w . -, Iff L A THE OREGON SENTINEL Wednesday, February 5, 1879 es AGENTS FOX THE SEKTIKEL. S. M. Fe Itcmrill & Co -. . . Ne w Tork (Jeo. P. Rnwelf & Co New York Roweli i- Cbeesman St. Loui L. P. Fi'her San Fmnc'sfn D. II. Steam Portlam! Ilellgloa Directory. M. E. Cnuncrr. R-'lisiou services ev ery Sunday fit the nsual hours, by the Rev frrnrl M. . WilliamR, D. A. Crowell and A Hardifjon Catholto Rkrvicks. Services will b rid t tlie Catholic Church in lhi plac fvery Sunday nt the usual boars in the mornins ami evening, Rev. Father 15 lan chet officiating M. E. StJSDiT Scrtooi,. R'eular meet ins every Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock Catholic Suxdat School. Regular meeting every Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock Finn Company. We thought we were to hare a fire company organized in Jacksonville. litis it froze out dur ing the late cold spell? Goke to California. Steve IIul bard is now taking care of stock for the 0. fc C. Stage Co. at Cole's station, on the California side of the moun tain. Separated. We have authority for stating that Ed. Cawlcy and his wife Aflie have agreed to disagree. Jlrs. Cawley returned on Saturday last to the home of her father, Dr. Colvig, at Bock Point O.v A Yisit. Dr. Jesse Robinson, formerly of this place, is on a visit to old friends in the valley. The. Dr. has taken a trip down the river, where he is interested in mining operations with Mr. Bybce. Collecting Indians. We learn from Mr. Arthur Langell that the troops are busy collecting straggling Indians throughout the Lake country. They are to be removed to the Yaki ma reservation. A Treat. Madams Holt, of the Franco American, has our thanks for a nice present of fresh oysters from Shoalwater Bay. Their flavor was ex cellent and they were duly appreciated. The Madame's boarders must live well. Stock Suffering. We learn that the stock on Butte creek is Bufferim; severely from the long continued col weather. . Many cattle are in a nearly t-t arcing condition and oven if warm wather should start the grass a large number cannot survive. Cvme Ashore. The schooner "El venia" parted her moorings at Cres cent City on the night of January '29th with a full cargo of redwood lum ber. She belongs to Messrs. Hobbs, l'omoroy it Co., of San Francisco, and will probably be a total loss. Novel Farming. Joe. Beggs in forms us that in passing through Cow creek valley a few days since he found Mr. Hardy ElifF filling hog holes in his fence with snow. Beggs is responsible for the statement and presumes that Mr. Eliff expects the snow to last all next summer, which we hope it won't. Preaciiixg. Don't fail to go to the Heber Grove school house on Sunday the ICth inst and hear Elder Peterson on infidelity. The Elder will preach at Willow Springs on Sunday the 9th inst., the subject at the latter place be ing "The law of the spirit of life." Position Filled. We are glad to see that Mr. John Boyer has received the position in Mr. Beekman'u banking and express office made vacant by the death of U. S. Hayden. Mr. Boyer is a very worthy and deserving citizen and we offer him our. congratulations. Bailroad Meeting. A meeting of the committee of the N. G. B B. will be held in Jacksonville to-day. We hope the meeting will be a full one, and that a good report of the willing ness of our people to aid in the sur vey will bo made. Do not let the jiublic interest in this matter die. Postal Order. An order has been issued by the Post Office Department directing Postmasters to receive any money that has been declined a legal tender in exchange for Post Office or ders. Heretofore Postmasters were required to receive only treasury and national bank notes, and since the change the business of the Jackson ville office