US.2k SAOUS " ,crrr 33-r S-x.- -v.-- -3 . --S5wk y ',1 .11 1 VOL. XVIII. JACKSONVILLE, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER &, 1873. NO: 31; ID. ! THE SENTINEL. PUBLISHED SATURDAY JIimNINGS B. F. DOWELL, Cor.' Third and'C Street.. Jacksonville, Oregen. Term orsnlcrIptloni Ob copy, out year (in admit) .....$ Ml M M ifnotpaIdtUUbczpintkaof6mo.. A UU " M Ifnot paid tUlth end or the year G-UO Oitcopyfi month 4 adrmce... ...... 8 50 - ISO Rates or AifTcrtlilJici - Od squire 10 lines or leas first Insertion. .. $3 00 each subsequent Insertion ..V. 100 " 3 months 7 00 C 10 00 On-foartkColainD 3 months 20 00 i4 6 ..-. ...... 30 00 Ons-half 3 30 00 0 " M One Column 3 months 60 00 u " 8 M 90 00 PROFESSIONAL CARDS $3U A TKAR, ALL BILLS PAYABLE QUARTERLY. Tearly AtlTcrtUtng, and Transient Adver tisement or Irregular length, con tractettroratiieclal Bate. LEGAL TENDERS RECEIVED AT CURRENT RATES. THE LAW OF NEWSPAPERS. 1. 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D0WKLI. H. KcXLT. DOWELL & KELLY, ATTOENEYS-AT-LAW. Jacksonville, Oregon. ADDISON C. GIBBS, COUNSELOR AT LAW, AND U. S. DIST. ATTORNEY. PORTLAND OREGON. ' ' "Will practice Id all Courts or Record'Tn tbe bUtr. and pay particular attention to Imsinef? in die United States Courts. oct2fi.72lj C.W.KAHLER. E. B. WATSON. KAHLER &. WATSON, Attorjioy-ot-Ija-ro-, J.ekaonrllle, Oregon. UFHCE: Opposite the Ciuit House. WILL practice la all Courts of this State ; obtaiu Pateuts for all elates of public Uudi. koih miiural and uprioultural : attend promptly to collections, aud attend to all Coun ty and Probate business. Jacksonville, June 17, 1671. G. H. AIKEN, M. 13., Physician and Surgeon, Jacksouville, Oregon. OFFICE Id the old Overbcck Hospital. DR. L. DANFOETH HAS LOCATED IN JACKSONVILLE AND ofllrs bis professional services to the pab lic. Office In Catou's new building, adjoining Ryan's brick or at residence on Third street, op posite and west of, the Methodist Church. December 28. 187Stf. J. N. BELL, M. D., Jacksonville - - - - Oregon. "Wtll practice in the several branches of bis profession. OFFICE on corner of block ju-t north of the Court Uouse. Jacksonville, Tib. 17 IS72 DENTISTRY. DR. W. JACKSON DENTIST, JACKSON' VIL.LE. All itrlM ef TUte Work made, inch ms Gold, Silver, Platlna, Alnmnlnm and Rubber. Special attention a"Wen to ChlMrou e Teeth. Nitrous Oxide (Lughlttf Oai) used for ptiliileas extraction of Teeth. J-Will Tltlt Ashland annually on the lt of March; also, EerbjTllleou the fourth Uuulaytn October, 49-Catll and Kxamlne fepeclmen AVorlca OFFICE Comer of California and Fifth StreeU Ke Idenceopiioaite the Court Uouw. bot30 TIjl. V, G. LANGFORD, (Formerly of Walla Walla, Y. T.,) Attorney-at-Law, WILL PBA0TI0B IN ALL OF THE Courts and Departments of the United Stales. nd Courts of the District. OrriCK- 323 Foar-onda Half Street, Wash ington, D. C. lltf. A. W. GAMBLE, M. 3D., JACXCBOSmX'I.B, Physician and Surgeon. OFFICE AXD RESIDENCE, o N' OREGON'ST.. TWO DOORS SOUTH of Madam lloli's Hotel. ' -vl8a21 A Plea for Free' Education; The following address was deliv ered by Hon. Syl. G. SimpsoD, State Superintendent ol Public Instruction, belore the Teacher's Institute ol the First Judicial District, last Saturday eeniug, at the Court House in Jack sonville. The address was delivered in excellent manner, and was listened to attentively tluotighout by a large audience. At the close of the lecture the assemblage voted that it be pub lished in the Jackson county papers. Mr. Simpson said : Oregon is just beginning to build her school system. The materials for the structure are on the ground. The ex cavations have been -made. Workmen are busy on the foundation walls. But the corner stone has not yet been fully laid, and until that Is done "they labor in vain that build the house," for though it may grow up shapely and tall, under the cunning hands of the workmen, it will be weak and insecure, trembling at every breath of the tem pest. That corner stone, as I view it, is the grand American idea, that the State has the supreme right and power to provide for, direct, control, and il need be, enforce the education of her children, and that it is her solemn duty to exercise that right aud power, judi ciously, and yet fearlessly and without faltering. I say that the corner stone has not been fully laid, and jet I believe that it is even now partly in place. The idea of educating the youth of the com monwealth at the public expense, and of com rolling that education by public law, is recognized in our school system vaguely, indirectly, hesitatingly yet