Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, January 29, 1879, Image 3

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Jasuam 22,1879
S. M. Pettengill & Co New York
Geo. P.Rowell & Co New York
Rowell & Cheesmai St. Louis.
L P. Fisher San Franc'seo
D . 1L Stenrn PortlaDd
IlcUglout Utrcctoiy.
M. B. Church. Religions services rv
cry Sunday at the uual hours by the Rev
erends M. A . Williams, D. A. Crowell and
A. Hardison
Catholic Services. Services will be
eld at the Catholic Church in this place
every Sunday at the hphuI bouts in lli
morning nnd evening, Rt.v . Futher llian
thet officiating.
M. 15. Sundav Scnonr.. R-gnlar meet
iog every Sunday afternoon nl 2 fiVlod
Catholic SufcDiV Sctinoi,. Regular
meeting every Sunday afternoon at 2
flimuHMIl ! lam
Chance at Klamath. Mr. L. M.
Nicterson will take the place, of J. H.
Itoork on Feb. 1st, as Agent for the"
Klamath Reservation. Mr. Itoork
will probably' return to the Willamette
Ox A Vjsit. Mr. William Gass,
formerly of this place, arrived on
the southern stage from S. F. on Sat
urday evening. "Billy" is a guest of
Alex Martin, where his mother, Mrs.
W. Fowler, still remains.
Fat Bctr. John Orthhas purchased
20 head of fat beef cattle from Thatch
er fc Worden of Linkville, and upon
their arrival here, about the first of
next week, he proposes furnishing the
finest beef ever sold in this market.
ActfxowLEcniiUNT. Wo are under
obligations to Messrs. Webb fc Mc
Daniel of the "C. 0. D." Saloon for a
sample of the celebrated Boca beer. It
. is nourishing but will not intoxicate,
and if you will drink try Boca and be
virtuous and happy.
Sulphur Baths. We learn that
the warm sulphur baths near the Ea
gle Mills have been refitted and are
now ready for the public at a nominal
charge. The water is warm and pleas
ant, highly impregnated with sulphur,
and said to be exceedingly healthful.
High Water. Owing to the heavy
rains north of li.re Cow creek was so
much swollen that on Thursday last
the southward bound stage was delayed
about twelve hours, mi r. -riving until
after midnight It hah bince been
""rftihiiigW time, tlio water hiving
Dl:sfitfiY Your. Staju'S. The Col
1 -ctor of Internal IUeiiuc at Portland
lrw issued a circular direi ling dealers
in li'pjorf-, toUicco and cigars to com
pletely destroy the stamj-s on empty
pacl.ag-s and ck'ir bote's. We pub
lish this notice bo that dealers may
avoid the payment of the line.
Goxe KoiiTii. Col. W. S. Stone,
Supt. of the O. & C. Stage Co., accom
panied by Division agent Carll, left for
the north on Friday morning last and
will go to Roseburg. The company
are gradually re-stoeking the stage line
and expect to have it in splendid order
when called on to make fast time.
Kearnyissl We learn that that a
movement is oil foot among the
rniners of Galice creek for the ex
pulsion of Chinese laborers from the
large mining claims in that locality.
It is to be hoped the information is
incorrect, as such a course on the part
of miners might lead to serious troub
le. TnE Narrow Guage. From a pri
vate letter from Ellensburg wc learn
that a deep interest is taken in the
railroad project; and that a considerable
sum can be raised there to defray the
expenses of a preliminary survey.
On the return of Mn Hume from
Ban Francisco in February action
will be taken. In the meantime we
"hope the members of our committee
will notbe idle, but keep the ball roll
Installation of Officers. At a
meeting of Ashland Lodge No. 45,
1 0. 0. F., held on thd evening of
January 18th, John A. Boyer, D. D.
G. M., installed the Wlowing officers:
1 0. Miller, N. G.; B, P". Neil, V. G.;
J. W. Biggs, It S,; J. H. Helman, P.
S.; A. D. Helman, Treas.; W. Baldwin,
Warden; P. L. Fountain, B, S. N. G,;
J. Conoway, B. S. V. G.; J. B. Bussell,
B. S. S.; J. Brown, L. S. S.; P. Ball,
0. G.
Is Trouble. We regret to hear
that the Academy building and grounds
attached thereto are to bo sold under
foreclosure of mortgage, given by J.
