Jf H 7 TlFFr OKKfiON SF.NTTNKI. I rn.i.K icsums rorrumaoyrntv. I i ' i nn nnn ni titit n nn n i iin itattt 1T v-vi-a- 8U.UUU8Mims UKliAWS. HUW IN USK THE LAW OF NEWSPAPERS T. Fnbwfi! who lrt nnt jIre ciprcs nMlcfr to lie contrary, are comMcrt-U a wishing t amtiuur beir imwcnpnon. ertil tbrm until nil nrrearntrwi nn iwld, 3, If Bubfcriltcr nectttctur refill to tnlto tlirlr nei)Afcrt fniu the ftic to wl.ttli titer arc di rected, the law liulrtc them rcjonxlblc uiittl tlij liarpMttlM tbeMU-s and ordered llicm 4.cnHii'hed. 4. irul'vritx-r remove to other platV" without Jnf.rmlnj; tbrruUUher.and tliiiyw.ficra nrevrtit to the fjimcrdf tret ion. tlic aro held rcpTiiiMc. 5. The CouitftlinTedVcMed that rrfunpln'tnLe . fiiwinmtra fmm tlif .fti.i ftf rttntnvitif twi 1IT' In .hem uncalled t,-r,ii priita fcle eridsiref hTv jy; Q WO till.' -TIlO tentloiml fraud. , ' " f. TI.ejK-ptmter lin nejrlects to pirn Iccl no tice of tbe neglect cr person to tKc fn m tin filrVo the neMpjmpr mltlriwd to l.hn. is liable tojthe )-tib-Hnber for the Kuhrcilpiloa price. The January Jumper of this t tuvontc pcruvUpM oomnctico4 a new volume jind noW'idiko time LTifnn7m'lxuiTcrivTth9 dicontitnmnre of 1 thereforo-to RllbriOri bOifor 1870. 4.aI kiimiiIimi lia n tit. Holms, nil Miikflnnii til 1 .. " iliril uv rj ft4- F u UVUC4 " - IMPORTANT LETTER From a Distinguished Physician. TVfO ilngla disease hss entitled more suffering of 1U hastened the breaking up of the constitution than Catarrh. The tenia ofsmell, of taste, of light. It h:! imu'Prfiil Hum tV.r i.nlilio Sarae,thehnmanvolce,theralnd,oneormor ii lua iiMYtiriUl CWim- K)i; prililC j .sradsomettnesauyleldtoltsdestrectfTelufluence. TTh. nolsan It 11..trlhnt. thrnno-hnnt thn .vt.m atacka eTtry TlUl force, and breaks up Ibe not; -vuu u. cunsumuons. JKaorca dcwuo du u.ua It hare llttls Dope toT. relieved of It this side patronago: it ia ably conducted; tlio.h.tqmtw6'.ia ot -the" highest $jfiffi$!!S?&SRX$18& ,.yU..ktA-J''. ii a uuw nope io oa relieved c orucrjiftncLjs cheapest ana most. ft?rftTo.itiitune.ihen.thatthe i mam ni inurprnmn nnMn nvrmMiPi witnm ttim compr$cmiYMnnsazhio, .roba 2SSS!ff M ffi&S'SgSS , iuciiwu iudpwq Dflr. baniorainuBpreparauon r resent "Sfw,K"0ii.Cuimha3T70ani7beartTapproTal. 7 hlfVM It lllrlv tn vnoniiBit whan all tha mnal lUlinhp.r 18 rpmnrlfili'v intorrxtturr ' "oedlea fall, because It strikes at the root of tbo iiuiiiuoi lb n-marKa. y .lUerehUllQ; , dUeaie.TlitheoeK.Jttitootf.wbllaltbealatha m .. I TIlPliMtltrl tnat-iKnina hw ifrn nnllitarlnn fk ( Opening" With an elaborate, ' naalpa8aBca. luacuonlabasedoncertalnflied cr.itix r Tin: Trrix .STATE." "HAUKEii: eraco annual Tho annual cost of tho public school system in the United States .it present will average about 680, 000,000. At least 80,000,000 of this is raised from taxation, tho balance being income from rrmnent school fundsiaTnountiug 2$tfV)0a. Thoar- cost for tho Inst 5V,f .an ft.; II l,n ot lnnst S7? . 000,000, or n total of 430.000,000 For the next decade the cost will not be less than 45,000,000 an nually, or a total of 450,000.000. Couplcd'with the cost of private .schools, State and other colleges, our total expenditure for education in eighteen years past will not bo less than $1,100,000,000. In 187G tho iirst subterranean telegraph wire was laid down in Germany. Recently subterranean lines have been completed from .Berlin to Cologne; Cologne Eber Jield and Barom; Frankfort to Strasburg, and from Hamburg to Cuxhavcn. Altogether the length of these lines now amounts to 1554 English miles. Most of the cables consist of seven wires, v cry few of fouronly. Trio di fa culties encountered in laying down tho cables in marshy or rocky ground, along tho streets of large towns, across or rather urn der rivers, and through fortifica tions, have all been successfully overcome. lifext; year six other lines are to bo laid down, and then tho. i .rejected system of .in tcieffraiinic co 1 w f!Ts to about TTI..a anrl unlearn thn vital fsmtaaa era vn av. descrintivo article illustrated. I ?"