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About Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888 | View Entire Issue (May 1, 1878)
M- V THE OREGON SENTINEL "Wednesday, : : : May 1, 1878. AGENTS POB, THE SEHTINEL. ' S. M. retlenffill & Co New York Geo. P. Unwell & Co New York Rowell & Chessman St. Louia L. P. Fisher. San Francisco S. McCallistcr Galice Creek W.I MCH aog BOM .- Religious Directory M. E. Ciiwtcn Religions services every Sunday at tbe nsual hours, by tbe Reverends A. Hnrdison, "W. Ilnrlburt and M. A. ril v liams, alternately. OATnouo Services. Services will be held at the Catholic Church in this place, every Sunday, at the -sua' in the morning and evening, Rev. Father p" ncbet officiating. M. E. Sokdat ScrrooL. Regular meeting very Sand ay afternoon at 2 o'clock. CATnouc Sunday School.--Regular meet ngs every Snnday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Rbtubned. Messrs. Prim, Wat bod, IJarjCS, and Jones returneli.from Josephine, county last Friday. Babe Ball. Tho second nine of the Jacksonville Base Bill Club last week challenged tho second nine of the Ashland club for a, match game but it was not accepted on account of the latter club being disorganized. Maps Convention. Every one in. lerested in the welfare of the county and opposed to a ono in in power is invited to attend the mass inpeling to bo held at the Court IIoue next Sitr urday morning at 10 o'ciock, and ai-slst in securing the iiominMion of good men to conduct tho affairs of this couuty for the next two years. o. Real Estate Ti:ansactiox. The following are the real estate transac tions for the pin wek: M PPhipps has transferred fto acres of land to Ada Plnpps. Consideration 1. Hiram Farlow to Harry Smith; properly in Ashland. Consideration $30. Contracts. Sealed propisals will lie received at the office ot the Chief Quartermaster ot this D-iparun-nl fur the delivery ol coal, wood, cluWnal, outs, barley, hay and siinw at Furl Klamath until 12 o'clock, May Jo-li. jjiub win uibu ue rvceueu ior uif transportation of military supplies The amotinTadverti8e(3forlt'ort 'Klam ath is 200,000 pounde, more or less. Sold Out. Alter an nWnce of sev eral years Henry Judge returned from Sin Francisco la&t Su-iday and will remain with u. Hu has purcliatcd the harness and saddler- shop of Jerry Nunan and will take ch-irge in:, few days. We understand that Mr. Nu nan will go into some business where there is less oiilinciuent, but does uot intend lenviug this valluy. TuiirEnANCE Leciukes. W R Dun bar, G W C T, writes in from L-nk-ville that he will lecture on temper auce at tho following places during the mrtnth of May ori the dates mentioned: Forest Creek, 15tb; Slate Creek, lGlh; Kerbyville, 17th, Waldo, lSth; Roguc River lodge, 20th; Sam's Valley, 2lst; Egle Point, 22 J; Manzinita, 23d; Jacksonville, 24th; Willow Springs 125th; Rock Point 2Gth. Notice tho call for a mans conven tion in another column of this piper. A large number ol the best cili ens ol tho county have signed this call for the purpose of placing a ticket in the field in opposition to tho ono already nominated by tho Democrats, and it is desired that every independent voter in the county be present aud assist in placing a good ticket in tho field. Tue Times says "the Salem nomina- lions fell like a wet blanket upon tin general mass of the Republicans." For "uniquentfsof method," .strength of fiber and general smoothuess ot .texture we do not remember to have seen that lie equa led any where. There's nothing white about that and ,it8 transparency is only equalled by its puerility. If jMiHE Bonded. The necessary pa mpers bonding the quicksilver mines of the Emelino Mining Company to 3in Francisco capitalists were signed one day last week. By this agreement the parlies from California aro to have .the right of prospecting the mines nntil November 1st, at which date, or at any time previous, they can purchase ior thenum of $50,000. In their pros pecting they are not to interfero with the work now going on and in the event ol their failuro to purchase the mine, all tho developments and im- f j""vuiiiM iu.iui m lo me original t nnrnoro TIT t. ..Ill I. . . vnucie. nun win ob connnueu oy the present