PtwtMVVUM"1 NWtwwwawcww i THE' SENTINEL. Saturday, - -'October 19 1872. AGKSTS FUft TUG SEKTINEt.. . Tbe-followlujr named persons an authorized to act as Agents fr this paper tn the places named. L. P. FISHER. Z and 21 hew Merchants' Exchange, SAN FBANCISCO. S.M.PETTEGILl.&.CO 37 Part Bow,I.EW TORK, audio Stau street, BOSTOS. ALBRTRT MEET, (successor to Hudson 4 Mcnet 21 Park Kow. EW TOUR. dE". P. RUWELL & CO., Park Eow.XEW TORK. POS rOFFICE REGISTER. Mails North close daily at 9 o'clock a. si. " Sonth " " 2 " p. m. i to Crecent City close Sundays & Wednesdays at 9 " p.m. Mails to Central Point, Ta ble Bock & Eagle Point close Tuesdays at 9 " p. m. Money order office open from 9 a. u. to 5 r. si. MAX MULLER, P. M. RELIGIOUS NOTICES. All notice! under this bead win be published free, and Change announced without charge if notice is gircu at the office beforo noonol tridajs. Rer. Father Blancbet will hold divine f ervice at the Catholic Cliurch to-morrow, at the usual hour. Concekt. We arc informed thai Prof. Brooks, of our'city, assisted by tbe best musical talent of the city and county, contemplates offering to our citizens, in a short time, a grand vocal and instrumental concert. The selec tions, we are told, will be from the best masters of Europe and America, and are now being rehearsed. From our knowledge of the persons engagedj in it, we have no doubt that the affair will prove an exquisite treat to lovers of music, and that the Hall will be thronged with our best citizens to wit ness the divine art of Apollo, and to feel the elevating and inspiring strains of Euterpe. Jackson County Ahead Again. Judge Tolman's horse "Ashland," and J. N. T. Miller's horse "Brick Pomc roy," were down at Treka at the late Siskiyou County Fair, and got away with some of the purses and prizes there offered. ''Brick Pomeroy," in one race took the three first heats. Judge Tolman's three year old, "Mau nita," took a premium of 10 and "Pomeroy" one of $20. ToliticaIi Speech. Hon. J. F. Gazely, Republican Presidential Elect or, spoke at the Court House on last Thursday. Mr. Gazely is a fine speak er and never fails to interest his audi ence. His speech was logical, and was interspersed with lively humor and telling hits on the Greeley Democracy He says he has nothing to fight, as the Grecleyitcs have given up the contest. m New Goods. Read Sachs Bros.' new advertisement. They have now received their Fall aud Winter goods, and are 'prepared to fill all orders in their line at lower prices than ever be fore offered by thera. They have an immense stock, embracing everything of newest and most attractive sty les and arieties, and arc determined to sell. Give them a call soon, should you i ant a first choice. m Hoffman & Kliitel. This old and reliable firm have again "come to the front," and with their immense new stock of everything in their line call upon customers to give them a show. They can't be beaten for variety or ex tent of stock, and will not be under sold. Read their new advertisement Unavoidably Deferred. Father Blanchct requests us to state that he has received a telegram informing him that it will not be possible for Bishop Blanchet to reach here by to morrow, as it was supposed ho would, but that he will bo hero on Sunday, Oct. 27th. Reconsidered. For the benefit of our neighbor, the 2'imes, wo will state that the lady who "didn't want to mar ry because she