Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, March 06, 1878, Image 3

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1 -
VnrajmaBlh 6, 1878,
s. M&rciis fflaurM Ifili&SBroril
tieo. I. Kowell & Co NewsYork
Rowell & CbessmanMJ-w. St. Louis
a. fticistvirr..iw;iir;v.iaiicc Creek
glens Oil
JE jOgwiicn.-vttdieioas, services, every
jbjiiujutu9uu(iiiiiu()f uy me iKicrenu;
HrfiROoTlAVrIorlBurt an'dJkl. A. "Wil-
WCj.-- - W i"- J tfitM u.1 i " I g -
t,"T"9SJsi - .- -t
U CATHewc&MtYicEs. Services will, bcrbelci
jt"He' Gatbette Ctmreh'.ip ' thisiplncej i very
t8feny,l'atJJ!ek.ttrioY.r in themBraing and
VenrBgrBteT.yatlier.Dcbet'efficifltiDpJ "
asfjM..B.,SwAT,iSoHonL.rIKQ!flr tneeUng
"-CiTHiK!SBiDjiV-SeHLi-IteBalar meet
Bfrs" evA-y'SttSdifterBooS'at-a o'clo'cIwHe .
C7C3 i AMI ear ST- fi-lEarr?.
r.ciiy-.sBMf)dayT.MarGh- lltb,,Dt, J
rianyibteinfesa tbatcrUY.3properly,.jcorrie
we tiiGKo; JJkowjt, Cliartn3n. i
IftK&SntiiWffiiixJr-atbV vs-af""1
W.CrbHaSCEDAgAIXiGr!. V. Holt
iii.s cbmVncnce'd lajingrit-k again on
thJie.V,l()reklioei' bnllding. Some
(ifijrewifl:fefple'TfIi 'It fM"itn cotuiile
lion as M&II,j-xi, -., in do. .allthp
a8$riryJ$ofk aitiuV. ' " "
"X-5fipDl.-s8a&'B-Yoik at these
.; 2 atoifj ;- -at j
swgwrapidly, an i m
..iitttiM.Mk..fi,i i.... i...t
ump,9andJpo36TdefHbo " flo'iible'isex-ipcriB-DMatinttbtafiPCCQunt.j
, .
ti-tt,t.ii.f.,.i 1 -
the former dist,li:irrc1 mit t-hot at ithe
laitPrwhichtJtiTHed'ilirongri Ikt' oot
'afirfr,e8i? but done no othtr damage.
So arrests were mn.ie.
QAjjQKW-Pl. ifl Miy et; A of
this place Jia.l.an arm Jiroken bv beinV
thrown lrorn a liorse last Sunday
wbirWmgWrace'ntPhc&iiir- IIo jk
J J4SirUi'Sw&b:diy- tlXerisare.o? ,.I)r
Datkipawlrw-iH ron. Uenip to tiyit
over again. "
Neauly Am Acci d kxt. 1 1 u ab .Toh n
onlftM'aVernatro&&'cipe,irom 1
or MMmt ,'i!. . , '-mo...1
Tatirua.ovtjr..oiiu lay Isat' week wtrJle
SiJiaufing, woo1, "JlXliad ,n loaS' crl'wood
fen; Jt7flT3iknlwiit,goTtig; "rfld,wii "bill
olT&food.vi)rpi.qil ' lyryariJ, "t'lrdwiiiy
SIrtJiJJqtWfipnhfe, horses. .'jflSj-ai.
gmVwhJtTtfu'ife'd J3p butcscaped kny
1 'Wrlo'tTa iDjnfyr'" " . '
,sJEkroi!. .Tjvo w'ckaago, jn ar. nr-
jcloZ-eXVitlfd' iho b'ohob! .lVnTlBil
JDyrDi'bti',!. ,E enybwly-ac-Hg'd'
,n.CJIJemirip',;i'ate Superintend-
cnt"oyxT3ujj!ig. Bcjiotilfl in' Wiia1 cquntyr
fnfjAvntUig1 a cffmtriunil'aticm m the
'Times -under the "name ot "Alpha',;to
whirlrihe'StiKTiSEt. repliedv In wstiee
, JliXf I' km. he. I will stolo . that, bio
Ki;ilieiJAk8oai ,COQnly,t Republican
CV5i, iVWhi fMll itf M - .r . a' -.1
"KaSnbftTtSG Scrape.' A- shboting af-
"s''&t?the.nnrae'kiie'iided to- bo' rafen'
5S!pned'! :. . ; ..K.K -BoweM.
