sjt t . -Brevities..- x t a J v a ' - j 'CbidfefalsTaffinfr iearfeflv1 atit)ehi. , 7 ffilt t 7; India, and the number ot deaths is t The average pn crage pneo of lumber in .Ch (Os-9 prrM.rfjnief 3evasta- liUM e norcnern -pineries' win ren 3er the supply short .for the, coming m Connolly. -Tammany- thief, at last MVWUUbOj W U9 lviuuuj w ULDLill VI rc.210ee ""e ni bis lrtjmdteriwns tl Hfjsaid that he WillshorUyinake a full confession of (jfljtisj4pJS0lM!.Djci ' thousand pianos were destroy .aiin:thairoat Chieago. Thcenginea cptaldjp'ptl"play on Ihejnj! ' A pedant heiri 'taken to iask 'lor! avincwlhat-Cffisar-fbimtlpd- Rome. r-' tortc IJteJljypu Kg, pit! found it ; "he fonnd it in Italy." -i J r ? fn'rtH-aljj eMhjinglJpJj'ilyJjenlarlcs :' 6V" can't catenougli in a week to Jaat'.yotf a yeaiyarid yon can fadvertise vpnjthftt; plan, .either.?' , tji . .'Curran was once asked By one of usnroinprjnqpcs, .uoyou.seo nny- tbing ridionlonsMn this: wig1?"' '"Sofh- ro.J'nless you get ling habit up hero in theconn- xbtantfo'hjbjt-dfryalking, r, - -4 lag bnt tne iioad," T:rfmaAcAnJ me a n xJtjsia .uaidrthe 'light' of ftimatch will - frighten a wolf, hut a love match some- flffi&ktfoft Va vsiJnm the . A worthyfmini6t'er in Indiana, who ftfV 4a Janspecnlatin recently, -antftHrttceaHo'riis- co'ngre'rtiffrh'lJat h'is ,J?& ,tw?n1 beUD,d- in."S. ?au1'8 epistlo to the Corinthians, Bectiqnl-lou'r, Tange three. westJ" . SiuAfe ? helle,r,who was--pu'r-jiSflftfiig ome gloves,-, told' the 'fc.erk she wantedithe'm fef a 'Wibduerl monsa color.'i'a!iriie.crerk: stridTthey were all a0Jnt5tp' shad.e, butuggested -'irifu-natednrat'; as a substitute". 'Ho Was discharged. ' ' t .. . ., iy--4... T? c jr -w t JOHN"BILGEJl, , 13 Si ggSjjfotnia Street (betweon'OregonSirid :iu ,Third) Jacktsonville. DEALER AND WORKER IN .J'-??! BjaAss.v TT-EEPs ,coNsrNTLy on hand; vflto.assoclmeot 0f tbe(,best,Xin;'Sbec't'iron' ga copper ware.. .OJrass lftpeg, . 11 jdraulic ftljoajej, Force Ppmps.- Chains. Lead Pipe.. nbej.nARaTCA,UE,OrjTI,EnY NAILS fbflJ.B'-ses . , ! 1? ' '?ar,?le and ossorled Iron; ni . Paints, Oils, Sizes and .Glass: ' ' '' aii r AUqnalitiesof Powder; ast l.bbot.of all numbers; to itii BruslicsDr every variety: etc., elc.; ivuucuuuu iviiiow ware: isla j' Rone, Bra&s and Iron Vire; ! V. - ' ' " ' ' " Blacksmith Carpenter and, .Miner's "tools ol rery variety.; ' -. aui e ui . iiPtTOKiL IMPLEMENTS onsisting-'o'Ti-. . brS?fy"oo and Steel.Plows; .o.-fWte'Penini: Feed Cotters; Cauldrons and Iron Wash-Kettles-CuHfvators, Wheelbarrows.etiv ' ; ..a ''JSto-res. hand & Ismn lnt nt TA.1. in .rurm -, v,;... - . fw-vuiur. V""VH-'L,tuc w um;aiavc:!rjf horted isw, plam and fancy, constructed on latest i,.ifodP.eTerythiDg crihaVctSd" witn ftesl jtares, warranted durable and perfect bestniaterial and of choicest patterns. , rf aiW iceordtng to directions. Up ! i).il. tri tA ull .t T mir rftTWs-.,-. . V""" 011 and exaairB3his'.itick .WW nnrclms v JOHN BlLdER ,,i" IaartVr .dr Farni liripicmeMts fi. NDiMACHIIME8l"' J tlljOJ t . 1 , i ! ' -i "-" n :ITQiiRGES. ,.";, T l rot UNITD S'TAf ES Dif okcE AGENP.v a j ,J PT ESTA'BLrenErYe55. .wJ,eKa"J ob,rfTn lrery State sufficient cause no publicity r,ntr.i T fee until divorce obtained. ? rulmred-D0 Call oo, or address .T M AJS MRilO A f BroadV' aaay,'2d door below John JSt, -i lil i(.