was unable to support a husband," we think has reconsidered tho matter, and has made " different arrangements." The Fair. We presume no one can have forgotten that our County Fair begins on Wednesday next. A fine time is anticipated, as tho officers bae made full and complete arrangements, the weather promises to be fair, and everybody will be there. m Picnic, Tho rumbling of chariots and the neighing of steeds suggested Bometbing unusual Wednesday morn ing. It proved to be tho movement of a picnic party, but whereto or why we didn't take tho trouble to learn. m Catena A one-horse thing called a circus played in town on Monday night last They called it tho Crystal Pal ace Circus. A Wiz-uax Tho "Wizard of Strom-boli"-gavo an cutertainment in this place last week. Kice Present. Jacob Briltvery politely asked ns " if we wanted any grapes?" Not any; it was a man on the other road. He did get us to take some about forty pounds of the best we have seen this year, or any other year, for that matter, and wer'e glad of it. They were of the Los Angeles variety and counld not have been beat en in any country. We are sorry to be compelled to speak of them in tho past tense, but they have gone, " like tire baseless fabric of a vision," and we don'tjust exactly know all'about it. Reported Stage Accident. Wc have heard a rumor that the coach up set, on the Northern road, on the night of tho J4th, but do not know what, if any, damage resulted. Cossoudation. For a long time we have had two barber shops in Jack sonville. We've only one now. Geo. Schumpf has bought out his competi tor and melted tho two shops into one. The Ball. Devotees of the scienco of Terpsichore and lovers of company generally, mast not forget the ball at Veit Schutz's nalljFridav evening. Sudt TJr. All saloons, and other places of business, excepting those ex empt by law, were closed on Sunday last. The town seemed dry. An Error. Tho copy of Mr. Nay lor's grain chopping advertisement, in last issue, was wrong, and wo this is sue make the correction. Read it. A Scholarship in the National Bus iness College at Portland can be bad on favorable terms by applying at tho Sentinel office. Agents Wanted Male and Female. Business pleasant, and pays better than any enterprise in the field. Agents mate from $4 to $8 a day. Send stamp for pimple and 'par ticulars. Address J. Latham & Co. , 292 Wa'hincton St , Boston, Mass. n31wC For the very best Photographs go to BRAD-LEI'S,- RVLOFSON. Gallery without STAIRS. pS'ASCEXD IN THE ELEVATOR 423 Mont gomery street, San Trancisco. jan24ly. To Mill Men and Machinists. We have for sale at this office a considerable quantity of X" V JbM3 3VI33T A Ti, Which is suitable for all purposes where Bab bit Metal is used, and in many cases is prefer able. It will be sold in any quantity required. IK-Burefkes- 3SJCSJLXT HAVING THOROUGHLY REPAIRED and fitted up the abeve named mill with tbe latest improvements, wc are now prepared to manufacture Flour Equal to Any In Southern Oregon. A share of public pat- ronape is sol cited. scpZ4mS ALEXANDER 4V AMI'. School Notice. