I Tftir''rtPrinhil tfPlfrTlfPT I TakingGreeley to .lead ljie reform lllll UlUiUUn flimiI,Eljm0venient something which lias -no J3atodat Mokkimg, Aug. 3, 1872. L. P. Fisher, ao & 21 New Merch ant's Exchange, ts oar only embodied airentm Baa' Fransisco. Fat Ka?teru;AJveUiiug. Mr. Fmscb Ii represented by S. It. Pcrnufoat. &. Co.ofKewTorkandBosloD. Hndiea & Meaet-are our only an horlzed Agents in the Atlanttc'States. Office 41 Park Bow, "Times" Building, New York OUT. Jul orders fcusreorae xnrongn wem. ivrm,, .. ' tiii $ti$nriMM. Fxtuee Blakchet will "hold divine services t the Catholic church to-morrow, at tho-twual-lionr. Ret. B.-R..Jonxsos will preach at the ,11. Er church tomorrow at the usual hour. Post Office Beglster. Halls North close daily at 9 o'clock a. a. " South " " 2 p. m. - to Orecent City close Sundays & Wednesdays at 9 " p.m. Mails to Central Point, T ble Itock & Eagle .Point close Tuesdays at 9 " p.m. Money order office open from 9 a. m. to 5 p. if. MAX MOLLER, P. M. The Gem. This is the name of the airtight glass jars for sale at Sachs Bros. The best jar for presert ing ail kind f fruit now in use, Picxic. The young folks of Jack' sonville, under direction ot It. S. Dun' lap, esq., went to Ashland, to day, on .a picnicing excursion. Eetuened. Judge E. B. Watson rind wife arrived in Jacksonville lrom Empire City, via Sanfranciseo, Thurs day last, and arc slopping at the U. S. .Hotel. Sistee's School. The Sisters will commence their next teimat this place about the middle of August 'next. For terms, tc, sec their advertisement under "new to-day". Located ix Asulaxd. Mr. Reeser late of Phoenix, has remoi ed his tin and hardware store to A&lilaud. Mr. Reeser has received into partnerthip with him Nr. Mitchel ot Ashlaud, Success to them. Much Iupieoykd. .White &, Martin have torn down their old awning and putup anewonc. They have also had the front of the store painted and pen- -ciled, which gives the place a much im- proved appearance.- Well Done. Miss'ElIa' 1'iim and Miss Ida Cronemiller, who canvascd .lastsonvuc Willi a subscription paper for tho purpose of raising funds to in erase the Sunday School Liber.iTy, sue .cecded in raiting $112-00. 'GnocEniES. If you wont to buy lite Dest ot groceiies call on John jBilcer at Lis hardware store. Mr. iBilger has a largn slock of gtneerics of all kinds, also the best ot liquors. His tobaco Is excelent. Mr. liilger has sold hardware cheaper than any 'ufjn in me country ana now lie is agoing to show the people how he .can sell groceries. jSueveyisg Parties. This has been a remarkable week for the departure of surveying parties, under State and United States contracts. Howard and Turners with their parly started Tues day. Mr. Robb, with his party and .outfit, leit on Tuesday. Mr. Jas. Owen's started on Wednesday. The field of operations will be the Klamath Lake, Lost River and Gooso Lake countries. Acting Agents. During Mr. Tur, ,ner's absence cast of tho mountains, Mr. Max Mullcr will attend to the .business of tho Pacifio Mutual Life insurance Co. receive money due ,on policies, fcc Mr. Frank Krause. .formely a typo in this office, who has beoome a proficient telegrapher will run the telegraph ofBceat this place until JVIr. Turner returns. rxK bTOCK. Mr. W. "C. Myer passed through town, th'n week, with -")Vnite Pnuce" and two of his colts, ca route for the Uppqaa. While ip town Mr. Mvcrs" vreishedr his stock WhitoPrinW'yeighedl.725 pound. -ia moderate popduion ; "Blutcher, bred by P. pUnn, four months old, weighed 61SJ pounds; tho "Gray" owned, by W.Ray, of Applegate, under tour months, weighed 675 pounds. The weight of tbeso colls is not the great commending feature ; but it is the square- compact form, and large Done and mnscle peculiar to the Per cheron race. These colts are already "broke to harness, and make a spanking team. -With the present flattering indications, we will jioon be able, doabtleti, lptoiJSme is! fine horses zor generalise, i any on the coast. parallel in poli teal history. It. is like taking Satan as a superintendent ot a Sunday School, or the Pope as the leader of the old Catholic- movement, or the Marquis ol Bute as President ot the International. New Ycrk Nation. That old fashioned Democratic organ the Cincinnati Commoner declares lor the Louisville Convention of Straight outs in September. Of the Baltimore exploit, it says: "The nomination of Mr. Grecly by Democrats is an amaz ing fact. It is suicide to all engaged in it: to him as well as to them. He will be beaten by General Grant, and they will be compelled to profess an honesty thereafter which they hate." The New York Times hits the Dem ocratic nail square on the head when it says: "Mr. Greeley's nomination is simply the victory of the baser elements of the Democratic party over the bet ter elements. He is not selected to represent any Democratic principle, but to give places to Democratic poli ticians, impelled to suporthim through greed of public plunder. Holloway'8 .Tills Are a sure remedy for all sexual complaints and may be taken by females of all ages, who are suffering from a disorganized system, or those distressing diseases in particular which frequently occur (from inattention) at the turn of life. They are so mild that the most dolicaio fe male may take them with the most per fect safety. 25 cents per box or pot. During the eighteen years since Chrystal P.illace London, has been built it has been visited by 30,000,000 persons. It is not so that A. T. Stewart has gone oer to Greeley as announced by tlie lA'iiioeralie J onrnals. JN o husiness man is willing to jeopardize his properly under the ticket vacillating cnveinmi-iil. Hint we would line, ll Greeley becomes President. Leading Democrats throughout the Union are making great pieporaiions for the Louisville Convention to be held in September. Ami Greeley Democrats claim, that their convention will eclipse any thing that has been had in the shape ot a cnuvenliun, so tar as numbers are concerned.. Dissolution Notice. -TU1E COPARTNERSHIP lir.RTOFOUK nx J. .idling b.'tMccii T. R. Di-viii- tnj IV, I, (!:' nK dir-olrid mi tlie imh in-t.. IV. I.. Cnwart becoming oli proprietor of th'i Kiiii Remedies, aiiv I. Wevens fole proprietor or r'arrltr remidiev. IV I. COWAN. NEW BAREBR SHOP. ELDORADO UUILDING. Jacksonville. ::::::::: Oregon. 'THIE UKDER-IGa'ED. II WING OPENED 1 a baiber shop In Jck"onville. i fully prepared to do all kinds or vrnrk in his line in ihe b"ft manni-r and at reasonable prices. RAZORS CAREFULLY PUT IX ORDER. Call at shop in -'Eldomdu" Duildrng. GEO. SCIiUMPr. Jacksonville Ogn. jiily20-Iy A Scuolaeship in the National Bus iness College, at Portland, can be had on favorable terms by applying at the Sentinkl office. "For ihe very Best Photographs, go to BRADLEY is RTJLQFSON, Gallery without STAIRS-. ASCEND IN THE ELEVATOR, 42!) Montgomery street, San Francisco. rspcoiii rcoiicc 'Ov U U9 c-fss ft n' l e'rll ii diva .ffv.is two lit.or nacuiutt is auu.c tu! Give t.na lotlii,BtD!ii.ca and dusstiro oraii. und ion v.U aire more than 1 alt