Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, January 15, 1879, Image 3

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"Wednesday, : : January 15, 1879
8. M. PettengUl i Go New York
Geo. P. Eowell & Co New York
Rowell & Chessman St. Louis
L. P. Fisher San Francisco
JO. II. Stearns PortlanJ
Ilcllgloua Directory.
M. E. Church. Religion services ev
ry Sunday at the usual hoars, by the Rev
erend? M. A . Williams, D. A. Crowell and
0.Tnoi.tc Skrvickh. Services will be
eld at the Catholic Church in this place
every Sunday at the ucual hnnrs in the
morning and evening, Rev . Father Blna-
chet omciating.
M. E. Sunday School. Rrgnlnr mTt
ing every Sunday afternoon at 2 r.ScIoek
Catholic Surd t School. Regular
meeting every Sunday afternoon at 2
Kecovered. Scamperdown, tlie fine
torse owned by Stephen Booth, ha3 re
covered from a nearly fatal attack cf
lung fever.
Couino TESTIVITIE3.-The Improved
Order of Red Men will give a ball here
on Feb. 22d -which prombes to be a
brilliant affair.
- Returned. Wo aro glad to see tho
genial face of Root A. Miller, con cf
J. N. T. Miller, in our community
again. He -will be velcftned bask by
his many young friends and associates.
Silver Creek Mikes From Chas.
Hughes Jr., who was iu town en Ect-
urday, wo learn that miners aro still
doing well on Silver Creek, some of
them making m high as r.n ounce per
County Court. At tho January
term of County Court, held en "Wed
nesday last, a large number of bills
were audited and or dered paid.' Re
ceiving the reports of Road Supervis
ors was the only other business trans
acted. EuNAWAY.-On Friday last the team
cf Mr. Clark Taylor, which had been
loft unhitched near Fisher's store, star
ted for a run up Oregon street. They
were fortunately stopped beforo run
ning over anyone, but not befor- doing
considerable damage to tho warjon.
More Frospects. Wo learn tact a
prospecting party have struck good pay
on Indigo crook and thero L. Crery b.
dication that it will bo ra e ttnsi.
und prosperous camp. It s :
of Illinois River hc".ulnr: ia
, levell
ing Illinois River abcrt Ire miles from
its mouth.
Dissolved. The firm of Manning &
Montgomery has boss dissolved by
mutual consent, tho former continuing
tho livery business in this place in his
own name. "Wes" has a number cf
oxcellent turn-outs at this stablo and
expects to make a number of additions
next Spring. Give him a call and we
will guarantee that you will be treated
Charged Wren Larcejty. Mat
Short, of Table Rock precinct, was ar
rested on Friday last by Depiity Sher
iff Caton and lodged in the countj' jail.
He is charged with having borrowed a
horse from Dr. Danforth last Spring,
and subsequently disposing cf tho ani
mal for his own benefit. The prison
er was examined befcro Judgo Day on
Monday and discharged, there being
no evidence of any felonious intent.
Quarterly McETiirc. The second
Quarterly Meeting, cf the M. E
Church, for Jacksonville circuit, will
be held on next Saturday and Sunday,
(tho 18th 19th) in the Eaptist church
at Manzanita.. Meeting to begin en
Saturday at 2 P. M, followed by
Quarterly Conference. Rev. W. T.
Chapman, of Ashland, is expected to
assist in tho services. No preaching
in Jacksonville next Sunday morning.
D. Allen Crowell, Pastor.
Serenading. This ancient method
of expressing juvenile tenderness for the
other sex has been prevalent among our
young men lately. Their efforts appear
lo have been unappreciated, however,
and they suddenly discovered that they
were a bore by looking down tho "bore"
or an unfriendly shot-gun a few nights
cince. It is said that the base croaned
a husky grcan. The tenor and the
banjoist collided to the serious prodju
dico of the instrument, and we expos
tulato with sleepy parents against en
tertaining musical talent and youthful
emotion to inhospitably.