Real Estatk Teaksactioxsv Tlie
STliohs lor:tii6veekr- v -
Wmjj'Sawyei'-has "soldv-a; parcel' of
iand'ab'dye'AshlaTid 'to J.' !F Wells
mw m-rt mt- !.' ". " J vl t-i-Jji , .t
eand 'WhVbongerUor tbe utu of300.
t --uIgaac Millcr. sold a lot in Ashland
to Isaao 0.:MUlerjJpr,.5K '"
sLayfaT'elte-''Gan soldtorS?' W.
r ' "-t J
H4yawh3tfi8knownr as 'tho'.iJacob
- GaTKdonaUon' clajnifor fciob. '
For LAkk4CouNTY. 0. B." ..'Watson
X' !t -
Twi8tarteU.iorLake county yesterday, to
attend tb'6evera'l important cases'be
m Jore-toTJ7S.'BiuQ HDflace at Lakevie w.
Jtfne finds eufHoient business to justify
bis remaiDiDg.in that section he will
'locate-'tbere - permanently. Having
s-'been-admuted to the bar. Mr. W. is
vnowjpreparedto attend to .any bus-
ineNB in bis profession, and. will always
"SPJeVRiidy :,'b atte"nd"itd tbe ' wants, ol
TltKo8e requiring an attorney. Success
attend vou. .
h--T6'riV,Er,KcTib.,f. The annual elec-
tion ot town officers transpired here yes
tcrdav. All U.e saloons in town were
cjbsedjnjtb nt !d ayl aBrprescribea by
I "lawj"aBdi the election passed 'off iquiet
III A 'iHafrBmB . . wh - A baa I
j-jeijauuniuiuuv auj CAUiiuujeub ivuni"
'averThe ibllowidg Trustees were
J.H.ttitfraitn.-.:-' t r?. .; r : ; v .
54 elateJjwiJkbo'jttoppo8iuon to serva ,for
"Ihe'eirBaibear:: DkvidLinn, iT. G
tReairies, K. Eubli, N. XangelKaud J.
-Nttfao.UJ iSh" Hayden and '-Ilvnry
toJtffifPtc w.er etBg eqte'd 'JlecorU er B and
Mrreaurer; respectively.wnbout oppo
jitlcn. Th3 only contest wasJdrA the
""StTret-GoTJiHiissionership-belween- W.
p. GreenmD!aotleo. H. Yonng, re-
Jsw mjttttj-:&t;40.r;Ad'daelma was! re
"trcclea'Marebal, receiving lii)'f bfce.
Gov.jD.P. Thompson isin,Wasb-
ingion. T" : .niti-e, i'
nuijciiiiBuu cueuyiy.gUgDt)
at this,"ipn5ce. tk(I .Tj'Wi -setq.i
J. S. Howard,,jecerwdomeew
eood8UastweekiI ,t '.T.t.l -L :
Prof. Farley.now has cbarge?Joflhe;
school atSlerling; .,vk I
n. ."!. 1 hatcher returned toIdnk-:
ville last Wednesday. m.
W. W. Fiddjerwas overfrom Jose
ine county this week. ' r'" ' "'' '
A keg.-of-b'eef: "baited" itt' 'Pane's
8aIoon,one,day.J.laBt week. . v . .
The" SundftTSuriool in this placo 'is
going to urocuro.ja new library, r
Workor?tbB. Sterling mineeo'rii
mencedDtTtleiist of this montb? 'r
'Charlie Mos'hef is a candidate for
Justice of tbe,Piace at Itosoburg.j ;,
For good " and1', substantial -Wack-!
srhl(hswork"caliJin David CrongmiTjeri
Jas. BirdseyeiHa8 bpen acting'-. bs
Deputy ShcnQdtiring the inast, rweek.-
51c Cnlly"S? "Cameron will, ta'td
their bandof'eheep to Lake county Sin
May. .---. , SAintv '
Thns.-F.xBeall will start nn. yisit
t hu old hofriein Illinois in -faifiw
it. 9trti v . h. -
dnys m,tjSU-H l '2n
The TellufitiiM mino jnuDonglas
coiruty is beini;iruii bulb ..daywand
r.igui. .- 11 -y
Mrs. Dr. Caljjrn ler is p'xpected back
- x-.r
on a visit fromF6rt Colvtllu ina,.few
days, .'j ,,.
The prrsent-'t'erm of the disTrjct
school will' end one week fromrnext
Friday. ,.'rfs.'. .- N ..-
M. Baum an'd'.j'vtte of Ashlind start-.
ed ojitlfejr, J9iiruey to New. York city
last week.'-K 1 ;-,4 . '
Drummers continue to noekibroush
this p'lacelimportuning our merchab'ts
for patronage. ,; ,
Work nt Sniiih, ConitneyxfeAVdis
maim shaft is.pip2rtMsinE. wilh''8,iti-
"";t.".",r .,, . , i
Tbe roadstlifoiigbout thadounty
miu iirviuir.uii- mm, au.j urrj uqw , in. . n
," . ". , ' a:fwJ
i . .. -nr . t - :!.-
very lair couiiiuun. ..-!.-.
