i THE sentinel: NASBY. He Wants to Be a Granger and 2 with the Grangers Drink.. Birr gtlrftrtr. ") (TVth b la the Sute ot Minor), y August , 1S73. ) Things sift workin'ez smooth with iiz ez I could wisb, in our movement lor the relief uv the hardhandcd agri cultooralisls uv Illinoy. We hev made , some blunders ourselves, and besides, the farmers tbeirselves didn't show that abstract cntboosiasm which I wanted to see. They are too much devoted to things purely pursonal to take broad, views uv things. Our first misforcboon occurred in the election uv officers our county Grange. I got a list oi the officers, and went on to fill'em. Mr. Cephus Billies was elected Mastur; Mr. Pettus, Treasurer; Mr. Blathers, Secretary, and the other principal offices wnz tilled by other gentlemen who woodent de cline a country offis ei they wuz urged hard enuff. 'What am I to hev?" I asked. Billios run his intellectooal eye down the list. "Wood if soot you too be Flora?"1 he replied. "Anything !" wnz my answer. Whereupon I was elected Flora, and the list wuz published in the country papers. There was a guffaw all over the country. Not one of uz knowed that Flora wuz a female! Knowledge is power. The idee ot my being a Flora the goddess uv flowers, and sich ! I mite ez well put on a while muslin dri'ss, with low neck and short sleeves, and stand in a tabloo ez the Goddess uv Liberty ! But we endoored the laiture oi the populis at this blunder, and went to work vigorously to drnm up recrools. Wc held daily meelins in the back room ot the Jackson Hotel; discussing the wrongs uv the labonn classes. To see us there wuz a site which shood hev melted the hearts uv the laborin men. Billinses favorite attitude wuz lcatiin on his elbows on a temporary bar; Pettus, lying on a long table, at lull length, mournfully wettin his lips ever and anon with a little whisky and water, while Blathers wuz tipped back in a cheer, with his feet on a win der sill, where ho cood see the suns uv toil, whoso interests he was watchin o cr, sweatin in a distant field. Observe," raid Blathers, "that yeo manry a putlin in his unrequired toil. My 6ole aches for him." And to drown his sorrows at the site, Mr. Blathers ordered a glass ot whisky, remarkin to the landlord in the most absent-minded manner to jist chalk it down, which the landlord bevin heard the concloodin sentance of the .order, in un ekilly absent-minded man- incr didn't bring the Iikker at all. His onfeehng remark wuz that ho was jist uarnt uv chalk 1 "That afternoon I got bold ot three farmers, and had a long and satisfac tory talk with them. They were in cen&ed agin monopolies, and were ready to join in a movement to bust em. I itolil em uv our new organization, and nnvited cm to como with me and enroll theirselves with a choice band of noble tperits, who wuz agointo bust their bonds and elevate labor to its proper jilace. "Are you willin to jino sich a holy croosade?" I demanded. "Are you willin to jino an organization wich will give the tanners uv the country a prop er reward for their labor, which will give era, in short, wat belongs to em ?" "We air ! wo air !" said they in korious. "Then, come with me," sed L I rushed c'm into tbo back room of the Jacksonville Hotel. "Billinc, Blathers, Pettus," I yelled exultingly, "here is three honest yeo manry who hes been .ground into the dust by thievin monopolies, who want their rites here is three recroots for our noble army of freemen !" It struck me at the time that my friends did not look to exultant ez they should, that they wore the general ap- pparance uv thiee men wuo wood hev liked to hev bin somewhere else. "Mr. Billins," said farmer No 1, "you propose to give tho farmers wat is their doo, do yon ?" "Mr. Blathers, you are agoin' to re store to the farmers wat is their own, ain't you ?" sed farmer No. 2. "Mr. Pettus, you propose to help to restore to labor wat belongs to it, don't vou?" "Certanly," cd Billins, Blather, Pet tus, ez white ez sheets. "Then commvneo in this holy croo eadc by payin me for the load uv hay I sold yoo eight yeais ago," said