Road Supervisors. Tho following
named gentlemen have been appointed
Jvoad Supervisors in their respective
districts for the ensuing year:
District No. i, C. F. Blake; No. 2,
H. T. Phillips; No. 3, S. 3. Edsal; No.
G, T. T. McKenzie; No. 7, J. M. Chll
dcrs;No. II, R. A- Cook; No. 12,
Eejamin Mench; No .13, James Loomis;
No. 15, John G. Norton; No. lG.reter
Simon; No. 20, John CantrelI;No. 21,
C. D. Reed; No. 23, Joseph B. Salt
marsh; No. 2C,'T. J. Raimey;Nc.- ?6,
H, P. Deskins,
- 1 1 1 " -BSB--
Settle up.
Plows rusting.
Weather bright.
Gold dust scarce.
Miners still idle. '
Water ditches frozen up.
Flour plenty and cheap.
Sunday school flourishing.
Good resolutions in order.
Saloon keepers complaining.
Snow-balling fashionable.
Stages growing gradually later.
Sir inches of snow on Slate creek.
Tramps are housed up for the Win
ter. Silver creek yielding r. Golden har
vest Chew Jackson's Rest Sweet
We iako greenbacks from par or
anyone else.
Rarometcr going up mining pros
pects going down. -.-...-
Sebastian Schumpf is now employed
at tho cabinet shop of David Linn.
Thero is considerable snow visible on
the mountains surrounding this place.
Read A. Fisher & Co.'e now adver
tisement and call en them for bar
gains. Our county jail has thrco occupants
and still Deputy Sheriff Caton sy3 he
is unhappy.
A spoiling bee is held atiho Willow
Springe school house each week on Fri
day evenings.
J. H. Hodman hs3 taken charge of
tho mechanical department cf Mrs.
Lilgers hardware stcre.
Prcf. Allen,- a fortune teller, bilked
some cf tho residents of this place cut,
of several dollars last week.
Jos. Clough will leave for tho Slate
creek region to-morrow in the interest
of the Slate Creek Mining Co.
Ellis Reggs is at present handling a
string of stock on tho North Western
Stage line, in Eastern Oregon.
The daughters and sisters cf Odd
roll ova arc new allowed to join the
RebektL Degree lodge of that order.
Cur friend J". W. Simpson, of Littlo
Euitc, was in town on Friday. He re
ports agriculturrl operations as very
T. 3 r'ena of Pharos are meeting
-" KWr-
'iuw t jiC.vrJMiccJ I
J. IT. Hoffman is engaged in the
mdulacture or a largo quantity of six
inch Lyd.aulic pipe for Thomas Meo of
lonfr. creek.
Tho members of tho dramatic asso
ciation reccnt'y organised here aro
preparing to give an entertainment
iicise linio noxt month.
John A. Eoyer visited Josephine J
county last week for the purpose of
installing tho newly elected officers cf
Kerbyvilio Lodge, L 0. 0. F.
About an inch cf snow fell here on
Monday n'ght. Chinamen carried
rxct of it away In tho shape of mow
balls, contributed by tho boys.
Mat Dillon invites the public to
inspect his stock of liquors and cigars.
Call and you will be couvinced that he
keeps none but the finest brands.
Tha telegraph office at Phoenix is
now in working order with 5is3 Laura
Sergent ss operator at that place. Tho
tariff chargad is twenty-five cents.
A grand ball will bo given at Veit
Schufc.s hall on February 22d ly
Oregonian-Pocahontas tribe cf Red
Mon. Full particulars nsxt week.
No pervices will bo held at tho M.
J. Church next Sunday an account of
tho Quartely Meeting to bo held at the
Baptist Church in Manzanita at that
According to tho report of John J.
"Valentine cf Wells, Fargo L Co., tac
yield of gold in Oregon in 1878 was
$1,213,724, against 51,101,007 in
Joseph Beggs arrived on Monday
with a load of freight for TJniontown.
Ho reports the road to Canyonvillo -as
good, but between thero and Roseburg
very bad.
From Mat Obenchain, who was in
town Saturday, we learn that the snow
at his ranch on Big Butte was two feet
deep. Slat left on Sunday to look af
ter his stock.