J. K. Oameron arrived inStif'Fi'aTi-
cico Bcv'eral- day'w ago frorrj Scotland
and will ,b'e libiii) eoon."!) , ,t
Jndiinjr fronrBn article inlasl week'n
Tidings tliirf is '.'not the only.. Iplace
tronbletlwilli bad boys. r- '",
L. Ssmtiel'jiroVnisfM to change the
Went Shore'.frujn a monthly to a
weekly publication soon. -,
Dr. Will J.ickow is puliriig'' teeth
tor the Athlatidilett uow. Ho wil be
abulia acoupleol weeks, ..
The apporliojiment of the, y school
money ,ior-,l!ij? cotiiny wiirbe'maifo on
tbe third Monday m tuia uiohth
"Ob! swjpi out," the slang term
now iu.iluiversil use iu Sacramento,
thu best'w'aiere'd eity in the worlds
.':l. 'J' . .
The litjle-danghler of T.,B,'.Kent
had ber drm 'dislocated onu dy last
week.wJjilu playiug with her father.
MiEsL'zzie'Clayton inrmerlya "resi
dent ot'Ihis plac', was married'lo Wm.
II Mq6r-ol Seiitle, W. T., fast .week.
Tbe Marcli term of the , County
Court is ja'. sessTon to-day, Tfie pro
ceedingswillbe: published next, week.
W. C.''Meyef,;B. F. Meyerjand' Eu-'
gene Itoclel low were in town. on .Sun
day last-attending iho'fnneral'df Mrs.
Martin. ''.'., 7 .-,.--
Our .County Assessor B. 0.' Goddard,
will start bu'toVi bis annual tour.r over
the county next i week niaking thu as
. ". -rj it
Kessmenf"'' t'"' -'-vqej. , '"'
Geol Stevenson will"Biarf"f or 'the
WilIaraBitei-wnn- liis.tnno,iL,trotting.
stallion Sir Walter about' tbe 15lb ' ol
... J. .M, it ...
this month.; - , .
Tlio- lWseburg Independent now;
takes newsreports by telegraph, wbicff
Ulabca It UUD Ul luo ucob bliuuvijr liaiiciir
in the State.
It. B. Phillips, travellinir acenl lor
that 'enterprising and .fearless paper;
tue aanranqisco ucrouicie, wast in
town this1 week. ' ''
A.-vPbiladelphia brewer has', veni;
vidi, vjcij pjimte'd on the tail'bbard' of
Kid lianv inn rtnn 'I Jin 1Mt(At Ottra It!
uia utc nauuui auc, suii;g bi i o i
rmesns 3.50 a.keg.
xnos. iveaton-nas sola ? nis', interest
in Bume mining property on Jackass
and Poorma'n'tf creek to S. C; Carter
for theeum ,61 ,0OO. . S,
Thcmaiiironi both -directions' 'are
i" " ' r.' Sop K H
passingcthro.ugh this place on lime
again,'repairs having been made, to alb
the bridgefl'orrbo route. ,r'
The bucket in which dirfia raised'
to tbe surlace'"in SmTtb, Courtney &
Wa"iBtnan!s abaft fell down loathe bot
tom1 one .aay last weekp after bemg
hoisted to the ton. Luckily tbere'was
no'olienb'd'crit; the menbelowibaying
oeen at worn iu tue utiic ai ids lime.
.. nM r.A .vv:n:m ,:ii tp.u j:.
S . PIT?
nclrof rali-rme&n
ans V-gallon-of
.water.. spread ovef a ;8nrface of nearly
two t-quare feet, of a fall of about- -100,
tpns npon'an a9re.;t, , ,' f , ;, ? .,
We have received anotbe,r commnni-
atiou Jrom "Jfnt.be'an wjuch jSuna--1
oidablyxirow'ded out this- week,bnt
1! appear jh; our next. .'
