Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, October 25, 1873, Image 2

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Saturday, - - October 25, 1873.
"Credit Mobilier."
The company called tba "Credit Mo.
bilier ol America" was incorporated
Lr the Legislature of Pennsylvania,
viu i86f. Soon after its incorporation
jts charter and franchises passed into
fho Lands of certain parlies who were
interested in theUuion Pacific Railroad
Company, for the purpose of using it
as a construction company for that
rod. After a number of contracts had
teen entered into between the, Union
Pacific and Credit Mobilier Companies,
iorthe building of certain bections of
the Union Pacific road, without the
lalter realizing any profits tlitrtfiom,
Oakes Ames became the principal man
aging agent of the Credit Mobilier.
Being a stockholder of both Companies
ho was well calculated to make the lat
ter pay, whether the former did or not.
So, in 1807, a contract was executed
between the U. P. Company and Ames
for the building of G07 miles of road,
at prices ranging from 842,000 to $96,
000 per mile, amounting in the aggre
gate to 47,000,000. Up to this time
the stock in the Credit Mobilier was
not considered worth its par value, but
owing to the fact that the price agreed
to be paid to Ames by the U. P. Com
pany was considered enormous, and
far above the actual cost, the stock in
the Credit Mobilier was for the first
lime considered worth more than par
value, and in 1SG8 it was quoted at
three or four times that figure. Had it
not been for the contract spoken of the
now famous Credit Mobilier would not
probably hive ever been heard of out
bide of those actually interested in its
stock. But when the stock became
valuable the members of the Company
began to grab for it, and soon war was
in camp, and they began to accuse one
another of getting more than their
share. When the fact of the exibtence
.of tbe Company was made known to
Congress an investigation was ordered
and the following committee appointed
lor that purpose: Messrs. Poland of
Vermont, McCreary ol Iowa, Banks of
Massachusetts, Niblack of Indi ina and
Merrick of Maryland. Poland and Mc
Creary two Republicans were well
knonn for gentlemen of ability, integ
rity, moderation and impartiality. The
other thrie were Democrats, but were
also noted for their ability and integ
rity. This is the first time in the his
toiy of our Government thai the dom
inant party appointed a committee
composed of a mnjority ol its oppo
nents to investigate what was charged
to bo its own conuption. This com
mittee lonnd but two men guilty of in
tentional wrong, namely, Oakes Ames,
a Republican lrom Massachusetts, and
James Biooks, a Democrat from New
Yoik. If this committee did any white
washing, then the Democratic party is
responsible, according to Democratic
theory that majorities are alone respon
bible for what is done. But we are in
clined to think that the members com
posing this committee did their duty,
and coireclly reported the facts as they
found them.
The Kesulr.
The election is over and the victory
is to the enimy. As it has ever been
a cardinal principle of the Republican
party to cheerfully bubmil to the will
of the majority, defeat creates in us no
feelings of ill-will towards our politi
cal opponents. We will accept the re
suit and abide the consequences with
out a murmur. Yet we still have the
uttnort faith in the principles ol the
Republican party, and believe it would
have been to the interest of the Stato
if wc had triumphed. But our oppo
nents tipped the beam on us ; therefore
we will patiently wait until our turn
comes and then.
The following is the vote of Jackson
oounty; ForKcsmith, 559; Smith, 290.
Nesmith's majority, 209, There was
but a trifle over half the vote of the
county cast, some of the precincts not
opening polls at all.
Mr. Nesjnith's majority io the Stato
as near as wc can figure it, will not be
far from 2,000.
Testimonial to Gex. Sicki.es. On
the 18th instant the Spanish Minister
of War in Madnd presented to Gen.
Sickles, our Minister to the Spanish
Government, a sword made expressly
I6r him at Toledo. The hilt is orna
mented n'iUi the arms of the United
Statep, and on the blade are inscribed
the names "of"llie""batt)e8'in.Vrhich the
The "Wbrtfaera Pacific Railroad,
The Portland JTuOetin of October
18th says:
The New York Tribune publishes
the report in full of Hen Haas, Gov
ernment Director of Railways in Prus
sin, who was commissioned, in conjunc
tion wilh Herr Foitz, of Vienna, on
behalf of European capitalists in 1871,
to explore the regions through which
the Northern Pacific Railroad snrvpys
run, and to examine and report on the
enterprise in regard to its worCh and
future, with a view to investment in it.
Tbe reports of the three distinguished
experts were buppressed in E-irope at
the instance of Jay Cooke & Co., and
their republication prevented in the
United Stales, for obvious reasons.
But since the failure of Jay Cooke &
Co., the Tribune has piocured in
Europe a translation of the report of
Uerrllaas, which occupies the space
of three columns of that paper. It is a
very analytical, comprehensive, and
strongly wrought document, but entire
ly averse to the policy of inv esiment in
the road, as can be well judged from
the concluding portion, which we copy,
as follower
"To sum up, I cannot deem it advisa
ble that European capitalists should
be encouraged to participate in the en
terprise of the Northern Pacific Rail
way, as in my opinion, after the com-'
plelion of the line a period will ensue
during which the company will not bo
able to fulfill the obligation it is under,
respecting the payment of interest on
tho bonds. It is certainly possible
that this period will not ensue imme
diately upon the completion of the
main line, inasmuch as the branch,
tqually provided by the charter, will
isue new mortgage bonds, out of
which tlui interest may be paid for a
while, but this will only postpone, not
avert, the ciisis.
