hG'Pn- ' Minnesota Republican Platform. The following resolutions, with two others relating to matter's purely local, constitute the platform adopted by the Republican State Convention of Minne eota, whicnjconvened on the lCth, ult: JiesolvediT'l-.Tha the Itepubh" party continues to be'the party! pro gress arid reform ; that while pledging itself anew to their great principles of universal freedom and equal human rights wkh which it has triumphed in the past,-and which it has permanently ihcorpofated in government, State and liational.'it meets boldly new questions as they arise, "m the same spirit of de votion to the rights of the people, irre spective ol class or condition; and that it presents the first example of a great party wise and just enough to correct its own errors and abuses. 2. That, whereas, the Republican party has ever been the friend of the Oppressed securing freedom to the Slave, giving a oome to ine .janaiesa obtainine from JLnropeatl countries a recognition of citizenship here for adopted citizens it now greets with a hearty sympathy and extended hand to help every movement to secure to agriculture and labor'their due influ ence, interest and rights. 3. The producing, commercial, and industrial interests o'f the country should have the best and cheapest modes of transportation possible, and while capital invested in such means of transit, whether by railway or otherwise, should be permitted the right of reasonable remuneration, all abuse in their management, excessive rates, unjust or oppressive discrimina tion against localities, persons or inter ests, should be protested against, and the people protected from such wrongs, and all improper and arbitrary use of the growing power of 1 ail way and other corporations. 4. That in our opinion no richts should be vested in railway corpora tions beyond the control of future legislation, and that such laws should be enacted as will limit to just and reasonable tolls, freights and charges of railway and transportation compa nies and protect the people from im , position;, and that the Legislature should attach such conditions to all new grants and amendments or exten sion of old charters as will place the rights of legislative control over such corporations beyond all question. 5. That we highly indorse the action of the late Legislature in investigating and reforming the abuses in the office ot State Treasurer, and heartily applaud the active measures of the late Con' press in ferriling out and exposing cor ruption. Vfe have seerr with profound regret, m the developments made there by, evidence of political and official corruption,and the abuse of responsible positions by men of all political parties, to further personal ends ; and we de mand pure official conduct and the punishment of unfaithful public men, State and National, who, having be trayed the confidence freely extended to them, shall not be shielded from the disgrace of their acts by any parti sanship of ours ; and we denounce all Credit Mobilier transactions, whatever be their form. 6. When retrenchment is required to lighten the burden of taxation and to continue the reduction of the public debt, an increase of salary is unwise. We condemn without reserve, the voting for or receiving of increased pay for services already rendered, and de round that the provisions ot the late act of Congress, by which the salaries were increased, shall be promptly and unconditionally repealed. The Climate of Oiiegon. No coun try has a better climate than Oregon, and few countries, if any, possess so "many other advantages. Those who live there long enough to become ac quainted with its many advantages, are unanimous and enthusiastic in its