H. Skidmore and held by W. 0. Myer,
on the eighth of February, and -n 6 hope
that it will not impede the progress of
the school, which has added so much
to the prosperity of our neighboring
town. The elegant seats of tho school,
which arc of the latest pattern, have
I been attached by E. K. Anderson, but
Ibeing movable will probably be consid
ered as personal property ana sold tor
ge benefit of that creditor.
Pay your school tax.
Chinese New Year over.
Stages are making good time.
Thanks to Veit Schutz for past fa
vors. Chew Jackson's Best Sweet Navy
Tobacco. .
A number of recruits are expected at
Fort Klamath.
Circuit Court will meet on Monday,
February 10th.
Two horses are advertised as estrays
in another column.
Bead "Democrat's" opinion of Sen
ator Mitchell's services.
"Ducks" for tho wicked those
slaughtered on Sunday.
Hens seem to have resumed business,
as eggs are plenty and cheap.
A new Post Office has been opened
at Dardanelles, Jackson county.
Mrs. Peterson, wife of Elder Peter
son, is suffering from a badly scalded
A very pleasant social party was
held at the Club Boom last Friday eve
ning. Newman Fisher will take silver or
anything but Butlers greenbacks for
John Hockenjos is putting up an
other new house near the Methodist
Himcs, the boss printer of Portland
has furnibhed us with a neat calendar
for 1879.
Postmaster Cole seems to have turn
ed the cold shoulder to his senatorial
Jas. Leslie's horse "Black Prince"
has been sold to parties in Spraguc
Biver Valley.
U. S. Paymaster J. B. M. Potter
has gone to Fort Klamath to pay off
the boys in blue.
We call attention to the correspon
dence on tho first page of this issue.
It explains itself.
Jacksonvill; amateurs are rehears
ing, so look out for a good performance
about court week.
Rev. Mr. Hardison will fill the pul
pit of the Methodist Church next
Sunday morning.
Skating is the Sunday excitement at
Lakcview, there being no church in
that benighted region.
Only about ofte-tliirtl of lilts bjieciiii.
tax for school purposes has been ' col
lected up to this date.
Elder Peterson wants to meet infi
dels at the Ileber school house on the
3d Sunday in February.
Mrs. W m. Hoffman, we are glad to
say, is doing very well, her broken
arm giving her but little pain.
Mr. Britt has an orange tree bear
ing fruit, but not in quantities suffi
cient to nfiect the fruit market
Chas Griffith brought a load of
Bogue River salmon to town on Mou-
Lday which met with ready sale.
Mr. Hunt Magru dor, of Rock Point,
was in town last week and reports
everything quiet down the river.
The sale of Badger's wagon malting
stock and tools took place on Saturday
purchasers numerous and prices low.
Mat Obenchain reports the snow
slowly disappearing from the range on
Big Butte, and stock doing tolerably
E. Jacobs has been appointed ad
ministrator of the estate of Evi Se
bring, deceased. Redd iiis notice elso
wherd. N. Fisher, Local agent of the Board
of School Land Comm issioners, calls
for interest due tho Board in another
Grovcr rises so frequently to white
wash his official record that he is now
regarded in Washington as a "rising"
Senator Colvig of Doiiglas county,
who was taken with typhoid fever
during the session of the last legislature
has finally recovered.
Several candidates for the- office of
Marshal have already made their ap
pearance, the town election being still
over a month distant
Literary "delirium tremens" is the
name given by one of our citizens to
the remarkable article referred to to
day by our correspondents.
J. H. Penn, who left here last
week for the Willamette, is at pres
ent at Roseburg, and will probabably '
"not, be here for several weeks.
Matt Dillon, next to Donegan's,
has some of the very worst poison ever
passed over a bar. If you dont believe
it compare it with some other he has.