Thai the Northern Pacific Railway
may be a good and profitable enter
prise after tho years of its childhood
and troubles have been survived, will
not be enough to commend it to tho
European money maiket; it will have
to be proved that the Company will
be able during the early years of the
enterprise lo fulfill all the engagements
entered into. In the full conscious
ness of the responsibility incumbent
on me as a member of the European
Commission of Experts, I cannot con
sider that this proof is forthcoming."
Statistics of Telegraphy. A New
York paper of October 9th has this :
President Orton, of the Western
Union Telegraph Company, has made
a statement of the financial condition
of the company. Tho report is up to
June 30tp. He says the capital stock
of llio company at that time was $41,
073 410. Total debt of ihe company,
SG,O38,400; gross recdj'ts of the year
from all sources, $9,433,018 5l ; gross
expenses, $0,575,055 82, leavintj a net
earning of $2,757,962 09. Of this
amount there has been applied to con
strue! inn, purchase of new lines, eta,
$1,722,450 56, leaving a balance to in
come account of 61,035,572 13. The
number of messages in 1872, was 12,
444,499. Number for the year ending
Juue 3lh was 14,450,832,
Praykd at a Maiik, and Hit It.
Even PiofesMr Tyndall will have to
admit the efficacy of special prayer in
this case, told of in a late exchange :
A clergyman in Columbia, Pa., re
cently tested tho ifficacyof prayer by
introducing into his bupplication the
words, '0 Lord, bless and enlighten
ihe young man in the pink necklie and
the maiden in the blue bonnet and gray
bhawl, who are profaning the sanctuary
by kitsing one another in pew number
CS;" and we have eminent authority
for tbe assertion that the kissing im
mediately stopped.
Terrible Mortality. From tho
breaking out of yellow fever in Mem
phis a few weeks ago until October
5th, the total death lrom that infection
was 502. Of this number 146 died the
week ending the 5th. And the terrible
epidemic has been equally as destruc
tive of human lite in other of the South
ern cilies most notably at Shreveport,
La. Three telegraph operators had
died within a few days of each other
and fiveCatholic priests had alsoyieldcd
to the terrible "black vomit." More
priests were going there from New Or
leans, to fill up the ranks, and almost
as surely their graves.
Another Mid-air Fizzle. Too
newspaper reporters in San Francisco
from the Gall and Chronicle offices
undertook to find the celebrated ''east
ern air current'' of Prof. Wise, by
means of a balloon. Although they
failed lo discover the object of their
search they did find a "current" that
of the bay of San Fraucisco, from
which they were fished by men on a
tug after they had succeeded in getting
low enough to jump from the balloon
into the bay. .
Early Winter. A telegram of Oc
tober 17th says eight inches of snow
had fallen in "Wyoming and Utah at
that date aud that trains on the over
land road, due at Omaha, bad been de
layed several hours in consequence.
This is somewhat earlier than has be-
forejocenrred the beginning of Wintetvj
1 jn'Ufa.rfpbn.
Proposals for Carrying Mails.
Washington, Oct, 1,18-3.
the Contract Office of this DenArtmnt tinlll S n m
of Tebruary S, 1S7j, (to be decided on or before March JL
1874.) for conveying the mails of tho United State in
tne state xa t
From July 1, 187, to June SO, 1S78, on the routes and by 1
loe scneouies 01 oemnnni ana arnraifc nerein snecinri-
beinr. i outes established at third session of 41st Congress.
Examine carefull y the forms and instructions annexed
An Act of Congress of Jnne 8,1872, requires thatiids
of &,000 nd upward be accompanied by a certified chock
or draft equal to fire per cent of the bid.
44101. J?rom.Fortland, by Spriiigville (n. o.).
Willamettc-blough, Sauvie'a Island,
Scappoof t, St- Helen. Columbia City.
Kalama, Carrolton (n- o.). Raineer,
Monlicello, Oak Point? Eagle Cliff.i
vvestport. Catblamet, Skamokawa and'
Knappka to Astoria, 122 miles aud
back, six time a week to Monticelio,
3 miles, and tbree times a week tbe
residue, in steamboats.
Leave Portland daily, except Sunday, at
6 am;
Arrive rt Monticelio by 11:30 a m;
Leave Monticelio 'dally , except Sunday,
at 12 m;
Arrive at Portland at 6 p m:
Leave Monticelio Monday, Wednesday
and .Friday at 12 ra;
Arrive at Astoria by G p m;
Leave Astoria Tuesday, Thursday and
Saturday at 6a m;
Arrive at Monticelli. by 12 rn.
rresent pay 13,000 per annum.
44102 From Portlaud, by Vancouver, Fisher's
Landing (n o) Cascades. Shell Rock,
Hood River and White Salmon, to Tbe
Dalles, 120 miles and back, six times a
week, in steamboats.
Leave Portland r?aily except Sanday, at
5 a m;
Arrive at The Dalles next daysby 11 p m;
Leave The Dalles daily, except Sunday,
at S a m;
Arrive at Portland next days by 11 p m.
Tresent pay $18,000 per annum.
