Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, September 06, 1873, Image 2

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    z. j. -sai-oc -
to ibc official report of the Superinten
dent, there were received at' the Ore
gon Penitentiary tiora September 15th;
1870, lo SepteraberjBt, 1872, 187 eon-
vicle. Of tJiRSTMrnad no- edncatioaucss.cost.anQ -witn greater esectivcness
whatever V40 could barely read'; "Tlnd
of the remaining 100 it js-sale to Eay
that not more than a dozen had re
Cfcived a "ood common school educa
tion. These teds- are terribly significant.
It is useless- to deny that education
tends to prevent crime v, hen we see
the ranks of the illiterate furnishing
lea times their proportion of recruits
lor our prisons.
II is cheaper, too, to prevent crime
"By proper instruction than it is to pun
ish it.- It costs less to keep a man out
at prison than to keep him in. School
books are cheaper than "Gardiner
shackles." Why, just think of it ! It
costs this State, ou an average, some
thing near 840,000 a year to keep less
'than a hundred convicts in the penilen
tfaryyaiter the; buildings are provided.
And yet probably not more than $150,
000, at a rough estimate, is annually
expended for thv education ol the 39,
000 school chitdren in the State 1 Near
ly -$500 a year paid for each convict
drid less than $5 for the schooling oi
each child 1 "We must remember, too,
that' the costot the penitentiary is only
a. single item in the long bill ol expense
tliat crime annually imposes upon Ore
gon. Adding thereto the expenses of
all the criminal prosecutions in the
State, the cost of keeping county pris
oners,, and ttio interest in the invest
ment in prisons and other public buildings-
made rteeessary by crime, the ag
gregate would be swelled to an aitfount
more than sufficient to maintain free
schools in all the districts of the State
alt the year round.
I claim also that it is the duty of
every State to maintain a complete free
school system, ior the reason that it
adds far more than the cost of the in
vestment to the wealth-producing pow
erof the people. There is no position
in which a man can be placed wherein
his effectiveness will not bo increased
by education. The humblest manual
labor can bo better performed by a
man who is trained to think than by
one who is not. From a scnes- of care
ful observations in the factories ol Kew
England, Horace Mann ascertained
that those operatives who could sign
their names to their weekly receipts lor
p.iy could, as a general thing, do a
third more work and do it better than
those who made ''their mark." I doubt
not that an intelligent hod-carrier can
do better work than au ignorant block
head who ouly knows enough to climb
a ladder.
In these days, in particular, tho value
of intelligence and education in manual
employments is much increased by tho
rapid introduction of improved machin
ery. Men who think are wanted in
tho shop and in the field to manage the
labor saving contrivances of the day.
"Other things being equal," the ma
terial prosperity of a State is exactly
commensurable with the average intel
ligenco of its people. Tho more educa
tion is diffused among its citizens the
greatei is its wealth producing power.
The more school house, the more fac
tories and busy workshops and culti
vated fields. Why, so potent in this
direction is the spread of education
among tho people that it has even the
power to galvanize into seeming life
the stagnant civilization of Asia and to
make the Chinese a thrifty and pros
perous nation.
It is also tho duty of the State to
provide for the education of its peo
ple at public expense, for tho reason
that it can be more cheaply and effect
ively done in that way than by private
Society, acting as a whole, under
some general system, can carry on any
great work for tho public good at
infinitely less cost than can all the
members of that society acting separ
ately and each for himself. United
efforts will accomplish in such cases
what could neer be done by any
amount of individual exertion. For in
stance; The experience of the world
'has proved beyond all doubt that a
State or nation can carry and distribute
tho mails moro cheaply than ran possi
bly be done by private enterprise. Just
compare tho relative cost of carrying
letters, papers, etc., by mail and by
express. Here, for example, is Wells,
Fargo & Co'e Express, an institution
that has almost a world-wide business
and fame and millions of capital, and
is as admirably organized and ably
managed as it is possible lor any mere
private enterprise to be. And yet it
can not begin to compete in cheapness
of transportation with the United
States Mail, although it uses the same
conveyance. Tho express company
will charge you, say, twclvo cents for
carrying a package 1 torn Jacksonville
to Yreka in the express box, when in
the mail bag, that lies right by it in
the boot of the stage, Uncle Sam will
for three cents take a package of the
came wight to tho furthest corner
oi this great land. This is a striking
illustration of tho great truth that af
fairs of this kind can always be better
carried on by the State than by any
number of individuals or combinations
of individuals. Of course I do not
claim nor do I believe that the State
can manage all business better and
-?! tnl iaknujji tn ......
more cheaply than individuals can.