owners till the final trans fer is male, should such bo the result. EAND0M JOTTINGS. May day. County Court next week. The politdal 'pot has 'commenced boiling. Morris Mensor left for San Francis co last week. Simon Caro returned from Portland last Monday. CSV Kahler'a fine Sir Walter colt died on Monday last. Wilbur F Cornell is e xpected back on a visit in "a few days. There aro ten patients in the County Hospital at present. The M E Sunday school will have a pic-nic at Bybee's Grovo to-day. Jay Beach is the happiest man in Lake county. Cause a boy on the 9lh. Religions services at the M: E." Church next Sunday by Rev. W. Hurllinft. The Stc rling Company has purchased the mining property ol Thos H Gilson lor $2,000. The memorandum book lost by L S P Marsh was found one day last week and returned -to the owner. William Orton, president ol the W U. T. Co , died at New York of apo plexy on lhe22d. Ben. Haymond, of Rock Point, pasted through town yesterday on his way to Sn Francneo. Tho Misses Cirdwell received an invoice of White sewing midlines this weik which they are selling cheap for cash. Nat LingeU this week received his Spring slock of boots, ladies' 3nd misses' shoes, slippers etc. Give him a call. Mat Dillon kepps a fine stock of liquors and cigars on hand. Give him a call when you want something good. We are informed that Sol S.ichs in tends remaining in Germany tor a lime, and miy possibly go into bjciness in that counliy. Smith, Courtney & Waistnan are still woiking their mines night aud day in this pl.Co', hut their supply of water Jiufccorumeneed failing ot late. Patronize tho livery stables and take a ride tolhe Sterling mines next Sun day. Those who have been there say it is well worth going to see. Chinaman Lin made a clean-up at his nines on Applegale last week alter a twenty 'tour day's rnn and se cured 134 ounces of gold dust. John Orth last Vretk announced himself as an independent candidate fur County Treasurer, which canned quite a flurry among the faithful. A very pleasant tft&ial party was given at the resident. ot Geo. Schumpf last Wednesday night, and an enjoy able lime had by all those preseul. A son ol E W Gregg was dragged some distance last week by a runaway team and quite seriously v injured. He was improving again at last accounts. Sealed proposals will be received at the County Clerk's office up to 12 o'clock, June 0th, lor the keeping ol the county poor for one year from June 15th. Surveyor General Tolman was in town last week. He will establish uis neaaquariers in i'oiliand soon where bb w ill take his family to rt bide. Never play the spy about a print iug office. When you do one eau only liken you to the yellow Jog too cow ardly to bo useful too sneaking to kick. Veit Sobulz, in addition to being a firs.-clnss brewer, can also blow a bass ilium quite successfully. He is now a member of tho brass bind ot ibis place; Wo have received an excellent com munieation on current topics from WT.i.z n i lraouiogion, u. u. written bv a former resident of this place,- which will Bppear uezt week. We learn that W W Thayer,- tbe Democratic candidate lor Governor, aud possibly M Wilkin, the Green back candidate, will arrive hero on May 2d to open the campaign. S Booth offers a premium of $50 for the best and $25 lor the second best Scamperdown colt foaled this season. Due notice will be given of the time when the award is to be made. A lively runaway occurred in town on Monday last Bybee & Mond-t-ehesn's team being the principal participants.- They demolished some shade trees in front of Mat Dillon's residence but done no other damage. Davo Crosby has been driving the Kerbyville stage while Dick Ish was attending conrt in Josephine county with the lawyers from this place. Thos. G. Reames, D G M, went to Kerbyville on Monday last to pay a fraternal visit to the Masonic lodge in ibat place. He will return to-day. Mat Obencbain brought in another band of 08 head ot cattle from Jose phine county last week, making 350 in all. lie will take them to Lake coun ty soou. W J Plymale last week received the premiums awarded to persons re siding in . this county by tho Siskiyou County Agricultural Society. The amount received is $93. Work on