THE SENTINEL. Satukdat, - - October 25. 1873. f - New Adventists. For several suc cessive evenings during the past week our citizens have been entertained by thd preachings and teachings of Sir. and Mrs. D. D. Keed, traveling joint lecturers in the doctrines of New Ad ventiem, -whose principal discourses are theorizings upon the. second coming of Christ and the rnillcnium. They strive to demonstrate their .theory by the use of maps and charts, intended to illus trate the prophecies of Daniel and the visions recorded in the Book of Rev elations, supported by random extracts from other prophecies of the Old Tes tament And.tbn payings of Christ. An acceptance ot the soundness of their theory would easily enable one, ,by their skillfully contrived interpretation, to believe the doctrine to the end, and Ibeir cunningly detised explanation of Daniel's interpretation of Nebuchad nezzar's dream would effectually set at j-cst all speculations in regard to that otherwise pizzlmg ision. By the "same process they throw full light up on the stunning isions of the author oL Revelation1:. But to be convincing the demonstration of a theory must be clear in detail and -definite as to result, and as they fix upon no terminal date, leaving listeners to do that lor them selves, wc think that lact a'one destroys their scheme, as also any chances of our being "one of the last of our race." .Our attendance made ery small inroad upon our fund of bkepticiein. As they charge nothing lor their lectures they thus turn the edge of the main weapon of criticism. Theirs is truly a woik of charity, so far as they are concerned, -yet wo cannot help believing that their efforts arc more calculated to fill niad liouses than to eradicate sin or sustain the truths of the Gospel. Their lec tures were deliv cred in the court house, lo fair sized and attentive audiences, and were interesting, it for no other reason than their novelty, though they may have failed to carry conviction to any. . Personal. During the past week a number .of our citizens, taking advant--ago of the dull beasou of the jear, have undertaken pilgrimages eastward and to the father land. Among them was one ot our principal merchants, 3Ir. Isaac Sachs, of the firm of Sachs Bros , who, alter an absence of twelve yeais, goes, on a visit t olhe home and bee lies of -his -childhood in that far-off and much Germanized land, Bavaria. We were the gralelul recipient of his part ing testimonial of regard in the shape of a bottle of choice "wine, in which all bands drank to his good health and wished him a safe and pleasant journey there and back. lie will be absent for several mouths. Also that well known and highly respected citizen, .Maj. Jas. T. Glenn, who, in company with his family, goes lo spend a season in visiting relatives and friends in Missouri and other ot the more eastern Stales, as also a tour ot general observation and iccreation. With the Major'b numerous friends in this county wo join in wishing himself nnd family a pleasant trip and safe re turn. They will probably be absent several months. On last Saturday's stage there also departed that old hero ot Southern Or egon and whole-souled old gentleman, Gen. John E. Ross, who, for the first time in many years, has gone cast of the Rocky Mountains. He contem plates a general tour of the Slates on this parallel ot latitude, and during his absence of several months will pay a visit .to the Rational' Capital. We all wish him a pleasant journey and safe return. A DeadTuing. Now we've got tha deadest thing out on wood thieves, and we don't expect a patent on it, either. Wo haven't any wood for them to steal. Even our ax fails to excite cu pidity, it having a jjap iu it as broad as the "bloody chasm." But wo might split wood with it if our subscribers would bring us some to split. What's the good ot plenty to cat il you can't kecpjvvarm enough to taste it? m Oregon Chestnuts. That the chest nut tree -will fmitlully tlirivoin this re gion has been