Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, September 06, 1873, Image 3

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Saturday, Septkmbeb 6, 1873.
Tha following- named panou re thorit4toctj
A(nta forthli pprln the places named:
L.P FMHER.ManiiaXewMarehaiita'XxeliaBte,
TOItK, and 10 State Itreet, BOSTON.
ALBERT MESET, (raccenor to Hudson A (tenet,
SI Park Bow, NEW YORK.
GEO. P. IUI1VEM. & CO., 41 Park Row, NEW
The Aldine for September.
Nothing finer has yet been produced
in this country in the form of a maga
zine than the September Aldine. Eu
rope and America have been laid under
contribution to iurnisb the most mar-,
velously beautiful pictures which the
best artist can produce. Mr. A. F.
Runner has a series ot three Magnificent
views of the Rocky Mountains, made
expressly for the Atdyie&n .these
days of Yellowstone expeditions and
excursions to this famous region, these
pictures poises unusual interest. A
full-page view ot Clear Creek Canyon,
Rocky Mountains, opens up the won
derful grandeur of those hiddpn soli
tudes in a way to make them seem
real; a large picture of the Snowy
Range ot the Sierra Madre is wild,
gloomy, and grand, while.a sketch of
the interior ot the Rocky Mountains,
gives one the impression that all the
world is made of mountains. A charm
ing full-page picture after Lejeune, a
French artist, called "The Blue Bird,"
shows a bewitching young woman
confined in a strong tower to keep her
from her lover. Mr. John Hows, a
New York 3rtit, has a full page study
of "Brookside Willows," reinaikable
for its faithful interpretation ot nature
and minute detail. A finer picture is
seldom seen. Mary A. Hallockgives a
society sketch called "Who Is It?" of
two ladies peeping down stairs to
catch a glimpse of the man at the hall
door. Dore, the great Fiviich artist,
furnishes two large pictures illustrating
the lairy tale of the "Sleeping Beauty."
But we hate not room to specify
further. Suffice to say that this num
ber of the Aldine is an unusually
attractive one. James Sutton & Co.,
publishers, 58 Maiden Lane, New York.
A Gang ofBurglaks ox tueTbamp.
The excitement of the week has been
about burglars. Last Sunday night
Mr. Beckman's house was entered, and
his pants taken oulbide and " gone
through," when the thieves hung the
pants on the fence. Twenty dollars in
change and some keys were the spoils.
The burglar", no doubt, had hoped to
get possession of the keys belonging
to the safe in Mr. B.'s express office.
In this, however, they were disap
pointed. The burglars did their
work 60 well that none of tho in
mates of the bouse were awakened,
although they must have passed in a
few feet of where Mr. Beekman was
sleeping. The parties concerned in
this robbery arc evidently old hands
at the business, and, frpm what can be
learned of their movements, are evi
dently on a professional visit south.
An overcoat was stolen from John
ny Crouch in this vicinity previous to
the robbery at Mr. Beekman's house.
The coat is said to have been seen at
Ashland and again at Casey's. The
residence of Mr. Davis, at Ashland,
was entered a few nights eince, Mr.
D.'s pants taken out and searched, and
then left in the yard. These circum
stances should warn people to be
prepared for tho light-fingered gentry.
A SrLESDiD Bargain; To capital
ists wishing to invest iu something
permanent and remunerative, the Ash
land Woolen Mills in this county offer
superior inducements. Wc have no
doubt but that these mills cau be
bought at a very reasonable figure.
Private enterprise, backed by the
cash, it is now pretty generally con
ceded, can conduct such business with
more economy, and of course greater
profit, than a corporation or company.
For an indefinite period Southern Ore
gon will be a wool producing section
And surely, when wo can raise the
wool, it is folly to ship it to some dis
tant point, there to be manufactured
into blankets and various kinds, of
cloths, and then shipped back to us for
sale. Yet such, wo are informed, is
now the case. That it will contiuue
to be the case until some iudhidual of
cash, energy and experience obtains
ownership or control of the Ashland
Factory is quite probable. But were
the Factory in tho hands ot an indi
vidual such as we have mentioned!
this condition of things would soon be
reversed, and the Ashland Woolen
Alius woiua be splendidly paying
TM wjMiTkat.
Doctor Plnsweriwae-isvtewn Wed
nesday, and Thftraday. He is. on his
way south, lookisg after .tbeMterests
of the telegraph company, s
Harvesting in this seetieVis about
over. ..
CrystalifctWright waHtB.ll indebted
to them to stoW immediately.