the'Middle Creek mines has been suspended for tho present. The company expect to run a fifteen mile ditch to Cedar flat, estimated to cost 30,000, before resuming. Tho case.of the U S vs. W C Gris wold was still on trial in the TJ S Dis' trict Court in Portland at last ao counts. A largo number of witnesses from all portions ot the State are present among whom there are quite a number from this place. Gapt Harrison Kelly gave nt a friendly call one day this week. He reporu everything in a flnuiishing condition in the vicinity of his milieu on Coyote creek, most all the miners in that 'section having made some money this season. A grand ball, under the auspices of the lodge of Improved order of Red Men of this place, will come oil at the Club Rooms on Monday evening May l3'.h. Firsl-claps music will bo provid ed and Mrs. Vining will furnish tho supper. Tickets 2.50. The largest crowd seen in Kerby ville for 'a number ot years was pres ent at the term of Circuit Court held there on the 22d ult. Very little business v as transacted most of the cases on the docket having been con tinued till next term. The Democratic cnuntv central com milieu meets si thi oraVo of fl. K. ILtuna on the 4lh inst." The nomina tion of a candidate for County Cotu-mi-isiunerjn place of D Reynolds, who declined the honor, will foimpariof the proceedings we suppose. Reames Bros., Mrs. Bilker, F. Rreckenfeld,an 1 N. Finher received come r.f their new goods this week Messrs Howard, Kubli aud J lhn Mil ler will receive ihe first instalment ot iheir Spiing stock in a lew diys. Consistency thou art a jewel. Read the notice of tho appointment ol Judgo Tolman of this county to the Surveyor generalship of thU State, and then refer to the old files and see what the same paper stud about him during the canvass ot lour years ago. Ike SacliH has formed a partnership with Greenebaum and gone into a gent's furnishing goods business in Sau Francisco. They are located at tho old stand of Greenebaum Bros., their store fronting both on Market and Sutter streets. Ike will go to New York city soon to reside, and will do tho buying lor tho house. Wiir should the Democracy take so seriously to heart the defeat of Mr Hare in the Republican convention? Is it becuse they think their chances would have been better with that gen tleman than Mr Beekmah? Or is it i .i ii i ... ... . uecause mey iacx sumtueni "Hair in their mortar to make it stick to the thin and rollen lathing ot their plat form? While the Democracy are affecting to ridicule the Republican nominees on tho State ticket on the scoro of pi ous morality, would it not bo well for them lo occasioally oil 'to mind the scathing criticism of the moral condi tion ot iheir party extorted ffom their late U S Senator when called upon to explain tb" an eastern audience the strangeness of their deieat in this State in ihe last election, ho confessed that "it was duo to the fact that tho last Legislature (which was sliougly Dem ocratic) had passed a strict ami. gambling law!" The Times infers that the letters ot declination ot Hines and Beekman was a uniquo method of throwing their opponents off iheir guard, and quite effective also." Had those gen tleman said nothing does it also inter that the result would have been ihe same as was produced upon prominent and competent men in the county Con vention the Democracy held hero a a short time since. Would they also have been slaughtered in the house ot pretended friends. Tho people wan. ted those gentlemen, but no "one man" was found to object. Circuit Court Procce'tlingj. The following are tho procee'dings of tho Circuit Court Judgo P P- Prim, presiding, held at Kerbyville last week, as furnished us by Judge Wat son: Three iudictments were found by the Grand 'Jury, as follows: One against Ed Moloney and others, for removing embankment of canal; tried and acquitted. One against Ed Maloney and others, for brehking ditch; continued. One against J J Moore, larceny of hogs; continued. Writ of review in esse of State of Oregon vs. James Maloney aud oth ers, tried in Justice's Court lor Jump off Joe preoinct, was heard aud decid ed by tho Circuit Court modifying judgment of court below. Severael 'judgments were takeh