fully demonstrated this reason by Mr. Jaquett, a nurseryman scar Ashland in this county, who has laid on our table a chestnut burr, con taining good sized, fully matured nuts. The burr was taken from a 4-year old tree grown by him in his nursery. He has a large number of trees of suitable age for transplanting, of which he will give'iull account in the Sejitinel in a short time. From Goose Lake. A. Tnnbrook, Esq., arrived in this place on Tuesday last from GooseXakc, coming by wagon. He left there on the 14th. He .brought in the election returns from that portion of the county, and reports the trip a little cool, but on the whole an ordinarily pleasant one, the roads being in very good condition and no snow having yet fallen. Every thing is again quiet and prosperous in that region, though for a while things looked a little squally in Goose .Lake Valley, and all the contiguous valleys where settlements had been formed, and during the latter portion of the Indian difficulties citizens had in many places forted up rnd prepared for de fense. But the danger has all passed and the settlers were all buy in pre parations for Winter when he left. He says the emigration has not been near so large as they had anticipated, the war having deterred many lrom going there who Jiad written to their friends last Fall that they intended to come this season. There is nothing now in that whole region to cause alarm. Having but a weekly horseback mail the residents of that conntry are some what troubled vvilh monotony duiing the Winter months, but they expect soon to be of sufficient numerical im portance to attract the attention ot oiher localities and to induce the De partment lo grant them belter mail facilities. Good crops have rewarded the hus bandmen and abundance ot all that the country produces "in vouchsafed (he settler. They are stilt compelled to rely upon Jacksonville and other older and better markets lor their groceries and luxuries. The establishment of the proposed military post in the north end of the Valley it is thought will be ot great benefit to that whole section by increasing their future se curity and furnishing them an increased market for many of their products. Mr. Tinbrook started ou his return yester day. Foe lDEXTiriCATiox--Some time ago one of the San Francisco papers gave an account ot the remains ot an un known person being found somewhere near Linkville. Simply the skeleton remained, from w hich the lower j.iw has been foi warded to Dr. Jackson, of this place, to asaist in discovering, if possible, to whom it belonged. The teeth were peifect in the jaw, but have been so long exposed to the elements that some ot the front teeth have fallen out and the enamel ot the remainder has shelled off to some extent. The first molar on the left side is filled in the crown cavity, or top of the tooth, will) guld; the second molar has two of the cavities filled with gold in the same manner, and an amalgam filling on the outer or buccal side, while the third molar has two gold fillings in the crown cavity. As dentists usually keep a descriptive rccoid of their work it is possible this jaw may lead to an identification. A gun, knife and pipe were found w ith the remains, and can be seen at the Postofiice in this place. A SriTErcL Celestial. One of our Hebrew citizens tells a joke on himself which illustrates the-aptnes ot "John" to pick up and apply taunting phrases, w hen of a mind to do so. After much trouble ho had compelled "John" lo call and settle. Tlie irate Celestial sup pressed his indignation until he reached the door, when he turned and spite fully ee!aimed: "You thinkee you heap d n smart ! Oh jes; you belly plenty good man you! You Killce Melicau man's God you! Me heap sabe you." And then he strutted bravely away. Jewelet, Tots, Etc John Neuber has just received important additions to his stock of jewelry, watches, eta, and a fine lot ot elegant toj s and trink ets for the little folks when the holi days come. He is also agent for the Florence and Grover & Baker sewing machines, and has just received a sup. ply of these instruments for sale. Go and see his latest improved Florence, which is now admitted to be ahead of all other machines in every respect and is handsome enough for any parlor. Religious Notice.