t".'w.n.f .JJ-1 " IJI T : :. ,. .1 i '- .THE POWEE OF THE AFFIBMaTIVE. ,3TtoTpovoiEfofipositiveiaea8.andlhe cower of the positive affirmation 'and, prqmnlgatjop qf them mo.ve, the .wprjd.) Rrath-iisiwaated in tiothintr more IW-t isjjlyahan in negations and. denials. Tt'i .is not necessary lor-trntn lo worry it Bp1f,',?vehit a lie'can rtinaleague whie it is patting on its boots.- ,Let it run, and'ge't ont of Ireatb, and' get -out of jedit jand get out of the way. A man who spends his days in .arresting, and " lcgoclij)g dpwn lies an5 liars will have, " nolirne- lor Fpeaking the truth. There 13 nothing lnoreidarxingitig to a mans' reputation than his admission that it pcds delending.wlien attacked. Sen. - Bittveness loassanlt, on Ihe part of any caustyts an unmistakable sign of weak ness:. "A.etroiig man -and strong'canse iu-e'I.-)iiI"".io lfvtt.cn aflirinalive life, de voting in sill'tTftlon whatever to ene mies, to."win their' .wiiy, and to trample benraili their feetall the obstacles thaf maliee.'.or jealousy, pr EelCsbuess casts bfcfoife' t,Tieni'. Tlie' "man who can say, strongly and .earnestly, "I believe," has notonly' a Vital and valuable posses sion, but he has a permanent source of inspiration within -liimself, and' ri perl mr.nent,- influence over others. The man,w.ho:responds,: "I do not believe "'what you believe," or "deny what.you lielieve,! has.no possession, and no In fluenco'except a personal 'one. 'JnVpiWog, s this principle better exemplified and' illustrated than in the 6trilesJbY political parties. The party that; adopts a group of positive ideas, and shapes apositive policy upon them, and boldly and consistently affirms andl promulgates, both ideas and poli cy, hasan immense ad vantage over one wijich .undertakes, to operate upon a capital of negation's. Tu"e history of American' politics is lull of -confirmations' of "this'truth. No party has ever had, more than a temporary success tUat'Vased its actipn simply on a de nial ;0l a set of (positive ideas held by its pjiuQjieiit, The popularlnind de mands Mimetiiiiig positive something thatli'K lls Y Jm VtH breath' and being 1W)TIW) leW B-iUegi?npe. VlSh 'f W y&WVB and.orgaqiq pow , orfiiiiiujple f pos-'uidn 'and -negation. IjjiljUQSl,. 6traigl"tforivard affirmation hiw&'pdrt'tjp 'irftself, independent of wf)aljit'.aTlirinsi.grQa'ter..,than negation, wherrassocitUed 'withTall the influences it can.cpgage.i i IThfr'Author of Christianity' under Btoqd, this -matter. -His system of re ligion was to be preached, proclaimed, promulgated. Jts" friends 'were not, to win "fljeir triumphs by'denying the de- nialsTof infidelity, but by persistently affirming, "explaining and applying the truth. ,V.ith this system of truth in ,his: hands feo pureed beneficent, so far--reaobing in its results upon human chafa'fcVcr, happiness and destiny the Qhnstmn teacher 'commands the posi tion., Infidelity, and denial can make no permanent headway against faith, unless .fajtli stops to bandy words with them "That is precisely what they would. like, and whaE would give them imparlance and.