Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, June 17, 1871, Image 3

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    THEMOH- sentinel.
Satuedat Morning, June 17, 1871.
Li. P.FUUer720&21 New Merch
ant's Exchauge?tsouronlyVulborizcd,agenl in
Baa Francisco.'4, ForlEastern Advertising. Mb
FijHEEiis represented by S. II. Pctteiqili. &.
Co. ofHeifjTork and Boston. ,
Hudson & Ale net are our only au
thorized Agentsln the Atlantic States. Office
41 Park How. "Times" "Building. New York
City.All orders must come through them.
Utt0t0Uj$ otm$.
i -
Rev. M. A. Williams will preach
jttthf.MJKcb"urch,fto-m6rfow morn
ing, at the usual hour.
FATHKii'BLA'NcnKT .will hold divine
services at the Catholic church to-morrow
at the usual hour.
Notice. I want a good young
lawyerto edit the Sentinel.
B. F. Doweix.
New Comebs. Smce the opening of Spring
many strangers bave come among us, man; nc.
compnnieJ bj their families, who hare perma
nently located here, others looking out for lo
cations, merely staying a short time, but who
will perhap", if pleased with onr localityetnrn
here sooner or later. A. large stream of im
migration is pouring into oar State from Uali.
foruia as well as from tht Eastern States. A
gentlenan told us, that over thirty immigrant
wagons, bound northward, parsed through
Phoenix in a single day, recently. Let ns there
fore extend 'a hearty welcome to all of them,
and assist them as much as possible, not only In
procure homesteads on reasonable terms for
those wanting to.buy, bat also suitable and re
munerative employment for those in search of
it. Let every citizen exert him-elf in this mat
tcr and much good may be accomplished.
Snoomo Affbay. A telegram, dated
Boseborg, June 11, says, "There was a most
desperate affray, this morning, about 1 0 o'clock,
betweeq Thomas and Henry Gale, editors of
the Ensi'gn, and Win. Thompson, editor ol the
Plamdealer. It occurred, in front of the Post
Office. - The quarrel" nroe out of newspaper
articles. Tbftnpson is shot in six places,
through the face, neck and shoulder, and bis
face was grazed by a bullet. Thomas Gale is
tbot tbroagh the breast, the wound is cons'd
tred dangerous if not fatal. Henry Gale was
beaten over the head with a revolver and bad
ly hurt."' We have learned since that they are
all considered out of danger. An affair like
this is certainly much to be rcgretttd, but we
consider it the ligitimate consequence and al
most sure to follow when editors devote a large
portion of their newpjpers to personal abuse of
each other, instead of endeavoring to give to
their readers the current news of the day, or to
discuss the leading political questions in an in
telligent, liberal, nnd sensible way. Personali
ties nd iusult will not only never accomplish
anything, but are simply dL-gusting to the in
telligent reader.
Rain Storm Our valley was visited. lat
"Monday, by a rain storm ; it rained pretty
steady, all day, a rather unsual thing to do lor
onr climate, at this season of the yiar. 'I he
rain, although of vast bimfit for gnrdms, late
town grain, pasture and meadow lands, was
Dot a welcome visitor to those of our farmers
who bad early sown heavy grain, causit g it to
lodge, and damaging it in some instances con
siderably ; nor to those who had grass cut fur
hay exposed to it.
Ah Aobeeable Surprise The printers
of this office, in coming into the office yester
day morning, were agreeable surprised to Gid
a kef of fresn lager, already tapped. At first
they were inelintd to approach It rather cauti
ously, thinking that it might probably be a
torpedo in disguise, but upon closer eiuminu
Hton the well knowo,initials S. V. were diseov
ered on it, and all doubts concerning its identi
ty were dispelled immediately, and attack was
made on it, at once. May Veil Schu'z live
as long as Methuselah, and his progency be as
numerous as Abraham's.
ArpoiMiiEkTS-The Committee on Ora.
ttoD, ic, .Fourth of Jnly Celebration, have
made the following appointments : Chaplin,
Ber. B. Rt Johnson ; Orator, Rev. I. D
, Driver; Reader, B.B. Watson; Grand Mir-
vahal, E. D. Foudray ; Assistant Marshals, C.
AV. Savage and James McDuniel.
