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About Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888 | View Entire Issue (April 19, 1873)
MWrfS' HHWi THE SENTINEL. Saturday, - -.- - Atcul 19, 1873. SENTINEL AGENTS. Thf following namnl peru are MithorittJ to act J Agtnti for this paper in tlie plan camei 1P FISHER. SO and SI New JUrchioU" Exchange, SAN FRANCISCO. S.M.PKTTElkGIl.1. AKU 3T Park Row. KE1V YORK, and 10 State etreet, BOSIOS. ALBERT MESET. (uMor to Hudson t Medet, SI Park Sow, J.EW YOKK. UEt. P. RUWELL & CO., 41 rark r.ow.NEVV YOltK. CITY AND COUNTY. Board, of Trustees. Proceedings of the regular meeting, Tuesday evening, April 15th: The Board convened at the usual hour, and all the members found pres ent. Minutes of the prcviqus meeting read and approved. The Committee on Public Improve? raenls, having under charge repairs of town property, reported progress. , The Committee to whom was referred the petition of Sclmmpt and forty sevdn others, praying that some action be taken by the town authorities tprjr move Chinese nuisances on Ma"in Etrect, not being ready to report, asked further time, which was granted. The finance Committee asked fur ther time to examine the bills before tlicm. Granted. R. S. Dunhp, Sexton, submitted his nniiual report to the Board. The same Was Wad, accepted and ordeied placed on file. The report shows the receipts of the Cemeirry Fund for the car to lie &115 00: expenses. S? CO. The Sexton in his uport says. some tin proveincnts lie has been recommending the past year arc now being attended to, and he urges the absolute uceeily of having posts or other means used to protect the gracs from being run over by horses, vehicles., etc. The Recorder informed the Board that ho had completed the road tax list and delivered it to the Street Commissioner, as ordeied. The Marshal repoited to the Board the names of persons he had employed as night watch after tho great fire. The matter of compensation was lift to tho Board, and it was ordered that 50 per ( night be paid. "Warrants vvcro odi'red in fijvor of .J&L ljRfu, two dajs, $5 00; M. J tSpatiljiinr, 2 50; Cumniings, 2 50; Prank Krause, $2 50; Smith, 2 50; Asbury, ?2 50 ; II. Johnson, $2 50; Thos. Gainini, &2 50; Thos. Gaston, 6,2 50; .. Hendrrson, 32 50; J. Gray. $2 50; V. J. Berry, 2 50; II. Wal ters, ij,2 50; iS. Herliug, 2 50; John Dick, $2 50; G. P. Fitz, J.2 50; Ka naker George, 62 50; M. K. Fletcher, 2 50; M. D. Short, $2 50; Mo Mahon, 2 50. Total amouut, $52 50. Liquor licenses were granted to AVintjen and Helms, C. W. Savage, II. Pape, John Wallers, Jno. Xokind, and licenses ordered to issue to each upon the filing of proper bonds and Treas urer's receipts, as required by ordi nance. Mr. Helms suggested the appoint ment of an attorney for the town, and nominated II. K. Hannah. The mit ter, alter some rcmirks of member.', was deferred to the next meeting. Board then adjourned. Tub Kci.icr Concents. The con certs for the relief of the sufferers by the late fire are meeting with great success. The receipts of the first (Thursday) evening were $1S1 50 135 00 from the entertainment and $4G 50 from the supper provided by the ladies. The entertainment s-eemed to please the t audience throughout. On account of the early hour of going to press, wc are unable to give any particulars of last night's entertain ment. As this is the last evening, turn out. And don't forget that the ladies