Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, March 30, 1872, Image 1

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Pefer BritE, "
The Eepubucaa- Party-- andiae -i?re-
The-Teports;lhataeach: na:ironfcalb
Pictures Rciluccd
Sportmans Depot!
lfl.TTlxtne Str,oet(,.f ,
' l.si!iih?bmrs',alls W,
beat Btoclc'of' Gans, paleut 'and home
made Rifle's .anIShol'Gnns, sine;le'and.-doubIe;
Revolver' 6r the latest patents 'Packet Pistols,
neat, small and powerful Derringers, the lat
est and best. Also tho'Ibest 'Powder SfiTXotf
'fler Flasks ; all sorts of Shot and J'oucbes :
Uaps, WMa. arjdverylhlngLrn lhe" Sporfsraau'
line. Too above goods are all of the best qual
ity; and tull.be sold at reasonable prices.
All orders in my Una promptly executed ; re
p alr&jg aqo prmUj tfi$ Hl P4bW A v.
.Nov.o.isfd.itr' ' '
Jacksonville, Oregon,
; a s t n
B. F.TinWEli."T
t; Jacksonville, Or'esom
1- iVA x -- ' ''.': w i.
C.W.KittLERV ' ' ; 'E. B.-VTATSOS.
, . -j- i Jaclu an vlllc, Oregon.
OFtiQE: 0ppVftlitht'Cwr,ttautrm.
WILL practice in all Courts of lliis Stale ;
oblain Patents foiTll cWwi or. public
lands.-botb mineral 'and: ;rirnllural'; attend
.promptly to collections, land attend to all Conn
ty'andiProbale badness.
Jacksonville, June 17; 1871.
HAVING made arranEfmenls to counsel with
. J3. Steele, Esq., of Yreka. I rin prepared
io attend to any business cutius.cd to.my care,
Ii. T. DAWS;
Office and Residence,
ietween Califcrnia & Hain Sts- .
, -.t. r. i i u u-i-; i -
Physician & Surgeon,
Offlce at his residence, in the .Old Overbeck
Joipilal, onJprtoH'otrcetf " "
Dr. L. Ganiing,
PHrsiGLAN' XnId Burgeon,
JriclcsonSnlle, Oregon, -
GiUornia Strut, tf petite P. J. Ryan't Brick Slort.
iriy'Ju. 1B71V If
-.Ji-iucb as) Gold, Silver. Platinv Alumnium.
mod, 'Rabbcr.. Special attention m given . 4o
bildcen.'a Jeetp. Jilber spray Used W ex-
Will visit Arhland'annually on tbe .first of
-3Xarcb;-a.lso,Kerbyville on thejourth. Monday
3u,0c!ober. , . ,,,., .. . -., ,
jWrCall and eiaudne Specimen Work.-SSi
OFFlCTB:!Cl)rnW:VCW.rt-mM.. Rftk Stf.
RESIDENCE, opposite tbe Court Home.
Jacksonville. Noc-20.-tf
Pnysician and Surgeon,
JlTAS permanently. located on theForfLane
-Mi -Pw'vtJro nitlea north ol the Willow
SlpJneA in) OflVs his professional services, to
" hf people"'of "Je ckton and Josephine counties.
jBClydivilIcr-fjC f. rTOffgon.
Feb. 17 1871.
h'tl "iVCU--'MiTi- i
"t JH.rnrviinj.rTiii uij ,
Physician &,;'Surgeon,
JckienTillp. OrecoH.
prW-po?A FFICfe oAjoitaf btilacVs.n'a
tl1C Ta'ttl U.jS, Hotd.hld Street
j j igK? ik jfTi Mjf- Fir
JXQIos'XfflL :ntxd oiaal-I
New Watcli-, Clock-, & Jewelry-
S V O H U-, ; ''"' '
of the U. S. Ho'el, opposite P. "Ryan's
store, Jacksonville. Oiegon; where can 'be
found a general assortment of ,
Gold ana Silver Wsrtcltes, '
Gold and Silver Chains ;and Jewelry,
Gold-, Silver, and Steel-bowed Spectacles,
Eihtravnd Thirty Hour Clocks . . .;
The Ame-.icaa Watches, in both .Gold and
Silver case? will be.furaibed t
11 good repjesented and .fold Jor.jast what
they aie. and Tor'tlie lowest living rftofit. '
3?-' Welches. Clocks: Jewelry, and. Sewing
Machine cleiifd and lepaired for prices to cor
respond wi'b l re -times.