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT SAT URDAY, Sept. 14th (that being the sec ond Saturday in the month), is set apart for the examination ol applicants lor Teacueis' cer tificates for the District fcchools. No charge will be made lor Ucrtihcates iucu tnat day The usual fee will be drmanded for all Ccrtili cates granted subsequent to that time. W.J.STANLEY. School Supt. Jackson County. Jacksonville, Sept.l, 1672-4. O. W. CRYSTAL. h. f. ruiLurs CRYSTAL & PHILLIPS. Oregon Street. WE ARE NOW PREPARED TO DO ALL kinds of Dlack-mithing and Wagon-mak'-ing, Horse-shoeing, Repairing Ac. - ALL 1TORK WARRANTED. -83$. Jacksonville, Ogn , Dcc23 3m m EAGLE BREWERY I JOS. WETTERER Frop'r. TIIE BEST OF HGERBEER KEPT CON stantly on hand : sold by the keg, gallon, or glas. Seeing is believing, give me a call and judge for yourself. Jacksonville, Jan. 15, 1870.-tf Boots! Boots! r HE UNDERSIGNED HAVING PER- jg maneutly located in Jacksonville, is fit prepared to do all kinds of work in his line. psr SATISFACTION G UARANTEED. -854 Shop opposite Pat Ryan's store, on Califor nia Street. M. CATON. Jacksonville, Ogn. Feblo tf SL MARY'S U'lllMIV, CONDUCTED BY The Sisters of tbe Holy Names, Jacksonville, Oregon. Board and Tuition per Term.... $40 00 Entrance fee, only once 5 00 Piano 15 00 Drawing and Painting 8 00 Bed aud Bedding 4 00 SELECT DAY SCHOOL. Primary, perterm 6 00 Junior ,. 8 00 Senior , 10 00 The scholastic year commences about the middle' of August, and is divided into four cessions -of eleven weeks each. Pupils are received at any time, and their term will be counted from the day of their entrance. For further particulars apply at the academy. Old, ThiBgsJPassciliV'way This is at least true of tbe old method of treating thelcng and much abused human body. It is no longer considered wise to put a patient to the torture in order to cure him of disease in which pain is already undermining the'ener gies of his system. True science ranges itself on the side of nature, and indeavors to assist her in her fight against disease. This is. the province of Hostettcr's Stomach Litters, -the most approved tonic ever advertised this country. It may be recommendeda.S" a fall medicine, par excellent ; for it is In the fall that biliousness, dyspepsia and malarious fevers are especially prevalent The frame, exhaust ed by the heats of summer, is relaxed and feeble at Its close, and requires, we may say demands, artificial assistance. Afford it that as sistance in occaeional doses of Uostetter's Stomach Bitters, and the evils referred to may be escaped. Throughout the far west, and on tbe steaming alluvial of the Southern rivers, all the varieties of periodical fever are proba bly rife to-day. Had a course of Hosteller's Bitters been commenced by tbe sufferers one month ago, i.e., before the unhealthy season set in, seven-eights of them would ia ail prob ability be in their usual health at this time. So much for want of forecaste. So much for not keeping in the bouse and using daily, the best saleguard against epidemic and endemic fevers. As flocks gf imposters and imitators are try ing to follow in the wake of the Great Am ri ican Remedy, therefore be sure that the article you buy is genuine and verified by the proper trade-mcrks. The true article can only be ob tained in bottles. Beware of the spurious Bit ters sold by the gallon or ia keg. ASHLAND ACADEMY. WE ARE HAPPY TO ANNOUNCE THAT the Ashland Academy is rapidly ap proaching completion, aud will commence its first term ou the first Monday of next October. No expense or pains will be Epared to make its rooms inviting to all; and in situation, for health and beauty, we believe tbe Ashland Academy is not surpassed by any school in the land. It will be fully furnished with Maps, Charts, Pianos, Organs. Philosophic apparatus, Ac., and much care will be taken to secure for it a competent Board of Instructors. TUITION, PER TERM. Primary $4 00 Preparatory . 