- i'--t xr'" v:'"irii''". J?few,Tprk0ityi- Wp6 it .. -a i - a.tir (Heir case to JUisT.i DREW 5aa' J" fflSfifnraifciBD remedy; X. MU..M u fwV TOPjHi K.UL.1I Oregon Rheumatic Core. TJflSTORY- This remedya composed of 'H the active nrinciDlcTofcine link WWd. Eag. ;Ttiaspium CordatflrVOrigInis, Lat In-J aigenoui, to yregon. f tirows moj$- abuLdantta and perfectly in Washington county. V Pi!QPRJZIES!l;Iic:l-K -contains an acthe vMaidt orincipie; extractea dt ewer, and a bit ter fome'principle,soluble"in alcoSpiX, HED10AD ?ROPERTIESplXBmSES.n is tho most snrcatid f peedy care far Hlmmathm, Bhatmalii: Gout',-and RhemaTx Pamt'ot kit kiiids that was.evetlntridneedlulo the Materia Med fdltohk; ipramHirif'ihe appiile and'HKcLorating titewholedimslin apparatus. tliul'lmlAniti .nrf trt.3i, , ?"r- ww'S"": miffflore utn' the-volatile principle,, Jxi'1 in the i.i--3' -i :.!-..ii- 11 i .? the tat frofesriOJirhich'ivMl temoTethe Rheumatic Poison from.ihe"Woijd,. h wiore action is 1-0' nowerful Id deorcsW the fvstcmof the already . - .. ... .. . j enfeehlfd HKeumatrc, patient'. that lueif.nse ha W be 'abandoned before fpecific e'ffects,'are obj .uiiuuu.e. uiiiKK iiieMe mcuicinev atreaav nojtn the, -JNK WEEREEMEDY., though i jPrtxincmeas, powerini .and; as acu,ve(-,nects oil- the blood and pvstcm' in removin? lh rieiimcti.poitori. aUo possc??es a -BtroBg tonicl ana recuperating clement' wnicB-adtnits or it contiuued ;use ,even, bjr'tha most delicate and1 .debilitated. Th'ns wciava.tbp combination fir 'the. first time of thefe lira rtecessa-ni lmnt in me'rtmeiv. hich accounts for1 Its' "tuverinrtl tupenar Rlieutnatisnif' Rheumatic Gont1, ao- JlAtumatte Pains of all anas. .W.I are aware of the 'fact that generally A the eflicacy of patent remedies from a. certain clas.of thocwho'uscthpm'. We.have' selected .the followiricbeckuethe'Bflra'vi&ffAJ H them are those hf, inen. of Ibe. maC.carrfl and tavpu- uu, oiaTaqq, ana occaufeiDe-iarEe class flt;lueir aMimlnlaniiDB in Opaisax fll ?.-. . ..' accuse Or'mspect thera of'fcny'exa'sgeratTdn !n the statements thpj make n5SfL6ft'Are'of'Mr?.HooieV.Fenon JaeoliIIoovr,ex.Trtasnrerflo'f''Wa?hington county,Oregon. jltiyTOjr I Tualatin Plains. Washlneton Co., I OrrgoTCJaiy-ZiTlWi. f A.M. Loryea;4nCov-.Ij.fcc been troubled with Rheumatism olha.DSpireZM vtars: mi joints. csDeciany tnose ot my leet and hand". ... .. ... .. - . . " ..i .-'. so that I could not rai&'my hand to my head. ,,- Spring I lave been taken your ;:ui)K ivjeeu uemeuy," ana .ntid.Jnytr much improved..' The Rwellinir nnnnnin hnv'Jof . joints an'iVh'oulder and thefiony grou-th hat entire y uuajjffarea auu i use my, umps ana tam lar i nave ucen lor years, (, ', ' r4' t;. j&m: hoover. ;Cerlifica'te.or the rtepnfaUer.oHjInllno--iriaYCon'nty 'Jail i V. f 'Vv ' City'Jaif, Portland, OregouSe;-?; 1871. A.U.'Loryea.aiCo. I was attacked with a avert case hfrieumalfsm. It was in my 'thighs, hip's, fingers; shoulder Hade 'Iridee'd in all" the joints of my'body I -suflered great 'pains 'and anguishi l was attended' by aTegutar'ph'yri cianj but with'noiffectu Iivas? indoccd-tq' try ynnr-'Dnk Weed Remedy and.itiimrriediatcly cured me.'up. I copsiderjt, from iny experience, the,bcst remedy for rbeumattm Jsnowi li ' ,)A. F. TURNERDepply;Jailer. ThiSJs,lo"certiry that the above statement is correct to' my own knowledge t "7 ' Certiflcaile' of' A. R. ShtpicyEs.Ispecial