-Ucv. P. C. Hetz- 1er, Agent of the American Bible So ciety, will preach in the M. E. Church to morrow lorcnoon, at 11 o clock. A meeting in behalf of the Bible Society will be held at tho same place, in the evening. And Again. There came a "Rapp ing, tapping, knocking at our office door," the other day, and Mr. Rapp stepped in and deposited, ft generous I measure of elegant pears npon onr floor. J Rcaioval of tbe JHedecs. We clip the foljowingconcerning the removal of the Modoesf from tne Portland Bulletin's correspondence,the writer of which visited tbe Indian en campment made' the second day at Capt. Fan-is' ranch, two miles south ot the Reservation : " I went into the circle and inspected these people closely.- It-was, interest ing to take' a new view of these braves who filled a, hundred graves, and, pro vided by nature with an almost im pregnable fortress, made the most de termined resistance recorded in the history of the American Continent. But to-morrow, that- field of volcanic rock, with its caves where the sun never shines, and its, chimneys nearly a thousand feet high, where once a sea ot lava seethed and billovved, will pass from their sight forevermore. Hook Jim, the individual who conceived the hellish scheme of murdering the citizen ot Tule Lake, and afterwards actually took eight ot their lives w ith his own hand, and who also assisted in the Peace Commission murder, .was .here with others who would eryappropri ately have ornamented two unused ropes we saw dangling between" Scon chin, John and Black Jim on the 3d instant. Bogus Charley I saw bent down wrapping his ankle with old pieces of cloth to shield it from the galling ot the heavy shackles. This is a tall, pleasant looking young warrior; -who was, according to the dying statements of Boston Charley and Captain Jack, the person who proposed the Prace Commission masxacre, and who after wards by his genteel manners and smooth tongue disarmed Gen. Canby and Dr. Thomas of any suspicions ot tuul play, and they went with him on the fatal Good Friday to the place de cided on for the murder. He said to me, as the wagon containing him and Long Jim, Shackuasty Jim, Steamboat Frank, Hooka Jim and nine others rolled away, '"Good-bye. Maybe I never see you again." Maybe not, but I guess I can become reconciled to bis absence after a vv hile. Mary and Lizzie, Capt. Jack's sister and wile, had their hair closely cut and their faces painted with pilch and charcoal, and kept their blankets about their tares. Mary had Jack's little girl bug ged close to her bosom, and was last evening sitting on a rook in the cold north wind embroidering a pair of moccasins for the pet of th departed Chief. The orders of the officer in charge require the greatest can; to pievent the escape ol Hooka Jim, Shacknasty. Bo gus, Steamboat Frank, or "the scouts," as they are called, from their aid to Gen. Davis last Spring in hunting Cap tain Jack. This order may indicate that the Government has some pretty severe punishment in store ol these men on their arrival in Wyoming. A few days ago John Badv, a semi civilized Piute, was killed near Yainax. bv a Summer Lake Snake named Che che-da. Bady has the reputation of having introduced into the if enervation two years ago the bloody gospel called the "Smchulla Religion" and he has lnllen a victim to a lawlessness perhaps born ot his own teaching. Che die da is a brother to one ot the Indians, In die vvaw.can, killed by whites last Spring, and it seems that revenge for killing hi brother prompted this last affair. His chief, Check toot, says that John Bady, when he left Yainax early last Spring, circulated the report among the whites, all along from Yai nax