will furnish you an elegant supper for the moderate sum of 50 cts. Mass Mjektimj. There will bo a mass meeting at the Court House in Jacksonville on Tuesday, April 22d, at 13 o'clock si., for the purpose of ex pressing the indignation of the citizens of JackVon county at tho recent cow ardly measures of tho Peace Commis sion, and to adopt some method for the protection of the settlements on the frontier. Some action is necessary in the matter, as the murderous Modocs have escaped Irom the lava beds and are loose among the settlements. Volunteers. Governor Grower has issued an order to Gen. Ross to raise a company, of Mounted Militia, for the purposelpf protecting the settlers in the Lake country against the Modocs, who arejiow at large. Those enlisting are requested to furnish their own an iraal, saddle, bridle, etc. Petkus' Musical Mo'sihiy. This periodical standi at tbe head of the musical publications of the coun try. It gives much fixate space to music than any of its competitors. In fact, it contains all the popular mu sic of the day. The music pages are numbered, so that they can be de tached and bound, making in the course ot a year a volume of four hundred and thirty-two music pages, and nil ior three dollars. J. L. Peters, publisher, 599 Broadway, Xcvv York. Burned i Effigy; The excite ment here was intense when the news came of the murder of General Canby. The feeling of indignation was very strong against the peace policy, and Secretary Delano was burned in effigy, labeled with the inscription, "Make peace, if it takes all summer." The same action was taken at Yreka. ,Gev. Canhy's Body. Gen. Canby't. body passed through Jacksonville oriJTuesday, in charge of a couple of Soldiers. It was being conveyed to Portland, where has been his home for several yours past. Great preparations have been made to receive the remains tfiere, and thence they are to be taken M the East. , Sachs Bnos , at the Temple of Fash ion, will receive to day their large and well selected stock of dry and fancy goods for spring and summer use. Call around aud sec them. They will show you goods with pleasure, and sell cheap for cah. Repairing; and Buildino. Just now the sound of the hammer is heard in the burnt district, building and repair, ing. From present appearances it v ill not be long until most of the burnt district will be covered with houses again. Miluxeky Goods. There are va rious little appurtenances of a millin ery store at this office, which became separated from their owner during the late fiie. The owner can have lliem by calling at this i-flice. Xotich. Mfinbeis of Jacksonville Lodge Xo. 10, I. O. O. F., arc re quested to meet in thtir H.ill on Sat urday evening, April lfJtli, at 7 o'clock sharp. Isaac Svrns, X. G. Ixsukaxck. See the advertisement of the Phrcnix Compiny, of which Win. Hoffman, E-q, is the resident agent. Jake warning by the late disastrous fires and get insured. Gone East. Win. Turner, Esq , and sister started for the Eist last Monday. Miks Turner intends re maining at Philadelphia. Mr. T. will return about the 1st of June. Dissolution of Co-VAirrxERsim'. The firm heretofore doing business un der the firm name ol Hoffman & Klippel has been dissolved by mutual consent. Sec notice elsewhere. Lost. An enameled breast pin and cross, with the name '"Tollie" on the cross. A reward of 65 00 will be paid for its rceov ery. Inquire at this office. Catholic Service?. Bev. Father