v-'.Hi'.:. --"--- '"--" -s'7Tmi aTSI :nKc .scts: lL?.- !.-:? JLU. '.!. J. .1 . !.' U L1TT-: THE OREGON SENTINEL Gen. D.J). Coltou. FRANCO-AMERICAN '?MJt1Tg-a ' ---' J -- - BACK A.T THE OJ1.D STA.NTX) UTHE LAW OF NEWSPAPERS 1. Subscriber! wlm ilo not Rive rxpron notice to fj'X the contrary, are considered & uishiugt coutiuuc their subscriptions. 2. Ifany subscriber order tho dtsenn Hmiinee of . their newspapers, the publisher nnycontiuue to "ten4 them until all arrearages are paid. 3. If subscribers nejtlr-ctor nfuso to tafce their 1 1 newspapers from the offices to which they ore di rected, thelivr holds them responsible until they ' '' have settled the bills, and ordered them discontinued 4. If subscribers remote to other places witlumt Informing the publisher, and the new spapcrs nre sent to the former d'r-ction, they arc htld responsible. '" 5. Tho Courts havedecided tint rcfnslnpto tihe newspapers from this office, or removing and kat Ing Ibcm uncalled for, is prima ficie oidencoof in tentional frauJ. 0 The imtmufer who neglects to Eire lecal ue tlce of the neglect of a tierson to take fmni the ifllce the newspaper ad lresed to him. is liable to the pub lisher for the subscription price. Ono ovideucc of the hard time? in London may bo fou'id in the fact that a firm there advertised recently for a collector, work hard and wacs low, and received over eighteen hundred replies, nearly all from men of apparently good education and character, many of them from gentlemen. Tho cabinet in session October --Itli, approved the letter of tho at torney general giving an opin ion that tho Utah and Oregon Railroad Company can pass through tho Bannock Indian res ervation. Tho treat- with the Bannocks is not recognized as a law of congress, which is consid ered superior to it, and civos the company the right to follow the prescribed line. A DowuiEiist farmer, know -far and wide by his patriotic Mr tlo, had a neighbor who was in tho habit of working on Sundays; but after awhile this Sabbath, breaker joined tho church. Ono day our friend Jrnet the minister to whose church he belonged. "Well Undo Sam," said ho, -'do you boo any difference in Mr. J, since 'ho joined the church?" "Oh, yes," said Uncle Sam, "a great difference. Before, when ho wept out to mend his fences ho carried his axe over his shoul der; but now he carries it under his coat. ALafayotte correspondent of the McMinnvillc licjmrtcr says: The county court ou Monday oT this week further discussed Mr. Dale's books, and a number of his Jjondsp. ion were. present. Aro dnidof- stand thoy will not pa' without a contest, as there seems to be a grave question among them as to their liabilitv. There are two official bonds, and only two ad ditional tax bonds for tho four years. It is claimed that there Bhould have been a tax bond every year, and it is also claimed that the county has not dealt fairly in this respect with the securities The Napa Independent says: "Buck" English, the young man . now in San Quentin from Lake county, is taid to possess tho best memory of any man in the State of California. lie has been known to listen to sermons preached from the pulpit, requiring three-quarters of an hour for their delivery, and then go out of the church and repeat them almost word for word from