-influeuec which they catfcwiuiianb other way. Why should an impregnable fortress exchange shots with a msMittr schooner r oilence :s a ... i ;w - better. idefehse than a salvo, and ' will aepnve iiiseiuiuiier.-oi vwu privilege of .WiigJ tvij'tirti'd in' the newspapers.- The world wluiU towards the sun, and never Mops -tit. jmrley tvith the east wimD',TJieJ'great liver, clieeked by a danijiqiiifllY J'ilos upits yvaters, buries tboJarai!and, rolling over it, grasps; the. occasion iora new exhibition of itg positive:power and beauty. The rip rap Bliutsjin ocearfdoor, but .the .ocean, has a million doors through: -whichit pours, its. ttdes Stopping tpdenyei niiiprSfitlesaas stoppifngT'toaeny . truthsrTJtaSjCOusentin''!tq' leave' "an affirmativq, foe ajucgativo jwition, and . is'a Removal, to.tho, weak side. - ' .Sq,a nxaiVjwborhasreally anything. pojltt vein ' him has nothiiig 'to 'do but -porsi8iiently''to work and live'it out. If ' lie igappliiiciaM ora statesman, or i reformer or a literary man, he can make himself felt ost as :ar power in thf) wbri'd",ana be securest nf ultimate ree'. ognlti6tf,:bv-living a boldly affirmative litejridping.thoroughly.that vwhrch it i inJi im to do, regardless of assault. detraciionsn'd, miseonstrnctionl The1 ciiemieVot' any man who suffers him self to bo annoyed by them will be certaiu y Jkeep him busy. The wrld has nevt'r discovered 'anyUiinor "nutri- tiouAin.ta- negation, and themen ojl laiih-anrt conviction -will-always bnd a multitude; enger,fpr the. food they. bear. : Jilcn wiU conjtiimo ,to drmk. lrom the bro'ifrid'refn8e-tdi)iit'Moneihat obstruct them. Even error itjself inaa , -affi'matjfa'ftirm -is-"a -thousand' Itimes mQrc.powurlul than whon.it appears as a d&UWtftrotb; Dr. JSbUcmd.1 .JA -.1-1 -J- J- nSXTSAffrZOKSAEBMOK c '"V-A-TLTJKlHu CBOBCH."'""4' Mr. Beecher's text-was I Corinthians, Xf 2? : "Conscience, I say, opt . thjne own, but ot -tno oiner ; iior jrnyiis my liberty judged of another' man's coni science?" WM are'to accord, .said Tie; to other men's consciences just the sani.e liberty that we give to, our .own. U o man can nndersto'nd the appstle'sargrft ment unless he' takes his standpoint. All quesuuus Jro iutucu "f -"5 standpoint of love .by the apostle. We have a right to instruct, to per suade, to win, but we have no nqht.to, take the place of another's cph'sciencej In social pleasnr.es a iundred.qaesUons will be asked. I hold that in social tisages there is nothing always right or always wrong. A'i thing is right or is wrong according.jtp -the. effect- it- pro-! ducesT The.efTect varies underdiffei1' ent circumstances. A roan may '"drink .wine in Palestine w'ithontTiannbut '1 'think not In New York. Right and wroncr is to be determined in'overy community, in every family. Ch'risti- anily IS lavorauie, uu mo wuuie,ofoa onable enioyment. It is cheerful, hap piness proaucmg, joymi. xao language o no Ula iesiameni ana ine -xew is icvous. Kelici'on does not shut, men' up. .If it is necessary at critical pe riods 10 give up iuu rjgui. uauu a mail must do it, Iiut that is an. exception. All pleasures., that iojarejmen are for bidden, becanso 'they iiniorS .their-hap piness. A man who. squanders the ire sources of his, body sins