J .New Law Fieb. In another co'umn will
be found the card of Kahler & Watson, At-
torneyt-at Law. Thy are both well known to
Stoat of our citizens, as young men of ability,
-'energy, and Industry, nnd any business rntiun-
.edito them will be sure to be" well altendfd to
Settle Ur. To whom it msy concern,"
read advertisement of Miller & Shannon in an
other column of to-day's paper.
J&Ecno:-cirOrncitRS The regular dec
tion of officers, for the nzt term. Jacksonville
Lodge, tfo. 10, 1."0. 0 F-wil take place' on
Beit Saturday evening, June 24. 1871.
- ew Store. Rjajnes k Sachs bare open
vd acew store at Phoenix, and it is their in
, tention to cell, so we are told, their goods a
a cheap as lhey arc. sold in this city, as iheii ex
penses will be much lees they won't have to
paj'lotf "sprinkling the streets."
Occidental TJdartz Mill has cleaned np,
iler a'ahort .ran jjreTwcfe notable to ascer.
taii.the jsionnt realized, bnt suppose, as usual
plenty of amalgam..
Oats for 'Fort "Klamath". We bave been
informed that the contract for the delivery of
the year's supply for Fort Klamath has been
awarded to citizens of this valley. Sachs Bros
of Ibis'dty, will furnish a good-portion of it.
Donco Well. We are informed by one of
the owners, that the 'Rogue River Mining
Company " nre"pubing their work51' forward
rapidly, and they soon expert to be able to.make
it "pan-out." Their success will encourage
others to undertake similar enterprise, and we
hope goon to be able to chronicle the fact that
they bave '-struck it biff."
Personal. Mr. B. F. Dowell ar
rived in town, last Monday, from
"Washington. Mr. D. L. WaUon and
lady, from Empire City, came np on
stage last Tuesday. Mr. Watson called
on us since, and we were much pleased
to see him look so ti ell and contented.
General J. B. "White and family, of
Rock Pointy visited our burg during
the week. Mr. C. Hees, has'sold his
farm, and intends to remove to San
Francisco. Mr. Alex. Miller has also
been in town, this week, from 'the Re
servation. Street Opened. Third Street has
been partly opened, graded, and a new
substantial bridge built across Rich
Gulch. It is intended to soon open it
to where ii intersects the Sterling road.
The work, as far as completed, is done
well, and reflects great eredit on our
efficient Supervisor, .Mr. S. Dunlap.
Cincus. The Great New York Cir
cus will give an exhibition at Jackson
ville on the evening of the 24th inst.
They will perform but once in this
place. It will open at 8 o'clock. Tick
ets 81, for grown persons; children, 50
The Fourth of July Committe have
engaged the "Jacksonville Band" for
the celebration of our national anni
versary. Tito "Jacksonville Band" is
composed of men uho'take pains to
keep themselves in good practice, and
who have succeeded to establish, con
sidering their number, one of the best
music bands in the Stale.
"Red Knights" of Jacksonville are
drilling, under Capt, Jot-epli Hyzer, at
Veil Schutz' Hall, for a "grand parade"
on the next "Fourth of July."
Exhibition. The cxatninination and
exhibition of the scholars of the Saint
Mary's Academy of this city, (Si-tors'
School) on last Thursday, at Home's
Hall, passed off in fine style, with
much credit to all who participated.
Graduated Miss Ida Beach, a
pupil of Saint Mary's Academy, of this
city, graduated I.vt Thursday, receiv
ing a diploma and gold medal.
Rbbekau Degree Meeting. The
regular meeting of the Rebekah De
gree, Jacksonville Lodge, No. 10, 1. O.
U. if., will be held on Monday evening,
June 26, 1871, at 8 o'clock. All mem
bers in good standing are invited to
At Home. The Sturgis (Michigan)
Journal, contains the following :
"Judge Orange Jacobs, of Washing
ton Territory, has retuined to this
place the residence of his father, and
the home of his youth after an ab
sence of twenty years. He has re-
hided tor many years in Oregon, where
he has filled many important position",
until he received the appointment of
Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of
"Mr. Jacobs when a young man. re
siding in this place, was known to lie a
man of ability and integrity, and the I
proihey was that he would make his
mark in the world Siurpix i proud
KV uic ri:iiu 1UIIII tills UUIlg 111111 lu
the "Western wilds, lo" help mold the
character and institutions nf that new
country, and is now lad to welcome
him hack fur a short time to the scenes
ol his early d.i's.
