"4 V N., 7 ii ) THE CffiEGON SENTINEL Ved'nesday, - November, 6, 1878. i ' ' AGENTS FOE THE SEHTIHEL. 8. M.Tettepgilli; Co New York 43eo.P.llowell,Co .....New York Howell k Cbeesman St. Louis L. P. Flsljer. :; : . ; San Francisco D.H. Stearns Portland Religion Directory. M. E. CrfoEcn. Religions services ev ery Snnday at the nual hours, by the Rev erend. M. A. Williams, D. A. Crowell ab'd JL Ilardiion. Catholic SelitvtCES. Services will be eld nt.the Catholic Church in this place every Sunday at the ncual hours in the tnorditfc and evening! Rev. Father Ulcn chet officiating. M. E. Suimht School. Krc'iUr mc Ing every Sunday afternoon at 2 clotk Catholic Sunday School. Repnl r meeting every Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock. House asd Lot Foil Sale. Situa ted a short distance east of Jackson ville. For particulars enquire at Kreutzer's Bakery, on Oregon Street. For SAEk or Trade. Any "one having a good spring wagon -which they want to trade for a span of good work horses can be accommodated by calling at this office immediately. Real Estate. Real estate trans actions have occured as follows since bur last report: Richard Davis and wife to James F. Davis, 146 acres of land in Jackson bounty; consideration $1,500. New Mail Route. The Post office Department has recently ordered that all the mails for Cresent City and way ports Bhall hereafter be carried by the ocean steamers plying between that place and San Francisco. This will lake off a good portion of the mail now being carried on the Cresent City stase line. Election op Officers. The follow ing are the newly elected officers Of Slate creek Lodge, No. 285, 1. 0. G. T.: Jno. S. Chattain, W. C. T.; Farinda Borough, W. V. T.; S. A. Borough, Sec.; Benton Borough, W. F. S.; John Johnston, W. Tij Marcus Moody, "W. C; Mary Moody, W. M.; S. P. Sloan,' W. L G.;W. McAllister, W. 0. G.; Geo. Sloan, A. S. ScnooL Meeting A special meet ing of the qdalificd voters ill School District No. 1, .is calle'd by Henry Klippel, Clerk of this District, for the purpoMs of voting to levy a tax for the Support of the free school in this place, hud for the transaction" bf such other business as may properly come before Ihe meeting. A full attendance is re5 quested. A Good Citizen Dead. After an illness of only eight days, Thomas B. Gregory died at his sou's residence in Sam's Valley, on Thursday last, of pneumonia, at the ago of G3 years and 6 months. Mr. Gregory was a native of Canada, and has only resided in this bounty a short time, but during his residence in this locality he has made a host of friends, who will bo grieved to hear of his sudden demise: Serexade. Last Saturday evening "the Jacksonville Brass Band, accom panied by a number of the prominent bitizens of this place, visited the res idences' of Judges Prim and Hanna and gave them a complimentary sere nade in honor of their recent appoint ments as Supreme and Circuit Judges of this State. A congratulatory speech was made at each place, by T. B. Kent,- which was responded to by the (Judges after which the crowd was in vited in to partake of refreshments; Serious Runaway: Matt Ish had one of the most disastrous runaways one evening last week that wo have had to record for some time past, the particulars of which are about as fol lows: He was on his way home from town, and when opposite the residence bf J. Beggs, in the lower part of tdwn, the team became unmanagable and started to run away. Matt was thrown but but escaped without serious injury. The wagon was badly demolished and each of the horses had a leg broken in the runaway. The horses were so badi ly injured that no hope of their 'recov ery was entertained and both were shot on the following day. Diphtheria. This disease is now prevalent in certain portions of this bounty, and a determined effort should be made to prevent its spreading. Dr. Danforth informs us that in the family of Ben Emersbti) of Foot's creek, five bf the children ire how down with this sickness in its most dangerous form, and one case,vthatof their infant child, proved fatal on Monday last. The re maining children are all very low at last accounts, but there is still somo hopes of their recovery. Since writing the above wo learn lliat another ono of the children has died their four year old daughter and the other three" art lying in a very crit ical condition Wo have not heard of Ihe spread of Iho disease outside of the family mentioned; .LOCAL ITEMS. Rain this week. Your taxes are due. Paul Schoen the piano tuner is in town. Joseph Patterson has returned from California. Hon. Wm. Kaler and wife has re turned from Salem. J. F. Glazelyj of Canyorfvillei was in town last week. The County Commissioner's Court meSts next Monday. Sheriff Bybee sent 200 hogs to Hap py Camp last week. "Wild water fowls are now passing over in large numbers. Over 4,000 deaths in New Orleans from the yellow fever. No business transacted in the Jus tice's Coltrfc last week. The social-advertised for last Friday night did not take place. Langell Bros, received another load of barbed wire last week. Prof. W. T. Chapman is the new ed itor of the Ashland "Tidings". Hon. C. C. Beekman returned from San Francisco last Monday night Chris Baily is making stencils and rubber stamps for the Phoenixites. The "Bee" takes dispatches and is now one of the newspapers of Portland. Clias. Nickel and Miss Sophie Nickel returned ire'm the State Fair last week. Epizootic is what ails every other person you meet on the street now days. W. C. Myer arrived at his home near Ashland from the State Fair last week. Richard Cook and wife, of Fort Klamath, are visiting friends in this place. St, Francis Church is- the new name given to the Catholic Church at Eagle Point. Nick Ficko is having a new resi dence built opposite that of John Hockenyos. E. O. Steel, School SupiTntendenT of Lake county, tlkd at JLikcvicw i few days ago. Geo. H. Young, accomjanied by his son Willie, returned from Fort Klam ath last week. Wast Ingram will have chargo of J. R. Cameron's band of sheep duriig the coming" "Winter. J. S. Howard is now engaged in surveying the new ditch for Owen, Magruder &. Co. Two hundred scholars attend the different departments of the Jackson ville District school. . Rev. A. Hardison will hold services at the M. E. Church next Sunday morn ihg at the usual hour: San Francisco wool quotations of Nov. 3d quote Eastern Oregon at 14 18 and valley at 2022 Circuit Court convenes on the 11th of this mouth. Judge Hanna will then preside for the first time. C. ScheiffeliiL; of Rock Point, called on us this week, and reports everything flourishing in that locality. The O. it C. stage company will change from Summer -to Winter time in about a couple of weeks. The report that Mrs. Charlotte Spaulding died in San Francisco a short time ago is now denied. W. J. Plymale has added one of those new style piano-bed buggies to his large stock of fine turn-outs.' The Mechanics' fair held at Portland, terminated last Tuesday. It is said to have been quite successful. John Slagle is erecting a new black smith shop at Willow Springs. The old building has been torn down. MoCully and Moore have taken their band of SCO sheep to the Humphrey place on Rogue River. Religious services will be held at the Catholic Church at Eagle Point on the tliird Sunday of each month. J. R. Camdfon has taken between 8,000 and9j000 head of wethers to the San Francisco market this season. A lady named King was taken to the Insane Asylum from Coos county lastweek: She is about 20years of age. Hon. Mathew Fountain, one of the members of the Legislature from this county, returned from Salem last week. Dr. Robinson and wife have taken rooms at Judge Duncan's residence. Professional calls promptly attended to. The lawyers who attended the last term of Circuit Court held in Jose phine county returned last Thursday evening. Circuit Court in this county, Judge Hanna presiding, will convene on Monday next. Tho docket promises to be light T. J. Kdhny receivdd his limes and lemons last week; Ho Tvill receive an other lot, together with somo fine oran ges, in a few days. Both stages continue to pass through herein tho evening several hours be hind time. Our farmers are happy once more, as sufficient rain has fallen, to enable them to commence their Fall plowing. The Yreka "Union" has entered on its twenty seventh year of publication It