m OREGON; SENTINEL JAffifeeLEHN, .M.T'i 'V, Vtm" " ' ' - " m " California Street.fbetweea-Ojegon and Third) Jacksonville. j-DEAt-ER AND WORKER IN W, SHEET-IRON COPPER, " KEAD ANT BRASS," KEEPS CONSTANTLY OX HAND an assortment of tbe best Tio, Shee tiron and Copper are. Brass Pipes .Hydraulic "ffoziles. Force "Pumps, TJliains. Lead Pipe. Hoaf HARDWARE CUTLERY; 'AILS ef all size, Bar, Plate and assorted Iron; Paints, Oils, Sizes and Glass; All qualities of Powder; Shot of all numbers; Bmsbesof eTeryrrariety-.Ttc, clc; A?op3ratd Willow Ware; RoperBrass and Iron "Wire; S-r-rrf-' r . ... ' CT , Ueksmith, Carpenter and Miner spools of every variety. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS r Jonajstiog of ' Cast-iron and Steel iPIows; I Self sharpening Feed Cutters; CauWronsTn'd Iron "WasB Kettles; Cultivators, Wheelbarrows, etc." Always-, on band, a large lot of Parlor Cooking, Office and Cabin Stores, of assorted sizes, plain and fancy, constructed on latest fuelsavrog plans. Boilers, Kettl".s, PoK Pans, and everything connected with these .itOTes, warranted durable and perfect. All articles sold or manufactured by him, ""WARRANTED, lib work is made of the best material and of choicest patterns. fi Orders attended to with dispatch, and filled according to directions. He is determin td to sell at LOW PRICES FOR CASH. Call and examine his stock before purcbas fng elsewhere. Sept. 14, 18GG. johnTilcer Importer of Farm Implements AND MACHINES. -T IAUDEX & DcFRAME'S NATIONAL BUSINESS COLLEGE, Fortlaud, Orogon, tg the most thorough and"complttc Institution of the kind on the Coast. It Is designed by its course of study and prac- rr i l'ce to place, a . -, , BUSINESS EDUCATION within the reaclt of ail. i' Every facility is afforded for acquiring a 60,UND, BUSINESS EDUCATION In the shortest possible time, and at the r 'i Zioast ""RTcapoTi fo. Every student will bare An Actual Business Practice, Miniature World of Business, To which be is introduced, after baying com pleted the Theory, and which has the effect of thoroughly familiarizing him with all the ml nutro of REAL BUSINESS! t This Feature of the Institution also affords an excellent practice in Commercial Correspondence, and furnishes abundant opportunities for test ing the Student's knowledge of . , , COMMERCIAL CAXCULATIOXS. In conducting this actnal practice, co'part li rsklps are formed, and when the day of dis solution and settlement comes, the subject of PARTNERSHIP SETTLEMENTS , Is taken np uninvestigated, and tlio principles practically applied, ' The. most thorough instruction is afforded in Business Penmanship ; also, a course in ' PHONOGRAPHY, At a practical short-hand reporter, for the bene fit ot those who desire to pursue this useful subject. CS- For circular, giving full particulars, address, LATJDEN & DeFRANCE. ' Feb. 5. ll70. ly PACIFIC UNIVERSITY, - . tfimEST OltOVE, - - - OIlEGOJf. JUv. S. II. Uanh, D.D. President Et. Illy", A. JT.