44013 From 1'urlland. by llillrb-irongb Corne
lius. Fortst Grove, Wapatoe, North
Yamhill, La Fayclle, St. Joseph. Mc
Minnville. Amity, Perrydale. Dallas,
Monmouth. Independence and Buena
Vista, lo Corvallis, 115 miles and back
Leave Portland daily at 6 a m;
Arrive at Corvallis next days by 7 p m;
Leave Corvallis daily at G a m;
Arrive at Portland nxt days by 7 p m;
Present pay, 12,000 per annum.
44104 From Portland, by Dampens. Eagle
Creek. Norton. Clear Creek. Highland.
Molalla, Glad Tidings, Bntte Creek.
Silverton. and Vernon, to Salem, M
miles and back, six times a week be
tween Silverton and Salem, 1G miles,
and once a week the residue.
Leave Portland Friday at 6 a m;
Arrive at Silverton next day by 6 p m;
Leave Silverton Monday at G a m;
Arrive at Portland next day by 6 p m!
Leave Silverton daily except Sunday, at
6 am,
Arrive at Halcra by 11 am;
Leave Salem daily except Sunday, at 1
Ainve at Silverton by 6 p m.
44105 From Portland by Tualitin. Middle ton.
and Newburgh to La Fayette, 29 miles
ana uacK. once a wecK.
Leave Portland Saturday at 7 a m;
Arrive at La Fayelle by 7 p m;
Leave La Fayette Fridty at 7 a m;
Arrive at rortiana Dy t p m.
41106 From Portland, by Cedar Mill. West
Uiiion, and Glencoe. to Greenville, 27
mile and back, ohce a week.
Leave Portland Saturday at H a m; y
Arrive at Greenville by h. p m;
Leave Greenville Friday at 8 a m;
Arrive at Portland ' G p ra.
44107 From Puitland to Oswego, 6 milei and
back, once a week.
Leave Portland Saturday at 3 p ra;
Arrive at 0weeo by 5 p m;
Leave O-wego Saturday at 12 m;
Arrive at Portlabd by 2 p du
44108 From Portland to Scholl's Ferry, 10
miieand back, once a neck.
Leave Portland Saturday at 2 p ra;
Arrive at Scboll's Ferry by 5 p m;
Leave Scholl's Ferry Saturday at U a m;
Arrive at Portland bv 12 m.
4U09 From East Portland 'by Powell's Valley
and Sandy, lo Eagle Creek, 29 miles
and back, once a week.
Leave East Portland Monday at 7 a m;
Arrive at Eagle Creek by 6 p m;
Leave Eaule Creek Tuesday at 7 a m;
Arrive at tact Portland by 6 p m.
44110 From Newellsvilie by Butteville to Au
rora Mills, 15 miles and back, 3 times
a week
Leave Newellsville Monday, Wednesday
and Friday at 6 a m;
Arrive at Aurora Mills by II a ra;
Leave Aurora Mills Monday, Wednesday
and Friday at I p rn;
Arrive at Newellsville by 6 p m.
44111 From Forest Grove by Centerville.GIen-
coe Mountaindale and Greenville, to
Forest Grove, equal to 14 miles and
tacK. tw ice a week:.
Leave Forest Grove Wednesday and Sat
urday at t a m;
Arrive at Forest Grove by 4 p m.
44112 From West Chebalim to North Yamhill,
7 mles and back, once a week.
Leave West Chebalim Saturday at 12 m;
Arrive at North Yambitl by 2 p m;
Leave North Yamhill Saturday at 4 p m;
Arrive at West Chebalim by 6 p m.
44113 From McMinnrilie by Bellevue and Sher
idan, lo Grand Ronde. 26 miles and
back, twice a week.
Leave McMinnville Tuesday and Friday
at 10 am;
Arrive at Grand Ronde by G p m;
Leave Grand Ronde Monday and Thurs
day at 10 a m;
Arrive at McMinnville by 6 p ra;
44114 From Grand Ronde by Elhuora to Dal
las, 23 miles and back, once a week.
Leave Grand Ronde Saturday at 5 a m;
Arrive at Dallas by 12 m;
Leave Dallas Saturday at 1 p m;
Anive at Grand Konde by 8 p rn.
44115 From Dallas, by Bridgeport, Lackamute,
Lewisville. King's Valley and Pnilo
matb to Alsea.SU miles aud back, once
a week.
Leave Dallas Tuesday at 8 a m;
Anive at Alsea next day by 3 p m;
Leave Alsea Thursday at 8 a ra;
Arrive at Dallas next day by 3 p m.
44116 Ftom Dallas. by RIckreall and Eola, to
Salem. 16 miles and back,, six limes
Leave Dallas dally, except Sanday, at 7
Arrive at Salem by 11 am;
Leave Salem daiiy, except Sanday, at 1
Arrive at Dallas by 5 p m.
44117 From Wheatland, by Bethel, Zena aod
Lincoln, to Salem, 24 miles and back,
once a week.
Leave Wheatland Saturday at 5 a m;
Arrive at Salem by 12 m;
Leave Salem Saturday at I p m;
Arrive at Wheatland by 8 p m.
44118 From Sublimity by Aumsvitle, to Turn
er's. 8 miles and back, twice a week.
Leave Sublimity Monday and Thursday at 12 m;
Arrive at Turner1 by 2 p m;
Leave Turner's Monday and Thursday at 4 p m;
Arrive at Sublimity by S p m.