is one of our best local exchanges. Our subscribers se'e'm to have forgot ten that wood they promised us. Bring it around before bad weather commenc es. W. G. Kenney took a load of China men to Galice creek this week, who are to work for the English company dt that place. W. J. Plymale has been confined to his room for a week dst with the pre vailing epizootic, but is now able to be around again. The Quarterly meeting of the M. E. Church, South, was held at Phoenix last Saturday and Sunday. Rev. A. Hardison offciated. Governor Thayer has appointed T. J. Stites, late candidate for State Super intendent of Public Instruction, as his Private Secretary. Considerable government freight is now being hauled to Fort Klamath. Solomon fc Muller are pushing it for ward 'with dispatch. November 28th has been set "apart as a day for general thanksgiving by President Hayes. That turkey can be sent in immediately. School Superintendent Fountain paid our sch'iyl a visit jn an official capacity last week, and reports it in a flourishing condition. W. Moore has completed his new residence in the Southern portion of town and moved his family to that place on Monday last. Real estate business has been very dull in this county for a couple of weeks past only one transaction having been recorded last week: Edward 0 Steele, School Superin tendent of Lake County, who died at Lakeview a few days ago, was a son of Hon. E. Steele of Yreka. Nort Eddings has recovered from his late "indisposition" and resumed his place on the drive between Rock Point and the Mountain House": C. W. Broback, the member of the lower house of the legislature from Lake count-, passed through town last week on his way home: The Directors of the Heifer Grove School District ha e secured the ser vices of Ohas Prim as teacher for that school for the ensuing quarter. Miss Annie Miller has recovered from her late indisposition and resumed her place as teacher of the primarj' de partment of Cur district school. Clackamas county was awarded first premium on pears, grapes, plums, quin ces, beans, rutabagos, mangle wurtzel, carrots, broom-corn, potatoes, eta Dr. Will Jackson will visit Ashland on the 20th of this month and remain until the 14th of December. His of fice will be above the City Drug Store. John Oimborskyj D. G. S. of the Improved Order of Red Men of this State, will start for Lake county this week to visit the lodges in that locality. Wm Hale, of Lake county, has been spending several days in town during the past week. He has chargo -of George Nurse's farm in the Lake coun try. Dr Rostel has a curiosity in the shape of an egg. It is perfectly formed, and was found inside bf another egg and in size is about as large as a pigeon egS: Sheriff Bybee will start a drove of 200 fat hogs for Scott valley, California, nest Tvfeek. This will make two droves of 200 each that he has started within two weeks. Sargent Dtinlap has made quitd a neat job out of the new fence ardund' the Court house enclosure, notwith standing the fact that it i3 built with rough lumbor. Jas. A. Cardwell will commence building an addition to his commodious livery stable in this place in a few days on the vacant lot between his stable and Ryan's store. Ben Simptson has again been pro vided for. We learn that he is to be General Inspector of Customs at Port land, a new office just created, at a salary df 82,800 per year. Capt D. J. Ferreo has returned to his home in Lake county from his re cent trip to Pendleton, where he con veyed the freight belonging to Capt Jackson's company of cavalry. "Dearest," he murmured, ecstatically as he folded her in his arms for the first time-, "lei me sample the nectar of your lipsi" "Take a whole schooner of it,' she faintly whispered, "it's all on tap." Another large invoice of hew goods was received at Bilgers hardware store last Monday. In addition to this, some fine brands of whiskies and brandies wero also received. Latest news from Salem reports Hon. G. W. Colvigj as .convalescent Hopes are entertained that he will bo able to be brought home soon. In the case of E. Jacobs vs. (J. F. Hershburger and Frank Merritt, in the Circuit Court, in vacation, a state ment and confession