rt r' THE SENTINEL. Saturday, Feb. 15, 1873. SENTINEL AGENTS. , The following named persons are authorized to act ai Agents for this paper In the places named: fc. P. FUSTIER: 20 and 21 New Merchant Exchange, SAN FEASCISOO. fr.M.PKTTBNGIXXdJCO., 37 Park Row. NEW TOBK, and 10 State afreet, BOSTON. ALBERT MKIfET, (successor to Hudson Menet, 21 Park Eow, NEW TORE. OfcO.Trt'ROWEI.1. & CO., Part KowNEW YOKK. CITY AND COUNTY. TO CANDIDATES. Experienoe has demonstrated the ne cessity of advance payments, for elec tion printing, that impartiality may be secured and justice done to all. Here after ,all election printing, advertising or job work, must bo paid for in ad vance This rule will be strictly ad hered. t in all cases. Oorao forward ahd settle, or "Announcements" will be discontinued. UATIIOLIC services. ucv. saltier Blanchet will hold divine services at the Catholic Church to-morrow, (Sun day,) at the usual hour. Mountain Balm. Mr. W.Ii. Cowan has presented us with a bottle of his Mountain Balm Bitters. It is said to be an excellent tonic and appetizer. New TELEGr.Arn Office. A new telegraph office has been established at Rock Point, 13 miles north of Jackson ville. Marcellus Colvig is operator. Hirrrr-Hor. Two dances were in progress in town on "Wednesday night. Competition's the life of trade "you pays your money and you takes your choice." The crowds were about equal in numbers, but we'll bet Veit's guests had the highest old time. Town Election. Read tho notice of the Town Election. It seems the general impression that the affair will come off on Monday, but the notice re ferred to fixes the time on Tuesday. So voters will govern themselves ac cordingly; though we presume candi dates will right any wrong impressions on that score without our aid. Circuit Court. Tins body is now in session, Judge Prim presiding. Quito a docket is to be disposed of, and the Grand Jury have done their share in keeping the list full. Many persons are in attendance from all parts of the county. Whether as interested parties or mere spectators it's all the same to our landlords they eat and sleep, and that makes money change hands, and also makes tho town seem lively. o - The Weather. More rain has fallen during tho past week than in any pe riod of the same length during the ecason. The creeks arc well filled and miners busily at work. For several years it has been so dry that but little mining could bo done. It is to be hoped this season, at least, may sec a change. There is many a claim here yet that will pay big if only the water to-work it can be obtained, and it looks now as it the want would be satisfied. Modocs Indicted. Tho Grand Jury for this term of the Circuit Court has returned a bill of indictment against that portion of Jack's band of Modocs which committed the murders in the- Klamath lake country last November. "Catching before hanging" is tho rule, always, and in this case the one will certainly follow the other, provided the "other" ever occurs. Wo don't regret that we are not the Sheriff, if those lava beds arc to be the scene of arrest The Peace Commission. Gen. Can by and Samuel Case, Esq., from Port land, arrived in this place on Monday last, and on Wednesday morning start ed tor Linkville, to hold a conference with CapU Jack, if possible. The time was set for the 15th (to-day). Jesse Applegate, the other Commissioner, is already there. "We will wager our old boots': l6t, That Jaek don't confer; 2d, That if he does there will be no treaty that will exonerate him and his murderous band from the punishment they deserve. m Valentine's Day. -This annual day J of mirth-making was a wet and disa greeable one, but did not seem to dampen the ardor of caricaturists or victims of cacocthcs scribendi, judging from the appearance oi the boxes in tho postofiice, and tho merry faced maidens passing to and fro during the day. As quite a lively trade was driv en "with venders of tho daubs that usually burden the postofiice on such occasions, we presume somebody is sus picious and many are pleased. Veil vot of it ? Scissoring Tkieves. . Many of our cotemporaries are com plaining of each other. They Bay So-and-so steals items without giving any credit. This is very nnwrong. We don't do it, as a general thing, and we don't suffer much from others doing it tons. That's even. If we take anything from an exchange without giving cred it it's generally some unimportant ar ticle. They are more plentiful in our exchanges than any other kind, and the loss is less felt. The absence of our name in exchanges leads us to infer a like sentiment or action on their part. That's reciprocity. We're content, as a general thing. When