Quito a large addition to the mem
bership of Orsgonian Pocahontas tribe
of Red Men has been made recently,
and tho order in this place is in a flour
ishing condition.
A heavy rain fell on Thursday night
of last week," but owing to tho cold
weather beforehand sines that time,
was of no serrico either to the miners
or farmers of this section.
Notice the advertisement of Fish
Bros, on tho outside. Their wagons
aro tho best and cheapest in tho .mark
et and need no recommendation. G.
KVirewsH ia local agent in this place.
., ,w . ft rMBttJ- - -- "
f IHr r EV1 1 s - Ti77M
itH uu "- .-"Viii. 1 1 1 -- v.
The latest price for hides in tho
S. F. market is 15c to 16a Eastern
Oregon wool 15c to 18c; Valley 20c
to 22c.
69,329 was the amount of taxes col
lected by Sheriff Bybee up to noon cf
The meeting called for last Wednes
day evening to consider the advisabili
ty of organizing an engine company
failed to come off
Wm. Hoffman, Esq., local agent of
the Home Mutual Fire Ins. Co., ba.
presented us' with calendars and tables
for '79, both Taluable and convenient.
G. W. Holt is engaged in cutting
tho stone caps and sills for his new
notel. lie intends resuming worK on
tho walls as soon as the weather is
Tho 0. it. C. Stage Co. have placed
a half daily line of stages on their
route between Roseburg and Canyon
ville. With this addition they can
now carry all the mail passing over the
route. ; '"
J -Tri-weckly service on the Butte creek
route will bo commenced on Friday, by
the contractor, McMahcn. Mails will
leave hero Monday, Wednesday and
Friday, returning Tuesday, Thursday
and Saturday.
Tho National Gold Medal was award
ed to Bradley & Rulofcon for the best
Photographs in the United States, and
tho Vienna Medal for tho world.
294 Montgomery Street, San Frao.
ciscc. The Jacksonville Social Club an
nounce a calico ball at tho Club Room
en tho evening of St Valentino's Day.
Partial given by this Club always
prove successful, and a good attendance
i3 c-aurcd. Read tho advertisement.
A Steps have been taken to procure an
extension of the Table Rock mail route
twelve miles further to Thomas' saw
mill. Tho extension is much needed
and will accommodate a largo number
ox citizens who are without mail faeil
ties. In the case of J. R. Ttiotnaa vs. Wail
& Armstrong, tried iwst week in Jus
tice Childer's court, the jury found a
verdict for defendants. Tnis was a
suit for the recovery of real property
from the defendants, who were lessees
of Thomas.
The Supreme CcuTt. convened at
Salem on MonrW, Januarv 6th, with
Tames K. Iellv" ai Chief Justice, and
"1 t i x x t, ,
tk' 1V- - a i"
..ivi vt. ... r 4tiH;M!L irt a
lai-ge oiio and it will probably take un
til April beforo the end is reached.
The right title and interest ci John
Angel, heir of Martin Angel, to tho
Barnes or Anc. ranch has been sold
to Robert E. Bybee of Portlind, con
f ideation S2S0. As Cap. Barn. 3 has
purchased this property twice there is a
fair chance for litigation.
Tho members of tho Robekah degree
Lcdgohad a splendid colktiqn after
the installation of their new officers on
Monday evening. Through the kind
ness of Mrs. John Miller and Mrs.
Hpspar Kubli wa were favored with
some of the good things from their
table Thank you, ladies.
Tho funeral of Evi Sebring, who was
killed by Rath took place on Sunday
last. The deceased was a nativo of
Richland county Ohio, aged about 53
years, and known as a quiet industri
ous citaeen. Ho leaves four children,
who it is feared will become a charge
on the county. "
Chas. A. Cog.well, Esq., cf Lake
view, is at Salem, an applicant for ad
mission to tho bar. We also note the
names c! J. W. Hamilton, A. Meaeh
arn and G. W. Belt as anxious for the
samo honor. They all passed credita
ble examinations and have been sup
plied with the necessary sheep-skin.