contribnlortb the lriaimrftearmW.'and Eeere tajibPth&prfcgonliprticuHnt'a'rSpiletyjS " '. JOsweard. Oreiran:tiiirrli.9.iBvr .A. M.Loryea. t.CoSpmlfout5wcoKS afro I ! Vfla Anlir.lir nrnclratiul M.ttL. 1. -i . ct I wau almpst helpless. I-eent!to yntftfor uiic lujuuuce jjuiiefli me "unt .Weed Ifcme- T " uy.the usfe or which! experienced almost inftriffllate relief; nndbythe'inje'lhebottlewas gone'Jhe.theumatiFm'wasjon'e.'jlVoniiiiflwn experience, ati'd'from whatlhavK heard 'others say whb lare'tued the' Dnk' Weed, r believe! it to a certain-cure Tor the rheumatism. Yours respectfully. A . R. SttiRCEY; - t bu Cfrtlflcatefromnoii.A.J.Bufiir, ex-Erealdeat ofth Ortgcn Stt. ABtlcaltnna Society, iirnUor of-Sta. UsUo of 0eoiu" -, ;; .(.---, ' I i"t rortlnd, A prU J, 16TI. X. M.'torjM Co. I wis afflicted wtb a terera tUcV of chronic rnenmtlm ; ru connned to pi j ted most of th., apt from iJjnou-j to Joljf, ttBnilu.ert1ieBnk W.edandlt.cnredm.iip. AJ?. Dnj-DR. -ai i'- P91 S,I?,?.S,0J??.Trf,1. "" f to. v wuum VI 4-Mk tuiiiuuti; EOJtl: pArrir K.Mr - i t fAf.ift. nL7,'. --.Fii ,.. tht iillrf Valn. nd fooa Ve!W from tbe n;e of only hetim- 4' -'v' ' !" inHWMJcrsAn ono irY. (U1CUJ JUUlD -aa.;-" e- UUX.U.1I llllBETTS. a. xi ass yonr'Unk fferi Eeme.1. or, OrecoS IthenntaS Core." I iri afflicted Itirmontln-Vili;, Tery Vui t1All . Lwi. .L- pi, ..? ,"J9."",",C"J'"w5iHa, Bid Jtled nearly ... ui um mraueo raegmausxtmedlM MOioat any relief t;;; - .. .u. ..'.' ;" s-,."y n1 " ,. -Trnly j-,qura, AMES.BrBES. i .... r-.-.,-. i.p ,LLj " j r A rtincaiirowiIoli.E. t. Qnlmby, exonnty Com mUaiowrofnnnomabQonnty, Oregon" ? .. n,, . ra LVtr,,rtl,,d;-rrUl,lsn. A. M. Iyvrjca 1 Col haTe.nied. Jha, "Unk , ItemedT.- and am aatltfled It I. ta4w."LS5j?t? regiitatei at.d JnyfforVra the lTtem. Tali ln, ,t perlenct-ritlirtferemeay? ,T J- " "mT eI' Tnrt yourt, !. i.XJ'UiMlir Ccxttflcat. irua th. well-knOTm merchafft, 'OT "vf" weaver, aq.: . . . . r? .T.IfVf 'iinnW46il,iiI,9ia1liH.ii A. M. Loryea t Co. I hare nsod too Tnlt Weed Rem Jt ,",1rf!tyrniend!t to person, afflicted Jlth lnlUminOT'ttSintlniIOlfcoretlieVrf aHthit dlseaw. My bands wrlts. ankle-lndeed, all my joint! were swollen and Tery painful. ' J Cf '''" j- O. W. WEAVEK, .Certificate from Uctcl!.nIne, 'Klo'tCoamilsVloneril PcrHa!d1 - y fr:Ulu'"ConacI1.4,rrast " -. a- rpontand, April' lj, 1SH-' f, A. M. Loryra It Co. 1 hare been"- afflfrteA fii '.l... yoars paat with --eaknw la the back,- nd VaVderhX eumattepaiataconianledliyrVeTer conttrpalibS j me ih or one bottle or J " ,.I .YFKh Fnt,, 10-oance bottles. ? i If a !. -A- -fa OOpor 'Bottle.. REPARED ' AT THE Oregon MdmJMforf, Lr.iV"';j"Ef; is:ffrxtTr'!n EAtS,Q?TJCAin".,OREGON7 . j.Taosy HfR 'Ssirby dl Druggist,) . -T lea. . The Unk Weed Sarudu. as prepared by tjs Inconsequence of the existing bittiprinciple". possesses the neBefarv,VirtoTjr'tu.5niV J, were baBiysrcolnsa,Uia Liquid-will dlflH cultyi; Yohd..jMyslioitJerpiiJifaJme a BTtaVdealVnd rf-Iarfed-6o'rlT sVelliiit-Vrew ont.' Ccrttflcate traat 'BjTwT tA.-.celeprate'dTMock BTotr!and-lor;tnoOrgpnTurf:, "" C - - 11fil J i"rfnTlo'i'd.'i.nnarriAsrL , A. M Lorrea I Co-TIiIa la tiiVil.jJi.. 