-.fof. orMalheraatic". Gta.il. Oilier, A. 2f., Prof, of Natural Science. Jot. Jr. Marsh, A. Jf.. .... . .Prof, of Language. A. J. Anderson, A. Jf. .... Principal of Academy Mrs. A. J. Anderson.. ,,,,.., Preceptress FOUR COURSES OF STUbV-Acaacmic. SoUutlflc, iCollegiate and Ladies Collegiate. Music taught. Academy Year begins the Last Wednesday of: July. College year begins the first Monday 'of August next. for particulars address. S. ILMARSII. OS1 AZ1Z1 E1PC3V3DS5 FOR SALE AT THE 'SBNTINEL', OPEICE, Or 'printed to order. rr tTP "WITH THE TIMES, 4l. NEUBaER if HAS JUST RECEIVED AjN INVOICE of"goods from the East of the finest qual ity of LADIES' AND GENTS' NEW PAT TERS GOLD CHAINS.'OENTS'blLVtR VEST CHAINS. A fine choice lot of EN AMELED BOSOM PINS EAR 'KNOBS and DROPS, SLEEVE and COLLAR BUT TONS, and .BOSOM STUDS. A choice lot of DIAMOND, OPEL and PEARL RINGS. Also solid rings of his own make on band Jill the "time. 'Solid Silver ware, each a TABLE and TEASPOONS. DES SERT.SUGAR and SALTSPOONS.TEA and DINING FORKS, BUTTER and FRUIT KNIVES, WHOLE AND OPEN TOP THIMBLES or all sizes. Fine ENG LISH LEVERS in solid Gold Hunting Cases. A beautilul lot ol LADIES' WATCHES in solid Gold Hunting Enameled Cases. These have been elected, with great cafe for reliable time keepers. AMERICAN LEVER WATCH,, in heavy Hunting Cases, price from 35 tolls p' dollars, inese are ... - .... -- . THE BEST WATCHES For the money ever( brought into the market. They are Manufactured by the National Watch Company, sat Elgin, .111. 1 j - An assortment of " c . " On hand all the time. A new lot of eight daynd thirty hour docks, from (he bpst lac (ones. PLATED CASIERS.TABLEnnd TEASPOONS. KNIVES and FORKS, TOBACCO BOXES. SPECS ol all kind the London smoked, for weak eyes. POCK ET andTABCE CUTLERY marked-IXL. ACCORDEONS, FLUT1NAS. 'MUSIC BOXES, fancy and breeding BIRD CAGES; larce market, ladies' traveling, and children's BASKETS, Boys' TIP-CARTS ank WHEEL-BARROWS, doi.l-jba.bies! Choicest TOY DRUMS, Children's OHAI CES. THE" CEUEBRATED HOWE ASD FLQRENCl! ne"has a large lot nf Toyionhand a large lot of Dolls. A II kinds of fj9h hooks and Iine. The best of Guilar and Fiddle, Strings, ,A full assortment of PIPES, from the best Mer shauin to the cheapest Clay Pipqs. Month Pieces and Stem- of all kinds, Tobacco Pouch es, MATCH BOXES, etc. etc., and a large assortment of the best CIGARS. Alo al ways the most choice brands of TOBACCO, teoft and hard presstd. fine cut lor smoking and chewing. i All kinds of WATCHES. CLOCKS. JEWELRY A!U) ' ?SEW!NG-PTACHINESiA Cleaned and repaired af tbe lowest prjees! JOHN NEUBER.' O 2S E3f A. FOR . FISHER & BROTHER,- conUrn or California and Oregon Streets, ft 1I1 1 1 f I JACKSONVILLE, Have on hand a A LARGE STOCK OF -STAPLE DRXo GrQOjDS, 1--ir -CLOTHING,1', BOOTfti AKD SHOES. fr.3.' -AX .'V O . GROCERIES LIQUORS, CUTLERY, f I U , 1 1 .i (-, ,CRQCKEaY.Et 1 1 All'of which will be sola , AT REDUCED PRICES. A. FISHER & BROaj Jacksonville, June 25tb, 1SGS. iuui7-tt l"c" xll l"' CASH. FRENCH MEDICAL OFFICE Tm. Jcuiv PrjrRACLT. Doctor of Medicine of tbe faculty of Paris. Graduate of'hi Uni-cer-fijjjQujJn's ColeRe, and Physician of thj3t. John 6aptite Society of Sah.Francisco. ftt. Piriuclt ha the pleasure to infonn"pa fljntsancl others, seeking confidential medical anvlce,that he can ba- consnlted !fla!'y a(is of&ce. Armory Hill Bnilding: NorlhEast cor neivjlontgomeryand Sacramento Street". Ban Fpffici-co. Rooms Nor 9, 10,11, first doorAip stairs, datraflce Da either Montgomery orJSa cra'rqenrottreet'. 