praise. Mrs. Francis Key6er, of Yamhill coun ty, who went with her husband and other relatives from New Hampshire to Wisconsin, thence to Iowa and Cal ifornia, and finally to Oregon, in search of a better climate and country, under date Amity, Oregon, July 27th, 18S3, writes to her aunt, Mrs. J. H. Moore, ol Washington, D. C, as IoIIowb : "We are having very warm weather. Everything looks beautiful. The trees are loaded with fruit. I like kere very much better than any other place that I ever lived. I think it is such a beautiful climate no tornadoes, nor heavy winds, nor thunder showers and I tell you it seems nice after having lived in such a stormy country." Slate Journal. A Georgia editor describing a wed ding lately, said tho bride looked a very lilly cradled in the golden glim mer of some evening lake a foam flecked, snowy, yet 6un-flushed, crown ing the rippling of some soft summer sea." If that were really so, the bride groom must have been puzzled to know whether he was wedding a submarine conservatory or an Aurora Borealis. The new postal card is not yet well understood in Ashville. A youne gent received one and after tearing at one end for some time said to the Postmas ter: "See here, Jones, I'can't get the plaguey thing open." Tiie Winona (Minn.) Republican publishes a letter dated Ku-wah-ba-bo gon-ha-kog-sah-ge-agon, White Earth Lake, July 22d, 1873. ' Wm. H. Hewitt, of Wheatland, Ore gon, has this season raised 1,000 gal lons ot blackberries on a little over one acre of ground. WATCHES ETC. JOHN NEUBER HAS JUST RECEIVED A LARGE ADDITION TO HIS"' AL reldy well Selected Stock or JEWELRY & SILVERWARE. GOLD WATCHES k CHAINS, SILVER WATCHES k CHAINS, from the most eel- ebrated MANUFACTURERS of America and Europe, which is offered to the TRADE at PRICES' to SUIT THE TIMES. v A New lot of Eieht Day and Thirty Hoar Clocks. fit S I SQ Watches, Clocks and Jewelry Cleaned and Repaired, and WARRANTED. o A LOT of Silver Plated Spoons, Knives k Forks, and Castors. Mnsic Boxes, Accor deoDS, Guitars and Violins, Guitar and Violin Strings, the best in market. o A Large asrortment of Pocket Cutlery. Just received a large lot of Toys for Holiday. 0 Great assortment of Cigars, Pipes k Tobacco, Fine Cut for smoking and chewing, and all other kinds. WXLLOWWAEE. SPECTACLES OF ALL KINDS Agent for Florence, G rover k Baker and Howe Sewing Machines. A Large assort raeot of SILK. & COTTON THREAD band. J. NEUBER. Jacksonville, Nov4tf. LIVERY STABLES. "EXCELSIOR" LIVERY STABLE! On Oregon street, Jacksonville. Manning &Isli, Proprietors. Respectfuully inform the public that they have a fine stock of HARNESS, BUGGIES k CARRIAGES and I am prepared to furnish my patrons, and the public generally, with as FINE TURNOUTS As can be had on the Pacific Coast. Saddle horses hired to go to any part of the country Animals BOUGHT AND SOLD. Horses broke to work single or double, JTor ses boarded, and the best care bestowed upon them while in my charge. J- My Terms are reasonable. A liberal share of the public patronage it solicited. MANNING & ISII. Jacksonville, July 15, 1871. UNION LIVERY, Sale cj 33 2c ola. angc fan ift KUBLI & WILSON, Proprietors. THE proprietors have recently purchased tbi above well-known stand, situated on tbt corner of California and Fourth Streets, Where the very best horses and buggies can be bad at all times, at reasonable rates. Their stock of roadsters cannot be equalled in the State. HORSES BOARDED On reasonable terms, and the best care and attention bestowed upon them while under their charge. Also ! HORSES BOUGHT AND SOLD. Being satisfied that they can (give satisfac lion, the proprietors solicit the patronge o the public. '; - '" " '" ' V Jacksonville, June 11. 