At a regular meeting of the Board
of trustees, held on last Tuesday even
ing, a number of bills were andited
and ordered paid The committee on
streets was directed to examine the
sidewalks on Oregon and other streets,
report the condition of same and recom
mend such improvements as they deem
Sheriff By bee is getting out of pa
tience and will have to add mileage
to unpaid county taxes. Delinquents
will bear in mind that it costs money
to travel.
A Miss Bender, in Cincinnatti, re
cently received as a wedding present
from her father i 375,000 hogs packed
in brine. It might safely be inferr
ed that she was a greece-yan-bender.
Pocahontas Tribe Imp. O. R. M. of
Jacksonville, will visit Yreka in a
body on May 12 th. We warn our1
neighbors acroos the Siskiyou to ihsurd
their sea Ips.
Judging from thefrequency with which
he rises to explain Mr. Grover seems to
have used the crown of thorns prepar
ed for him by the investigating com
mittee as a senatorial cushion.
"Williams Creek" postoffice, Mr.
John T. Layton P. M., located at Mr.
Layton's store' near the mouth of Wil
liams creek, is now open, the P. M.
having received the key last week.
The case of Postmaster Cole, of
Portland, has not yet been decided by
the Postmaster general. If Mr. Colo
destroyed Mitchell's or any other sena
tors speeches he should be removed at
At a shooting match in Sams.Valley
last Saturday for a fat beef the four
quarters of the animal were carried
away respectively by C. C. McClendon,
John Cardwell, Geo. Simmons and Al.
We regret to state that TJ. Si Hayden
has been confined to his room for the
past week with a very severe attack of
pleurisy. As we go to press we learn
that Mr. Hayden is in a very critical
From every part of the valley we
hear that the plows are busy, the rain
of last week having thawed out the
ground. If the present fine weather1
continues a larg'e atndunt of ground
will be sown.
School tax in Jacksonville District
is due and payable. On the 7th of Feb.
the delinquent list will be turned over
to the Sheriff for collection and costs
added. If you desire your school to
prosper pay your school tax.
We are sorry to announce that Mrs.
Stone, wife of Col. W. S. Stone, has
been obliged to seek the climate of
California for the benefit of her health.
She is a sufferer from asthma, and
is at present sojourning at San Rafael.
P Tshnirn, nf Tlnnd, hns bppn
pointed on the railroad fcormmtteo In
place of Mr. Lewis Ash, who has re
mdved from Jackson ta Douglas coun
ty. Mr. isaam is ah energetic man
and will, no doubt, canvass his precinct
Some of the finest beef ever slaught
ered for this market is hanging in By
bee's shop and yet he is unhappy and
has sent up the valley for a band of
cattle that have been fattened' by
Casey at the Mountain house let
them come.
On the outside of to-day's issue will
be found a reminiscence of southern
Oregon which is a matter of record,
and written up to refresh the memory
of our Jackson county readers. Its
moral is if a man wants to be hung let
his desire be gratified.
Jacob Meyer will soon re-open the
wagon shop adjoining Mr. Donegan's
premises which was formerly occupied
by J. L. Badger. Adminstrator's
sale of the tools and wagon manufac
turing stock of J. L. Badger, de
ceased, took place last Saturday.
Mr Oscar Kilborn, TJ. S. Gaugcr for
the District of Oregon, has been on an
official visit to Jackson county.
He gauged all the packag&s of Smith fc
Hocket atPhcenixandJosWetterprand
Raphad Moratt at Jacksonville, return
ing to Portland on, Thursday last
An item is going tho rounds of the
Oregon press to the effect that a man
is under sentence of death at Jack
sonville This is untrue. Samuel
Rath is in jail here awaiting his "trial
on a charge of murder, but it is hardly
fair to anticipate the verdict of a jury
or publish him as convicted before he
has been tried.
Jackson Grant, the Indian who sev
eral years ago stole Col. J. N. T. Mil
ler's horse Brick Pomeroy, for which
offeree he was sent to tho peniten
tiary, has been convicted of the
murder of Dennis Spellin at Portland
last Summer. Last week tho death
sentence was passed upon him by
Judge Bellinger, to be carried into ef
fect on the 21st day of March, 1879.