begining to end. When doing this after divine service one Snndaou Middletown, a few months ago, tho clergyman heard him and could distinguish no difference between the word used by "Buck" and those of his sermon, and Le thereupon turned to his written discourse and as English progressed with the iter ation, the divine traced tho lines of his written sermon and declar ed that there was no difference. DON'T FOUGHT IT. If you are troubled witlmervousness, are disheartened, tired of life, fear death or feel out of sorts as tlie saying is, you may safely conclude that you have the dyspepsia or Liver Complaint Tho liver is very apt to become torpid this season of the year as poisons mus ing from stagnant t ater or decaying vegetation are moie numerous and are thought inhalation taken into the blood. Unless tho liver is strong and active, and furnishes a supply of fresh and pure blood to dri e out the im purities, tho above mentioned symp toms surely follow, and if not heeded, end in moro terrible diseases and death. White's Prairie Flower proves itself tho Great Liver Pancea. Its action on the liver'is different from any other medicine ever compounded. Its cures aro truly wonderful. Tryit Price twenty-five cents and seventy five cents. For sale by E. C Brooks. Wc should like for some douhled- storied modern statesman to tell us why it is that there are certain sea- sons when a politician can see a horny- .iith1i son nf toil rW nrrrEB '!,, . -r, . ..... ,.v.J WAV street, and at other seasons caniiot see Liui a foot and a, Jialf awa. Subscribe for the SbsIiSLl. Thc telegraph brings us the sad news of the sudden death of Gen. David D. Culton, of San Eranciu co. The deceased was a man of ability and force of character, who from comparative poverty and obscurity had made his way to the summit, among tho capital ists and railway people of the Pa cific coast. Gen. Co'ton came to Orpgon, fiom Illinois, in 1850, and pitched his tent in good old Yamhill. lie reached Lafayette in November .of that year, and through the aid of Judge Deady then a young lawyer and mcim her elect of the Oregon legisla tureand Ransom Clarke who came to the country with Fre mont in 1843, and settled in Yam hill in 1844 he obtained a school in the village, as a means of mak inga living during the winter The school was ono which the same parties had been instrumen tal in obtaining for David Logan a few weeks before. Logan, who by this time felt-that ho could get along without the school tr.ms feircd the business to Co.ton tho latter agreeing to pay Logan a cettain proportion of tho tuition at tho Cud of the quarter when tho same should bo collected, and Deady and Claikc endorsed his note for the' amount. Colton taught tho school and paid Logan his money as per agreement and wo have no doubt but that this article will lcruuul tome men and matrons of the time near 28 yc-ais agi.' when they learned the rudiments in the old framo school building at Lai fayette, from the lips of the slen der, young, yellow. haired, fair complcxioned immigrant from Illinois, who has since become the San Erancisco millionaire and Pacific railway king. In the spring of 1871 Colton went with a party from Lafayette, under an original character called Yankee Rogers, and organized by Wil liam Mai tin and