.Li-2 I "t ' 1 It a ii J
Hoffman wmmii
have jusl received
t i
Hay Forks, and Rakes; Grain Scythes
and'--Snathes, Wooden and Steel'
Barley Foiks Grape Vine Cradles, '
Manure Forks,. Gr,rin Scoops,
Traco and Halter Chains,
', ' Chopping and Broad Axes,
Hatchets and Hammers,
Bench Screws, Wagon
Boxes, Patent Cross . '
Cut and Buck Saws,
Hpnd Saws,and a general
assortment of Shell Hard
ware, Cutlery; &c. Nails of
all S'zes; Paints, Oils and Varn
inisb, Window Glass and Patty;
Tubs, Baskets, Clothes "Wringers,
Well Buckets, Trays and Bowls, &c.
GiantPovrdcr, Fuse and Caps,
Iro aa. a, sx cl- S t o o X-.
Submergea and Douglas Pumps.
Cast Iron -Wash Kettles,
Bakc'Ovens;, Skillets,
and Tea Kettles, c.j
"' Brass and Enameled'
.... h, - . Kettles, T r a y's ,,
' Pans, &c.j &c.
Always on hand,
a . full assortment
'S.W J&j .RlSi 3S33
. EST" Hydraulic Pipe, Tin;. Copper,
' . ' ' i' I -! -''
and Sheet Iron Ware made to order.
lJackppnvi,e?Jnnc;o. IfjLg ., ,
Ik Tnp.'Tni?J..t.Ml, .m'.mmn .11. n. 1T.B
IN' si-tirea-Il. P. MYER. 'its been duly
pola cd.avd boni! eppioved. -.
Ul S $ Do n ti I y S ti vv.cprjt
of jr.ie alCIMmsin end for Mining Disliict,
Kn 1, !ii tr'tu (II ,Ti;i.Tpin(F flpfinril in rrll-nl
r u nj jlle no 1 c i in d li om' U. S.'. SuTviyor,
Gcie a 'sOJlceTor fho DlslricVof Oregonun
dertl co"C-. .CH- 1C0. .
AH pc ons di ous'of enrciid miricial
clalmi In t.-ld dii.,ict under the sets of Con
e.essrpp'.'ov'ti Jolv22. ItCG atul'jniendatorj
re! anpioved Jnlv 9. ISi'O. must have the tame
surveyed bv f'J&o.i v. ' '
Miueial claims mav be entered lost arc.silu-
a'W oi u'ntui'TCVtii lands as well as on iur-
verfuLnu-j , . .,-
All cotmrcni. ;;ioa addicted tome at Ash
land Hills JrckqaiCo. Ovejon, will ,rcceivi
prompt r"en-ton r I will aive rlf ii!'?iic(
iin my power o.f,LJninW wVhint.vo rycil
Ibcmfelvpj of the 1. vfrnVdOiTzins the' sale of
miac-allanus. v i
b.f. myeh;
U.S. De'nuly 'Surveyor,
Dated atmv OSce, n-i. r Ashland Mills, Ore
gon. MateVW.- lS71.-:.lrp
J. G, WALL, ,
, in d . -i ' '
ARK your'goods, ear of J.G. IF"., Qtscenl
tW: Eend.biUs.of Jadine and ibinplnB:
receipts for ell .pf,igoo4s spnt;, Xrclght and
charges payable In Crescent City,"o'n.'JeliTery
of. goods. , , , , '"
My 'warctouses consist of "two brick and one
atone building. - - ''"'
3 AsiiripTnyjpatrona that no pains wilj be
spared jn looking to their inlerejj, 7 Afk for.
tuuuuQaDcc 01 ineir pask lavorE.
CrctcralTo'lltiaJrcE'S 72.-tf
Job Printing done at
the oeivtinel Omce.
1 r f it f
i r
-.J- --'-J-l.- jf .
Everyatiiyoky.lBrf&iijig bj-
OFFICE, COYNES 5f -, ftfrjlji 5EETS.
Fo'roneyearlin' advance, four dollsrsv'if
not paid willin the lirst six months of the'year.i
urcuunuis, jiiiiui paia.,uniu' ae expiration
of the year, six dollars..,,
; f . "
One'sqaareti lines or fessV. first! insertion.
three dollars; each snhrennent Insertion, one:
dollar. A diconnt ot fifty .per cent, will, be
made to those who advertise by the year!