44119 From Scio o Marion, 'J miles and back,
tbree times a week, by a schedule sat
" 'Iifactory to-tbe postmaster at'Scio. '
41120 From Fairfield, by St. Louis, Woodtrarn,
.. Monitor and Needy to Aurora Alius,
30 mile and back, once a week.
Leave FalrC eld Monday at 6 a m;
-Arrive at Aurora Mills at 5 p m:
-Leave Aurora Hills Tuesday at 6 a m;
Arrli. at Fairfield ItSom. f
44121 From Astoria by skipanon.iSea Side
- House. 'Menalrm, (iarioaidi, Kiicms,
and Tillamook to Neslocktin, 88 miles
and backulbree times a week to Sea-
" ' side House, 20 miles, and once a week
tbe residue.
Leave Astoria Monday, Wednesday and Friday at
Arrive at 8easide Ilon-e by 12 us
Leave Seaside House Monday, VTedneidax'and
.rrldayalapm; , , f r
kA Ml.. V A MW hwV wm.
LeaTeSeasldeJIonsaTuesdjyat7am;.- .
ArriTe at-Xestcctln next-day by 6 p w;
Leave Neetoctin Thursday at 7 a mi
AlllI, B, O.L.11. VI 4 V w..
Arriye at Seaside House next dfy.by 6 pm;
44122 TronfTillathbok by Track and Mountain
llonse toTlorlb 1 ambilU3imiIesand
back, once, a week. -
. Leave Tillamook Mo-iday at 6' am;
i Arrive" at Sortb,4Yamhlll,byIpXl
" Leave Sorth Yamhill Tuesday at 8 a rn;
Arrive at Tillamook, by 7 p m;
44123 From Nebutem bettiement (n. 0.1, by
Clatskanie & Marhland to Oak Point
, (WasbTer.),25 miles' and- back, once
Leave Kehalem Friday at 6 a m;
Arrive at Oak Point ItOpnt
Leave Oak Point Satnnl y at 6 a m;
Arrive at ehalem by 6 p m.
14T24r-From Nehal-rp Sell It ment (o 3) to West
r 7 port. 1 -miles and back, once ajveek.
' Leave Kehalem Saturday at Sam, " ""
Arrive at Westport by 12 m;
Leave W estport Saturday at 1 p m;
Arrive at kehalem by 5 p m.
44125 trom Corvallis, by hilomath. Summit,
, . Little Elk (n o). Newton and Toledo.
to Newport. 70 -miles and back, tiree
times a week from May 1 to October
31, end once a week (he residue of
each year.
Leave Corvallis Monday, Wednesday and Friday
at 6 a m; $
Arriveat Newport next days by Cp m;
Leave Newport Monday, V ednesday and Friday
at Sam;
Arrive at Corvallis next days by S p m.
November to May I.
Leave Corvallis Monday at 6 a mr
Arrive at Newport Wednesday by 6 p m;
Leave Newport Thursday at 6 a in;
Arrive at Corvallis Saturday by 6 p m.
44126 From Peoria toSbedd s.5 milc-i .t back,
twice a week, by a schedule satisfacto-
TV tn the Pnntmf.ir nt Penrin.
r44127 From Brownsville to Ilalsey, 6 miles &
usck, sue lira-s a wei k.
Leave Brownsville daily except Sunday, at 2 p m:
Arrive at llabtey by 4 p m;
, Leave Ualy daily, except Sunday, at 6 p m or
after arrival of train;
Arrive at BrownsvUie by 8 d m.
44128 From Brownsville, by Cranfiirdsvilte,
Mobawk aud Camp Creek, to Euzene
lity, CO mile and hack, once a week,
Xeire Brownsville Tuesday at 12m;
Arrtre at Eugen City next day by C p m;
Leave Euzene City Monday at 7 a nu
Arrive at Brownsville next dar bv 10 a m.
44129 Ir rom Lebanon to Albany, 10 miles and
back, tbree times a week, by a tcDe'J
ule of departures and arrivals satisfaC'
torv tn the Dostmater at Lebanon.
44130 From Willamette Forks by Pine, to liar
risbnrg, 18 miles and back, once a week
Leave Willamette Forks Tuesday at 6 a m;
Arrive at llarrisburj- by 12 m;
Leave UarrisburirTnesday at 1 p m;
Arrive at Willamette Forks by 7 p m.
44131 From Eugene City, by Sin-law and Long
Tom, to Franklin, 35 miles and back,
ouce a week
Leave Eugene City Wednesday at 7 a m;
Arrive at Franklin by 7 p m;
Leave Franklin Thursday at 7 a m;
Arrive at Kogene City by 7 p m.
44132 From Butte Dieappoiuiment by Rattle
snake and Pleasant Hill, to Cresswell,
17 mile and Irtck. once a week.
Leave Bntte Disappointment Wednesday at 6 a m.
Arrive at uesswu by iz m;
Leave Cresswell Wednesday at 1 p m;
Arrive at Bntte Disappointment by 7p ra.
41133 ironi Oakland, by Kellogg V. hlktonand
Scotuburg to Gardiner, 64 miles and
back, nr.ee a week.
Leave Oakland Monday at 6 a m;
Arrive at Gardner Tuesday by 6 p m;
Leave Gardner Wednesday at 6 a m;
Arrive at Oakland Tuesday by 6 p m.