the intonated man, seezin Billins by the throat. "Pay me for the load uv potatoes yoo bought uv mo last winter, shout ed No. 2, seezin Blethers. "Pay me for the load of wood I drawed yoo last fall, wuz a year ago," shouted No. 3, goin' for Pettus. The farmers didn't git their pay, and wc hev abandoned all hopes uv sekoo rin them. There is no use uv sympa thisers with labor tryin to do anything with men who take sich narrer and frovelin views nv things ez the men do. nnciples are breed and reneral in their nacher, and can not be brought down to sich small matters ez wood, potatoes, and hay. Ontil men kin be made broader our labors will be in vain. Can't Pettus, Blather, and Bill ins svroDathizo with labor jist ez well when they don't pay ez when J.Jjey do ? Hollowed these men Out and heerd e'm ask eacbtJther-wat earthly good it' .cood possibly do' labor and Jaborin men to elect three sich infernel beats to offis. This .is the reward we get for our services in awakenin the masses to a sense nv their wrongs. And the un grateful wretches are organizin to elect actooal farmers to the Legislature, and to sich county offises ez hev anything to do with taxashen and sich. What indoosement is there for us to continue our work ? I shel keep on a little while, though. Ikin avoid the fate that overtook my. friends, Jor I heavrTt bin here long enuff to git in debt. Peteolkum V. Nasbt, (Wnnst PoBtmaster now Farmer.) Chinese Sheep. During a recent visit to the State Fair we were shown a number ol varie ties ot sheep, ranging in breed from the Merino, Cotswolds, etc., down to the common stock, but we have just heard oi an entirely new breed, specimens oi which are owned by Mr. C. J. Mulkey, who imported them direct from China per good ship Edward James. They are described to us as being about one third larger than our common sheep, with a fleece varying from 18 to 20 inches in length and of remarkably fine texture. The wool is almost wholly devoid of yolk or grease and of unusual weight. Their ears are large and drop over like those of a hound, while their noses are of the Roman style rounded off from the forehead down, their tails being about eight in ches long, ranging from four to five inches in width. They have no horns, resembling the celebrated Cotswolds in this respect. Being possessed of no little hardihood, Mr. Mulkey is of the opinion that they will do well in this State, aud he proposes to use them for breeding purpose. They have been quartered on William Stevenson's farm, and are ot course attracting considera ble attention among sheep raisers. The only question of doubt in the mind of their owner is whether or not they can stand our Oregon Winters, and the present movement is but an experiment. We believe this flock is the only one on this coast, consisting, as it does, oi three fine bucks and two ewes. The Oregon iarmers are evincing considerable enterprise in the introduc tion of choice breeds of sheep, and this is but one instance oi many. Ore gon Bulletin. Salt Lake and tiie Mormons to be Swallowed Up. A newspaper cor respondent who has been "doing" Salt Lake for the benefit of his influential and widely circulated journal we be lievo that is the customary expression propounds the startling theory that the Mormon question, which has caused our government no little vexation ot spirit, is to be settled after the fashion of dealing with wickedness a few thou sand years ago, the difference being that, instead of a rain oi forty days and nights, there will be an outpouring ot water from the lake, which need not last more than forty minutes to be effectual. One sensationmonger says there is na known outlet to the Great Salt Lake, that over a dozen rivers empty into it, aud that the water in lake had risen twenty feet since the Mormons first entered the valley. The first few years they used to go in swimming on Black Rock, and this rock is now a hundred feet from the shore and surrounded by water fully twenty feet deep. Over twenty years ago the Mormons drove a herd ot cat tle over to Church Island, which proved