Prorate Court Proceedings. The
fcllo wing aro the proceedings in this
Court since our tsi report,
Day presiding:
In tho matter of the estate of John
Jj. Badger, deceased, inventory and
appraisement filed, showing property
valued at $2,27. An crder was also
made for the salo cf all the personal
property belonging to tho estate.
In the matter of tho guardianship
of the minor heirs of John Bilger,
Mrs. Amanda Bilger was appointed
Guardian, giving bonds in tho sum 0.
318,000 with John Orth, H. V. Helms,
J. B. Wrisley, Isaac Constant, R. 31
Brown, John Watson, John- rTupper,
T. F. Beall, R. V. Beall, and David
Pennigcr as sureties.
In the matter of the estate of 'John
Bilger, deceased. The third semi-annual
exhibit of C. W. Kahler, admin
istrator, was accepted.
In the matter of the estate of R. B.
Hargadine, dec ;ased. Silas W. Kilgora
executor of said estate, files his second
semi-annual exhibit, which was accept
ed. In the matter of the estate of Jo
seph Cox, deceased. The petition of
M. A- Houston, administrator of said
estate, for an order of salo of realty,
was granted.
On tho evening of" Friday last the
community was startled by the report
that ft murder had been committed on
Jackass creek, a few miles from town.
Unfortunately the report was verified,
the victim being Evi Sebring, and the
homicide Samuel Rath, both well
known in this community. From tho
evidence adduced before the Coroner's
jury we present the following details:
On Friday morning Rath, who was
married to an Indian woman, had a
difficulty with his wife. Leaving
homo he proceeded to Sturgis', where
ho procured some liquor, returning to
his cabin near Sebring's late in the af
ternoon, passing Sebring's cabin on his
way home. Finding his wife at Se
bring's, where -she had taken refugo
with her sister who was living as Se
bring's wife, Ilath ordered her home,
she refusing to go. About dusk Rath
accompanied by an Indian named
Stevo returned'tdTSebring's cabin, the
latter enterig-eTT!4eivcring to en
tice Rath's wife outside. Stepping to
the door she perceived her husband
standing at the end of the porch with
his riflo in his hands and immediately
retreated inside. Sebring then step
ped out and remonstrated quietly with
Rath, tha latter still holding his gun
in a threatening position, and declar
ing that he was going to kill somebody.
Sebring said, "why Sam you would
net kill me would you?" Rath replied
"no" and hardly were the words utter
ed when he shot Sebring, tho ball
striking him just below the left nipple,
glancing upwards above the heart, and
inflicting a mortal wound. Dr. Dan
forth was called, but tho unfortunate
man was past earthly succor and expir
ed about midnight, declaring that the
deed was entirely unprovoked and ask
ing that his murderer might receive a
fair trial. On Saturday morning Rath
and his Indian occomplice were arrest
ed by two miners, Thomas Brown and
Olivet Weaver, and delivered to Dep
uty Sheriff Cajoh, who was on his way
for the same purpose, and safely placed
in jail. On Monday and Tuesday the
prisoners were examined beforo Justice
Hufferand held to answer, without
bail, to the charge of murder in the
first degree. The case will bo tried
t the February term, and as to the
circumetanees surrounding it or the
motives prompting the deed, wo have
nothing to say, they baing en1. fit sub
jects tor itfco . 'consideration of a
Exclusive; 'ScciAnTT. On Monday
evo there was a vry pleasant party at
the residence of ono our prominont cit
izens present, twacty odd young la
dies, no gentlemen. Ws regret to see
or hear of cny social cxclu3lvcness
among ycung people, and if. tha girls
would redeem the characters of their
brothers and their associates they must
net exclude them from their society.
What i3 truo of the polluting touch of
vice is true as to the contact with
modesty and virtue, and if our young
lad-03 want to find fitting husbands
and protectors they must assist in
moulding their characters by the gen
tle but powerful influence given only
to woman. K punishment for previ
ous bad behavior was intended it was
a failure, Thero was more hoodlum
ism than usual that evening, and seme
of our young boys wero driven to a
placo where manhood should blush to
be found. Give them a chance girls;
take thera more into your society, in
stead ex less; refine and elevate them;
ask your parents to permit sociable
parties and innocent games under
proper restrictions and your brothers
will lovo you better and better for
your intercision.