Blanchet will hold divine services at the Catholic Cl.nrch to-morrow (Sun day) at the usual hour. Cnuncii Seuvices. Rev. Mr. Wil liams will preach tomorrow at the Methodist Church. Pay Ui. That's what the Sheriff wants done with delinquent A Wisconsin justice of the pence di vorced a couple recently as follows: lie blood them in the middle ot the floor, backs together, and as they walked away from each other, repeated the marriage ceremony Inckvvanlsi. Departmental postage, after Juno 30, 1S73, will be prepaid by stamps, prepared and furnished by the I'osl Office Department. MARRIED. Al the resilience of John Hollon, on April Dth, 1873, by It. V. L. Hallock, Orrm Ilubin mm lo Mary L. lijruaburg. At llit residence ofK'drr M. Peterson, on April 10th, 1673. by Rev. Mr. 1'rlerson, Ml. "Ilios. Centtrs 10 Miss Joscphfnc Chil.lers. BORN. In this city, on April 17lh, 1S73, to the wife ot jj. t. Uiapin, a daughter. DR. L. DANFOETH HAS LOCATED IN JACKSONVILLE AND offer his professional services to the pub lic. Office at residence on Third street, op poite and went of the Methodist Church. Ikcenibcr 26. 1872tf. TTOMESTEAD, PRE-EMPTION J-J. and COURT BLANKS of all kinds kept on hand for rale, or printed to order at this ofhee. ' Half AUvBJj'j'-lgf' 3 It is a sad thing to pass through life only halt alive. lret there are thou sands whose habitual condition is one of languor and debility. They com plain of no specific disease ; they sutler no positive pain; but they have no relish for anything which aficrds men tal or sensuous pleasure to their more robust and energetic fellowbeing8. In nine ctses out of ten this state of lassitude aud torpor arises from a mor bid stomach. Indigestion destroys the energy of both mind and body. When the waste of nature .is not;snpplied by a due and regular assimilation of 1 the food, every organ is starved'every function interrupted. ' ""," l Xow, what does common sense"sug- gest under these circumstances of de pression ? The system needs rousing and strengthening; not merely for an hour or two, to sink afterwards into a more pitiable condition than ever (as it assuredly would do if any ordinary" alcoholic stimulant wps resorted'Ho), but radically and permanently. )J ' How is this desirable 'object to be accomplished 7 Tho answer to Ibis. answer to,lhla.,J the unvarying TkTj of a centnry, is ! new igor into i F question, founded on experience of a quarter easily given. Infuse new the digestive orcans by a course of Hostetter'a Stomach Bitters. Dif not waste time in administering temporary remedies, but wake the aysVerrnp by recuperating the fountain head ofphya ical strength Atni'eners'y. the creat organ upon vhich all the other organs depend for tlicir nurture and support. By the time that a dozen dos?s of the great vegetable tonic and iuvigo rant have been taken, the feeble frame of the dyspeptic will begin to feel its benign influence. Appetite will be created, and with appetite the capacity to digest what it craves. Persevere until the cure is complete until health ful blood, fit to bo the material of flesh and muscle, bone and nerve and brain, flows through the channels of circula tion, instead of the watery pabulum with which they hav e heretofore been imperfectly nourished. NEW TO-DAY. GUARD AGAINST FIRE ! DELAYS ARE DANGEROUS. rpiIE NUMEROUS SEVERE FIRES TTJflCli I. lu and tbe have oectirnd in our Stale he put y.r .lie lite disastrous contkigrationa