a wonderful grazing ground. They found a ridge extending from the main land to the Island covered by three ieet of water. To-day the ridge is over twenty feet deep, and thousands of wild cattln roam over the valleys and gorges of tho Island, none having been taken to the mainland for years. At some time the writer adds, the wa ter has filled the whole Salt Like Val ley. A rim oi shore-line is visible on the side of the mountains thousands of ieet above the city. The rim is so plainly defined that a railway conld be built on the side of the range for miles at a stretch, without excavating a ton ot rock. Who knows how soon some convulsion of nature, such as the earthquakes xo frequent in California, miy suddenly closo the subterranean nutlet to the Pacific ocean, and precipi tate a waste of waters upon the City oi me nam?. European Wages. Sixty cents a day is considered good wages for a la boring man in any of the European countries except Great Britain, where the wages are somewhat higher. In the Tyrol silk region and in Italy they often do not get more than ten cents. In the conntry in Germany ten cents is the common pay. Women there often get but five cents. In Sweden men often work from 4 o'clock in the morn ing until 9 in the evening and do not get any more. During the late war many poor women in Berlin were hired to knit stockings for the soldiers for five cents. The profits ot the poor who keep petty shops, sell trinkets in the streets or act as sutlers, do not average more than three or lour percent. Bar bers in Berlin, since the raising of their prices, get five cents for hair cutting and two and a half cents for shaving. Servants at hotels get from three to eight dollars per month. Jservant girls in private families often get but ten dollars a year. Sometimes these class es cannot get work at any pries. A Poetio Hibernian explains tbat love is commonly spoken of as a'"flamo" because it's a "under untiment," -MISCELLANEOUS.. PJETER SXXTV, Photographic Artist, JACKSONVILLE, OREGON. Ambrotypes, Photograph!, Cartes de Visit DONE IN TEE FINEST STYLE OF ART. Pictures Reduced OR ENLARGED TO LIFE SIZE. J. G. WALL, Forwarding and Commission MERCHANT, CRESCENT CITY, CALIFORNIA. MARK your goods, care of J. G. W., Chtcait CHy; tend bills of lading and (hipping receipts Tor all of goods sent; freight and charges payable in Crescent City, on delivery of goods. ' My warehouse consist of two brick and one stone building. Assuring my patrons that no pains will be spared in looking to their interest, I ask Urt a continuance of their past favors. J. U. WALL. Crescent City, March 2. 1872.-tf U.P.JOHNSOy. P. A. HEARS. JOHNSON & IIEAKIV SUCCESSORS TO Rantzau & Shaw andConutoclt & Martin, FOr.WARDI.VQ AM) Commission Merchants', REDDING, CAL. Mark your Goods Care of J. & H. By close attention to business we hope to merit a continnation of the patronage hereto fore extended to the old firm. Redding. October 5. 1872tf DISSOLUTION NOTICE. THE CO-PARTNERSHIP HERETOFORE existing between CARO&BADM is this day dissolved by mutual consent, Simon Caro retiring from the firm. All outstanding in debtedness will be collected by Simon Caro. SIMON CARO. MOBKIS BAUJI. Ashland, Sept. 1st, 1873. The business will be continued at the old stand as heretofore. Thanking the public for their patronage, we hope to merit a fair share of it in the future. J.M. McCALL&CO. Ashland. Sept. 1st, 1873. 31 If I. OC. I". JACKSONVILLE LODGE O No. 10, l.O. O. F., hold. Its regular meetings on Kail urday evening, at Odd Eel lows' Hall. Brothers in good standing are in- viiea to auena. JUilN A. liUl U, w. tx. T. T. UcKensie, Secretaay. Itsileeii S.J.DAT. ED. SMITH, JOHN BILGER. NOTICE. PERSONS OWING DR. L. DANFORTII by note or account will please come for ward and pay the same. I will not refuse any kind of grain or flour, as I wisb to con centrate my means this Fall and Winter. L. DANFORTH. Jacksonville, August 2, 1873. tf TRAVELERS and TEAMSTERS Look Thli Woyl rHE STABLES 6fGE0. WAGNER, at Uoseburg, Oregon, will keep horses on hay at 25 cts , and on grain at 