against the laws'c-P health, and interferes with'his truo happiness. ,Np man .has alright to do a pleasure that uufits him for bis next day's work. This is but common sense. An innocent pleasure maybe harmful nnder certain circumstances. A dance is no more than 'walking. In' a seminary the young ladies, must not' dance, but they have calisthenics; and what is tne difference t Uoth are'roo-. tionsin time with music. Bull would not have dancing where there is a fu neral. I would' time the dancinsr. 'It yon are able to put a billjard tableau your bouse to keep your boys a'i home, do it. t But if there is a billiard rotm iu cuujuucviou wiiu mjuur iu a village, I would not go, there. I would cut'off my hand sooner. We "are perpetually to judge according to circumstances. Do Ibal which helps you, and makes you grow and builds vou up. If'jln MunSemerit hiirt's youj let it alone tyd you ask me it you may play cards at kbme?- "I say,- ask- -your'-parerits."'! .don't play, but I don't' say you shan't. You kuow'jvh'at timoTslto you, wlat .Vl., : :- i -Lit-'-i .iuui iiiuucuuc ia uu utuciB, auu you uiujiurauo iyi vuuiocii. . xi you aoK me about theatres .and operas and, cir-- enses, Ttell you toform 'yourjiidgnjeni. wiu tiirgu views as -uriguantmen-tna women.. There -I defend you. You :tiiuoi tcoicto tuoclCoLIv, aud llltru vuu 1 avo a right -XOj follow your,;decision. I youijdonotthint. it3rightJtpj$ar i aiuers, go to paries, uanco,j)r toucu c irds, then itrisn'frighlSor' ydu. But -sou must not sit down and groan over jour ''poor darkened sister over the a ay, who wears 'feathers a foot long", s id goes to p'ariics all winteK" B. WHITE. ' ALEX ilAUTIN WHITE & MARTIN i - (SUCCESSOR TO JAS.T.,01ESS.) s ' CEILER IX GENERAL MERCHANDISE CALIFORNIA STEEET, ' .'' J, JACKSONVILLE, OREGON. m FIM W GOODS,! An !) 3STJEv PRICES! LOW fJJICES WJLLWIN ! TUB, UNDERSIGNED TAKES PLEASURE L ia notifjlng. bis friends. and the public tfinerallr: .that he is now rfraivfno-anA -Ai ming a verj large and eitentive-stock. 'of -' STAPLE DRT G0QDS, . , f 'L JIjVADZJUDE clotwkg. I UATS'AXDfATS, CALIFORNIA AND. gftUm CLOTHS, r . . - Jjf.lfri BLAJJKETS, ( - , , ., , .HOOP SKIRTS rr .0 rc! JiETc, etc; 1 .taQOT&AND'SHOESf' Xadies Misses' & Uhildren'sjSIioes : -'vjt'' x .' .i ' ' .' f'j ,jf I-'baTe'i also,, in coEn'ection Wilh'g. the above,' very Urge, and ciieuaiTctiocKoi cnoice Groceries, Hardware; Qneensware, . iJ Vware.'Gnt erv.iV PainUanJOilitalso, , ,i mhitarXika;, Nills'lfon '"IS and Steel, Ca?L and Steel Plows, Wooden and "Willow ware. -Oi . 1 . . " I ') "i 3C I lam ready: to, sell anYthW in bit line at' iDe:L.uwiv3x:oASIl pkiuk. -rersonawKfii&ff oDnygood, will and It greatly to theirs' TKQUn IO examlnn m stAr tirnri. .naretiftA. IiiB elsewhere, as I am determined net to be undersold bi "inr hoase in Jaikson Waatr. 'f viive me a can. ana men indm lor Toanell ..:- - . ... . . as to my capacity to fornieh goods as aboter7 ' ". 8 '- 'if- WHITE it M AKTIN: t JaeksonTHIe, NoTember 18, 1871 tf WiFgiflnTr ftff KEEP YOUR MONEY,AT HOME t'x L6.SJ 4-i-5-u3. 1tO PATRONIZING aJ ,V jTJTi'tfl Ammmm N.A-fli mm i THE SENTINEL OFFICE D PK1PAIS1 "0"' p JOB PRINTING T 'of'Wv Semi-10"- '" ; ' : - iFhlV) ;fr0'lI)!lJK MAN1TER SIIgEEipR Toand. Cheaper than -.