DajmBarnes then merchjyjisnLafnyeffc tyjiat'vis then called the Klam ath country, to find a gold lake or mountain that some Indian tra dition or invention had located in that region. This was before tho discovery of gold at Yrcka or Jacksonville. Tho expedition was a failure. Tho mythical mountain or lake of gold constantly eluded the view of tho Quixotic adventurors, until at last it was determined to give up the chase and return to tho green fields of Yamhill. But in tho meantime tho northward lolling wave of gold seekers had i cached the western base of Mt. Shasta, and minors reached Yanr' kce Rogers' camp of tho rich dis covcries on Yroka fiat that have since made tho p'a.cn famous in the placer diggings of the country. Colton was loth to return empty handed, and hearing of these rich diggings at Y'reka, he left the Yamhill patty and journeyed thitherward. Ileio fortune fa vored him from the stut. lie snon became deputy Sheriff and then Sheriff" for two successive term1'. Early in his official career he had some communistic miners under his chaigc who had been committed to prison for cutting a ditch near Y'reka because tho proprietors would not Fell them water at the rates fixed by a mass- . . r t . mecuiig or miners, who were in favor of cheap water. Tho water regulators, indignant at this inter ference with their right to regu late the value of other people's piopertyid labor, assembled en masse to rescue their comrade from tho clutches of the law. It was a critical moment for tho young community, but the young snerili was equal to the occasion. Providing himself with a ''good supply of double.'barrelcd shot guns, he met the insurgent mul titude in such a way that they were glad to retreat and get be hind the range of his fiic. In a few ycare Colton became wealthy, and in 1857 or 8, having outgrown tho place, he left Y'reka and set tled in San Francisco the ulti mate eoal of successful Pacific coasters. Since then his career is gejicrally known. He attached 1 . - -j himself to the Uroderick wing of the (lemocfilC,, and vaa Brodor; ick's sccoud'in the duel with Tor-. '' Catarrh o? the Nasal Cavities, Acute, Chronic, and Ulcerative, Hay Fever, or Rose Catarrh, Catarrh of tho Eye and Ear, and Catarrh of the Throat. SUCCESSFULLY TBElTED WITH SANFGRQ'S RADICAL CURE. "TATARRU. la a disease of the tnucons membrane. J Temperaments and constitutions varylu sever ity In individual cases. Catsxra mar arise from a cold or a succession of colds, from sodden cnanga of atmosphere, -wearing; iret clothing, or exposure, to Inclement weather, and becoming thoroafftily chilled when the digestive organs are Ja a morbid or inactive condition, and the Btrcngth and vital forces exhausted. Tho Uease may arise from a scrofulous condition of the blood, from Scarlet Fever, Measles, and Diphtheria, in which cases tho eye and car are prncrally involved and discharge quantities of matter. The discharges from tho nose, the distinctive feature In all catarrhal cases from -whatever cause they aric, may be thin and -watery, and eo acid as to cause redness and exco riation of tho skin -with which they come in con tact, or thlete n-.d yrllowlsh. emitting a foal odor, orclcirandwhltolikcthevthltcofancgg. Thero may be an cnUre Iiclc of sccr-tlon, the surfaces be ing