uuniistaKuDiy recognized. JLSut it is not avowed and adopted boldly, heart ily and completely as the fundamental idea ot tbe whole system, as 1 believe it should be. We seem, judging from our legislation on this subject, to be trying to sneak into the establishment ot free schools, as thongh it were some thing to be ashamed of, instead of being, as ii is in iruin, me prouuesi uoasi ana glory of a State. Better so, than that we should not adopt a tree school sys tem at all. But Oh, that we had the manly courage to leap at once to tbe right position on this subject ? The truth is, there is a large number of our citizens who do not accept the free school idea. They believe that the State has no rightful authority to impose taxes tor the purpose of pro viding free education for the children of the people. They afiirm that it is the duty of the parent alone to edu cate bis children, and that he has no right to call upon his lellow citizens to piy taxes to relievo him ot that duty. This objection to the free school sys tem it an old one, and has been again and again refuted, but it is none the less vehemently urged qn that account; aud there are blill multitudes in our land who regard it as unanswerable. The persistent opposition of this large and influential class ban, I doubt not, been one ot the chief caiues ot the slow and hesitating progress of ourStae iu the great work ot popular education. And so long as Mich a pernicious no tion is entertained by any considerable number ot our people, so long will our legislators be timid and irret-olute in their enactments on this subject. Iu order, therefore, that we miy bring about the adoption of a free school system in Oiegon, efficient, thorough and complete in all its appointments, we must, first ot all, secure an intel ligent unanimity of public sentiment on the subject of the relation of tbo State to education. And the friends of the "free school system" must see to it that this grand idea of tbe suprema cy of the State in educational matters is made prominent and emphatic in all agitations of this subject. It is for this purpose that I desire this evening to present to you a few thoughts in support, and tor tbe illustration, of this idea, Let ur then devote a few minutes to a discussion of this theme trite and common-place as it is. Thank God that it is thus trite and common-place ! It only proves that the friends ol popu lar education have done their duty loy ally and well in presenting this sub ject to the world. I am glad that, wide and comprehensive as my theme is, 1 can wander into no nook or corner ot it without finding the fooUprints of some Kane or LHingktone of tbe edu cational world, who has gone befow) me. 7 The first inquiry that naturally pre-, sents itself inlliecunsideration of this subject is: Has the State a right to provide for the education of the chil dren of its citizeu8 at tbe public ex pense aud to direct and regulate that education according to its own sover eign will? I affirm that it has. In tbe first place it seems to me that education is, from its own nature, a matter tor social regulation, and that if. there is any question ot precedence among the proper subjects of legisla tion. this should rank as the' foremost lot all. Organized society Is the mere out growth ot the human (intellect the bloom upon tbe tree of mind. Man has been described as "the social ,an mal;" but it is so onlv because .he is the intellectual "animal." Take away the mind, and its necessary adjunct, the power ot communicating thought, and man would cease to be "socitl" and be1 come merely yi'egarious. We might roam over the hills and valleys, as herds, like the cattle of the fields, fol lowing the leadership of any compan ion who tniLht happen for the moment to have fought his"ay to the front hy sheer brute strengtb and courage. But this would not be society. It would be merely a chance concourse of indi-: viduals and would perish with the members composing it. It is cause we can think and express our thoughts that we are "able to build up Communities and States and Nations, and to perpetuate them from generation to generation. This is the bond, of union, tbe ligament that ties the face together. This vast superstructure1 of human society, with its gigantic pillars and "cloud capped" towers, covered with the moss ot ages, with its lirdly halls, grand corridors and witding staircases, and its dark pasagei and secret chambers, Is but the canning handiwork ot man's ptuent intellect. Mind was its architect! "Iromtaipe to foundation stone." Il was mind tit it vviought its