'jii..L-' JLaJwODisjpfttckVteltkA J.attei teTBQfaroaaiaBisii HAVING JtEllOYED NEXT IDOR to E. 0. Brook's Jewelry Store, Cjlifor iia Street, Uke-pleasurecip. aomiuncing b tbo ladies that thehaVe a FdirFall Stock if JIII.I.I.I.UIl s FjISCT GOODS), ON JK1: crs. tmenmms; i nmmiogs, unignooS-antrhany rolher articles, selected with care and of tie. a Y, eft '. ti A)TS Tg S',T Yl. E 5) J&FPUastmvtiuatall. i LULL1 Ow' A - .roT, Jacksonville, Oct. 14. I871.-Sn I '. ULU L'ULUNY NUn-itn.t, ' 1 -n- ' . ' AND. . T - .3 SEED WAREHOUSE. frh Garden. Flower. Tree and' S'tirnbf "Ev, tgreenJFrttitiand- Htm -.weds Jrepil by, 1,i T,r ;. .. .TT.:: ' "I ?:ilf 25ferHofeitherClast.00.a The six' classes- ...... w"kjv- ii iuumuui iiKiutUlCUiu uaii. a uuiiiuicbc auu iuuiciuus .usorinicnL.' sse; (I5Q packft?). forv,S5.U0- ,AlsO. -an Immense flock of one year 'crafted Pru'it Trees: Small Fniitf, Fruit StocksYoung. Fruit. Ornamental, n...1 T?a..nH O II! i..ii. n tr: ' (House- and! Border Plmh;Sx., &b,be most' mm M-sitma occuiiuun. uuiu-. noses. vines. compieie assortment la America.; iTerjud bv "mail. Priced Catalogues to any aduressaUo j trade list, gratis. Seeds on Commission.'; ,Agnis wanted.. ... , . j- - li1' n'f k'A'Tiarr - ..' -.'. Nurserips and Setd Warelioase, Plymoutn, Mass. Established JO'lX :viiV)) t- Oi. Oi 'i -.fcsf rst' orOfeL BliCOVEBY Qr. WM-KTIl'S CAX.IPOEI7IA S'!fNEG-iR:."BIE'fEES Hundreds cf Thousands1, J?3 Bar tpttltnopT to t hf tr WoaJcr-, fol Carill-rf liHottl .I&U.Z ti'S 3 rnzr atx kot a vile FANCY DRINK, Ss.s O.B.S itiiJ Sff'iL'oorilfoni. ?fitcr. 7rout Kptrltn cbfllCcTi!sb'LtquoWdoctorea.sprceaah'd svect. t cncdtoplsus too taste, called M Tonics, "Arpcuz crs, ' Itcstorcrs, 4c, that lc&d tho tippler en to CTaaticnncss cad rain, bnt are a trne Mcdiclnc,mado , free rare too .IPC GIVIXU rCIXCIl'liE a perfect Hcnovator and iMboiiraa tlon and rcniabi long nawclL $100 wni be circn forjiaincnrahlo case, provided tbo boacs ara not destroyed by mineral poison cr ether mean, and the vital organs wastcdbcyMiatha poI3torrcpOailt3CXvl M Tnr InOnmmutory unci Cbronie Kbcuran. llsm nnd cLtont, Dyscpia vr lndiffcstlon, HitrDnt,.i:piiUtit)irtiId!"tBtiIiffcDtl'eTcr, l)lsTJ.-isWeYllicfnfooc3;i.lcr,'inilieyTnnd lllnddcr. theso Rlitcrslavc been most Eneccss-.ful.-, bnchyDlscnnca are.fanscd .t? VItintcl plooil, wtncnhiccncraUy prodaccd by djjrnnrnnest. cf the SlsrstlrcOrcans. . , . DVSPEPSIA Oft INDIGESTION, ncad-' a:he.raln In tho Shoulders, Conghs, Tightness of tho. Cii&Dacsif Sow 4Ernctailoas;fcflthc'' Biotaieai ' ad taste la the Ninth, Billons Attacks, TalpltaUoa of t5,l?i:fplnfla3ii;atteic)r the)Xthfi,TaInJaho rrjlois of tho nldncys aid a hundred other iSlalul symptoaa, arcVe oCsprlajsoT prsjcpsla. Th ylaTlsorate-ttc'stoiichiid ktlticlate the tor pid UTKd,boipxii,yhlch render then of jpoqaalled catMVW'fleiislasHll! MocaefiniapcnKes-, aid bnaalasn7le-adivlfortotlKT!iorstn. 4 l3)tt'stnNlilSEASrr3iE?oJ,p'l(.oal!.Tcter'.-EaU Ithenzi, Clotaiics Spots. Ptnplcai rosalcsBoHs, Cz tcncles,iaaWcni.!c4ft-aisi,Eorei:ycs, Eryslp. clas,!, Scnrts,IJl5coloratlQnsofthcSklat TJanors aadDlscascs of theSkln,of whatever nai3 ornatcrc, are UterallyidKaaiamfdKlicJ-rar'aJTicin la a short time by th;u33 of than Bitters. Oao bottle la each ciscswlll caavlac: U13 most laerodatoas of their fsrsttvppfKt. ,,,;.. ',s .,a-z-f,- ' Cleanse th j Ylt!at3l Mood whenever you find its t-niSJrKlMS&htnis throush tho aa la nmptcs. Erup tions cr Sores cleans It vrhen Toaflndlt obstrqcjtil and slnsgfeh' ti 'tis vdrciVclclftiV It'vfhcantJflal. aad your feelings wl!lt;'.l yja