by default. lu Memoriam. A a' regular meeting ol Edeu Lodge No. 197, 1. O. of G. T.,held April 22nd 1878, tho following resolutions were adopted by th- Lodge1: Whereas. Death has again enter ed our circle ol Unity an 1 has taken from us imr beioved sister, Mary Gore, and transferred her to tho Grand Lodge above, therefore, be it Res-olved, That in the death of sis ter Gore ' we have lost a tuelul and earnest member of this lodge. Resolved,, That the Charier of this lodge he draped in mourning lor thir. ty days, aud tho members wear the usual badge of mourning. Resolvfd, That we tender thesym. pathy of this Lodge to the bereaved parents and relations of our departed sister. Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions bo sent to the parents of our beloved sisier, also a copy ht sent io the Ashland Tidings and the Senti nkl lor publioation. Resolved, That thesa resolutions bespread upon the recirds of this' lodge. J. M. IIoxie, Ch'm Com , . . The following notice of "Beek" is from the Yreka "Union (Democrat ic) published at Yreka, Cal. C. C. Beekrilai!, of Jackson'vilTe, has been nominated by the Republicans for Governor of Oregon. "Beck" was formcrlj a resident of Yreka, aud barring his politics is A. No. 1 tim ber. A 'Democratic friend, one of the "ring," insists that the clerks office is a foot ball to be kicked about by politicans. "We confess that it looks so but is it fair to have one indi vidual do all tho kicking? The people are just preparing a demur rer on this point which will surely be sustained at tho polb in June. The Reverse. Tho kilcphono is tho reverse of the tolophone; by using it you can avoid beariug a chatter-box not a foot distaut, "and cats may howl all night ou your ridgepole without you knowing it. Even your neighbor's cornet be comes innoxious, and tho hand organ loses its sting. The following paragraph is apro pos at tho present time: "The man who is curious to see how tho world can getajpug without him can find out by sticking a cambric needle into a mill pond, and then with drawing it and looking at the hole." Office-seekers, think of this. Next Saturday every voter will be a delegate aud expected to write his ono Ntickcts. An oiler has been made to lend those used at tho Democratic primary here hut they dout suit. Some of the men employed ou KHppel, IlannaA; Co's. ditch came to town this week having finished their work at that place. "With tho exception ofsomo iluming to be done the ditch is now complete. X Delamater and bride started for their homo in Josephine county immediately after the wedding cer emonies la&t Sunday afternoon. - o. Miss Zelia Zigler and Mrs Sol Farren came over from Yreka yesterday in a private conveyance. Miss Issie MtCully has retired from business and closed her store. Dopt fail to atieud the ball at the Cluli Rooms to night. Alrtf. Viniug will furnish tbe supper for iba occasion. 25PThe National Gold Medal was awunled to Bradley vfcliulolson for the best Photographs in tho United States, and the Vienua Medal for tbe best in tbe world. 420 Montgomery St. San Francisco. REPLY TO GREENBACKER. Centrii. Polvt. April 25, 1878. Editor Sentinel As some one, professing to be a member of the Greenback party, has seen lit to gird'us his private views through so public a channel as the Democratic, allow me email space, if you please, to suggest to that suspicious and timid friend that hU asser tion of "foul conspiracy," and his gratuitous "warning," are as unfounded and unneccssarj to ns as bis Fiiccecdiaj; personalities aro gross and uncalled for. IuJccd, the general tenor of his remarks, added to our knowledge of usual party tactics, would naturally lead mo to enr rai.e that that Grecnbacker is a fraud that he belongs to some other party 6ay to that party through whose organ he has'sought ventilation; and, to particularize, that he Is a candidate on that ticket now, and that be has met with va rieJ stccess on that and other tickets on former occasions. But we have nothing to do with him or his party further than to remind them, whin they seek to thrust their advice npon us. that thti cat t we have uot forgotten our experience of tht- method., meamres and men of other politi cal organizations