Fine Stock. We have just seen
two colts belonging to Mat. Obenchain
that are hard to beat. Ono Hiram, a
beautiful chestnut sorrel, " fifteen and a
half hands high, weighs 1,000 lbs, was
sired by Sligart, Grand sire Sir Thom
as, great grand sire Woodward Sir
Thomas, the latter Woodward Sir
Thomas was sired by "Diomcde, Jr.,"
by imported .Diomedc. Hiram's dam
was bred in Rlinois, is a beautiful bay
mare, weighs 1,100 pedigree un
known. The other, Membrino Chance,
is a dark brown foaled in May last,
sired by Sir Walter, grand sire, Mari
on, dam by Sligart, grand dam by eld
Nbw Volui. With this number
commences tho twenty-fourth volume
.of the Sentinel. Its rapidly increas
ingcirculationis the best assurance, that
as a record of local news and a faithful
laborer for the interests of Southern
Oregon, it has been acceptible to
the public. With tho change else
where noted, wo hope to make the
Sentinel more interesting than ever,
and hope that our friends will sustain
us by additional patronage, and enable
us to continue labors -which will te
faithful and untiring in behalf of
public welfare.
The 49 diggings, owned by E. K.
Anderson, are awaiting a thaw.
Smith ii Waisman aro still drifting
in the East end of town with fair re
sults. Gin Len commenced piping on his
claim on Monday last and is promised
a long run.
An assessment of six cents per share
has been levied by the Blue Gravel Co.,
payable on Febuary 1st, at Portland.
Miners in the northern part of the
county, have as yet washed but
little dirt, owing to tho continued
cold weather.
EUippel, Hanna & Co., owners of
the Squaw Lake property, have their
hydraulic moved and only awaiting a
thaw to enable them to resume washing
J. W. HayesTias sold half his min
ing property, opposite Gold Hill, to Ma
gruder Bros. A four milo ditch is
to be dug to it from Sam's crook.
Allison i: Co., aro getting ready to
work with a six inch pipe on Kanaka
Flat. The ground is known to be rich
and will undoubtedly pay them well.
Frank Ennis, Supt. of the English
mine atGalico creek and Sterling mine,
reports both mines in an excellent
state of preparation and with the best
of prospects ahead.
Tho Grand Applegato havo conrolet
ed three and a hair milc3 of ditch and
expect to bo washing dirt by March 1st.
When their ditch i . compioted their
run of water will bo continual.
The Davenport mine near Eagle
Milk, owned by McCall Iz Anderscn,
is being prepared for extensive opera
tions as seen as water comes. Several
hundred feet of new pipe are on the
ground and a giant will socn bo placed
in position.
Pistol Practice. A. J. Wall, of
Table Rock precinct, indulged in a lit
tle pistol practice that came near prov
ing fatal. From an eye witness we
learn the following details: A trial was
progressing in Justice Childer's court
to which Wall was a party, there being
present a number of persons as spec
tators and witnesses. During its
progress Wall started up tho stairs to
the court room and was accosted by
John Sizeraoro who, sitting on the
tence z. siiorfc distance off, desired to
speak to him. Wall replied that he
had not time; Sizeuiore repeated tho re-
onfft. nT(lWr?l wipi.rW jfjWj. -
some difficulty about a colt, and hav
ing reached the upper landing replied
angrily with an opprobrious epithet.
Sizemcre with like temper said he would
thrash tho ground with Wail, andstarted
up tho stairs. Wall still remained on
the landing warning Sizcmorenot to ap
proach. Sizemore continued up the
stairway, and when within a few feet
cf Wall the latter drew a pistol from
his pocket and discharged it full in
Sizemore's face, which was considerablv
powder burnt. The ball struck Size
mor s hat just above the band, missing
the top of-his head about one half inch.
Wall was immediately arrested, and on
Saturday was examined by Justice
Childers and bound ever in the sum of
S500, to appear at tho February term
of coTirt.
