl'Mne (sowcthl ic fliMc n ! I ni' i's am vrr loth to do). I trJJF- m.l ri- r thprsmitUlsTntlit'lilofyotjiP IMlovnl t'i illrtt-tlona to the lrtter.antl triftliapir to say 1m Ititl n perniAuent cure JPiinr KllHCtL ITI!P I certainly a hippr ojBMnntlnu f-r tin cunt of that Eiosl unpliaeantajr.iil daxuvus of diheascs. d Tonr.rrtfnllT, 1'Jr OHAT.M T) OfIr.D.W.O-a;sm,in.tc'a and 'irnjrjfl: MnscaUac, Ion a. ITCscatise, Iok-a, Min7, 1ST?. Tie Tn'nrofUiIs retard la tiio t ire of mtise ssl notie orcrlociej ""-Ion. nf tin Fj 1 ru trlu.il i utie wind & b rcru Case ut CaU r&s'd eomiiuou or 1 -Oiuecfii,l laesc 1 next door to 'limes oflicc The National Gold Medal was awarded to Bradley &, Eulofson for the best photographs in the United States, and tho Vienna Medal for the best hi tho world. 429 Montgomery Street, San Prancisco. Jack for Sale. Sheriff Eybee of fers one of his fine thoroughbred Jacks for sale, or will trade for cither hogs, sheep or cattle. CITY BAKEFT AND SALOON", Ik Masonic 15cildj.no, Oregon St., JAcitsor.vii.i.i:, ogn"., rnllK DXDKRSIGNKO I1I3REHYDE JL Fires to announce lo the public that lliey nre now prepared to Cll all orders for cukes of every description, sach us wedding cakePj catcs fnr parlies, wine cakee; ako brown and rye bicad, ginger snapi atd crackers. A lunch Iionse will also bo kept at tbi place, where oysters ia all slyUs, Limburger itnd Schwcilz r cheese, can b3 had at all hrurs of the day r nijfbt. JCS?Fresb bread every day. I'rtce3 reasonable and salis'jclion gnar anictd. GRUDE t ULRICFI. fflW 8HTB S1L0OS. C. W. SAVAGE, Prop , JACKSO NV! LLE, OGW. SYRPATHFgD DISEASES, Tjir. Thri.it. tmvet rnd li iiii! r t.i acr T"na-(7 'rli. Hi- littlamfti ami rf.v mm i v. nitmbrHn It ths -lMiril until t)n'-4Tttm lias lirn liros,rlit jppcrljr ml rtV Inlllnrj of the KAOIOAl CUur, pcrfrt frtcJoia Iroiathetu canDot l rennnawr ejprcti tl It J Imt Uirrc lrni tlrr bAVroT? T!DT. CAL CUUR -wua lifcerd before i.r mb)lr,l.u- In lin B.iort linio it Up found Vt w Ir mt I inc lo Cnlifcmla, fml 1 m reryw h(-rc ac4vtirtvli tlgei 1r clrntf iRt RTid 'nicplniis t lw llic niofil ncct-k-,ul prtpar.ilH'ti r.trtiffltliorooirli trtntnit nt of Catarrh j ne iflci Trill no dec rao I c( cv r Cfitnnftniiil irpre Imt'ortntH i- rrti-d!rrorCji, to-tlnr, with on rnntutt ) vr .tri ri-isrin bi't,t:ii i li hea it lb roaiiiI wlih the etttr livc Jvftrs orrr 2j different h 1 &tc been Ur e d on sale, an ft r two esrpi.:ion.tl.ir nmnn J tv tlic bft Inlunncd drnf tst. 'snrrc t In lo'c'njr a f'w t!r :inriy jmiS('M it Unihtfe tnrc!t c '". It li absolutely ccriola ta nil it.ur.ty. PACK A.T THE OJLD STAJSTD Ifinnene Reduction in PRICES ! AT THE STORE OF NEWMAN FISHER , NOW I USE- GREAT REDUCTION IN ilUil Ul ORGANS. TO THE PUBLIC: j t Dnemnsm Eit-'i pailrtcfef E xronD'3 TIATlirAI, Cl'nR ciiin'ns Hr. jfinrorJ'j liiiji-on d lnlinllii 1 n1.-. r ti tu'l ircdpon3 for Its n?o in pll cntus. 1 rirc ( t m. SIJ lirJli holcvJeand retail dinsUsts nu 1 0 ii'rrstlirrnMlotitth'' lTnltid PtatrsnmM'nTiml s. Vi'UxS i. lynTHUO-inral Scents aad uu-. flc lJrnsjlKrtl-oa. M.. sv???; mM IBL08S f iiAan tJLESU n rsi Ea3V U tbiUi !S Sirlf LY WOWDEHFUL. Kc8TPT.l!rrr a 4 ff? AcrilSJ. ia,7. ln'dcr OtLTJKH V0L7AI9 ri.Mii KtlultfM plnstcrlertr e miiaut am rccoui--tuJlaff Hit iftiu u'.I. C. JIcMoceowv & IICMK. II 1 J ltl.(fetlonpniy imi ttmrrf;opi tl.un k" otlirr m oil trine. Mn L"c? to n ijool, lur llio Hi t l.i row tluiu lirii rrnr. L&sjAZV'VTriZlD. lnaM.Iu ) I A ls. S W Anr I IllK0tllPO"VIrOtri:U lllCT rjetliQlut-t pr3Mcrs.no doubt, la the world. 