we are not, we'll take another card. If our" items don't suit our cotemporaries, they can just let their scissors rest. And they generally do, we infer. But we can sympathize with our more sensitive and ambitious cotemporaries. More than that, ivo condole with them ; for we know how it is ourself. We have felt the sting of these ungenerous darts in some instances. We know how pro voking it is to exert ourself in prepar ing an article, and then see it copied in all the papers of the country with out credit. It smothers our hopes of distinction. For that reason we try it as seldom as possible; in fact, we hard ly ever attempt the leat. Hut some times we fill tip so that we are com pelled to blow off some, or collapse. We generally prefer tho laiter, even then. It's easier, because more natural. Bnt we have now a case in point where we think we are justified in complain ing, to wit: At the expense of much reflection and kerosene, to say nothing of tho wear and tear of imagination, we have published a series of hygienic disquisitions which, in every instance, have gone through several editions of our paper before the demand for them was satisfied. The last of these serial productions, entitled " Why Endure What is Curable ? " cost us more effort than the compilation of a whole vol ume of Modoc outrages or a paper full of "Water Rights and Irrigation." In the preparation of these articles we have been actuated solely by the spirit of benevolence and brotherly kindness. In the fullness of our generosity we have adapted them to the wants of each month in the year. Even the ti tles have cost ns much hair pulling and many starings into vacancy. In our preparation of these articles we have exhausted the whole theory of phar maceutics and brought to our aid the dark mysteries of the Materia Medica. Climactic influences havo been appro priately considered, unwholesome diet has been warned against, bad habits exposed and warred against, and the proper remedies suggested. That the public have taken our advice we have little doubt ; in fact the empty bottles which obstruct our path are mute wit nesses of the power of our reasonings. 1 or tins we are gratetul. is nt the ac tion of our cotemporaries 311s us with conflicting emotions pleasure at the extent to which our articles are copied, and chagrin at the universal neglect to give us credit. Immediately upon the publication of each article it has been thus gobbled by almost the entire press of the coaBt. Some of them, thinking to evade our observance, set them in small typo and insert them in obsenre parts of their papers. But the trick is too thin, and we havo them spot ted. To steal our news items, or gob ble our leaders, we can stand, but to thus rob us of our scientific produc tions is uninsurable, and we call npon our suffering friends who are forced to complain to join ns with their strong est efforts, and assist us to write these unconrtcous, scissoring thieves into an oblivion from which they shall never emerge. Mor.E Candidates. Aa the day of election draws near, fresh contestants for official honors put in their appear ance. Two more "announcements" are given in this issue. It will not bo a one-sided aftair, to be decided by a leisurely walk over the track. As "tho race is not always to tho swift," there must be something done besides a mere announcement that so-and-so wants office. Cause must be shown. "Woirnir Pkojiotiox. L. B. Tucker, tho oldest employe of the O. & C. Stage Line, and a resident of this place, has lately been appointed Di vision Agent of the line. "Loney," as he is familiarly known here, will not likely be succeeded by a better man for the place, and we are pleased to see his services appreciated. In Limbo. Some stranger hombre came to town on Monday and got the good graces of Ben. Zine into himself. He felt happy, and persisted in making a horso promenade of the sidewalks. A night's lodging in castle clapboard cleared his intellect, $10- cleared his obligation, and bo clearedout of town himself. CIRCUIT COTJET FB0CEEDDIQ3. Judge P. P. Pant Presiding. ' Through the politeness of P. Dunn, Esq., Clerk, wo are enabled to give the following summary of Court Proceed ings, np to Thursday evening : The following named persons were drawn, empaneled and sworn as Grand Jury for tho Term: Wm. Jones, Thos. W. Anderson, Joseph H. Davis, Fred. Heber. Joel Dixon. David Lmn and Thos. H. Louden. The Court appoint ed Fred Heber as Foreman. The following State cases were, on motion of the District Attorney, con tinned to next Term : State of Oregon vs. Arch Crisman Assault with a dangerous weapon; Jas. Hards Murder; Jos. Wells Murder ; Chas. Wilson