5" t ft " Dn. Pjuhucw studies hxre beep almo'trei clusively devoted to the cute of jlha Tarious form3 of Nervous and"Tbyjcal Debility, Jie results Ojlnjuriojjs habits acquired in youth,. wmcu uuany lerginaw in impoience ana syr rility, an3 pefman.entlyihducsall the conconii tant? of old ase. Where a jecret infirmity ict' it9 involving5heJiappfneofa life and thafof oiners. reaeunjjnO-nioraiiiy uiKaie me neceMijy of its r-morafe fjjt it is a fa'cf that premature decline 6J thfS-igor oFTnani6od. matrimonUl nnhappines'.'tomrrtil'orT sissle lilejf Ic . hive their sourfes tncanjes, perm of wbicVisplanted in early tljfe. 'jUid. the WtterUruit tasted lcfiig uiit:itwr , miituip. iituuriiif( unuer iuicom plaint. wjjl complain ofTDne er more of tbe fol lowing Fjmptqms Nocturnal Emifslonli. Pains In the Back and Hea ' Wclkvnes ofiIem6ry and SightrDi'charge from the Urethra on JrO- , ing iu mvwi ui iiiiin; .yniemiue inwiipctual Faculties are weakened," LoW of Memory en sue Idea? are clqpded, i.nd there i a disincli nation loattend to busmes. for even to read ing, writing, or pciety of Trltndefc. The patient will proliably comijain of8Dizzines, VertigoPand that the fight"and hearing dre weakened; and sleep dis lurbediliy dreams AIcl anchnlyj yinhing. p ilpitation.Taintiiig, cough' and slojfever ; while some have external rhjii matic paiii. and imiubnei ofjhe body, Some oftbe mist, common symptoms are Jrimplcs'in the face.alid achns in different pjrt of the body. Patients suffering frqm this dicae should apply immedntcly to Dr. I'krkaclt. either in pwson orliy letter, and he will guar antee a enre of Pefnlnal Emi'stons and Impo tence in fix to eight week". " TR Patients Fufftnng from vperial .disease in any stage! Jenorrnya Gleet. Stricture". Bubo Ulcers. Cutaneous Eruption- etc, will be treited fucce'-fully. All Syphilitic and Mer curial Taint" entirely removed from the typtem Dn. IVkhadlt's diplomas are in his office, where patient" can see for themselves that they are under the care of a regular tducitid prac titioner. The best reference given if required Patients fullering under chronic disease can call and examine for thenmlre. Wt invite investigation ; cliim not to know everj iLit g nor to curfjirjbdy. buCwJdJ'iSJaim that in all cacs taTen undi-rireatment we fulfill our promife?. We ptrlicularly nqnegt those who have Ute"d thUboaste3.1ocjorJ.an3 "hat .adrcr tied physician, till worn out an3 discouraged, 10 can upon mg- -r Tgft tftLowLCHicGEs and Qcick Ccx Ladies fullering from any complaint inci dental, to thciE-sczLcan consult the doctor irlth the"aS5ufanca"ietjelieCJ."C JH jEe'maldillfontiilySl'ills.n f renuEa' a femalrf