3, 1 McG ill. JVirGroTX. Mo- Mn Arcppt my HtsnL fnr tha ff AVING DETERMINED TO MAINTAIN THE POSITION HERETOFORE xl occulted by raojns Hie largest RETAIL DEALER in Soatbern Oregon, I take this meusn in ntDPCDciDg that 1 am now displaying the LARGEST AMD BEST STOCK OF GENERAL MERCHANDISE North of San Francisco consisting of a Pine Stock of GENTS' MD BOYS' CLOTHING, MATS & GAPS :o:FL""5r-c3i-Go:o.s, LADIES' AD GEBTS' FDRMSHING GOODS, SSUStElS VLISSS, Etc., Wliich is surpassed by none in the coun'y and will be sold at low prices to SUIT THE TIMES. It shall continue to be my ait. to give The X&ost Goods for the cast r&oney, and to place before my pitrons a vnriety of articles not to he foand in any o'her house t is nut my intention to mislead the public by advertising guudi I cauuot product; upon nqury but to give value received in every instance. A call from every pnrchaser at my old slandis solicited. N. PISOER. Smith's Organs air b lanoi Are now'TAKING THE LEAD OVER ALL OTHERS for" Brilliancy, Sweetness oi' Tone, Durability and General Finish NOTICE. H VYING AGAIN TAKEN Pos session of th'A saloon, the undersigned will to pleastd to meet his friends and the public uent-rjlly alibis o'd and popular re sort. The finest liquors ord clears can al ways be had atthU place, undhe tables are supplied with nli the leading newspapers and periodicals of the day. A first cbss billiard tabit is also kept at this lion-. C W. SAVAGE. S. P. HAftftA, WAGON-MAKER, Jaclsscavillc, Qrogon, T.N CRONTEIILLT3rv-5 BUILDING IS IN X receipt or u full avortment of material and prepared to do all work in his line on rfinrt notice and In a workmanlike manner " VCMcICb ur ui'Uijf Gi.n;rTjUQ.uiIc-iQ or der. Terms reasonable and eattsfaction guaran teed. .jSTltepairing a speciality. S. P. TIAX2JA. Jackonville, February, 20, 187j. irOron. Mo ilnri.li ti. J pno tit--rivt'tlfronitlictwoCox l lv rusrEi. i-i-iu nig soiav tiiiicaso. T. CllOOIitt. COLLSHS' VDLTAiC PLASTER for .'wit p-Hi. Imt'iiPFS, Borcncsa, weaknw?, imiDli i v. ii 1 1 i I1;uttiatioTi of the lcnjr, liT " 1 ,-iti tviin. Inrt if bulJ'T. Inert. zi I ran r h i ii-i in aj urmyol doctor aad acrtt vl Prlco, 2j ocr.'tea tt t 'k i i - L rf cJ ftatm nsd Canarln. tuJbj EXCELSIOR LIFBRlSfiJiED nm (3 37 ja. 3 Xj 23 . Corner of Or.EO0S ASD CaUFonxU CT3., JACKsaXTIt.IK. W. 5. S-SSSAZtB, Prcp'r 7 OULP RESPECTFULLY ISFORM TUB TUB 'V lie that Lo lias a fioe stock o( Horses, Eisggies and Cnr iiVRcs An J Lo Is pre jitrwl to farnMi !! patrons .irul Use ili Vc generally with Fine Turnouts Aa can lio liau an tho Pacific coast. Fn.MIo Lorsc: hired to go to any I'irt ot the country. Animals Douzlit nnd Sold. Hor'ts l-roie tn worlc slnglo or donlile. Hones Imanlwl and tbe liMt of care brstooJ upon tliem hll in my charge A lilwral slinro of the punlic putrocagc la solicited on reasouaUe terms. - 14 f.I fcal8Mnlll0 H ' --5fits!iJ L' iejj5? m fl feikf si veohon ftaD. fWi-iftiSir 'JV-. r, ii Ml Sg-?WmwlliK Tou can uy a FIRST CLASS PIANO OR O QAN CHEAPER Of me than ANY OTHER DEALER in the business, because 1 sell at 'YHOLESALE PRICES FOR CASH, and at a slight advance -where sold on EASY INSTALLMENTS. Agents and Piano Tramps who make LARGE PROFITS are requested to open their batteries UPON ME or my INSTRU MENTS at once, 'ihe public- will soon ascertain it is to THEIR AD VANTAGE to give mo a call, and find that MY PIANOS AND OR GANS WILL WEAR AS WELL, keep in tune as long, and SAVE MONEY FOR THE PURCHASER. Don't be fooled or humbugged by any thing you hear, "lalk is cheap (usually.) The man or -woman who is talked into plying exorbitant prices, pays very dear. BEST OF REFER ENCES GIVEN AND SATISFAC TION GUARANTEED. 