lo Camp Bid well, that .the jSnakes were about to take the war path. This excited tho whites and made l hem very suspicious ot the few Indians who had spent the Winter in Summer Like Valley. This suspicion terminated in the killing ot Che che-da's brotherand he ihiristed tor the blood of the disci ple ol Smo bulla. Much care and cau tion vvlll have lo be observed in visit ing the murderer with the "white man's law." The Reservation Indians are much excited about this affair, aud fear, as it look place on iheii soil, that O-die o, ihePiutc chiel, may hold them accountable for the spilling ot John Bady's blood. Jvlr. Dyar and Mr. Harer arc now at Yainax to investigate the affair. The Yreka Union ot the 17th says the Modoc train reached a camp within five miles of them on that day. Scar faced Charley has been made chief and was at liberty, while all the others were chained together in couples. There were 155 all told, 42 being ablebodied men. They were guarded in a space of CO feet square, and no one was per mitted to talk to them, although many acquaintances visited them lrom Yreka. One Modoc joined the cavalcade on the way and three arc yet in the Lava Bed. Home Aqain. On Saturday last the Rev. Father Blanchet returned from his trip east, after an absence of several mpnti8, during which lime he bad vis ited twenty-one States and the Cana da?, lie expresses himself very much pleased with his trip, and returns in good health and spirits, to meet hearty welcome from his parishioners and his numerous friends among all denomina tions and classes. Catholic Sebvices. Divine services will be held at the Catholic Church by the Rev, Father Demers to-morrow (Sunday) at the usual hoar. NatifarjDecay-Pr'6tect tbe ' System. Tbe human -body is a machine, tod there' fore cannot endure forever ;Tat. likT a watch orselrlna machine! it" will Jut mach lomrer 'il properly "rtgnlaled and Half repaiVed,lban D0 P.11.0' ere taken to keep it in order. Tb great object or every one who desires a Ion? and healthy lite should be to pat his body in a.cnndition .to resist the life threaten ing ioflSences by which we are all more or less larronoded; and no insijjorant' and corrective at present known so effectually answers llii purpose aj the vitalizing elixir which, under tbe unpretending name of ilotetler's Stomach Bitters, has been for more than twenty years the Standard tonicxf America. In crowded cities, whereQEe.. etu76pbef U'jrcnlaminated with effluvia inoperable from large popula tions ; inTmarshy rrgfcns, where ibe soggy soil reeks wilh miasma; on the pfajries and in the forests, where every fall the air is tainted wiib pxhalations from rotting weeds and grass es, or decomposing" 'eaves in short, in every locality where malaria exists, tliTs powerful vfgtlab!eantidote is urgently needed Fever and ague, billion fevers, dysentery, congestion of the liver, jaundice, rhenmaiim, and all dis eases which are generated by infected air. im pure watt;r,,or sudden changes of temperature, may be averted by strengthening and regulat ing the syslem in advance with Hosteller's Bitters. Autumn is always a season of peril, especially to weak, susceptible organizations. Even the more vigorous are apt to be in some measure depressed by the humid atmosphere, loaded with deleterious gasfs produced by vegetable decay. The fall is'a period of the' yeai when the renovation and regulation of the living machine h peculiarly important, and the Bitters should therefore be taken daily at this critical season. A Teibcte to Our; Fellow-townsman. The following tribute was paid to our fellow townsman, J. H. Stinson, by jthe annual meeting of the Agassiz Institute, held at Central Hall, in the City of Sacramento, California, a 6hort time since: "Rev. J. n. C. Borte, Corresponding Secretary, presented., a resolution of encouragement to J. II. Stinson, of Jacksonville, Oregon, who h.ts diseov ered a new science. It was passed unanimouely." As the Agassiz Institute is incorpor ated and