in Port- hnd.S-pringfiVId, Dalles. Oregon City ami Jack Kinviiie. mould aumonisli property ounrrs to Meek iinii'mnii agamst, low auu uattage by,firi H'Ubout delay. , 'tub immviv IVcrnlTlVnmlltv' hill Li IUU..IIA i.ioinrt.ur, IVUldA), Of Hartford. Connrcticnt. ronrcwuted on tl I'ncitic Coart for over firiren jcarn, duiln. which period It ha paid SfiOtr.OOO tor Fire1 LoM"i 111 iiicracinc uin-irummLi ir nnp nr itu-i leading American Fire InmruucC ComiMnlraJ and the 011U Hartford Company rtprectited In J" fill. Klnfu ,.f f) T.. l ... -J!..-, l" ..., ........ vi wi.ii. ah iuu Jllltllipi HI nf.1 inent ami pujmtut ofils Io-ms. ibu Phe lix has no superior, tbe Compsny hii neter had a ruit in Hie Stale, and in the prompt catb pay ment of marly 314,000,000.00 in Cliicigoand Boston, proven that the old Plupnix is iqual totviry engagemint. The agents or the 1'IhC li nre utlllinriZ'd by comtn's-ioii from the Company to is-ue and re nitt policie direct, and hilbout reltrence to Portland. Sun Francbco or ebewlinre. thm en abling the applicant to secure imnah-ile and bimlmg protection. Usitii as low as solvency nr.d lair profit will admit oL Wm. HOFFMAN, liiident Acpnt. I13in. Jacksouvilb-, Ogn. Lissolu'.ion of Co-Partnership. pHU CO PARTNEU&HIP HERETOFORE L txisting bitwein the undersigned, under the firm of Holfman & Klippel, isdiSoolud by muiual consent. All pron having un-cttbd tcconnts on the lb" book or the firm arc reqatstrd to settle the same by fash or note without delay, a our bonks tnul be tlMri. All accounts rimaining hum lib d by the 20th or May nejt, nil! be plac ed lu the hands or an attorney for colliction. Wtf. HUFFMAN. IIKNRY KLIIM'EL. Jacksonville, April 11, 1872. 3 Call at the old btai d, in Odd Fellows' Building. 1114. W. G. LANUfOItD, (Formtrly of Walla Walla, V. T.) AUorney-at-Iaw, PUACTICR IN" ALL OF TIIK Ci'lirl and Denurlmpnls rr llip i;,itct Slate, and Courts of ihe District. --. Qn ice- 323 Four and a Half Street. Wash ington, I). OV inf. Attention, Stock-Raisers. I HE UNDERSIGNED WILL STAND HIS 1 Stallion -Jake " and his short-horned Dur ham Bull, "Bnddln," at his ranch on Bear cruk Ihe emiing scaon -Jake' at $10 Ihe season, or 315 to insure ; ,Bnddha"at $10 lo insure 1 will pay for ''Buddha" calvesjrora good cows, at usual weaning time, S23, or $15 without any charge for service. The above is coin bisis. PEDIGREE: "Jnke" was sired by '-Cnpt Slignrt;" dam one-rourth Sompon, one-fourth Spanish, the ret not known. ' Buddha" by Duke of Paris CC83 ; out of Juno ny namici issua ; May Uacrelll by Buck eye 20d ; May Dacre by Cronder 3S(i ; Milk maid by Accident 191 ; Lady JtlcAlister by Pontiac 124 ; Ijidy Durham by Sir Martin 253!); the imported Durham cow Kentucky 1817. E. F. WALKER. April 5th, 1E73. w4. THE LAST CALL. ALL PERSONS KNOWING THEMSELVES indebted to Jackon County for taxes for the year 1872, must come forward ard settle Immediately at my office. I do not wish to put them to farther costs, bat the law concerning the collection of taies must bo enforced. thos. t. Mckenzie. Ilt3. Sheriff of Jackson County. 3Tctu 28iKrfist AltMY SUPPLIES. fork, bacon, hams and laud. Office Cuief Commissiht of Ecbsistio.ce, ) UlPi.ltTllET OF TUB CoLL'MHU, V Portland, Ogn., March IS, 1873. ) QEAJJCD PROPOSALS IN TRIPLICATE. LJwirti a copy of this advertisement attached to each, will be received at this office, and at the ufflce of the Acting Cotnmissarr of aub sUtenccof. each port for which supplies ar.