5 00 Sub Junior 6 00 Junior 7 00 Senior 8 00 IXrRAS. each, per term. Languages, each, perterm $3 00 Penciling, " 3 00 Painting, " 10 00 Instrumental Music, " " 10 00 Use of instrument, ' " 3 00 Book keeping, single . , entry, " " ..." . 3 00 Book keeping double entry, " " 6 00 Board can be had in private families, or with the Principal's family for S3 50 per week, exclusive of washing. We believe that no academy iu the State offers like inducements at such low rates. If further information is desired, it maj be obtained by calling on Rev. J. II. Skldmorcat Asnland, Jackson count' Oregon. Juiyisi. PACIFIC UNIVERSITY, . FOREST GROVE, -- - - OREGOJi'. Rev. S. Jl. Narth,D.D.... President. and Prof, of Intellectual Philosophy Rev. II. Lyman, A. M. . . . .Prof, of Mathematics Geo. II Collier, A. il , Prof, of Natural Science. Jos. W. Marsh. A. M.. Prof, of Latin and Creek. A. J. Anderson, A. M.. . ..Principal of Academy MmP.A. Wlnj Preceptress. .Vim O. A. Haskell, Teacher of Music. There are four courses of study, to meet the want of all who have advanced beyond the com pletion of an Euglish education. The next term begins September 1, 1871. The completion of the Willamette Valley Railroad to Forest Grove, will soon make the Institution accessablc from all parts of the Valley. The location is beautiful and salubrious. Sa loons are excluded by provisions in the deeds which give title to the lands. The Apparatus and the collections in the de partment of Natural History are considerable and are constantly Increasing. The Library numbers about 5,000 volumes. To meet a long felt necessity, the President, by an enlargement of his boue, has made pro vision for boarding young ladies. Board, including furnished rooms, fuel and lights S00 per term, of 13 weeks. Tuition from S24 to $32 per year. Young men can board themselves, or obtain board at from $3 to SI per week. i 3r For parti lars address' the President NEW STATE SALOON. 0-0 rPHIS Popular Report, under the New Man- JL agement, is furnishing the best brands of liquors at 12 CENTS A DRINK. The New State is furnished with twojelegant Billiard Tables, the Bar with" the choicest Brandies. Wines, Cigars, Ac, and, the Reading Tables with all the Eastern Periodicals and eading papers of the Coast. C. W. SAVAGE, Prop'r. Jacksonville, Oct. 14, 71-tf , THE BALM MEDICINE! ForConglu, Colda, Croup and BronchltU. r' IS AN AGUE PREVENTIVE, INVIGOR ator. Blood Purifier and Appetizer; is good for ail Nervous and Bilious ails, and is the most efficacious Lung Medicine extant. Its ingredients are all purely vegetable Prepared by W. H. PARKER, sep2h mS Jacksonville,QregonC"t Notice. THE 'UNDERSIGNED having rented his in terest in the Souring mill ou Bear Creek to O. P. Alexander, all persons knowing them selves indebted to tbe firm of MeKenzie & Amy are requested to call at the mUl and settle be fore the 15th day of October, 1872. and save costs. n31td T. T. McKENZIE. Cattle for Sale! ONE HUNDRED HEAD OF choice Beef Cattle can be had cheap for cash by calling ou ARTHUR LANGELL, LangeHs Valley, Jackson Co., Ogn. August 21, 1672. n2 J. Bi . I. JaLEX MARTIN WHITE & MARTIN U (SFOCESSOB TO-JASTi CLZSX.). I