187C NOTICE. OREGON 1 CALIFORNIA RAILROAD Company, Land Department. Portland, Oregon, April 5, 1872. Notice is hereby given, that a vigorous prosecutiou will be instituted against any and every person who trespasses upon any railroad Land, by cutting and remov ing timber therefrom before the same is BOUGHT of the Company AND PAID FOR. All T&iMtnl T.Jinil in rAA nnmWul dwIIa.. whether surveyed or unsurveyed, within a difr unceoi luiriy mnes irom tne line or the road, belongs to the Company. I, B, MOORES. aprl3 tf Land Agent. r. fia rtw jisSWi W 3 wJi. i m iWVfc MED1C1NM,;T City Drug 'Stbf js - PRICES REDUCED! ' Per'Bottle, WALKER'S VINEGAR? i BITTERS -.......-.One Dollar. AYER'S SARSAPARIL-. . , LA " ," AYER'S CHERRY PEC- '"' TORAL '. "' " WISTAR'S BALSAM WILD CHERRY " " HALL'S BALSAM FOR THE LUNGS " ". CATHARTIC LIVER ' ' KING .....X -; . JAYNES' EXPECTOR- .-tt-.. ANT... -.,. ., XlUaAilAXiU'S Jill- ij.s- u 1.U1VO.,..., - ALL KINDS OF PILLS ' ' PERBOX -. ' 25' cents. And other goods in oar line will be sold at greatly p.duced pric ROBB & KAHLER. ' COUGHS, HOARSENESS, INFLUENZA, Sore Throat. Colds, Whooping Cough, Croup, Liver Complaint, Bronchitis, Asthma, Bleeding of the Lungs, and every affection of.the throat, lungs and chest, are speedily and permanently cured by the use or Dr. Wislar's Balsam of Wild Cherry. This well known preparation does not dry up a cough and leave the cause behind as is the ease wilh most medicine but it loosens amt cleanses the lungs and allays irritation, thus removing tin cause of the complaint. Consumption can be Cured by a timely resort to this standard remedy, as is proved by hundreds of testimonials received by the proprietors. None genujnjMuiless signed I. Bens, Setti W. Fowlk k So5.3Pi'oprietors, Boston. Sold by Reddingten, Hostetter & Co., San Francisco, and by dealers generally. ep. a, 1872-1 j.l Address and Confes- SION of J. F. GOOD, who cared himself, and printed for yonng men and others suffering from Nervous Debili ty, Loss of Manhood, Impoteocy, e'e the ef f cts of Indiscretion and telf-abnse; furnishing his SELF CURE, and sent free on receiving a stamp or post-paid envelope. Address JONATBAN F. GOOD. Lock box 1,492, sep 28 '72yl Sab Krancico. Cal. EEWABD 10.: an Incurable Case 5 X BR. LE RICHATJ'S GOLDEN BALSAM! After ton Tears" .rial on this Coutlus prorcn itself the only curatiTC in a ctft&ln clue of diseases pronounced by method l racUUou- rj u lacnrauie. , Dr.LeBichan's GOLDEN MSikHo.1 eures Chancres first rtnj snrond fegfB.Bowfion th Legs or Body: Sorty Ears, Eyrt,Nce, kx. Copper-colored Bl-tchs, Syphilitic Cktuxh, DiBeased Scalp, and all primary forms of the (Ueeas tnowu as Syphilis. Pncc, $2 xir ,U tie, or two for S3. Dr.LeBiclnii's G3LBEN BALSAM Rr.2 enret Tertiary, Mercurial, Syphilitic Ehfiuna tism. Tains in IIij BoniK. Pack of the Nrtk, Vh trated Soro Throat, Syphilitic lUth.Ixmpt and Contracted 0rda, fctiffnswt of tbe limlwf and eradicate til diseases from tho rysttm, whether caused by Indiscretion or abuse o raerenry leaving tho Hood pure and hcalihy. Price, $J psr bottle, ot two .lor $9. Dr.LeEichan'sGOLDEHSPAHlSfl.AH-, HJote, for the Cor ot Oonnorhcrs, Gleet. IxtI. Jaion, Gravel, end all Urinur or Ge&iU) unasgements. Price, f 130 per bottle. Dr. Ls RichaaYCOLBEH SPAH1SH IH- jectlon. a wash and Injection ferrevrroews ot Gonnorhoei, InfUmm atory Cleft, SMctnrt i, and all diseases ot tho Sidneys and Elid&r. Mca.Jl.50 per bottle. Alia Agrats for DE. IE EICEAIPS 00LEE5 TILLS tat Seminal Walne, Melt Einis alona, Impotency. and all Clseasra eruunff ttom lastuxbation and excessive &lmrc. rricr, $3. per bottle. Tho genuine Goxsxk Buuit is mi np only in round bottles. On receipt of price, these