- re quired, till 12 M. Thursday, May 15th. 1S73, lor Ihe delivery of the following EuiHetence tupplief, viz : Prinlc Mess Pork. At Fort Klamath. Oregon, 40 barrel. JEort Lapwat. I. T 40 barrels. Camp Harney, Oregon, 40 barrel. Fort Steven", Orezon. 15 barrels. (Fort Cape Disappointment, W. T., 15 bbls. Jort Colvillc, V. T., 15 barrels. Camp San Juan Island, W. T., 15 barrels Fort Boise, I. T., 15 larrels7. Vancouver Depot, W. T., 100 barrels. Hxtrn Clear Bacon. "ATFort Klamath. Oregon, 3,418 poinds net. Fort Lapwai. I. T., .1,418 pounds net. Catpp Harney, Oregon, XtlS pounds aeU .Fort StcvcnOregon, 1,261 ponnd net. 7 r ni At . 117 m i o.-i Ult vnpu jifcap(niaiiueub, if. i., i,-n I ponndx net. isTmt tolrille, JV. T. 1.2SI ponrnl net. Camp Sao Juan Island, W. T., l,"2fil pounds net. Fort Boise. I. T , 1,201 pound net Yantouvcr Depots. j pounds net. Sugar Curetliirants. At Fdtt Klamath. Oregon. 1375 pounds net. urt Lapvau I Te, 1.415, poanda net. tBmp ihuwey, rcgon. 1,325 poundsjiet. Fort Stevens. Ot-eion. 540 pounds net. Port Cape Disappointment, W. T., 535 pound' net. Fort Colvillc, W. T.. 476 pounds net. Camp bau Juan I.-hud, V. T , 573 pounds Fort Boie. I. T., 551 pounds net. i Vancouver Depot, W.T., 4,106 pounds net. . Pure LeaT Lard. At Fort Klamath. Oregon. J,43i pounds net. Foit Lapwat, I. T.. 1,475 pounds net. lamp Harney. Oregon. 1475 pounds net. Fort Stevens, Oregon, 5 10 pounds nut. Fort Cape Disappointment. W. T., 510 pounds net Fort Colville, W.T., 540 pounds net. Camp San Juan Island, V. T.. 540 pounds net. Fnr Boise, I.T.. 510 pound" net. Vancouver Hi pot, W.T., 3,fi75 pounds net. Proposals will be received for oaeorany number of pots. Price in V. 8. Cmrreney, nrittenas tell as espresctl ua fjgffre The United States reserving Ibe right to-rtj-ct any or all b'd. " ALSO .. At lire sanv timer arnT Dface. scsaratc . orotiosals tiulrJplicale for the delivery at Subsistence De I pot. Polrland Oregon, of :' 205 liarrtlB Prime .Miss Pork. 21.705 pound net K-itra Cleur Bacon. 1 n.9.1 r. pound- net Cured Hams. 10 757 pound in. Pure Leaf Lard.- .,.(. September 1 and October , 18731 vT,, :,,rnrn,,.i . . a.U, Dcliverie of I lie abute articles to bo made Further informition as to conditions, form- of pfoposal". kind of pickage, payments, etc.. can be-obtained by application to the Commis saries at 8an- Francico, Cal , St. Louis. Mo . CJi'reiigo, 111. each Acting Commissary of the tcimceTKia. nu i 'iis olnce. Iddders are Tted to be present at Ihe oprtninfl of the . "Eirrelonvit shbuld"lie endorsed . Tro- ials for at W. II. BELL. Capt.aid Comminry of Subsidence, VS.A., non bum i. o. icpt. ui iue yuiumum. A II MY SUPPLIES. OtncKCntrr CoMMissiiir of FmsisritNCE, i 3fc IIU'AIITJIKNT OFTHE COI CVIPI I, Pobtuami. Orejon. March 25. 1873. SEALED TROrOSALS IN TRIPLICATE, "wjlh a cony of this advertisement at tached lo each, will be received at Ihe office or the Acting Commi-ary of Subsistence at each post for which supplie are required and at this olfcci- (ill 12 it. Widne'dav, Aprl 0, 1873, for fce deiivtrv of FllKSII DEEP, oil lllc Ulock, To troops and others who lhty receive sub sistence at Portland, Oregon ; Fort Klnmalb. Oregon - Fort Steven. Oregon ; Fort Boise, I. T.; Fort Vancouver. W. T.j Camp San Jutn Wand. W. T.. and Fort Cape Disappointment, TV. T For the fi-cal year commencing July 1, 1873. nEF.K CATTTiB, At Portland, Oregon, 50.3111 pound net; Camp Warner, Oregon, 3.5.670 pounds net; L Camp Harney. Oregon, 58.000 pound net : ' Fort Colville, TV. T.. 15.789 pounds n2t ; rori L.apwai, j. 1,, i,4io pounds net. Ftocn. AtPortlmd. Oregon. 