"Before he shall return to hishmein
the West, the peoplf of Sturgis will
expect to hear from him in a moro gen
eral way in Union Hall." ,
Ague King. The season for fever
and ague and similar disorders is now
approaching, those unfortunate enough
to contract either, will find the "Ague
King" a sure and safe remedy. Sold
at the "City Drug Store."
VJLD teejodices ABE DYING OCT.
New facts arc killing them. The idea
that invalids weakened by disease c--fn
be relieved by prostrating them with
destructive drug, is no longer enter
tained except by monomaniacs. Ever
t-incc the introduction of Dr. Walker's
Vixegaii Bittkks, it has been obvious
that thnir regulating and invigorating
properlie are all MifHeient for the core '
ofchronioindigetiin, rheumatism, con
stipation, diarrhoea, nervous affections
and mal.trious fevers, and they are now
the standard remedy for these com
plaints in every section of the Union. I
From the Salem Statesman of June
8th, ,wjb. copy as follows: .
Mr. John V. Ramsey informed ns
yesterday that his family was increased
by aTiew arrival, 4 little son, the J5th
child of the same mother. "We con
gratulated John on having learned the
multiplication table well, but he comes
back' to rectify the count, having ar
rived home and investigated the family
records, he dUrovereil that it was only
the four teeutli ; but after all, fourteen
is plenty, even for so prolific a country
as Oregon.
Toe opposition to infalibility among
the Catholic clergy is spreading. Close
upon the case of Dr. Dollinger comes
that of M. Egh, a priest of some note
in Switzerland. He has refused to ac
cept the dogma or to recommend it to
his congregation. The anathema has
been directed against him.
A .Scholarship in the National Bus
iness College, at Portland, can bo had
on favorable terms by applying at the
Sentinel.' office.
DOLLARMDE-On Jane 10, 171. to the wife
of Henry Clay Dollurnide. a daughter.
residence, on Bear Crei k. June 13. 1871. by
Rev. Father Itlancbet. James D. Buckley and
Margaret Reiily, all of Jackson county.
A Chapter of Facts
Spice is valuable in a newspaper,
and it is therefore proposed in this ad
vertisement to condense a variety of
facts, important to the public, into a
small cnmpas. Those facts refer to
Hostetler'M Stomarh Bitters what
th.it celebrated mediciue is, and whit
it ill do. In the first place, then, the
article is a stimulant, tonic and altera
tive, ron-Ktiiic; of a combination of an
absolutely pnre spirituous agent with
the most valuable medicinal vegetable
substances that Botanic research has
placed at the disposal of the chemist
and the physician. These ingredients
are compounded with great care, and
in such proportions as to produce a
pi operation which invigorates without
exciting the general system, and tones,
renul.tles and controls the stomach, the
bowels, the liver, and the minor secre
tive organs.
What "this great restorative will do
must be gathered fiom what it has
done. The case of dvspepsia, or any
other form of indigestion, in which it
has been persistently administered
uithout effecting a radtcil cure, is yet
to be heard from, and the same may
be said of billions disorders, intermit
tent lever, nervous affections, general
del'ility, constipation, sick headache,
mental disibilitii-s to which the f-eble
arc so Mibjfct. It purifies all the fluids
of the body, including theblool, and
the gi-ntle stimulus which it imparts
to the nervous system is not succeeded
by the slightest reaction. Hits is a
chapter of facts which n-adnrs, for their
own sake?, should mark and remember.
For a few cents you can buy
of your Grocer or Eruggist a
package of SEA MOSS FABINE
made from pure Irish Hoss or
Carrageen, which will make
sixteen quarts cf llano Ilange,
and alike quanu.y CI fUQQingS
Custards, Creams, Charlotte
Eusse, &c. It is te cheapest,
healthiest and most-delicious
food in the world. It makes a
splendid Dessert, and has no
equal as a light and delicate
food for Invalids and Children.
A Glorious Change!!
Plantation Bitters.