L'cgalTenders received at current rales.
- .rrLcz. ir
From, onr Washington Correspondent-
. Washington, Df C, ' )
March 15, 1872. I.
' The result , of tbe New Hampshire i
election on Tuesday, is now being com-,
ra'ented-npon in he pplitical' ptrclesbf
this'city. The newspaper -offices, and
offices of newspaper mqn :havo been;
thronged ever since to-Jearn the latest;
.news'from'the key1 stone (not State) toi
the.Presjdential. clcction.next. Novem-'
The most, sanguine Republicans hejre
dared not expect such a victory 'after
knowing the disadvantages the Repub
lican party labored under in the con-.
tesL The Democrats who have be
fore been so jubilant over the hope' ot
a retention ot power in the Granite
State, are now chop-fallen. Theirlast
and only hope" is gone, and their oppo
sition to tlie tjreat principles, ot the
National Republican party, must here-i
alter be made in some" other way than'
under-, their old party .organization.
But whatever form it assumes, masked
or 'umnasked, the country knows its
history, and shattered' and. torn it will
be driven, if need bo, irrtoj the last
ditch, v ' ,
The dinner giycri bythe Prcsideut
to the Japanese yesterday evening
was a grand affair, and onlv those
h in official rank of course, were
Only a few of the embassy will re-
spona to tue invitation, extended to
them by the authorities 61 Philadelphia
to visit that, city' to morrow. General
Eaton, Commissioner of ' Education,
has.done good service to-day in cscort-
in';r a delegation of the embassy
thronglfjlbe fvarionsjnnblip jschpols of
thc,city witl a ijieY'tofnrjressnpon
eir minus our modes and syste
f!? '!'j
lucationrc' 1 I .''i
.stems of
The bill jnst passed the House lor
the' equalization' of bounties to;s3Idicrs
is ,verynsatisfactory to ihqse.-(wht
have been fayp.rabletp .the pabsagOjOf
bills which woul necessitate the de
pletion fn tne tfeasu'ry'of 'fiky millions
or more,' white this orie' just'passe'd; it
is found 'oh investigation,, will require
ap-iwith. whoni vonr, correspondent, has
spoken, on ,the suiyect or oouniies, .no
no't-seera indisposed"1 to 'deaHairly Willi
.1 13!.: l. VhnH.U. Mnn.,lI(Hrf'f A
paa aily'billj'kinlcss'ib really, in effect,
dopsaprirhximate to equalization ; fad
tbe incjicatiojis are now that no bill
will, be passed uniess'it does have that
effect. - i
' The majority and minority reporW
of the committee on Ku-KIux outrages,,
recerill y-rsramittedjibixecnetrss. dis:
Jose two prominent features that can
I j. II -. .I ,.l(l! . till..
not. fail, jto impress, themselves on'the
popular mind,yis. the.'Sppiisn Drutal
ity of a portion of be Southern ,Lenio'c-
racyahd the almost total depravity of
tbo North. Their brutality is already
established by ite majority fenbrtj Jnj
tho number of. mnrdersjand outrages'
perpetrated by themj., and their, do-'
pravity, by their'efforts to Conceal and
palliate the crimes of their southern
brethren. k "' '' ' t "
Both these, .reports, taken,, J,qgetber
indicate the fearful moral condition fqf
Ttie leSders of"modern Democracy, and!
cannot faif-fo'TsQnisb and mortify
mankind generally at the lepth ofJ
infamjr Tcached', by ibis "Orice"'' powerful,
and respectable party.
Ex-Collector Mnrpby, of New Yof-k,
and ex-Congressman A. H. Lafilin,
1 ..,. -..3 -A
naval agent, inej;?, iiayo arrivcii iu
town in obediencei-lota-'tumtnonS (0
Ir; ,-'; ,' . ( T ' '- -.
' ; if
MABOH. -30, 1872.'
appearTjefore "tbe,-Custon, House CprJ
mittee and tell what they know of the
Nefw York .Custom House frauds. I So
numerous are the investigating' 'com
mittees' in" Washington now that tbey
are bard to keep the run of. The
hotels are fast beiritr' fille'd up with
witnesses (supaaned here fr,opi a distance.