in 3"nr uoctora biUa. and djf estiTo orpn, undoit Llr.lIeMlrv'.CrlrbrfOBVI IlallrrtiaT. vm . raended by all lihyicisna to DvsrETini and for mj. OojirtAiyTa of t e LiTxa aid Digestxvs OcAKi. bweadTerUaemcnt in another colama. NOTICE. OREGON & CALIFORNIA RAILROAD Company, Land Department. Portland, Oregon, April 5, 1872. Notice is hereby given, that a vigorous prosecntiou will be instituted against any and every person who lrepases upon any railroad L.ana, oy cumnz ana remov. liter timber tbtrefron before -the same is BOUGHT of the Company AND PAID FOR. All vacant Land in odd numbered sections. whether surveyed or unsurveyrd. within a dis tance or thirty miles irom me nneot tec ro-ui belongs to Ibc Company. I. U. JI00RE3. aprl3 U Land Agent. QP AXiXi K I W 3D f FOR SALE' AT THE 'SEITINEL" OFFICE, Or printed to ardr a. TV. CRTSTAt.. n. r. rwu.irs CRYSTAL PHILLIPS. Oregon Street. WE ARK NOW PREPARED tO DO ALL kind nf niack-miihinc and Waznn-mak- injt. I"I"-''t"t"!:. Ipsiriiic ic 3-ALL WORK. WARRANTED. -s JackfoaTill-, Ogn , Dec!3 3a ODD- PELLOWSV CELEBRATION-.? p A Celebration of the 12th Anniversary of Jacksonville Lodge, No 10,1.0.0 F..ot Or egon, will be held on Monday, the I9tb day of August, 1872. - All members in good standing are respclfully invited to assemble at the Oddfellows' Hall at 2 o'clock, in the afternoon of the 10th. for Public Parade in fall Regalia under the di rection of Chier Marshal, IL V. llelnjs, and his Aids S!S I? PI3SE$GKL 1. JackioavilU Brass Band. 2. Delegation from Mt. Shuti Lodge. No 70 Yreka.Cal. 3. Delegation frm Yrcka Lodge, No. 19, Vreka.Cal. 4. Delegation frcn Donglaa Lodge, No. U. Canyonville, Oregon. 5. Delegation from Fhllltarian Lodge, So. 8, Rusebarg, Oregon. 6. Jacksonville Lodge, No 10. 7. Delegation from Siskiyou encampment No. 15, Treka, Cal. S. Orator and Chaplain. After marching through the principal streets, the following exercises will be held at the Odd Fellows' Hall : 1. Music by the Band. 2. Opening Ode. S. Prayer by the. Chaplain. A. Singing by ladies and gentlemen who have kindly volunteered for this occasion, 5. Heading of the Difpensation. C. Orati on by Bro. Binger Uerman of Phil tarian Lodge No. 8. 7. Siuging. 8. Music by the Band. 9. Closing Ode. The public generally arc Invited jto attend the exercises t Ihe Hall. Dinner at Ave o'clock, r. M., iVEIT SHUTZ Hall for Ihe members of the order, and their lady friends. A Grand public Ball will be given in the evening at Home's Hall. MANAGERS. JftCktcmvlllr IssflcSaehs, C. IT, SiTage, Junes P. McDnnitl, Jobn BUgcr. Yrrkx Robert N'txon, F. O. Hears. Roitburg D, C. McClellan, Cpiiyuiivlllc John Araner. FLOOR I WAGERS, n. Klippel, Wm. Itay, Xewmaa ruber. TICKETS tn the Ball, S3 SO, A general InrlUtion 1 exteEded to all. Moslc by the Jackjontillo String Bind. Jlttionville, Jnlj 27, 1S72. Midsummer Maladies. The hot sular rays that ripen the harvests generate many distressing dis eases'. II the liver be at all predispos ed to irregularities, this is tlie season in which billions attacks may be anti cipated. A weak stomach, too, is weakest in the summer months, and the loss ot vitality through ihe pores by excessive perspiration is so great, that a wholei-'onie tonic, combieing also the properties ot a diffusive stimu lant and getitlc exhilcrant, is in many cases necessary to health, and under no citcunihtances should bedNpensed by the Mckly and debilitated. Ot all the preparations intended thus to re fresh" C'istaiii, and fortify the human frame, ihcre's none that will compare