marvelous triumphal ar ches, and its gloomy dungeons. It is mind that his tapeslried its walls with six thousand years of glorious jet terj rible history, punctuated with laughter, and song, aud tears, and blood. It is mind that warms it with the fervent fire ot thought and lights it with its electric radiant glow. Thus we see that mind is the social element in man. It is trom this that society derives its very lite and being. Government that is, the organization of the society is but the reflection or rather the expression of the average mind ot the ind viduals -composing it. As that average mind, advances or de clines in strength, intelligence ayd breadth of, view so the Government ad vances or declines in"-exact"ratio. But every mind in the community helps ta Jjvtoigljj muKe lip uiftfc avnajjijuu. au intelligence or iguorance either rTaflitfTrsocicfty I - or lowers the average. Hence the cul tn re bestowed upon each individual in tellect in the community must, of ne cessity, immediately and vitally affect the well being of the whole social or ganization. The right of the State, therefore, to provide for, direct, and indeed demand the education ot all its citizens is as unquestionable as the power of self preservation, because it is a branch of that power. To permit a child to grow up in ignorance is an offense against the State, because it does a di rect injury to society by lowering the average of intelligence. To deny the right to prevent such offenses, by placing the means of instruction within the reach of all, and by demanding, il need be, that all shall avail th-mselvej. of it, would be equiv ilent to denying that it bit a right to protect iti II from any injury whatever Ignorance is a public enemy, .isyuust which il h is the same rignl to lejfi-d ite that it has to provide armies to meet its loreign tots. But while this is true in the case ot all governments, it is prceminentlj so in a republic The di-tiugtiishmg char acteristic of this form of government is that it depends directly and inline diately upon tbe "consent of the gov erned." It is a ''government by and for the people." So far as it is truly republican, so far is it an exact reflec tion ot tbe will, intelligence and con science ot the people who compose it. It can never bo any better than its average citizenship, any more than a stream can rise higher than its source. Hence, in such a government, it is of the utmost importance that proper provision should be made for the edu cation of the people. To such a 8iate,' the right to protect itself from an ig norant citizenship is even more eien tial than the right to punish crime. The ballot box is a j;reat crucible, into which the people cast the expan sions ot their individual intellects, be fused into a common mass and coined into public laws. The man ot culture and refinement must throw in bis pure gold side by side with the base alloy ot tne ignorant ana de graded wrhtoh. picked from the slums of the cutter, who will sell his little 1 stock ot nlanhood for a glass of wbis ky, and bs well paid at that. And the more there is of this worthless alloy tbe baser will be the coin. In the long run, the lack of intelligence or virtue among the people is sure to be reflected in its laws ana institutions. Sarelv. then, the State has the right to protect itself from this adulteration ot its legislation by providing far the proper instruction of its citizens. There is another view of this mat. ter, Society 'does, educate Mts mem bers, whether it so wills or not.'.hdu cation is not a mere sDontaneoaa evo lution of the inner oonsoiousnessof the individual, but a "drawing out of the mind by external influences. Cujt an individual off from the isocietNfef his fellows sever, if possibleJrthe .myriad threads ot circumstances, that ara entwined about mm ItKe tne meshes 01 a web wrap him in the solitude of his own personality and ,he could no more educate himself than ji man could lift, himself by his boot straps. His mind would remain a si lent, stagnant, waveless Dead Sea through all eternity. Not a ripple of thought would ever disturb its placid surface. .No breath of memory would play over it. No bird of fancy would "soar above it No flower of poesy would bloom upbil its barren shore. The grand. capabilities of the intel lect are, toithm, but the culture that brings tliem into play is from without. Imprisoned in its measureless depths there is a grand electric power that can gather the earth in its arms and weigh it as in a balance, and then can flash through the ether, and tread among the stars and play with