u'hex" Keep the blooo" . A ... I I.I. ... .. .1. ... puns iuj iu UMti.a vj la pjicni wililpliov.. . ffPVlt TXTEberJWpilit&SfiiaiiinTtiJei. rystcTj of so many thoasaads. caxffcctaally destroy claal r-aiovel. rorjldraeaons, read ctxefally Pi circular aronnd eaen botUe, printed lafoarlia- ccar-s is li OermaTrrcach and Spaalth. prn'j533.Tfta5;tof.' .c ni"iicoosiuj 'i'bo flHjjjSta; afld" Oen Agenfr, !il FraMls'ci', ' Ctl v- n-iaai 3 and Slibouno'.'ca StroetfXcw 'or , XT.4oj,T .TiT-ALV-DTtnaOlStS 'AOl5EAlJ3tS. J tf -I. t , i 1 ly i.f' 1 . I ' .' U Mil J : .' - -PI. llttAL-Xi fc- -i A I! t , 1 . t ni- a 3E. j9t Xj'XjT-Bztacisriai1 -T2- N' FOR SALE "AT' THE SENmLNELf OEPIOE, - 1 SI1 , '. r 4 Qr, printed i& order. HOW TO g.EEP YOUR MONEY AJpltig .- w.-y? Bay the Wo"lefi Cfoismanuritctnre"d "by the ROGUE RU'EU'taLLEr u uuhta jBiyji'e.'co:. & 'Or' -Who would respectfnlly announce to the IrafltT . 111 o - l.TSflU X pg:g '7. 'foil ffl l S-5? ang cwtryeaerailytbavthfy.areiiowlnsuc I ""..""(Sf? culop'perajiqnj.andjiaveuhandljaodrforil'n Sale assoruaenipijijj ,fjniti&ii tit NKETS, CASSIMERES. tU TWEEDS.-PL4IN iic tjaj aTWIDLED .'AICHECK: red .- FLANNELSf ""iteJie' I Orthttbestquallty and at ho'meTrates. " OrdetaTOliciUd. "Ai libefal discount to ' (he tradec- j a oiiio 'utfljicsa o'-.-i . Asbttnff.OgfA,Jitf7th 1869. . ,3aS0ff sJq-2;' "id t ctxs s-'Srt To PiSrjaVri t h- V .'. Ll UE undersigned are now prepared-to break. on. Byhee'a'TlaceTrraelc; near thlselty. -nr r nn . witit ai .. ., W--JU- mi'U.a. A aapve.397i; 1. - u. r t. Jackson- e, Oga., Aug. 5, 1871.-tf j 3 9-'l ifcpniS PaimlarJ'tcsart uti.dcnieJNeWiUa'H-f i. agswoiij,uieuia5 ae.ssTBBA3n)S,oi fir liqaoraT - -o I! r. Jl&ottTSvAADRlftlk sfhfNewSfaYe'ls'iaraisliedwilii-lwo'eie'iranti i uunsxa ia,ojE3nDeujjar -wia:uueicnoicesi Brandies. Wines, CigarsjCH-andjthe; pleading Tablea..with Jill lha Eastern Periodicals 'and UeailwppsperBontie'XJDasC .J 11 ii . i - ?ju:T,,s-a.yaGE; prop;'r. d JaeksbDrille0cM!,''7I-tJ ji 07 tju',ft.ssr' ' . - ' i . mil'- TT JOSj.WSTTESBa TAplr. m'A - -5 - i ' fl . "inp nc-T nv r.i'riTr'D TiT?c,mvpon.rVvT I e.or,lW nn K-.l . ,IJ .".I,. 1 Ilk- v" "rwi, v- M.-xiiitb,uuuu jvLriiuwn- lutisa aSal tJZiALlilZ Itl. Jl-Tk V K'' t-..ii ta WCtlCflUli. lllK II1C 4 ball wUliflBeiPi3yourseir,fi'i.i o ! ." v , fIackson.vUle,Jaail5jfl.870.rlt: V.- S, CM BREWERY! VEIT ,SCHUTZj Pi;pprietpr.;, mnE P,rjDLI0 -13, BESPECTFOLLI'-IN X formed that tbev can-Sod, at, any, time, iat suit tie-purchaser. p ' I . JackjonyillcfJan-151870-ff ,- ,, 'FR'AKCO-iAMERICAN HOTEL v AND .RESTAURANT. ' . lbit t :' it.'; - ! '.":. .. f OPPppiTETIU! , .... fX ; Qflttllbw's Hall, air. 'JacksoHvillc, Oregoii. i ., rr.iT ) ! 1-' '' -.i.. f ; .TrurnlArB nnit .a.M.n t t,nn.4. Mill ;.! .t -iit " :nv w. "? "! ""w- 'J i IrX'-t ' -a sd-i-i BEDS AND BEDZHgG ' K h. ..." ' - '- . Placed in firstclass'cveri ' ' 'Way superior to.any 4a. this', ftnd ' ' unsurpassed by any in the State. ' 1 ' d ly any in tbp Stafc t' ' .' " I Ti. flER' ROOMS da-:'- -''.'i. .'ARE-'NEWLr L And a-plentiful-snpply of the best 'of every UC r1". . ' tJU,aJll,:fc''!u.orua. -wtili De on-. "CO tatueu. tur -r , 'irU3i TABLE. .'Hereafter, Tier House will be kepi 'open'. all night, and fqnare meals canlbebad it'any time ood fire, hot meals, and good beds at the restaurant - VNd trouble wUeHpared' to deserve Ihepai jonigtjifjthjtjTjling as. well as theperma nent'rommnnrtv iIWW I Jacksonville, Dec. ti, 1869 tf ovs. HOTEL, m V A 1 JACICSO-WILLE OREGO.V, :l -. VX.l .J ' Corner ef 1 Cttltontra 'and irlrSCs L.MHORNE,r "tropriVtor, T EGSlflJEXVE: If O TXF'ORMTnE JD Public that he has the largest, best, and most commodious IKlerTii Southern Oregon. 