with HostoUer,s Celebrated Stomach Bitters. They have be?a weighed in thu balance experience ami not.'ound want ing; have been recomende.1 fnini tho first as a great medieiiinl speeiilr. net as a beverage, and in spite of intcrsiod opposition lrom imnumerrble quarters, stand, alter a twenty years trial, at the head of all proprietary medicines intended for the prevention and cure of all ordinary complaints of the stom aeh, the liver, and the nerves. In the the unhealthy districts bordering the great rivers ot Calitouia, Hostetter's Stomaeh Bitters may bo classed as ihe standard one for every species of inler mitentor remittent fever. The people who inhabit those distnls place the most impplicit confidence in the preparation a confidence that is increased every vear hy the results of its operations. As bitters, 60 called, ot the most pernicious character, arc springing tip like fungi on cery side,4 the public is hereby lore warned against the dram shop lrauds. As-k for Hosteller's Bit ters, seo that tho label, tip., are cor rect, and rememberthat the genuine ar ticlo is pever sold in bulk, but in bot tles oply. WILLIAM DAVIDSON, REAL ESTATE DEALER, Office, No. 61 Frqqt Street, FOKTLASD, OREGON. REAL ESTATE in this CITY and EAST PORTLAND, in the most di-sirable localities, consisting of LOTS. HALF BLOCKS and BLOCKS, HOUSES and STORES ;alw, IMPROVED FARMS, and TaluaWe uncultivated LANDS, located in ALL parts of the S TATE Tor SALE. ' REAL E.STAT E and other Proncrtv pnrchapni fur Correspondent, ir, this 0TY Miicl thrmijhout hip Oirtira ana i r,itis( TORIES, wi'li ca! care and on the most ADVANTAGEOUS TERMS. nOUSES and STORES LEASFD. LOANS NEGOTIATED, and CLAIMS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS PROMPTLY COLLEOTKD. And n G-neral FINANCI AL and AGENCY BUSINESS transacted. AGENTS nl ihisOFFICEIn all ihe CITIES and TOWNS In lh- STATE, will reo-ive ttecript-nn. nf FA BM PROPERTY and forward tbe same to the above address. ifakHtf ASHLAPJCADEIT. WE ARE HAPPY TO ANNOUNCE TIIAT the Athland Academy Is rapidly ap proaching cempletton. and will commence Its first term on the fln-t Monday of next October. No expense or pains will be spared to make its rooms inviting to all ; and la situation, for health and beauty, we believe the Ashland Academy Is not sarpastd by any school In the land. It will be lully furnished with Maps, Charts. Pianos, Organs. Philosophic apparata, ic. and much care will be taken to etcurc fur it a competent Board or Instructors. T0IT1ON, PER TERM. Primary... . . .......... ..$4 00 Preparatory S 00 Sub Junior , 6 00 Junior , 7 0U Senior 8 00 ixnus. Lmgnages, each, per turn.., $3 00 Peuciling, " ' 3 00 Paiutins. " " 10 00 Instrumental Music, ' " 10 00 Use of lustrum:ut, ' " 3 00 Book keeping, singla entry, " " ., 3 00 Book keeping double entrr, " " 6 00 Board can be had in private families, or with the Principal'! family for S3 50 per week, exclusive of-wathing. We believe that no academy in the State otters like inducements at such low rates. If further information is desired, it may be obtainid by calling on Rev. J. II. Skidmorcat Ashland, Jackson county, Oregon. JnlyI3lf Ft. Klamath EXPRESS LINE. rpHE UNDERSIGNED HAVING E3 JL tublished a regular Line of Hacks, running from Jacksonville to Ft. Klamalb, via Link River, fur the accommodation of pa'scngers and fust freight, will Kavc Jacksonville evtry Monday at 4 o'clock, a. ii., and arrive at Ft. Klamath on Wedmsday. Will lfave Fl. Klamath Thursday, and arrive at Jacksonville on Saturday. MANNING & WEBB. ASHLAND MARBLE WORKS. MARBLi: MANTELS, MONUMENTS Grave Stones, c, always on hand, or made to order. J. H. P.USSEL Ashland, July 9. 