This wonderful vegetable re
storatiTe is the sheet-aachwr of
the feeble and debilitated. As a
tonic and cordial for the aged
and languid, it Has no eqaal
among stomachics. As a remedy
for the nerroHS weakness te
which women are especially sub
ject, it is superseding crery ther
stimulant. In all climates, tropi
cal, temperate, or frigid, it acts
as a specific in every species ef
disorder which undermines the
bodily strength and breasts down
the animal spirits. Far sale by
all drnsgisU. '
New Watch-, Clock-, '& Jewelry-
3 T O H. ZEJ ,
of the TJ. S Hotel, opposite P. Ryan's
store. Jacksonville. Oregon ; where caa be
found a general assortment of
Goia nnd Silver "Watches;
Gbldand Silver Chains and Jewelry,
Gold . Silver , and Steel bowed Spectacles,
Eltfht Day and Thirty Hour Clock.
' The American Watche. In both Gold, and
Silver cases will be furnished at
All goods represented and fold Inr just what
they are. and for the lowest living pru&t.
W Watcher. Clocks. Jewelry, and Sewing
Machiues cleaned and repaired for prices to cor
respond with the times.
October 1, lb7U.
Corner of California and Ihtrd Stt.
L. HORNE, Proprietor,
Public that he ha? the lamest, best, and
most corns-odious Hotel in Soulbern.-.Ortgon.
It la located In the central part ol Jackson
vile; Stages from the North and South leave
regularly from the U. S. HOTEL.
The Hone has lately beeb re painted, and
renovated ; the rooms, are newly furuUbed. aud
well ventilated. The Bet'room are. supplied
with SPRING BEDS, and every other con
venience for the comfort." of the guests.
Can be had at reasonablerates, according to the
room occupied.
Will be supplied with the best the market can
Can Hnd at this Houseroom especially arranged
for their comfort and convenience, a well an
every attention and comfort usually found at a
well kept Hotel.
Iattiched to the Hotel, for Balls, Meetings.
Shows, &c and cau be had atreasonabla terms.
Jacksonville. Oregon, Jan. 8.I870.-U
Odd Fellow's Hall,
Jacksonville, Oregon.
Traveler' and resident boarders will find
Placed in first class order, and in every
Way superior to any in this section, and
unsurpassed by any in the Stale.
And a plentiful snpply of the best of every
thing the market- affords will be ob
tained for
IlerrafifT. her ITnnse will be kept open all
night, nnd square meals can he bad at any ttmi
Ihrnngh theiilght, Oysters prepared in every
style. Innches etc to 1k had. Slag passengers,
and nthvrs. nut late at nieht. can alwavs find a
gnnd lire, hot meals, and good beds at the above
No trouble will bo snared to deserve the pat
ronag" of the traveling as well as the perma
nent community.
Jacksonville. Pee. 25. 18G9.
Army Supplies.
Orncx CHUf Comnisiar DirT or Till Cotcu,
Poxtusd, Ogn., May 8, 1871. J
will be receivid at Ibis office till 12 M ,
Wednesday. Jnne 7. 1871, for the delivery at
Fort Klamath, Oregon, of the following sub
xisteuce supplies, viz :
81,000 Pounds Flour,
The flour to b of good quality, in new.
strongacks. free from sizing, each sack con
taining 100 pounrt. net. or nnnr. i ne a-nvprv
tu commence in July, 1871. and to be cnmp'.ef.
i-d by the 30lh of Novemln-r. In7l. Ao. at
same time and place. Sealed Proposal', in trip
licate will be rrceivf d for furnishing troop, and
other who may receive subsistence at Fort
Klamath. Oregon :
fresh Beef or, tlie Block,
commencing July 1st, Ih71.
Bidi mut slate Vne pries per ponnd in U. S.
currency, written as well as expressed in fig
ures. Toe Hour to be subject to inspection 1m
tore beinp rrc -'ived, and payment will be made
by the Corr.nn-ary. at the pot. at the end of
the mon'.b during hich the article or articles
have been d'livered and accept) d. And mbid
will be entertained unless accnmpaniid by a
depositor 10 percent, in currency of the money
valuf of the art cle proposed to he furnished,
a security that if the contract is awarded they
will enter intu bonda for the faUhtull lalSIl
ment of the same.
A copy of tbi) advertisement to accompany
each bid.
Bidders or their authorized agent are In
vited to t present at the opening nf the bids
The right to rijict any and all bids is re
served by the Unil d. Sidles.
Envelopes containing Dias must DC ma-Kea
Proposals for , at Fort Klamath,
Contractors to pay for this advertisement,
pro rata.
l3mavStr Capt. and C. S. U S. A.