5TSend for special information to JAS. S. SMITH, . 575 Market St., San Francisco. it- an firs pianos & organs. In order to introduce THESE MAGNIFICENT PIANOS on tiiis Coast, I have put the prices MUCH LOWER than other FIRST-CLASS MAKERS, and as I do not proposo to make any agents, (who generally ex tort largo profits from the consumer) I expect to Ikj severely handled by such persons in the Piano business. Tho materials used in their con-i structlon aro of the VERY BEST kind, and tho wood thoroughly sea soned. They aro substantially made. DURABILITY, TONE and tho ower of MAINTAINING TUNE LONGER than any other piano made, are tho characteristics of theso instruments. Tho greatest possible attention is given to their tone and touch, and I have no hesitancy in olFering them to the public as FIRST-CLASS PIANIW in every respect, and warrant thorn to stand in any climate. DANI3LP. BSATTY'3 PIANOS AHD ORGANS. WASHNGT ON. NEW JERSEY. D J? A TTV1". Grand, D Hj A 1 i I Square and Up-t-ht. and BKATTYS CELEBRATED OIDEX TONGUE PAULO U" OR GANS are the sweetest toned nnd most ptrfect indrnments ever before manuloct- urtd in tli s or any otlier coantry. '1 lie world is challenged to equal theui. B.st discounts and terms ever before given. Rock Bottom panic prices now ready to jobbers, Bgenls and tlie trade in general. An oiler: I hese cclebruted instrument? (either Piano or Ori;an) boxed and shipped to nnywberc, on five or fillcen days iet trial, aioney reloaded nnd IrciRUt paid both ways if in nny way unsatisfactory. Fully warranted for six years as strictly first-clnss. EXTRAORDINARY LIB ERAL discounts given to Churches, Schools, Lcdzes, Halls, Minister?,- Teach er?, etc., in order to have them introduced nt once where I have no agents. Thons ands nrw in cse. New Illustrated AD. VERTISER, (Catalogue Edition), with list of testimonials, now ready, sent free. Established in 1659. Address J)ANIEL F. BEATTY. Washingtarf, New Jersey. NEW LIYESY STABLE BACK OF COURT HOUSE. V. MANNING-, Proprietor. rrTAVIXO IATELT FITTED HP TITK COM-"IrTXnitl'trotrj'jam-'M'-lWSSdl'wl llonsn Flat and io tlie rear of the Court Ilon.e. Woare nor f nllj prqiare.l to attend tn allLntlress In onr line with promptness auddispitch aud at the m 'fit reasonable rates. . 2ino Turnouts Tlie stl"e Is furn i.lied with the best animals nnd mo.t sntistantlal Lurries; also a first clAts hack and snddle horses. Horses boarded, and the best care bestowed on them. bAtfgfietinn frnaranleed In eTery instance. G Ire us a call and judge for jnnrsclres. .1. V. MANNING. JacksonTllle, April 10lh, 18T v-ji, t .&: - I ISIW ts H 2 V .V? 'i fj :.l L. Vlvi UrrY tn workrmnstsH? I-s r.r.v.i t- n G'TCRojitctcr Vtfatch, and as clocanJy .n'.d a 3 slrjt-rfaas Piano. It received tho hi;tt ?'-x-::- 3,1 '. V.sna and Ccn tonnia. Cxpcslt or.s. Lr fls,; CS'F'SURTH FAST E;? than cthor mcc hi :-i,-t, . Uz cJinectty Is unlimited. There arc mere V-J c 4, H C- is H AC; ii 3 3 2 Q sold in tho United States tr.a: t'.a c--ib!ncd sales of all tho Others. THSWSLS3& i.TSOSft: ATTACHEIi1ENT,for doing a!! kinds of rapaJrln, 1V8TKCUT PATCHING, given FRS5 with occh roach?!. A Csrtiflcato is given with each Machine, guaan'.