44131 From Gard ner, by Empire City. Marrh
field. North Bend. I'tbmu, Beaver
Sloughs and Randolph, to Port Orford
122 miles and b-ick, once a week.
Leave Gardiner Thursday at 6 a m;
At rive at Port Orford Satnrday by 6 p m;
Leave Pon OrfTd Monday at 6 a m;
Arrive at Oardiner Wednesday by 6 p m.
44135 From Uo-burg. by Looking t I is, Sit-
kum, Fairview, Coos City and Marsh
fi Id to Empire City. 80 miles and batk
once week
Leave Rosebnrg Monday at 6 a m;
Arrive at Empiro City next day by 6 p m;
Leave Empire City Wednokday at 6 a mr;
Arrive at Kosebsrg. next day by 6 p nu.
44136 From Roseburj: by Ten Mile. Camas Val
ley (n o), Enchanted Prairie, Ott. He
mansvllle. Coquille aud Iowa Slough,
to Randolph, 1U4 miles and back, once
Leave Rosrburg Monday at 6 a m;
Arrive at Randolph VV ednesday by 6 p m;
Leave Randolph Thursday at 6a m;
Arrive at Roseburg Saturday ty fi p m.
41137 From Jackouville, by Central Point,
Table Rock. Sam's Valley, and Eagle
Poiut to Brownsborougb. 31 miles aud
bacx. once a week.
Leave Jacksonville Fridar at 6 a nu
Arrive at Urow-iiborouzh by 5 p m;
Leave Brownsboroneh Saturday at 6 a m;
Arrive at Jacksonville by 6 p m.
44138 From Jacksonville by Applegate, Slate
Creek and Kerby to Waldo, b5 miles
and back, twice a week
Leave Jacksonville Monday and Thursday, 6 am;
Amre at VV aldo next days by 12 m;
Leave Waldo Tuesday and Friday at 2 p nu
Amre at Jacksonville next days by 7 p m.
44139 From AbUud, by Liukville, Lakeport,
Ltugeli's Valley, Yaiuax. and Hot
Kpriugs (Cat.), to Lake City, 22tjjmlcs
and back, once a week.
Leave Ashland Monday at 6 a nu
Arrive at Like City Saturday by 7 p m;
Leave Lakt City Monday at 6 a nu
Anlvo at Ashland Saturday by 7 pm.
44140 From Tbe Dalles by Waco u o ), De-
chutrs. Antelope, Brid jeCreek, Milch
ell. Camp Watson, Dayvitle, Grant (n.
1 o.v. Juhu Dav'n CItv rn. o V. Canvou
City, Prairie City and Lower Boise, to
uoise uuy, 4uu miles ana oacK, once a
Leave The Dalles Monday at 4 a m;
Arrive at Boise City in seven days;
Leave Boise City Monday at 4 a nu
Arnye at The iJalles la seven days.
1 Present pay, Sl,000 peraunum.
44141 From The. Dalle by Fitter mile Creek
(n o), Tygh Valley, Mount Huod, Onk
Grove (u o). Warm springs, vYillough
by Reservation (n o), Willow Creek (n
o), aud Prineville. to Upper Ocheco,
130 railett and back, once a week.
Leave Tbe TJallea Monday at 6 a m;
-Arrive at Upper Ocheco Wednvs ay by 6 p ns
Leave Upper Ocheco Thursday at 6 a m.
Arrive at The Dalles Satnrday by 6 p m.
44142 From Tbe Dalle, by Columbj, (Wa-h
Tcr.j, Klikitat & GoidendtIe to Block
Iloue. 40 mile', and buck, once a week
V LeaveThe Dalles Saturday at 5 a m;
Arrive at Block House by 7 p m;
Leave Bloek House Friday at S a nu
Arrive at The Dalles by7 p m.
44143 From Pendleton, by Pilot Rock, Batter
Creek, Lena, Ileppner, Willow Fork.
and Bock Creek, to Scotts, 100 miles
and back, ouce a week.
Leave Pendleton Monday at 10 a m;
Arrive at Srotls Wednesday, 6 pm;
Leave Scotts Thursday at 6 a nu
Arrive at Pendleton Saturday,3 p m.
44141 From La Grande, by Urudell,CampCar
eoa.(a u), .Granite-City (nja).andUu-
dependencc (u o), to C8nyon City, 100
miles' and back, once a 'week.
Leave La Orands Monday's! 9 am;
Arrive at Onyoa City .Wednesday, q pm;
aavevanjon tail lODlwsjilvsm,
Arrive at La Grande Saturday, 6 pm.
44145 From La Grande, by Island City, Sam
v, mervtlle and Indian Valley, to Wal
lowa, 62 miles ami back, once a week.
'.. -Leave -JtGrande Monday at7 a nu.
AreiyeatWalcjwnextdaj,6pin; u
, Leave Wallowa Wednesday. atTanu, ..
- ti.- js-rlve at Li-Orande- aext-tfay, 6 j ns. " -
4414G From Union by Cove, Island City.Snni-
mervilleand Indian valley to Wal
lowa. SO miles and back, once a week.
Leave Union Mondav at 7 a m;
Arrive at Wallowa Wednesday, 6 pm;
eare Wallowa Thursday at 7 a in;
tAnlreat Union Saturday. 6 o m.