SE1LEB IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE " 'CALIFORNIA STREET,"" 'JACKSONVILLE, OREGON. AW MM . NEW GOODS, xk d... NEW PRICES! LOW PRICES WILL WIN! THE UNDERSIGNED TAKES PLEASURE in notifying bis friends and tbe public generally, that he is now receiving and op ening a very large and extensive stock of staple dry goods, ready made clothing. ' ' hats' And caps, CALIFORNIA AND SALEM cloths,yV ::ooo BLANKETS, HOOP SKIRTS ETC., ETC. BOOTS AND SHOES, Ladies', Misses' & Children's Slioes. have, also, in connection with tgj tbe above, a very large and extensive stock of choice Groceries, Hardware, Qaeensware, J Glass- -s ware, Cutlery, Paints and Oils; also. Window Glass, Kails, Iron and Steel, Cast and Steel 4 Plows, tVooden and Willow ware I am ready to sell anything in my line at the LOWEST CASH PRICE. Persons wishing to ouy goods, will find it greatly to their ad vantage to examine my stock before purchas ing elsewhere, as I am determined not to be undersold by any house in Jackson county. , Give me a call, and then judge for yourself as to my capacity to ruruisn goods as above. WHITE & MARTIN. Jacksonville. November 18, 1871 tf. .j -i.- 1 .- 0 and Oe, tt G A, FURIf LSniNG & FANCY GOODS, AND BOYS:Sy GIRL'S fcLQTIILNG, KEADY MADE. AT REDUCED PRICES. " BV ' E-- JACOBS IA Opposite Orth's JACKSONVILLE, New Brick Building, , anglO "OREGON. UNION LIVERY, Salo cto Sxoliaiigo STAKLE M Jft KUBL1 & WILSON, 0H Proprietors!' "fi , THE'proprielors have recently) purchased the "above'well known staudsituated "on the corner of California and Fourth Streets, 2 e v - , i Where the.very best horses and buggies caa be had at Jill timer, at rEajonable ritesThelr stock of roadsters cannot be equalled iu the State. . . - -- ""' - HORSES BOARDED On. reasonable terms, and sthe best care and. 'AM2nfinstt,AIAfttn (InAA thflfn nfftllX HtiHAI Innil u.tgu.tuu ucstuiicu uiuu tUviu niiiic uuibt .us charge. Also -HORSES BOUGHT AND SOLD. Be!ngIsatisCed that they .-can give salisfac? tion, me proprietors solicit toe patronge 01 the public. tl Jacksonville, JuneL 1870. Photographic Artist, ., JACKSONVILLE, OREGON. . Ambro types, PKotog'raph s, Cartes de Visit DONE IN THE FINEST STYLE OF ART. Pictures Reduced OR ENLARGED TO .LIFE SIZE. Notice. ALL THOSE KNOWING THEMSELVE3 indebted to Miixxe & SaASMiK are. hereby requested to call and settle immediately. We propose making a change la our business, and must balance our books, MILLER & SHANNON. Jacksonville, August 31, 1871-wl. fJ2Lljtii UJ. liMU Jrll AGRICULTURAL FAIR .'iD 3Eor '18733 i'0g9.O The following U the PREMIUM iiSTlbr the ensuing County Fair, to be held iu a Bybee's Grove, near Jacksonville COMtESCKd Wednesday; October 23 1872; CONTINUING FOUR DAYS. Entrance for money premiums 33 per cent. on the amount of premium offered. LIST OF CTIX.MXUMS. FIRST' DEPARTMENT. houses. In this department the aame animal cannot l entered more than once, except iu sweepstakes, or as a colt with Its aire or dim. as a member of a familr. 1. ho animal will ua allowed to compete fot any premium unless free from duease or blemish which can bo trans mittcd to posterity. CLASS I IJOBSES OF ALT. W0IUC STILUONS. Best 4 years old and orer $10 and diploma. 2ddo " -" S MAKES. Best 4 years old and OTor., 2ddo a " S10 and diploma. 