Mv position is that public business can
bVbest conducted by the public, but I
am just as confident oi the truth that
individual business can be conducted
best by individuals. The State always
fails ignobly and disgraceiully deserv
edly Luis, too when it undertakes the
management oi, matters that are in
tU.-ir nature private.
'Now, education is, as has already
been shown, legitimate public business.
It follows, therefore,j"as the night the
day," that the State can carry it on at
than anybody else.v Indeed, I "need not
hgo otrtsfde ot the business itself to
prove it. To be convinced of the truth
of my position, you have only to com
pare the relative cost of instruction in
public and private schools throughout
the country. Every State in the Union
can, by a small annual tax, maintaiijj
nourishing public schools in almost
every neighborhood, and yet, in the
same localities, private schools and
academies, of tho same grade, will
require immense funded endowments
in addition to the exorbitant rates of
tuition that they charge in order to
be able to live at all.
Besides, it seems to me that there
is a positive danger in leaving a mat
ter that so nearly and vitally concerns
the public welfare, as does this subject
of education, to the hap hszard control
of private enterprise. Just think of it
for a moment. The eternal destiny of
overy organized society in the world
hangs upon the intelligence of its mem
bers, and therefore, of necessity, upon
the kind of training that they get. A
great man once said : "Let me make
the ballads ot a nation, and I care not
who makes its laws." So I can say,
with even greater force: Let mo con
trol the schools of a nation, and I care
not who controls its legislation. I will
mould it like "clay in the bands of the
potter," in spite of all other influences
combined. A single year's manage
ment of the education of the thought
less littlo prattlers that to day romp
over the hills and valleys of this broad
land, taking no thought for the morrow,
would seal the fate of America forever.
Our schools are the very citadels of our
liberty. Admit the spirit and teaching
of despotism there, and no power could
save us from the hand of the oppressor.
What madness then would it be to
garrison these citadels with mercena
ries and bigots, by opening their doors
to whoever might choose to enter and
control them. Popular education is
the great fountain of our freedom, and
if we permit wrong headed men to poi
son its pure waters with the bitterness
of hate, and creed, and faction, Liberty
will drink and die. Oh, there is peril
imminent, deadly penl lor this dear
land of ours, if we surrender the entire
control of our educational interests to
the one-sided bias of private or secta
rian education. The only safety is in
tho State taking the control of the
beginnings of culture by establishing a
free system of popular instruction. Let
the broad foundation of liberal Ameri
can education for all the people be laid
in the common schools, and we may.
safely leave the -completion" of tW
structure to private and sectarian insti
tutions if we will. Thoroughly Ameri
canize our children in the public schools
to begin with ; saturate their very being
with tho spirit of liberty; immerse
them, in orthodox Baptist fashion, in
tho great Fountain ot Freedom, of
which I spoke, and I am not afraid
then to trust them in private institu
tions, however narrow, and illiberal,
and proscriptive may be their methods.
For the present, at least, it seems to
bo wisest and best to leave the higher
education to private schools. At least
that has been the teaching of experience
in the past. But the Stato must keep
faithful watch and ward over the be
ginnings ot popular culture. It may
leave the cultivation, pruning and
shaping of the tree to others, bnt it mnst
"bend the twig" so that it shall point,
"true as the needle to the pole," to the
clustering stars in the constellation ot
the Union.
After all, friends, is this subject of
popular education only a question of
expediency ? As members of organ
ized society, have we not a duty to
perforin to humanity, to our race, in
this matter? Have we a right, as
members of tho great brotherhood of
man, to stand idly by and permit
thousands of our fellows, on every
hand, to perform the journey from the
cradle to the grave, walking in the
eternal sombre shadow of intellectual
darkness ? The day of knowledge is
streaming all around them, flooding the
valleys with radiance and bathing the
hill-tops with glory; and yet they
grope on, each wrapped in the dense
cloud ot his own ignorance as in a gar
ment, with never a beam of light or
hope to illuminate the dreary, rayless,
lonely night of his soul. And so they
stumble out ot the dark gate of death
and drop from our sight forever into
tho shadowy, great unknown beyond
souls that never knew their own
worth or strength minds that never
were thrilled with the electric life
giving power of thought. Think of
the grand aggregate ot intellect thus
constantly wasted by want of culture.
Every graveyard in tho land is ten
anted by poets who never sang and
orators who never spoke, because their
lips were never touched by the fire of
education, lncre is meiancnoiy truth
as well as poetry in tho laoguageof
Gray's "Churchyard Elegy."