44147 Erom Wallowa to Lakeville (n o), and.
back, once a week. Bidden will
j state distance and 'propose schedule or
departures and arrlvaU 1
4414S From Baker City to Auburn, 11 miles
ai.a back, once a m K
Leave Baker City Wednesday atl p m
Arrive at Adbura, 5 p nu
Leave Auburn VV eduesilay at S a m;
T Arrive at lUVer City, 12 m.
4ly3l!rxim Biker Cny by Pritchard to Spar
ta. 32 miles and back. once a week,
a deleave Baker City, Friday at 7 a mf - "" ' -Arrive
at bparta, 6 pm;
Leave Sparta Saturday at 7 a m;
AniveaT Baker Cfty, 6 pm.
44150 From link, r City to Wingvillc, 8 miles
end back, once a week, by a schedule
.. ( making conuectiou viih slagei at Ba
, t .ker.City., Proposals' invited for two,
also for three times a-week service.!
44I5LFrom.Eldorado City,, by Clarkfvlll'v to
.. - '.i..n.i. i.i:. ' ..i i.-i .r-
ou&cr wily, ! utiles uuu uac&, turec
Jinie" a week;
. Leave Eldorado Oily Monday, Wednesday and
) rlday at 6 a ra;
" Arrive at Baker CI y. 6 p nu
Leave Baker City Tuesday, Thursday and Satur
day at 6 a m;
Arrive at LlduradoCity,Gpm. 4
44152Froin'Caiiyoii City, by Camp Harney (n
6). Alvurd Valley (u ol, and Orejrou
Ranch (n o), to Camp McDermott Me
vadii 245 mil-- and bick once a uetk
Leave Canyon City Monday at 8 a m;
Arrive at Camp McDermott Saturday by 6 p m;
Leave Camp McDermott Monday at 8 a m;
Arrive at Canyon City Saturday, 6 pm.
44153 iroinCiuyuu C.ty by cuauv.l1e.(a o).
Elk District ino),True's Station u o
Olin Creek no, and Auburn to Da
kerCity, lt5 miles aaj back, once a
werk "
' Leave Canyon City Monday at 7 am;
Arrive at Baker City Wednesday, 7 pm;
Leave BskerCityThursdayt7 a nu
Arrive at Canyon City Saturday, 7 pm.
44154 From Expixm Kaucb. by ttye Valley, to
Humboldt I)a--iu, 18 miles aud buck.
once a week.
Leave Lxpreas Ranch Wednesday at 1 p nu
Arrtra at IlumbuUt Basin by 7 p m;
Leave Humboldt Bafain VV eduesday at 6 a nu
Arrive at Express Ranchj 12 m.
44155 irom UmiiilU. by Kouew. ck Yokama,
Furl Simcoe. Attauam. Selab Kittitas
and tileusbnrgh to l'Ica.-ant Grove.
17U nub's and back, ouce a weik,
Leave Umatilla Monday at7 a m;
Airive at Pleasant Grove Friday, 6 pm;
Leave PKasanl Grove Muoday al 7 a m,
Arriro at Umatilla ) rtday, 6 pm.
The undersigned .whose post
office address is county of ,Sale
or. proposes to convey the in tils ot
the United bla'es, from July 1, ls74, to June
30, lo"8 Jou route No between aid
.under Ihe advertisement of the I'o-l-
master General, dated October 1, 1873 "with
celerity, certainty, and stcur ty" (law of Juue
8t lf72). Tor the annual sum of .... dullars.
Tlc.x proposal u made with full knoirledtjc of Ihe
distance of Vie route, Vie veight of the mill lo be ear
ned, and all other particulurt in reference to the route
and temce; and. alio, after careful examination of
tlit latee and instructions attached to advertisement of
matt service; and of the provisions contained m the act
of Congress of June 8, 1872.
Dated Bidder.
The undersigned, residing at , Slate of
undertake that, if the foregoing bid lor
cairyinglhe mail on route No.... bc'ucceptrd
by tbe l'o'tina-ler General, tl e bidder will, pri
or lo tbe 1st June, 1874, enter into the nquired
obligation, or contract, to pirlorm tbe sirvice
proposed, with good and mdicient suritiei.
JTuj tr do, VTidtritaiding distinctly the obligations
and liabditus atiumtd by guarantors.
The undcr-igned, pusimirtcrat State of
....... Certifies. usnut ins ovru oKorncK, that
he is acquaiutid wilb the above guarantors,
and knows ibem to be men of nroDLrtv. and
able to make good their guarantee; and that
bidder and guarantors arc above the age of 21
Bids of S5 000 and upward must b accompanied
by a certified check, or draft en some solvent National
Dank, equal to 5 per centum en the present annual
pay on the rohte: or in one cf nea service, not less
than 5 per centum o one year's pay proposed in lid
Section 253, Act of June 8 1872.)
The postmaster mut not sign the certificate
until tbe turn of the bid is iurert'd and the bid
and guarantee signed by all parlies, and dated
Oath required by section 240 if tn st ot Congress sp-
firoed June 8, 1S72, to be affixed to each bid fur carry
uc the Mail and to be taken before an OlZccr qualified
to admiuisier oaths.
I, , of bidder for con
veying the malt on route No .from ....