-'jeJns to keep it in repair, freo c? charge, vcr vvo years. 5t requires no special instructions to So-arn how to rso it. Satisfaction guaranteed, ;r no psy, ri3achtn33 delivered free of charge anywhi-e in t5ie iinitod Gtatea. Send fzr ''' trir;-(- Cr.,io , nt! zzk for sample of mondlng, and our Ci'cf'ar Vo fT fr r sjt-5r UtzuiitAlOM for buying machines upon terms stated In tna Cata'sus. STS3.rV7ILCCiS if mm MA6HINE CO. ) 827 (. S?9 "rr-jj.vsy, ueVj VorU; Hew Orleans, La.; Cor. State and Marfiron jrs-, Ch'c-sso, !:&.; and Gan Francisco, Cat For Sale L?j oil 2virs-OZass Dealers, MRS. I. W. BERRY, LOCAL AGENT. D Vj W A li li i'nsirnti" rls. are entirely ihsinlefesltji. Ac'Jrcsi IIhsidekce 1709 Stockton St. S. F. nm ll'vn'rf who rf j 'onn ol my 8ii,fs itrnl mi Suil fur reply, and nee wiiat ihon; ay of tni wlni JAS. S. SMITH, 675 MARKET ST., S. F. iET WAWI W WHEELS TRANCO -AMERICAN HOTEL & RESTAURANT AN BLFOANT ASSORTMENT OF POCKET AND Tail. Cutlery for sale tjr J0IINJI1L1J UNION LIVERY SALE AHDNftEXO HANGE - j Corucr 11H autl California Eta JACKSONVILLE, ORH00N. J. A. CARDWELL PROPRIETOR. THE PROPRIETOR HAS fally rrbnllt and refitted this well known establl.timrnt, anil has rwdo extensive and comfirtaMc addi tions thereto. I have the Tery Let horses, buggies anaiiTery rurnmnsni an aina. nj sroc&oi roaa ters cannot he ezce.led In the State. Horses Boarded Gn reaaonoMe terms, and the best otane and n'ten tion bestowed npon them while nnder mj charge Also Horses Bought and Sold. I am satisfied ihat I ran girt satisfaction and guarantee the same. With this Impression ire baTeno hesitation In soliciting patronage. AXD GENERAL STAGE HOUSE, Orposlte Odd Fellows' Ilall, JACICSONVILLE OIIE GU MADAME HOLT, Proprietress. TRAVELERS AXD RESIDENT BOARDERS will find the most crmfortable lodgings at this house to be met with anrw hero In this part of the State. The Beds aud Bedding TVI 11 always, be fonnd of first-clsss "character nnd eft In a neat and clean ccnlitloowhlle 7 The Rooms renewly farntrhed and will always be kept fnnrat nd homelike condition. A rdrntilnl Fupplyof the est ef everything the market affords will be Spread on , Her Tahle. Her house will be kept open all night, and "SQUARE J1EAI.S" can be obtained at any hour of tho day or night. OYSTERS PREPARED IV EVERT STYLE, And lunches to be hail at any time. Store passen gers and others who may be out late at night, can al ways find a good fire, hot meals and good beds a this house. NotrooblewiU be spared todeserro tho patronage of the traTclHn; as w ell as the permanent commu nity. Olre mi a call. DR. S EY IS MANUFACTURED BY ffTOKfl I' It'll v Hi RACINE, WIS. WE MAKE EVERY VARIETY OF fflfllf mmmMm TOM i? ii rfi 'D BEATTI MHOS & ORGiS LOCAL AGENCY, AM AGENT FOR TnE CELEBRATEP L lleatty Fianosand Orpan for the coun ties.of Jackson. Josephine, DouRlaa and Lake. i(Any ohe.Tffeliing to purchase one of these lastrnmentcaa transact tnetr btnicesa wjtn me. Prieea ealremely low. A1 wishing- a Ho. 23L KBAP-WBY ST., Treats all Chronic nnd Special Diseases -s-OTTKTGr- aascaassr WHO MAY BE SUFFERING FROM the iflects of yruthful follies or iiidi? crctton, will do well to av.iil tbpmstilven of this, the greatest boon ever laid at tbe altar orsnfleriiighutnanitj. DR. SPINNEY will guarantee to forfeit $500 for every cat of Seminal weakness or private disetue or any kind or character which he undertakes and Tails to cure. MIDDLE-AGED MEN. There arc