"Perhani la this neclected mot is laid
Some heart once pregnant with celestial fire;
UanJs that the rod of empire might have
Or waked to ecslacy the li
Ttul knowledge to their minds her ample page.
Rich with the spoils of time, did ne'er unroll ;
Chill Penary represed their noble rage.
And froze the genial current of their souL
"Full maty a gem of purest ray serene
The dark, nnfathomed caves or ocean bear ;
Full many a Bower Is born to blush unseen.
And waste Its sweetness on the desert air."
But it would not be true if society
would but do its duty. There is no
pearl in the deep sea oi ignorance that
may not be brought to the surface.
There is no flower in the vast wastes
of uncultivated intellect that may not
be transplanted and set to bloom
among the habitations- oi men. Every
intellect that, goes through the world
without culture represents a fault, a
failure of duty,' m society.
Oh, there is need stronw. unlpmn
education in this land. According,to
the census thereis to-day "marching
and countermarching" oer thejiills
and valleys oi our countrya vastarmy
cot adult illiterates, thirty-six hundred
i&usand strong, and nearly every male
anng them is armed with thatdread
weapon in the hands of ignorance the
ballot. t Is not this a greater peril than
the presence ot legions of foreign foes ?
Ob, we need strong, pure hands to up
lift our constitntion, the ark of the
covenant of our freedom, above the
mad surges ot the great, awful, sweep
ing sea of ignorance that is threatening
to engulf it.
Let us not flatter ourselves 'with the
delusive notion that we are safe be
cause the people rule. In that very
fact lies our peril, if .the average ot, in
telligence among tlie people is low.
I would rather entrnst'my liberties to
the keeping of au enlightened aristoc
racy than of an ignorant democracy.
I believe in the doctrine of popular
self government, but I hae faith in it
as a guarantee of freedom only so long
as the people are intelligent enough to
see the right and virtuous enough to
follow it. Josh Billings says that he
believes in the doctrine ot universal
salvation if you will let him pick the
men. So am I with reference to this
doctrine of the power of self govern
ment by the people. I believe in it,
but I want to pick the people. I do
not believe that an ignorant, de
graded, licentious populace can rule a
nation wisely and well. The intelli
gence of our people, and not tho mere
fact that they have the right to gov
ern, is the real security of our liberties.
Looking at this great question in
this light, I believe it is the t'ounden
duty ot every lover of his country to
work steadily and heartily for free
education by the State. That is our
duty here in Oregon. The day for a
thorough free school system has come
in our State, and we can have it if we
will. We havo only to make it our
objective point to becure the levying
oi a tax sufficient to maintain free
schools throughout the State, say for
six months in the year, and we can
push it through. The Legislature can
oe maue iu sea mat n nas ine same
right to levy five mill&ifftrBeboonj
poses as it hasjAcvJevy ;
it is srmplyi
no sago to understand that 'e
education is out ot the question when
there are nine months of vacation to
every three months of school.
I think, too, that the hour is ripe
for this reform. I have iaith to be
lieve that it is not very far away.
We are standing even now in the
faint glimmering dawn of a brighter
era of education in Oregon. The hdr
alds of the morning are riding up the
Eastern sky, driving in the picket
guards of the night with keen lance
and spear. Let us welcome them with
glad acclaim. Let us hasten to meet
and usher in the "good lime coming."
Men of thought, be tip and stirring,
Nicht and day ;
Sow the seed 1 Withdraw the curtain!
Clear the way 1
There's a fount about to stream ;
There's a light about to beam ;
There's a warmth about to glow ;
There's a flower about to blow;
There's a midnight darkness charging
Into day ;
Men of thought and men of action,
Clear the way !
Once the welcome light has broken,
Who shall say
The unimagined glories
Of the day
What the evils that shall perish
Io,itsray! .
Aid the dawning, tonge and pen ;
Aid it, hopes of honest men ;
Aid it, paper; aid it, type;
Aid it, for the hour is ripe.
And onr earnest must not slacken
Into play ;
Men of thought and men of action,
Clear the way 1
Saturday, September 6, 1873.
Democratic, Slanders.
The Democratic journals are vieing
with eaclf other lor the slanderer's b'elt.
A stranger, entirely unacquainted with
the facts, upon reading the Democrdtio
papers would come to the conclusion
that the Republicans were all thieves.