Boscoe Conkling has been re-elected
to the TL S. Senate from New York,
John A. Logan from Wisconsin, J.
Donald Cameron from Pennsylvania,
Orville Piatt from Connecticut, Geo.
G. Vest for the long tertn and General
James Shields for the short term from
Missouri and Daniel Vboners from
Indiana. The election of Logan" and
and Carpenter is notable, and the re5
turn of Conkling is evidence' of Mr.
Hayes' weakness in the Empire
Miners in a bad humor.
Weather clear and bright
Ed. Smith has found a ledge
Jackson creek that'prospects well,
Smith fc Waismanafe still driftin"
on their own property in. Jacksonville,
with fair returns. J
Sam Bowden is engaged in putting
in a four foot flume'for Wimer & Sim
mons at Waldo, Josephine county
Many of the miners on Foot's creek
and Gall's creek 'have made a good
start but are in need of more water.
The "Blue Gravel,"Ankeny and Co.,
on Galice creek, is again working, the
the pipes being run "night and day.
Tho Grand Applegate Mining Com
pany are still pushing work on their
ditch and expect to'be 'washing gravel
by March 1st
C. C. Brogan & Co., of tho Star
Gulch mine-, are constructing a largo
reservoir, which rfH"enable them to
work part of the time assooITas it is
We learn fromR. M. Garrett that all
the streams on Lower Applegate and
in Josephine county were running full,
and that there was much activity among
tho miners.
We hear that the owners of the
Saltinarsh mine on Sterling creek in
tend drifting their gronnd next Sum
mer being satisfied that it will pay for
that kind of work.
Accounts from Silver creek are still
favorable. A considerable number of
men have located themselves there for
thd Winter and will keep the ,trail
open for pack animals.
Kahler, McDonough & Co., intend
sinking at another point on their ledge
near Gold HilL The placer mines
owned by those gentlemen near Fort
Lane are ready for work but idle for
want of water;
Work on the Nickelson mine in.
Scotch Gulch is being pushed ahead,
notwithstanding the unfavorable state
of the weather. The ground is being
drifted and worked with a puddler,
which is said to be a success.
G. Karewski is constructing a flume
to carry water from Beaver creek to
some mining ground that he purchased
last Fall. He expects to have the
flume completed in time to make a
thorough test of his ground this Win
ter. rich rock from tho lode of Hanna,
Elliott and Autenrieth, near Willow
Springs, and if they have much rock as
good as the sample shown they are
all right. We hope it will prove &
Eckleson, Kahler it Co. started tLeir
pipe on the Palmer creek claim on
Thursday last, working only one day
and night Their giant worked splen
didly, washing off a large piece of
ground and making them still more
anxious for water.
Mr. Klippel, of the Squaw Lake
Company, was in town Monday and
reports everything in readines for pip
ing, but fears that " the last "freeze"
will oblige tho company to shut off
the water to prevent their ditch from
being closed up by ice again.
Sheriff Bybee started for his Slate
creek mines on Monday last Piping
was commenced at these mines imme
diately after the rain storm of last week
and they now have sufficient water to
keep both pipes running for some
time. Mr. Bybee will bo absent about
ten days.
jjlr. Howard nas surveyed ot) acres
of mining ground near Savage's on
Rogue Biver near Grants Pass which
prospects exceedingly well. Water is
taken from Savage creek and the par
ties intrested are J. B. Wrisley, F. M.
Plymale and two'of the' Savage- Brc3.
The enlargement of "the ditch will be
at once commenced. -
From .Mr. Homer Harlcness, of
Grave creek, we learn that the miners
in that section, have an abudance of
water and are oil busy at work. Sev
en or eight men are now" engaged in
digging the Walker ditch which will
bo about a-mile long when finished.