'It is Ideated Trf tbexeniraf part of JAc'kso ville'Stagos fromh"eNorth-and Sonth leave regularly from the V. S. HOTEL. ' TbeJionsB.has Jjatelyj becnTerpalattd'nd renialV'ne'roomWrenewfurnishVand well ventilated. The Be?rooms are supplied with SPItIirGJED& aftdevefy otb'e'f' con venience for the comforts of tbe guests. BOARlTAife ttiDGiNG Can be had at reasonablerates.according to the room occupied., & J" Will be supplied-with thWcst the mirket can afford. pb ;'"-. FAMII IF .SSiJ-J-X-TiO van una at wis House rooms especially arranged 'for their comfort &nd cVehifenc'e,' as well as eentjoaandomfort usually found at a A "CTA R Q E H A U L. tr Is atticbed to the Hotel, for Balls. Meetings Shows, Ac.i apd can'.bd had at reasodabla terms.' r,Ja'cksonvil'le,''Oregdn Jan, 8, IS7p'.-tt, 30' 1 C I'' AGENTS VII1H III VII I'll IV Wnnf.Vfnr ,11 I fln 1 1.1 II T I . ,,.7.. -"""" M'--"W.WIL-J Byf an pmipent physician and ProfeffQr jn- on of oar Jarge Medical College' It deals fbar lessly but cbasteij .wjth evils fro'mwhlch sprlnir physical and moral.degraditioa.'aud 'dotaeslic infelicity.. .It is being: reviewed praised or w,j1.!!fi?!Jsll-,.M,r Icadiig-' relio ion's' aiid wcular,papere5and: magazines ia tbe" TJ.. S k and -the. Terd:ct,.of the bust ,-n. mn.ti . . crimination it.jtbatjt is remarkable' book'1 tbatit-lTUsu;; that it. is jJEEbctr; !fl,at " .sma4j ""jy.'vt'tUUk,!!! III is of IliDnDTAunr " -i9J:ls.n,a.- 'iiTii uii 1 niabC to every'man and" woman m the land, anils havtngTi-TvoilderfulJaTe " Agents will find2fhia!a-rare.opportnnlty lo pake money. particu lar, with numerptisSotices:br the Presn. -nt free. -Address A.-i. BANCROFT ROFTfellfi.. -'J'' 7,-injs ' -n j sepl7,w7i. erf aBfraHctsco CaL. Y y;.g- .-:,nt t-, -'i c . r 7' it " ' Dan i r- i- t DttsoltttioaJErotice. "OTfpE't?sMeby'igiven'thattbe.late firm of -L' .tD0WELI.i TVirsnv- la XiiHila-i i)!K.t. Jy-mutnaUonsent. Airdebta"due,the.Enn will be paid Jo'B 'FDoirill'.alt'Sat; j:.V .- settled-bv him', an-t all tha.hnin of In. fi.. rnmn1.tMt h Lt " J ' L-. tf r..KUFj uju 21111 114 ELI" xrir WATSON.- - a, June 11,1871. " soH. "' JackaonWlle, Oregon, S-NEW'Sf AfE S ACODN e i'fitt-itifili:j - N'OTIGEV ' -Vi-nWWTTrnY'GlVEiJ fhafI?3iiroe jlng .Claims .ouothej ,wV -Bf ank .of ADDl-eate: c'reek'.'ei'tendiiigftom wb.-ren'a'K crowa th-e'lEa6tMlneoAUlana-af(i.Biir'd?f0( said Cjftek ,1000 ydrds, ,lj i.c mtJITj: enci to the nse of tKe bedrock. &Ja. S11? .Iif.i;i'1lrfi(,'?i!'nfn(VnMvi!il.t-.relln i vurviua: ,-w(,i'i-,. -.u ,, ,.v - Union Town minin-diftrict, in Jackso.t c "'. ,ty. Orcson. andlon surreye u land. .to 'w.'t; Hi ' FeciioDs, it auu i,."jwnfnipoy,o. K&uce, o West. ' " ' - .Jheie aiunorother claims' adjotaing or Pnthe Jmmeiiiate.viijinitj,:, -,,. .,j-.. -' That it'ls mylnlehtlon lo appfy for a patent to the following described premises,. "cVK'wuiCh' this notice is Dostrd and within which tklil Iclaimaara'Filaatwl.ln.witl . . . '"' 'i w ors.,wJorSecj22.snd."W of N. 