-m-o,, ANY5 JOB OFFICE! SpUXHERN OREGON. ;,. LEGAL BLANKS'-',, : or ill on Or Hand or Printed to Order, on 'short notic'e. l.ill' . ' .).!.'. .'.1 niTua mi csir POWER JOB RRESS. -r iTH HI8PART OF T Hf STATE, Wears eaaUl t mtio T A' -STP'B'GI'A Is'Tf' "' , .'.la i 'l .-.- ", T.-io , K, .iWacUrrintlDpM; , ,., ,t'i5i,-3. ..' '' . !: ''.. 1' j 'r V" ' V ! INVITATION UAKlrtnti i c -.-rrV i & . ?:iA;jtn "- A3I ' 'BUSINESS CARDS, 'I. FANCY PLACARDS. TUCjULSS, j, ,, .y;,'r5"ii ' V18ITINOCARDS,-:: L'ABEUSrHECKSrr :.:etc:'; ', '. ' :T1ItJ.- : . i ' :'. Aadrc Orilcrs to' 'i "OREGON SENTINEL," . i -' . i K ,-f J t JACKSONVILLE, OREdOl, 1 " ' iRAILROAD NEWS! A-8 AXXOCSCET) . x. 80me tin, agr XJ SACIKS' BR0S., ; OF-.THE JPOPdlSB TEjiSPItS . :ASELIOT STORE, ..! j ; r ttu 4 lIaTerclTKl:thelt tu-gei; J . -jti 1 .. ' " Pall anift XKTin-txr. Sf-KATf I ;-rf - -Jit 0 1)'?; ;;if- ;!' ' l- thc community l Wee Will be peculiarly braeOttfd by -THE - FAIR3tiotieib7 'IA ?., i -& t. - BerebilSv tofopf BnmeTOnftnwmeiCelit-' I lag uargaius. ucuavc uu uRiiaiuu ' in saline tbat tbe public will t find not only ttmnch l Bctte'tStfjCk trj lectio Than ntn.l linfc'TTmr.ftnftWflPltticwii Wi man ' ' through thbWUrta effecf,(nid;redoc-tion'f- car ymease etocli on hand,'- and shall retort to a L01ER;lllGCT,.;PiCi i hi-ikiidH t-.iu, v.- s: s rO o.is -j.y ' iJLette toeinj of aeollslun&oalipiijpoM'A ' aaaaaaaSa .S-tC035.f"dJ?lCieiil That we not only tay so, bat demonstrate; -as Tke TrHtK' lf Oht- Sayrig?7 JTACplOTiLlSf -J ' " D Oct, mm .va,-at pfaa?,isAyu55SH; wm &rJAn-1 r.w 1 . i-in Jmn1 ' CpJiyO.UND Extract ot.Cutoefts AND COPAIBA, X SqSZ, CEBT11S jiSD SPEBDY CURE For all Diseases of the Buddie. Kidxkts aDd Ubisabt Oboixs, eltherla the Male or Female. Aort 8pce of thrVe or roorday?'; and tXwijt la. less, time thaa.any:other preparation.' Id ttld T1l Of TARBkN'i'S COMPOUND EXTRACT ,0F. ' " rnni7n!'jnnnPATnA There 'Istj6: heed pfepriflnement ofjch'ane of diet In Its' approved form 'of a'pa'ste,1t is en lireiy lasiciess, auu causes uu uupicasAu cau sation to Ibe.patieaL.aodJio ezposare. It is ..l.nAnlulnaJ tht Tnnet ImmMl In. 4ha Profession lhat in all secret disease? '.Cubebs a'nd Copaiba are the ODly remedies that can be relied ppn wua any cenainiy oi oaccea, Tarrant's'Componnd 'Extract of Cubebs and Copaiba NWKIt FAILS. ' ..... ..........VTinniCT .t- r.n 278 & 2b0 Greenwich and 100 Warren Sts.. New lork. Bold by. Druggists all oyer the world. V julylSmG HOLLOWATS fni" s. I..- vp.'vac Ewrylan Ms,0TO FhYsician. ,','' CA.TJTI03ST. . rpiIE Immense demand' for nOLLOWATS -' TILLS and OINTMEXT ha4 tempted -'unprincipled parties o counterfeit thewrvala ' able medicines. . , In order to protect ttopubHr and onrselTes, f. Ue have issued a new M Trade Mark," consist . in? of an Egyptian cirtlo of1 a serpent, -with ' tho lettet H in the centre. Ever? box of gen , nine Hoixowat's Pills and Ointment will ' have this trade mark on it; none" are" genuine .without it. 27. Y. CnrjncAL Co., Sole Proprietors, V8 Haiden Lane.New York. ,.; .' CSXKK & liRIGHAil, - San