has been largely increased. Backed Oct. Last week there was a candidate for admission to a lodge of Good Templars on Applegate. The lodge has the whole world for an "an "te room" and the candidate was forced to sit outside on a log during a heavy snow storm and await its action. "When tho committee informed him that tho ballot had been favorable he expressed himself disgusted with cold tvater, especially in a crystalline form, and spent his admission fee at Bolt's for something to siirt his blood into LOCAL, ITEMS. Stages on time. Miners generally idle. The freeze still continues. Circuit Court nest Monday. County Court meets to-day. Weather distressingly bright t Beggs' team gone Korth to-day. B. F. Dowell is at present in Port land. County taxes collected to date $12, 745.10. Chew Jackson's Best Sweet Navy Tobacco. ' ' Several communications crowded out this week. Elegant and comic Valentines at Howard's. Farmers moving the plow when the sun hhines. P- - Prospects of-fflB"lc market next Spring. " Mr. Win. Gass will start for home in i few days. Yalentine3 at Kahler Bro's. and Breckeufeld's. Sheriff Bybee returned yesterday from his mines. Over two hundred pupils in the District School. . Bead what Mrs. Merriman has to say as Administratrix. W. J. Plytnale lost a horse on Sun day las. Bead lib ad elsewhere. Mr. Flitner from Yreka proposes to start a skating rink in Jacksonville. Thanks to Veit Schutz. His bever age is fit for a German Prince. Arthur Langell in from Lake coun ty perhaps looking for a partner. We hear that there are a great many scabby sheep in this countyjust now. Chas. Coggswell, Esq., of Lakeviow, has gone to Salem on State land busi ness. In the month of January just ended Post Master Muller issued 192 money orders. Breckenfeld is still at the old corner with a large and desirable stock, very cheap. Beanies Bros, invite their friends to call and see how very cheap they iell for cash. jT Coir Stone, Supt cf the 0. fc C. Stage Co., went bouth to Yrefca Satur day last ; Bev. Mr. Hardison will preach next Sunday morning ' at the M. E. Church. Mr. Booth's fine hone "Scamper down" will commence the season on Feb. 20th. Capt Winters has gathered Up about 350 Piutes who will be taken to Yaki ma at once. E. F. "Walker has a force of ten men on his Grave Creek ditch and is daily adding to it We furnish our readers this week7 with two very important decisions by Judge Deady. Land patents for James B. Neil and Cyrus W. Pickens are in the land 3f- fice at Boseburg. Don't forget the dance at Mr. Balls' new house near Willow Springs on the 21st inst. Mr. John Blalock, of upper Evans Creek, reports the weather .too cold there for mining. School tax collected to date in Jacksonville District 925,23. About $400 yet uncollected. Everything in the neighborhood of Grave Creek frozen up and miners idle for want of water. Matt Shannon is now doing th shoeing on tho middle division of the O. & C. Stage company. Outside is "Daisy's Mission," written several years since by the editor for tho "Overland Monthly." Mining matters reported exceeding ly quiet in Josephine county . owing to the long continued freeze. There will bo a spelling bee ot Phoe nix this evening. Not only fun but in struction for tho young folks. The friends of Mrs. Wm. Hoffman are informed that sho is doing as well as possible with her broken arm. " Matt Dillon has something that would make an Irish lord or any other man happy if he took just enough. S. B. Bamsey drove 150 head of fine beef cattle out of Langell Yallcy last week for tho San Francisco market Messrs. Hale and Worden, the lat ter a uroiner ot ftiKes, orougnt in a band of of cattle for John Orth from the Klamath basin last week. Some of our Ashlaud folks got into a