The Teachers' Institute bad a very
pleasant session last Friday and Satur
day. We were glad to notice so many
of our citizens take an interest in the
The telegraph office will aeon be
moved to Caton's new building.11
Hon. Syl. C. Simpson, State Super
intendent of Pnblio Instruction, who
presided over the deliberation of the
Teachers' Institute, started homeward
on the stage last Sunday morning;
A nice shower during the early-part
ot Jbe week,-succeeded by balmyfBttiu
shiny days, makes everybody feel sa
lubrious. Misses Kate Hoffman and Mollie
McCulIy started on the stage Thurs
day morning for the Willamette coun
try Miss n. on a visit, and Miss M
to attend the University at Salem.
Daly it Emery, of the Butte Creek
Mills, are now prepared to receive
wheat in store and will commence
grinding about the 10th inst.
Quartermaster Stone is located at
Walla Walla, W. T.
No services at the M E. Church to
morrrow. Sunday School at the usual
We received a magnificent three
sheet poster of the State Fair this
week. It is u model of taste and
beauty, and now ornaments the walls
of our pi inting office. The State Fair
commences on the Oth ot October.
The officers of Jacksonville Turn
Verein No. 1 are: Cbas. Nickel!, Pres
ident; Rob't Kahler, Secretary ; Steph
en Hubbard, Treasurer.
Mr. Noltner, editor and proprietor of
the Oregon City Enterprise, called on
us last Tuesday. He was en route for
Baltimore, whither he goes as Dele
gate lrora Oregon to attend the Grand
Lodge of Odd Fellows tor the United
States, w hicb soon convenes at Balti
It is feared that some of the late va
rieties of grape may not ripen, nnless
we have warm, pleasant weather till
late in the fall.
We are sorry to announce that Mr.
Gunnison is quite sick so low indeed
as to be confined to his bed.
Mr. Rapp left us some delicious can
telopes yesterday. Mr. Rapp always
knows what priuters like. Success to
Yesterday (Friday) morning China
town was thrown into quite an excite
ment by Chinaman Yong feloniously
stealing Chinaman Sing's wife.
A man by the namo of John Wil
liams died at the County Hospital yes
terday morning.
The Democrats elected nine dele
gates at their County Convention last
Saturday, to attend the State Conven
tion at Portland on the 9th. The dele
gates arc J. N. T. Miller, W. H. Simp
som, J. R. Neil, K. Kubli,N. C. Dean,
W. F. Songer, H. Papo and W. A.
Caro & Baum, of Ashland, have dis
solved partnership, Mr. Caro withdraw
ing from the firm. The business will
be conducted at the old Btand by J. M.
McCall & Co.
Dr. Danforth lost a good horse a few
days ago. He was driving it in a
buggy when it took sick, and in a few
minutes after reaching the stable it
dropped dead.
Wm. M. Turner, Esq., will start
about next Tuesday for Albany, to at
tend the Republican State Convention,
which meets at that point on the 11th.
The Modoc Mukdekehs. The fol
lowing are the names of the'Modocs
implicated in the murder ot settlers on
Lost River: Hocker Jim, Curly-headed
Doctor, Long Jim, Little George,
Sconchin's Brother, Wild Girl's Man,
Wild Girl's Brother, Billy, Little Jim,
Curly-headed Doctor'aBrother, Long
Jim's Father, BigTailigy.Tail's
Boy. Theso aro'the ones who will
probably be turned over to the civil
authorities of this State for trial.
"Democrats, look to the welfare and
prosperity ot your adopted land."
How long since you came irom Tip
perary, neighbor ?
Catholic Services. Divine services
will be held at the Catholic Chureb by
the Rev. Father Demers to-norrow
(Sunday) at the nsual hour.
RepablicaH CoHHtr CoHreaitiea.
Jacksonville, Ang. 30, 1873.
The delegates to the Republican
County Convention beld at Jackson
ville, OregOD, August 30th, 1873, met
at the , County Clerk's office at 2 tVv.
of said day, and the meeting was called
to order by WnuJlL Turner, Chairman
of the County Central Committee.
On motion, B. F. Dowel! was elected
President, and E. B. Watson, Secretary.
On motion made and carried, the
President appointed Max Muller, S. D.
Vandyke and Wm. M. Turner a Com
mittee on Credentials.
The Committee then retired, and af
ter examining credentials, returned and
reported the following delegates enti-.
tied to seats in the conventions
Jacksonville Mar Mulle,r, C. W.
Savage, Geo. Brown, .1. N. Bell, H.
K?l'yi Wn. M-Turnen (proxy J. S.
Howard), M. Caton, E. B. Watson, L.
Danforth. ' " V
Manianita JTBrWrisley (proxy. C.