of judgement was made by the defendents on the 26th, ult Matt twDillon.hasJjusfef received his r's'stock'of 'liquors - and cimrs. w inter s'stociC'Ot "liquors' ana cimrs. and can always be found ready to wait on his many customers. Matt is one of the "bhoys" and treats his friends well v S. P. Hanna has just built a new buck-board for M. Colwell, to bo used on the mail route between Ashland and Linkviild during the Winter months J JDavid.CxoriemillerTdonei the iron work. Matt Heldringcr, convicted of man slaughter for the killing of Lewis Jonesr and sentenced to the pentcntiary last Fall for a term of five years, has been pardoned by Governor Thayer, and has returned home. QliiU? d large number of tho farmers of this valley have this, season built neat and commodious residents on their places, and -n e think they will how compare favorably with any" on the coast for homelike comfort Judge P. P. Prim, J. R. Neil, E. B. Watson, A. C. Jones and S. P. Hanna returned from Kerbyville Jast Thursday evening, in a private hack furnished by Dick Ish. They attended the term of CircuitCourt. held at that place. The miners of this county are htfw better prepared for working their claims than ever before. A largo amount of money has been expended ;n digging uitchesand placinghydraulics on the diggins during the past Summer. Louis Herling, one of the early resi dents of this place, returned from San Francisco last week, and expects to make his permanent home in this place once more. We learn that Mrs. Herl ing will also soon join her husband hfre. Sheriff Bybee is the owner"bf three Kentucky Maltese Jacks, and finding these more than he wants he offers one of them either ftJr'sale or trade. He will trade one for either sheep, cattle or hogs. Call soon if youwant to secure one of these fine animals. By telegraph we learn of tho death Mrs. Dan Cawley, formerly a resident of this place, in San Francisco, on the 4 th inst She was a lady highly re spected for her many social qualities and leaves a large circle of friends and acquaintances to mourn her loss. Miss Dora Cardwdll has just received her Fall and Winter stock of millin ery and fancy goods which she is selling at prices that defy competition. The ladies will cio weil by calling and examining this stock of goods, as all her hats, etc are of the very latest styles. Joe Clough started Norlh on last Saturday's stage. We heard him say that he had received an appointment to act as one of the Supremo J udges, but we donfr believe it, and think his appointment is of a different class altogether! Wm. Kreutzer will be ready to serve customers with lunch at all hours of the day, and until 10 or 11 o'clock at night, by next week. He has some extra fine Limburger cheese on the road which will probably arrive by that time: Rev. Herman Krebs, the" German Lutheran Minister Who usually pays an anual visit to this , place, preached in the Court House in Yreka last Sun Jay evening. He is traveling on footj as usual, but we have not heard whether he will extend his trip as far North as this place or not Ashland Election. The election for municipal officers of the town of Ashland, was held at that place last Monday -with tlid following result: For town Trustees, J. S. Herrin, H T. Inlow, W. .Mitchell and S. W: Kilgoro were elected. For Treasurer J: D. Fountain received one majority over E. J. Farlow. For Recorder the vote was a tie between T. G. Watters and A. V. Gillette. Eor Marshal the vote was also a tie between Eugene Wolrad and E. M. Miller each receiving thirty-two votes. On the vote for Trus tees a tie occurred between two of the candidates, and those elected will "be called upon to decide who of those tied shall fill the different offices-. Foot Cut. J. W: Simjisdn, of Butte Creek, came near cutting off his foot one day last week while repairing a fence. He was chopping a board at the time, and the ax glancing off the sharp edge struck him on the instep of the right foot, cutting a fearful gash. The wound iS a fdry painful one, but Mr. Simpson is dofng as well as could be expected under the circumstances. It will havo the effect, however, of lay ing him up for repairs during the winter-. 