row last week and a fight occurred, which shows that our neighboring town contains some naughty people. Professor Kugler has sent to New York for a splendid Chickering piano for the use of his pupils, and the Pro fessor is just the geijtleman to bring Mr. W. C. Myer, the enterprising stock raiser of Ashland, was in town last week. We would liko to hear from him regarding a county fair. L. Herling, Jr., is father to the finest boy ever found in San Francis co. Loui is too happy, and. says he wouldn't swap it for the Bank of Cal ifornia. We hear that an iron fence very el egant in design and finish has been brought to Bock Point by J E. Beggs. It is intended to enclose the resting place of the late Mrs. F. Birdsey. Walter Moss Is canvassing Jackson county for the Salem "Mercury," pub lished" by W. F. Cornell. It it an ex cellent Democratic journal, and has the largest circulation of ' any Demo cratic paper in Oregon. " -S. Marks i!k Co. give notice in anoth er column that they havo decided, on discontinuing the forwarding business, afte'r-Pebuary 15th, and shippers will govern themselves accordingly. Max Muller will receipt for all money due that firm. The roads north of here, especially through the Grave creek hills and north of C.inyoiiville, are reported in a very bad condition. Partly frozen and partly thawed out and in places covered with ico wheeling is not only difficult but dangerous The "Teller" committee are still en gaged in taking the testimony in the Fouthern fraud cases. Ths investiga tion is expected to be a teller in the next Presidential campaign, but its work will probably le in Tain unless tho bulldozing spirit gives way to fair dealing in the southern states. Some Democratic papers afraid to defend tho lata corrupt Democratic admistration are trying to divert their readers with a hue and cry about the Investigating Comraitte. We are glad to say that the number of papers that so do is small, but what they lack in numbers they make up in political intensity. The Bed Bock" Democrat" published at Baker City, in speaking of the re report of the Investigating Committee says: From what we have seen of the committee's report we are satisfied that the committte has faithfully done its duty, and we do not believo any Democratic paper should lower itself so ss ic leco.-ne the sj.oioist of Dem ocratic corrupt officials. Colt Sold. We learn that Mr. J. H Penn has sold one of the fine Morgan fillies ho took to Bo&eburg, for S200. Money Order Bcsinesh. The Jacksonville Post Office issued during the year 1878 1,G'J0 money order?, amounting to 1 6,020,03. Confined to Bed. Wo hear that School Superintendent Fouutnin is se riously ill at his home in Ashland, having been confined to his bed for several days. Festivities at Piio3nix. A few days ago the head of a gentleman at Phoenix collided with a brick-bat, dis charged by a juvenile catapult named Nicewarmer, and was seriously damag ed. The owner of the head brought it to town on Monday for repairs. The Stockholders of tho Grave Creek Ditch & Mining company will meet at the Grave Creek House on the 20th day of Feb., 1S79, at one o'clock, p. M. A full attendance is required. By order of .Directors. Danl. Cronemiller, Sea Drive Slow. Ths last legislature passed a law to provent fast driving over any public bridge at a rate faster than a walk under penalty of 1 0 to 1 00. A county or public 'bridge on any high way is one whose widtkexeeeds ten feet and the public will take notice that the law is in full forca and effect AHint to Young Men. A few days since wo asked a young lady acquain tance why she remained single among so many young men! "Well," she an swered "I have not been asked yet, and if I were I really do not feel stout enough to mako a living