If these committees make reports, and
long- discussions follow, there wHl be
bit' little time-to 'attend 'properly to
b'tWer u'rgn't 'and important measures
be'forq Congress. ;
t The Mormon Committee of thoTJtah
ConslitutioiialConvention has just ar
rived, and will, in a' day or two, aub
triit.to Cong're ss their riropdsed Consti
lutioh. The' Mormons have a great
many warm' sympathisers Iierej .and
their influence has done much Tto ward
sdfteniii'g the tone of Congress and
tbe press against the, self constituted
authorities. oiJIormondom. , ,
;. , i ' . Lifb.
.National iUnlon Kepablican' Convention.
The unders,igned; constitut.ing jtbp
National - .Committee designated 'by
the Convention held' at .Chicago onjthe
20th of May, 1868, hereby call a Con
vention of-lbe Union Republican 'girty
ati tub VI VA a iiiiuu'ijun.. uii ii buuwd-
day 'the 5tli.day of "June, next,, a 12
o'clock noon, for th"b' purpose' ol nomi
nating candidates' fdr" the office! of
President and 'Vice-President !of the'
.United States. f ,. ,, :
;Eacli State is authorized tobeirtn
resented in the Cbnvcniion by uele-.
cates equal to twice the. number of
(Senators 'and Representatives, to 'which,
'. '-it t '.-.t i ' .i' Vvr i
it win u(e. cniuieu lu iiiu next xtpnonai
Congress, and each orgauizediTei'iito-
ry is anthorizsd to send lwo:deIegates.
'In calling tliis' Convention, tbe C6m
mittee remind ' the ' country that the'
promises ,ofr thef JJnion Republican
Convention of lSGShave becnJulfilledJ
The States lately in rebellion-have:
been restored to their former relations
.to. the Government. The laws of the
country have been faithfully executed,
public faith' has been preserved, and
the national cie.Iit firmly established.
Governmental economy has been illus
trated Uytho reduction', at the ferae
time, of the public debt 'and ot taxa
tion j and the funding of tho national
debt .at a Jower- rale of, interest, has
been success.! ully inaugurated. Tiie
rights ot naturalized citizenshavc been
protected by treaties, and immigration
encouraged, l)y ljbqral provisions. The
dcfendqrs of jhoHnipn have been grate
fully remembered, and tne rights and
interests of labor recognized. L,aws
have been enacted, and are beinjf en
forced, for the protection, of persons
and property in, all sections, Equal
suffrage liasbeen engraltqd. on the
National Cbnstlu.ton; '. the privileges
and immunities of American cilizepship
have become a part ot tbeorganic law,
and a liberal poljcy has been adopted
toward ;all .who. engaged, in tbo rebel
lion. .Complic.i.tions.in foreign relations
have been adjusted in tho .interest of
peace througliont-.thq world, while tho
national r honor, has. been maintained.
Corrnptipnihaa been, exposed, offenders
punished, rrsponsibirity,enfprceJ,. safc
gurrds established; arid now,as here
tofore, the Republican party ..stands
pledzwLto correct alj .abuses, and carry
nut all reforms tipcfssary to .maintain
the purity and efficiency of the public
servicer. To continue arli 'firmly es
tnblisb its fundamental prini-iples, we
linyite the cooperation of., all the citi
zens of the United Slates,
William Claflis, of Miss,, . ; ,
Chairman; ' "
,WilhasiE..Ouandlfb, nf.N. H.,
j . Secretary. ,
John A. Peters, Me. Luke P.. Po
land Vt. L. BfFriezerRT L H. H.
StaTk'tveatlier.'Ct JamW36psilI, N.
J. WillianiHrCemble,Pa.- Hqward
XL Jenkins. Del. B'. R. Crfwen, O.
.toh'ii Cobnrn, la.' C. B.FarweH,;31l..;
Zncbanab Cbahd!erv Mich.. J . 1
AxerfU, jMin. , - Davjd Atwood,, ,Wi.
GepTgo Wi-aicyrsrj,, ,CJ, C.; ulton,
vr,UiJA -VJ-Vi' 'William SWn. 1-"
C.''Thbn,as:W. '.O.honft Ha. -Li C:r
LGa,i Jarpe
rrai: -"ru '- 4J Tv:Ti.v.