iimply because we prefer nt this time to stand aloof from Ihcm. As an individual Greeubacker. I flatter my self that if any collusion is intended between our members and the persons alluded to (or any omcrs, ior mat matitrj, isy opportunities o have learned or it are certainly equal to his. I know nothing of it now. There is no attempt at concealment in the position occupied by n, and we have little fear 'of biiag "gobbled up"' by cither of the old parties. If we do not tee fit to put a county ticket in the field at the en-. smug election that is strictly our business; but it by no means follows that in consequence we shall be compelled to fWiain at Lome on elec tion day, nor that we shall not choose between snch tickets, in hole or in part, as may be presented for our suffrage. We will necessarily be compelled lo employ tbe Fervice of county and district officers, and as we have not aban doned our citizenship it U but natural that we thould cast our ballots for those men who Euit us best; and for one I fhonld prefer, between men of equal honesty and 'capability, that one whose thirst for position had least frequently "unsettled bis social and political convictions. Of course. I onlyspcakthis way for myself. with the hope that the same candor and free dom may hi employed, in word and deed, by all members of our purty. when they are un justly and impertinently arraigned, or see an opportunity to benefit us as a party or them selves as individuals. I do not hold that vital political isnes are to any great extent involved in the selection of county officer, but for the sake of consistency, as well as from self-interest, I presume our par ty will act in tLe coming canvass as will seem most conservative of our present as well as fu- . tore good, both as a party and as individuals. rohtically, we seek nothing from either of the old parties, but when the People, independent j of party, choore to act in any direction, nor5nT has a right to say that as members of the body politic we pbajl notufo our influence because We happen to be member's of airy party and we claim the right to seek advantages in whatever manner and at whatever time we may choose. We certainly prefer the choice and decision of a mnjoritynf the people to lhat of a selection and dictation of any one man or clique, and we certainly cannot expect to establish aud main tain a party ot influence, or 6ven worthy of commonest respect, if we submit our actions to whoever may chooeto usurp their control; and should any of our members tee proper, at r.ny time, to engage in any movement. I presume It will be of their own volition, openly and with BB full understanding of their rights, as could be afforded Hum by any timid member of du bious standing or "fnul conspiracy" inf-ction. Iiut Ibaye iaid already moro than I intend ed at this time, I may hive occasion to tres pass upon your space and patience again before e.ection. A Tuoe Giise-ndickkk. FOUH AND FEATURE: Unless associated with Rood teeth, are shorn ofhall the attractions they may otherwise possess. Bearing th.s fact in mind. u3 SO ZODONT, which will prevent yonr teeth, from losing their whitenes", om) will rendtr iheniFpotlesR if specked and discolored. The tint and hardness of roral are imparled to Ihe gnnis by this incomparable ' preservative nnd beautifying agent, and tbe breath ii rendered fragrant as honeysuckle by its nsp. It is safe, besides being effective. Sold by drnggists. - - o A. light shower or rain fell on Satc'rdny las't but n t enough to be of much service either to our miners or larmcrs. Marsh's Sawmill on Big Butte creek will commence work nsrain soon. THE RTSEWTIIVEIi 9 BtfOK AND JOB PRINTING OFFICE M aviso a IjARok assortment Op Plain anJ fancy Tjpe.and tlio only Job-1'rtss In Southern OreKmi, ie are prepared to do All Lindj of Printing nt the lowest litlnj ratea. Sjtijlacttiri jiren or no charges male hr work. POSTERS, tfri(JGRA3I3XEf, UILL.IIEAD3, LETTER-HEADS, LEGAL m.AMCS. PIIA3IPIIM3TS; CIRCULARS', CARDS AND OHEOKS, RECEIPTS, CiC rXZCVIID OX SHOUT SOTlCt. add'kess, OREGON SENTINEL, JACKSONVILLE, OKZGOS. Sheriff Sale. BY VIRTUE OF AN EXECUTION AND order of sale, duly issued out of tho Cir- cnit Court of the Stato of