Wr'mers in this section Care troubled
coiwiderably withtWild.oats lhi8rAa--'sbnAin
some cases 'iteing so 'ihick
mai(aecona piowing.-.is necessary.;, n
You can't, always .teil9'a i?ij ijjpKar
aclVnb'y"the1'wfty'Iie bbws.' .There are
timesVwben atihtsriirt aollar ufiH
k'nockitbcpolitest bow, all tolhnnder'.
ler'andjftlfq, in the Ashland academy
qnSniiday next at il o'clock AMt
-,Mr-T. Mqpre,,qf Ashland,, rtador.an
tfqstjccosslql -attempC at organizinga
dancing school injfiis pldce last"we"elc
liej'prbpotfe's' lifjing'.ft' aghip efeMorfg.
bana'orcattle'trhicrr he will ' taJjep- to
"Lake Cduhtyt ' A'(i falieiiin'g,lb1)'jn
n"e willlako flfcra to ,the. California
market. - . -
Temporary repilrs- have" been- made
to the brJ.le c'byinj Bar Creek, at
' , p-H I ...If . -
Mclvet zit's mill, but a new one will
have to be built at that placo before
iWt' Silnrday tbetockholders of
,he,EHiher Slining Company held- a
meeting-,,in this-city and' re-e ecteJ the
. ... . , '':;.'-''" " - hi '." ,
old'board ot directors-. to a -second
-.i - :r . .... f, i,p r
terrn. " -.f,-.
Isaco Miller nnd wife- died of lung
fever at Ashland on Wednesdaylast.
They were 78 and 80 yers of ago,'
respectively, and dte-T within two hours
of each other
3njinanDLn .3iir.3iiTi-.'
arreJleil o-rr tW' teha'rge Jf'brrf&tling I
.oiiie noi.ma owri, was ,fliscnargeu
. .1 ' . '.fllYil 'I ff'PP .'I
after a preliminary examinatiou befbro
;Justic'e Kent. -'.' ' . ! , " '
The. school c'ensnsju,t completed by
tlieMScbbol GleikV HetlryiKlippelH
aro "girls ahd;l9 boys. ' - "
A, protracted meeting-in-charge of.
Rev. W. Ilunburt and others has been
going on at Ilebei's Grove for several
days past'. Several accessions to tbe
cliurcn iiavb alrdady been' made:
Considerable trouble is experienced
Irt Beeping the telegraph lines in work
ing order through tliii place. They
are generally ''crossed' so that only
duo line can be operated at a time.
Huv.sS. McCallister's bouse onBullu
creek whs deiiroyed by fire one dav
lapt, week.. Its origin is not knov.
b'ul'it is, supposed , to, have been' set
.a lire, accidentally by, pome camperN
A corresjendent of the Oregonian
znirig himseif "A Dmocrai:' sec-
onds our motion in naming our lelbw
townsman, C C Beekman, as a oindi-I
date for Governor at the ' ' .en'striue
Alter. an absence of near Ty six years
Geos ;Ros8 paid our towna'shorl visit
on Saturday last. Jle is now engaged
In. mfniug enterprises ip Douglas c'o'riu
ty and 8taited onbis return' -to that
section next day.
,rf - - - - i- :
Citizens of Rock Point made au
effotl.to'prganjza a Sunday School at
tbiitplaCB on Sundy last, but owing
to- the Jack t of interest manifested by
the ayerageltock Pointers it was" post
poned for tho lime being.
Palenlajto mineral lands have beeo
received al the TJ. S. Land' office at
Roseburg. for Peter .Burkholterand
p 'pp. p ' pin f-i-iai, iPdj" ;jy-jaaa,Ti wXnlp
Samuel Maltbows of Ibis county, and
fo7AhTx'. P7 AnTedy e"tf?ana' Wrn. F
Courtney et al, of Portland. g
Tbe Eureka Star saye that Justice
tS'tinson, formerly of this plaee, waslat
tacked by paralysis a few days ago,
and i's now very ill from' the efiectsg of
it. Ono side, is completely' paralyzed,
and it is feared bo may experience
great difficulty before he reso-vers. fjjf
Compromise. Tbe steamship oppo
sition from Portland to San Francisco
is virtually at an end, a compromise
having been effected and the ?old
rates re-established. The rivalry fbe
tween tbo eteamsbip companies, was a
great' benefit-- to: Oregon, tbe flow
rates of fare affording many an oppor
lunitynoisitnhistatirwhocould not otherwise have done so, and we
Ibereby-'gained a large-ddition of
bardy workers, as well as a fair share
ot the hoodlum element. We also dqu
tice'thata number of Oregotians th(r
avaueu lueiuseives oi lue low raies oi
fare to visit Calitortiia are "caught
"vine sVvices'af ''tlU Ml e3 i-'Cnorb
nexl.Stiada3'r.Biotp!ngiatathof usual
Sputliern'Oregon JliSesT" '
"From a gentlerian well" postecTTn
mining matters mSouthern Oregon,
tne'Stabdard' receives the" folio wine-'iift
v iji . v
'.",JXheiSr.e"rlingiMine owned' byTtevi
JAnkfeny, Mr. Burnll and 'two 'tither
genile'men of this cityiStartedinto-full
operation .onthej 1st. of-.tbeimonth, and
a going at fall .capacity. .T.his,mine
Ibas'tbrqehu'ndrp'd feet head of 'wafe'r
tbe ypar tlirpugrf, and with two giants,
is sluicing aw.iy the. mountain at a rap-'
.idrratev ,They wilI"!mak6T"tBeir first!
uicaii uji uu ipiio iubu ot luarcn.'' txitx .