medicines will be ent to all parti of the country, by exrresi or mail, securely packed and free from obecr- Tiuon. bois Agenia, C. F. EICHIEDS S: CO. ITbolesale and Retail Druggists and Chemists. B W. cor. Clay Sanaome . Etieets, Ban innciKO, uk June 21, 1873-1 year. Notice, to Miners TS HEREBY GIVEN THAT I HAVE BEEN JL duly appointed, and that my bondsbave eccuuui, aiijiiutcu, aa V. .8.. DEITOTT StJRTETOB, Of Mineral Claims for Mining District No. 1. in the State of Oregon. "Office near Ashland Oregon. ,.ai ... October 1, 1872Iy. BL KSMITHINGr qttich: J3V t't: ....am.... 0 , Small Frofitfi DAVID CRONEMILLER &. CO, i irjciuui cuniiAu i i A MH.I.KR"tftTiTfltfOf5 . ww mnn nr.n crsxTrknn Are prepared to ao ttiacKsmitningor an Kinase ana win atso aeep coasuniiy on nana an Kinus 01 iron, eieci, nurre snoea ana none Bans,, Belts, Bncfrr Clipg; DeeFlais. and erery thins in the UacksraiUi line fer sale cneap ior cats, ana wm sell ior cam. Jacksonville, Not. 30, 1872tf. J ivlk pilgl mm M 'EDlTOAT:0NAl7ff'i ' if 1 ST. '5 ACADEMY. CONDUCTED BY i ' The Sisters of tile llely Nanes, MJacfcsonvillej Oregon?? ' ' ' Board and'ToUlon per"Term ..$40''00 Entrance fee. only opceu. -J...... ...... .6 00 Piano....'.' ,..,,., , 15 00 Drawing and PaIntIng.J.j..i....... , - 8 00 Bed and Bedding ,.. ...... ,4 00 SELECT DAY SCHOOL ' ' Primary) perterm...i... -......!. 6'6d Junior....., .p;. .-.. ...i....... 8 00 "Senior...'....:..... 10 '00 The scholastic year commences about tie middle or August, and is., divided, into, four 'sessions offelerefl weeks each. Pupil's are received at any time, and their' ternrwitl bg counted from the day of their entrance For further particulars apply at the academy.-- 'FRANCO-AMERICAN HOTEL AND RESTAURANT ff OPPOSITEjTHE iim'i vaa t eiiors "V ' "W" i"1 " Hall, -Jacksonville, Oregon.'1 "Travelers and resident boarders will find : . MADAME HOLTS ' i 'i BEDS AND BEDDING Placed in first class order; and in every Way superior to any in this section, and, unsurpassed oy any in me state. HER ROOMS ARE NEWLY FURXlSllED And a plentiful supply of the best of every thing the market affords will be ob- , tained for" HER TABLE. Hereafter, her House will be kept open all night, and square meals can be had at any time through the night. Oysters prepared in every style, lanehes etc. to be had. Stage passengers, and others, out late at night, can always find a good fire, .hot meals, and good beds at the above restaurant ' No trouble will be spared to deserve the pat ronage of the traveling as well as the perma nent community. Jacksonville. Dee. 25. 1889 tf BUCKEYE STEAM SAW MILL, One Mile Eait or John Stout'a Farm, ND ABOUT 30 MILES northeast from A 1 Xi. Jacksonville. Every description of' lum- ber sawed from eood Sugar Pine, Yellow Pine and Fir timber, kept constantly on hand or sawed to order. In connection with my mill I hare a PLANING MACHINE, and will dresslnmber for all who may wistt it. and will also keep DEE3SED LUMBER at all times on hand. WM. PATTERSON. September 1, 1872-m3. S CM BREWERY! VE1T SCHUTZ, Proprietor. TIIE PUBLIC IS RESPECTFULLY IN formed that the; van find, at any time, at the CITY BREWERY, the best of Lager Beer, u quantities to suit the purchaser. Jacksonville, Jan. 15.1B70-lf HOMESTEAD, PRE-EMPTION and COURT BLANKS "of all kinds, kept on haad forale, or printed to order at this office. PETER liRITT, Photographic Artist, JACKSONVILLE, OREGOR. Ambro types, Photographs, Oartes de Visite DONE llf TIIE FINEST STYLE OF ART. Pictures Reduced OR ENLARGED TO LIFE SIZE. NOTICE TO QUARTZ MINERS. HrMJi.1. Hallocfc, A MALGAMATOU.NDASSAYER,of Cal- Xjl ifornia. will inspect mines and machinery. and give general lnlormation on mining, in quire