'W.Jlof.Sfc..471 X6tru.SH, 8. naagfi 3 West. contalntng'EO acres. ' ' Witness my handrthls 7th' day of Sept.. 1671. ,0. it? ' v5 e UOSXBCRO LlXD ft AM JM uam EKON. p t ---; t.;. ... rt.. . ifcUatUUttU UAAU UltlUE. UUX.t I UF ?tt T I IT facpwmucr'JBTl. TT tt l . I " -j ' n -1 if. ' i.1 .U-v'-Ul?11? 'u-e rcoimawwe tice be published ninety (00V days in the Oxx- B. HERMAN. Receiver! ,1, , .- 1-1 x L t ' NOTICE. NOTICE Is hereby plve,n Ibat'.flrc; 'George Youdis. J. B. SaSmarsb. Rcnben Salt- 1 marsh, Svltcster iSaltnan,h. and'O. K Klum. uic tujj ciaiuiauis VI ucfaiiy wunuiz anums, ull Sterling creek. Jackstri coontv.. Orenon. ex tending from tbe 'lower or' tiorth line of tbdj mintnz claims or Cameron Co.. down on both sldts'of'said creek,' -a'dhta'nce of- nearly three- Jburths'of it mile, to'tbniPDcr"Or soulh line of hftiinining claims bf f leiubammer & Co., and nwdtb one hundred jards, Said" claims 'are placer claimevcontainitzCgald dust, and bra In Sterlingville Mining District, Jackson conntyf yregon. ana p.survejeu lano, to wu ; in sx tron:4.. township 39, S., range. 2 .west.. There immediate vicinity, ejeept' as , before .slated". lhte-'httoa to apply, for" a natenl to tho following desb'rted 'premises "on which this nollce is posted! and within which said claims arc'sltti'ated, to vrit i ' " oection-4; , , , .', -, ;, , Th'e'E i of N. IV. i oi": ; W-, ,i of Section 4. , The "W. i of N. E. i of KJYi ot Section 4." ' "" " TbenrofSE.'i(B(KfiW. i qf Section 4s-. e - . rr ersr-r TSTT 1 ' F'Tho,LrSfrs-.'-woi:2sOr I of Section 4. " ' ',- Tbo E.-'i'of'K'W: J ofS. W.' J of' Section 4."' ' i'1 -' . ffhe. S. W. 4- of N. W. . -of S. W. i of Section 4. .. i-iti;:i -j jTj-:, tr'i-i ?- y,e Y-i Pf S-ift' WHi J V., and containing 132 58-100 acres'. TVrttP?. !ur has- thiv.-Qtlli'of Sep tember, 187 J, ,.'.;"" GEORGE YOUDES ' X. 15. SALTJUARSH, ... .REUBEWJSALTALAfi'SII, , -, SYLVESTER SALTHARSH; Roskdcro Land Oftick, ) f:rr sSJ?.m,.'f JWXl.tri It is Hereby orderHf-tliat'tbe'foTdKOlntnotic uu jiuuiucu ,jur uu .aays in.tne.usEaoN risN rK-vt: ' ' "Wu. R." WILLIS Register. -;irBINGEN HERMAN,1 Receiver. 7sepl90d Exd '' 3wy o 1 -h, e9 Z '. Soa. -.-na -Jzi -A a o H 0 tffl u. ! 00 CO cc Ui a. a: a UJ o z p PC j, b 3 . -2 1 txl o CO ,J..' .X - '-J'-- PACIFKMJSIVERSITl5, FOREtjtfWtivKr'-- -: ditEco.v. Rer.S.H. irar,h DiD.:.. ...... ..'.Trcsld&t, ' -":.and PrOfOf IhtelleMIlil,r'hl1nlSnl', fier. IlJlvbuto, A. M:.. . .Prof, of 'Mathematics? Geo JI. Chllia-i Al J.. Prof: of NaVnml'RHnfA ."Wir. JIr4l.X iT.rrof. of LatlnWd itfree 4. J. Anderson, A. 31.. .. .Principal'oT Acadlmvl tr."' K: A- ' l"9" "' "'' Preceptress. 'Miss (bAOisWln. r,.-?IeacberPMusic. Thercaro fotir'ctitiftei: of ltu"ay,toTn?erthe want or all who have advanced beyond the com- hit-it inn nl" n TC1I. .-i... . v,iil -' ' ft"K"suieaucaiioniT ,R,v ... 'The text terra begins September 1, 1871. The, completion "of- lhe Willamette Galley Railroad to Forest Groverw'ill, oon make the Institution 'accessable' from all p'ar'ts"6f tbe Valley.-,,. , - T ,- , a The location is beautiful and salubrious. Sa loons are 'excluded by provisions' to the deed" which.giyCitiUe to the lands, . , -- v,. The Apparatus apd the collections In tbe de partment Cf'Kalliral Wtlnrr ori nn.M..'ih. ;and are constantly increasing;. ...-', ,. Tr"-7ABr3TiSPfiffi!!!!' by an enlargement of his bousevhas made pro-' '"'UC'0J foaming young ladies; '.