5 fe Blue 'travel Mfue, ' on "wKidi
$100,"000 .'baabeen eni.Md.nowu'u'.lull'
operation andwOrkiun finely with ex-
Iwo-hundred feetand with two giants
" ijU. .- .- , . -' ctj0"pt-. .
T.nnnipg. and forcing, water thntn-h'
six inch nozz-js.tfcars.put "tons of earth
from'llfe'tnbunt'iin-' r6idevwhich"'-has
been waShed-'awnybntibitipresCnts- a
)erpendyu..'rmf2ontf -inntiyyJeet in
height,,, A olcair np will bo made
abuiiFlHe'lOtli-of March. Capl. Ank-
ny wi'I gp'south dming the first of
'fbtj'clonib lo bo present wherr- the
'clean up is made, aud lo also Iook after
his' inteicsla. '
suspension, ofr -BcCoaTit.of ( a.b rcak
'down, Is wo'rking a-ayat'it'Junest
capacity: They have n head'of tliree
hundred. ana twenty-five feet, ami,, run
threo giant's,, "Willi tb'lso;, '.'My.'JfSulic
lidse'oV eiiherdf tho- bthermines,- a
.sono of ajton weight is rolled asiileas
if it was a marble, , and; at threo' lm'ni
buildiriglin tho city, (fWo.nljlpjt.be
swept down'as if if were built ofaand
Ihe bngljulucprnpiny -..naye mailo a
clean iiii.'biittberesult is kept secret.
There is i)o, Bto.ik jor safe in any of
IhPBe mines. - '
"'!hT nui-i..'i. o'l
MAirCoSTnACTS Let. Mail, con
tracts for routes iu this section wore
let' by thu- post-nflioo- department', atr
Wahitfgton onvMarclut ilVy ftfrtf con
Irapta'coriimebeiiig bn' the first' dayi of
next- July, nnd to conlinuo lour lyeaW
filed in tbe department on- or-' before
Jiino" first,.an.d,illiqerti!ieil cliecksf re-
iceiyed wiijicbids whptber succv'ssful or
not yill be" held by ' the -departmeqt
until the pei form. nice of the contract
hhall havu been' commerjcqd. The
following nre the Riicuesslul bidders
fof'the'' roui'e" merifionedi- -land th'e
ampnnts'tlit'y are to receive annually
for the service; "
Frotii Jicksonyille to EVownsborough
to Pit M'pM-jhono -JG24.,
Frqm.JackHimville to Cri'sctiit, City'
lo Robert 1M. Garrett for SI.975.. f
Fr.im- B irron to Lake View lo S. E
Huntley for $7,440.
t9HiXifir-J to.T.'lloLake to Jess D.
Carr for S29G. -y
From. Dille? to Like View to Jf Wr
LDtttsey for'$-1.8S8.
1'rom lreka to Linkvulo to Charles
Rohvfr.$040. ':. . ., o
'T cn Cityr:Port-Orfor.i
to M. L. Ifogan for $17,72
STlio National Gold'Meilal was
awarded; to Ifryidlt-y & Rnlotson forthel
Dest riiotographs in the United htales,
awl t fie' Vienna Medal for. tho best in
tho world. '" J
429 .M9ntgD.rae5yf St.Snn Francisco: .
OA.MKROX Al TJninnta-rn, Febfuary,'19;
to tbe wife ofNVm. Cameron, a daiighter.
FIGKK On Butte' -creek, February 24th. to
the "wife of NTFicke, a son. ' "'' -
RdllVSON',-:At Fvans Creek, Feb.'28lli
IlughTtobmson, lale of ..Clinton,' Ai):udor
Co., Cal.'ngcd 59 years nnd 4fmontha.'
MARTIN 'A't'tfie family residence in .rnck
.Fonyllle. on Saturday rhpThir.g, IM.ffc'i i,
1878; at thirty mimitra- past twelve .q'clpck,
, Elvira XT. .Martin, rrlfe of Alt-saWr jMir.
liOf aged 39 jtarf. liUU
Seldom has'this community been so
suddenly and .painfully shocke I as by
the d'ea'b ot this estimable woman.