raoJy, unapproacbed, ond far in nu' vancclofi any oil ex remedy f6r suppressions and irregularities, and other obstructions in female'. On receipt of five dollars thee Pills Willie sent by mail or express to any part of the world secure from curiosity or damage. Pci-sons-afa distance can'tCiCufed jtityiome, by addre&ing a Jeycr, to Dr. pKGttlnTWcnrner of Sacramento-andMonl'g0ineryiitreet4'Ro9m 10aml!U,orIox 973, P. d, SanFrapcifco. ftalng tbe eascnunnfely as posiblei ''general habits of living, occupation, etc.vetc. ? 4 June,4, 1870 -ly, ; , C0CCH1, JMSE.r.SS, ISFLUEZ1,- Sor Throat, Colds, WhooplDGroj-h, Croop, LiTer Com t)llot. rjronchittf . Asthma. DltMhai? nf Lnncv. and ,v,rr affection tt tW Thrtiat.l.linss'ailcl Chest; are tpeedJ j and pennancntlj cured bj the nse of Or. MIs(nr' nAltnmofiTllit Clierry. This ireH known preparation does not dm vo a eovgh and leave the cauc behind, as a theca'e Kith most medicines, but it losens and cleanses the lungs and allays imtalion, thustrcmoiwi the cause of Vie com plaint. .CUSSBJIPTIO.V CANJJE CCIJKD bj a timely rewrt to this itandird remedy, as 15 proved hj hundreds of testimonials received by the. proprietors. nei;ejiiBtienlcsstgtieiri.fl)rrTvSiTif'jW lowir & wi, rreprirwrs, iMjsion ooia Dy kesitotot, uosrnta Co San Francisco, and by dealers generally. lljnneOyl JL2J -3 SUMIVIOtMS. Justice Courttfar tPfecmttofJadsaacille, State of Oregon, County of Jackson. MornBanm, Plffw.ThomasN.Ballard,Dert. Civil IVdionio, Siovi?r Money. XO TIIOMS N. BALLARD, the above award dtftjmlaiiti-jlDvtlie jiamootthe State of Oregon, ypu, are hereby required to sppear before the underfTjned. a Justice of the Peace.or the precinct aforesaid, on the? 22nd daypf Decembei87qnat,10 o'plock, in. the justice, in faul precipe!- to answer the above liuuiru jiaiwuu iu a vivii acluu. ur II Qese summons be srved upon you by pnblication you are required 10 appear and answer faid complaint IxgetaTronQbii fij-j publication : to wit: on Ihe 2nd aay.pt February. 1871, at 10 o'clock.jLgi Thedereadant -will take no tice ibit'jf.'heilajl -to-aiKwer" tb coniplaint herein, the plainljff W(ll take judgment, ,agajnst him fbr'the mbj qf Torty fire SoTlarsSna nineiyl eight cents. Ui 9S loo) coin, 'and his cSts and dstr2Bi3HtST3- JVLTaJCCrJI , Given under myjiaud this 19th day ofiecem ber..D, I87p. . ,,. . ' ' JAMK FADE, , . 9 5- Ju'lice oflhe Peace Published fix.veek.yo theDatqiUiSKvrcEL, by order of lion . Jibie R rVadt Juf ticJ of the Peace for Jacksonville Precinct. Jackon connvyrOrrMffnadeoa IheYflOf Ms of De cember, A. D., 1870.t ' , r j r fGNERAlMERCHAND!SE 0froROTA(STSEl If JACKSONVILLE. OREGON! ;,HBW MM, m GOODS; Jl! J 'i ft' ....AND.. i. - LOW "PRICES WILL WIN! i THE UNDERSIGNED TAKES PLE VSURE ' 4fn notifying his friend and the public generally1, that he is now receivinj; and op ening a very large and extensive stock of ' STAPLE ,DEY GOODS, N BEADY MADE CLOTHDia, HATS AND CAPS, 'CALIFORNIA AND SALEM CLOTHS, BL,AKETS,Ls "' t It If HOOP SKIRTS ETC., T2TC. "91 t BOOTS AND SHOES, inches', Misses' & Gjiit'rerHsSTibes. "' I