108.1C2 pounds net; Fort Klamath, Oregon. 59.146 pounds net: Camp Warner, Oregon, 35,980 pounds net; Camp Harney. Oregon. 72,982 pounds net; l-cn Steven", uregnn, zi.uus pnunus net; Fort Cape Disappointment, TV. T.; 23,077 pounds nel: 'Fort Vancouver, TV. T.. r,7.131 pounds net; Fort Colville. TV. T.. 28.71G pounds net; 'Fort Lapwai. I. T., 43,399 pound net. ISL.VAD IIROVVK SUGAR. "Afrortla'nd, Oregon, 30 022 pounds net w --1 . .X-UIliS tlUJill VUEVAll. At Portland. Oregon, 1,483 gallons. X ' C 'VISF. LIVEnPOUL SAW.' iVt Pottland, Oregon. 8.900 pounds net. fi '!. FAMILY FLOCn. At Portlaud, Oregon. 40,750 pounds net II T. At Camp Warner and Warner Lake Valley. Oregon. 300 tons. Camp Harney, Oregon. 350 tons; , Fort Colville. W. T..10U ton; Fort Lapwai, I. T.. 150 tons. Farther information will be given at the office of eich Acting Commissary of Snbsist etice.of the post concerned and at this office. Bids for any part of the above will be con sidered, the United States reserving theright to reject any or all bids. tft! must state the price in U. S. Currency written as well as expressed in ngures. Envelopes thonld be tuiortcd: Proposals ior . . . . .. . . . ai . . ............ Blank forms of proposals can be obtained at this officer TVs H; BELL. Capt & Commissary of Subsistence, U. S. A., uSIw jChitf C. of the Columbia. AcitFersoBeby warned from tradH: the following bromissory noteHby Helena Bren tano to Annak 24th day of Match. 1873, fcH, gold and sil vercoia, payabWly next; an given jKSrentano and Anton UUmaL oc the same theBl silver on Uker next, as the raid notHtained iTANO, t .iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiBSN'' JacksonvB tf. - d K Vm zSBC rllMliAif VcAS nnilE PERCnEROH HORSES, -1" if WHITE ntlNCE, ami NAPOLEON TIIK SECOND, Will be at the, Livery Stable of Mesr- Kubii A. Wilson, Jadtonville. Oregon, Tuesdays and Wednesdays of each week j at mv ranch near Ahland Fridays and Satuday of euch week, from April 1st to July 1st, 1S73. The above horses were imported from France the summer of 187o. While Prince has colts in this county one year old that recommend him as a number one stocK horse Napoleon 11 will tlavc some colts the com ing season Urate-no doubt will give stttisfdc tion. I will not give here an cxtcndid description of the above horses, as the public have learned of their merits. Tutvis $25 U. S Gold Coin, due July 1st, 1873. One of will be kept at my ranch from July 1st to September 1st, 1873, to ac commodate any that may want his service. Any that do not prove with foal tbe coming summer can bo returned the neit season free of charge- for horse service, if the horses remain in the valley, I etpect to take one of the horses to Douglas county about the first week in July next probably remain two month Good nasturaee at my ranch after April !5th to accommodate marcs from a distance, at Qli cents per week. .Will use due care, bt not ac countable for accidents or cyapes. ST. LOUISy THC IMPORTED JEItSEV UVKIi, Will serve a Iimitl mrnber of cows the com ing Spring" and Summer, at $15 U. S. Gold Coin for a heifer calf, as persons wonld uot think half-blood male ctlvcs of urn stock any value. ECUS FOR HATCHI.NU, From pure breed White Brahma fowl, packed so that they can be sent to any part of the Pnndt for-ft J nn tSnr ilnTpn fr t" ? . aiilta iu.i un.c eu 1'J lunilaiiu .