18.0. ly O.F. JACKSONVILLE LODGE NO. 10 HOLDS ITS REGULAR MEETINGS ON Saturday evening, at the Odd Fellow's Hall. Brotuers in gocd Handing arc luvuea to attend. HENRY KLIPPEL, N. G. J.o A. CoTEIt, Sec'v. f S. J. Dat. Trustee. i C. W. Sanac. ( F. Lit. Regular RcUkah Degree Meeting last Mon day of each mouth, at 7 o'clock, r. M. JiinHHB u'TiTaTTiT? mpmimK-aa l i Biniiv l v y llk"fJVBlllll ll'JTAl'filllS PUHl&TIOH BIHERS. S. T. 1860 X. This wonderful vegetable res torsive is the sheet-anchor of th3 fesblc nnd debilitated. As a tonic and cordial for the aged and languid it has no equal among stomachics. As a rem edy for the nervous tveaknes to which women are especially sub ject, it is superseding every other stimulant. In all cli mates, tropical, temperate or frigid, it acts as a specific in ev ery species of disorder which un dermines the bodily strength and breaks down the animal spirits. FOR MAN AND BEAST. Probably few articles have ever had so extensive a Sale, while none have been more universally beneficial than the celebrated MEXICAN ilUSTiJiG LIME.YT. Children, Adnlts, Horses, and Domestic Animals, aro always lia ble to accident, and it is safe to say, that no family can pass a single season without somo kind of an emollient being necessary. It becomes it matter of importance then to secure the best. Over three hundred livery stables ia the city of New York aloao arc using the Mecca Mcctaxg Lisnar.b all of which it give unl verral FalUfnetion CAUTION. The genuine ii wrapped In a fine Steel Plate engraving with G TF. Wal broak. Chemd." and -Trait Muk. MEXICAN HBSTAKO LIXIUEW." engraved acro the fece of each wrapper. The whole bears the praprielor'a private United States Revenue Stapp. and Lot a common stamp, a; n:cd by drnggittt. Ltos Mancfactcbi-vo Co., 33 Park 1'laec. N. Y. I. O. "5sQ BEST EESIEDT TOZ mauxsu, JEDiGtanog, miouHssffl. lt H Armm AH IUCT1M H TM Uffl. New Drug Store NEW GOODS! OSBUBH l IACORHACI HAVE JUST RECEIVED AND OPENED and are receiving a large assortment of Drug, Patent McdicinM, Fainta, oils, DyeStufia, And Everything kept In a First Clara Drug Store ; and as wt have Paid Cask for onr goods, we are able to compete with the lowest. - PHYSICIAN'S PRESCRIPTIONS Carefully Compounded at all hoars of the day or eight. OSBURN & MACORNACK. Jacksonville, Ogn. june29-ly Ayer's air Vigor Forroatoring to Gray Hair its nat ural Vitality and Color. A drosing which is at once agreeable, healthy, and effectual for preserving tbe ihair. It soon cstorcs faded 'oi' gray halt to its original coior, with the ffh'S and freshness nf ycruth. Thin liairi thickened, falling hair checked, mil baldness often, though not al ways, cured by its use. Nothing can ruatoro tlit hrtlr where tho follicles are destroyed, or the glands atrophied and decayed ; but such as remain can be saved ly this application, and .stimulated into .activity, so that a new growth of hiir is prtdueed. In sL'id of fouling the hair with a pasty seillu: .: it will kctp it clean and vigorous Aii occasional ne will pre vent the hair .'ruin l-ming gray or filling olT, nnJ conjcrjuently prevent b lilnoss. Tlie itoraticn of vitality it gives to th? rcalp arrests r.nd prevents the ftrniaticn of dandrufT, which is or.cn ro r.r.clcauly anil of fensive. I'rte Troin those dilctcrious substance.' wliich make ome prepa tions d.irg?ron:, and injurious to the h-tir, lbs Vigor ca:; only benefit but suit harm ir. If wanted mcrelv for HAIR DRESSING, nothing else 'in be found ro dc.