, do sn ear that I have Ibe ability
pecuniarily to lulfill my obligation as such
bidder ; that the bid is made In good faith, and
wilh the intention lo enter into contract ci'd
perform the service in case said bid shall be
accepted ; and Ihit th- signatures of the
guarantors llierelo arc genuine, and that' I be
lieve the said guarantors to be pecuniarily tfs
ponsible for and able to pay all damages the
United Stales ihall suffer by reason of my
(ailing to perform my obligations as such bid
Sworn 'o and fnb'crilvd before me
for the of this da of . .
A. D. 187 . and in testimony thereof 1
hereunto sub-enbe my name and affix my offi
cial teal Ibe day and year aforesaid.
Xore.--T hen tbe oath is taken before a justice of the
pease, the certlncare" of Ihe clerk of a court of record
should be added, under bis seal of office, thit the person
ho administered the oath Is a duly qualified justice of
tne peace.
eioolaimne: abo cvnaitloos to oe HiCvf porated in the eon
tracts to tbe extent the Department may deem prop. r.
1. Seven minutes aie allowed to each in
termed ate office, when not otherwise specified,
for assorting the mails.
2. On routes where the mode of conveyance
admits of it, the Bpicial agents of the Pot Of
See Department, also post office blanks, mail
bags, locks and keys, are to be conveyed with-,
out extra charge.
3. "Way bills" or rcceipls. prepared by
postmasters or other agents ol tbe Department,
will accompany tbe mails, srx-ci yt-g the nam
her ana destination of ibeseveial bags;Mobe
examimd by the pnstmaters, to insure regu
larity in tbe delivery of bans and pouches.
4. no pi.y win be made for trip not per
formid ; and fur each of such omissions, it. the
failure be occasioned by the fault of Ihe con
tractor or carrier tbree times Ihe pay of the
trip will be deducted. For arrivals sofarbe
bind",lime ajto.break connection with depend
ing mails, aud not sufficiently excused, one
fourth of tbe compensation for tbe trip is sub
ject to forleiturr.' For repeated delinquencies
of tbe kind herein specified, enlarged penalties',
proportioned lo the balure thereof, and the
importance of the mail may be made.
5. For leaving behind or throwing off tbe
mail, or any portion of them, for tbe ad
mission of passengers, or for being concerned
in setting up or running an express conveying
intelligence in advance of the mail, a quarter's
pay may be deducted.
6. Fines will be Imposed, unless the delin
quency be promptly and satisfactorily ex
plained by certificate of postmasters or the af
fidavits of other credible persons; for failing
to arrive la contract time: for neglecting to
take the mail from, or deliver It Into, a post
office, for suffering it to be wet, iijured,dcs
trpyrf,Trobbid,v)rlostr and for efnslug, after
dcaandto convey the rnalfar IreeJticntJyai
the contractor, rune, or Is concerned la run
ning: a coach car. or steamboat on a route.
7 The Postmaster General may annul the
contract for repeated failures to ran agreeably
to contract ; for violating the pot office laws,
or disoti ving the instructions of the Depart
ment; 'for refusing to discbarge u carrier
when required by tbe Department to do to , for
running an express as aforesaid"; or for trans
porting persons or packages conveying mail
able matter oat of tbe mail.
8. The Potmater General may discontinue
or extend a contract, change, theichedule and
termini oTaroate, and alter Increase, decrease,
or extend the servicje.ln;acyordancc.wlth taw,
he allowing ayry rcrfujnc'reaie oCcortpcnsaiion
for any additioualVervice thereby required, or
for IncreaecTspced;,rif the'cmploymcat'bf addi
tional stock or carriers tSj rendered necessary f
and in' case of decrease. cqrtalment. or disoon-
tinuanbe of "Vcrvice", 'al a full indemnity "to
said contractor, oue month's extra pay on the
amount oflserjcelilispns.dt.wJlh,Bnaii proi
rata compensation for the the service retained:
1'rorided. hoaever that, in cae of increased ex
pcJiiion, Uie.coatcictorjntyrjpoa.timcly no
lice, rvlii.quithllie contract., i 1,
9. Payments will be nude, by collections'
from, or drafts on. postmasters er otherwlsuv
afttr tbe txpirntion of each quarter lay lor
Novimber February, May, and Angut, provi
ded that required evidence of service basbeetf
received '
10. The distances given are believed toba
substantially correct ; but no Increased pay
win oe allowed sdouiu tuey to greater inaia
advertised, if Ihe points to be supplied are cor
rectly stated. Hidden must.mftrvti themselves our
this point, and also in reference to tbe weight of
Ihe mail, tbe condition ot bills, roads, streams,
Ac , and all toll-bridges, lurr.p'Us, plank
roads, ferries, or obstructions of any kind by
which expense may b Incurred. No claim for
additional pay, baed on such ground, can bo
contidend ; nor for alleged mistakes or misap
prehension as to the degree of service ; nor fur
bridges detrnyed, ferries discontinued, or
other ob truclions catt'Ing' or V creasing dis
tance or expense occurring during the contract
term. Oftios eablisbed after this' advertise
ment U issued, and also during the contract
brm.are to bevisitid without extra pay, if the
distance be not increased
11. Bidders are cautioned to mail their
proposals iu time to reach tbe. Department by
the day and hour named (3 p m., February Z,
1874). at bids receivtd alter that time inline!
be considered in competition with bids, of reason
able umouiit. received in time. Neither oau
b d be considered which are without the guar
antee riquirtd by law. aud a certificate or the
sufficienty of mih guarantee, aud the oath of
the bidder according to section 246, act of
JuueS. 1872
12. Bidders should Grit propose for service
strictly according to tbe advertisement, and
then, if they desire, teparately for different f er
vice ; and if the regular b,d be the lowest offered
fur the advertised i-ervice, tbe other proposi
tion" may be considered
19 There shall be but one route b'd for In a
proposal Consolidated or combination bdi
i"propoing-oue turn fGV twOurmore'routes,'j
cannot be cuusiderid.