Oregon, for tha Countv of Jackson, ou the 15th day of April, 1878, and to me directed and delivered, In favor of Patrick Donegan, and against Jona than E. Center and Amanda Center bis wife, A Fisher and N Fisher, partners, and George W Isaacs, for the recovery of the sum of $535 25 gold coin, and interest at one percent, par monlh from he 2ii day of ilarch'1873, "arid the furthej sum of,SG6 ,42 .costs ariiV'disb'utse ments of snit, and tbe. accruing costs, 1 hva levied upon and will, oiTer .for sale for caeh in gold coin at public tbe highest bid der nt the Court House door n Jacksonville, Jackson County Oregon, on Saturday IbtflVuh day of May, 1878. at two o'clock P. M.,qf said da", all the right, title aud Interest of tha said Jonathan E. Center and Amindi Center bis wife, In the- lollowiug dccribtd real Tho W. .J of the N. E. J. of sec tion 7, In Township il South, of Ringe 1 West, and S. J of the N. K. J. and the N. E. J of the S. E. J, ultsection 35, in Township 3n bouth,-of Kange 2 West. Said property is situated in Jackson County, Oregon, and levied upon ai the property of the above named defendants, Jonathan K. Center and Amanda Ceuter bia wife, to (satisfy the demands of tbe above named eseoutson. , J.'W.JI.JNING, . Sheriff of Jackson County, Oregon. Jacksonville, April, 20th 1878. DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. -T0TIC13 rs IIEBEBY GIVEN- TiIAT 11 the late h'rm of "Herd & ilopkins," of whom a partnership was formed for saw tnillini; purposes on Jackass creek, Jackson co. Oregon was on or about the first day of Jan. 1877, dis solved by mutual consent. All knowing them selves indebted to tha Lite firm are hereby no tified lhat settlement must be made. JAS. HERD, paxi, Huraixa.. FOR SALE OR RENT. QITUATED SEVEX MILES XORTII O Pvist from Jacksonville, the Eureka Flouring' Mill. Terms Eay. Guaranted in rooiI running order, for further particulars apply at the Mill. Persons havin? flmr, shbrfs or bran nt the Miil are requested to come and take them awny on or before the 20th day of June 1878 All persons indebted to thennde'rsigned, or to the late firm of McKtrzie & Amy,, will euva cosls by settling wiih either cash cr note on or before the above named date, as the books must be squared op. , " T. T..McKetzi8 , PIONEER HARDWARE STORE MRS J. BILGER (AT Til C OLD STAND OF JOHN BILGK&) Calii rnia street. Jacksonville, Oregou, DEAXEHIN TIX, SHEET mo X-nnd COPPKR WAlt Stoves, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS;."' PUMPS and PIPES, Paints, Oils, Glass, Varnish. Tovvder & Fnso A. Gonoral Assortment of SHELF HARDWARE i FINE WOSTENHOLM CUTLERY' ROPE & TWINE, A . first-clnss mechanic will attend to Job. Work witn ueatniss and dispatch. I will nlso keep constantly on hand a largi stock of liquors and Tobacco. Agent for PACIFIC RUBBER PAINT-Tho best in the World. Particular attention paid to Farmers' wanls, and the snpplyinj; of extras for Farm Machinery, and all information as to such ar ticles, furnished cheertnlly, on application. No pafns will besparrd to furnish our Cus tomers v?ilh the best good3 in markit, in our line, and at lowest pi ices. Our motto shall be. prompt and fair drab. injj with nil. Cull nnd examine our stock, before going elsewhero. Satisfaction guar anteed. J II PKNN, Manager.-., LAST CALL ! rpiIKDX'DERSIUXED HEREBY GIVE I nntl In nil thnQO InrlKtnft tit thorn ailh.. ,erby nolo or book account, to come forward at once and settle their account before tha 15th day of April next, or their accounts will collection. A word to .the wise is sufficient. P. S. T will n(5.r tnr Onto oil mr, t.raot.AW and kitchen furniture and a Crst-c!as3 piano. AH those wishing a bargain will do well tq give me a can. A. FISUER. JEstray Notice. JTVAKEN UP r.VTtlEUXDERSlGXED'- X on December 1st, 1877, living tiix miles forth of Phrcetiix, Oiegon, one bro.frf horse fourteen handa biih. nlinnt Tnnr rpntt nM tint! hind feet white to the pastern-joint, a small wnue spot in the forehead and a guip on tha nose. iSo br-Cds visible. Also one bav mro twelve JeaV. old, abdut fourteen hands higbt both hind feet white above the nastern tolnt. small while spot in tbe forehead, branded" ca' me leu .nouiaer lotu "Jj". n.F.CROOET.. l,c I