them as a child plays with its toys; but to evoke that power the mind must be touched with the conductor of social contact and fellowship. Like the rock in tho desert ot Liu, it has locked with in its bosom delicious, life giving foun tains, hut it will not yield them until smitten by the rod ol social inter- ( oune. Yes ; it is society that educates the indvidual if not in the school room, then upon tbe street and in the high ways and by-ways of life. If it is not training him for good, then inevitably it is giving him a dangerous, evil cul ture, iike Janus, society has two faces. One of them is pure and holj, shining with the heavenly radiance that streams through "the gates of pearL" The other is dark and llend-like, glow ing in the lurid glare of the fire light of HelL "With one of these faces it looks upon every individual. Either it turns to him it3 angel-face and, Uft ifagjiim in its gentle, loving arms, places his feet in the secure pathway of good and virtuous living, or it shows him its demon side and folding Turn, iir its awful embrace drags him down the "broad way" to eternal death. All thorA ia mnnv n nnnr fAllnn Rnul aevgr sqe3 any but this.wprst side Since, then, society does and must In. evitably train its members for good or for evil, surely it has the right to say that training shall be for good. As it educates every individual, whether it wilLor not, it must have the power to determine that that education shall be in the direction of "the true, the beautiful, and the good." Hence the State, representing society, must becon- ceded the right to start every member of the community in this direction, to begin with, by providing him with proper intellectual and moral training in childhood. As I said awhile ago, it is claimed by those who object to the "free school system" that the education of the chil dren of the commonwealth is the private and personal duty of theparents of those children, .and that It is not just or fair to shift that duty upon the shoulders of the public. Or, putting the objection in the form in which it is usually urged, they say that the State has no right to tax the property of the rich to educate the children of the poor. The absur dity of this objection is apparent upon a moment's thought. In adjusting the publicburdens, it is a welloettled rule.anda sound one too,that those who are benefited by any partic ular expenditure are the proper persons to bear that expenditure. For instance, our public roads are worked and kept up by those who live in the vicinity of them. In cities and incorporated towns, streets are improved and side walks are laid at the expense of the adjacent property-holders. And so in other cases. Now let us apply this principle to the subject under "discussion. Who is Uthat ismost benefited by the educa tion of the children in a community? Is it theparents of those children, or is it the public at large ? Suppose, for instance, that through the" training re ceived at school a boy becomes an in ventor. With his quickened, far-seeing intelligence he explores the deep and fathomless recesses of philosophy and "ransacks the arcana of .Nature." He discovers some hitherto unknown principle or property of matter, or makes some new application of an. old law of science. The result is an in vention like the sewing-machine, ,pr the steam-engine, or the magnetic tel egraph, that multiplies the physical power of man a hundred-fold, or gives his thoughts "the wings of morning" and sends hem speeding round tljo Tvoria aqa tnrougn iftne uttermost parts of tbesea." A nation is clothed in a day ; or the earth is "gridironed" with railroads orbeltedwith telegraphs. The world takes a long leap in advance and achieves a thousand years of pro grossing single decade. "Who .is it that- is benefited by such an inven tion, and by the educated, trained in telligence that woduced it ? Is it the father of the inventor Avho, perhaps, 'J...f-.