14. The route,lbc scrvtce, the ycarly'pay,
the name and residence or tbe bidder (that is,
bis u-ual post-odce address), and the nama of
each member of a firm, where a company otters,
should b:ditiuctly stated. ' ""
15. Didders are n questul to uc, as far as
practicable, the printed proposals' furnished by
tbeDipartment, lonrite out iu full Ibe sum of
their bids, and to retain copies of Ihtra.
Altered bds should not be submitted ; nor
should bids once submitlid be withdrawn. No
vti.hdrunal ofa bddtr or guarantor will be
ailowid unless the withdrawal Is received
twenty four hours previous lo the time fixed,
for opening the propoals. I
Each bid mui-t n guaranteed, by two repon
sible persons. Tbe bid and guarantee should
Ijen'jiinf plainly wl.h the. full name of each per
son. The Postmaster General reserves tbe right to
njectanybid which maybe deemed extrava
gant ; and alto to distcgaid tbe bids of falling
eoiitractors and bidders. (Act of Juue 8, 1ST.!,
se-ciluti Z4V )
16. Ibe bid should be, scaled, superctibed
JIail Proposal, State of Oregon. addressed
"Stcoud Assistant .Postmaster General, .Con
tract Offlce." Bids of 35,000 per annum aud"
upward inu-t bo accompanied b a certified
check, or draft, on some solvent national bank,
equal to 5 per cent, of the amount : alo bids
ro'r service which now costs, $5,000 or more?
per milium. Where the present pay is Si 000
ur more-, it is stated in the advertisement under
the appropriate route.
17. 1 be contracts are to lie executed and
returned to tbe Department byorbefote the
1st day of June, 1874, otherwise Ihe accepted
bidder will be considered as having failed, and
the l'o-tinasttr General may proceed to con
tract tor Ihe service with olbcr parties, accord
ing to law.
1 rangers of contracts, or of interest iu con;,,
tracts, are- forbidden by law, and rcbnsqneutlx.
cauuot be allo-ed. Neither can bids, or inter
est Iub.ds.be transferred or assigned, to other
patties. Bidders; will therefore" take 'notice
that I hey will be expected to perform the ser
vee awarded to them through tbe whole con
tract tetin.
18 fccctioa 21D of Ihe net of June 8, 1872,
provides that contracts Tor the transportation
of Ihe mail shall be "awarded to the 'Ion est
b.dder tendering sufficient guarantees for faith
ful performance, without other reference totbeT
mods ol such transportation lhau may be net-l
e-rary to provide for tbe dne celerity, certainty,
and security thereof " Under this law bids that
p'opose tt transport the mails with -cekrity.
Certainty, and security," having-been decided
to be the ouly legal bids, are coustrued as pro
viding ior Ihe entire mail, however large, and
whatever may be the mode of conveyance nec
essary to insure Its "celerity, certainty, ahd' se
curity," and have .Ihe. preference, over; allT.
others, and no others arc considered, except
fur steamboat routes-
19. A modification of a bid la any of Its
essential terms is tantamount to a new bid, and
cauuot be received, so as to interfere with
regular competition. Making a new bid, with
guarantee aud certificate, is the only way to
tnodiTy a previous bid.
20 Postmasters are to be careful 'not to
certify to the sufficiency of guarantors without
knowing that they are persons -of sufficiency
responsibility, (bee section 247, act of Junej
8. 1872 ) 1 hey must not sign tbe certificate
uutil Ibe sum of the bid is inserted, and tbe
b d and guarantee are signed by the bi'dder and
(twu) guarantors ; a disregard of UiU instruction
by postmasters mil subject than to immediate removal
and to severe penalties.
Postmasters are also liable to dismissal from .
office lor acting as agents or contractors or "
bidders, wilb or; without compensation, in any
business, matter, or thing relating to tbe mail
service. Ibeyarelbe trusted agents of the
Department, and cannot consistently act in
bulb capacities,
21. All bidders, guarantors, and sureties
are distinctly notified that on a failure to ,en
ter into or perform the contracts for the scr-
Vicepiopostd Tor in the accepted bids, their'
legal liabilities will be entorced against them; '
22. I'resnl contractors, and persons known
at ibe Deportment, must, equally with others,
procure guarantors aud certificates of their
sufficiency substantially' in. thefrorras"1 borpv
pretcrlued. The certificate of sufficiency must
be sigued by a postmaster.
23. la all cases here Ihe routes are not
fully supplied with tbe necessary locks aud
pouches, it is tbe'dutyJoMbe postmaster Jit tbe
bead oflbe'rbSte to make reqursition'on'tbo
Contract Office of this Depaitmeut for such
locks and p'ou'clTeibcfofe'lst July next, provi
ded the route be let
r - -r , . JNO. A. J. CEESWELL. .
n37sr.S - - - Jcfciarftr" Vwrcil I )