- tcndid the last State Fair, say they are supe rior to any that was there. TV. C. MYER. Ashland, Jackson county. Oregon. 7tf i r.. I.n (k.l li... .uan ... t r... 1. nn.T fll. Chopped Grain. GNAYLOR takes this me'hod of informing the public that be is prepared to chop Wheat and Barley for the 12th buhel, or (7) seven eents cash, and will grind eont for the Sili bifhel. His mill is on A-shltrad Creek) one fourth oT a mile south or Ahland. October I2.18724L DENTISTRY. TVR. TV. JACKSON DENTIST, j vcrcoviH.E. All stTle of Tlate Work matlc. sccli as Gokt, Silver, lMntina, Alumninra ami ltul)b?r. pfal attention ciTen to CliiMreuV Tcetlf Mlnfus Oxlfle (lAnglilns (lad) liartl for pnlnless cxtrnctlon of Tcrth. u-VVill -flif Aslilm.tanmiallyotf the lif of jnrni;aio, Aeroyruiecn ineionrta jioirtalDUTcner. XCall nitU Examine bpeclititii TVorliL Ol FICE Come r of Cahfuniia and Fifta Stintr 3esJ luencr opjiosHe uie i.oar( Jioncr. DOToll ,-jl B LANKS! BLANKS! BLANKS! Every description of Legal and Commercial Blank for sale at this office. Blanks not kept on hand will be printed to order on short no tce, in as good style a in any offipe on the coast Send in yotir orders. Warren lodge No. 10, A. F, & A.'H., HOLD their regular communications vVon the Wednesday Evenings or preced- ring the full moon. in Or- Enoy. T. U. Kb'AMS, W. JI., Max., Srcr.' GRAND MAY-DAY BALL! AT SPORT'S POINT! THERE WILL BE A MAY-DAY BALL givm at Sport's Point, pear Fort Lane, on the lt of May, 1873. Good muie will be provided. There will be a dinner gotten up for lishlng partie, and the swing will be in run ning order Tor those wishing to have a ride, td H. P. DEjSKINS. NOTICE TO STOCK-RAISERS! i TnE THOROUGn-BRED STALLION "SAMPSON" WILL BE AT ELDER PETERSON'S, ON the Desert, every Thursday ; from Friday noon to Saturday evening at James A. Card well's stable in Jacksonville ; next at II. P. Deskins. Sports' Point, for one day. and the balance of the time at my residence in Sam's Valley, trom April I4tn to tne Brst or July. PEDIGREE; I "Sampson" was sired by the old imported "bampson," woo weignea z,uu pounds ; oars, a Grey-Eagle mare. He Is 16 hands high, and weighs 1,6U0 ponnds. Term', S10 for the season, which can be paid In trraln at market price at harvest time : sin gle leap, $5. to be paid at time of service. In surance, 5io, casn. Good pasturage for mares from a distance at ot residence, on reasonable terms. Care will be taken to prevent accidents, bat no responsibility assumed, C.C.McCLENDON, April 10tb,-1873. td. ,rn. witn 100 aeres andrr cultivation, and'wlllbe, rented otr reasonable terms. or lurtncr pirticuiars inquire ai me butcher shop or (nSVlf.) JOHN OKTH. r i Cin'BREWERT! VEIT SGHUTZ, Propr. THE TUBLIC 19 RE3PECTF.UI.LY, 12J formed that thev can Snd, at any1 time-, 'ni' the arr-DREWEIir, the best ofXagef.Befit,, n quantities to suit the purchaser. Jacksonville.Jaa'. 15, 1870-tf NOTICE TO. QUARTZ MINERS. Mr.. H. F. I.- Hallock. AM ALGAMATOVXKD' ASSATTtR,of Cal ifornia, will inspect mines and machinery, and give general information fin mining. In quire of J.T.GLENN. Jacksonville, Not. 16, lS72lf. ' GRAPE VINES' ,, TF YOU WANT TO "BUY GbOD7YE.iR-b' JL ling grape roots at v So Per IOO, or 810 per 1,000, Go to the ASHLAND NURSERY. I al0jiell "NUT BEAKING TREES"JWapcr (ban ever before offered in lbf State. Aehhrd, Feb. 8, '73m3. 