for two.' Tho answer we are afraid, contains a whole volume of truth, and may teach a lesson for many places as well as Jacksonville. Precinct Jury List. Following is the jury list for Justices' court, Jack sonville precinct, for tho year ending Dec 31, 1879. It was drawn on Monday by Justice Huffer, assisted by Wm. M. Turner and C. W. Kahler as provided by law: L. J. C. Duncan, J. N. T. Miller, J. A. Cardwell, James Lawrence, Wm. Jackson, Peter Britt, John Orth, Nat Langell, E B. Reames, E. D. Foudray, W. A. McPherson, L. Solomon, G. W. Holt, E. Jacobs, Henry Judge, A. M. Berry, Jacob Ish, B. C. Armstrong, Pat Donegan, I. W. Berry, Kaspar Kubli, Henry Pape, Jame3 Elliott, A. Martin, Michael, Hanley, George Stevenson, Gaorge Browu, David CronemilMr, Ed. Smith, ciHcrrr corax docket. The Februrary term of Circuir. Court, Hon. H. K. Ilarms presiding, will convene on the 10th inst The docket is as follows: CRIMINAL CASES. State vs. ArchvChrisman; as3ault with dangerous weapon. State vs. James Hards; murder. State vs. Daniel Doty; assault with a dangerous weaponl State vs. W. B. -Cummons, Frank Williams and J. Elliott; larceny. State vd. O. Harbaugh; larceny. State vs. J. F. Smith; assault with dangerous veapon.;ti State vs. Wm. Caldwell; assault with dangerous weapon"' State vs. Samuol.Tlith; murder. State vs. Indian Stevo; murder. Civil. Cases. ft- Jas D. Pay vs.5'P.' J. MJvlone; to. nv cover money. ' iL :ieHowe Sewing -Machine Co. va. Jesse Houck; "to recover personal proper ty. A. W. Cannon vs. J. W. Manning and Jesse Houck; to recover personal property. Haymond ic White vs. George Magerle; to recover money. Haymond & Magruder V3. G?orgo Magerle; to recover money. Wm. McCrindle vs. O. Mickleson; to recover money. Thos. Smith vs. J. H. Skidcioro and n. C. Hill; to recover money. Suits in Equity. DeLashmut A Oatman vs. G. II. Marshal et aljsuit for injunction. Antoinette Fewell V3. J. M. IV.ve!l; suit for divorce. Boxanna Farris 'vs. J. W. Hayes et al. Martha Binder vs. Bobt Linder. suit for divorce. Coyote Gold and Silver Mining Co. vs. Wm. Buble and Walter Buble. F. H Cox and L. H. Shaw V3. B. B. Griffin et al; suit to foreclose mort gage. josh-hive roi.vrv itejis. WiLDERVitLE, Ogn., Jan. 27. Ed. Sentinel. The long looked for storm has came at last and the miners were happy for a season at least, but their happiness seems to be of but short duration as it 13 again freezing of nights. , - Bybte, KawkeSe '& Co., at the Joso phine diggings, have commenced piping with two pipes. Tho other companies further down the riveraie also at work with the exception of the Pickett creek company. Tho Green Bros., at the Suyir Pineledge, are now running two arrastras and have six men in their em ploy taking out quartz. An exploring party of seven or eight left here the other day to explore the new cave lately discovered on the left fork of Cheney creek, and within about four miles of this place. Tho cave-has been but partially explored. Some of tho rooms that have been explored are said to be very beautiful. It is of lime stone formation and bids fair to become quite a curiosity in its way. Messrs. Watts and McAllister have completed the survey of the Cheney creek ditch. It is something over four miles in length. Mr. Weatherby is putting up a new saw-mill on Jackson creek, nAWKEYTJ. BAI1LT MISTAKEN. The "Times" rather broadly hints that we are the author of our own correspondence, and in so doing makes an ungenerous and wo trust an unintended charge, as it is beneath tho dignity or manliness of any editor to &ay elsewhere anything ho is asham ed to say in his editorial columns. We assure the "Times," that the corres pondence is as genuine as it is appar ently distasteful. It appears to have been stinging to the "Times," but it should have stung more ' deeply, and it is difficult to expresji the disapproba tion with which a lato scurrilous and profane article in that paper has been received by the public. It is a great mistake to suppo3o that we were the author of the letters jreferred to, and which do credit to the intellect and morals of the writers, and it is 'a still greater mistake to suppose that we are either afraid or ashamed to express our opinion on any proper subject in its appropriate editorial place in the Sentinel. Serious Accident. We regret to say that Mrs. Jano McQully met with a very painful accidant on Thursday last. Stepping outside of her kitchen door she slipped on the frosty ground, falling heavily, fracturing the radius of tho right arm near the wrist, and also dislocating tho wrist joint Mrs. Mc Cully is under the caro of Dr. Aiken and doing very well. Property Sold. Eighty acres of the "Home" projierty, levied on to satii -fy a judgment in favor of Ahler Band was sold by Deputy SJierifF-Seybert on Saturday. It wai purchased bv BOARD OT TRUSTEES. A called meeting of the Board of Trustees wa3 hold on Febuary 3d, President Linn in tho chair and all the members present The President or dered Mr. Nunan to act as clerk. Mr. Lingell moved that all business bo sus pended and the business of the meeting bo to draft proper resolutions on the death of our worthy Becorder, TJ. S. Hayden, when tlw following were of fered and passed: Whereas. It has pleased Almighty God in his wisdom to remove from our midst by death since our last meeting our worthy and efficient Becorder, TJ. S. Hayden, therefore be it Besolved That by this sudden and affecting, dispensation of Providence this Board has lost a useful, energetic and upright meirbrr, sodciy one of its brightest ornaments, the Townof Jack sonville a trusted officer, doing his up most to further its interest ami "pro? perity, filling the office of Becorder for eighteen years with credit to himself and an honor to the town of Jackson ville. Tho community loose a good citizen and a kind benevolent gentle man, whoso absence will long be felt in our midst Besolved. That this Board tender their sincere sympathies to the bereav ed relatives of the deceased. Risolved. That u token of re tpect for our lamented friend and hon ored fellow officer, that the members of this Board, anil the officers of this town wear crape for the space of thirty days; and also that this hall be draped in mourning for the same length of time. Besolved. That thoo resolutions be entered in full upon the journal, and that the clerk of the Board for ward a copy of the same to the rela tives of the deceased. After tho adoption of the resolutions the Board adjourned. D. LINN, President J. Nunan, Becorder Pro tern. X COIXTY FAIR. We regret the apathy that has been manifested by our farmers for many years with regard to an annual exhibi tion of stock and agricultural products. There is no reason whatever that we should not have a yearly gathering of the farmers, stock raisers and manu facturers of Jackson county that would not only be instructive and profitable but enjoji.ble to themselves and families. With our neighbors across the Sikiyou rang3 the County Fair is the great event of the season. From every part of the county farmers gather to show their products and to interchange thought on tho noblest pursuit of mankind, stock-men to try the speed and strength of their road sters and discuss the relativo merits of their shep and cattle, and their fami lies attend to enjoy the society of their friends and neighbors. Wo do not suggest a mere horse race or a fair de voted exclusively to the trial of the speed of fine hors.es, although that must necessarily be a prominent fea ture, but