Piping will not be commenced en this
claim for about a month yet
Litigation with regard to several
tracts of mineral land is anticipated,
several mining claims having been lo
cated on the homestead entry of Sam
uel Hall, deceased, and it is said that
thd validity of the title to Jas. Herd's
cash entry is to Ixf-tcsted. These ca
ses will soon be tried before the offi
cers of the land office of Roseburg.
Real Estate Transactions. Re
corded since our last report:
Lv Applegate to L D. and L. B.
Applegate, pCTcel of land in Ashland
precinct. Consideration, 81 00.
R. B. Hargadine to Lindsay Apple
gate, ICO acres.- Consideration, 200.
Lindsay Applegate to L. B. Apple -gate,
parcel land in Ashland precinct
Consideration, $100.
We have lately heard number of
persons from the country complain of
the lack of accommodation we have for
visitors, one of the causes of complaint
being the lack of convenient places to
hitch their teams. Frequently people
from the country come here intending
to remain only a short time and object
to the alternative of putting their
team in a livery stable, or paying a
fine of five dollars for hitching it to a
shade tree. Recognizing the fact that
the prosperity of a town depends large
ly on the patronage of the country, the
people in Ashland have sensibly pro
vided a public hitching place with the
approval of the stable keepers. A. bus
iness man who desires success will bo
accommodating and courteous to? his
customers, and what is truo of one
merchant is true of an aggregation of
them. We think that public senti
ment will endorse our remarks and jus
tify the expense of constructing suita
ble hitchi'ig posts for the accommoda
tion of visitors, az near the centre of
the town as may be. The whole mat
ter is respectfully referred to the trus
tees for their consideration.
Ax Interesting Family. We have
an old pioneer in Jackson comity, Mr.
James Savage, of Rogue river, who
has raised a family of thirteen children,
and we challenge Oregon lb tnntch it
for musical and mechanical talent. The
boys, four in number, are between tho
ages of fourteen and twenty-three, and
have manufactured by their own un
aided labor three violins and a bass
viol, all of exquisite tone and finish,
and on which they execute difficult-music,
having been without an instructor.
The instruments are made of Oregon
cedar and maple, and but recently one
of the boys was offered forty dollars,
which was refused, for his violin. The
boys can make a rifle or a wagon, shoe
a horse, mend a clock or watch, work
out an algebraic problem, swing a pick
in the mines or follow a reaper with
equal success. The girls of the family,
nine in number, have the same" mufeical
talent and are not ashamed to wrestle
with kitchen work; afraid to mount a
bucking horse or row their skiff across
the river even when it is dangerously
swollen. They are a specimen of Ore
gon "Savages" that ask no aid from the
govern inent they can paddle their'
own canoe.
Butler's Money.
We Have been
a onethousand dollar cote of
Butler and Pomeroy's absolute money.
It is dated at Swindleville avenue,
and evidently a swindle on the face
of it, but the farmer who received ft
took it as pay for a dozen of eggs,
and says the swap was even for the
eggs were decayed. One of the endors
nients on the back of the note is as
follows: The poor man's money. The
more he has of it the poorer he is.
Another read thusly: "Gold is a cow
ard. This money is itot afraid of
anyboiy." But the best is the fol-
fowing: "The people want cheap
money and plenty of it This is cheap
as dirt, and plenty as ths lice and lo
custs of Egypt
Probate Court Proceedings. The
following are the proceedings in this
Court since, the last report, Judge Day
Estate of B. T. Hamilton, deceased,
petition to sell personal property at
public or private sale. Granted.
Estate of Jas. A Stewart, deceased,
second semi-annual exhibit filed, Ex
amined and approved.
Estate of Wm. H. Merrimandeccas-
ed, final account filed and final hearing
set for Tuesday, March 4th, 1879, at
10 o'clook, a. si.
In the matter of the estate of Chas.
Casey, deceased. , Citation ordered is
sued to tho admistratbr to 'show tho
condition of said estate.