FaAxasro, Cal., '! Sole Agents for' the Pacific Coast. COUGHS, HOARSENESS, IKTFLITUFJSA. Sore' Throat. Colds, n'ooplosr (Jftiigji. Croup. LTrcr Complaint, lironchitis.. Astktua' Dleeding of the Lungs, and every affection of the. throat. lung-" and chest, are, speedily and permanently cured by the use of Dr. iVislat's Balsam of Wild Cherry. This well known preparation does not dm up a cough and Itare the ctxut$ behind, as. is the ease with met medicines, but it loosens and cleanses the lunqs and allays irritation; thus.Temovptj. the caustof thi cejnplainlj ionsumption canoe uiireu- bv a tlmelr resort to this standard reinnlv. as is proved by hundreds of testimonials received by the proprietors. None genulne'anlera tigned l.iiCTTS.sirrii -W. i owlk E box3. froprietars. Dostoh. Sold by IleddiiigKn. ilo(etler'oi Col RanTMnnitin 'anil liw J a 1 apa nn ara 1 1 tr 1 I ' ' ' tep.31,187S-ly.1 EEWlED Incuratile Cascl jr DR. LE RICHATI'3 JT GOLDEN BALSAM! tWjXttt. ten. years' trial on this Cotst Jus Tiratai hint the bnly earativc in n rertiln clu 6 of difioasesjironqtuKed tyjaedic&l pr&ctiUou crs as Incurable. Dr.LsEichaa's GOLDEN BALSAHKo.i cures Chinercs first end second E'sges, Sores on the Lessor IJodjl 8aro Ears,- IJ;Koser 4c. CopperetorW Blotches, '8ypMmi3-Cttrrli, JJiDCdOCt BrS.XVTt MM (111 tiMilUj vnuil tuv j 4UffclnornMSriiIillls. iaco,Jprbetjl Dr.LsRicliau's G3LDEH BALSAHHo.2 cures Tertiary,' Mercurial,' Syphilitic Eheum lism. Fains in tho Bonra.-Backol the Kb k. tl. cerated Soro Throat.. EyphUiUo Kb, lupi.T -1 ' and eradicabs til dlstares front thoFyetcm. mercurj lcivln? the blood pure and tcol.iy. rfcet SJ.pcr botilo, or two.Jcr? 1 0:LUicIis goIden'spakieh ah- . H4cte; for'IhVCma oL'Oonaorhcea.sGlcct.Irrl. iitiod. Gravel, and alt Urinary cr Gcuitaf 4sarringements, fricF, $110 jgqr bottle. It Dr. LeBichan's GflLDEH SPAKlSHHi- I eetloBaraSB'anS Injection' f rreTtrectfcs jection, uaSh 'ana Injection' f rferrre ctfcs of Oonnorhou. InOammetorr Gleet. Etrlrtun s. , .tjj-all diaeases of the KWreya.rVr1 Wndftr. t Irice, $L50 per bottle. ' Also 'Agents fcr DK.iE.EIC5ATPS QOLEEH ( S'ltliS tarJBuaivX. Vwaitess1 Kittt Erals- I ftions. ImOotencT. and all dificzsrs criir'f frcn 1 , JIastnrbation and csccsEiTO atusn.: !lr?'. thi IBbMle;tX6tf5enulnelOoLtIULlljlifal ' xut up only in round bottles. be J cr hair. 1 ratios. Sole Acents, v & p. mcsiBDs'ito; "TTholesal and' Bttall .Druggists caod, I" , a.7liHsjt P tsa,m.-MiJt at PlUoVUW ?j Cbemios. B iv. cor. Clay & SanBome 7 .r-fr " i f - r- " " - ' JP TEC TK ii.t.u 'D 1. .CLanf ' ? t TUB TT lAifliGtfEfREYNTirE.lSYlGOn-. 1 ator. Blood-Pnrifler and AppetIterI,go for all Nervous and' unions ails, ana i iue most efficacious Lnng Hedicineejjtantt JtS iagredientg are all purely vegetable. . 'Prepared by .W. H. PARKER. ' gepJHTJmSii OjSUackeoavnievOregon. tTt-(HlBSTBAJrPRE-ET.PTION ,. U oj ail ainqs, jtepi on uanu uf pub, j... fgorder-at this offlce,, """'" " V , v.4?wtl Jft.AIaiu& jDBi MB - i' n-n f ;ftSHSaV i'.YJtywuu Aui.'ariiisia a wVumiM' m - . . Kt9lanto.0. :SJy:l:Stpm PRICES' REDUCED! ' . " "' Per Bottle,' WALKER'S VINEGAR -' BITTERS....r.i.v.. . l..;Oiie DoYltn AXER' SARSAEARIIr .. ii ' ' "--"" " "" (i i ATER'S CHERRy1 PKG , WISTAR'S BALSAM ;' -; WILD CHERRY..;..... V-.i " i HALLS BALSAM FOR .. THE "LUNGS-;.. o ," " . CATHARTIC. LIVER ,TTTm I'M tt .' JANYES EXPECTOR". ' ANT. ' "''.''' HOSTETTEll'S . . B.tTr. f ; ,. ,, ALUKINDSOF PILLS PER BOX ;....... 