hdve. also, in connection filh -2 -s 35 'the above, a very large and -"a CS?, extensive stock of choice -a ' J tSF Groceries, Hardware, a r I Qneensware, -a C Glass- -a 35" ware. Cutlery, -a ' IS? PuintsanJ Oils; also, -a ' CWindow GlassNails, Iron-J 5- and Sieel, Cast and Steel -a Sf Plows, Wooden and Willow ware, "a Ijhm readvl.to pell anything in my line at the LOWEST CASH PRICE. Persons wishing to buy good will End It greatly to' their ad vangp lo, examine my ftock hefore pnrcha irf elsewjiere, as I am. determined not to be undersold by any houe In Jdckfon County. (Givoimea call, and then judge lor yourself as to my capacity to furnish goods as above. , .(. t ' JAMES T. GLENN. 'Jacksonville. December 25, ISfiD. tf i .CIIjHOLT, J San'tranclsco', ii. tr.noLT, i ew Hampshire. I . HOLT BROTHERS, Manufacturers and Importers, " or ' ' ' HARDWOOD LUMBER, WAGtjN" & carrugse' sxocil S7'Bcale Street, San rranclseo. Cat. OUR MANUFACTORY IS SITU AT r! n New Hampshire, near Cuncnrd, wlicre labor is cheap, and good material "plenti ful. Our prices arn very Iow,anditerin'reaoni ajdev Order" by mail or express, fojicittd and promptly filltd;t and with as much care as thonijh pirties were present themselves to select stock.. Parties ordering not known to us, will pase send cash orjcifyilFferences $3T- Sui for pr.ee list. Caug70-Ij "EXCELSIOE" LIVERY STABLE.- j- fln3Jrcgon street, JackaOnTille. ; PLYIVIALE &. MANNINGS jr , . . tL - s 1 3te s Te J iU -Vt Ji VJ VCJE- .i - .Having just received from San- Francisco a firnVstock of .--- HjARiVESs'BUGGlESjr'clRltii'pE, !." :tIL j ' i8 i "Jtjftr We are prepared to furnish our patrpnsr and tbVpublWgenerallyrwltb aj f. n il)uu. zrrr FIKB TD3t.OUTada.'J!D Ascau.hejhadoa tbej .Pacific. Cqast-jSaddle, horses hired to "go to an part of 1neTconnry: ALmaliI,, - ' , m-Ai. h.' fJn, BQUGHT AND SOLD Horses Moke to work single or double. Hot seabqardrdl and theubc"t care besfjjwed npaa them while in our charee. S?0URfERM3 ARE REASONABLE:- Ailiberaltbarei of the public. rpatronage; 3 EOiicuea. rLkJlALGS MANNING Oackronville', 0gn.,'0cU7th. J lC' .- .Rett . r NOTICE' - ' j-" IS hereby given thatthtrlrtderfignedwllt ap ply a jtheJleister andRteeiver of the Land Office aUtnieburg-. Oregon.' Ho enter the following described placer mining land, and to piWBriS'patennbrtbotfirnerthMiEu) 3IIT Sec, 31, T. 37, &1J.2.W,: Containing 20 acres : under. .the, provisions of thVbclCcgressrelating?opla'eltnlAaE, Witness my hand, this 11th day pf November. 18705" : ' i ''JOIIN PL'iMNfiR1.0' Iauno on r .bixsr ul Tiim ththe above potice,in tbeigeralsppjtcttloq o& John Plattner 6e published for nUietv (30). daytb(fOK?Gx;SWrS'o,,weekl'ew1a paprf,yeneral.!ircpat)opipubJi?he4task Rnnvlllff. Orpnn. ttoa it iiViR-WlLXlKesisterV jR. FLINT, Eeceivr.r?5nq8pdJlj? B e& UMi tiij'ilia 'ill:. Ail'.-; iiL.u-xb ajjrea, XteecNonIO.tAcIp &i&jMqa JitiWAl'Jff&Mim6 VAlng the full moon, in JacaiiVTUii ois! ECOX. - . il, JIAtVllit, w.il The N. W. i of N.