composed ot scientific men alone, the resolution is highly compli mentary to JJIr. Stinson, We are in formed by him that this discovery will soon be made known to the wordl. Accidental Death On tho 18th instant Mr- James D. Appleton, who resided near Grant's Pass, in this coun ty, came to his death by an accident. near, bmith river, not far lrom Crescent City. He was engaged in freighting, and while thus occupied tell from his wagon-seat, IheAvagou wheels passing over and crushing him to death almost instantly. He leaves a wife and seven children to mourn his loss, besides nu merous friends in this county, who sin cerely regret his tragic fate and deeply sympathize with the bereaved family. County Hospital. D. Danforth, to whom has been awarded tho con trsc. of keeping the county hospital, is engaged in putting up quite extensive additions to the building now occupied for that purpose, and intends making it complete and comfortable. There are few patients not" in the hospital, nnd the Doctor will spare no pains in the effort to properly care or them, as also any others who may fall to his charges Sale oy Jackson County Stock. W. C. Myer, of Jackson county, his sold four yearling colls-of his Percheron stock: Sconchin,to Joseph Sawyer, of Yamhill, for 400; Capt. Jack, to Thorn. Cooper, of Yamhill, for 400 ; Bird, to J. C. Cozier, of Hebey, for S40O1; and Frederick Isaac Wagner, ot Salem, for 300. Peofitable Lambs. Cameron & Goodwyn, of Linkville, in this county, sold eight lambs at the State Fair fur $100 each. They also took the firet premium on three entries of Leicester sheep. Probably they have the finest flock of Australian Licesters in the Stale. A Present. Mr. Henry C. JJreer, Seedsman and Florist of Philadelphia, has the thanks of the "Sentinel for a generous package of bulbs and garden seeds of choicest varieties, presented to Mn. Dowell. Beinsr entirely unexpect ed the gift is tho more highly prized. Game. All kinds of game, from a jick rabbit to a grizzly, seems unnsuah ly abundant about hero for the season of the year. We haven't heard of any Nimrods tackling a grizzly yet, but we seo considerable of .the smaller game on the street deers, and sich like. Agents Wasted New Books. A. L. Bancroft & Co., the principal publishing firm of San Francisco, ad yertise in this issue for agents to sell new and popular works Just issued by them. Read their card, under head of "Wanted, Agents," '' . ' "' ; Read It. Major Glenn gives notice of importance among the new adverv 'tijements. "iteadit. M,ARSREJD. On Sundav, Oct. 19, 1873, at the' Baptist Church on" Wagner Creek, JaclUon county, by Elder Joseph Ritter, B F; Moboax and Mis9 Mabt . Baeeb, all of Jackson county, Oregon- r k .Accompanying; the above notice came the compliments of, the newly wedded pair in the shape ot a beautiful cake of most excellent quality. Tue happy conple will'pleasc accept our kindest regards. ' DIED. At Shingle Camp, in this County, "ou Suu' day, pcioberniJih. 1873, oE general dkbility, M. JL Jvlder, aged abuui 60 years.. Dectased was un olifand well-known resi dent of this place, but waalatterlystopping at Linkville. Fueling his end approaching,' lie attempted to return to Jacksonville, but the fatigui) of, the, journey was too great for bim to bear, and placing his ifH-cts in the hands of a friend he laid down and died at the time and place above staled, lie Is not known to have any relatives living on this coast. i. i I, jc - ' i i"1 it. i In Jacksonville, on Wednesday morning, October 22. 