Q fn r v- f Ti
S. U. fomerpy, Jan. n. r . ivice, itku
John ,B, C arkjJUo., A-.A-, .linrion,
.TCt. Horace Maynard.Tenn. E. B:
'. r'yi ' 'T-. ' TI
Tylor,;Neb. James W,r Nye, Nev.
fT.'W: Cnrb'ett
JOroeu, Ugn. VJcuigcvr. uui.-
hain. Gil ' Johha.Chaflee,-JDoL W
JV. Burleigh, iDat., . Saylesf.J.,Bpwen,
D..C. . , , -. i
WAStuKCTOS, T. C, Jan. 11, 1872'
Alabama hassix cotton factories,
which work np 20,000 bales "of cotton
annually.' '
Ji'u. i ,
' ' ; CoU'Fisk,ana !Uncle"DanIel.y-1
: '- -j. r i; 1
It is how in order' to reco'qnt'fahefa-
dotes of tbe early life'of 'the lie James
Fist,) Jr., and. the Table Tal
ready to contribute ,tq,the tyaraturo, pi
the counffvi 'proceeds-rto r late the
fdllbwinsr feminiscen'ce'df the Prince's
sunny hours of boybp'od:
.When. Fisk. was,about tenlyears ofjbeyond a'dfohbt
acre ho ient a small market! stall at
Bennipgtn, Vt, 'One day thejemYneiit
steamboat man, Daniel Drew', caJe to
the markp't with IiipjVivskel.dn hainn.
He asked young Fislc if his" eggs yelp
fresh. ;
. .".You ,;bet," replied the ingenuous
boy, "pop t pulled., them off' the vines
this, morning."
"Give." me a dozen, sonny!" replied
Mr.l)rc. .. ,." ,..,,,'
The next stall was kept by little Jj.Ii-
' LI '.'1TJ 'l ' " ' ' f I'. " r.
phalet Buckram.
"Is this pumpkin, .good, my sqriP'
asked the venerably stock broken'
"It is a, good enough' Morgan,"' an
swered the truthful child,' "but sir, ifl
yon examine that portion' concealed
from too scrutinizing view, by contact
jtrith the boards lorming the counter
of the stall, yon' will see. that there js
a bad' spot in it' ' ..('. "
"Does not that seem unbusinesslike.
my ' child, to cry ooton' your "ow,n
woao'7" oel-ofl' tho linil lipnrfnrl fnit.
"My sainted mother totd me' I mnst
never tell.a lie. with my'little.hatchef,"
responded Elipiialet Buckram.
The rich manwaA moved to tears;
ho took but.his purse, and 'gave tlipha
let Buckram a pat on tho bead and
said he was a good boy.
When'he had .gone, Eliphalet Buct
ram said' to little James :
"0 .lames"! what made yon tell such
a fib? You know those eggs were
laid three years ago. lou will see
that I have gained a dustomer an'd yon
have, lost one.V i
n7..1t l,nn T7i;r,l,olnl inch t ' linmd I
Well, when Elipbate't went' homd,
h'is stepmother came to th"o door" and
"nbre' you are, you lazy" little sneak,
and you haven't sold that rprimpkin
vet ! I'll nunkin you J"
And die took him in'herstepmbther
ly arm's and fanned him'' with"an" ox
goad until he said he would' prefer
taking ins meais. on the mantiepiece
for "the h'ext'few1 cdnsecu'tfve days' to
sitting down with the Test of the"'fam
ilv. ' '
And next day Daniel Drew danle
into the market ("a rea'rin' and tearin',''
as the old, inhabitants say, and said :
'.'Where is the boy' that' sold me those
pirira. eu r ' '
;o-i ..,. iv' , ... -v . t,. , , .
And JimrisK pointeuio ,r.nj)naiei
and said:
'"There he is, sir:"
And Daniql Drew- 'reihforced that
boy's stepmother's oxgoad 'with1 bis
cane so effectually that but never
mind. . '
So Daniel Drew bought all hi3 gar
den ' sass ot Jim Fisk. In af tefJ life
EliDhalet Buckram' set' up a cTOcervnntivitv it is' fully as effectual-fcwe-
stord, and gave- trustto all tho' pbof'givdHllerrira haller and pcrniiti: them tor
people, and never Sandc'd his s'ugary.Hang themselves. Schurz will ndV be
and wouldii'tT 'qualify' 'his rum wittfCOmprelldd to, travel this monrnful path
water; .so ho burst ur,' and 'the bhorily
sold him out and he went to tho poor
house. ' "
But Daniet Drew kept .his ieye on
Jim Fisk, andiby-and-byrhe-gayo;him a
partnership in tha Erie firm, and Jim
beat; hiin. onj, orj 5f JOU,UUO.