we mean an exhibition of ev ery product of our industry. The Agricultural Society of Jackson coun ty is still in existence, and we tiiink that if they would take early steps, the first one the securing of ground for a half mile track, they would receive substantial encouragement from the community an I make a fair a success next Fall. THEI.NJill.lf KlUEAl'. The joint committee on Indian af fairs appear to bo almost unanimous in the reeom.mpnd.tiion that tho control of the Indians bo transferred-from the Interior to the war department. There will, no doubt, be a tremendous effort to prevent the change but it is to be hoped that it will bo made at once. The condition of Indian matters is now ?o bad, owing to the parsimony of Congress and tho total failure of tho "peace policy," that it would be diffi cult to make it worse. Fear is the mo(t powerful argument with an Indian, and under the present system when all else has failed and ho be comes unmanageable tho aid of the military is invoked to restrain him The restraint should como direct and the transfer would end tho continual conflict between the civil and military authorities. The moral culture of the Indian, if it bo possible, need not nec essarily cea'e. If the churches bo honest and we would bo loth to think they aro not, they can tak tho gospel among the Indians more easily than they can carry it among foreign pagans, and of cour.;o they will bo fur. nishrd every facility for hfs conversion. Wo do not desire tho change because we endorse tho hue- and cry against civilian agents. We believe they have been much belied and their failure is more the result of a misunderstanding of Indian character than of dishonest practices. A change would simplify tho government of the various tribes by bringing them in direct contact with tho only power they fear and would .return a large army of civ liann to industrial pursuits. Wo earnestly 33X232D. KiSOUD. U t!i; residence ot his moth rr near ViII'onitmr, on Thursday, Jud nirj 30'h Q-'o. Kinrbid, aged 8 year?. NKV A OVKUTl -.KM KNT3. Notica to Shippars.. HAYIN'll DECIDED OV DISCON liuuir.jr t!? Forardinr business w devr? to aivo notice thit from uatl aflrr the 1 5 h uf February out wb will iiot re ceive any ci'ire frriL'ht into our war liou.-tr All prisons IB arnai tor freight t'largrg art) requested to make immediate piyraeot. For liii" uicocKocdatioa of those- who live n uinl abiat Jbclconvilhr. hv Lioii comer)'. Mr. Uni Mailer will rrceivp uoil rcript lor ii. S.MAKKS&CO. Roscbure. J ,d. 29. 1879. S.OS2. A MGIir SORREL, HOnSB ABOUT t V I'ijut ve.tr- oil with whi t? stria Id f.ici? li J all ronifl. rordon I. ft MiRuMer. Wns jxeoriili'netagj liorpej. Lait sepn near .vimi .irn.. WilUuitab V reward tny P".-in rrturniuc or sivluK anv Inrnrmatloti about him -- W. J. PLYUALK. jACfcfiiuT He TW. 3.h mo. . ij , iiotice of Final Setttenont In ths Oonnty Court of thn S'ata of Ore gn.lir the Cimnty of Jackson, siting mi Probate on Janutry 25th, 1879 In the tn itter of th rat ite of Wm. II. Mcr- rinon, il-c aS'il. N'OTIPK IS IIKKEIIY (3IVKV TH T Artewca Mt'iriiiuiii Kxtrulr'x of the Kv i it- of Wm. II. Ver.iimn. l(-ceif,l hu. fi'i il In r fi isl nrcnimt ol the o unhtion fietcol "n iht i (T'Cf of lie Onuiy Ulwfc of JncLm County pMvtni; tor a Cm I s'ttli'. m 'lit. aiil irl-rcil that Tiio-dy. M-trch -tib. 187j, at 10 oVImk a. u. ht hecn set by onlrr of l lie Co.iu'y Court for the final hear, in il.tr i of. Oivm tirjl.r my h.md Jnnusry 29'h 1879 A RTEN KSI A MEURI M A X. Ki'cutrit. XSSSGSUZJm'S XSG'SZCIS. ALL Til OS H THOSri OWING IX ttrrst on ScIiimI Fund notes, t-i.h t tliroii!;h the pu rehire of land (T on bur. riwetl iii'inry, are riquolttl to settle the Minf at once uml save cot.. U) onlrr of the Uoinl of School