Supprecsuto an Iteji. Bro. Nick
ell deserves credit A3 a news gatherer
but we are sorry to say that ho has
been suppressing interesting items.
Why den't he give a graphic account
cf his late trip to Willow Springs? Tell
how the miners have gouged, and
ditched, and cut up tho road, until it
has become a perplexing labyrinth.
How bravely ho grasped the lines,
how tenderly he cooed to the impatient
team, as his partner, Abe not Abe
Mensor threaded the devious way in
her tiny buttoned boots seeking in vain
for the road. How a friendly hand
finally pointed it out and how the
shocking state of that road was quietly
kept from the public How was it
Charley? Was the little rascal with tho
bow and quiver, riding behind like a
naughty urchin, befogging the senses
with the young dream that is said to be
the sweetest thing in life and obscur
ing the highway with a cloud of ar
rows? Next time you ride ply the
whip and see that the mischiovous lit
tlo rascal does not cling to tho hind
axle of the buggy.
Visit the School. Parents should
not neglect to frequently visit the
schools where their children attend; it
encourages the children, as well as the
teacher, to know that you feel an inter
est in their progress, and it is a posi
tive duty to be familiar with tho situa
tion of your children during their hours
of study.
The sheriff of Umatilla county has
been notified that if ho hangs Quit-a-tump3
and White Owl, who are sen
tenced to death for murder, the Indi
ans will retaliate by killing white peo
ple. That officer has called for a force
of 100 armed citizens to be present at
the execution.
A jury was summoned in this place
on Saturday last by J. H. Huffer,
acting Coroner, to inquire into tho
cause of tho death of Evi Sebring, and
after visiting tho scene of murder re
turned the following verdict
We, the jury summoned to inquire
into the death of Evi Sebring find that
he came to his deaih on the evening of
January 10th, 1379, in tho county of
Jackson, State of Oregon, by a gun shot
wound, and we further find that the
gun was in the hand, of Samuel Rath
at the time of tho shooting. Wo there
fore find that tho said Samuel
Rath is guilty of murder.
Signed II. V. Helms.
E Jacobs.
W. A. McPherson.
F. L. Mace.
John Atterburg.
Thos. Gaston.
If you aro troubled with nervousness,
are disheartened, tired of life, ' fear
death or feel out of sorts as tho saying
is, you may safely conclude that ycu
have the dyspepsia or Liver CompUint
Tho liver is very apt to becomj torpid
this season of tho year as poisons aris
ing from stagnant water or decaying
vegetation aro more numerous and are
through inhalation taken into tho blood.
Unless the liver is strong and active,
and furnishes a supply of fresh and
puro blood to drive out the impurities,
the above mentioned symptoms surely
follow, and if not heeded, end in moro
terrible diseases and death. Whito'3
Prairie Flower proves itself the Great
Liver Pancea. Its action on the liver
i3 different from any other medicine
ever compounded. Its cures aro truly
wonderful. Try it Price twenty-five
cent and seventv-fivo cents. For sale
by E. C. Brooks.
Real Estate Transactions. The
following aro the real estate transac
tions for the past week:
Eber Emery to H. T. Inlow, parcel
of land in Riglo Tcint precinct. Con
sideration, $50.
John Angel to Robt E. Bybee, his
interest in the Barnes' place near town.
Consideration, 250.
Govan High and wife to J. N. Casc
bcer, CO acres in Eden precinct. Con
sideration, 380.
John R. Helman and wife to McCall
t Baum, parcel of land in Ashland.
Cjiicferalibn,- .SfvfWL.-.
John R. Helman and wife to M.
Baum, parcel of land in Ashland. Con
sideration, $125.
C. Chandler and wife to J. B. R,
Hutchins, 40 acres in Ashland precinct
Consideration, $300.
U. S. patents to E. Emery and A.
Vollmer have been recorded.