-E; i of S. E. i of WHOSE1 SUFFERbf GS r ,"fct II Ho1 -Wt i M ' -HATE BUN ,l, i. A'f. 1i It lo 1-s . if '. tl' Protracted from Hidden Causes, n J'll 1.- H Jlf 41 'I J H.D WHOSK C1SES EKQCIBE . k ' .'joxir mw ji i. )(sa ftr1? ' " ilJlIel." fi.lj'1.11 , PROMPT TREATMENT 1 1 rr i oj ui . - f to' rentlerjlExistence Desirable,'" 1 j ,' ( 11 If you aro.spflerng, orlhaveruffcred.rtni Iijyoluntaryjdfsriargeswhaenect does Jt prc dupaupoai(jurgeaeralfie'althr Do , you feel weak, beblitated, easilj;tlrf,d J.Doea A. Jittle extra exertion produce palpitation of the heart Does yonr liver, or. urinary organs, or your kidneys frequently get out of order! ,Is-your urine sometimes thick, milky or flofkyor, Is it ropy dn settling i dr does' a thick scum rise td the lop ! Or is a sedfifien't at theVottotn after it has'stoodiawbile! 1 Do-' you have 'spells' of short rjath)ng or dyspepsia ! r Are yonr bow-i els constipated! Do you have pells or faint-t ing1; or "rushes of the ulood'.to the head! U your-memory impaired!' Is your mind con stanlly dwtUini! on thief iubiectr 'Do von wlh to be left alone, to pet awav from evervlmil Doe any little thing make you,start or jump! Is yoareleep broken op restless ! Is the Idstre of nureje as brilliant J The blogm ontjour .ucrn oa uitiib k uu ygu enjoy yourj'eii in 80 ciely 'as- well! Dd vou ouiue'Vouf- bnslnes. with tbeaaecnergr! Do you,feel as much connuence in yonrseiii Are your spirits dull and HasEine. civen td fits of 'melancholv? If so Co not lay it to your liver1 or dyppia. llnira VftW ...(1... nli.l.ta9 TTnw.1. Y. . 1. I. 4t.. j .vc.ioa ftiuut auui uuin weaK, vour knees weak, and have vou but little anne- tile. and you attribute this to dyspepsia, or livqr complain t ' '. ' 1 1 1 NOW, READER, self-abuse, venereal,, diseases badly cured, and sexual excesses are all capable'of, producing a weakness of .the generative pTgan. The organs of generatloniwhen'ni perfect health ' MAKE TUE MAN. ' , Did.touEvcr Tliiiik that those bold, defiant,, energetic, pjrsevering, successful business men,1 are always 'those whose generative organs are always In perfect health! r miji w f Ton nevcrhcar'su'eh'men complafn of being melancholly. of nervousness, or palpitation ot the heart. iThey. are jntveT afraid they cannot succeed in business ; 'thej dont become sad and discouraged ; they are, always poll to and pleas ant in Jhe company of ladies, and look you snd them right in the face, nono of your downcast looks or other meanness about the m." I do not mean those who keep the organs inflated by running to excess- These, will not -pnly IIUIX" 'TIIElViC(0NSTIXUtriONS bul also' those they" do'bu'iuesa with or for How many men, from badly cured diseases, from the eflecta of self abuse and excesses, have bronghfabonJ'thatMaieTof' weakness in'lhose organs tbitihas redrcedths general sys(em"H) muchas to indnce aimpseveyother, disease j ( '. 'i 1 tin fj IDIOCY, LUNACY, PARALYSIS, 1 1 (t ,!!? r ( ffu;1 sptnafTflectionssiilcIde, and almost every other form oCrdiseassj wbichj humanity is heir to, and the realcansj of thi'ttdubre scarcely-cver sus pected, and have doctored for all but the right one. Diseases of these organs require the use of a uiuretic H3 HlMLFIIflLWiJ w tFLUIDlETRACir ejuit w .'