?tcd,mnt,lntBogrcatraaJorltrofca5ci,eirectrs; A -j .-- j , m,u.u. I GEO. BEARD. M. D. Ill 1 JfOHSCOTTELOCX.SO.rEiillscnAil.UCUi.lSTl. I 7t- .t entitled, "British Royalty Amorica." There are -pleasing Christmas tales "Three Clirist mas Eves in Ethel Clinton'dLifc." SAHFORD'S RADICAL CURE MAY aafely claim to be ona of the fevpopnltr remedies recelvlsc tho npproTal of medical rcntlcmen. vho.ln tirlrate. cot onlr freelv recom. mend It but sso It in their families In preferencs -Margaret Arnolds Christmas" 1 tHnV ''omSrep 1 Vbnieissi: .... A.iU ..lva..iJLNiui)l,1Ui.a ,,HfV..totmvn,lF5rf:oMtotrrMi, bociety are snen that 1 cannot riiDit-'r rccommena V eddiiir-Corman Debor- onh's Son. ""-a powerful serial stotyJjyBennedpct is continued and tlicro"' aro also several short stories of great merit. "A Visit to Whittior, with Original Sketches," by sir Randall Robert is peculiarily interesting; "The Sea. of Fisheries of ., Modern Europe." largclj' illustrated. Prof. C A. Joy has an admirable illnstratod article on "The InduiK trial Applications of Solar Heat ' thoio are poems by Eliza Cook and other popular poets; and a miscil.any embracing a largo va riety of subjects, entertaining and instructive. There aro 128 quar to pages, over CO illustrations, and a beautiful colored frontis piece, "Tho Bedouin and his Dy ing Steed." Tho subscription is only 3 a 'ear, post paid, and sin gle Copies 25 cents. If our readers ilc.-iroa delightful, entertaining and highly instructive monthly visit or for the coming year, they can."" not do better than subscribo for Frank Leslie's Popular Monthly. Address Frank Leslie's Publish ing House, 53, 55 &57 Park place 2ow Yoi k. ;"ia!d n aistlncnlhed cIt7PD7- the amt. Jledlcal or prescribe the Kadlcal Cnro s bnt sfneB i TtfelTCd so much relief from the uao of It myself, alter.. thorough trial of tha usual remedies, I hare on Taieiy nansea lis use. ana presume 1 nave sent jours for It.1 uiwiuugu uiai v. ma uau.4 icuiduiv.i . uac uii' TStcly udrlstd Its uie. and nrcsnma 1 have sent to your eiore so icss taan one cosorcu 01 my pauess raiYEESAI sAnsFicnoir.. rjENnraiEJT, TTo bavo sold Sastoed's Riut- cat. Cues for cearly one year, and can say isim to learn tho first complaint yet. candidly that we never sold a f nai care such universal sails o learn the first comnlalnt tpL TFe aro not In tho habit of recommending pat ifmllar nrenaratlori that pare such universal satisfaction. Wc bavo ent medicines, but roor nrenaratlon meets tho wants of thousands, and vo thlnlc thoso afflicted shonld be convinced of Its great merit so thatthelr tnfferlnBr trill be relieved. Wo hve been In tho drug business for the past twelve years constantly. 1111 England Waking Up. Thoro i much comment in commercial circli s upon tho decrease of tho oxpii.