Tun Weather. We regret to say
that the weather is still too fine to bo
pleasant to minera and too pleasant to
be profitable to any one. The threat
ening clouds that gathered a few day3
ago, culminated only in a hlight sprin
kle of snow. Considerable snow has
fallen in tho mountains which will in
sure a late run of water, but the need
of present rain is seriously felt by all
Smith's Pianos and Organs. These
instruments havo gained a world-wido
reputation and now take tho lead over
all others for brilliancy, durability and
general finish. Theyare the cheapsstfirst
clas3 instruments in tho market, and
are warranted to stand in any climate.
Send to Jas. S. Smith, 572 Market
street San Francisco, for circular and
piico list.
Agricultural. Our farmers are
beginning to complain. Only rain
enough Luis fallen to facilitate plowing
in favored localities, and the grnin
prospects thus far. are not flattering.
It is conceded, however, that there is
still ample timo for rain, plowing, and
seeding and there need be no gloomy
Flattering. Wo hear that R. n.
Westrop has been offered good induce
ments by the stock raisers of Douglas
county, to return there with his fine
horse, "Turk," next Spring. It may
bo considered a flattering tribute to
Jackson county stock.
Telephone. This novel instrument
will be in operation in the residences
of E. n. Autenrieth and W. M. Tur
ner and tho curiosity of thoso who
have never seen it may soon bo grati
fied admission free.
Jury Panel. It has been discover
ed that the paneIfor tho Justice's
court in this precinct was irregularly
drawn. A new panel will therefore
be drawn on tho first Monday in Feb
ruary. On Duty. Rev. Father Blanchet
is absent in Josephine county attending
to the spiritual needs of his flock. Ho
is expected to hold services hero ono
week from next Sunday.
Howard, Pape A. Co., have a ditch
already constructed about half a milo
in length to their claim at the mouth of
Littlo Beaver. They will renew op
erations as soon as the weather is favor
Sheriffs Salo.
and order of .ale duly issned out of
the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon,
for Jnckfon county, on the 28th day of De
cember, 187S. upon a judgment and decree
in fu.or of E. F. Walker and W. C. Myer
and ncnir-st J. H. Skiilmore nnd A. M
Skidmorefor the fum of$3,G72 23, and in
lavor of Saxe and Robertson, and against
J. II- Skidmore nnd A. M. SkiJmore for the
snm or 3l,G33 33, all In gold coio of the
United States, and the cost, and disburse
ments,, nnd to me directed and delivered,
commanding ami requiring me to make le
gal levy nnd sale of tho following described
premises, v'z. Beginning at a post for tha
S W corner of lot No. two (2) in block
No. seven (7) in tho town of Ashland in
said county nnd State. Variation used 19
dejr East, thence S CO deg V 763 links to a
post on the West boundary line of Donation
claim No 40 in Township 39 S of R 1
East, thenco North 4C8 links to n post on
said West boundary of claim No 40, thence
N 7 deg E 5C8 lints to a post for the N
W corntr of lot No one (1) in b'ock No
seven (7), thence S 23 dec E 332 links to
the place of beginning, containing 2.C0 acres
excepting therefrom so mncb of said laods as
! -a? been deeded to the West Ashland
Dilch Company for a right of way for on
irrigating ditch.
Also lots No. ono (1) and two (2) in
block No seven (7 in tb-e. Aa.
in .aid county, and Slate, uetter known 1
W.'is Ashland Academy nnd lots, nnd that the
procct 3 01 snea sale or said above described
premises be applied, First to the p .yment
of the costs and disbursements of suit taxed
ot 832 92 1-2 and the ncarum? costs.
Second, to the pavment to Plaintiffs, E. F.
Walkirand W. C. Myer tho sum of $3
480 10 nnd interest, from November 22d,
1878 at 10 per cent per annum. Third, to
the pym?nt of the judgment of Saxa and
Robertson for the snm of 81,633 38 and in
terest at 7 per cent per annum from the 22d
day of November, 1878, nil of said sums
payable in United Status gold coin.