75 cts., or will re tail bay and grain in quantities to suit team sters and travelers. Havinc ample accommo dations. I hops by strict attention to business to merit a share or the public patronage. May 31, 1873. nlS GEO. WAGNER, Notice to Sheep-Breeders. THE UNDERSIGNED HAVE NOW FOR sale about fifty (50) half-blood Leicester Buck Lambs, got by our imported Australian Leicesters. -The lambs can be seen at Mr. I. Helm's ranch, on Wagner Creek, and will be exhibited at the Jackson Connty Fair. CAMERON & GOODWYN, 32tf Linkville. Warren Lodge No. 10, A. F, & A. II., HOLD their regular communications ffjfon the Wednesday Evenings or p recce! ring the full moon. in Jacisontii.le. On- eook. 1. U. KEAMS. W. 41- Uix. Md.Lcn.Hrcr.' Mill Notice. WE ARE NOW READY TO RECEIVE Wheat in store, and will commence grinding on ths 10th inst. Our terms are the eighth bnshel, or we will exchange. tf DALEY & EMERY. OREGuSlAN POCAHONTAS TRIBE KO. I, IMPROVED ORDER OF RED MEN. ho'ds its stated councils at the Red Men's Hall the third sun in every seven sues, in the eighth run. A cordial invitation is extended to brothers in good standing. W.H.McDANIEL,S. P.D. PlKSONS.C.Of R. Jacksonville Struma TVn. lAa TT 0. R. M., HOLDS ITS REGULAR Odd Fellows' Hall. Brothers la good standing JOS.WETTERER.O.C Mix MtXLER, R. S. Notice. ALL PARTIES KNOWING THEMSELVES indebted to the firm of Crystal & Wright are requested to come forward and settle im mediately. Sltf CRYSTAL & WRIGHT, To Mill ZKea aad Machinists. Webave for sale at this office a considerable quantity of TTfTPE MZITAZi, Which is suitable for allpurposea where .Bab bit Metal Is used," and In many cases is prefer ablt. It will'be sold In aiy quantity required. 4MV HU1. w la mji Tr ris - vtJS -- miscellaneous:1 OPRBITT ' : & MAOLEAY, : i . Ibrtland, Oregon, ' i" ' WHOLESALE GROCERS, 1 "WINE, SPIRIT AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, IMPORTERS OF TEA, TOBACCO. SUGARS, LIQUORS, And all Goods usually kept by Wholesale Gro cers. Jackson County Orders soiiioite: GOODS IMPORTED DIRECT BY OUR Firm will b offered at SAN FRANCISCO PRICES ! ! CORBITT & MACLEAY. Tl8n27m6 NOTICE. OREGON & CALIFORNIA RAILBOAD Company, Land Department. Portland, Oregon, April 5, 1872. Notice is hereby given, that a vigorous prosecution will b instituted against any and f very person who trespasses upon any, railroad Land, by cutting and remov ing timber therefrom before the same is BOUGHT of Ibe Company AND PAID FOR. All vacant Land in odd numbered sections, whether surveyed or unsurveyed, within a dis tance of thirty miles from the line of he road, belongs to the Company. I. R, M00KE3. aprl3 tf Land A goat. E. S. MORGAN & CO.', FORWARDING COAIMISSION MERCHANTS, Ilofebnrg, Oregon, ATTEND FAITHFULLY TO ALL Business enturnsted to our care. t&"Oar Forwarding and Storage Charges, from and after this dale, will be uniform with the charges at Crescent City ar.J Redding. Soliciting the continued patronage of our friendj and tbe public, We are respectfully, E. S. MOHGAJT & CO. Bosebarge, June 14, 1873. vl8n2ltf Jacksonville District School. THE PUBLIC ARE RESPECTFULLY informed that tbe Fall Term of School District No. 1. will open on MONDAY, hEPTEMBEll 19th, 1873, Under tbe management of a New Board of In structors. BITES CF TUITION-. - Branches tbat are required to be tanght in public schools-, $5 00. In Higher Branches, rates of tuition will be increased. For further particulars, call on the Princi pal. W.J.STANLEY, Principal. C.C. BEEKMAN.) DAVID LINN, V Directors. P. P. PRIM, 32tf THE FALL TERM or tiie ASHLAND ACADEMY WILL COMMENCE Soptombor 1st, 1873. TTI7E ARE HAPPY TO SaY THAT WE VV are better prepared than ever before to insure the progres of pupils, and all will find a good opportnnity to advance. We shall be pleased to see all who attend on tbe flirt day of school, Sept. 1st. J. H. SKIDMORE. vIXn29 EUREKA. MILL. THE UNDERSIGNED HAVE ENGAGED an Experienced Miller, and having thor oughly fixed up their Mill with the latest im provements; are now prepared to manufacture Flour equal to any in tbe State. 