To illustrate, we will take what they
-call the "back pay steal," which they
charge upon the Republican party,
which is a fair sample oi the iairness oi
their charges. It is a matter of record
that admits of no doubt that out of the
two hundred and fifty-eight Con
gressmen and Senators who voted on the
passage ot the bill, one hundred and
fifty-six were Republicans and one
hundred and two were Democrats. Oi
the whole number of Republicans vot
ing, seventy-four voted for the bill, and
and eighty-two voted against it.- This
gives a majority of eight of the domi
nant party against the "steal," and as'
majorities rule under our form of Gov
ernment, we are known for our honesty
or dishonesty by the acts of the major
ity. Hence the Republican party
stands nonoraoiy acquitted oi me lar
But what are the facts about the
Democrats'?, Of the wholenumber of
Democrats voting, sixty-one voted in
favor of the "steal," while only forty-
one vpted against it. This, gives jr
majority of 'twenty .in. javor ot the
'steaU' -,Byatbe.rule then, if it is steal
ing, as the Democrats say it is, to vote
for back pay, the Democratic parly as
a party stands convicted of larceny.
It is a principle of law that if a wit
ness1 testimony is false in one particu
lar it is to be distrusted throughout.
Therefore, when the Democrats charge
the Republican party of larceny and
only prove the charge on themselves,
all their other charges are to bo dis
trusted; and in truth there are but
few ot the charges that they make
against the Bepulicans that will com
pare in as favorable a light for them as
the "back pay steal." This is one oi
their best charges, which accounts for
their repeating it so often. But as it
with tho "back pay steal," so it is with
all other charges which they make.
When sifted down they honorably ac
quit the Republicans and convict the
1 Eeputllcan State Convention.
A Republican State Convention for
the Slate of Oregon will be held at the
city ot Albany, Thursday, the 11th
day of September, 1873, at 2 o'clock
p. M., lor the purpose of nominating a
candidite for Member of Congress, to
fill the vacancy occasioned by the
death of Hon. J. G.Wilson, and ton
the transaction of such other business
as may be deemed proper.
The several counties will be entitled
to Delegates in such Convention as
Benton 5
Baker 2
Clackamas 5
Columbia 1
Linn 8
Lane 1
.Marion 12
Multnomah.... 15
Polk 4
,Qurry 1 Tillamook .... 1
os... 3 Umatilla 3
ouglas 6 Union 3
rauu ...v...... t uau .... o
tcksou ...... . 4 Washington..., 4
jpnine l. iarnniu ....;:. o
t rr
Total number of Delegates 97
flfVmmif.T.fR rpnrtmTnoff,Vtlint."'tlio
. ...,.-.... -u. Huu
several countieshold'lheir Primary
Elections on Saturday, August 23d,
and their County Conventions on Sat
urday, August 30th, for election of
Delegates to the State Convention.
C. W. Parrisii.
Chairman State Rep. Com.
B. W. Wilson, Secretary.
County Convention. The Repub
lican County Convention of Jackson
county was held at the County Clerk's
office at 1 o'clock r. jr. last Saturday,
the 30th ultimo, and elected Wm. M.
Turner, J. M. McCall, M. H. Drake
and Judson Small delegates to the
Republican Stato Convention, to be
held at Albany on tho llth inst. We
were pleased to notice so good an at
tendance, and so much interest mani
fested on the part of the Republicans
in turning out to represent the various
precincts. The Republicans of Jack
son county are a unit on anything they
undertake to accomplish, and seldom
if ever disagree upon the course to be
pursued. Tho above delegates were
all elected upon tho first ballot, and
are representative men. They will un
doubtedly serve the party faithfully in
the coming Convention.
To bk Tuksed Over to tub Oregon
Authorities. A Washington dis
patch of the 31st ultimo says the Sec
retary of War will render a decision
in a few days, tunning over those Mo
docs not sentenced to be banged to the
jurisdiction oi the Governor of Oregon,
who will order their trial for various
crimes heretofore committed in Ore
gon. If this prove to be the case, we
may expect some oi these Indian wor
thies among us pretty soon.
For the very best Photographs go to BRAD
LEY k ROLOFSON. Gallery witoout stairs
429 Montgomery street, San Francisco. Cali
fornia. Feb. 15, '73Iy.
Warren Lodge No- 10, A. F, & A. TS..A
HOLD their regular communications
&Tn the Wednesday Evenings, or preced
ine the full moon. In Jicisoxtille. Ob
egok. T. G. REAMS, W. M
Mix. Mullir, Skct.'
A. "W- GAMBLE, M. D-,
Physician and Surgeon.
. - . .)(. ,
VS or Uadam Uolt's Hotel. TlgnZl
v: 0 i
vC. .