of, ' ' J.T.GLENN. jacKsonTiue.nov. io, 101211. ST. JAMES HOTEL, B&OFESED OS THE EUROPEAN' PILa.'N, Cor, Fenna, AVe. and 6th St., " YTAsnixaTox.D.a. THISHOTEL HAS BEEN CLOSED since April last, and has, dnrine the oast summer, undergone tbe most thor-JiH ough renovation. It has been refurnished with; elegant, walnut Aiaruie Top furniture, Spring Beds, Velvet and Brussels carpets throughout, The fur niture and appointments have been manufactured to order expressly for this honse anda're equal jn style, and durability to any European H6td in the country. "The rooms are arranged en ante and sinelr. and trill hi rented frpm,$l 00 to $5, Offperday (including private potior.; A spaciou Ladiex'.and Gentlemen's dinihe room. Gentlemen's restaurant, lunch and re freshment saloons are convt-niently arranged, where all meals 111 be served a la carle. A liberal discount will be made to those de siring to remain by the week or month. , i j WOODBURY, k DUREN, Dec,!, 1872m3 Proprietors. 1 iii' ' To Mill Men an cV Machinists. Wehavefotsile at.this.officea rponsiderable, 1 S a.! Jl UMll'A'e- Wbich'is nilable fpr.all pdrposeB where Bab bit Metal ib used, and tn many cases is prefer able. It will be sold In any quantity required. 'LITERACY. Erspecttfs fer!1873i-SlxthTear. TITE An Illustrated Monthly Journal, nnlTrally admitted ta ;L. (lU th haodsomeit Periodica! in.;tt: World.t A KepreseniauTa ana unampioa ox Amertcaa Taste. Not tor-Salvia BMk1orJmISl'flrts,. THEALVINEi whiielswVd with all th? reg ularity, has nonc or the temporary or1 timely letereft characteristic of ordinary, publi catlotif. It is an leza'nt mirellauy of pun- light and graceful literature; and a collection or pictures, ine rarest specimen or artisMC skill, in black and white. Elthough each men crrdiog number afiords a freb pleasure to its mends, the real value and beauty of The, Aldine will be most appreciated after1 it ha been bound up at the close of ,thajear.. )'hie other jjnblfcations may claim superior cheap ness as liompnred with rivals'of a similaf'clasa The Aldine is a unique and original con-ception-alone and unapproached absolutely vri'tout competition in price or character. The possessor of a complete volume cannot dupli catejlhe quantity of fine paper and engraving in any other shape or number of Tolumesnr ten times Us cost; and then there are the ehromos, ie sidest Art Department. Notwithstanding tbe increase in tte price of subscription last Fall, when The Aldine assunvd its present noble proportions and repJ resentative character, the edition was more than doubled daring the past year; proving that the American pablic appreciate, and will support, a sincere effort in the cause of AR1. Thn nnb- lishers, anxious to justify the ready confidence; thus demonstrated, have exerted themselves to the utmost to develop and Improve the work; and the plans for tbe coming year, as. unfolded by the monthly issues, will astonUb and delicti t even our most sabgune patrons-. The publish ers are autnorizea to announce designs from many" of 'the mosl eminent artists of Ameriea. In addition. The Aldine will reproduce examples of the best foreisrn masters, selected wilh a view to the highest artistic success, and greatest general interest; avoiding such as have ucLuuie lawuiar, mruugn pnoiograpns, or cop ies ui auy kiuu. The quarterly tinted plates, for 1873, will re produce fonr of John S. Davis inimitable child sketches, appropriete to tbe four seasons; these plates appearing in the fssut for January, April July and October, would be alone worth the brice of a year's entuenption. The popular feature ot a copiously illustrat ed "Christmas" number will be continue d. To possess such a valuable epitome of the