dry and feverish. the face, f rout and npner part of the head feclingtincom'crtablc, and cs If It was encircled by a tight, nnyicldl-g band. This latter phase 13 called Dry Catarrh. Th free mattery dis charges cause tho passages to swell and becomo thickened, rendering bnathlng through the noso didcult or Impossible, and the eiflcrcr finds It ncci3ary to hreathe throngli the month, thereby rcrmittlngcoldalrto pass directly to thebronchlal tubes and lungs. Tlie nutter passing down tho throat creates a constant desire to hawk and ex pectorate to throw It o.T; lint when the membrano 1 dry and fcvirlsh. Instead of passing frcclj down from the nosi and throat, tho mucus becomes bard pad forms Into scabs. Incrustations, and hard lumps, which adhere so firmly to llicnasalpassages end throat as to require very pcrsWcnt efforts to dislodge them. Tho eyoln sympithy becomes ln Camed.red, weak, end watcry.or In tho morning the 11 is rmy bo found glued together, and matter Is secreted in moro or Ks3 (juantltr. Tho car also becomes seriously nlaxtcd. discharging quantities clrar.lcr, besides bcln:;ijtcd by thcinost violent nceral-.'le riHs, ending frenncntly In IntUmna tlcn, ulceration, and finally clearness. Tho throit, bronchial lubes. and I lngsamH many cases affect ed by catarrh, and when prostration of ihe ner vous system Is superadded, su.h. affections becomo Claming. ANbrlcf snrry of t'lia mnFtscrlous dieao wrrns ell who are ntllictcd . i.h 1 1 to uake speedy prepara tion for Its treatment before K becomes chronic Tho advantages offered by Strom's KiDicur, Leks we confidently bi Hot o rro to bo found In no other remedy. Lvcrystcnlil spreparailon.ccry llnolnthe directions, markltasniu-iciitiacremedy, calculated to ncct every p"iase of tho dlscwe. Tho numerous testlnonlals from t'ia best peorle in tho United Stales nttcst tho esteem In i bleb it is heii by thoso who havo be n freed froi i the t lost de rtrnctire and dingrous djgcasa with, which r-an-Usd Is to-day afflicted JUST PUBLISHED. AcarcfnllyrevlsedTTr-it'ie oi ratarrh.wllh art ftccunue description of Fvniptoms an Isympathctlc diseases, fgethcr with minute directions for elTict Ing with fiAiroim's ItAincAi. Cvpe nrnccdy and permanent core. Also observatlonson diet and Ilia Rcncnl lic-iUh. of vest linportaic i to allafillctcd with catarrh. It Is wrappi d lihort cat libottleui tho IUpiou. Ctfnc, or Villi boiaallcd free onrSf cclptofctaaip. Each psekajro otBi.- rorD'i TIah'cat. (Teh con tetns lir.Saalnrd's Improved Inhallnglube, with full directions foruso in all rises rrlro.SI. Bold by all wholestle rnd r tall drccglsl" through ontho Urlted S'jtes and Canada. WH.K& T& 1'OiTnit. Gcn-ral Agcrcs m.a rholcs.ile Urog glsts, liostcn, Jlass. Guroa Pains and Aches. It PtlttAlIZPA thn rtrnltlftn 1 1 suhducs Inflammatory Action. It cures nurtures and btralns. St removes Vain and Soreness. It cures Kidney Co-nplalnt. It strengthens the Muscles. It cures 1 Jieumatlm and Neuralgia. It relaxes fatlffcned Cords. it cures Nervous Shocks. It Is Invaluable In Paralysis. It cures Inflammation of the Liver. Zlremovcseroa3 Tains. It cures Sptnil Weakness. 