-ls from Great Britain to the United otatcs, and tuo great m- Ame end sold everything for Catarrh, but yours leads i uio rcBt. ii you rce proper yoa can naa uua icucf or any part of It that you Irish. Very truly yonrs, S. D. BALDWIN' & CO. Wholesale snd I'.etull Dealers In Drugs, Books and Stationery, Washington, IncL, Feb. 2i 1S7S. Each package contains Dr. Sanford's Improved Inhaling Tube, and full directions for use In all cases. Price, ILOO. For sale by all wholesale and retail druggists and dealers throughout tho United States and Canadas. WEEKSiil'OTTEIi.Generel Agents and IVholesalo Druggists, Boston. Moss. OOiifSH An Elcctro-fJnlvanlc Itnttcry combined jvlth a highly Medicmed Strengthening l'lnycf, forming tuo bent Plualrr for pnlnl and aches la tho World of lUcdW cuTe. ELEGTR1GITY As a grand curative and restoratlvo agent Is not ? naued Dy any element or medicine In the history the healing art. Unless the vital sparlc has flea the body, restoration by means of electricity Is pos sible. It Is the lost resort of all physicians and sur geons, and has rescued thousands, apparently dead, from an untimely crave, when no other hnms.ii agency could have succeeded. TblSlstheleadlns curative element In this Piaster. BALSAM AHD PINE, The hcal'tzg properties of onr otto ftucrant bal sam and pine ai-l the gums of tho Fast are too well known to rcqnlro description. Their grateful, heallng.soothfng, ind Btrrngtbenlni: properties are known to thousands. "When combined In accord. aace with lata and Important discoveries la phar macy", their heallnir and strengthen In? properties axe Increased tenfold. In this respect our Flatter la tho best In uso without the aid of electricity. two m ONE. Thus combined ea have tiro grand medical agents In one, each of which performs Its function and unitedly produce more cures than any lini ment, lotloa, wash, or plaster ever before com. pounded in the history of medicine. Try one. rsicx,SCCHTS. Bold by all Wholesale and Retail Druggists throughout the United States and Canadas, and by WEEKS & POTTER. Proprietors, Bastaa. Mass. BACK .A.T TBDE OJLX) STAJSTJD ATTHE STORE OF M J9 ri TO THE PUBLIC i -r itj- A. VINO DETEUMINEDTO MAINTAIN TUB POSITION IIERETOFORK BS2AT IBBUCTION -IN- wwmm mi linn i is occupied . I) jne ns Hie Inrccst RETAIL DEALER in Southern Oregon, I lake Ifeis mefeai in liiinounciiig Hall am now?t3i?p!ajing the -5- LUmjP BESTSTOCK OF GENERAL MERCHANDISE "North of San Francisco consisting of a Fine Stoc.c of GENTS' AND BOYS' CLOTHING, HATS &. CAPS 23-000333, LAMES' m (MIS FDEIBIB8 GOODS, Whicn is pnrpaserl by none in the county and will be sold at low prices to SUIT THE TIMES. It shall continue to be my niiu to give She EZost Goods for tho Least rSoney, .ind to place before my pltrniw a vtrifty of articles not to be f.iatid in any other house It i? nut ray intention to mi'lcad !)? pnblio by advertising goods I cannot produce upon rqurv bat to give value received in every instance. A call from every purchaser at m old Etamiis solicited. N. FISHER. ' Are nowTAKING THE LEAD OVER ALL OTIIERS for Brilliancy, 'Sweetness of Tone, Durability and General Finish KOTSCEe sscccccs ggasorcapasg s Jlli4WtVAAl. fstjS' t: rrr . ESs5S5ESr?S. EPeS) IRIiWHssi TSJL V.. " l-l SSLT r?l kSUtI .j JZTS ..1 1 ' 'ifSS f fdsafesi a Wm mS W4S 1 7 'C Ml U jkm&4mi&t&rwL i-fflimmrtnn lyyii Mitchell on tbo 13th presented a memorial ofWm. Gallick pray? ing for reimbursment of tho coat of supplies furnished at tho Neah Hay Indian agency, Washington territory, Also-a biU for a post Toutc from Bridge creek to Wal dron, Ogn. Grover presented a memorial of tho legislature of Oregon asking congress to make an appropriation for the permanent improvement of tho Lower "Willamette and Col. umbia-rivers. Also a memorial