-.t:... a. . :-t x i: uuva iwt kvw (ive to rrjuico at. ni son's triumph, pr is it society the world at large ? And who, then, up on the plainest economical principles, ought to pay for the education that achieves such grand results ? Or, takq another instance : Suppose that a boy trained at school grows up to be a great public leader. He be comes, like "Washington, tho "Father of.his Country," who created a nation, or like Madison, the "Father of the Constitution," who breathed into the nostrils of that nation "tho breath of life" and made it immortal. By his wisdom, the State is saved from a greatpublic peril and enters upon a prouti career of prosperity and" glory. Who is it in this instance who receives the chief benefit of that trained intel lect the father Of the boy, or the State ? Who, then, ought to pay for that training ? Of course all school-boys do not be come Howes, or "Watts, or Marshes, or "Washingtons, or Madisons. It would be a queer world if they did. But the principle that a man's education, what ever it may be, benefits society rather than his parent if it benefits any body is of universal application. The only particular advantage ordinarily that a parent receives from his son's success in life is derived from the nat ural feeling of pride and gratification that it excites. This advantage is of a verj' intangible, purely sentimental character, and beyond this he gets no benefit from that success which he does not share equally with every oth- er member of the community within the radius of that son's influence. Or dinarily, as soon as a boy's school days are over, he leaves home and be gins to "do for himself." After that, for all practical purposes, he is no more to his parent than any other man. The son's successes and failures, his good deeds and his bad, affect his father only as a part of the society in which he moves. . H by reason of right education and training, he is developed into a worthy character, and if his life is a blessing to society, his father is affected by it practically to tho same extent as his neighbors no more, no less. If, on the contrary, through lack of educa tion, or misdirected training, he turns out a vlllian, the calamity affectsTifs father only as it affects the rest of the community aside from the natural emotion of parental grief which it causes. "When some uneducated, or wronglj' educated ruffian, commits robbery or murder, or sets fire to a city, it is society and not the father of the criminal that suffers. Then, applying to this subject the rule that is adopted and acted upon in other cases, is it not just that the State, rather than the parent of tho child, being the party chiefly to be benefited by that child's education, or injured by the lack of it, should pro vide -and pay for that education ? Looking at the matter as a mere question of political economy what right has society to say that in addition to providing for the phj'sical wants of my child during his minority, I must edu cate him also, when as soon as it is done, I am required to emancipate him from parental control and send him forth to use that education not for my advantage but for tho advantage of the public ! What right hasmy rich neighbor to throw upon me the whole burden of educating my children when he is to be benefited by it as much as I and probably more ? Is there any justice in such a system ? Understand me not to deny the nat ural and scriptural obligation of a par ent to train his children. I admit it with all its force. There is -a home culture which nobody can provide but the parent, and he cannot shirk it But I do contend that it is the busi ness of society, the State, to furnish the child with scholastic Instruction and training. That it can do better than the parents To further indicate the utter unrea sonableness of the notion that educa tion i3 a private affair, with which the State has no right to meddle, we have only to compare it with some matters that are universally admitted to be legitimate subjects of legislation. When we are asked what right has tho poor man to call upon his rich neigh bor to help educate his children, we may well retort, what right has the rich man to call upon his poor neighbor to help protect his property and to re coyer it when stolen ? His property is his own. He uses it for his own selfish enjoyment Instead of a bene fit, perhaps, it is a source of oppres sion to his humble neighbor. It way be employed, as wealth often is, "to grind the face of the poor," and vex "the widfflrand the fatherless." "Why not, tearve-the possessor to take careof it tho best he mayjWhy compel poor Lazarus to bind up hU sores and trudge after the thiefwho has stolen a few shillings from the bursting coffers of JJivos ? And much more, when William B. Astor gets in to a la-suit with some wealthy neigh bor about a corner lot, what right has he to require poor John Hobbs, across tho way, to leave his work and attend court day after day as a witness or ju ryman in the caso ? Isn't a law-suit private business? "Why not, then, leave the, parties to it to settle it the best way they can ? Why Impose. Up on the pubUe the burden, of settling it for them ? Surely, if it is proper and legitimate for the StatQ to regulate