Fourth, the remainder, if nny there be,
pay over te the said J. If. Skidmore and
A. M. Skidmore or their assigns. 1 havo
Jevird upon and will offer for sale for cash
iu U. S. pold coin at public auction, to tho
highest bidder nt tho Court House door ia
Jacksonville, Jackson Co. Ogn.,
at 1 o'clock r. st. of said day, all the right titf
tie and interest ol thedeftndantsJ.il Skid
more nnl A.M. Skidmore in nnd to the
above described premises. Levied upon as
the properly of the above named Defendants
J. II. Skidmore and A. M. Skidmore, to
satisfy -.uo demands of tho above named exe
cution. Wil. BYBEE,
Sheriff of Jackson Co.. Oregon.
Jacksonville, Jon, 6th, 1879.
Sheriff's Salo.
duly is-ned out of the Circuit Court of
the State of Oregon, for Jackson County,
on the 3d day of January. 1879, npon tho
following judgments in favor of O. Karewg
ki nud ngaiti3t Joseph IUtti fur the sum of
$71 00 nd interest at one per cent per
month from the 8th day of December 1S75,
and costs, nnd in favor of G. Karewski and
nsainst .Tosenh Rath for the anmofSRH-.
87 I 2 ami interest at 10 pvr cent per an
num irom lie loin uuy oi January, 1877
and costs. The costs of said i ad 2 meats
- ...... ... v,. M VJfi -'(-
costs und to ma dirCcTetTami delivered. I
have levied upoo nnd will offrr for salo for
cash at public anctiou, to the highest bidder
at the Court House door in Jacksonville
Jackson County, Oregon, on
s.iTi cdav, 1 r.nr.iKV sm, is:a.
nt two o'clock r. m. ol said day, all the right
title and interest of Joseph Rath, deceased,
in nnd to the following itcrilieil premises,
viz: The S 1 2 or the S W I 4 of section
17. nnd the N W of tho N E tf, nnd
tha N E J4' or the N W ). of eectkm 20, in
township 38, S of R 2 W, containing 160
acres, situated in Jackson county, Oregon,
levied upon 03 tho property of said defendant
Joseph Rath to satisfy the demands of tho
above named execution.
Sheriff of Jackson Co. Ogn.
Jacksonville, Jan, Glti. 1879.
t .11 til nt Sit IA n.l 1 li r I
duly issued out of the Circuit Courr
ol the State of Oreson, for Jackson County,
on the 20th day of December, 1878, upon
a judgment in favor of Aider Band, and
ogainst Lewis Home, for the recovery of
the sum of 888.38, with Interest nt tho rato
ol ten per etnt, nor nnnum, from the 29th
d.iyofJuly, IS 6, nnd the farther snm of
SG.l.r cost, and be nccrnring costs, and to
me directed nnd delivered. I have levied
upon nrdtwill odc for sale for cash at pablia
auction to the highest bidder, ot the Court
House door in Jacksonville, Jackson county
Oregon, on Saturday, the 1st day of Feb.
nary, 1&79, at one o'clock p m. tf said day,
all the right title and interest of Lewis
Horre iu and to the following Real Proper
ty, to wit; The S of the S E of sec
tion 17, in Townslup 37, South ot range 2
W. containg 80 acres. Levied npon as the
propet ol the defendant, Lewis 'Home, to
sati-fy the demands of the above named
Steriffof Jackson County, Oregon,
Jacksonville, Dec, 2Gth 1878.
Settle Up ! Settle Up!
accounts on our books we hereby give
notice to all those indebted to us by book
account to come forward at once and settle
up. Wc must have the money, and unless
a settlement is made immediately a forced
collection will be made.
down lbs fence of my pasture near
town, thereby occasioning a considerable
lossofcatllonnd sheep.I therefore caution
and worn all persons against further tres
pass npon 3aid lands under penalty of rig.
orous prosecution.
Jacksonville, Dec. 4, 1878.
Settle Up Save Costs
movo my pi ice of business from Willow
Springs I hereby give notice to all those
indebted to me either by note or book ac
count to come lorward at once and settlo np
nnd thereby sove costs. I must hnve the
money duo me and unless they nre paid Im
mediately the accounts will bo placed in the
hands of on officer for collection.
December 25th 3m
f'7" 33 3R. TET BEC1UITI0.V OV rur
IJ lerj for Ml cheap by "