-iraWe. Contain 'n iifitliiT oil nor dye, it does not s-iil wiiitf iT.ni'.iric,niid yet lasts long in the Iritr. giviii" it n rich, glossy ii'tn-, :i".l a grateful perfume. Prepared b Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., I'ra4:lrl nml Amlytlcru Chemist.., LOWELL, MASS. Ayer's Uattiartic Pills, J& Fcr tho reUef ami cure of all ilernn;ciu?nH la Ino (tomadi, llrer, au'l Ixmeli. Ttejr arc a mild aperi ent, ami an ex cellent .uricntire. " Kciug tiurclr ves ctable, llioj- cou t:in no ir.L'rcurr or rairoral whsi cvar JInch cri- (k nna &7rVn.t. fiml 8cff3ri-is U prcrct'trl ly f m u.ncly Cf; and erj rjuiilr hollt have noia on han't ftrtlieir r."ltcti aii'l relief, when reqaireil. Long ex--ric ! nrorcii Uicui to bo Uie safest, t ur asr, -i Uv " of a" H'o I'M wnh wliich ihe iii.ii tct a. "'in. '!r Ihelr oocatloiml esc, Uw bl.KiJ U imrillei., 'he (.vrutions ofJhe yt.tora ci"lll, u.i-tmction -mo.T"l.anil thonhole inj.uiae.-y tl lire restored i. U NthJ et'T itv lnu-r al org ins whicu beWa VIW s.a 1 jl-jr-xun aie cleansed br Auer's '" a.ul !! unlattnl iutn scUon. 't has Incipient C" ene it chiu;e.l liif lieilth, tha value cr which chime, b r-'kfine! em the vatt mullitndes iraa e ij. it, rau liaruh b computed. Their su.-.i-.'o.itmg tinl.es lacin plevant to take, ;u pre f rvi tMr virtaci unL-npilrrd for anj l-".?i pf tini!. so Unt they arc ever fresh, and p;nr:l7 rclisblc. AlUioush tearchlaj:. Ujcy a c cJJ ,nn't sp?rto withnit rtUtnrbaaco to ta oi-titutloa.pjrdiet orasnjrstipii. ..: .a.j-t.o.t? srj; sires o.i iro T?ppcr to e imi bm, b v to a. 3 uie-u in t"nHy lhyle. and for Uie ftllowint; eorai.iamy, wi i.ucn incsc A-.tiA -I'lt'iiv cure- lor ityvifii-'iu or lnHrrton, X.UI. Iw.mi.., t.auzuor and X. of Aii r . ihi hoald bat".kcnmnd'rteIytotln:u-it- t!i 'to j;c5,;ad restore i;$ healthy tone all "nn. 'o t.ivt - Complaint v.'d itt varliua st-i.u'1-m, Billn IIi'iuMctij, klcU J 3 .-,!. i C St, .Tjumticr T 4i'..-n McU ii-. S;iAjn Colic and X2itiBtt rovrn, liiei jallhcJnilicioc.lrtaKen f'-renrb m, n ifiTrft l!s Hrfn-el "-ta r remold Uie ob t. j-loajhiJic3ii?cit. To"- 5JjrHpr. at EJ)arr?3a, bM one ruii . ,u h ui . ullv ns-nrol. hi !h?;muiw-ii. ioit Kt-.rel,Pl. pifj:,i ' t2i? llvart, Pnlfi In Uie n ilr. 5IjcL,aii LoIjio, Ibcy fhauM 1)0 rim-linuoti-lv t-Uen, j ruired, lo thanv the di-M-'fit arUar or tliti r l.in. V. 1th tUvh CSJje U'l vo j-nphuiu di.W!--. , t".""3Jrr an'l rorlt3l 2?-;Jll'i?. r-e-jxiTUVktea 'nbrca aa IJrcinrcidcui tnv.roji.ic AsHf nfadriiiajr.n'Ti fjr sj;pr.'iuJon, a Isrcc "- 8-J.t :m aajV i aKi'inrr ?jr,tai zm TtxnPjrjj to rrn-noio illaTliii,snd -tr- itt ntn-nath. Ar ova! aat in-. Mir-nbtM th mnth aim biirebtrcMp tbt ppft:to,aiiit birit. atcj the fsto. Iluine it U oBca a-lvirui-ceoni wUcJ" no rwa ilrmn;eai(;i.t"iexlU, One Tih" j-el In nln wpll, often limit tliat da ox' Ui'mc I'lllt maim t-tm feci 'lecVMly be , frmn tboir cltanp ail TtWvaUnrf -A:r.oa"tij lU-jarc sppar-ta." rr.i:xr cv Drv. C ATE;iGo.,?ractlja; Cisulato, 4rv,f , ffASK.. v. s. a. vox gAiB bv iix Darcejsis iTEanrnao. 23FCrane & Brigham, and Reding ton, HoKtetter & Co., San Francisco Wholesale Agents. Job Printing done at the Sentinel Office. 