art world, at a cost so trifling, will command lh subscriptions of thousands in every section of the country; but. as the usefulness and attrac tions of The Aldine can be enhanced, In proportion to tbe numerical increase of its sup porters, the publishers propoic to make "asur ance doubly sure,'' by the following unparal lelled offer ol Premium Chroruos for 1873. Erery snbscrilier to THE ALDINE, ulio pay in J rance for th year 1873, will receive, without additional charge; a paio of beautiful oil ehromos, after J. J. Hill, the eminent Xngllsh painter. The pictures, entitled "The Village Belle," and "Crossing the Moor," are 11x20 Inches are printed from 23 different plates, reiulr2ng 25 Impressions and trats to perfect each picture. The same Chromos are sold for 30 per pair in tho art stores. As It is the determination of its conduetora to keep THE AL DINE ont of the reach of competition le ewy depart ment, tbe chromos will be found correspondingly ahead ot any that can be offered by other periodicals. Erery sufl scribel will rrcelre a certificate, orerthc signature of the publishers, guaranteeing that the chromosddiTered shall be equal to the sumples furnished the agent or the moniy will be refunded. The distribution of pictures of this grade, free to the tubscr.bers to a fire dollar periodical, will marl, an enoch in the hktorr at Art-. nA v.n.Lp. log the unprecedented cheapneM of the price for THK limWI...,. !. t . ,1-1. 1. ..-.. a .. AM...... it.vii, iuc juaitei uuis utiie soon or a mirafin' eren to those best acquainted w ith the achieTemeuts of Inrcrjtive genius and Improved mechanical appliances. (For illustrations of these ceromos sco November issue of The Literary Department. "Will continue under the care of NR. ltlCUARD HENRY OlUllfAUll. aSSWeU DTt&A lHt WritArMftnilnnntanftli day, who will strive to have the literature of THE AL- ""' aiajs in Keeping un lis artistic attractions. TERMS: FIVE DOLLARS per annum. Oil Chrome fr TIIE ALDINE will, hereafter, be obtainable only by subscription. There will be noredncml nr Hub ri... cash for subscription must be sent to the publishers di- evi or unuueu 10 ine local ageni; wicnout resionflitiIity to the pubilkhert, except in cases where the cerUicate ia given, bearlnc the lac simile slirnatnra nTJim., Kntt.m 4 Co. JAJIE3 SUTTON & CO . Publishers. 53 Maiden Lane, Xew Yor. VICK'S FLORAL GUIDE, FPU 1873. rpnE GUIDE IS NOW PUBLISHED X QUARTERLY. Z5 Cents pjs for the year, four numbers, which is not half the cost Those who afterwards send money to the amount 01 une uouar or more for Seeds may also add twenty-hve cents worth extra the price paid for the Guide The -'January Number" is beautiful, giving plans for making Rural Homes, designs for Dining: Table Decorations, Window Gardens, tc., and contaiuing a mass of information In valuable to tbe lover of flowers. One" Hundred and Fifty-pages, on fine tlnte'd paper, some 60u Engravings, and a superb colored plate and chromo cover. The first edition of 2U0.009 just printed in English and German, and ready to bcuu uui. oeuu uruers iu JAMES VICK, Rochester, N. T. THE BEST OFFER F O H 1873. COTTAGE MONTHLY, Is"TY CENTS A' TEAB ' ' We give the Cottage Monthly, with Smith's Dollar Magazine, for.. ........ .$1 "00 Western Rural, with premium, for 2 25 Prairie Parmer, for...... 2 00 Weekly Inter-Ocean, for 1 50 American Agriculturist, for. k 1 50 We give Lanseu "Cablo"' to every subscriber. Can You tTo Better? Address with cash, alwav. COTTAaE MOSTOtT, jsn4m3. 