'Circuit Court In Josephine -, The October term of Circuit Court for Josephine county-Judge P. P. Prim presiding commenced at Kerbyvflle on the 28th ult,-with the following of ficers present: J. R. Neil, District At torney, John Taylor, Sheriff and Chas1.' Hughes, Clerk. For the following report of the oto- ceedingswe are indebted, to Judge Watson. The Grand Jurv found a tftm kill against A. J. Martin'for larceny, for stealing b. Messenger s horses'. Also a true bill against Martin Mackcv nn.l William Mackey for an assault with a dangerous weapon on W. Q. Brown. Martin plead guilty and was sen tenced to three years imprisonment in the Penitentiary. The Mackeys raRcf, plead guilty and were fined one hundred dollars each. In the case of tho State vs. Jacob J. Moore, indicted for larceny of hogs, the jury, after being out all night, re turned a verdict of guilty. Defendant filed amotion for a new trial, which was granted by the court, and tho case continued to next term. In the caso of the State of Oregon vs. Edward Maloney and others indict ed for breaking a mining ditch, the ju ry returned a verdict of not guilty. W. B. Hay vs. Isaac Cox and John Martin; suit to foreclose mortgage. Decree granted. H. F. Simon vs. Samuel Deetrick and others; suit to foreclose mortgage. Continued for service. The Josephine Mine. From Sheriff Bybee we learn that everything is now in readiness at these mines to begin work, and piping will be commenced in a few days. Two giants will be used, and a number of men are now employ ed in laying the second pipe, which will be completed in ten days. The ditches Will also bo finished by that time, but only one giant will be used, as that is all their present supply of water will run. After the winter rains begin both giants will be run to their full capacity, and the owners of the mine feel sanguine of meeting with success. New Mining Enterprise. A new enterprise has been inaugurated at Willow Springs by the transfer of certain mining property in that local ity to Portland capitalists. J. Brandt Jr., Superintendent of the O. fc C. R. R. Co., is the principal stockholder, "and tho new company expect to put on about 1,500 feet of hydraulic pipe this season. They have also purchased sev eral water rights and ditches in the im mediate vicinity, which they will place in good repair for this Winter's work. Al McKenzie, an old and experienced miner, is Superintendent of the mines. A Good Yield.i Dan Fisher last week completed the crushing of 1,500 pounds of rock taken from the mines of the Fort Lane Quartz Company, and realized S21C in gold. This company has some' fify or sixty tons of the same rock in sight, and they are now talking of building another arastra for crush ing it They also have some placer mines adjoining, and are now making preparations for .working them this Winter. Thos. Kahler is Superintend ent of these mines. Mining Notice. Notice is hereby given that there will be a meeting of the stockholders of the Grave creek Ditch & Mining Company at their of flee in Jacksonville) Jackson county, Oregon, on the 18th day of November, 1878, at one o'clock, p. M., for the pur pose of electing officers and directors, and for the transaction of such business as may come before the meeting. By order of Directors, Daniel Croneiiiller, Secretary G. C. D. i: M. Co. For Klamath. Lieut Sheldon and family, accompanied by two enlisted men, passed through town yesterday on their way to Fort Klamath. Lieut. Sheldon is First Lieutenant of Col. Whippet's command, and is now on his way to join his company. Alvin Cardwell conveyed them to the Fort in a private conveyance. Countt Court. In this Court, Judge Day presiding, the following busi ness was transacted last week: C. W. Kahler, administrator of the estate of John Bilgdr, deceased, vs. Baird &. Seabring; action at law to recover money. Continued till next regular term of court, o SERiots Misfortune. Mr. C. D. Reed, of Jackson creek, had an acci dent last week which may result in the loss of ono of his eyes. Ho was en gaged in driving a nail into a fence, and failing to hit it square on tho head, the nail glanced off and struck hint in the eye. The eye bled con- I siderable at the time of the