Land CuruiuUdiotitn. NfcWMAN H3I!R. Local A girt. TO 2B.S3PAS3B21S. pERI'AIN I'ARMKS IIAYING LKT J down th; feme of my pasture near .n. thereby ticwsioninir a considerable I.15 of cattle ami hetp, I llierf-fnre caution and warn oil personi against farther trrs h-s upon "aid IjnJs under penalty of rig unlit) prwicntion. JOHN ORTIL Jacksnnvillo. Pec. 4, 1878. KAHLER BROTHERS. Dealehs In r Sr.. BOOKS AND STATIONERY. P. DOISTEG-A.N GENERAL BLACKSiriTniNG 1-AND-i- HOUSE SHOEING, Cor., of Secosd and California St. o A LL KINDS OF MARKETABLK produce taken iDiiclun.'f lor work. P. DOXKGAX. OUT BASBEE SHO? AND )3ATK BOOMS. California St., JacksonTllIe, - - - Oregon THE TTNDKltSIiJNKI) IS FULLY pr-pred to do all viork in Iih line in the lest manner and at reasonable, prices. IIOT Oil COL.I) BATHS Can be lnd at this place at alt hoar? of the diy. GEORGE SCIIUME1. The People of tills Valley Saw T1IEIR MONEY WHEN THEY CAN" BUY Dry-Goods and nncy-CJoods GROCERIES, BOOTS AriD SHOES, TOBACCO & LIQUOES, AND AU. KINDS OF MERCHANDISE 7 ! FOR ALL. KINDS OF PRODUCE IJT GOING TO RYAN'S BDILDING, SOest door to Post Cfiico, JACKSONVILLE. OREGON. Where Highest Cash Prices are paid. r'V TuNk Get i ?..V wsSHjs. Sheriffs Sale. BY VIRTUE OF AN EXECUTION and order of pale duly taceJ ont of toe Circuit Court of the Stale of Orejron, for Jitckron county, on the 28th day of De cember. 1878, upon a judgment and decree in futor of h F. Walker Hnd XV. O. Myer an! iwair.al J. II. Sk'dmore and A.'M. Skidmore f.ir the f nm ofS3C72 28 and in nvor ol Saxe and RohertsoD, and against J. II' Skidmnrp anj A.M. Skidmore lor the Mini of Sl,G:t3 33, all in gold coin of the United States, and the costs and ilisbnrse-GiPut-i, and to rue directed and delivered, commanding and riqnirinp me to make le !rl levy and sals of the following described P'eraists, vz. Beginning at a post for the SW corner of lot No. two (2) in block No. gjven (7) in 'the town of Ashland in paid comity and State. Vnriation used 10 iitc Ka.it, thence S CO tieg W 7C3 links to a post on the West boundary line of Donntiotf cliim Xo 40 in Township 39 S of R I Kjst. tl.eDce North 468 links to n post on aid West houndary of claim Xo 40. thenru X 7 de' E 5G8 links to n post for the X W corner of lot No one (I) in b'ock No Feveu (7). thence S 23 dog E 332 links to the pluco of beginning, contain ng 2.C0 noes excepting therefrom so much of said land i as has bleu deeded to the West Ashland Ditch 0'irnpanv F.tttt irrsrii'ux uifr A;i'TiflU'''No. one Ml and two f2? Mori: Xo peten (7) in the town of Ashland In faid county, and Slate, belter known as tha A-h!and Aculemy and Io'., ar.d that the proceeds of such sale of .id above described premije be applied. First to the piyment of th. eo't- and disbursements of suit taxed at 332 02 1-2: ami the nccrnin-; p. ata. Second, to the pjyment to Plaintiff:). K F. Walker and W. C. Myer the sum of S3,. ISO 10 and interest, from November 22J 1878 at 10 per cent per annum. Thiid, In ilicpivmrnt of the judgment ol Saxe and Rubvrtion for fhesum ofSI,C33 33 anil in terwt at 7 per cent per nnuuni Tom the 22d day of November. 1878, nil of said turns payable in United Status gold coin. Funrth, the lemaindr, if any there be, pay over to the said J. II. Sfcidmnro and A. M. Skidmore or the'r asoni. 