'gBtfnNEI." 6TF10E,
Or printed to order.
. ways ou hand at tbc
City Brag Store.
cft)o., cfeo.
"W. L. COWAN, Druggist.
City TJrug JStoxro.
JaeWnville, Sept 10. 1870.
'lIIE nnilerflgiiHl herchy beg leave to tn
1 form the iutilic that on Monday next,
Juiie5lb, lS7l.be will optru a German Private
School ; tbc-lcssons tu consist, la reading,
writing, rp aklng. and ciphering
Term ; quarterly, at. the rate of tix dollars.
Extra le-sons ale-eniogs to full. parties.
Expecting a liberal patronage and promising
atiffacHon.-greets, Wji. KREUTZER.
Jackconrille. Oregon, Kay 30. 187h
VE1T SCHUTZ, Proprietor.
formed ihatthrv can And. at any time, at
the CITY BREWERY the best or Lager Beer,
n quantities to suit the purchaser.
Jacksonville. Jan. 15, 18"0-tf
U S. Land Officr, 1
Roskbcrg, Oax., May 3. 1871. f
COMPLAINT having been entered al thif of
fice by S J. Day and N. A. Young againt
Wm. M. Sterrns for abandoning his donation
claim in section 2;'. township 35 S., Knnge 1 W
in Jackson cunnty, Oregon, with a. view to the
cmcrllatinii of said entry : the said parties are
liT.-by summoned to appear at tbi office on the
24ih day of June. 1871, at one o'clock, r. ..
to re-pond and furnWi testimony concerning
raid alleged abandonment.
Vm R WILLIS, Reeisler,
27may4w B. HERMANN. Receiver.
OFFICE: Corner of Giltfumia If Fifth Su.
Particular attention given to the regulation
of children's teeth.
Teeth extracted without pain, by the use of
the late method of auatheia.
All work warranted, and satisfaction guaran
teed. Jacksonville. Nor 20 tf
THE HDIBS of Jark-onville and vic'nlty
are respectfully Informed that we have
selected. Kith special care, a full aud suitable
assortment of
Millinery and Straw Goods.
Ladies and MIses trimmed and UMiimmfrt.
tats. Bonnets. Frames. Straw" B;!ds. Or,m.
menu. Flowers, Ribbons, Necklaces. Ornaments
for the Hair, Thread. Netdles. and Pis.
Also a fine as-ortnviit of Trimtr.'mgs of the
will be kept constantly on bind.
Fleategne ut a ea.
Misses A.E.4L A. KENT.
Jacksonville.. y,rch ?.5t 1871.-3m
(T0TICE Is hereby eiven that the under
LH sigin:d B. F.MVmi. has been duly ap
pointed, ai d bond- approved.
U, 8i Deputy Surveyor,
nr Mineral CI ttuf. In and for Mining District,
No. 1. the said djstrictbeinjr, defined in extent
In public notice !Mnd Irom U. d. Surveyor
iien'rais wuim-ior in" isinct oi uregoo(un
der d ite of Oct 30. 1S70.
All prsons drsirous of entering mineral
claims in said district under the acts of Ctin
Uress approved July 22. 181C and amendatory
ncl approved July 9 1870, must bave the same
surveyed by eailiority.
Mineral claims may be entered that aresilu
atid on nnsuTteyed lands as well ss on sur
veyed lands.
All cnmintnicallons addressed to mc at Ash
land Mills. JacKSon Co- Oregon, will receive
pnimpt attention. a I will give all ussistauce
in m power to claimants wishing to avail
Ihemst-lves nf the law authorizing the sale of
mineral lands.
TJ. S. Deputy Surveyor.
Dated at my OffiVe. near Asblaud Mills, Ore
gou. March 21. 1871.-tflarJ
3E S
yoa Tou ban Wed every rnntdy but tb ON B -,
ttesUaed, by Its tntrtusta menK. to superset! alt su.i
tor preparations. It Is net surprtetnc you saooM b
retnetaat lo try smeibloir else after uwr maay x."
pertinents you tiara mads ortraiby coaaansata
jobjed on topubJlouactruacure;lvi, w)
Pnlnioiaa?y Syruj
Is really ttw TT3T BTJST remedy ever CoapaMdrt
for tba euro of Coughs, Colds, bore Throat, Atthnu,
VrnooptDg Cough, Bronchitis an4 Consamptlaa. Tho-.