from the same legislature asking congress to throw open the Uma tilla Indian reservation to public settlement on tho ground that the Indians aro deteriorating by con, tact with tho whites. IIe Ktssed IIer and hse Ktssed IIiJi. Stray paragraph: Tho fol lowing law case, taken from the record's of tbo Now Haven colony in 1G60, aro strango reading in thoso times. The Statute says: "Whoever shall inveigle or draw tho affections of any maide-ser vant, either for himself or others, without first gaining tho consent of her paronts, shall pay to tho plantation for the first offenco 40s., for tho socond, 4; for the thud, shall be imprisoned or corporally punished." Under this law, at a Court held in May, 1CG0, Jocobeth Murline and Sarah Tuttlc were prosecuted for "set ting down on a cheste together, his arm about her waisto and her arm upon bis shoulder o rabout hia neck, and continued in that 6inful position about a half and hour in which time he kyssed her and she kj-ssed him, or xhoy kyss ed one another, as ye witness tea tified." y L IPVTiVSSjasSJBW CAJJUI 1J 11U111 tho States, and a dimution of 574,250,000 in tho imports. It ia exptfeted that ono result of this will be an early and largo demand for gold in America, which may materially affect the ralo of dis count. Last year tho requirements of America were met by means of United States five-twenty bonds, but those, wo understand, have all been absorbed, and nothing but our gold will satisfy Undo Sam. Livorpool Post. FEAT UllB OFSUPEEIOU IT Y. The superiority of White's Prai rie Fxoivut for diseases of the stom ach, Liver and BlooJ consists in its uniting harmoniously with the gas tric juice, strengthening and enabling it at once to dissolve the food. If the gastric juice is weak the food ferments, giving rise to sour stomach, tho pa tient also suffering from insufficient nutrition. It aid3 the Liver, over which it has a specific power, in fil tering impurities from the blood. Its action on the kidneys is likewise salu tary, increasing the secretions. As a blood purifier, by enriching the chyle, it is without a "peer, curing some of tho most obstinate and long-standing cases on record. It is pronounced by one and all The Great Blood and Liv er Panacea. Price 25cts. and 75cts. For sale by E. C. Brooks. 3TA33IiI3. Comer of Or.F.GON and CAUronstA STi., Jackson vili t. W. 5". raSTS-aSS, rcp'r -fTTOUM) RESPECTFULLY INFORM THETOB V V lie that be has a Una etoci. of t Horses, Buggies nut! Car ingc And be Is prepare! 10 fnrnili bis )trons and the i ub , lfc generally lth J -Fine Turnouts As can lie bad on the l'.iclflc coast. Saddle hore hired to go to any part of the country Animals Bought and Sol it. Howes t'rofco to wotIc single or double. Hore Itonnlo'l and the beat ofcnro WstowoJ upon them while in my chnrg;. A literal tbare of the puplic patronage is solicited on reasonable term. Hr5BftlM sS- A i RHW&IIB& &?:rw&3Zkt Mrrm Rp ?r z&j'-" ------- 'H rrrc3"57 r?,?,rs.'2 ? T wsra?WKn5iT ".-iaiiiiiJ V"i-J (auUsfatxSCVt VJ VV dSi JZ3JJ I sMinrs pianos& orgaks. "2"ou can Say a FlflST CLASS PIANO OR ORGAN CHEAPErv, Of me than ANY OTHER DEALER in the business, becauso I sell at WHOLESALE PRICES FOR CASH, and at a slight advance where sold on EASY INSTALLMENTS. Agents and Piano Tramps who make LARGE PROFITS arc requested to open their batteries UPON ME or my INSTRU MENTS at once. Tho public will soon ascertain it is to THEIR AD VANTAGE to givo me a call, and find that MY PIANOS AND OR GANS WILL WEAR AS WELL, keep in tune as long, and SAVE