Larceny; W. B. Dar berry Larceny; G. W. Watson Lar ceny. The following named persons were summoned, on the order of the Court, to complete the panel of trial jurors at the present Term: Jacob Roudebusli, N". D. Short, John A. Boyer, James S. Howard, E. Jacobs, Mart. Childer?, C. W. Savage, K. Kubli and J. H. nyzer. The Grand Jury returned a bill of indictment for larceny against R. H. Stockton and J. B. Markham. In the case of John Moores, indicted for assault with a dangerous weapon, defendant was acquitted. Stockton and Markham demanded separate trials. The latter plead guilty and the former was convicted of petit larceny. J. M. Crickett was cleared of the charge of larceny. Judgment by default, for S102 67, was rendered in the case of luompson vs. Ralls and Dodge. John Murray was cleared of the charge of larceny. Jesse Houck plead guilty to the charge of selling liquor without license and was fined 50 and costs. The Grand Jury returned the follow ing indictments lor murder in the first degree : Srarfaced Charley, Long Jim, Hocker Jim, One-eyed Mose, Old Doc tor Humphrey, Little Charley, Boston Charley, Dave, and Little J:m. It will be remembered that those crimi nals are "the Indians that murdered the eighteen settlers on Lost river. Why Endure "What is Curable 7 "What can't bo cured must be en dured," says the proverb; but indi gestion can be enred, and therefore it is the merest stupidity to endure it. Dyspeptics have certainly a right to continue dyspeptics to the end of their days if they choose, but as it is not supposed that any rational being pre fers physical torment to ease and health, the probability is that if all sufferers from indigestion were con vinced that an absolute, infallible rem edy for their complaint existed, they would with one accord resort to it. We most emphatically declare that such a remedy does exist, and that its name is Hostetter's Stomach Bitters. The record of its success extends over a period of more than twenty years, and it is fearlessly alleged that during the whole of that time has never failed to afford permant relief in any disorder or derangement of the stomach that was not organic, malignant, and incurable. The testimonials that go to establish this important fact can be counted by the thousand. Stomach complaints that had been aggravated by a total disregard of all dietary rules, and in tensified and rendered chronic by me dicinal treatment or drastic purgation, have in hundreds of instances been cured within three months by the sys tematic use ot this celebrated stom achic and alterative. It should be re membered that weakness of the digest ive organs involves many other ail ments. Biliousness, headache, nervous debility, spasms, palpitation ot the heart, rush ot bloou to the head, verti go, nausea, and sleeplessness are among Us concomitants and results ; and tor all these the great vegetable tonic is a specific. It acts fint upon the stomach, and through the stomach upon the se cretory and nervous systems and the bowels, its general effect being always genial and benificent. You Bet! "There's nothing so good for the youthful blood as a mug of foaming lager," saith tho poet, with lager changed to water ; but we prefer the lager particularly that kind made by Yeit Schutz and Veit has found it out. He brings us all we can desire, and repeats the assault every time he thinks the keg is empty. The San Francisco Bulletin is our authority for the following: Among things for which Wells & Fargo's Ex press Company is not responsibleis the following, as stated in their regulations: "Nor for any loss or damage by fire, the ads of God, or of Indians, or any other public enemies ot the Govern ment." I. o. o. JACKSONVILLE LODGE J No. 10,1.0. O.F., hold-. its regular meetings on sat-i nrday evening, at udd id- lows' Hall. Brothers in good standing are in Po iCS vited to attend. ISA AU bAUUS, w. U. Easter Kubli, Eeoretaay. Trmltaii E. J.DAT....JIXXKY KLIrriL,....T.TJItK12iZC PLAHTATION BITTERS. S. T. 1360 X. This wonderful vegetable res torative is the sheet-anchor of the feeble" and" debilitated. As a tonic and cordial for the aged and languid it. has no' equal amonc stomachics, as a rem edy for the nervous -vyeaknes to which women are especially sub ject, it is superseding every other stimulant. In au cli mates, tropical, temperate or fngid, it acts as a specific in ev ery species of disorder which un dermines the bodily strength and breaks down the animal spirits. LYON'S KATHAIRON, For Preserving and Beautifying the Human Hair. To Pievcnt 1U Falling Oat and Turning Gray. A well-preserved Head of hair, In a person of middle age, at once bespeaks