112 La Salle St., Chicago. WM.BOYER, CALIFORNIA STREET, 1 First Door IVtst of IVtalte & Martin's - DEALER I.V GROCERIES JND PROVISIONS. Frails, ii-Season; PLAIN AND FANCY CANDIES ETC., ETC., ETC. Produce takeH in Exchange. JsT- aiTEllE A CALL. - Jatksonville, Dec.14, 18721y dtC B?Ori TsaDirJi Agents wanted I fJJt'TO'JCV All class'es of working peo ple, qf.eilht-r; gex, young or .ojd, make more money at work for, nsjn their spare moments, 6rall the' time, than at anything -else' Partlc-i ulars free. Address O. Stinson & Qo Port land, Maine. p21, '72yl. A J !StEIixVkS-EQta 1 I jID-rWIHTE. , ALEX ilAKT;.N (3DCCES30R-TO JAS.T. QLESS.) BEILTR IN .GENERAL.MEaCHArJDISE CALlFOKNIA'STREETt: .i , JACKSONVILLE, OREGON . . n'm iq f -nil iBW FIRM mjsOOLiSe .i.'sv.. tisTEW PKiCOlB! i LOW PRICES WILL WIN. THE UNDERSIGNED TAKES PLEASURE In notifying his' friends and 'the public generallythat he is .now receiving and op ening a very latge and extensive stock of 1. - 1 1 STAPLE JDRT GOODS, . ' , READT MADP. CLOTHING. 1IATS AND CAPS, CALIFORNlAi AND SALEM CLOTHS, ' ' BLANKETS,' , HOOP SKIRTS ETC., ETC. BOOTS AND SHOES, Lailieb', Misses' & Children's Slioes. J- I have, also, in connection with -tga the, above, a very large and extensive stock of choice ' Groceries.Hnrdware, Queensware, Glass -a ware, Cutlery, Paints anJ Oils; also. Window Glass, Nails, Iron and Steel, Cast and Steel SSf Plows, Wooden and Wjllow ware. tSa I am ready to sell anything in my line a tho LOWEST CASn PRICE. Persons wishiiiir to buy goods, will find it greatly to their ad vantage to examine my stock before purchas ing elsewhere, as I am determined not to up undersold by any house in Jackson county. Give me a call, and then judge lor yourself as to my capaolty to furnish goods as above. WniTE k MAKTIN. Jacksonville. November 18.' 1871 f JCHN BILGEH, DEALER ASD WORKER I TIi SHEET-IRON. COPPER, LEAD AND BRASS, HiroKiEU or F1RRIIHG Will " liTi TflTll AND MACHINES, And dealer In TOBACCO. LIQUORS. AND GROCERIES, California St., Jacksonville, (Eetweeil Orrgcn and Tlilrd,) KEEPS CONSTANTLY ON HANI) an assortment of the best Tin, Sheet-iron and Copper ware. Brass. Pipes, Hydranlio Nozzles, Force rumps, Chains, Lead Pipe, Uoea. II ARDWABK, CUTLEHY ; NAILS of' all size. Bar, Plate and assorted Iron; Brushes of every variety, etc., etc.; Paints, Oils, Sizrs and Glass; All qualities of Powder; Shot or all numbers; Kope, Brass nnd Iron Wire; , Wooden and Willow Ware; Blacksmith, Carpenter and Miner's tools of. every variety. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS ' coxsmi.xa' br Cast-iron and Steel Plows; ', Self-sharpening, Feed Cutters; : Cauldrons' and Iron Wash Kettles; Cultivators.Whcelbarrowg, etc. S T'O V E S ! Always on hand a large lot of Parjor, Cooking,- OfEcc-and Cabin Stoves, of assorted sizes, plain nnd fancy, constructed on latest fuel saving plans. Boilers, Kettles, Pots, Pans, and everything connected with tlitse stoves, warranted durable and perfect. All articles sold or manufactured by him. WARRANTED. His work is made of the best materia and of choicest patterns. - - Orders attended to wilh aispatcb, Bnd Sited according to dirpetinna lis ;. Ji.,..;. ed to sell at LOW PRICES FOR CASH. uall and examine his stock before purehas ing elsewhere. Sept. 14, 1872. TREMONT HOTEL, And General Stage Office, Main Street, - - - lied' Bluff, W. P. Mathew, - - . PEorniEiOR. The Proprietor would respect fully announce to his friends md the traAeling publfc, that he has taken this well .knowmbrick Hotel, and will at all time's be ready to,wait pn all those who may favor him with the light of their smiling countenances. TVLatch String will always be out. The Table will be supplied wilh all the mar ket affords. aud,prices;.to suit the times. The rooms are large a'ric well ventilated, and new. 'Hiring Beds tbr&ughont. Stages 'arrive and depart daily. North. CaH and see me. Red Bluff, Cal. ilarcll2-ly