VXM. .1117. J(W
fim -T- "!-- i ii ti Mfmrin um mi i iiiimnw mini mm ! ib
poscd of the following favorite plantation branosnow lauding, and vfor 'sale (allots o suit
the trade : , , i ..
PIONEER. X SUGARS '' fnt' mhiji, - o , u,
1 ' ' , EAST aiAUJUSUGXRIT .1 3
',' " .. v .HOBRONirflliANTATIGN,.
Proposals for Forage
Cuikf QtuitTEitMisTen's Office
(CK. )
tjuiii. y
2, 1873. J
Portland, Oregon, July 22,
ceivnl at this office and at the office of the
A. A. Q M.. at Camp Harney, nntil 12 ., Au
gust 25, 1873, for the delivery at that post dur
ing the fiscal jenr ending June 30, 1874, of
200,000 lbs. Barley, sacked, more or less.
200,000 " Oats, " " "
200,000 " Hay, " " "
Proposals must be in triplicate, with copr of
this advertisement attached, and accompanied!
by a guarantee, signed by two responsible
parties, that they will enter Ii.to'bouds for the
delivery of the supplies should the. contract be
awarded to the bidder.
Blank proposals can be had on application
attbisomce. B.N.BATCHELUEU,
Major and Quartermaster, Chief Quartermas
ter. n2CU
Importers and Jobbers of
And Mining Tools,
Nob. Q .3aci S Front St.,
yeir Near Makklt,
;. saSLjrancisco, cal.
Sojatoaxxtsor1 1st, X673.
are better prepared than ever before to
insure the progress of pupils, and all will find
a good opportunity to advance. We shall be
pleased to see all who attend on the Erst day
of school, Sept. 1st. J. 11.SKIDJI0RE.
i it
Ibrtland, Oregon,
And all Goods usually kept by Wholesale Gro
cers. v i
. - . i.
Jackson County Orders
Firm will be offered at ' '
i ,
Tl8n27m5 '
& CO
M G '
- -tnt - A
Rosebnrg, Oregon,
XX Business entnrosted to onr care.
4Oar Forwarding and Storage Charges,
trom and alter ,lnis dale, will be nnilorm with
the charges at Orescent City and Redding.
Soliciting the continued patronage of onr
.We are respectfully,
E. s. MoncAS'A CO.
Boeeborge, Jane U, 1873. t! 8d21 tf
. K- M CMlf,,' 1 ".(fill
' II -K
OREGON. ' " '
, o30ml
Just opened at
-Consisting apart of
Among which are
Grenadines,1 . ; 0-?i''A
r i ' , i
Tkisii Poplixs, i
Piques,- v r ,
Fkexcu and
American Lawns,
Japanese j Steves and Okoandibs.
" - rt S in t ' x i
. ;-ril .111 fi.Mifl
Fnnoy Goods
i i - i
Of all descriptions ,
' K '.Al ' ' i ..
Of Gents' Clothing and Hats.
rrojstrjd hen ox:o. v"rS
ALL ana see onr New Goods. Will show
them to you, with pleamrc.
N. B, A Good Stock of. Groceries ana
Household Furniehiug Goods on hand at low
prices. May 3, 1873-tf.
n.s. osnrjRN.
e. c. unooiy.
a full assortment of
Alio a full assortment of
Watciies, Clocks and Jeweluy.
R. S. OSMUUS will eto hU particular UteMlon
to the Drosr Department. '
E. CI llKOOICt will attend to the repairing of
Watchea, Clocks, Jewetrr.tc octlj, lima.
- .
JL an Experienced .Miller, and having thor
oughly (Ued np their Mill with the latest Im
provements; are nowiprepared to manufacture
Flour equal to any in the State. 3T lbs. Flour,
2 lbi Shorts and. 8 lbs, Bran will be given In
Exchange or fcO'lbs. if good Merchantable
All orders- left with T T. JfcKemle, or at
his Offlce in Jacksonville, will be promptly
attended" Id-' ' '
Jacksonville, Jnly 25h, Sli n2St3
O No.lO,I.O.O.F.,hoMQ
its regular maetincs on Kail
urday eveoing, at Odd Fell
lows' HalL Brothers in'good standing ore in-
vjwsi io micnu, j una A. uu 1 IM, I. U.
T. T.McKensis; Secretary.
8. J.BAY..
M.r8JnTin JOHN B1L0EK.
'" AlZr'
Every description ef Legal and Commercial
Blank for sale at this office. Blanks not kept
oo hand will be orintea to order on kii iu.
tice, in as good style, as In any oOce do the
ccasi. oeua in yonr orders.
I i hi