refinement, elegance, health and beauty. It may truly be called Woman's Crowning Glory, while men are not Insensible to its advantages and charms. Few things are more disgusting than thin, frizzly, harsh, untamed Hair, with head and coat covered with Dandruff. Visit a bar ber and you feet and look like a new man. ThU Is what LYON'S KATHAIRON will do all the time. The charm which lies in well placed hair, glossy cnrls, luxuriant tress es and a clean head is noticeable and irresisti ble. Sold by all Druggists and country stores. "WM. BOYER, CALIFORNIA STREET, FInt Door West of 'White & Martin's Fruits, in Season ; PLAIN AND FANCY CANDIES ETC., ETC., ETC. Produce taken in Exchange. GIVE me a CALL. - Jacksonville, Dec. H, 18721y. Latest Dispatch to the Ladies ! Misses A. F. &. L. A. KENT. HAVING REMOVED NEXT DOOR to E. C. Brook's Jewelry Store, Califor nia Street, take pleasure in announcing to the ladies that they bare a Full Fall Stook of lOLLIKERV ii FANCY COODS, INCLUDING Hats, Feathers, Flowers, Ribbons, Trimmings, Chignons and many other articles, selected with care and of the VERY LATEST STYLES. pS Plate give m a call. Jacksonville, Oct. 14. 1871.-3m iKTotice. U. S. LAND OFFICE, ;. kob nciio, Oregon January 25. 1873 Complaint baring been entered at this Office by John A. Mills and Q. N. Anderson against James Brown Tor abandoning his Homestead Entry. No. 825. dated May 27. 1868, npon the Lot No. C. Section 18, Township 38 S.. Range 1 West, In Jackson county, Oicgon, with a view to the cancellation or said entry , the said par ties are hereby summoned to appear at this Of fice on the 3d day of March, 1873, at 1 o'clock r. i!., to respond and furnish testimony concern ing said alleged abandonment. W. R. Willis, RegMcr. Binges Hkbmaxx, Receiver. Jany 25, 4w. II.P.JOIIXSON. F. A. IIEAKN. JOHNSON &IIEARN SUCCESSORS TO Hantaan & Sliaw and Comstock A Martin, rORWARDIKQ AND Commission Merchants, REDDING, CAL. Mark your Goods Care of J. & H. By close attention to business we hope to merit a continuation of the patronage hereto fore extended to the old firm. Bedding, October 5. 1872tf GRAPEVINES. I HAVE FOR SALE, AND READY FOR delivery, about 3,000 Yearling Crape Vines. These vines are with roots, and for that reason are greatly superior to Cnttings, as they arc hardier, and reach the bearing ace earlier. My prices are: Single roots, 25 cts.; by the hundred or thousand, $20. C-Call at the Skxtixel office. FRANCOIS LORRAINE. Jacksonville, Jan. 19, 1873-ml. Errors of Youth. RULES & PRESCRIPTIONS THAT will cure any case of Seminal Weakness, Emissions, c, and restore lost manhood to per fect health. Sent free to all, by one who has suffered and is now cured. Address with post age stamp, Edgar Tbesuute, Station D., New York. nov30 '72yl. Xiove and Matrimony. THE AFFECTIONS MAY bk GAINED by following simple roles, and all maycmr ry happily without regard to wealth, age or beauty. Addres, with stamp, Madik Lucille Demaske, Bible House Station, N. T. n!3yl. Catarrh, Consumption and Rheumatism. IMMEDIATE BELIEF AND PERMA neot core guaranteed in ever; case. Par ticulars sent free. Address -Clintox Medical iKTrrtm," 147 East 15th St., N. Y. n3yl. (3? !tOPi PbiDatI Agents wantedl tjpc TO i$sCJ All classes of working peo ple, or eitner sex, young or old, mace more money at work for ns in their spare moments, or all the timethan at anything elo. Partic ulars free. Address G. Sticson k Co., Port land, Maine. Eep21,'72yl, U. S. MAILS. POST OITCCE DEPARTMENT. 1 Washington, ec.l,lS72. PROPOSALS will be received at the Contract Office oi this Department until 3T.iL of March 3, 1873; for conveying the mails ot the United States, from July 1, 1873, to June 30, 1874, in the State of on the routes and by the schedules of departures and arrivals herein specified. Decisions announced by or before March 20, 1873. (Bidden trill examine carefully the lavs, larva, and instructions annexed.') The letters In. o.) indicate, that there is no post office at the place named. Service will not be let where no offices exist. OREGON.' 