187J, Lima L. Ukf.kvav. young est danghitr of C. C. and J. E. BeiLman, agid 5 years, 11 months nndC days. ''Lxttlz Ltcu," aj slie vu unni&rl called, vru the Jv.y or ber parents and tho pot of her brother aod slaters. Ueruaoommoa Intelligence and childish graces readily won for her tho regard and affection of all her plajmatos and acquaintances, young and old. Tho Angel of Death ta his flight stoopod to plucV iho brightest Jevol from the tunily gronp and has placed It to shine fvrcreimore In the diadem of llcuven. Kciiains of Gex. Rawlins. A Washington telegram, October 8tll, says this : The remains of General Rawlins, wiich, since his untimely death, have been lying in the vault at, the Consjres sional Cemetery, were to-day consigned to a grave in that ground, The Presi dent, General Sherman, General Bab cock, Mr. Rawlins, a brother, and i-everal friends were preent. The con. ditinn in which this gallant soldier's remains have- been left so long is cer tainly a scandal. It was stated to-day that the fees ot burial have been, up to date, unpaid, and that pending the event of to-day, he has had practically only a place in the vault by the good will ot lhoo controlling; yet there was about $35,000 raised lor Mrs. Raw lins, who has since remained. AlXEN AND COBURN', Tllg FlSTISTS. A St. Louis dispatch, October 13th, gives this intelligence : Tom Allen, the pugilist, in reply to a newsijaper paragraph that certain men would back Joe Coburn against him, publishes a card, in which he says he ill cover any sum trom $1,000 to 810, 000 as soon as it may be put up by Coburn and hi friends in any respecta ble handc, nnd that he will fight Co burn Inlt-way between St. Louis aad New York, or in Canada, at from ten weeks to three months' notice. Allen clones his card by saying: ''I have been alter Coburn ever since I came to this country, and this is the twentieth time I have challenged him." Compliment to Senator Morton. The telegraph says that on. the 17th instant in the Constitutional Conven tion then in session at Philadelphii, ex United States Senator Baijk'w, referring to the course of Sen: tor Mo -tun, of Indiana, npon the propus-ed ammendments as to the manner of se lecting Presidential electors, said Sen ator Morton deserved the thanks ot the Nation for his course in that re gard. The substance of the Senator's proposition will bo found on the out side of this issue, of the Sentinel. Insurrection on the Istujius An insunection has broken out on the Isth mus of Panama, between rival factions of the Government of Columbia, which seriously threatens the security of travel on that route. The Government troops stationed on the railroad line bed joined the rebels at last accounts, and Admiral Almy of the United States Navy had ordered a detachment of U S. Marines to ride on the trains for their protection. Vlcn applied with Dr. Pierce's National Douche and occncipanitiKwilh Dr. Pierce's GoMm Mtdical Discovery rs conslilationar treatment. Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy pro- daces perfect cores of tbe worst cases of Ca- Inrrh and Ozena or many years' ttandm;. This thorongtr coarse of mtdlcatioo constitutes the only scieniiSc, rational, safe and successful manner of treating this odions disease that ha; ever been oQered to the afflicted. The Instru meat and two medicines sold for 52 by all tbe Druggists. , Fevers seldom make an attack without giv ing warning, and may often be thrown off by soaking tbe feet in warn water, wrapping cp warm in bed. and taking two or 'three of Par sons' Purgative Pills. o A Missionary. ust returned, fays he rgard Johnson's Anodyne Liniment as beyond all price, and effiencione beyond any other medi-r-ice. Il is adapted to a great variety of spe cial caes, and is the be-t paid carer in thr world. Sailed. Hon. J. H. Mitchell sailed from Portland for San Francisco on the steamer of last Saturday. We presume he has gone on his way,.loi Washing ton. Thenameof HW.Scott76f the Bulletin, also-appears in tho list of pasrtDgerB. , jGe9.P. Trai-A" dispatch 'of Oct. 18, from New. York, saya: "Georgo Francis Train,' who arrived only last week from Europe, having become dis gusl.ed kiwi J be country, politics-and people, sailed away again to day leav ing, be says, forever.'' And it is sin cerely, to "be hoped that the learned lool'' is. acting with candor, for once, as'liis1 leaving tbisr country will certain ly be for "his country's good." Cool The evenings