36 lbs. Flour. 2 Ibi Shorts and 8 lbs. Bran will be given in Exchange tor 60 lbs. of good Merchantable Wheat. All orders left with T. T. McKenzie, or at bis Office in Jacksonville, will be promptly attended to. McKENZlEAAMY. Jacksonville, July 25th, 1873 D2513 NEW STATE SALOON. o-o TPniS Popular Resort, under tbe New Man JL agemeut, is furnishing thenKST brands of liquors at 12 CENTS A DRINK. The New State is furnished with two elegant .Billiard Tables, the Bar with the choicest Brandies, Wines, Cigars, &c.,and the Reading Tables with all the Eastern Periodicals and eading papers of the Coast. . C.W. SAVAGE, Prop'r. Jacksonville, Oct. 14, '71-tt MRS. H. E. DICKSON, DHBSSMA.SXIXI., OFFERS HER SERVIIES TO THE LA diet of Jacksonville and vicinity. She has lately come from an Eastern city, and is familiar with all tbe latest styles Is especially successful in fitting salts for ladies, and clothes for children of both sexes. She alms to com bine stylish fitting and beat work with low prices. She may be found at the Franco American Hotel. - 32 tf MEDICINAC Gity Driig Store PRICES REDUCED! Per Bottle, WALKER'S VINEGAR . - BITTERS One.Dollar. AYER'S' SARSAPARIL- LA " " AYER'S CHERRY PEC TORAL " " WISTAR'S BALSAM WILD CHERRY " " , HALL'S BALSAM FOR THE LUNGS " " "CATHARTIC LIVER KING " JAYNES' EXPECTOR- ANT -. " HOSTETTER'S BIT TERS " " ALL KINDS OF PILLS PERBOX 25 cents. And other goods in our line will be sold at a greatly reduced pric-s ROBB & KAHLER. fl ill EE $ 1 o 0 W U Incnraulc Case! XDR. LE KICHATi'S GOLDEN BALSAM! Aft-rtin rran' trial on tills Coast hrs pnnraltKlItho onlyrtirittiolnacirudnclsis ofilUeisesprjiijuiiceJ Ly medical i mutton era as Incmublc Dr.LsBictafr GOLDEN BALSAM He. I cures Ciancres first rnlFerond Begt,ScrPon the Lrg8 or UxJy: Soro run. Eyes, 2f ofb, kc. Copper-colored l.tLhcs, feTphilitia Cutirrb, DiMj8-l Scalp, tnd til primary forms cf tho dueasa knowu u Syphilis. iTicc, (5 per tt Ue,ortworSJ. Dr.LsIishia1! G3LDEH BALS1H Eo.2 cures Tertiary, Hcrcnrial, Eyphllitlo ItfceumR tio. Tains la t'ao lmr r, racket tbo K 1. 11 eerafd Soro Tlirvit, Syphilitic Ilsph, Lumps and Coursctctl CrJs, Mifflitts cf the IinA-, and e radio kj all diseases from therystexn, whether cause 1 by" indiscretion cr tbcfo c raercury L-iTin? tho tlood pure tnd Leal fcy. rriee, $ per bottle, or two fur $9. Dr.Ls Hisbaa1! G9LDEH SP1HISH ID- tUote. for the Curo of Oonnorhcra, CIt. Irri tition. Gravel, nnd tit I'rmsrr r GcnlU Mamngements. rrlce, $i0 per bottle Dr. Le Eishau's GOLDEN SPANISH IN- Jectlon, a wash ami Injection f rfcnrecsKS of ODnnorhcea,InaimmnturyGket,Strictontf, sad ill diseases of the Klrtuejs &n& Llad&r. Trice, $1.30 per bottle. Also Agents tx D3. LE EICEAFS C0ZHT3 PHLS for Seminal TraVneW. Mpht IjiiU eions, Impotency. and all diseases cristas frcn Hastorbation and rsecsKlro abnae. Ir'ce, f 1 per bottle. Tbo cennlne Gouxx Eauus 1 $nt up onlr In round bottles. On receipt of price, these medicines trill be sent to all parts of the conntry, by ixrress or mail, secnnly packed and freo from obser vation. Sole Agents. a t. mcnAiiDi t co. Wholesale and Ttctail Druggists and Chemists, S W, cor. Clay i. Sansomo Btretts, sin mncisco, ui. June 21, 1873-1 year. BUCKEYE STEAM SAW MILL. One Mile East of John Stout' Farm, AND ABOUT 30 MILES northeast from Jacksonville. Every description of lum ber cawed from good Sugar Pine, Yellow Pine and Fir timber, kept constantly on hand or sawed to order. In counectiou with my mill I have a PLANING MACHINE, and will dress lumber for all who may wipn it. and will alo keep DRESSED LUMDEll at all times on band. WM. I'ATTBKSUX. September 1, 1872-m3. BLACKSMITHING. QXJICIE SALES "0 ....ATS.... Small Profl. DAVID CRONEMILLER. & CO., AT THE OLD STAND OF MILLER &SnANNON, Are prepared to do Blackmitbing of all kind, and will also keep constantly ou hand all kinds of iron, steel, horse (hoes aud horse nails. Bolts, Buggy Clips, Dec Flats, and everj thing in the blacksmith's line for sale cheap for casb. and will sell for cash. ' J acksonville, Nov. 30, 1 S72tf. B Gin BREWERY! VEIT SCHUTZ, Proprietor. THE PUBLIC IS RESPECTFULLY IN formed that thev can find, at any time, at the CITY BREWERY, the best of Lager Beer, n quantities to suit the purchaser. Jacksonville, Jan. IS. 1870-tf HOMESTEAD, PRE-EMPTION and COURT BLANKS of all kinds, kept on hand for sale, or printed to order at this office. EAGLE BREWERY 1 JOS. WETTEHEH Prop'r. THE BEST OF LAGER BEER KEPT CON- X atantly on band : sold by tbe keg, gallon, or glass- Seeing is believing, give me a call auujuuge lur juurscil. Jacksonville. Jan. 15', 18?0.