W. Kahler), R. W. Wri'sley (proxy C.
W. Kahler), L Constant (proxy B. F.
Ashland J. M. McCall (proxyWm.
M. Turner), W. C. Meyer, A. V. Gil
lette (proxy W. C. Meyer), M. Baum
(proxy W. C. Meyer), Dr. Chitwood
(proxy W. C. Meyer).
Eden H. Root, B. Goddard (proxy
IL Root), E. K. Anderson (proxy H.
Root), Clark Taylor (proxy H. Root),
H. M. Coleman (proxy H. Root), S. D.
Evan's Creek H. M. Chapin.
Foot's Creek Silas Draper (proxy
Wm. M. Turner).
Grant's Pass H. D. Taylor.
Linkville W. H. Miller" (proxy
Geo. Conn), W. J. Small (proxy D. J.
Ferree), Geo. Conn, D. J. Ferree.
Table Rock Jas. Satlerfield.
Uniontown T. Cameron.
It was then moved and carried that
the Convention proceed to ballot for
Delegates to the State Convention,
The following Delegates were chosen ;
Wm. M. -Turner, John McCall, M. H.
Drake and W. J. Small.
On motion the election was made
It waft then moved and carried that
the proceedings be published in the
Ohegon Sentinel. "'""' l-' '""
On motion the Convention adjourned
sine die. B. F. Dowell, Chairman.
E. B. Watson, Secretary.
Stock Pkogkamme. The following
programme will be observed by the
Committees in examining the various
animals entered for premiums:
SkcosdDay. Class J Horses and
mares of all woik from 10 to 11
o'clock X. 21.
Class II Draft horses from 11 a.
m. to 12 m.
Class ill Koadsters irom 1 o-
clock p. m. to 2 p. ra.
TiimD Day. Class IV Carriage
horses from 10 to 11 a. ra.
Class TRoadster teams from 11
a. m. to 12 m.
Class VI Colts from 1 to 2 p. m.
Foubtu Day. Class VII Saddle
horses from 10 to 11 a. m.
Class VIII Jacks, Jennets and
mules from 11 a. m. to 12 m.
Class IX Cattle from 10 to 11
a. ra. '
Class IX Sheep from 11 a, m. to
12 m.
Class .LY- Poultry from 1 to 2 pf
All entries for purses will be closed
at C o'clock, p. m. of the day preceding
the race. -rf
Cocihtt Cooet. t the September
session of County Court a road was
ordered established from Peter Simons
to Lundy's Pord on Little Butte Creek.
The viewers of the road, from Rock
Greek bridge to Geo. A. Jackson's, on
the Ft. Elamalhiroad, assessed dama
ges in favor ot Messrs. Donegan and
Caldwell in the sum of $300 apiece. The
same is to be paid by the petitioners if
the road is established.
Severafroad petitions wero presented,
but laid over until next month.
The following vacancies in Judges
ot Election were supplied: Florence
Creek Michael McMicbaelson, Tbos.
H. Whelpley ; Jacksonville, John Mil
ler; Foot's Creek, Asher D. Heald
Cousty Statistics. By the Asses
sor' books it appears that the total tax
able property in Jackson county
amounts to 11,729,116. The total
number of polls is 1,064. The tax
levy is as follows: school tax, 3
mills; State tax, 5 mills; county
tax, 7 mills; special tax, i mill; build
ing fund, 2 mills; total 18 mills. State
poll tax, $1 ; oonoty poll tax, $1 ; hospi
tal tax, 62;
Teachers' Institute.
The attendance at ' the Teachers' In-
stitate Jut Friday and Saturday was
Fktday, August 29.
HottSyl. C, Simpson took the Chair
and; Y. Vf. 'Ewing was chosen Secre
taryy After effecting a permanent organ
ization, various exercises were had,
such as music, addresses discissions
upon various subjects, critics' reports,
etaj all of which we should be pleased
ko speak of more fully, did our space
An address was to have been deliv
ered by Prof. Skid more in the evening,
but he not being present, the Institute
proceeded to discuss the question of
"School Discipline," which was han
dled with great ability, various per
sons in the audience which was large
taking part in the discussion, as well
as the teachers.
The principal fealnre of the exer
cises to-day were discussions npon
various matters connected with teach-
ing,' besides which there were music,
addresses, essays, etc.
Resolutions were passed thanking
Prof. Brooks and those assisting him
for the music furnished ; W. J. Stan
ley for bis energy and industry in
making arrangements for the meeting;
and Prof. Simpson for the able manner
in which he presided over the proceed
ings of the Institute.