Hoptfnlly, ' those dear to her wero
watching Iier rjipul "cpnValesence;
when the Angel of death spread hid
sombre wings and Sorrow sat like a
shadow in a strickerj desolato horn-
The sijeiit jeapfibaSjgalheradlja pre
cinni sbeaf toi blsullteshartfost tho.
sifyfer cord tbaWibundia jnufe Spirit to
earth, is,spappej'(1asuader,. but the
tender niemorles of life1 I6vingtif e anil
mother will fcling like ivy'to thoTheart
of those who listen for her gcptlo voice'
Tn vain. ' Mrs. Martin cam to this val
ley, from 1anJJurcu county Iowa, with
her mother, Mrs. Gass, ic 1853, when
fourteenvoarspf3Kage,-4and was mars
urieenvoarsoiwoge,-flanu was mars
tolSllfTdeMartinLin' l857,t
Sho'wasi nniyers'allybeloyed and
'celjent,,, prospects. This rninVol
Wil,c)i Oapti AnknyrM'Mff Xii ;
Qook' are?8tockholders, bas a lVeadof
Ieavesa'iwideTdrcletbf (fjiertds whoVP'V
Tvith-thiswhole-communityJ share in1
the sorrow of the-'bereavfamilyj
,3.13 J AQ jo
TK- tn CJJ) l Jt,l. t tftmc,- Einpls lworlIi f ( L
JrWTir-yWr -"" r"1 - -" -
uuANOEry :riAXTj5.THfi Half nri;ec
ord has changed Jbands, 3fr. E. 0.
-Norton, hay'tjg djsposedoljjjpaper
X.-P. Hall a'ndWnllaco .M-iuzey, all
un, ., .' u j ' ' u rli7
practical printers. Mr.vJIau aSumes
-.:. i :tCf'fi '-iii t'';:r.ar.:) -- -
editorial charge, and being afluent
Obtfi e- (3 ut rial p.utu .Vt.terU
and experienced; vriler. will roka the
go'rj1 a go6;d' papcr.1 TfTe apgr
'promiselo ?6j'lrattcsrt's rjast&'b'nrsa'on
'p'blUicat'lt 'questions? tfdVooStingfKthe
cause 6f tb4?Green'bacorsi ' . i w
C' irrj-y
, Kesiosed. Dani. Cronerntller hag
of tho Odd ,j7cJlov3, lodg'e ' in Ihig
pface, nrnflT. 3ui!)H has been elect
ed tfr fill tiioositforft" -'
.:&hQ' Ci.mborskvwbas. -returned
-.fronvLako" countv. , . , ." ' '.'"
T4.nd;n'ott Uutfo scroelciishoarit
.frorrr.f AicTcmocm'tjc .citjzeiKtber.o
5HCffORt9 that-tho'covernraent tssjicf
fqpo million , tons of s.ilvcr dollara
nnu lend, tliem to the people'-at
liiruu-perrcnr. inieresc T'itnouc-e-'cifntyf
twill, be cordially jBndofge(lUyt alt
FJQ:F9. tQP a?XiP "CpJ.11- iiWiS $"
.11 V III
i. Mfr W.l? -;K i
jjusima AJ.fWPTUU.p.p.. -t-
t,p .'mi i.-i,-. ..-. .-.,., -.
l .LMkli L. fffi. -
Oili.Fcllow's .Pnildini JacKsonyillc, Crjjort.
J 'Lwiiafv awl -di duiun ,l,Uu: '
-iiif. ;iu' ; o;) Ihv? nor iu.ll,
r'Ji J.V.Ufjt pQjn: -i. IfllifijiT
!U Kin riAtki ij;irt-ji ,l.i.l ,!
vip.,,,i) iu i.ir; rr5-i -j';itifljsfi
. f,.- w.VTnn. . . I I
. llr.WBlXll0.( ,..,,;
Sill 'p i0i;i'jJi !' irt iii
I. ; ilJARIV?REp-T.IN.WiHE,. -,f
fl9nK7 iiiOvai- ,,-i-w
mo. -f! FTtgoAgnd Caps,
: ,ijii!n'rt i n: 'n- t.o7)' '
qwsM.: ;-;::;;;
Paints. ;0ilslVarriisli, Glss.
..?-iKV.f Sftt '(. J39'p' .,'f r.uff '.-
Shot.v Brushes,,, Shains., Hose
.1'tfS, y. .!: d i.'tx-. !-T)a '
v,a .ijETJJ, ETC.,.' .,,.