Sands or peopla In Calltornia and Oregoa bar becfi J
abaadybenettud by tb sarpruaaj carulvs pomj
Pulmonary Syru.ji
and with ene accord gtvs tt their wqnallW appr-
stiAn tva mv address ottftclres to all vho Sm na.
acauainted artth this, tha greatest Panacea otth sga,
ror tha healing of all diseaf"' of lh Threat aa4
Jaags, asaaruig you thai
Pulmonary Syrup
bas eared thonsands and It will enra.TOO IX you Sj
This lnvaloabla medicine Is pleasant to th tastst
soothing, healing and strengthening In Its effects; en
tirely frea from all poisonoos or dtleterlousi arags,")
and perfectly harmless under all circumstances
Certlllcates (ronr many prominent duiess OL jaa -Francisco
accompany every bottle of
Pulmonary Syrup
KEDIXGTON & ca Agents, Sia Frsndsca.
A general Family Jfcdlelae. It taaiovtr
eign remedy for - T
Diptheria, -
And kindred diseases of the, TI1BOAT, aad
unequalled in curing Dysentery DUrr.baa,
Cholera, Colic, Cholera Morbus. nile i
Bnrae; Sprstin Bntises e)c, etc;re.tonct
relieved bylti. timely (use. .
Trulv a Vegetable Fit par
SSftflani ccnnTne'Tnnout'iI"fiJ of
Unexcelled foF Toilet Use and for The Balb.
. N
Thi, valuable preparation, conlainidgTn a
hichly concentrated form. all. the iri'ltrlies of
Jamaica Ginger, has btcome 'one ol the soft
popular domestic remedies for all diftatej tf
the stomach and dieesliv'eorgaus. -
As a tonic, it will be found invaluable to all
persons recovering from dtbility. uLelhcr pro
duced by feveror olhernisc; lor while it im
parts to the system all Ihc clow actTvieor that
can be produced by wine 0( brandy, jt fj en.
urety tree trom tne reactionary eHtcts;lba.t fol.
lowthe'.te or spirits nf any kind?
It is nIsaTtn- excellent reiprdy foriTcirales
who snfftr from difficult mtnsttiialion, glvini
slmnst Immediatp relft" 'o 5,e sjafirR tbt (Q
frequently accompany tnal.pMod-J
Iteives (mmullalP. relief to Nausea. mse
by riding In a ri'iifoa'd Car, oby sca-tickotn
or other cages'.. ' , j
It is a',o valuable a an external appIicattoB
or Gr.nt, Rheumatism. rTeiiralcla.elc
- .-,.- . TRnniNGTON,&.CO..
5234 531 jrarket St:.'I,efeenTIrt and
Second, corner pf Ecker? SaiJ Francisco.
Use Electrc-SiftSon, ""i
Or Magis BrMllaLt
i - ..
This article, possessing "tteimost delicate
fragrance of Flowers, is nneqnaUd ai a per
fume for the Handkerchief .j; cr- ,p
: . afP.R. -THE, BATHJCO-rj
.Ued" In bathing. It ImpartVenergy.,ana
strength to the system, and gives that toftntsi
and delicacy' lo the skin so much" desired by all
It removes Subbnrn, Freckles'tf Pimplei.
Diluted wih water, It' makesan efceileit
Dentriaco., imparling pearly whiteness toll
teeth. sweetness to the breath, arid renders the
gums hard, and of a beautilal cnlor.-,
Itsboiildalways.be used aaexjhayjng. di
luted with water, as It relieves all Inflsn stlon
529 i.531 Market St , betw:frFirsl.-4?
ispciniit, corner of Ecker,"8anfFfancfico.
T-rv ' ' " , '5
use .iiiectro-iiiicon,
a - ' u -j
. OK ii- r---)
Thebestartlcte'tver dlsCorcd.forrCIrsn.
fng and Polishing Gold. Silver and Plalid
Ware, and.' all. smooth s Melallci.5nrfs'ces. of
whatever description, rncIuding'KUcIfeh";TJien.
sils of Tin, Copper, Brsss.-Seelretr""
To Jewelers.andWorkers in Gold aid Silver
Plate,thcElectrc-Sil!con4-of-IneHiBialle vsl
Sept; 5th I8C.