15162 From Roseburg by Looking Glajs, Brew Bter Valley (n o), Bnrton Prairie (no), Coos City (n o), and Marshfield, to Empire City, 80 miles and back, once a week. Leave Roseburg Monday at 6 a m; Arrive at Empire City next day by 6 pm; Leave Empire City Wednesday at 6 am. Arrive at Roseburg next day by 6 pm. 15163 From Eugene City, by Willamette Forks, to Fine, 15 miles and back, .once a week. Leave Eugene City Tuesday at 7 a m; Arrive at Pine by 12 m ; Leave Pine Tuesday at 1 p m; Arrive at Eugene City by 6 p m; 15164 From Jacksonville, by Central Point, Table Rock, Big Meadow (n o), Little and Big Butte Creek (n oi. and Sam's Valley (n o), to Jacksonville, equal to 36 miles and back, once a week. Summer Schedule From Hay 1 to October 31. Leave Jacksonville Monday at 6 a m; Arrive at Jacksonville next day by 6 p m. Winter Schedule From November 1 to April 30. Leave Jacksonville Monday at 6 a m; Arrive at Jacksonville Wednesday by 6 p m. 15165 From Pendleton, by Pilot Rock, Forks of Birch Creek (n o), Butler Creek, Wil low Fork, and Rock Creek, to Scott's, 100 miles and back, once a week. Leave Pendleton Monday at 10 a m; Arrive at Scott's Wednesday by 6 p m; Leave Scott's Thursday at 6 a m; Arrive at Pendleton Saturday by 3 p" m; 15166 From Union to Gem City, 42 miles and back, once a week. Leave Union Monday at 6 am; Arrive at uem uity ojipm; Leave Gem City Tuesday at 6 a m; Arrive at Union by 6 p m. 15167 From Baker City to lYingville, 8 miles and back, once a week, by a schedule mak ing connection with stages at Baker City. Proposals Invited for twice, also for three-times-a-week service. 15168 From The Dalles, by Fifteen-mile Creek (n o), Tygh Valley (n o), Mount Hood, Oak Grove (n o), Warm Springs (n o), Willoughby, Reservation (n o), Willow Creek (n o) and Prine, to Upper Ocheco. 130 miles and back, once a week. . Leave The Dalles Monday at 6 a m; Arrive at Upper Ocheco Wednesday by 5 pm; Leave Upper Ocheco Thursday at 6 a m: Arrive at the Dalles Saturday by 6 pm. roiui op proposal, guarantee & certificate. Proposal. The undersigned , whose post ofiice address is county of , Sate of , proposes to convey the malls of the United Stotes, from July 1, 1873, to June 30, 1874, on route No...., between and , under the advertisement of the Post master General, dated December 1, 1872, "with celerity, certainty, and security" (law of Jnne 8, 1872), for the annual sum of .... dollars. This proposal is made with full knowledge of the distance of the route, the might of the mad to be car ried, and all other particulars in reference to the route and service; and, also, after careful examination of the laws and instructions attached to advertisement of mail service; and of the provisions contained m the act of Congress of June 8, 1872. Dated Bidder. Guarantee. The undersigned, residing at , State of , undertake that, if the foregoing bid lor cairying the mail on route No.... be accepted by the Postmaster General, tlie bidder will, pri or to tbc 1st June, 1873, enter into tbe required obligation, or contract, to perform tbe service proposed, with good and sufficient sureties. This ire do, understanding distinctly the obligations ana liabilities assumea oy guarantors. Dated Certificate. Tbe undersigned, postmasterat...., State of , certifies, u.ndek his oats of office, that he is acquainted with the above guarantors. and knows them to be men of property, and able to make good their guarantee ; and that bidder and guarantors arc above the age of 21 years. Bids of $5,000 and upward must be accompanied by a certified check, or draft, on some solvent National Bank, equal to 5 per centum en the present annual pay on the route: or in case of new service, not lest than 5 per centum of one year's pay proposed in bid. (Section 253, Ad of Jane 8, 1872.) The postmaster mnst not sign the certificate until the sum of the bid is inserted and tbe bid and guarantee signed by all parties, and dated. FORM OF rHOPOSAL, ETC. Oath required by Section 246 of an Ad of Congress, approved June 8, 1872, to be af fixed to each bid for carrying the mail, and to be taken before an officer qualified to ad minister oaths. I, , of , bidder for conveying the mail on route No .from , do swear that I have the ability pecuniarily to fulfill my obligation as such bidder; that the bid is made in good faith, and with tho inten tion to enter into contract and perform tbe ser vice in case (aid bid shall be accepted; and that the signatures of the guarantors thereto are gennine, and that I believe tbe said guarantors to be pecuniarily responsible for and able to pay all damages tbe United States shall suffer by reason of my failing to perform my obliga tions as such bidder. Sworn to and subscribed before me. ,for the of ,this day of...... A.D. 187 , and in testimony thereof I here unto subscribe my name and affix my official seal the day and year aforesaid. fSeaU Note. When the oath Is taken before a jus tice of the peace, tbe certificate of tbe clerk of a court of record should be added, under his seal of office, that tbe person who administered the oath is' a duly qualified justice of the peace. INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS AND POSTMASTERS. Containing also conditions to be incorporated in the Contracts to the extent the Department nay deem proper. 