. C t , OT?73& JZ .C is tbe general Diuretic, and Is a certain cure for diseases of the- Bladder,- Kidneys. Gravel, Dropsy, Organic Weakness, Female Complaints, General Debility, and nil diseasea of tbe Urinary Organ, whether existing in Male or Female,' from whatever cause originating,, and no matter of how long standing If co treatment U submitted to Consumption or Insanity3 may;e8nels, Our Jfleh'firnd''brood are supported from these sources, and Ibe health and happiness., ami' that of posterity depends upon prompt use of a reliable remedy. JF it SB wll tL HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU r Established npwM of Nineteen Years is p'rVparedjjy; J. II. T. Ilelmljold, Druggist, 594 Broadway, New York, AND UW 104 Sontfa'TefitnfSr:'Pnna., Pa. ,wlli" lxxtlX. Price S1.25 per BoUie, or.BottlesJor S6 SO, delivered to any address. Solaby all brbggists everywhere? ' ' '' ' ""' ' n't ' no ' i "-"bnjmO JVOiE ARE GENUINE maleas ilone np in steel engraved "wrapper, "wltlrfac simile of my Chemical IVarehoase aud-signed (hMt-tJ'iiu n rOioB , v aJC - HaTr-JTEMtBOLD. 1 Sept. 15,(IeJp,-ly WAnir, I7o t ha fnJkr,"M,-r.-rwKit -ri IW9' IS JiOS 19413 a .IHi t-i: acis iuiir. Trotonri f r isa 9S5?Pai,I,UH tit 9K0& m - tr iA rriHBTroprietort twreTectnllyiorclMttt ',1V JL above well-known slaadrJiluated on the' California and Ponrth Streoti, iWberahe, very besthorrM 1 anajbrfg! ca .be had at all times, at reasonabkrates-TneJifotJlr" of roadsters cannot be equalled Is the?StateV 1 H6RSES,BaARDED' I 3 . . e 1T114 On reasonable terms. andLthf, best .car na'1 attention bestowed upon thca while uncfer thirr cbace?'"Alsowl'''juBarniMii m nHORSES)lBOUGHTiNDSpLD 1 1, tii n ' J a: a g i 0"! J W ' i 1 8, 1 . o Being, satisfied that they can, glr'e saLUSw: ttnn, the proprietors solicits" tbe patronW of ' tbfcublio.a) -f " 11 I . ... . ' " ' 't . 1 Jacksonville, June II, IS70.. .HjpWTdXrBf" Y0URM,0NEY ATHUMl:. Bay tbe Woolen.Goodjmanntactnred, Jy,be- ROGUE BITER YALIET WOOLEN Ml.VFf;.. - , 1 Vfho would tespectfnlly .announee.tq.tbci tr4e and country generally that.fbey.arqnalniae cesru) opperatlon, andTiave on hands and for salea-Iarge-assoTtmenJof i -' ' BLlNKETSiCASSIMERESl " " 3' TWEEDS. PMIN - 1 - TWILLED 4 CHECK , , iLANNELS &e.rc., Qt the best quality and at homo rates. s Orders solicited. A .libera dlscounvlq b Ashland.'Ogn Jan. 27th 188.' ijsjotf. BOUND TO DO IT- 't ISBOUNITO WORli ACOORblNG TO," THE TIMES. i' -1 f " ' 1 1 1 i ft-5- ,HORSE,SHbEING, ? 01 a ' in iif sss JtA.'t reduced prices 'forikt! Ten per cent', disconnl will be madCon all kinds of wirk rthtfrt cash la paid.T ,r Tl t- " arch.Olb.JlSSa ctn, (t' BJC2tI j .r- -"Sj 33ar. OIlAn 'London Memedies. 