25 cents. Aud other' goods in'our line will be" MM a.r. h grtatly' rtUucei-price, i . -. si 110BB.& HAULER OHEA.I FOR 66 .i;t 5 A. FISHER & BROTHER COItNEE OP Caiifornla- aud Oregon' Streets, JA.CKS.bNyiLLE, .JHavflipn'hand.aj,.f.,., lt: . . i1 ; in '.: r w. r . LARGE .'STOCK ;Df;,STAPLE f)!R"5r :&oois; '; ,-... I!.:'. v-., -. -.:. ! .H: ' C NOTHING. ' BOOTisJ AND SHOES GROCERJES; LIQUORS, CUTLERY, CROCKERY, Etc; !. ' '.J t" I ' - ..!' ' '. All .of wliiol.i will .bar sold ... : AT REDUCED PRICES, - XT FISHER & BRO. . Jackfonf jlle. Juue25th.i ISt jiiunii.-tC NOTICE-TO MINERS. TOTI0EiisberebyiniVen tbat; the.' undery il signed Ut.rMYKB, uasoeen, auiy ajj. pointed, and botia approved, U'. S. Deputy Surveyor', of Mineral Claims' In and for Mining District,' Kofi, tbe said district. being defined In extent as in public notice, Issned.from D. S, Surveyor General's Office for thd District 'of Oregon, un der date or Uct 30, IB70j- . Alt persons' desirous of entering mineral claims, ia said district, under the acts of .Con gress approved" July "22. 1866' and 'amendatory acipproveaimj.t.iofur must nave, tue time survey ea Dy auiuuriij. ... . ' Miheralelalms liiy be entered that are situ ated on unsurveyed 'lands a well as on eur v'eyed land',, i ., . ....( i All cnmincnicalions addressed to' me at Ash land Millf.!Jack8on!.Co.j-OrKonwlll "n'oeivk prompt aiieniion. as itjfuifjiie nil afsispau Uia mr'bower to claimants ifhlnir to avi themselves of "the' lawsntborlzing the fale of mmexallancAc .L r . . ,T 4 Br,F.,HyER ' J ' TJ.S. Depbty Surveyor. , ' Dateo'al'my'Onlcebea'r'Ashlahd'ilills, Orci' gon,; March 4, lt(7i.-tfiap -. BUCKEYE -'- " STEAM $KWfALT. ' OneHlie East of John Stont's Farm, a'NDBOOT 30 MILES ,nbrtl)east from j. Jackfoiiville: 'Every description' 'of lum- l)etaTui jfoat (Twiai. i - Sur-'Pititf'YIIewPlHe'aH'Ff trmberjkeptr eonsTantly on' handler jawed ,o urucr iu vumcvmwu ,.- -.j ... M?.u- PLANING MACHINE. I. . .111 J tt... ". all rTin nn mliK'tt ana win aryss lumwi i -" " j "u i. aoU Will S1CW CM i JJfc- w ". times on band. "i'ATJC PATTERSON-: J jSeptemWepJ0ia72rni3.l " 1j 3 Oattle'forSai.J J o .: .i.?:tjv"'S,'b4 Tt1-- '-'choice' Beef Cattle can be had. ?r:-;r" zc n. , ' ;. : oTonDl. ivlrrt. " J Xangell'i Valley ,. Jackson Coi'Ogn. Jg'3 t J-IIU isteUaiC,ougf( f JQHN3ItSia" LEAD AND BRASSjs IJIPOBTERr " ; J F&RM1HC IIPiflEITS! . i I n fn Asd dealer ii J CIGARS, pAEC0,,LWi JUllHUCfeHlfeS,.iri, Califoraitt St., JacIueii.TillerX) . (Botvten -OMgoa an4TJ0fJ,), (J S1u j TT EEPS CONSTANTLY tON; JBASiV IV an assortment of the beat .Tin. Sbeetirani and Copper ware. Brass". Prps,"ly'draa'lib Nozzles, Force 'Pomps, -Chains.1 Lead:'Fip', Hoea, 11 AHUWAKK, U.U I LrJKY XML& ofallsizw. ;. r ,., Bar, Plate and'issorttdlroti; ' V- .' 