1. Seven minutes are allowed to each inter mediate office, when not otherwise specified, for assorting the mails. 2. On routes where the mode of conveyance admits of it, the special agents or the Postof See Department, also postofiice blanks, mail bags, locks and keys, are to be conveyed with out extra charge. 3. "Way bills," or receipts prepared by post masters, or other agents of the Department, will accompany tbe mails, specifying the num ber and destination of tbe several bags,, to be examined by tbe postmasters, to insure regular ity in the delivery, of bags and pouches. 4. No pay will be made for trips not per formed : and for each of such omissions, It the failure be occasioned by the fault 'of the con tractor or carrier, three times the pay of tbe trip will be deducted. For arriva's so far be hind time as to break connection with depend ing mails, and sot sufficiently excused, one- fonrtb of tbe comrjensation for the trlrj la sub ject to forfeiture. For repeated delinquencies or the kind herein specified, enlarged penalties, proportioned to the nature thereof, and the im portance of the mail, may be made. 6. For leaving behind or throwing off the mails, orany portion of them, fur the admis sion of passengers, or for being concerned in setting up or running an express conveying In telligence in advance of the mail, a quarter's pay may be deducted. 6. Fines will be imposed, unless the delin quency be promptly and satisfactorily explain ed by certificates ot postmasters or the affida vits of other credible persons, for falling to arrive in contract time: for nezlectincr to take the mail from, or deliver it into, a postofiice ; for suffering it to be wet, injured, destroyed, robbed, or lost; and for refusing, after demand, to convey the mail as frequently as the con tractor runs, or is concerned in running, a car, coach, or steamboat on a route. 7. The Postmaster General may annul the contract for repeated failures to run agreeably to contract : for violating the postofiice laws. Lor disobeying (he Instructions of the Depart ment, lor rciuaiug iu uiscuurge u turner nucu required oy me Department to oo to; lor run ning an express as aforesaid; or for transport ing persons or packages conveying mailable matter out of the mail. 8. The Postmaster General may order an in crease of service on a route by allowing there for a pro rata increaeon the contract pay. He may change schedules, of departures and arri vals in all case?, and' particularly to make them conform to connections with railroads, without increase of pay, provided the running time bo not. abridged. The Postmaster General may also discontinue oi curtail tbc service, In whole or in part, in order to place on the route supe rior service, or whenever the public interests, in bis judgment, snail require sucn discontinu ance or cnrtailmcnt for any other cause; ha allowing as full indemnity to contrictor one month's extra pay on the amount of service dispensed with, and a pro rata compensation for the amonnt of service retained and continued. 9. Payments will be made by collections from, or drafts on, postmasters or otherwise after the expiration of each quarter say in No vcmber, February, May and August, provided that required evidence of service has been re ceived. 10. The distances given are believed to be substantially Corrpct; but no increased pay will be allowed should they be greater than adver tised. If the points to be supplied are correctly stated., Bidders must inform themselves upon this point, and also in reference to the weight of the mail, tne .condition or hills, roods, streams, See and all toll-bridges, turnpikes, plank-roads, fer ries, or obstructions of any kind by which ex pense may be incurred. No claim for addition al pay, based on such ground, can be consider ed, nor lor alleged mistakes or misapprehension as to the (Jegrce of service; nor for bridges de stroyed, ferries discontinued, or other obstruc tions causing or increasing distance or expense occurring during the contract term. Offices established alter this advertisement is issued, and also during the contract term, are to bo visited without extra pay, if the distance be not increased. 11. Bidders are cautioned to mail their pro posals in time to reach the Department by the day and hour named (3 p. m., March 3, 1873) for bids received after that time xrill not be con' sidercd in competition with bids, of reasonable amount, received in time. Neither can bids be considered which are without the guarantee required by law, and a certificate of the suffi ciency of such guarantee, and tbe oath of the bidder according to section 246, act of Jnne 8 1872. 