MONEY FOR THE PURCHASER. Doift-bo fooled or humbugged by any thing you hear. "Talk is cheap" (u-fuilh-.) The man or woman who h talked into paying exorbitant prices, pavs very detr. BEST OF REFER ENCES GTVEN AND SATISFAC TION GUARANTEED. Tho greatest possible attention 19" j5TSer.d for spccicl information to Pvcn to thwr tono and touch, and L have no hesitancy in offering them to- the public as FIRST-CLASH PIANO.S in every re'j.pet, and warrant thora to In order to introduco THESE MAGNIFICENT PIANOS on this Coast, I have put tho prices MUCH LOWER than other FIRST-CLASS MAKERS, and as I do not proposo to make any agents, (who generally ex tort large profits from tho consumer) I expect to be severely handled by such persons in tho Piano business. Tho materials used in their con struction are of the VERY BEST' kind, and tho wood thoroughly sea soned. They aro substantially made.' DURABILITY, TONE ami tho power of MAINTAINING TUNE' LONGER than any other piano made, aro tho characteristics of theso instruments. JAS. S. S1HTH, 575 Market St., San lYr.nciseo. BEWARE are u.'.irelj liitilerctaJ. Rksidekcj, 170U .siockton St. S. F. New Stork at Piicexix. Chris Bailey has opened out business at Phoenix and is now prepared to do any" repairing in the harness or boot and shoo line. This will be quite a conven ience to the citizens of Phrcnix and SMEW LIVERY STABLE BACK OF COURT nOUSE. JW. MANNING, Proprietor. '-T-TAVIXC LATELY TITTEn DP TIIR COM JLTjL nioliomliun on the School House Flat an.1 In the rear of thi Court lloue.- Wo nr now fully preparod to attend to allhn.liies Incur line with promptness and dispatch and at the ru-wt reasonable rates. Fine turnouts fn workmanship is equal to a Chronometer Watch, and as elegantly flnis'.iod as a first-class Piano. It received tho highest awards at tho Vienna and Cen tennial Expositions. 5T SEWS 0?JFGURTH FAST ER than other machines, its capacity is unlimited. There aro more W ! L S O tt M A C H ! S3 E S sold In the United States than tho combined sales of ail the Others. THE IVILSOsJ KlEHDiHG ATTACHMENT, for doing all kinds of repairing, WiTHOUY PATGHEMC, given FREE with each machine. A Certificate io given with each Machine, guaranteeing to keep it in repair, free of charge, for fivo years. Et requires no special Instructions to learn hew to uso it. Satisfaction guaranteed, cr no pay. Machines delivered free of , charge anywhere in tho United States. Send for Illustrated Catalogue, and ask for sar.-iplo of mending, and our Circular Ho. 107 for fttrthor Instructions for buying machines upon terms stated In tho Catalcgue. .&SS.I WILSON 8EWIN8 IMSf-ISIE CO. ? 827 & C29 Broadway, Hew York; New Orleans, La.; Cor. Stato and Madison Sts., Chicago, i.ls.; and San Francisco, Calj For Sale hy all ffirsi-Class Dealers, MRS. I. W. BERRY, LOCAL AGENT. mT' j stand in any climate. :"iJ . aT" fmin U va's wiO '? fc-Ioa '-VnT vw i n- nj. .in-l wr rej.'y. ant Ikk what Uoste ti ' ii (1.3 "7 .bo JAS' S. SMITH, 575 MARKET ST., :s J. "this best WAGil W WMSSEIiS. IS MANUFACTURED BY -ftt 1 mm iiSIS,. FRANCO -AMERICAN HOTEL & fH RESTACRAS' TliostiWoli fornMiednltli the lwst animals ami niot substantial bugi'ics; also a first tUi hack and saltlie horses. Hoisei boirileil, and the best caro leslovred on tLei. SAtlsf7Clion nnranleeiln every instance, Glre us .1 call an J judgofr yourselves. J. W. MAKN1KG. JactsonTll's.AnrlllOlb. lfa .... , .1 "1, , 1, t "I -1 M - vicinity, ana tney win ao wen to givq t;, Chris, a call for anything in his line. J. Mc- A letter from a Memphis