A Pointed Enquiry.' We aro in
receipt of a letter of enquiry from
Mrs. Belle Lynch, late proprietress of
the TJkiah "Dispatch," in which she
rather pointedly asks. "Is .there
room in your placo for a lawyer who
is a gentleman?" We have replied that
our lawyers are all gentlemen, most of
them gentlemen of leisure, but we in
fer that "Belle" has a poor opinion of
tho moral and social status of the legal
fraternity in Oregon. They have tho
polish of Chesterfield, the graces- of
Beau Bruinmel and the innocence of
the babes in the wood.
JrjROJts. The following is a list of
jurors drawn for tho .February term of
Circuit Court, which commences -on
the 10th pros.: Daniel Chapman, John
Head, Wm. B. Kincaid, W. P. Song
er, E. DePeatt, B. F. Seeser, D. P.
Parrish, John Ashmcad, 3. Saltinarsh,
L. A. Eose, R. A. Cook, J. J. ITichols,
Lyman Chappcl, RV. Beall, L W.
Berry, Jas. D. Buckley, P. Dunn,
John Orth, Thos, McAndrcws, John
O'Brien, L. J. C. Duncan, Geo. . Wc
Isaacs, S. A. Carlton, John G. Van
dyke, John E. Harvey, A. S. Jacobs,
F. Wirtz, V. S. Balls, J. J. Uradley,
Thos Stiuipsotf, John L- Grobb:
. TELEpnoNiCo-The ."Bell" telephone,
lately mentioned as having been put
up between tho residences of Messrs.
Turner and Autenrieth, has been fairly
tested and is an undoubted success.
Conversation between tho two points
is. carried over the wire so distinctly
that every wonl is plainly articulated
and perfectly audible. Thd notes'of a
largo musical box at ono end and the
tone of the instrument was as clear at
tho other end of tho wire as if tho
music were in an adjoining room with
only a slight partition between it and
the listener. Voices of friends were
easily recognized and tho striking of a
clock, although some distance from the
telephone, carried with great distinctness
to the other end of the line. This- is,
perhaps, the most wonderful triumph
of electrical science, but i3 sd simple
that it must become of universal use,
either for purposes of business or social
amusement. Mr. Autenrieth is tho
agent here and always glad to explain
and exhibit the telephone to those who
have noVsecn it. .
Jost Complaint. Some of our citi
zens in the lower end of town and
some beyond the town limits have com
plained of the deposit of dead carcass
es along the creek bottom. The efflu
vium from carrion is neither pleasant
nor healthful, and as a sanitary meas
ure the Trustees should require that
the carcasses of all dead animals be
buried instead of permitting them to
be dragged off just outside the town
boundary and left to offend the sight
and smell of our neighbors. The lat
est complaint is that a dead cow was
deposited across tho channel of Jack
son creek, making a dam and turning
tho water into the road leading north
east from town, and wo aro assured
that if this thing is repeated too often
retaliation will lie resorted to. Two
"wrongs," however, never make ono
"right" and in the absence of proper
action on the part of the trustees we
think such offenses could be construed
as the creation of a nuisance and be
punished by fine. We hope the very
next offence will bo so punished.
Articles of Incorporation. Ar
ticles of association of tho Bogue Riv
er Hydraulic Gold Mining Company,
Josephine county, Stato of Oregon.
The purpose for which said corporation
is to be organized is to do busincsj in
Josephine County, State of Oregon, as
a hydraulic and gravel-mining compa
ny, end ,t .)uy and sell and del In
s-uch real and personal estate as may
be necessary to the successful prosecu
tion of said business. Principal office
of business is at Canyonville, Douglas
county. Capital stock, five hundred
thousand dollars (5500,000) to be di
vided into shares of two hundred and
fifty thousand at two dollars each.
Incorporators: Win. F. Briggs, H.
Hampton, B. A. Jones, J. N.Muncy,
G N. Yocum, Grorgo Boss, II. W.
Stevenson, G. N. Fawcet, Geo. W.
Postal Agent Steel passed through
yesterday en route for Portland, hav
ing just returned from an official visit
to Washington. Mr. Steel assures us
that he, is not a candidate for tho Port
land pcstQffice, but would prefer the
appointment of Mr. Chittendon,
should a vacancy occur. Wo believe
the public aro fully satisfied with Mr.