1 1 Is Grateful and Soothing. It cures Lpllcpsy or Fits It is Safe. IMlablc. and Economical It Is prescribed by Physicians. It Is indorsed by fclcctrlclans. PRtCElicEHTS. Be careful to obtain Collia-s' Volts io Pustsb. b combination of h lectric or Voltaic Plates with a highly Medicated Plastcr-as seen In the above cut. Bold by all Wholesale sod Retail Druggists thronrh out the United States and Canadas. and by WEEKS & POTThK. Proprietors. Boston. Mass. MARK THESK FACTS Tho Tcsdrnntiy of the V.'holo "WorlU. I-TOIiL.OVTATrS PILrLS. "I halm appetite; Ui.loTny's ?Il3 gavo me a Lcarly one" Your IMTunro mat-rph.nn 'I fnd for ajtLer box. nml keep them In Ihe hmtRt " Dr. IIo.Iowoj ha? cured my heaXicliO that raa chronic." 'I ffive m f jonr rill to my rwba f r cholera malm. Tlie li r little thins gutwcll In a Uy.w My ntuiei of a nwinifn; i nowcuritl "Yourb-ix of ITuiI'tnay'a Ointment enred me of noise in tl o licdl. I ruM tome ofy nrOintment behm 1 the o-irst, unJ the nnNo hiw ln . Scnl mo twoboxe, I want one f ra poor family. "I onrlodo a il ilnr, yiur prlco 5 ceatjt, tut the i"iiciiie to me u vo'th a tlollar Senl me tire lnw of your liP " 1 Let neliirn three t xcs of yonr Ifllsby return mnil.P-r Chills iimI !r-ver." tut wont of.iaco couitU me toconcluue. FGR GUTAHEQUS DiSGRDESlS. Allcroptions of His skln.this Oitnmont ismist In-valuabl'-. It does not besl externally alenc. lint penetrates with tbemost searching efiecu to tho very root ot the ovil. HOLLOWAY'S PILLS ! Invariably cure tho fjllo-alii,; diseases: Dtsorilers of the Xirtncys. In all dhea.es aTeciin'r tbfe organs, wli-llier they secrete to.i mrcb or too little water -nbcther tlit lieaftMctedlth sb'tie or grtvel, urwltli afbes an 1 jiairs nettled 11 the leins over the regi bs of tl 0 kiihiojs.tliefioPiIN tlonldbe ta.eu ncr-rding to the primed iirecrions, inn the Ui-itment rtmuM 03 well rublied into the Bmtll of the back at bed time. TW. treat-nent -will giro almnst ltumedUto relief tkii all other means liavo fa lied. For Sfoiisaclis out of Order. No medicine will eoKKctn-iIIy Improve tbo trnie of the stonnrii es tht.o Pills; they temeve all acidity, oceisioiieJ dllier by Intempermce or Inu proper diet. Tlicy arrb the liver and reduce it to a healthy action; they arc wonderfully eflleaeUni in cais of tpiora in fict they never fail in curing all dionlers of the liver and atomach llollonnj's Tills sretlie bt known remedy In tbo wend far t!i folleulng djieasui. Agnc, AMliirn,'' Bilious Com plaint?, BlolcliL'S on the SLin, Bowel Coia ihinU, Colics, Counipntinn rl lUeiontion of lFit?, TJrln-. lOott. ScroftilH. or illrnrliclie. Kmc'i' Evil. ilnrlifHSliim. Stoni! A. Gravel! Inllainatioa. Secomltry Urtmidicp. Syinptomp. Liver Com 1 C-UOIHOICUS, pi-iilUF, T'irnori, I.nmbitgo, u ... rilm, Uh"timatism tlie BonLl, CoiiMimpliun. DtbiJity, Dropy, DysentPry, Eryupclas, V-ncr.il AfTec till 113. orc tliroat Ffvcr of all Worms of all lirjrls. kiml. ealcai i"- from Female Ir ani ca'isiyte nyblariticn. IMPORTANT CAUTION. Xone nri? t'nnine nnlfRs tlie signal nrg of J. llAVDrrK, i.i nint Tt.r Up UtiiUrl States, sorroiin each bos of Pills nrd Ointment. A lmulnrne rev-.-in) will be piven to any oro rrnilerin; any mch infor mntion ns may lead to Ihe detection of any party or parties counterfeiting Ihe medf cice or vending the same, Looking them to be spurious. 