lady contains this significant pnrv graph: "I helicvo this plague has made a Universalist of mo. I liavo eccn men in a moment rise from the depth of degradation and wickedness to Christ-like sublimi ty in devotion and sacrifice, and the most polluted of my own sex Fuddenly changed irto ang Jovo and mercv. Thus tiod t es us io coru none oUlis urcs." To The Ladies. Mrs. N Pherson is prepared to do all kinds of sewing. The making of ladies' and children's clothing is made a speciality. Rooms in Orth's building, up-stairs, next door to "Times" office. Tho National Gold Medal was awarded to Bradley it Rulofson for the best photographs in the United States, and tho Vienna Medal for tho best in the world. 420 Montgomery Strwt, San Francisco. For Sale or Trade. A good span of work horses will bo exchanged for-a- good spring wagon. For particulars enquire at this office ' Jack tor Sale. Sheriff Bybee of fers one of his fine thoroughbred Jacks will trade for cither hogs, UNION-LIVERY SALE-AMtiWEXfrHANGE ss "jEC-isa ec-4'bs: 9 Corner -ltli ami California Sts' JACKSONVILLE, OREGON. r J. A. CAKinVELL PROPRIETOR. nriiiE proprietor ins I fiillVTtbuilt and reflltfrt !M- wcllVhnwn fl!!flioient, anil lwf.' tn.le txteiutre nl coriifrtalieaI.lI-Vl. tlons tlicrcto. I have (he Terr let horses, bugiriei flSCIirery tnrnoutsof alllln'is. My stock of roud terjeannotbi excejel Ja tha State, ) ' Horses Boarded r-. - - frtr; reasonable term", ami tho best of care, and alien tlM bestowcil upon then while nnder my charge Also Horses Bonslit anil Sold. I am satipficd that I ran give t atisfaettoo uvl piarantee the same. With this Impression wo bavo no hesitation In soliciting patronage. TWAXT a NO. 1 H.0ME-MATJE RIFLE AND GENERAL STAGE IIOUSE, """ OpprtIte OJJ rollows' Hall, JACELSU.NVII.L.E ORE CO MADAME HOLT, Proprietress. TRAVELERS AND RESIDENT ROARDERS Mill find the most comfortable lodgings at this hous e to be met with anywhere In this part of the State. Tito Beds and Bedding Will always be found of first-class 'clnracter and ert in a neat and clean conditlonhllo TIe Itoonis renewly fnrnlfhed and wfll always be kept In neat rid, lionulll." condition. A plrntifnl snpplyof the est ef evtrythiog the market atfonla tvIU be Spread on , Her Table. Her honie will be kept open all nig!it,and'"SQUARE MKAI" can be obtained at any hour of the day or ntgbt. .OYSTERS PREPARED IV EVERY STYLE, And lnnclics tobelisd at anytime. Ela?o pvsen cers and others horaay be-Hit laieat nlglit.can al. . ays find a good fire, hot meals and good beds a this house. Jo tronblo will Im spared todeserTe the patronage of the travelllB-as well as the permanent commu nity. Oive mi a call. BEATTY PIANOS & ORGANS LOCAL AGENCY. Ajr AGENT FOttTIIE CELEnRATED JL Uffttty Piano and Orpans for the conn tie; of Jnckfoa. Josephine, Douglas and Lake. Any one -wishing to purchase one of these instrnmsnts can transact their bn.ir.efs Tvllh ra. Pricns extremely low. All wlfhing a good and cheap piano eall and see me. MR. B. F. DWELL DR. SPlSN3iS5EY KTo. 22 3SSA&SJB7 ST., Treats all Chronic mid Special Elscascs WHO MAY BE SUFFERING FROM the eQVeta ofyratlifiil follies or ir.dlr cretion, will do well to arnil thcnwlvcs of tbi?btlie prca(et boon crcr miu at the altar of fnftering humanity. Pit. SI'INNEV will guarantee to forfeit S500 for every cate of Seminal weakness or prirate duciso or anj Uiiul or character which he undertakes and foils to cure. MIDDLE-AGED MEN. There arc many at tbo ap;e of thirty to sixty who are troubled with loo frequent ev