Steel's discharge of duty in his present
position, as ho has been an energetic
and faithful officer and would prefer
that he retain it.
Estray Notice.
crs, living at the Meadows, on Evan's
creek, in Table Rock precinct, Jackson
county, Oregon, two head of horses, to.wit:
One bright bay horse, fourteen and a ball
bands high, with a white stripe in the fore
head, and a small white ctripe around the
edycofthc LoofoaUio left bind foot, and
some small raddle marks.'" Supposed to be
12 years old, branded ' O" on the left shout,
der. Also ono dark bay.or brown mare,
with three white feet and a small white spot
in the forehead. No brands perceivable.
About the same height and oge of the horse
Had en when she came to my place a large
bell and was appraised as follows, to. wit:
The horse at forty dollars and the mare at
forty five dollars, by W. A. Chilcers, Jas
lice of the Pence ofTablsEock precinct.
Jackson county, Oregcn. on this the 16th
day of January, A. D. 1879.
Justice of the Peace.
administrator's Notice
In tiie matter of the estate of Tvl Sebring,
the undersigned has been appointed by
the County Court of Jackscn county, Ore-
son, sitliiix to probate. Administrator cf
the e3tate of Evi S-brinj;, deceased.
All perron s indebted to said estate art re
quested to settle the eitne Immediately, end
thore having claims ngninst tho estate will
present thera with the proper Touchers to
me it ny residence in Jacksonville, Jcckson
county, uregon, wi:nm six moctus alter tna
Grst publication of this notice
A(ciinhtralcr cf sud estate.
Dated Jen 28, 1876.
ii terest on School Fund notes, eith
er through the purchase of land or on bor
rowed money, are requested to settle the
same at once and save costs.
By order of Jhc Board of School Land
Commissioners.- NEWMAN USHER.
Local Agent.
Sheriffs Sale. -
JO and order of pale daly issued out of
me tiirenit Court or the State or Urejron,
for Jackfon county, on the 28th day of De
cember, 1878, upon a judgment and decree,
in favor of K. F. Walker and W. C. Myer
and npaicst J. H. SkMmore nnd A. it
Skidmore for the turn of S3.672 28, and in
'avor of Saie and Robertson, and against
J. II- Skidmore and A. M. Skidmore for the
snm of 31,638 38, all In gold coin of tba
United States, and the costs and diburie
menta, and to me directed and delivered,
commanding and requiring me to make le
gal levy and sale of the following described
P'emises, viz. Beginning at a post for tBe
S W corner of lot No. twoi2) in block
No. seven (7) in the town of Ashland in
said county and Stafe. Variation used 19
de$r East, thence S 60 deg W 763 links to a
post on the Weit bonndary line of Donation
claim No 40 in Township 39 S of R 1
Hast, thence North 468 Iiuks to a post on
f aid West boundary of claim No 40. thenco
N 7 de? E 568 links to a, post for the N
W corner of lot No one (1) in b'oclt No
seven (7), thence S23dejr E 332 links to
the place of beginning, containing 2.60 acres
excepting therefrom so much of emd lands as
has been deeded to the West Ashland
Ditch Company for a right of wt.y for an
irrigating ditch.
Alio lotB No. one (1) and two (2) iD
block xso seven il in the town oLAaiLaml
in talU COlllitV- V Statsr5, tt-r klmwtin?
th AIi!and Academy analoU, and that the
proceeds of such sale of said above described
premUes be applied, First to the payment
of the costs and disbursements of suit taxed
at 332 92 1-2 and the acerning coats.
Second, to the payment to Plamtif&. E. F.