3o!d at the Mnnnfacrnry of Profewiv or Llollowny & C,Xenr Yorlt, and by all respecttble I)ra,'pisi nni Dealers id Med icino tbroaphont the civilized tvorld, in box eaat 25 cents, C2 cents, and 1 each. K3'Thcre is consideiable saved by tak ing tlmJorger ?i;ea. 1. B.-r-Direciions fur the enidance of patients id etery (Ssordt aft nfflicd ta'eacli box. ' H E QSESON SEHTIflEL BO0K .AND JOB i 16 OFFICE. FRANK KRAUSE, PRORklETOR. Jacksonville, Oregon. TTTATIjrn A LAMQF. ASSORTJIFNTOrrHIN 1 , a nd lAiicy Type, and the only Jib-pre.s in hi uthern Orecon. we are prepared to do all kind, of 1'rintiug at the Iowtst llrinir rates. SatUlUctiou given or no charges made for work. 9s '& I'OSTEIIS -, " PKOGUAMJins, UIl.IIIEAD!r "" LKTTEIt-IIEADS, '-, I - . - : '$ -, -- .' . 'LEGAI. IJI.ANKS. - i y . , PAMPIILKTS. - ' ' r " - - cin.cui.Aiis, " CAIlDe. AND'CHECICS.'RECEIPTS, &.C rxiccno ox sno xmci. ALDKESS,1 OREGON SENTINEL, Jackbonvil b, obrgo.v. FMI: AT THE STORE OF iraWBfiAN FISHER TO THE PUBLIC: Kxuzr-xrrzitszz HAVIXG DEI'KRMINKD TO MAINTAIN TIIK I'OSITION IIERKTOFOUK occnpitdhy me is fie Inririst UI'TAII. DKALKR in Southern Oregon, I laiie his ii.iuua in aimouticiii; that 1 am not; dit-pluying the LARGEST Al BEST STOCK OF GENERAL MERCHANDISE North of S in Francisco cons sting of a Fine Stock of GENTS' ASMD BOYS' CLOTE-lG, HATS a. GAPS LADIES' m flEBTff FDMSHDie GOODS, -TSlUrSS' ViHSBS, Etc., V.'Iiith is sirpt-id by none in the cmny mid will be sold at low prices to SUI 1' TIIK I IViKS. ll cli ill ciutinne to bt; my u.in to give Eho TtSosI; Goods for tho Zca.it aSonp-y, and to pha Vfnr my pitrnn vi-ity nf .irtic'e-" not to be ffwitd in uny o'Iht Iih-ih-It is n it mv intiMti i-i o m nie-id i'h- rhlic by mlveriwiii!! xxnU I etinn'i ;rnlsui iijmii inqur but inive vilue re-eivwl 111 t-.-ery iitstjiiee. A ciil fruit: every pin In rut m old st-nl KMtliciUi!. . r'lri.lKlt. ' J-''-.w'L:aj!ij ua.'i;.r J-Jr--.j-n- Jtisyjfrfe'rr?' -j" ?" tjk fw"'srasfeteL iiTW - .tgWgr-r- '-.-g- -ri . - tS.,. . ' . , jg75W -e"r- "fSs -"- - - - '" -W"'I$ r-fiSS: " ".'l,r T --- "V .rt ""i"T 0mmsm, 11 I (. watoaDIB in workmanship fs equal to a Qhrrncretcr Watch, and ao cFcgan'dy slsi.'&hcd ns ci To:-c:w:s3 Piano. Et recesvod tho h:g5-soc awards at the Vienna anc3 Ccn tenntaJ Enpocitsoris. 8T GEWS C-KE-FQUR7H FAST" ER than othor rnachinos. Eta cr.-s.city f'o ar.limitocJ. There aro moro W 3 L 5 O 51 W A o il i il s S coSd In tho United SSateo thsn the noTnViW-l naJes cf aH tho others0 Tltt LV2LS9N SSEDIM A?7ASHMeNTy for doing aH I:ii:d3 cf ropajrinpr. aV'J-JT PATGHiSaG given FRES wiLIs each mnchic, A CcrtkHcaie is given with each ftfeefcina, guenncc'n to ksep ii in repair, freo of charge; for i9 ycar5. It , squires r.o specia! instructions to icr."n t-.ow to vso It. Salisraction guaranteed, or no ?., ?.lcsch:riC3 de!iveret! freo of charge anywhero In tho United Siatss, Send for lllustr&tcd Catalogue, r.nd nsk 1z? sai7:p!o of mending, and our Circular lis. 107 for further In, rstiansfortjuyins machines upoii terms staled In ths Cata!os"jo. .tSaSSLrWiLSBN SEWIK3 BiiAIHINE GO. ' 827 & 829 Broadway, fi-.v Vor';; Kzyj Oileans, La.; Cor. Stato and Madison Sts., Chtogs, V.'