5 ' CLASS II DRAFT HOUSES STALLIONS. Best 2 j oars old and Wet 2ddo " " 510 and 'diploma. in AUiftiAi S " " JUttES. Best 2 yrs old and OTer, with colt by side (10 and diploma without colt.... 5 " " 1 CLASS III ROADSTERS ST1LUONS. Best 3 years old and orer $10 and diploma. 2ddo S " GEI.BLNG3. Best 3 years old and orer..... !.. $3 anil diploma. 2ddo " S " ' MARES. BestSyearsold aud orer $10 and diploma. Sddo " " 0 " CLASS IV CARRIAQB HORSES. Best pair carriage horses owned and used as such by one person.,......., ....... $6 and diploma. 2d do y 4. CLASS Y ROADSTER, TEAMS. Best double- team roadsters owned and used as such by one owner. ........ $Q and diploma. M do ..4 " AH animals competinc for premiums in Classes III. IT and T will be exhibited in harness, and a trial of speed required. CLASS VI-colts. Best 2 year-old. t$3 and diploma. 2d do... 2 do Best l-year-old.v 3 do 2d best 2 do Best suckling colt ,. 3 da Id best ., 2 do CLASS VII SADDLE HORSES. " Best saddle horse Sd and diploma 2d best....... , ,Aia- CLAS3VI1I JACKS AXDKCllS. - Best Jack '. -.,$ and diploma. Hest Jennot., ...a................ o uo- Best mule 2years old. ,... .......... fi do Bestmnlel yearold..n ft da Bestpair mules raised in the county .... 8 do CLASS EC CATTLE. BULLS. Best Durham Bull. BestDerou do .. Beat Alderny do .. ..$10 and diploma. 10 - do , .-. 10 do COWS. ' ' " BcstDurham Cow i..t.. ..!..' 8 do Best Deron do. ......... ..J. ...... ' 8 do Best Alderny do i8ta do swzzpruKia. Best Bull of any breed $10 and diploma. IJeat Uow or any breed , iu ao ' CALES "" Best Durham Calf. $3 and diploma. liest Deron do.... .....r.. ...... a uo ' Best Alderny do ....,.... ft do SWIirSTAKtS, "J Best Calf of any breed .' S do SHEEP." Best buck.... ...................... .... $3 and diploma, ill best... , ...' 2 do Best ewc.iv ............r..w.. 3 do 2d best :."-....,.. 2 do . SfllhE.. !'. - Best boar...,. ...; $7 and diploma. -Jdbest... 3 do Best sow........ 7 do 2dbest , ,...-.. 3 US ' - POULTRT. '! ' ' ' Best lot of improved breed. r.srr. $5 and diploma. d best do do ............. 3 do SECOND DEPARTMENT.' MACniSEIir, IMl'LEMEXTS, ETC. CLASS t HOUSEHOLD IMPLEMENTS, ET(J. at . j Best Churn 4. ...Diploma. ilcstllntter noraer... Best Washing Machine , " BestbroadarainandSeedgowcr..'. Sand " CLASS II VEniciES. - j . a Best two-horse family carriage. . r. . .V. ..'.... .. .Diploma, Best top buggy ....i.;V. - Best farm wagon for general purposes. .1,sX law Best spring market wagon w iwsst wagon or carriage DraEe, j- -c dt .swsx THIRD DEPARTMENT. - J a TEXTILE FABRICS, MILL t DOMESTIC IT.ODCCIS, (Articles to be exhibited by manufacturer.') . " MILL 7ABZ1C3. Best display of woolen goods by one factory. . .Diploma, 3IXBLX, SUXLL ASH WAX W0KX, ClOTHCtd, SATS, CXtS, IIK Best exhibit and creatcst number of ar ticles in this class 7.... S3 and Diploma! uttoman coTer...........,nh......... -c Fancy chairwork with needle........,, o1 Crotchet shawl Sand Lamp4tandmat. ............ ........ Ornamental needle-work... .....,.... Sand SUk embroidery. , ,. 2 and Embroidered dressing gown..... . .... ? Embroidered lady's robe Sand 1-mbroidered table-spread ... v .......... Embroidered children's clothes . ......... 5 and do do si.. do do do do' '"dd da do do do do do do do -do Embroidered ladj'a collar... 1 and Embroidered handkerchief. land Embroidered with beads.."..; Tatting collar Worked collar.., Worked handkerchief.. ....... Display of millinery.. n Assortment of glores and mittens.. Sand i 'land nl and i land do- .