Walker and W. C. Myer the snm of 83
480 10 and interest, from November 22di
1E78 at 10 per cent per ODnum. Third, to
the payment of the judgment ol Saxe and
Robertson for the snm of 1,638 38 and in.
tcreit at 7 per cent per nnunm from the 22d
duy or November. 1878, all of jaid sums
payable in United States gold coin;
Foorth, the remainder, if nny there bpj"
pay over to tho said J. II. Skidmore and
A.M. Skidmore or their assigns. 1 have
levied upon and will offer for sale for cash1
in U. S. gold coin at public auction, to thd
highest bidder at the Court Itoase door id
Jacksonville, Jackson Co. On., '
siTruuvv, rF.nm.'iRT.flth, is:5.
at 1 o'clock r. m. of said day, all the right I!
tie nnd interest of the defmdunti J. II Skid
mora and A. M.S'tidmjro in nnd td the
above decnbed premises. Lsvird nporf as1
the properly or the above named Defendants:
J. 11. Skidmore and A. M Skidmore, td
satiny the demands of the above named exe
cution. . WM. BYBEE,
Sheriff of Jackson Co.. Oregon.
Jacksonville, Jan, 6tu,1879.
Sheriffs Salo.
duly Naned oat of the Circuit Court Of
the State of Oregon, for Jackson County;
on the 3d day ofJanoiry. 1879, upon the
following judgments in favor of O. Karews
ki and against Joseph Rath for the sum of
S71 00 nnd interest at ono per cent per
month from the 8th day of December 1875,
nnd cost, and in favor of Q. Karewski and
against Joseph Rath for the saniofS63
87 I 2 and interest at 10 per cent per an
num irom tne loin oay o: January, 187
nnJ costs. Tho cost of snid judgment
tasca et .s-i iu, ana also tne aecru'j
costs and to me directed!
nave levied upco end will otter tor sale tor
cash at public auction, to the hicLest bidder
at the Court House door in Jacksonville
Jackon County, Oregcn, on
StTl'UnVY, FKMRIUKV Slil. 1ST9.'
at two o'clock p. x. ot said day, all the right
title and interest of Joseph Rath, deceased,
in nnd to the following described premises,
viz: The SI 2 or the S W I 4 ofcectioa
17. and the N W J of the N K , and
IheNE ioftheN W if of section 20, in
township 38, 3 of R2W, containing 160
acres, situated in Jackson county, Oreeon:
levied upon os the property of said defendant
Joseph Rath to satisfy the demands of the
above named execution.
Sheriff of Jactnon Co. Ogn.
Jacksonville, Jan, 6th. 1879.
duly issued out of the" Circuit Court
ol the State ol Oregon, for Jackson County,
on the 20th day of December. 1878, upon
a judgment in favor of Ahler Band, and
against Lewis Home, for the recovery of
the s m of S88.38, with interest at the rate
ol ten per cent, per annum, from the 29th
day of July, 1876, and the further sum of
SG.15 cost, and the accraring costs, and to
me directed and delivered, I have levied
upon acdjwill oOer for sale for casn at public
auction to the highest bidder, at the Court
House door in Jacksonville, Jackson county,
Oregon, on Saturday, the 1st day of Feb,
uary, 1879, at one o'clock r. M. cf said day,
all the right title and interest of Lewis
Home in and to the following Real Proper,
ly, to wit; The S -i of the S E of eec
tioo 17, in Township 37, South ol range 2
W. contaiDg 80 acrei .Levied upon as tho
profict of the defendant, Lewis Heme, to
ratisfy the demands of the above namea
Sneriffbf Jucuson County, Oregon,
Jacksonville, Dec, 26'h 1878.
Settle Up ! Settle Up!
accounts on our books we hereby give'
notice to all those indebted to us by book
account to come forward at onee and settle
up. We must have the money, and unless
a settlement is made immediately a forced
collection will be made.
dewn tba fence of my pasture near
town, thereby occasioning a considerable'
less or cattle and-sheep, I therefore caution
and warn all persons against farther tres
pass npon said lands under penalty of rig
orous prosecution.
Jacksonville, Dec. 4, 1878.
Settle Up Save Costs
move my place ol business from Willow
Springs I hereby give notice to all those
indebted to me either by note or book ac
count to co ci 3 forward at once and settle af
and thereby save costs. I must ba?e the
money due me and unles3 tbey are paid im
mediately the accounts will be plsctd in the.
hands of an officer for collection.
, By S. COUN-.
December 25th 3m
M iery wr nil caeap By HILLEXS.