these matters, them can be no question of its right to provide for the education of the chil dren of its citizens at public expense. The interest of society in the privato property and law-suits of its members is at best Indirect and remote ; while its interest in the education.ofthe In dividuals composing it is, as we'have alreadjr seen, direct and immediate. Tho right to establish, maintain and control free schools by public author ity is already practically conceded, not only in the legislation of our own State, but in that ot all the States of the Union and of every civilized coun try on the globe. They all have, had upon their statute books from "time immemorial" enactments of some sort upon the subject of education, and this fact commits them to the free school philosophy as thoroughly as its most ardent friends could wish. For if a Stale has the right to legislato upon the subject at all, it has the rigbtto control it by legislation. If it can rightfully levy a oue-mill or three mill tax for the support of schools, it can levy a tax large enough to make the schools entirely free. There is no raiddlo ground. "Education is either private business, or it is public busi ness. If it is private, tho State has no right Jo meddle with it; ft it is public, the State may take exclusive jurisdic tion of it Those who oppose free schools, to be consistent, must oppose all legislation upon the subject ot edu cation. When they concede anything to tho State in this matter, they con cede the whole question. Hence, when any State, like Oregon, makes any provision for popular education, it goes far enough to admit ito right to go farther, and so is forever estopped from denying its authority to establish a thorough, tree school system. Having thus, as I think, shown con clusively the right of the State to pro. vide for the freeeducadon ot the chil dren of its cuizensTTpurpose now to briefly consider its duty in the premises. I claim first, that the State should provide a thorough system ot popular education, because, as the friends of free schools have always contended, it tends to prevent crime. I know that has been denied by many good and thoughtlul men. They maintain that merely intellectual education does not diminish crime among a people, and that to accomplish this purpose it must be coupled with moral instruc tion. If this were true, it would con stitute no valid objection to the estab lishment of free popular education. J.t would only prove that education should include something more than mental training. If intellectual in struction alone does not tend to pre vent crime, then the State should pro vide for systematic moral instruction also. But I deny that the objection is 1 true in point of fact. I maintain that the spread ot mere intellectual knowl edge among a people does diminish crime. If the intellectual and moral nature of man are two different enti ties, they are so linked together that the one cannot be improved without exerting an appreciable influence for good upon the other. " Like the Siam esetwins, they are bound together by an indissoluble bond, and every pulso of the one is felt by the other. It seems to me impossible that the un. demanding could be educated without in. some degree elevating the moral na ture. If a man's mental traiuing could be confined to the study of pure math ematics, a kind of instiuction in which there is no moral quality whatever, I believe that his faculties would be so quickened and strengthened that he would necessarily have a better and clearer apprehension and appreciation of moral truth than he bad before. There may be no moral principle in volved in the proposition that the an gles of a trianglo are together equal to two right angles, but the traiuing necessary to enable a man to under stand that truth and the demonstra tion upon which it is based will make it an easy matter for him to compre hend and accept that other proposi tion that "honesty is tho best policy." But aside from the theories of the case, the fact is incontestably estab lished by statistics that education does diminish the tendency to crime. need only refer to a few of the fjgurea that have been collected in this subject: "Oat of a52,544 persons committed for crime in England aud Wales, dur ing a eries ot years, 229,300, or moro than 00 per cent , were reported as un educated." "In the Ohio penitentiary, out of 27$ inmates, nearly all were reported as ig norant, and 175 as grossly so." "In the Auburn prison, New York, out of 244 inmates, only 39 could read and write." To come nearer homei Accordfu" 1