-a lab: uXi ..Tvv-U!" furu'fnea roomfnei and IlRhts, $B0 per term. of. 13' weeks M-J -Tuition fromSMq.''(..S.!k -- xonng men can board-lhi-mselves, or obtain ,1iboard " "'oni $3 to Si ner week. "Fdl"PartI,:i'ardafesVth Presiarnt? ASHUND MARBLE WORkF rXRrtf.lf.Vr'.-Xrr.;-'!;;;' "L'ii! MBBMTEiokrullEW made to order., - ft 1 vjtn J.. HV RUSSEL- 1 Ashland. -Jnlvilow v .iV"0.' rfSTBCtisrr - Tf - Jol Minting done sft 1U t2J vv L7 tOe OEIVTlNEt "OffitS'Cft IwiT Ti'.i . J.S , " "t ion-aV ;& naebnll t. 3 'H rs n bx-ic(fj i!1 n T t ,fViT 'V TT" ff- .LFISHffi i BR OTHER , -C6KSKI1..0P; 'ill l.fflll UK T3K AII "iLUTiST. .... lJ??Vraii3frjSj?i lfc .-..toil iiuiMi ottj jc j;t !i;JA.QiSQMV!kL,Eii 1 i.,t. in- Jl ti-nt-h .'! .K erlf Have on kanti-a''"0 li : it taw .. it-iij .1cf.11! 1 .it to aoauTixa oJx V- -V-i'-iVi. iiiiLEfli?"i!i fi'J .nrPJRVoX.- r: x .Ja-.i ait-; t ih to L CLpjl-fiNeT .i; mho v ; 'ciT'i. r , 1 - - -'-rtij idT .' f.-j JBOOTS -AMD SIIOE! ' ' ' -i iifj 1. "-.: yt' 1 .:ii' "(' t c, ll .1 f T"-.Jltntl Ifl : tsiiu, .tl CUfTLERY, LlQUphtS, Oj li i1 ti fit i 51 OROCKEaYEtc011 ll )'' iilJ "n i!7r i-i-,, "iv '::,.' ," .r.'-'T ,i- r.. it'p'f: ' n ui 01 wntcn win be so'iL,., f .c i, "ik'twiT'''e:r?ll!'f,?jith';l-ri ifjff rr&WBaiu,ilirig4! ,. ...' .'I ill m 1 ..... T if '. ''I , j;UNI,ON-LIVEftY' I 'stfii; t "rr- . . "rr. , ,.1 -i,.-2i- " -s. "Q, as o i - 1.1 j iS-i-B,' S T .a33 Xs 33 :'M' yxiZcSi 11 11 KUBLI & WILSON .. . r .1. T tl -)" ' 1. ,-jnti, -.1 (..o.-' j- " .Proprietors. nt.''- " j ,i-i 1 I rjdl 'jl in n I """rrt i- vi , 1 : iiai-n'... -J; c "- R rpUE prbprfetors ha-Tc nfcenlly p'uJch'edVl 'd6rit-rb?TC'W't'!1a0"fl'lf:Ua'ilU't'fcd oa''a 'he the it'" '. ' eif wit i -' I California and-Fonrth Streets, .3 niootiff ioc "c.ti ' ''"' "' au stall limes, at reasonable rates. Their stock f;.rgadstr-cannot be'rTjUallcd'i'n'thc'Sfate. ' ?3s.ES.,QAPn?p 11 MOitlreabha'ble termsJ'and'tHenicrft Care and attcplwn bestowed unaathcmbiloUud'their charge. Also jaT ..-ic, r - ill r.ii-;. r n ' i''A tlADOPO rtrwmrm. '. .. r- ja. iUftWOOIUULUII I) A.MiOLU. 'r f.-iii 7roi!it 11 ' ' 1 1 .- .' V ' -3J; ; li:-: ' S'ti; "3 ucing satistied tharthey can gly tion, Iher.prpprtetofs libRelPthriVi e salisfaa- palrongcpf aovT "i'fiuclu .iATArt :-:! .'- ri j.kaTvW..fth?ii?-r17i5 -a' EXJBfilOfi1 nie . tt ' a n .1 XarllYfE R "ST S T-A'-fi I?5g.!C On OrtionTsfeel, JackjonTille.,,,. . . .11 IIJI O 1 janT- -.fimiftivr J otiT , i M . 1 trnos I T -T i I Weslejr Maaaiti'-rixjprietor. llaYidg bought out the euf ire intereit-of Mr, Rlymale. Jfhcrcwita Inform lh'V"puHlle!that t lboa?ifi!l?5?.!ck'-'f's.t- a iojjIUI ffici IT H2!RNfltJ: BUGGIES Vfc: OARRfAdkV, noKLTto ;and I am patrons, and the public generalry, with- 4s'' .rnoH'" FINE TURNOUTS '' 14 Us can heihad:6fi .tbe.ii,jiclfiotTCoajt. :ddle- BOUGHT AND rfOLD? : S ' pprsef broke to worfcsiuglear double. (IHor sea udiMedJ-ana l&y Vest'care" bestdwed .upoa them.jtbliejlo hiyjebarge::. 7 ft ibis-ti ; ,,J3iy,ri'(mtj.flfJrcwonai' r . T A liberal share of the nnhllffc,i.l fJ ri CASH. solidfted.'141 ' " -'."- " " ksgnrillej Jannaryr28Vvil8Tl'- ' vccgrioO DncjiBgnl x! JI otlJ '. .qilli.1'1 tFTiT rr-fW? BOUND tOfUT-.X -A " "SC JMr ' ' ''' jtS B.OUNJDrjvQ ri-M!rtrrn-'A iJLrJTJLi tarn- --'. au tub rr-iMRa iCO 3n 9 ; -". .13JJW cj-TTfia. '4 HORSE -SHOEING -A to 12 t - V.t: ? . a Z'-- EJa.ftffite difcown- 'ere cash la paid. no.oi w aren,Uln,lg5a t- i- r