1 have levi-M upon and will oiler lur sale ftr ca'h in U. S. in!l ciin at p'iblic nnct en, to tl.e h gh-Mt biihUrat tho O-mrt Hotted sor io Jacksonville, Jaclcon Co. Oj;n., SATini) IT, rCECCABT, Sill, !! nt 1 nVIocK I". Jt. of said day, all te r'iht It tli! and ir.tf rist ol tfie dihndai ts J II Ui I morea'il A. M. .S'cid-ii i.v n and m tha above described primes. L ied u ion m t he-property of the above nnmeil IMcndant.T J. II. Skidmore nnd A. M .Skidmore, to fatify the demands of the nhove mimed exe cution. WM. IIYHKK, SheriiTof Jnrkwm Co.. Oregon. TacWnvilli'.tlun. Cth. 1870. Sheriff's Sale. BY VIRTUE OF AX EXECUTION duly 1--' e 'I'l-'hc Circuit Court of ihe Stntp of Oregon, for Jack-on County, on the 3d il.) 01 Ju.iuurv 1R7D nnnii tho follow r? imii'iiiTiiK in favor ' ) l jrens ki and Hta nst Jusi-pli Uh. for fro im of S7l 00 and i ii-.if ntc pr mjnlli fruiii the th day of December 1875, u ' c s's.fiwid in li-orj it ti Knttw-ifci mid again I ,J(eih Raih lortihr pmnofSG3- 6. I ami iiveie.n al 10 rVctru mrl oum from t'-e lS'h day of January. 1877 an I cos'i. The coN of said jndjments tend ut 531 10 md al'O the r.rcrni" pnti and to me directed ami il I vered. I hire levin! upon uml w.ll oCer for sale for ci!i at public auction, to th- li ir' et bidder n: the Court Hou6 door inJJack i-uvilio .TacK'on County Oreiron. on SATTEB.iY. l'ECSl'ACV 8th, I8T0. at two o'clock p. si. ol said dny.ol the right titk'and initret of Jo-rpli Rath, deceased, in and to the following de?erd(n premfces v;z: The S I 2 of the S WW nfKcti.n 17. and the X W l or the X E and the XE of the X Wofsectio Jli.in towaJi'p 38, S of R2 W, coiitinin; ICO ncnu. situated in Jek on county, Oreg n, levied upon ns the property of mul d leauant .Joseph Rath tn pntttdy the dtmuodj of iL above named esecutior. WM. BYBEE. Sheriff of Jackso i C. Ogn. Jacksonville, J.in, 6ih. 1879. Estray Notic3 TAKKN UP UY M. D. CIIILD ern, li vini; at the Meadi.ns, on Evan'd creek, in Tab'o Rock precinct, Jackcon c.uinty, Oripon, two head of horns, to. wit: One bright biyhorso, fourteen and a half hiimh hiph, with n whtte stripe in tbtr fore head, and a email white stripe around tha rdv'e of the. hoof on the left hind foot, nnd" Home small paddle marks. Supposed to be 12 yeara old, branded fcO" on the left shonl. der. AUo one drk bay or brown mare,' with three white fret and a small white fpot in tho forehead. No brand i perceivable. About the same height and age of the horse. Mad en when she came to my place a larger h-II and was appraned as follows, io. wit: The horc at forty dollars and the marc at lorty five dolbr.i, by XV. A. Cnilders, Jus tice of the Peace of Toble Rock precinct. .Jackson county, Oresxon. on this the 16th day of January, A. D. 1879. XV. A. CUILDERS, ,Tu'lice-of the Peace. Administrator's Holies. In ths matter of Ihe estate of EvI Schrinf, drcwed. NOTICE I-? HKI'UUY GIVEN THAT the un-lerslirned ha? been appointed by the County Court of Juckcn county. Ore con. Mttinjr in probate. Administrator of the rtate of Kvl S bring, deceased. All perfo i h indebted to e.xfd estate are re qaertnl to stttle the mme immediately, and' ihow b.tvinc; claim) a;nin?t Ihe estate will prifent them with the proper vouchers to me at my residence in Jackionvllle, Jackon county. Oregon, with:n nix months after tha first publication of this notice K. JACOB3, Administrator of (aid estate. Dated Jan 28, 187(i. Settle Up! Sottlo tTpl HAVING A LARGE NUMBER OF accounts on our bxks vte hereby give nonce to hII thine indebted to ns by boolr account to' come forward at one- and settle ip. We mu3t have Ihe money, end unless' a (ttliment in made immediately forced collection will tx- uiade. K A FILER BROS. SettlQ TJu Savo Costs HAVING CONCLUDED TO RE move my pluco ot business from Willow" Sprincs I hereby give notice to all thocf indebted to mi either by note or book c mnt to come lorward nt once and settle op' and thereby ?i.w cojts linnet have the money due m and nnle thry are paid im m.dial. ly the accnunN will be plactd in the'y hands ol an officer for collection. A FISIIER ByS. COUV. DwmVr 25 ti 3m i circnlnian atraiiu rfL maiuc irom it. k K " A J. B. .fctowxrd. Whi. Hoffman fo; hono it -will tw .T733xa.'gr DBfCainiox ot cut-