A brilliant lecture by Prof. Simpson
in the evening, published in the Sex
tinkl to-day, closed -the proceedings.
Goose Lake News. Deputy Sheriff
Coates, who returned from Goose Lake
Thursday, gives us the following items
from that section :
The country is settling up rapidly,
and a great number of cattle are being
driven in constantly.
Mr. Coates attended the first show
ever given at Goose Lake.
The first natural death on Lost River
occurred while Mr. C. was therethat of
Johnny Van Raper, a boy about three
or four years old.
jThe weather is cool, and the nights
are irosty.
iKryest is just commencing.
fcropS promise"tobe fair.
There was a row in Card well's hay
camp a short time since, in which a
man was severely if not dangerously
cut iu the side.
Gone. Lieutenant Boutelle, late of
Fort Klamath, passed through Jack
sonville last Wednesday, en route for
Fort Lapwni, L T., where he has been
ordered. He was all through the Mo
doo war, from the first fight on Lost
River until its final termination. The.
Lieutenant is a brave officer, and is
highly respected by his companions in
arms. His gentlemanly bearing made
him a special favorite among those
who had the good fortune to form his
acquaintance. We bespeak for him
the best wishes of the people ot South
ern Oregon, and hope he may find his
new borne both pleasant and profit
able. '
Beatit Who Can. A hunting par
ty composed of Judge Prim, Ex-Sherifi
Reams, John Miller and D. W. Cox
went on a hunt last week to Lost Prai
rie, some forty-six miles from Jackson
yille.yAlthough they were out but a
few days, they killed sixteen deer and
an elk. Webelievo this to be themost
successful hunt that 'we have had the
pleasure to record. X
Serious Accident. Tho oldest son
of Mr. Samuel Hawkins, of Antelope,
met with a serious accident last Satur
day. Ho was kicked by a horse, fractur
ing the under jaw in two places. The
boy is doiDg well under tho medical
care of Dr. Danforth.
County HosrrrAi. Sealed proposals
for keeping the County Hospital will
be received at the County Clerk's office
until 12 o'clock si., October 8th, 1873.
See advertisement elsewhere.
At the residence of Mrs. Eunice Jamison, on
Little Butte I reek. September 2d. 1873, by
Elder M.Peterson, Mr. Thos. H. Whelnlev to
J Miss Mary Ellen Jamison, all of Jackson
county, uregon.
The greatest novelty of modern medical
and chemical science is fonnd in Dr. Pierce's
Pleasant Purgative Pellets, or Sogar- Coated,
Coneentrated Root and Herbal Juice-, Anti
Bilreas' Grannies scarcely larger than mus
tard seed, yet possessing aamneh cathartic
power as the-old style of large, repulsive pills,
while" the are more easily taken and are
pleasant ia effect. 23 cents a vial, by Drag-gists.
UatfeVeleped Vigor.
The feeble and debilitated usually imagine
they are in a ranch worse condition than the;
really are. The resources of nature are not
easily exhausted. Even when strength and
appetite fail, when the eyes are beavjactf
lnstreless, the complexion pallid, the nerves
tremulous, the body attenuated, and the mind
depressed, there is generally a reserve ot lat
ent power behind such palpable evidences of
weakness, variofis modes of treatment are
resorted to by physicians-, iu the hope of devel
oping and rendering available this store of
sleeping vitality, bat the sorest, and indeed
the only thoroughly safe and reliable means of
awakening the dormant energies of the system
is a conrse of Hosfetter's Stomach Bitters'.
Electricity, Blower baths, the flesh brush, sea
bathing, etc., may be well enough fn their
way, as auxiliaries, bat they do' not reach the
source of the evil. All physical debility pro
ceed cither from the derangement of the
functions of the assimilatintr. secretive.auii
organs, ij from a sluggish constitution. In
either case, and also in cases where both
canses exist, the Bitters will invariably pro-
dace an immedfate and salutary change in the
condition of the patient, and eventually effect
a complete care. None of the dangerous Al
kaloids, too often administered as tonics, can
be otherwise than deleterious under such cir
cumstances, and to give mercury is positively
criminal. The direct effort of the great
vegetable specific will be manifested in an In
crease of appetite, a more cheerful frame of
mind, a gradual return of strength, an increase
of flesh, and a healthier complexion. Mean
while, however, the constitution, if inert and
feeble, will have been roused and renovated
by the subtile invigoTation contained in the
To cure a cough, to relieve all irritations
of the throat, to restore perfect sofindoess ant
health to the most delicate organizations of
the human frame the Lungs use Dr. Wis
tar's Balsam of Wild Cherry, which is still
prepared with the same care in the selection of
ingredients as when it was introduced to the
public by Dr. Wistar, over forty years since.