-tf Notice to Miners IS HEREBY; GIVjENTH AT J-HAYE BEEN duly appointed, and that my bonds have been duly approved, as V. 8, DKFCTT SCRYETOR, Of Mineral Claims forilining District No.l, in the State of Oregon. "Ofllce near Ashland W -,- . -B. F..MYER. October 1, 1872!y. ' '. MISCELLANEOUSLY J-B. WHITE. ALES- MARTIN- WHITE & MARTIN (SUCCESSOR TO JAS.T. OLISX.) DE1LXE I.V GENERAL MERCHANDISE CALIFORNIA. STREET, JACKSONVILLE, OREGON, NBW FIRM HGOiM, JLaMDt,s,( ISTEW PRICES? LOW PRICES WILL WIN', TIIE UNDERSIGNED TAKES PLEASURtf" in notifying bis friendi and the public generally, that be is now receiving and op ening a very large and extensive stock of STAPLE DRY GOODS, READTJIADE CLOTHING. HATS AND CAPS, CALIFORNIA AND SALEM CLOTHS, BLANKETS, HOOP SKIRTS ETC., ETC. BOOTS AND SHOES, Ladies', Missed & Ciildren's Slioes. COf I have, also, in connection with "t the above, a very large and extensive stock of choice Groceries, Hardware, Qneensware, - fiSy Glass- -t&s ware, Cutlery, Paints an J Oils; also, "Window Glass, NnilB.Iron and Steel, Cast and Steel Plows, Wooden and Willow ware. -t I am ready to sell anything In my line a the LOWEST CASH PRICE. Persons wishing to buy good, will find it greatly to their ad vantage to examine my stock before porcbas in; elsewhere, as I am determined not to be undersold by any boue in Jackson connty. Give me a call, and then judge lor yourself as to my capacity to fnrnish goods as above. "WHITE & MARTIN. Jacksonville. November 18. 1871 tf JOHN BTXGrER, SEALER AND WOUKKIt IN TH SHEET-IRON, COPPER, LEADAND BRASS, IJIPOKTER OF FARMING IMPLEMENTS! AND MACHINES, Ad J dealer la CIGARS. TOBACCO. LIQUORS. AND GROCERIES, California St., Jacksonville, (Between Oregon and Third,) KEEPS CONSTANTLY ON HAND an assortment of the best Tio, Sheet iron and Copper ware. Brass Pipes, Hydraulic Nozzles, Force Pumps, Chains, Lead Pipe, Hoes. HARDWARE, CUTLERY ; NALS of all sizes. Bar, Plate and assorted Iron; Brushes of every variety, etc., etc.; ramis, uils, Sizes and Ulass; All qualities or Powder; Shot of all numbers; Rope, Brass and kon Wire; Wooden and Willow W.arej Blacksmith, Carpenter and Miner's tools of every variety. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS consisting or Cast-iron and Sleel Plows; Self-Bharpeniog Feed Cutters; Cauldrons and Iron Wash Kettles; Cultivators, Wheelbarrows, etc. STORES! Always on hand a large lot of Parlor, Cooking, Office and Cabin Stoves, of assorted sizes, plain and fancy, constructed on latest. niei savin? plans. Uoilers, Kettls, Pots, Pans, and everything connected with these stoves, warranted durable and perfect. All articles sold or manufactured by him. WARRANTED. His work is made of the best material and of choicest patterns. aST Orders attended to witb'Aispatch.aBd filled according to directions. He is determin ed to sell at LOW PRICES FOR CASH. Call and examine bis stock before pnrchos mg elsewhere. LSept.J4, 1872. TREMONT HOTEL, And .General Stage Office, Main Street, - - - Red BIhJT, W. P.Matuew, - - - . PaorBKTOR. The Proprietor would respect fully announce to bis friends ind' the traAeling public, tbat be has taken this well known brick Hotel, and will at all times be ready to wait on all those who may favor 'bin with tbe light of their smiling countenances. The Latch Stria? will always be out. Tbe Table will be supplied with all the mar ket offurds. and prices to suit tbe times. Tber rooms are large and well ventilated, aad"- new Spring Beds throughout. Stages' writs; sab! depart daily, North. Call and Kc'ae. Red Bluff, Cal. MircbSJ