about here, but not more(so than the manner in, which tho Oregonian, gobbled Gen. Wheat on's response lo Judge Prim, commenta and all. v . ' Ku Klux Sentences. A State Court in Georgia has lately Sentenced two members, of tho Ku-KIux one of tliPin, strangely enough, ablack man t.o be executed Jor whipping a negro to death. This is, wn believe, tho first itibtanco. where the civil authorities of a Southern State have nwarded'a 'just puiiMihient to Ku-KIux outlaws, and it is to be hoped that the cflecl will bo to put an end to the operations ot thy organization m that locality. s: NEW TO-DAY. SToticc T3 HEP.EBT GIVEY THAT I nAVE APPOINTED JVJlKi VV.IHUT) HUH niragent to attend to all necessary business during my absence Iu the East. T hare alsu placed my uotea and accounts in the hands of II. K. II INN" A, Eiq1, for collection. Parties Interested" U! gOTern themselves accordingly.. .M.UKST.GLEXN. Jacksonville, October 18, 1S73-M. Wanted, Agents! Pon OUR GREAT pictorial work just issced, entitled ' A LA CALIFORNIA; Or, Skeicllea of Life In the Golden State. BythoIateCoi-Auntl S. Etas. A beanUlnl o-taro, iJenilldly Illustrated VItM Pen Paintings cf Lift la California, etc etc Agents also wanted for the "Manual of American Ideas." A most Invaluable1 work for every American citizen. 0c taro,M8 pages. Alsojiut lmud,TUE FARMERS' JOURVAL AD ACCOC.NT COOK. Send for terms upou these rapid selling bocks. A. L. BANCROFT & CO., MI Sinrrancisco.Cal. Piano for Sale. A NY OSE WISnttO TO 1'OncnASK A GOOD Puso, cheap, will do treU to caU on MRS. M. COLVER October IS, SiZlt. Of Phoenix. Dissolution XSotice, FT1IIE CO-PARTNERSHIP HERETOFORE KXISTIXO b. twecn Jobn Orth and Tuuuiia Gitnlnl Is dissolved by mutual consent. All those having unsettled accounts wilh the late firm are ropuested to call and sottle vri&out delay. JOlI OKTIL Jacksonville, Oil. 18, IS-wl THOMAS GIASISI. Improved Order ol Hcd Mcii- All BROTHERS IS GOOD STANDING are invited to be prewrut to participate la the dedication of the Hall and Cemetery Giounds to tale place on the first nieeUug In Beaver Moou.ICl.SDAY, nOV. 4, 1873. By order of SACUEU. P. D. Paasov C. of It. octtSirt U. S. HOTEL, Ryan's brick building, THIRD STREET, JACKSONVILLE, MRS, L. HORNE TJEG3 LEAVE TO IS FORM TUB PUBLIC THAT SHIT Intends remaining here the coming Winter. The t bte will always be supplied Ith 7 lie Ik st the Market nfTorris. SParticuUr attention paid to tie comibrt of guosts-CO- Wo have very comfortable rooms. ThanVful fur p-ist patronage, a continuance of tho aime is rnpoctfnlty solicited. octlSu-l jr : vmr jcr ja. jtart. not NEW GOODS AT ASHLAND l J. II. McCALL k CO. HAVE THE stock of LAEGFST AND BEST SELLCTED siiru ASD TUCT Dry Goods, Clothing, Hardware BOOTS AND SHOES, IRON, STEEL, - CROCKERY, &C, Ever offered f. r sale In tie tovn. , Prices to Suit he Times,. li 3fftf BCSIIELS OF WHEAT. IS.EXCHA.NOB" luuu for Quods. Illgliest yrlee puld, auil OuucU at Coat Kutea. t ' i DOyT I AIL TO GIVE US A CALL. J. H. KcCALL & CO. . Asliland, Of toter 18, lST3tr REAL ESTATE SOLD ON CREDIT Or Exchanged for Other Property. i MONEY LOANED, 0TES,ACC0tTSTSASDDEMA-DS0yinE' ' U. STCOILICTED. c. 11. cXrtek TXTIltiSElLnlSt'WSClTr LOTS AXD BLOCKS, v and Outside Lands, on a Ions; tlm. or will exchange for other Iiroperty He owns real estate In all part of, the tj, and can seU cheaper than any one else. MOM'-Y LtlAXKO For any person, on approved real estate In Ibis cltr- lay -tere-t collected quarterly and remitted to tender. Loana can he made 10 rebuild hi Uk houses ip the, burnt, district secured by tha same property. . otcs. Vouchers, Claims, and Accounts in the United States collected. Address C--M, CAST EC Oct. IS, 1573ml. Carter'! 3Iodc, Portland. Oga, OREGON DIVISION. KO. .1, SONS? ,,Np DAUGHTERS OF TEMPER ance. rret on. Wrdnodiy eenine of eacb. wfpek In. the tipper slnrj or fhe. District School. llooe!.' Eroiln rs ai i Mcrs. In gocd itacdlnz are luvittd la'aUfnd. DANIEL CEOSEillLLEE, W. P.. JttSA.Eo-sss.H.S. H