'K-'l urosbes of every variety etcelc,ti a .l Paints, Oils, Sizes and Glass,, . . AllqbalUiesbfPowcrer',750 " Shot of allinambers;- rt .;& ,Rope,iBrassj and. .Iron Wire;'-ui , . r. Vpodennd, Wjljbw. Var?j,T Ki-icksmitb, Carpenter and Aimer's -tools of cv'ety v.tr-'ety. ' ' '' ' "' '-'-'- AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTi .' Ha coxpbTccor..lt. ,,; 1) Cjst'iron and Slkel Plows;' c : ' "X I Svltahnrpvi)in$Frri.Uqtlft;. "'" .Cuuhlrons apd. Iron, .JVaA Kett,Iep CuUlvat'or's, Whcelbar ro's, etc. S T O '-"V iS'I Always oa hand a large, .lot,, -at, Parfor. Cooltlng,' Office and Cabin' Stoves, ofpssdrted sizes, plain' and fancy, eonstracted'4D--alest fnelsavinjr plans. Boilers,, Kejt.lls.j Pot Pans, and everything, connected .with these stoves, warranted durable and 'petf&t." ' w Ail articles sold or mannfactorpd Iby him', WARRANTED. His, workistnale; of ,the best material and of choicest pattern). -" tSy Orders attended to witb"disp itch, 'arid filled according to directions. Be is do'.ermia ed to sell at LOW PRICES FOR, OAS. Call and examine his stock'1 before nrchaj inp elsewhere, i, xpepU'JIiabW" . -ll)m ' ! i i" . JC.I ! a .a SPECIAL KOTICE! - - ,, . . -c if) i C tV ai n a T3T m:tircr-rt!iiTi-ATi i ' . Sir I; --,! '!. t'-r JJ31 ' 'v. - ?' i ' , 1'' J,Is- Mission & Pacific AVooIc3Mnis Offer to th trJ. . . . .A Large pndjfll sdeclnl Issoilmtnt,.. t IAKVyACTr;REDATinKIRCSI.EnnWpr. jr ' .' J. il x 7onitij,j; of I, :,f. ..,, 'gLANKETS or, VERV-f'pRJtVTfJJ) UORsk ,BLl A7CSBS- and- fCiSK- IICib'BSY 'iIOKSBlai. SLU:CfMiU)Jlits oV'Viriou widths and qnl!tfe; Tifer1 C.fSSjlSr' anii TWEEDS of'evefy'descript'ipn: GEMS' . i.lf Jfl.ES' a'mj'JuxwUj ,iu;jrreat variety; Ofiakl and.JJAVJ.i'yil mLS;.SIURTIXO EZAXA'ELS', iTWEED? CASSIUERE'iui FEA8ftEL:3WRTSx'aa'r DESfFEAiVfTER,PSdpM''iB. Vra.virioussh).;,, Ksit All 1Vool,.a.nlL MerinpjUApKBwip.andL IlodiKnr' for men women and eblldrf n etftei-'f ay adapt; d for'lhe Pac iBi coaA: C-J IO 'Woolen' Yarn laail' shad'es'byine'paclcate " .-. ' ,.i -"jj a-'iiM jltfgoods in our line, .manufaciared -to ox XY- 'JJ'- i 11! --3S1H7 DEnatiEhprt,QOtIce,andat.lhejn,rlu P",ce?t .-. , ti M-.-f -j .:i.i i3Vjobc' 9PrIee lists.'scn t' on nppHcatiaaiditisQ'Jt:' i ' Mission anaPaeiltc wAWMHS0' l Depot, 517,,ana ,lftrHett,fl SAN.ritASCXSCO; CAtoI Je I triad iLp.JOUSStEJ. i -joaK-u;n8A4wv' ;jmt$Qtft$Mm :t:: i):i' '..I'fHnKni.'." -ifjataq &XSV1B . t rpBW,jioI??3 0 ovqtV nmrriiriti on TVEffr fehantS 1 ;v' ,9W.asio W Mark your.Goods ,Garor' of J . wlf F 1ST Close a urn uou u uuj:.j.c w.c iuj. yw merit ft- cqailhnatioQiorlhe pttoaifel.rWi eA. ...un'u fn fYtA nM Artn. .rM 1 a fore. extended, Jo, the .old firm- - rji Ic'aotia ' Eeddmg;OctoWr;5.'1872ff - '.""' 3119 Address, ni. CdRfes-a uutUnr f P. ni)()Dnfhff tfttiwi,,. f 'ESmselfTandpHp'ti for young , a iKaJ.njbTna,4'nm NtrVrfena ;DeiiM ty.Xoss of Manhoodr,ImpoJeaey,'jto., Hftv Tects'of IndiHsretloa'and wIPabuse; furnishing fc biaBELr CUliK.'na (enures on'receiTiug stamp okpost-pald, envelope. .Address,.,, rtatil . - ijk hii.9ij. .thai sep,28,7??V. r (rr Sa?.&5r1.,c.'?TjCBliyni;tf money at work for us.in .tieir. ppare .nosMVa: Jl ulars fre; - Address GrBHason-A'Cor. Porfri land, Maine. ' w f.iE2JjlsM oraii we mav, m.. MJw".'!B,,1i.."l,,r: liO .ii J6Q 3U"3 x