This is not' a fstorv-, for food littl&'fif-frit': -Thi? State Conventipnrwliich
- Tii TJ i ". r -,
boys. We fear-it is'toonear the truth. Assembles at Harrisbnrg' on thellOlh.of
Chicago JPost;.. H , -Anfil, to nominate a Governor tana
'.""j ., ,,;,:,,. ,. ', ., other State officers, will HaolvfrMU
, At, .Louisville, Jast w.eek, .a boy feflfavoi of 'President Grant's renomida
through, a hatehway.ft;om the, top to
the bottom of aseyen story warehouse
anu receiveu no serious injury,
.iTo'vr many of, our lady readers' ever
idreamed that we.send to Great Britain
annually, fifteen millidn dollars in
gdld'.fbr'lhe'sitigib article ol spool cot
ton. ' "'
It has recently "been "discovered that
agraduatejand bachelor.otiarta ot one
of the Ei-tern colleges is a worn",
who; . uninspected,, went li, rough the
entire; course tinder the", style and h3'
bilitn.ents, of ono of the -sterner -- x."
She'.wnsTjradiiated intlie class ofl'669".
landltook a jilgh, part on thecommencei.
ment. programnie,
- - - . . i : -nsa'tn
ir it paiv ii t Jj1 ""j ''-j-,
1 mrtmrt im n til 1 r flTTBTlBMT
,10 juai, a, gin in - .tuc.u - tho.deeeprion.ot- po-
:,tt.r W'ilffftbburJ iSi-,lreaPdy. pretty
of,a,cann Sjnce.then U
a t. M.....i.-......fl..
a ,ytiu;. ,,u...r ' j-lneonle: He baa.brovd i laimiut.pno
cently resignehis, office for thftWP1
WWlT W ffftaiSS the. alLpatent.'voicb.ofjhc
the church had shown a want of confi-f. jT". lu. .,, a9.inr1S88.,T.1acd
tdcuce'inr.htm by voting against him
r '. - - ' " -w . -t
whep a-candidate ior,Atier,ijegisiaiurc
lastfalU f i ... .
An honest man-is, believed without
an -oath, Tor, his reputation swears for:
him, " ' -
xj.-iua' ro a'J .o iii&U U
part ot thoopjitry show.fWjOndecfu
nnanimity amorig'ne nias'ieS, Of the
people'iulfavor-ot 4hejenpmjn.4tTOl p(j
President. Grantr-7-At-a-Iatomeeting.
of the enublmiCentraLComrnlttee,
and thb'Kepdblrcati'biembers'bl both
branches, ot the ,Qhjo Lsgulature pre
sided' oterl ay IGoveraBr LWyes, (jhe
greatest good feeling-characterized tha
proceedinga,,.a.nft.at?e80iutiomwas pass
ed indorsing tho National Administra
tion and 1ffanng1vhnrEraliEearTja
favor of the Tenpmiflatipp President
Grant. This Committee, selected from
the rjeonle.-i and these inenibersf tho
Legislatureelected by tne people last
Uctober, mayi DeTairiy sapposeu to
reflect the sentiments of iKcf Republican
party injQhiho speeches made on
the occasion were pi, tftejniost nappy
and cheeruic-jcb
character, andlndicated,
M, that the KerJablicans
'Mi o.iti .5. :., :
ot the old Buckeye State ;arehrra in
their deiniin,ds.r1tro ro-nqmination of '
our prese"ut''m6st8excelfent OKiet Mag-
islrate , , .