accident, and he" has been unable to distinguish objects with it since. Ho still lias hopes of having tho sight in that eye restored, and wo wish him that good fortune. Applegate Items. The general health of our community is good. H. York, of Joscphino county, gathered from ono acre of corn ninety five bushels, his whole crop1 averaging about sixty bushels, to thef acre. If any one can beat this yield let them show it or stop their blowing. The vegetable crop is quite" good; cabbage of enormous size, onions and potatoes that have been puffed feut Applegate vegetables' need no puffing, as they speak for themselves. Miners are busy getting their ditch es, etc., in readiness for this Winter's work, and stowing their provisions and wood. But little grain has yet been sown, but our farmers are ready to commence work as soon as sufficient rain falls. Nobody sick flow except ono fellow down the river who is suffering under a severe attack of love sickness. Re port says that he is to bo "spliced" soon, when a cure will be effected. Times lively. Some money in circulation. Maggie Davison, of Williams creek, is lying very low with the fever at her parent's residence. That Jacksonville gent who played "iedro" at Bolts store recently says that hereafter he will take his drinks in instalments. DOX'T FORGET IT. If you arc troubled with nervousness, fire disheartened, tired of life, fear death or feel out of sorts as the saying is, you may safely conclude that you have tho dyspepsia or Liver Complaint The liver is very apt to become torpid this season of the year as poisons aris ing from stagnant water or decaying vegetation are more numerous and are thought inhalation taken into the blood. Unless the liver is strong and active, and furnishes a supply of fresh and pure blood to drive out the im purities, the alovo mentioned symp toms surely follow, and if not heeded, end in more terrible diseases and death. White's Prairie Flower proves itself the Great Liver Pancea. Its action on tho liver is different from any other medicino ever compounded. Its cures are truly wonderful. Try it. Prico twenty-fivo cents and seventy hve cents. or salo by Jl. U. Brooks. m Arrested for Murder. Mrs. Lal-lemcntjT-tho woman at whose residence, in Portland, the-lato EdwardH-Rig- ney was discovered in a dying condi tion from the effects of poison, was 'ar rested last Saturday night and lodged in jail, so thajb the authorities might have an opportunity to investigate the circumstance of his death. Tho watch' and chain mentioned as missing were produced by her, though she at first denied knowing anything abdut them, but upon being questioned, said she re tained the property so as to give it into the hands of responsible Masons. The trunk belonging to tho descascd was discovered in the cellar of the building. The Grand Jury is investigating the case. Good Prospect. James Leslio this week showed us a prospect taken from his mines on Carberry Fork, a tributary of Applegate, amounting to between five and six dollars. This was taken from five f rockera "full of dirt, and Jim my says he k nows it was honest, as ho dug it out himself. The mines are owned by James Leslie, Jas Lawrence, Fred Grube and Chris Wintjen. o Morrell's Minstrels. This troupo gave one of their excellent entertain ments at the Club Room last Saturday evening to a crowded house. This is one of the many troupes that pass through this place that i3 not a bilk, and is deserving of tho liberal support given them. GrERMAN Services. Froraafostalcard received by a gentleman of this city wo learn that Rev. Herman Krebs, German Lutherean Minister, will hold services at the Court House next Sun day morning at 11 o'clock a. ji., and in the evening at 7:30 p. m. A good attendance is requested. Oi Ex-Navy Pay Inspector R. C. Spald ing was put on trial on tho 29th in San Francisco, in thd XL S. circuit court before Judge Sawyer, with Judge Hoff man as associate, on a charge of making and uttering fraudulent navy pay ccrtifi catcs. The jury brought in a verdict of not guilty. o Fixed to Stay. Dr J. W. Robin son and wife returned from Salem last week and have located here permanent ly. They expect to fit up an office in tho