.c; and San Francisco, Cal For Sale hy all fflrsb Class Dealers, MISS DORA CAUDWELL, LOCAL A(JENTT. TJa B h a sa sj o TT COSTS USTHAN S300 TO M IKE 1 any SCCO Piitnn solil thruituli agmt?. all of whom" make 10!) rM'r cnt. pnllit. We hive no agent"-, but chip dine: to fmnilleH at fac tory price. We mike only tints stjlc anJ brtvc but ono price. Two Ilmxliuri Ninety Dollars! Net cash, witli no iliscrunt ti de.il"ri or corami-iori to Itjacliirs'. Our IiuuUt if llioroiiRlily pion(l -our cijs are DOU BLiY teiieercd nitli lloHittorjj-liave front round corner', sirpetitinr buttoui and Tar-rod leg". We ue tlu full iron j lule nith ovtrstrunc bas-1 rrtneb Grand Action witb top damp, f, and our keys are of the bet ivory, twtli ivory front". Our piano has seven octave' is s-W fret nine incite long, three feel fnur inches wide, and wtlhs, boxid, 931 pound". Every piano ilully narranted fur five yea-.. Send Tor i!lulntiil circular in uh'ch we P'fer to over 1,000 BinKers Merchant?, f.c.. (fonie of whom jou mty know) u-"iii our pianos in 47 States and Territories, i'leaee state where yon siw ihi notice. U, S, PIAI4Q CO., J20vol21y2 ilO Ilroadw.ty. X. Y. JAS0S, SPRISGE2 & CO., Corner. Spear & Mission Streets San Francisco llacnfacturcrs and Dealers in BOORS, WIXDOWS, BLIXDS, "Weights, Cords and Pulleys. Importers of aEIUlAX.FItENCII, EXOLISa, 1VISJ10WOLAS3 1G, 21 and 2G oz. -33oora zx, SjjooinltyO EESD F0U CATAL0QUE AND PltlCE LIST So. G3 Front Strett, I'ortlutttl, Oregon. DR. SPINNEY Io. 22 "SXUXSSSKZ S3?., Trmt, all Chronic nut! fecial Mlvtmrs -rrocrxiro tjzzzzs WHO JIIAV BE PUFl'ERINO FROM the i-CVel of jr utliful tiillivD nr iiidis cretion. u III do null to umil l.Vmt,lvts of tliin, tl e rHtet lxm vr laid nl ll nlttr of rtiffiirin hmnmily 111: tPlNKY uil runnintee to forleit SortO for every citec ot ?etniiml v;eak'i,,ki or ptir.tU- 1-Kns of a ij kind or chancier uliica be uiideitskcs aut! fails to cure. is:iuDLr.-AG::D sikx There arc mini at tut ij1 rf thirty to 'itty ho an- tr-iuliM u id Uxt frujupnt ev acuation of the Wndd r, oft"!! aceompanted by a i-lighl natrtin or burninjr sinulii)ii ai.d a ttettkuiiu;; ol the t-ytim in a iiiiioiitr the piticut cintiot account fur. On enn n inc the tin lary ilepnin ropy ndiin. ut w 11 often be found ai d fonift in s mall partlclPi) of allninipii nil) aipr or tht color will be of a thin milki-h Iimh. aain chanjsing to a durk and torpid nppraiice There are many men who dm of Ihii dtl'l cjlty Iiiorant of the cau-e hieh ! ihe sec oxtage of semi ut -el.nei'S Dit. S. will it itantei a perfect cure in all puch caep, a..d a heall'iy restoration of the genito jrt mry nrgiii. Officv Hi ir-s -10 to 4 avl G to 8 'Pin day? from 10 to 12 v m Co filiation fre Thorough cimiiiatious and advice, $3. Call or addre?, DK. SPINNEY & CO. No 11 Kearney St., San Francd-co. i i &L SS&v? J i H- XjXj KIND3 OJ AMMl NIT.ON I OK aALK - i. by J jITS jHLL".U. HOTEL & fj& RESTAURAST' AXD OEXERAL STAGE HOUSE, OnposltoOdil Fellow Hall, JACI.suNVILI.n .OKEQOS MADAME HOLT, Proprietress. TKVVFLF.US AND I.fSlDFNT IIOARDEItS will Mini thp mint com tV.rtMloilf;iiics at tl'lit houw to t9 met nitli in jn litre iu thht turt of the Stile. Tlie lietU ami TictltUiis WIlllwiii lio f.mnil of Hrst-clMi "cliiracter anJ et)t lQ a licit &nj rliti rmi.lltl.in 'uiilln - The lloonis renewly furnMml ami will nlway l.o krjit In neat nl ItHtielllte ronJitkKi A ilmtilul fuppljof tuo lt ef evtrjtklug the market nllurtl nit! bo Spread 0:1 $WUcr Table. Ilerlnwewtllbe .0,.t open MI nlahttan.I4SOifAnU MKALS"" can b ubt lined at anj hour of th Uajf or night. OYSTKRS PItKI'ARED IV KVKRY STYLE, An! Innclici t bfliml at any tim. Staff juen B.r ami otlirrs Im niiy be out lato at nitflit can ul uars nn.1 h gual are, hut meala ami gonJ boJe a tui tHiniie. No trnnltle will be ipirnl to.lnorte the pntronngo of thetraTellliisai well as the iiermaneut cminn ulty. Giro me a call. EXCELSIOR. LlfBRlSfelKD FS 3 "3? JS. Z3 Xj 33 . Corner of OllinOM VNOClIIWllSIVtlT!)