acuation of the bladder, often accompanied bya flight fmarting or burning sensation and a weakening ol the ylem In a mtimicr the patient cannot account fur. On tx.tm n in "the urinary deposits t. ropy Erdiment w I often be found ar.d sometimes email particles of albumen will appear, or the color will be of a thin rnilkih hue, again changing to a dark and torpid appearance There arc many men who die of thii difi. culty ignorant of the catuc which h tho sec ond stage of seminal weakness Dr.. S. will guarantee a perfect cure in nil rnch case?, and -a healthy restoration of the genito-uri nary organ". Uftick llocits 10 to 4 iunl C to S. sun days from 10 to 12 a. m Consultation free Thorough examinations and advice, $5. Call or addrcf"', DR. SPINNEY CO. No 11 Kearney St.. Pan Francico. RACifSSE, WIS. AVE MAKE EVERY VARIETY OF lii, FBE1SST 110 SPB1RG And by conlliilng ourselves ftrlctly to one dais of work; by employing none lultha BEST OP WORKMEN, Using no'LIng but FIRST-CLASS IMPROVED MACHINERY and the- . VERY BEST OF SELECTED TIMBER, And by a THOROUGH KNOWLEDGE or the biisine, wo have justly tarned the reputa tion of making "THE BEST WAGON ON WHEELS." We give the following warranty with each wagon: We Hereby "Warrant "he FISH BRO1?. WAGON No to be well irndc In ever .particular aud of good material, and that the strength of the same is tuOieient for all work with fair upagi1. Should any breakage occur within one year from this dat by reason of defective material or workmanship, repairs for the sama will bo furnished at plac- of sail", free of charge, or the price of stid repiir ai per agent's pries list, it ill ba paid in cash by the purchaser producing a sample of the broken or defective parts as evidence. Racine. Wis., Jan. 1st, 1S79, Kft I FISII BEOS & CO.. we pnlicit patronage rr.nn every tcction or the Uu 3d Teri33, and Tor a copy tf our AGRICULTUIi FISH BROS & C0.MC11. WIS. Know inc we can suit von, we solicit patronage fmm every tcction of the Uulted. States. Send for Price aiid Teri33, and for a copy tf our AGRICULTUR.u. PAPER to I . .a.i int.ii. . , M MlAlllJUltL!U-Mi.JJt l. JlaWAMJJBggS , li,llii, HOT FAIL EAGLE BREWERY. JOSEPH WETTERER, . Proprietor Oregon St., Jacksonville. TlIE bestof laqerbeer alttats kept on hand andready fur sale, b tLckt; or glass. to aenil for onr Cntnlojruew It contains prlreio anaar.ctiitioi kof inOHt every article In gen eral ue..Aiit It valnnbleto AJTV PEIl.SON contemplat ing the pnrrlia.r, of any article for l"er sonal. Family or Acrlculturnlnse. We liave dons a large trade the jin.t .ea.oia In the remote part or the Territories, and have. Ith Tew exception., exceed ed the expectation, or the. purchaser. many clnimlnc to have made a sating of 40 to CO per cent. TVe mall tlie.o OtTAUMirb TO A1V ADl)UtS, rltEK, ll'ON APrtlCATIOX. eel( our good, to all mankind at ivholealQ price. In quantltle. to ult. ltelerellce, ilrst National Itank, Chicago. MORTSQMERY WARD & CO., Original Orange Supply House, 93? Ct 229 Wabiuh Ave.. ClUcoto, III.. THE CIIY BREWERY. VEIT SOIIUTZ, - Proorietor. t ii'flffTn vftgr ppqDgrrrni.i.Y TV. .form the citizens of Jack sonrllle and S the world at large, that they can find, at j?"S?B any time, at my Brawery, the best lager '' beer. In any quantity the purchaser msy deslr My lioOM Is convenient lyaltintod and my ruotus ao always In. order. A Tblt will please yutu VJF$$C v:r iftonicijalcSatti, OJVTIvVND , OPvEUOJif. And JacKsoiivilie, Oregon.- GIBBS St. STEARN business ia I'ottlasd. willatteD.' tovlli Ignngoto JOIINMIILBR.