12. Bidders shonld first propose for service strictly according to the advertisement, and then, if tbey desire, separately tor different serv ice; and if the regular bid be the lowest offered for the advertised service, the other proposi tions may be considered. 13. There should be but one route bid for in a proposal. Consolidated or combination bids ("proposing pne sum for two or more routes") cannot be considered. 14. The route, the service, the yearly pay, lha name and residence of the bidder (that is, his usual postofiice address), and the name of each member of a firm, where a company offers should be distinctly stated. 15. Bidders are requested to use, as far as practicable, the printed proposals, furnished by tbe Department, to write out in full the sum of their bids, and to retain copies of them. Altered bids should not be submitted ; nor should bids once submitted be withdrawn. No withdrawal of a bidder or guarantor will be al lowed unless the withdrawal is received twenty four hours previous to the time fixed for open ing the proposals. Ecah bid must be guaranteed by two respon sible persons. Tbe bid and guarantee should be signed plainly with the full name of each person. The Postmaster General reserves the right to reject any bid which may be deemed cxtrava gant; and also to disregard the b'ds of failing contractors and bidders. (Act of June 8, 1872 section 249.) 1C. The bid should be sealed, superscribed "Mail Proposals, State of Oregon," addressed "Second Assistant Postmaster General, Contract Uliice," aod sent by mail, not by or to an agent. Bids of $5,000 per annum and upward must bo accompanied by a certified check or draft on some solvent national bank, equal to 5 per cent of the amount. (See law of Congress of June 8, 1872.) 17 Vie tonlrads are to be executed and re turned to the Department by or before the s day of June, 1873, otherwise the accepted bid der will be considered as having failed, and the Postmaster General nay proceed to contrad for the service with other parties, according to law. Transfers of contracts, or of interest in con tracts, are forbidden by law, and consequently cannot be allowed. Neither can bids or inter est in bids, be transferred or assigned to other parties . Bidders will therefore take notice that they will be expected to perform the servlca awarded to them through the whole contract term. 18. Section 249 of the act of June f, 1872, provides that contracts for the transportation of the mails shall be "awarded to the lowest biddei tendering sufficient guarantees for the faithfnl performance, without other reference to tbe mode of such transportation than may be necessary to provide for the due celerity, cer tainty and security thereof." Under this law bids that propose to transport the mails with "celerity, certainty and security," having been decided to be the only legal bids, are construed as providing for the entire mail, however large, ana whatever may be the mode of conveyance necessary to insure its "celerity, cerfainty, and security," and have the preference ever all others, and no others are considered, except for steam boat routes.. 19. A modification of a bid In &07 of Its essential terms Is tantamount to a now hid, and cannot be referred, so as to Interfere vlth rigular competition. Making a new bid, with guarantee and certificate, Is tbe onlj way to modify a prerloos bid. 20. Postmasters are to be carefal not to certify to tbe sufficiency of guarantors without knowing that they are persons of sufficient responsibility. (See section 47, act of Jane 8,1872.) They must not sign the certifieate un til the sum of the bid is inserted, and the bid and guar antee are signed by the bidder and (two) guarantors a disregard of this instruction by postmasters Kill sub ject them to immediate removal, and to severe penalties. j-osrmasters are aiso uaoi to dismissal irom omca tor acting as agents of contractors or bidders, with or with out compensation, in any bnslness, matter, or thing, re lating to the mall serrice. Tbey are the trusted agents of the Department, and cannot consistently act in boia capacities. 21. All bidden, guarantors, and sureties are distinctly notified that on a failure to enter Into or perform the con-1 tracts for the serrice proposed for In the accepted bids, their legal liabUltlea will be enforced agalnat them. 22. Present contractors, and persona known at the De partment, must, equally with uthers, procure guarantors and certificates of their sufficiency snostantially in the forms abore prescribed. Tbe certificate of sufficiency must be signed by a postmaster. JNO. A. J. CRESSWTLLv r.f?7 rostmsstsr Geneaal.