man? at the age of thirty to sixty who are troubled with too frequent ev acuation of tbe bladder, often accompanied by a slight rmartiug or burning sensation, and a weakening of the system in a mnnner the patient cannot account for. On examn in the urinary deposits a ropy erdiment w often be fouDd and sometimes small particles of albumen will appear, or the color will be of a thin milkUh bite, again changing to a dark and torpid appearance There are many men who die of this diffi culty ignorant of the canse which is the sec ond stage of seminal weakness Dr. S. will guarantee a perfect cure in all fach cases, aud a healthy restoration of the genito-uri-nary organs. Officb Hocks 10 to i and 6 to 8. Sun days from 10 to 12 a. m. Consultation free 1 borough examinations and advice, So. Call or address, DR. SPINNEY CO. No 11 Kearney St., San Francisco. imm, mm mo sprig wagons, And by confining ourselves strictly to one class of work; by employing cone but th BEST OF WORKMEN, Using nothing but FIRST-CLASS IMPROVED MACHINERY civil the VERY BEST OF SELECTED TIMBER, And by a THOROUGH KNOWLEDGE of the business, we have justly earned the reputa tion ol oaKing "THE BEST WAGON ON WHEELS. i We give the following warranty with each wagon: We Hereby Warrant "he FISH DR03. WAGON No to be well made in ever particular nnd of good material, and that the strength of the same is sufficient for all work with fair usage. Sliitihl any breakage occur within one year fromjhiit date by reason of defective material or workmanship, repairs, for the same will bo furnished at place of sale, free of charge, or the price of aud replri, as p;r agent's prion tis. t ill bo paid in cash by tbe purchaser producing a sample of the broken or defective parts as' evidence. Racine, Wis., Jan. 1st, 1S79, J &?ffi i FISH BEOS & CO.. ' ixaJSi. Hoggins. ) Knowtne we can rait jon, we solicit patronage from every rrction nf the United States. Send for Price and Terms, aud for a copy of onr AGRICULTURAL FAl'EU to FISH BROS & CO.. RACINE, WIS. DO NOT FAIL t ifnd ror oar Catalogue It contains price urn description ef most every article In gen eral uneand Is valuable to A3TY PERSOXcontrmniat- i'fr use In the remote parts of the Territories lnc the purehaseof any article for , ramiiT or Arricoiiai have done a farro trade the past season and have, with few exceptions, exceed tuoni oft in ATAl0rfe TO AX1T AUDHIWH, e-d the expectations of manv flnlmlniP fa hAvn of 4u to tlO per cent. We mall theso the purchaser. ' claiming to have made savins EAGLE BREWERY. JOSEPH WETTEREB, Proprietor Oregon St., Jacksonville. IE WEST OF LAOEB BEER AL17AT3 KEPT oaliiad aodreatly for sale- ty thskrsor class. VICEK. CrON APPMCATIOSf. tVeself or cond (o n'l mnnklnd at vrttolcftala Jrlcmlnqnantltlratoaiilt. llctcrcnce, lxt Hatloual Hank, Clilcaco. MOMTGOMERT WARD t CO., Original Grsnre Bnpply House, 7 k S9 WftOMlt AVCM CWCBCO, IUs. THE C11Y BREWERY. YEIT SOHUTZ, - ProDrietor. T-TTAnTT. MOOT TrPQDVPTnTT.T.T TV. lfonathe citlzensof Jftcktou.ll anl the world At lcrge, that they can fluU, (it JT, aoT time- at nvf Brawerr. the bottliizer wS HonKtjataw, And JacnSonYilie, Oregon GIBBS & STEAEIT busiucsa In I'ortU:. will attcn." to vll M TAJCIjS, ROPES CARPENTERS' ANDWA- good and. ctteap piano call and see rae. beer. In anj qaantlty tbe piurhter innj doclrf ,Mj houaa la coi Ten lent lyttnatei imS nj roenu ar always Ia,orJcf, A.viaU viH rlaae ?nL cii ror saio dt juun wlus. MESJB. B. DOWELL,