' t
. c ,',-:-7 ot j t; gM7 -
- j-I hiyo seturcST tnft-rTices.pfjaCrst-clopa
M;ciiaiiic,'andifom prepared tdfdo-a!lirrpairin,
prom'ptlya,ndin'fnpeHo:r;slyIa!Pr'-,fl : ,'
'' i-w TJfl)p'r?7 o-jrf'.i, ,
i! .vr; .4f fincI'J))i;viT'4r;j
pyjisn'p i.ii,i ,'j.hJ g'wi ,fi,j A lo J-;.
Jj I iiin.TCceifini;-. audi haver couftautlyom
f! lo if!
uuuu mil uM(i laab-vipivJ smutt ui
a f !tl to .';c.-.tjjy) i-
f'J lSJi.f:. vt r ;
.-!' ! :i.;
DiTrpo.ilGinuiBoot?, Toliacco
'. iiKAUTiarADK tioTiiiNG; -? '
G Lsvlvit r'citdCKRItY, Etc."
- .! rrA 5nhf.1-.afc v?cro..-oi 9'lj -'
1 In o-f m! ?yo :t-j . "o 1.3 '.r.ii
. rl .stru'er 'if-.hijl
i nt
j" i;-inxj
.f!-!' ' J- '.. ..'a.-i
jSO"En thing nM' at.rPasomulo rates
GiWrnSWeMl- "! ' ' ' 3C.K0ULI.
; Jackfonvilte.Marci;i..lS3-., -j ,
ik- it. ' 'i "-;(-., ,ia
.JStLppATAT. ..'- ,
j. S.-H0WAM 8T(SEE,
. ' -IN -THE 'suAr OP .
; ' " " ' ,'''""'"&
E JER.'"ST aS-r3CB33CJi
f ninnnt
' '-' CANDIES; NUTS,'' r ' '' --t
A t'.V : ." , HJ. .j-vl 1 .3
- Jewelry ...And Notions; J
JL goous jiuu nxeiviuiuuu umiMlini, tiiQ
Bottom -of the, Iarketjindf spldoncr, llian'
ever." ' l'C ' -'' vlf'.i.. -: ,.
- . ' . . Ql: :.. . ,--
Ladies lio'sCyS.paic.ibrii- -..S1-.00
-i 1.; 5;i ..:: ..." ,'ur. j .; v; ;; Gi-
Wholesale and-Sletail. 7
.:5. i , if: , ''p , vj-J f v0
A- firiC'IIavaiia'cigufoi"- -25.
V'H- ' f .ill I ! r 'r . . -
'American -Havanas'lbr'- - 12 i..
-r T. " L.',. , . i -R
JtlcUsoiivine'HaVhnas'6'for -"2o.
. .T!'. i : .V -- -. - c k- ..r -
"Cheap for Gash."
rugigiieu iiie omce or iMooie urai
i i
' ' a '"' HT1 aiTr':rJTfi'irvJ ' rQA '"' '
-, fr. .,.- .. ..
'V-.ii piiHfLJ-!:
A,. ...
1 ' M) VMMbj-M.. -
.. . UMmHl iDl.
K .-AT-n- i
P . . ... . .S-3l tv ktiir t
fwl. ! -;;
C-mp iu.r4M. t l
JL ore,lntopnounpiro.?pubjtc thaLbB
Ba3,U3t received a,coroprel3aDd,Grstrclaa u-
'able' Oatleryr Alboms.'VojUsmltoMrati,
lUive raea call ncd see: for Toorselvnu'- -
.... 1? UltKCKENFECD.
a:- S.'feHA??A1TAaa
j1; 4Mi'i i"'.-L vho'Z' -i-v.:
.' 3 C-.' iW,V J .-' . ' ,7 f ftj jf0Jf;
hafl W'.tt'j is' J:Tff krm
'W bR0VKVi?J;ERiscBrjILrl5lG lfs
"A -iJTi 'rt'etipttof a fultaspnrtmsDtfefjmaterlai
aud prFparedJLn.dp alLock.jn hHljpooa
VlibrtSibllce '-hif in ?woftm!!Alifc1feiineV.
-TB c:e f6Ti(jvery!dea:opluitaniadBitDjorrl?r.
Tsipi- v'??HSa.m a?rl5ifera,c,tla?.i.il--ri-
?TrJy-R;p,fiiiMj a'Pe'eialty;;9ri; JR J '
M) pi-AA-fi-OApAi-WfA i!t
J x Ijeatty Pianos ami Qrjrans for'thyVSJinfies
ui -ptfiKjK-Mjji, .tuscfiuuiujjpLibiugjaixwaatc ;uikpj
UL'rlcps cStrf mcty-Aow?Air jjtisHiug&o-Lgcpd
huu cLHnn iimtixau ami sct dir.