-Sand variety ox linen eninroldery Specimen of wax flowers.-i,r.-rrr...... do do 'do Sand 2 and specimen sneuworx. ..,. RnH-n.n tirld mnfc- -?. . y.?r Specimen braid work.. mDroiaerea piaure..... White quilt , Worked quilt... gak.iuut,,'..........j. ratchwork quilt "'JIUiU 7 do dol vr 2and -do BOCSXnOU TACKICS. Beat hearth rnj, ,,...,,, 51 nd diploma. pair woolen xni- nocKings. ..77. . . a na 00 pAir cotton knit itocUogs Itod" da pair bj misses under 13jeirs". 1 and do pair woolen triiigeiirfttexisv.,. Diploma. pair woolen. t&Utens. ..... Imnd do pair bj Misses under 12 years...... land do Stocking yarn vfm.... do Woolen shawl.... ...... w..,... land do Foot mats.. .i , " " do Gentlemen's shirts................ Sand do , (. ?'i?iicxJilxot.Hf PV-.l Best pair dress boots , ft and Diploma. pairneaT7DO0lsrf..;...--..$....... isaaijie pairlady'a shoes....... land da KicsAXieALraoaccrs. 1 y Bcsfdlipby of cabinet ware.....'.....' Jo and do M wooden ware .,.. . do 14 Unware.T.. Sand do AOWCDLTUBii; AORICBLTURAlr-MtOB AT. 11 IT lTW.t ttOlaSa HUttRS. Bert bushel of wheat vx,.... U0O tS 00 " oat ... 3 00 -i0 " ! -bariT3....i..... 3 T TfJaOO TwelTo. ears of corn v... 3 00 2 0O( :aj Di grain uoia a una.HM a uu .siw. dcpfwhite beans.. ...... ....... SCO . lanu: !.-;. ..:... sea Display f squashes a or'mer...;ro(i:r-f K T0 iiDU&iMd soo - . a aa . cniom..... x!rr"vvvj;jMM 1 rtt.....i.....'u..Av. ' '.So. nriX M Cauliflower..... ,..,, 3 M 4 -LOt; display of tentacle frosa- 4 u - i i-rarden seea-n.,.,..1:-,.i-"j0O 1 WlB" 1 rsrdfln S Ml. ft At. - sppies, ....... ....,.,. Mil. ' " l" -". n t ; .a . peaches.. -if-"-"f ion ? W-i plums ".?. .?..r... 3 00 l"- Ot fMua'1 hiIm - - R iV sa Ti sMb. -ncvMf II r ,.5 Best sack of wheat flour. ..1. ...... .12 00 tad HsU-M- Sackbfred wheat flour to be exhibited -" . - by the manufacturer, with statement - 4 j of the Tariety and quantity ol wheat to mats It. .'..;.. 1. ..:..r.. 3 00- ii n A ' CaTUS.-a ' 1 "oil Best cheese ofdomtstie manufacture i 00 j "51 oL jcnix, mi),iTCr , f BeseaUWcfbutler..V.-"..".V(X)dlfVoSir domestic corn bread .. SM rviis ryebread..-.: T. 2TV wqe browp bread... JO., r -. J tiff io-rxT.-nxsuTia. rtczus.. 1 im.uA Besthoney.nol less tharr 10 &s-..i... SI 00 and -Uplosat. , Best canned tomatoes.'.' U. ' e-""4 -J black berries... .,...,t. 100 1 " KC raspberries...., 100 v ,A peaches..,.. .ti, I 00 0l -Me apples...... rr 1 00 . quincas.. ......a.U.,'l 00 .q"', 1 cherries. , ril 00 . , ,t. currents ,...i..,.:-'l 00 " " " crapes., Best Jelley, apple.., ,..;....!.. ,i.oo "f--.BI currant ) 100' " peach...... quince'.... Best preserred quince. . II 100, '100 -J .- 100 f"J , Is 3jt a ccacnes... .. 1 DO- jlears...,, ,....;.' 1 00 res. ..(.... AW is 1. 1 00 Best tomato catsup...... J.. ,..'. J I 00 Bestpicklcdcucumbers...,, 100k. u gherkin i.,.,3;.. 1 CO ' In. P J wcs.LiaEaBua.crfixautiiTiaxaiX. .r Best jield of wins from grapes Cjuan- ' " tltr aud qualiti considered v.SS 00 and dlnloaa uesi wuiie wine.. .,,....... .....j 1,00 Bestred wlo. 1 CO '. tl Best whits sparkling , wins. ..i...,f.; I 00 t ,1 Ja ii, uiMrJkuerrj wue................ 1 ml Best currant wixte.. ...ti.,i 1 00i Best 5 gallon keg of lager ,..,. 