1 "ron flrEcriii' coilrifrxts? DR-'cLARK; INYJQORATOR.giTei strength to the aged and di bil'itaUil ; It I especially designed for yonng men whohavl wasted their vigor by excesses of every kind, and a) I perrons who have become jWeak xlm" prndeiice. are compteteli restored by Its me. Price One Dollar. J 1 ' In U Dju CLARR-BrRURlFIEILcIeansea .tb blood from all imparities jjnch, ScroHl. Syphilis. Mercurial Rheumatism:1 Unroot of every sort, Bart. Breatbitoffenslve rerrpiratioBj Foul Feet.Catarrh. Discharges from the Ear, Sore Throat, FalllnfrorChe Half.Tircirs. BOllsJ l?irapIesBlatch.ej',.and ol? Dlteasesof .thLBDg and Digestive Orsans. Price, One Dollar. Db. CLARK'S'PAKECeV refiewi pain of every dscrIptlotf'Headaihe, Earache, Toothache, Stani achacbe, Bat kach?rPainin(the Breast and Limbs.' it Is ai. Invaluable remedy in'all NefvousCDisorderrand nafamHyshould bs,wUhout;It. JJrica.QnejDqlUc, I In Dr. CLAJ?;K''Sp2LIXIR;liiacfrjaiD1cure for all weakness of the Geh'lto-tJrinary Organ.', and discharges of a mnco'-ptf rnieftt"nature, tHti- corrbea. Genorrhea, Spermatorrhea, and Semi nal Weakness, are speedllv cured by Its me. Price OnDoilsr. '- K- ' J Pr. OLARK.'S' REGULATOR. foifTfr. males only, is. guaranteed to,correctall,nec!alr irregularities' and difficulties, of single ladle's. Married' Ladles are cautioned' not Id take fifti when in certain, condition! as its effects would ' All thse celebraled remedlea are preparrtf from Fluid Extracts under Pr. Clark 'lnimtdif ale "supervision," and are warranted, fresb and piire. All afflicted persons should seo'd a care fully written statement of, their, ailraenttorDr Clark,' and the proper remedy will be ,sent promptly to their address. Dr. Clark caff1 be consulted personally ,al his oQlce. and wj)l furn ish all necessary accomodations, to patients who ptace themselves ander1 his ban. All'lelters7 addressed to Db. J, CLARK. 'Office 1270 Ifroadway, New Tori 22ct:0tf w ... 1 SUMMONS e a ' ' Justicfy Court for theJPrecrntt of Xatkumviltey. Staiecf OregoV, Coanrtyor'ick'sb,n. '' JacbB Meyer, Visits. Thomas ST-'Bafiar'dDepL. t'T" Civil te'tlA to teoorer oiey., " "-1 TO THOMAS N. BALLARD, Ibe 'above named defendanflTn tbe name or the State of OregonV youiare hereby required to- appear belore tne pnaersignea.a Jusiice al Hie, Peace1, for the Precinct alortsald". online '2rtl dat of! December. lWCsaWO- a!cJock.DlB ihfe c forenoon of said dayr At the office of sald jullee.'rnsard precinct, '(o'anfirer iVe above nsmettipiainiia-m a civil action. .Onir tnUl summons be served upon yoq,by pabllcatlotLm you 'arV fequlred to 'appear and- answer saidr complaint six' weeks frouuthe first publication. to wit: op ineznaaay or reorpary, 1871,, at 10 o'clock, a.V. Tbe defendant will taker no tice that. If 'he-fall, to, answer the cdmnlaisrr herein, the plaintiff wlllake judgment agalmit" him for the sum of Seventy two' dollars and twenty one cent,- (72-aj-10O coin, and his costs and disbursementsyT ,t rri Gived nnder my band this 19th day of De mber:1870. j ip's J-i E" cember;1870. JAMES.Ej.W.UJR.,.-. jusuceoi mereaee. Pnhllahed six weekslnlhf Onrnnv Srv-rrvwi by order of llorf. Jarqerf RJ Wad4. -JriHtee" ot the Peace, for,Jacksqiv'llef PrelBjMk?r county, Oregon, made on' tie IDth day ofDe-. ccmbcr, 1870, '" 't nf! -na-naii " '