dtJaelffffliiwiTaya rj,.. ,j
mat fnEXiCEL-SiORn-it
u Tin .i-.'r!-i , i- riT
S 3? ?i- 33' Ci23
tn X
O J. XJl. Jp1 JUA i
Cornir ef
triMff 7Ui ' iifl-i
r1'.,-n )
WfiJini ,f j'jfpp Oil
OaiiuoN' and QALironsi.v 3ia.. Jx
r r. f a
v .'a :s twf nu
9 W.3"? iS?SirR3ASyr6i)V.
.'f li li :;iri.Vt I.SCUJU WHhll
, v-.o.-ia
hj; mi .. ' : . r -! jn
Horses, lwgsies nutl
n:i wrtw
AnJ wiurrtpifrJ la fiftil.h-oar pitrgni mi IL lit
" ' : ' lie $t imaHr wltb ' - i'V'1
Fine T"r'ou(8"
'):N o,fj
i nn wnsnt
Aiun litlifiplon tlis r,Mlflc ccxijt.SaJule hotM
Salpile horM li
v p. -.. , ioig(ixj,jipar viimac
'Aikin'a:3JBot321it'nnfr SoTilM
Ilorsct brtPKe to worksincu
6J lb bit' of car , be,towrd uun tbcfn while in en
If... - i'.Ji 11 ...-.' p.-L' !' i rt "..-".
ipp-pg. a pppprpAp pir ui mo puuiic paironitjce if fw
lkttcpcnrnip)iiaUUrm.- " . - -fJJiiIy 1, Will
l.'J.'l! f.
lis. 7 e?o. . k
: '-aw io n,j livery x:
s.ina ssrsoarBS'jiHij-:'!
n -liJiV. '' o....JJin7ii
vuiiicr ui -nil uiiu .iiiioruiu Ocs.y
,!, . , , -, ; . r,.- 4
nniinrnot,niLTonsirAri:rrLf.Y 2
ypJL rtlpullt enI rentlwl tKaanf.vpywell
nflwn ritAMMirtient.n'nJ Liivu ma,Io ex-f
t,tepite aiul cuiurvf UbU jpUitIpu-.3 iheleVj
rloV AlTb'li.ii'dtlKt'Terj-bert tones, boiEie asiij Ittery
iiuimiuvi an Kiitiv Uuntocl cl rwwtoM-oenuot
WelUiHa-tae Stated -
: 13 J'". 1 i, ;
Ii6rsc3 jHonrilciT t
On rom.)nal.! trnni', n. thatxnt ofcaVcitnl' aiieMlfi
vtqwewa'jpn tlieoi vrlillauuJertlicIrcliArger 'AUci
' ..... -
Hoksos- Bpuglit-nnilfSoIiI.';
We are sitUJeJ that na can (t ' i-viJ'rictleoDj II
gnarauti-a, the name. Willi thivlnifroiIoDjjte haro ne
gtitaUualifa6IklUiispiUiuna2C.r.'t''t ' Set 1873.
"ni" '. .. . . . .- yi .il
.fjc-ro otatorj fotfw
nrn er. Low m, otJ rirtoil
it NosiGooWd'eoi; iw
F IfeO.M' T 0PK',EJBTf
.li-e-. - :irp -?,'c to dJ.it
' :jTJstru Notice. r.3ad.
rtriAKEN nlK W. i&uiir?r$tr.
:'X -sbciraUea north;orrba!!ii:3lo3'ihj".llutto
ireeK cLuniyijoaij, jjno ;UarRlmj;hor a
eeven years did Unilil 1 Ifih'clblah', both" :
iui.n.p.:.j'.....i .A .-rv. ' 'i .
-leetjwhite'to-lh9, pnstern-joljit.jarjd-vo. email
spot i n ,ibc loreueau. fto brauds to.bc.feen.
" Al&' oae:b.-ymare''aud9colt.9 ThB'mare i.i
.fibq-it, tbreOjjearii.olURHli.baikUbieb, aud.bas-
i9 li 1'-tC.i
Itjv ;- i:; , '-ji . - .1 tjoj no
I" aeresIsitdaftSI'a mils sootfiet'cf.lJvbee'p
Jb'erry,-on JtoBue Riyw, with; abouu hctes
uWr cultivation, a xo r A1, ' W
'and oaMToiiks fTro onnbei'rtlaw? Snd'alJo an
orchard and TiDcya'rd,,aDd.-a;fif3t-rjfc sheep
range adjqias, it. 'For furtberuarticulara eo
qufre.at thjSfOCfi.ee or pftLe'uBde'rsfKocd. "
W! "B. KIKCAlp
sortrntfrrt oruent V r arni$hrnrOoous.'tfc!rtp.
viKariuiu i ouncco.-s uictsi ' itOllOtw.
ooju.r ? rc dA