room adjoining Kreutzer's baker)-, on Oregon St., whero the Dr. can be found at all hours of the day. Returned. Mrs. Dr. Callender re turned from Fort Colvillo last Monday and expects to remain hero for a short time. We learn that the Dr. will also arrive in a jew days. Tho two great plagues upon this coun try tho yellow fever and Dennis Kearney are subsiding. TTi Prevent Dcenr of tiic TectU With their surest preservative, aroaiafc, . ic SOZODONT. Whiteness oJt tho? dental row, a healthful rosiness and hardness of tho gums, a sweet bitb; an agreeable taste in tho mosih, erf , these are conferred by S030DONT. . Docs not such an iuvaluablrt iJl!et or-,,, tide, one so pure as well .is effective deserve the popularity it enjoys? ifosC ' assuredly. It has no rival worthy of the name. Tho ordinary powders and pastes are nothing to it, and ance its appearance, have rapidly lost ground. Sold by druggists. ThrfOlympia, Seattle and Walla Wal la Postmasters have each recently been given aii increase of salary:. Tha Olympia P. M. is to get $1,700 dur-' ing tho present year, and tho Seattle . P. M. $1,900, and tho Walla Walla P. M. $2,100. It is rumored that Ev Us McComajf . is to retire from the editorial find busi ness management to the "Union "Se'nti nel" and come to Portland to take en tire chargo of tho St Charles Hotel.'' The roof of the State Capitol has been examined and will bo repaired in a few days preparatory for the Winter storms. The estimate cost is some thing under $500; Leland Stanford has teen elected ; President of the Occidentil and Orien tal Steamship Company in the place o( the late D.D.Coltonj ESTThe National Gold Meclai was awarded to Bradley fc Kulof son for the best Photographs in tho United Stales, and the Vienna Med al for the best in the world. 420 Montgomery St. San Francis co. IVZ-A.7X.7S.X33X3. HAYMOND DOWXINQ.-At Wood vil'e, Nov. 4th by Rev E. Dimmick, TLcm. Iluymond and Miss Amanda T Downing. MOURIS-MCREYNOLDS In this clfyy October 30th, by Hon. S. J. Day, Elbcr Morris ami Miss Lliibeth McReynolda; NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. J. W. ROBINSON, M.D. pHYSICIAN AND SURQE0N, ' f JACKSONVILLE, OREGON. , OHlceon OrvgonSt., next tfoor to Kreutxer! baker t Residence at Duncan'. TTjii'iTjjri !! HOFFMAN & PENN. Jacksonville Oregon. ARE NOW PREPARED TO MAKti all siz:s or mining pipe in workman like-manner They will put up pipe on thd claim ready for work, cheaper than the cheapest. Iron furnished at prices loner than ever known in Jackson county. Call and see them; they mean business. jaJMTGCJEIIIC 3 A Scientific Broom Maker For farther particulars enquiro at thU' office. ESTH.ATICrOTIOIl rTUKEN UP BY THE UNDER- signed. Id the presinct of Dardanells, a red ball, marked with crop swallow fork and underbit in right ear. No brands per ceivable. He i-J breachy. The owner can have the same by paying charges J. B, Parker. Bic Butte Ore-rcn Oct. 15th 1878. S. P. HANNA, WAGON-MAKER, Jacksonville, Oregon, TN CRONEUILLER'S DDILDING 13 Ijf X receipt or a full assortment of material acil prepared to do all work in his line on thort notice and in a workmanlike manner. Vehicles of every description made to of dir. Terms rcasonablo and satisfaction gtiaraQ teed. XiTRepairing a speciality. S. P. HANNA. Jacksonville. February, 20. 1878. WALDO HOTEL AND LIVERY STABLE,-' TnE PROPRIETOR WISHES TO W form the public and traveling commu nity that helms refitted and famished thd bouse formerly known as tho Logan House and has in connection a first class stable. He ah-o has saddle hursC in readiness" for through passengers to Crescent City and San Franci'co. Faue from Waldo to Crescent City $10. 00. F. W. SAWYER. Proprietor. ' EAGLE BREWERY. JOSEPn WETTERER, Proprietor I Oregoh St. Jacksonville. THE HESTOE1 LVaEU BEEU ALWAYS HEM uu luuil auUrefely fur tale bj tho keg ur glaum THE CHY BREWERY. VEIT SCHUTZ, - .. Proprietor. I WOOLD MOST RESPECTFULLY IN. form the citizen of Jackionille anjfOES tho world at large, that the; can flail, attJMMHM an j time, at taj llrawerr, the beat lager Vi beer. In any quantity the purchaaor may detlra My house ia cnnrenlently ultuiUJ and my roots we always ia Older. A TlltwlU please, you. . ft