From Missouri we nave th6 mbst
cheering. no4 gratifyipg, (ntelligenc
Ex-Congressman,, Van, Iforri ' who'fis'
alvyays. reliable, says there never' was a
mme fince uiuuruii.Anuu v f .,
tb'at ,f.lieRepiibUQan.s were mpr'' fully
pimiu, UH''U5'"I "" -. "J-J -J ,
atpr Schurzvhas miserably Jilted anO.
that tho ,GerraAn JtepuDiipans, wiirr
very few exceptions, dehoilnco id un-
measured termstb'o hostile and .revo-
Intionary ' measures inaugurate"' .by
him,,and .expressthcniselves nios, ent-
pnaticaiiy in iavor oi juu renuiuuiaiuw
of Presideut Glrant. TJhey denounce
$cburz as a. traitor to, the 'partyibat?
elevated him" to if scat 'jn the" Senate,'
and boldly accuse lnm with" conniving";
With B'air to overture wanu uc-siroy
the Repubifcan party. Tt w6uia thus?
seem that cverylhingTs not sefarip for
the little revolutib'riist'evenm Missc(Uri7
We always h'ad 'faith fn thV German
Republicans of tho,cDuntry,,ahd-sldbo
SnhW. bv Ms declaration in advance
that beAvouia not 'siipport' Presidd&C
G"rant ' if rd nominated," haS virtnally
left them, tbey ill6t be slovr to
discover '.his treachery" and refuse ;t)
follow the lead of one whom they onotf
1UVCU lyU UUtlUla
The Germifa clement of this" country
j3 large, and the morri intelligent yor:
ti'0n of it is most emphatically ideritifieVl
'! L -'1 .UDn. wirl V Tll'nVl.lRlt
wlfb tboliennblican narty. Thoyleft
a land, ot oppression and case 'ihelr
lortunes .in uur w""j ...- -.-.,
mn ia-n iAwrmtni. Theyabominate
tyranny and love freedom, nonce tBey
m.unciiveiy ,-..- --j.. ----- --
the Republican' party as the needle to
the pole. It is. the dniy party in tno
coontrv toao reprcscnia- vuu.i. uv.
liberal ideas of manhood-identity and
free governmentrahd they regard, with
jealousy, any infraction upon these
principles, ana when benator sennrs
COUUWU Ull t."J"'J3 ""j "-
number' df therrl over to the Democra
cy' be, tor drice, missea nis oucuia.iuu
of the German character. That Schure
has committed a fatal 'rr6r; ond tbt
will1 consign him to political obscurity,
ia nnnnrnnt from tKe actiob taken by
he R?pdbllcans' inhis oivn State. Tho
.-j -1.1 ...; ..... v.ttn.lianti which1 com
revuiuuuii.ki j j,i.. - --
nelled liim to fled hism'ativa country,
will prove liis rrtin in the land of iiis
adprtioti. While we havo m muaer
way of dealihg'with' srich characters
than inev nave in n' -" ...-
alone, as' there' are- several -otners uq
the'Senate Who wilperfofm hataktity
lupbn themselves immeaiaieiyaivcc.iiB
novf Praciilpntinbelection. f C
' . t :jn:A1.'BlAf,tinn - ' r
fn Pennsylvania, we are 'assttfed
that'thtf Republican party-ii it uhit-in
t ww.---" , ...
favorot thore-nominanonoi r.iu
tion. There' is' nojotner- canaiuato-
spoken of among tho Kepnblicans .or
tho- nM TTevstono Sute. The present
rAdministratinn is deservedly popular
among Pennsylvania Republicans, ana
to presume that harmony and good
feeling" the State Convention; will de
mand, in unqualified language) that the
AdministralionjAvhose wfseand prate
tical polioyEas (restored .conSdenca
and pladed the business interests."' of
the country in'ix most prosperous, and
flourishing condition shall be contin
ned. ' ' .
Thus it will bo seen that the political
ontlook is rriostxheering. In ho .State
in the Union 'does there seem.to hfca'
formidable organized opposition .to the-re-nominatron'
of President- Grant.
Whatever' opposition theru may.jhave
- . . fe . T -- .i- IM
Mfc-- w ... . ". "'
hMft1 trt iifl renominaciou ainoii!ir--.uw
vote" Against binii Presideit, Grant, is
Hf ully intrenched in the anecuonsoMuj,
PP H"-., .. ' '-.-
him jin ridroinatidn foTfth,'d-Pridanpy
and itheiEhiladelphio ',9pqventio ?an
but confirm the; action o the people.
.' tIie Highest luxury of which the
nunran ,mind is sensibl isr t'd cause
smilej opoajWiexiijnu.- wn
and carapieiejy, .unuca. iiiu i. vua.
present an that S.tae.' The jevf de
boo a tor nnv IisdnTf'