21iL ap nSaHK SKJ y (ri.Tl.l rf I .BFAffS "-' LSvvT;--? SSSiScr UNIONVl dh On? i-.O mm.Xm - , W-iii KUBLI AWILtOH, 3 11 ' ' rrias jffOrlt hT wnU )wMii t 1 aboT well-laoM iUw, y. Mk ooraer of I Cftllfornla ad FowthSmiH,' . Where the very best bene a kH tj mm H bad at all timei, at reasoeablt rates, ft MMfe or roaditen cannot be mall4 la SM4L - I BOSSES SOAlBMr; .3 1 rf On reaaanablcterma.tad the fcfrt attention beitowed upon thcJBwhllt hM tMil charge. Alio HORSES BOUGHT AND HU, . Being lattiaed that they eta give MHft tion. the cropricton solicit th tatrof f the publla. I ' T JtckionTllle, Juae 11, 1170. f E" c "EXGELSlOm" LIVERY STABIiU. 6b Oroi stmt, iMJawfik. rr $& &. a. Wesley Msuurinfc Proprietor flaring booght oat the entire latertrtof Vf. Plvmale, I herewith inform the phll tkat I have a Sne itock of HARNESS, BUGGIES k CAXBUQM and I am prepared to furniak ay piWdil, V4 the public generally, with u FINE TURNOUTS Aa can be bad on tbt PacISc CeMt. 'MW horses hired to go to toy part of tkt MtH) Animali BOUGHT AND. SOtD. ' ' Horaei broke to work iingla or dortl, M4t tea boarded, and the best care bettowt4 MM them while la my charge. "- ,rRa 8S" My Term arc rtatsnaik, A liberal share of the jmblle ytttMOfo It solicited. f . W. MANNING. Jacksonville, January 2S, 1871. PACIFIC VNlTElSItr, FOREST OROVBt - Rn.S.n.ifank,D.D .....fmUllt. and Prof, or Inttllectaal FUlWMay, Rev. n. Lyman, A. M. .... Prof, or Xftthoattlet. Geo U Ctaitr. A. if.. Trof. of MatiMl Sriwoc. Jos. lT.ibrA..ir..Prur.orLaUaM4.2rMk. A. J. AnJtrtm, A. M..,,. Principal of Attituj JIiuP.A. Wing FrteMtrtm. Iim O. A. Eakttt Teacher of, jI. There are four courses of study, to ant Uo want of all who bare advanced beyta4 the com pletion of an English education. - The neit term begins Septeabsi 1.KT1. The completion or the WHImmHO J$0J Railroad to Forest Grove, will idhUmi too ttistltotlon accrstable. frea all Mete of tho Valley. , f The location Is beantiful xsd ittabHMf. 8 toons are ezclndd by provMoM 1st too. si est! which give title to the lands. The Apparatus and the collection 1Um4o partment of Natural lilnfnrj srn'rninllsrihU and are constantly Increasing. The Library numbers about 5,M0 Tolniis To meet a long felt necessity, lUfusHMt. by an enlargement of his hosse, bat MW fn vhloc for boarding jonng ladles. Board, Including furnished Tcosat, fad aa4 light, $60 per term, of IS weeks. Tnitlon from U .to $32 per year. Young men can board thergserre,. of obUIa hoard at from S3 to il per Week; JZr- For parti lars address the ftisilut DIVORCES. UNITED STATES DIYOBOS AfMTOT, ESTABLISH!! iit55, jj t l. Divorces legally obtained is evaw StJAe where tbe laws are liberal cm tbe aabjeet, a4 uoder the United States lass, for penes fee any State or Country legal ern i ebtn in. sertioo, cruelty, Don-support, dreekseeiet, ek., snEScient cause no publicity rtqelwl- -M lee until divorce obtataed,. ' 'x,'rra , Call on, or nddreat " GOULD 4.BUK3E: Broadway, 2d door below-Jobn W. NewTork OUj. Xov471m6 , t S -1 , NEWLAWF.HM.' Vtmn. D. Wsa, Driki4ti t . tfstww bare formed a oefrtsMi ft mmBl la-v, aad have ttisa oSeSB M4UOm. street. Ban Francisco. -, Mr. Dontbitt was formerly City'aad'BisMet Attorney of the City of Portland, where be wee very taecest fol. Be took up bis rssUiocs H & this city some four years slnoc. rr , , E. YT. HcGraw-waa also s farmer rssliset'of Portland, where be earned able leeal rsyeU tion. and was United SUtes MsMei AMerety for Oreron durint Pretldeet Lieeetato Adssasi- Istration. Mr.Doatbitt'rpUUeIe.OfM was wen ettaoiiseea aa a reMBM,ei dllligest attorney,, wbleb nsjwtattee beebee folly sustained daring ble mSdeiee bew. W&rrem Le4el. If. A. f , e A 90f.Dnbeirrteler.MasMs1 Qron tbe Wednesday Iveelete ar ing tee ran COK. VAX.lffUJB,tJ "-i Jaesesssrpsfcsy T. S. SXAJMk W J. -.