8 00 Best oeallonkecbf cider s 00 Bsitsamploflttegar...:.,.....C.. i 00 pans ixn rusxxTD rant. areateetnmnbefofTarietlesand best spocunens. not less than2Iba each. .f2 OOr ureatest number orT&rtetfes and best specimens or fresh preserved fruf t: e a i not less thaa one can or Jar each... 3 "00 , - (Vj mi ,k FINE ARTS, TJ J Best specimen oil painting by American O g "- C f Same by Oregon artist; ......77?. " t" Bestpecimeniiwateroolors,.i..n. J " t inouDyiorelgnartlst.n, ...,, 1 -water cilor, by for"n artist ,wv uncoLred photograph. .... r I'fSlA fruit painting. ......... ..II and1 B , flowerDa!ntlne...j i J "?l4i Best Oregon landscape in ell by Oregon, -1 e Best exhibit of paintings by OregJnVr " 13 j3 luresgn artist.... ,......,., " Bestpeclmen of Smcy palntlngV...,.. C P i""f , " 1 " " watorcolora, ,r . I i vil diJplay ofprluUn?. :.......;., l ' a specimens of penmanship. ......, II aadtS "Ii crayon drawipg... M h . pencil drawing,. ..-,T..-.....'."t.r... " " M mo- drawing,!. ., .. f rftfS display of forefirfliaerchandise T . to- drawlng,v.,,,,e kplay of forelgomerchandise,.... S HI3J SPEED !3PZlOGRAMXkdBtJ.! ' , J5 r it . Jl A Jllll, OCsJlU 1AX IBST.KAOK. Aiaii-uiuo ibuuuiug xace for a purse of $J00,? ; 2d' horse. MS ! fifth a i 1st horse. J of purse fi mi v n Put. RunnlngHaco. single d,ash of'one Bille,"ior 2-year-old colts;for a purso'of $150.a'" . 1st norse, 100..-; ,. j ..,. .SdihorseaW THIRD DAT? 9 ' 0SJ J Trotting Race, bests in 5, for a purse of $I0.i lstliorserf of purse;; 2d borse,i,do.i . r w .FOLTRTH'DATs.iJf " Running Race, best 2 Iu 3. for a purse of4IQ0-J 1st horse, isi pvJptJtQ hqfs.oao. arnirtnee Fee, twenty per,ccnt of purK;2 three5 ta enter and two to start.tfc" ' Thaltulesof tho State Fffrwlirgofeforaect. All enkrles shall "te made with'tS8i6ecrt,i- ry, and ao entrywUlcbe received later than 6 o'clock, r. . or. Ine'tira'dayfor the Fair N6 deviation frpm this rqla except by order of. the Board. Ko articleT or any.auimal, entered for, Pfernlum caa be rempy-cd and taken way without special permission', bqlore the Hose on tbe exhibition. No FreQUira will be"' paid -on articles gf aqlmals removed in violation ot tSt s n. -iW, Hi PUNUTION BITTERS; Ttrf A t This wonderful Vegetab"lefircS' torative, is1JfJietsheet-ancliorr ,flf,j tiie iceblejand. aebilitated, -aAflai tonic- arid cordial for Hhe 'aged1 and languid it" has no' 1 equals hies. Aa, a, rem.l edy for .the nervous weaknes-toT wmoh -wonien'are especlally,8"ulv!, ject, it' is superseding eyeirv' other, stimulant,, tt jtlvqlij matesr tropical, ternperato iDfio frigid, it acts 'aB a specific" Jih,,'i ery species-of MwjiM, dermines the bodily stre.ngfh ana breaks down, thei animal 'Spirits. IIP' f 3 RORrMAN ANDBEASitHu 1 J?robablv lew. articles baverievr.n "sJo-aMl'j -o;o o ssio i,;i. i . have beca more universally boaQficiil;., tban. the celebrated SiplieMUSTsj LINUIEST.. 'Children, .AultSMrwiVq and Domestic Animalij ara.aljjays lipr aUiBioawuKutHttiiujuia '1'.jI,H tamilyican pass a single eaqnw without soma, "kind of. an emollient;?! Ibeingvnecessary. It becomes, a aiattrsj ot importance Bccure ge&Di.Q Oycr,lhree bundrecrjlverj tabjeJa,er4ty ofNew Yorltialope we using thaMmcAX. McrrANO Llxiimv7,in all bf wilch; UTa'uCqa versal satIsfaction4 - na IWl 5 lidtt CAUTION. Tae-geanln-!wrappecl la a foet&edJ'laU engraving with GjlW A'JKf brook, Chand." and Modi Mark. MEXICAN ' MUSTANG- LINIMENT." e'ngriySd Jerowa.' race,oeMp;wrapper;i,Tlia1wnJoIjhflri1tfcji) proprietort private TJnited, State BeesM.a SUmoVandbct aTtTcmm'da-stftaB''M MesJ.WA- druggistsX fc-ikAVjT iioYK '53ParlTPUce;N.T? rj -t