0 COOLIDGE. NE.W 5-TATE, S ALO.ON. . rr'HIS Popular Resort, uniter'the New Man JL agemcut, is furnishing theiiVbt'EkANDa of liquors at . M CENTS AftlNKD? The New State is famished with two elegant Billiard Tables, the Bar with the choicest Brandics.Wincs, Cigars, ,ic.,and the Reading Tables with all the Eastern' Periodicals and cading papers of the Coast. C.W. SAVAGE, Prop'r. Jacksonville. Oct. 14, 11-tf . fcrp fVUll IVTon rtnA Warliiniee , A A M.MWM MM MMWM0O "TVe hive for sale at this office a considerable quantity of , ( TTTI3B MT!T.fl,Ti, ,TVhich is suitable for all purposes where Rab bit Metal is used, and In many cases Is prefer able. :It will be cold In any quantity required. I .,.-. . , I .;-: ,, -., -; 11. P. JOHN SOS." P. A. IIEARN. ,TOIIR.T,s6iT & IIEARN SICtEsSOES TO IlantzanjC Shaw antlConutock AMntltn, ronvrAitDixa a:.d Cdminisioh Merchants, redding; cal. MarkyourvjoddsCrtrc of J. &II. By close attention to'v busiucss wchope to merit a continuation of the patronage hereto fore extended to the old'firm. r, , Redding. October 5. 1872tf v v rETEXL IfiBIlT, Photographic Artist, J'ACK&OSYILLE, OREdoX. Ambr tri'y pes', -V'h tt o gr-r'a'pli it,iu Cartes de Visite DONE lif TllE FIKEST STYLE OF ART. Pictures Reduced dk ENLARGED TO LIFE SIZEA I . Notice. MR37 NEUBER HA.S "REOPENED THE ' Jewelry Store ef John" Neubcr, and has employed the services of a First Class Jeweler to attend to it during Air. neuDer s aDscnce. All WorS1 Wtn'e line of repairing Jewelry wilf be promptly attended tp, if left at the Store. n6tf Improve. Your Poultry F' COSTS NOMORE TO KEEP GOOD Fowls than poor o6 .OlaklattiirPdiiltry Yard', corner loth and Castro Sts., Oakland, California cason of 1873. TOGS FOR HATCIIING from the largest and best bred fowls in tbe world, carefully packed in pa'ent boxes and guaranteed to carry safely any distance. The varieties comprise Dark and Light Brahraa, Buff. Black, White and Partridge Cochins, White "Leg-horn", Uondans, Silver and Golden Spangled namburg, Gold'and Silver Span gled Polish. Black Spanifi,'Crevecc2urs, Ronen and Aylesbury Duck",, Bronze Turkeys, and Sebright and Game" Bantams. Send stamp for illustrated circular to Geo. B. Baylcy, breeder of Choice Poultry. P. O. Box 659, San Francisco -also, agent for tho "Poultry World," a- monthly illustrated journal, deroied entirely to Poultry; tells how to keep fowls for profit; a complete ro. pository of information on the subject Sub scription only $1 25 a year. Agents wanted in every town. Address r. u. Box 659, ban Francisco. Please state in what paper yon saw this ad vertisement Mar8o5m3 J. G-.WALL, Forwarding and-Commission MERCHANT," " CRESCENT CITY, CALIFORNIA. MARK your goods, tart of f.G. IF"., Orescent City; ssod bills of lading and shipping receipts for all pt goods sent; freight and charges payable in Crescent City, on delivery of goods. , My warehouses consist of two brick and one stone building. Assuring my patrons thai no pain will be spared in looking to their interest, I ask for a continuance of their past favors. J. O. WALE. Crccent City, March 2. 1872.-tf i. o. o. asv JACKSONVILLE LODGE No.iO, I.O.Q.FholdVrt (its regular cretin gs on. Sat 1 arday evening, at Odd feU. lows' Halt Brothers in good standing are in vited to attend. ISA AC SACHS , N. G. rvAsrxR. Kceu, Secretaay. Truitecn S.J.TAY.....HEMlYKLrrrEt T.T.McKt!"zlC ??C VfwS I ! m - riTi T WS.'-J1"- ftHZ" J3- .