Edward Bayer, Esq., ITorton, Kings Co.,
N. C, writes that an astonishing care has
beeen effected on his daughter by the nse of
Johnson's Anodyae Liniment. The whole
spine became diseased, she lost the nse of her
limbs, and ber back was rounded up like a
bow, in consequence of having taken cold
after being inaoculated for the kine pock. She
is now well.
We pledge our reputation on the assertion
tl.at any educated physician, after a careful
examination of the recipe, will say that Par
son's Purgative Pills possess more merit than
any other pill now offered for sale.
ceived at the County Clerk's Office until
12 o'clock u , October 8, 1S73, for keeping the
County Hospital for one year from October
17th, 1873 ; said proposals to cover the entire
expense of keeping the county poor and sick
daring said period ; the contract for the same
to be let to the lowest responsible bidder, sub
ject to the right of the Court to reject any and
all bids. t3 P. DDNN, County Clerk.
Mill Notice.
Wheat in store, and will commence
grinding on the 10th inst.
Onr terms are the eiehth bushel, or we will
exchange. tf DALEY & EMERY.
indebted to the firm of Crvstal & Wrieht
arc requested to come forward and settle im
mediately. 3ltf CRYSTAL & WRIGHT.
existing between CARO & BAUM ia this
day ditsolred by mutual consent, Simon Caro
retiring from the firm. All outstanding in
debtedness will be collected by Siaon Caro.
Ashland, Sept. 1st, 1873.
The business will be continued at the old
stand as heretofore. Thanking the public for
their patronage, we hope to merit & fair share
of it in the future. J. M. McCALL & CO.
Ashland. Sept. 1st, 1873. 31tf
until further notice.
a-TT-a.KT Xa IIVC 23
For sale in quantities to salt
Apply to
. Portland, Oregon.
j. g: wall.
Forwarding and Commission
TV TARK yoor goods, care of J. G. TF., Cruanl
xvx Luysena mils or laaing and snipping
receipts for all of goods sent; freight and
charges payable in Crescent City, on delivery
of goods.
My warehouses consist of two brick and one
stone building.
Assuring my patrons that so naias will be
spared in looking to their Interest, I ask for
a continuance ot their past ravors.
J. O. -WALL.
Crescent City March 2. l872.-tf
. i.
. 11
. rfc-1 Jl t
. s.r. .
J .. tb- V ;,
' - im-
job print: Ing
To and Cheaper than
t "tiKma
'J 1 -111 i w
m , e 1( i"
;'' ':
- . i ' t
.p j'
f .
On Hand or Priirtcd'to Order,
ronwARirf.Na a.nd
Commission Merchants
Mark yorir Goods Care of J. & If.
By close attention to business w4 hope to
merit a continuation of ttjie patronage hereto
fore extended to the pid firm-.
Redding, October 5, 1872tf
Btantly on hand ; sold by the keg, gallon,
or glass. Seeing is believing, give me a call
and judge for yourself.
Jacksonville, Jan. 15, 1870.-ff
rriniS Popular Resort, under the New Man
JL agement, Is furnishing theBKST brands of
liquors at
The New State is furnished with two elegant
Billiard Tables, the Bar with the choicest
Brandies, Wines, Cigars. 4e., and the Readintr
I Tables with all the Eastern Periodicals and
Leading papers of the Coast.
U. W- SAVAGE, Prop'r.
Jacksonville, Oct. 14, '71-tt
Look Thla "Vfayl
L Roseburg. Oregon, will keep horses on hay
at 25 cts., and on grain at 75 cts., or will re
tail nay ana grain in quantities to salt team
sters and travelers. Having ample accommo
dations, I boBb liv strict attention to business
to merit a share of the public patronage.
May 31, 1873. nl8 GEO. WAGNER.
ance, meets on Wednesday evening of each
week in the upper Btory of the District School
Ilouse. Brothers and sisters In good standing
are invited to attend.
Jon.v A. Boteb, R. S.
Its stated-councils at the Red Men's Hall the
third sun ia every seven sans, in the eighth
run. A' cordiaLLinrjlatloa Is extended to
brothers-in good standing.
Jacksonville Stamm No. 148,
meetings every Thursday evening at the
Odd Fellowsi Hall Brothers ia goud standing
are Invited to attend.
Mix Mcixer. R. S.
by cote or account will please come for
ward and-pay tBe same- J will nat refuse any
kind of grain or Soar, as-1 wish to con
centrate mj means thia FalUnd Winter.
Jacksonville, August 2,?873. tf