., JiCkS-lNMILK. ' w7. 'J. rLS-MrAas, Prop'r. Trom.n E8ui.CTi um.y inform the run- V V lie tlMt he Inn n line stock oi irnrsM, Usssles ant'. Cauinscs VnJ ho U iireir.l In fnmWi 1,!, ;ilronaml Ihe rub licgruorHlijr Mlth !'i!e Turnnnts rat h. h-M cm th pintle cm-t. ?iitlle honou hired tutf, tuiiBjr lirt ut lira ruiintry. 1 Aiiiis:is 'to:?lit ami SM. Ilir-r. inAo to w.rk .Irwte or ilnnblt Hir-- Uflnl an I the Iwi 1 frnre l.r.t.re. up m thein. liil in -t rtmr'. A lit-, rtl -Iwre nf tho plinth) fiipipui; i-ii.r'iie..iirri,i,al! tltin . SEW LJVHRY STABU BACK OPCOUUT HOUSE. UMBO A JBOXTCOnBaTi Proprietors. "7JTTIfl IXTI'Y FITrRD Ul Ttl'' C1M l 1. Inh il' Un oil the Nrtin.il II lln tilt ailit inllu-rear f ,h I nrt IImi. lUir- now f nl'jr nr mI I., .iti,.., i , iilt Iih.Ii e- in, nr turn iih n 'I'liitiiMean I(Ji,rlc!i an 1 .it the ill at ru.otiahle rie. Pino Sarnouis The'lihlfl. furn M.nl nil, tlb-l animal, atirt in., t -rb tiiitUi huxr ie alw n first ch,. timk and Kttt 11 htir... ,lHe. Urinltnl. nnttlirt Iwl rare leituvro.1 on. Hi- i "ili.fictl'ii irHHianlf.-.l In eifrr Ui.tanfe. fl ire us i ceil 1 mii 1 ju ttt fv.r jrnnr. Ire.. MtWINII '. Mf)T(IOM!'ItV. J.konvllle, rll 10th, VP' UNiOW LIVERY SALE AMDfi EXCHANGE essTar .q.eb dLiTs-, rrtJT 4tfi .isiil C'ss'ifou-in Pts JACKStO.VILI.i:, ORKGON. .1. A. CAUDWELL I'ltOrRIKTOR. Tub ruopRiirror. ins , ftlljrrehni't an.I ri-n'd I thl ly?p' well kr.mrn .i,hi.hRHnt. an t Imi-lt?i .iftle eVetoirewtitlcmtiftirtitileatf li-Vi "TL.l2--ti.nw IIm reto I hare the Tery bent h irne bitcclce in.l iiverr tunii-Kit.'if nil Hinl. !r Btofl. uf ruadi. ters eashot be eTCeilert in the State. 4 I Torses IJoardril On rminal! ternw, an. Ihe Iwit ofmre and alten rinn biMtonixt upon them w hile un ler mj charo Aleu Horses Rnuifht ami SoM. I am jati.fleJ that I ran giro ntlnfiietlnn ami Kiiimiitte the Mme. AMtli this linireMiD we hareuo hesitation In euliclting iiatroriape. NOT FAIL tottcnilforonr Catnlocno. it contains iirlrnn antlileHciIptloit r moHt evrry article In cii rnl ue.Aiid In -iiilunlilAto ANV r.:ilS() coutrmnl.it Ins Hit iiti rrlin of any article forTfr noital. Family or Asrlnilturrtl une Wo linveilone a largo trado tlietiait nnnon In tho remote iart oftlio Terrltorlen, mitt liac 14 It It Tew exrrptloin. rircd . ed tlio rxpectatloiii of tho iurchniirr many clalnilnsr to hao mntlo a- ttavlnc L of 4i to ( per rent. W mail tlirno (TALOl,I. Tt AY AlUUtKNM, Flti:i:, tl'ON Al'l'UtATIO. lloftoll our cood to all mankind at wlioIralct Jirlrrn In qunntltlrw to Milt. Xtcfcreuco. : lrt National ISank, Chicago. ' MONTGOMERY WARO & CO., Original C.raiio Hup ply IIouo, 227 X ZM Wobaali Ave, Chicago, 111 mms lionicjat(Sau, i j'ORri4.ND,ujri;a?i. Anil Jac&sonTlUc, I GIBBS & STEAEfl will alien. to all 1 t ftUITla kit 1(1 I'ftMl 11(1 I KiWWaUVCeJ L & VillMtlUl vw