ar! THE'OKflOrSEimM, SATUVBttiMoMSixopJant 14, 1871. Xi'TD EM.1.. 2Tl Jc 11 NnOT JMfrCh Mt's'Exchuge,is oar oalj aatborlze&mgtstin aa JrnncUco., Tor .Extern Advertising, M. FttnL'WrtJTnenitA bsj&tK. Psmxoni, & Co. of Mew York and Boston. HsUsesl .' Mee Are anr only au thorized AgenU In tbe Atlantic States. Officii 41 Park Raw. "Times" Building, New York City. All orders mast come through them.' 'Ret. G. H. Hubaxks willi preach at IhtflC E. charch, to-morrow. morning, at 11 o'clock j Fatheb Blaxchet will,, hold divine services at tho Catholic church to-morrow at the usual hour. The,9 School.; Prp Robb has introduced a new feature among the amusements anddiversions of Jack, sonville thituwintery for -which he de lerve's the thanks i the puhlic. It is a spellirij'gehool, one evening' every week, at the District School House. It has been welll attended since its com mencemerit,Njind.cannot Jjutprove a. benefit' to all 'who may participate in it. The prospect of Wit-spjell'mg their far wits' stimulates the children to more '"diligent study, and parents' 'are suffici ently rewarded ,in witnessing; ,f he, im-Crement-in their children. Spelling kg have" been in demand since the school commenced, 'and it is said that many whose spelling days might reas onably be supposed to be over have in Tested inAVjlson's spelleri. . Impkovemknt. In our walks about town we, noticed Mr. Mace" at work in laying a foundation for a building adjoining .Dr.. J.ickso&'s office. We thought at first that the Doctor had concluded to "commit matrimony," and that aforesaid building was intended jSmall dwelling house, with the piybability"of "paving it 'enlarged at, it should become neceseiry, but Were in formed that itwjll be used ior a wood hed. Hqwever.Jrom appearances the Doctor expects, tp;ernaip (intbis ,city ""for sometime," and we hope to re ceive an ini'ittipntOjhis, wedding .yet. : ' '. rJ-H ' n The Exhibition. Tbe shoal exhibi tion at Marudinita cnurch ,-catne oft a week agokaVaight, before large au dience. . Vin-WtpVesifbut are informed that the, performances -were very:rt!redIitSotJo'll concerned. Mtv Stanley, tfceteacheri had -taken 'great pains to re'jdcr the exhibition interest-, ing, and.1 weare'blcased to flear of his success. i DrsTnicr'Sqnoot. The JFncksonville Distnct School is flourishing. There; ia'a large atte'h'da'tiee and general satis-: faction. Prof., Robb'is an assiduous and enterprising' 'teacher, thoroughly -devoted to his profession, and is bound-to succeed iir establishing a large and pap ular district JchooL here. S.vow. Last Monday night snoWfdll in tin vafeysufficieut,.to coyer the ground. ItiVtilI lying about in places where thefsmi' has 'not had an -even chance to melt k off.; y 1 a. California Articles SntrRa East. The Ytik&,lJoilnial says that fbe mission Wblerfjilill Company are mending large quantities of 'woolen .goods to the JEastern'States, and 'have been working.aboul forty per cent; ,of 'their machinery night and day to "fill an order forA. T. Stewart ,fc .Co., of New Yorkr comprising 900 cases, valu. -ed at, $375,0,, In addition to ordi nary' workj this',, company have wora menced cleaning coarse wool for the Eastern markeknndhaVenow $23Q,X)00 worth pn hand.) f e have a Woolen Mill in Jackson county, but instead of -ending articles, abroad they do not, owing to the "rule"or rum spirit" .mani fested by a portion of the stockholders, supply, the yants of this section, and bave, in apt! suspended worki almost altogether. i Public IvEheaksal. We are re quested to announce that there, will be a public singing rehearsal, at the Meth odist church, next Wednesday evening. The book used' will be the "Choral Tribute!" Ail are. invited ,to attend. Chasce. Our cotemporary has re moved1nto 'the room over':Reames & "WilsorTfi livery stable. ' .' L ( : .. . . "AiTENTioK.f-iRead .Sacbr.Bros. advertisement under the above caption iatO" ' yr '" 'Jiff i' Srer, Duck and quail banting still ceettMes o be the favorite amusement of w sporting population. Ib&sfbbssible. -The. Washington correspondent of the Portland Bulle tin, under date of Dec. 17th, says "Mr. B. F. Dowell, of Jacksonville, .the irrepressible Collector of Oregon WarClaims, arrived here on Thursday." CerrespeadeBCti Rosebueg, Oon., Jan. 11, 1871. Ed. Sentinel: The brewery of Messrs. Mehl a Bast was burned, last night, at 10 o'clock. But little was saved. The fire origin uted in the malt-house, and had a fair start before it was discovered. The united efforts of all the citiatehS of Rose burg saved the surrounding buildings. Much credit is due to all. The build ing was not insured ; loss'not far from $5,000. The Ground is white with snow for the first time this morning. No steamboat arrivals yet, and from appearances the'winter bids' fair to be unfavorable to Umpqua River naviga tion. 'ATEtEGnASt,8ays-'the:Treka Jour rial, has been received herefrom Father Farley, stating .that he will go as far as Omaha, .to meet and return with the Sisters, who are coming to Yreka to open the Sisters' School. Father Far ley will therefore be absent from this county for about two weeks. Caution 1 In .our changeable cli mate, coughs, colds, and lung diseases will always prevail. Consumption will claim its victims. These diseases, if taken in time, can be arrested and cured. The remedv is2r. TFwtar' Baltam of Wild Cherry. A Family Sewing Machine, or a Sil ver Watch, given to -very club of sub scribers to Aexold's Magazine. Per sons raising half a club have the choice of a set of Silver Forks, Table or Tea Spoons. Agents wanted, male and female. Large wages' paid. Send for full particulars. Address FRANCIS & CO., eare of Box 2021, San Francisco, Cal. WILLIAM DAVIDSON, Office, So. 64 Front Street, PORTLAND, - 0BE00N. REAL ESTATE DEALER. Special Collector of Claims. A Utx Anumntof CITTndZASIPOBIUlNDPropwtjr fcrSaU. Alw, IMPEOVED FAS1IS, a4 rUnaMa nacalUiated LANDS, loeataa la all part af U StaU. Ia.Mtm.iiU In KiAL ESTATE and ataar PBOFZSTT mad fur conaspoodanU. CLAIMS of an dcriUoni prompt! coUactad. HOUSES and STOKES feaatd. - AU kinds of Financial' and"G&ara! Acaarr bulnass transacted. ? Parties JiaTinc TABU PEOrEETT, for" sala will jilease farnUb descriptions of tka'sarae to tbe AGENTS OF THIS OFFICE, In each of the principal CITIES and TOWNS of tbls STATE. Any one having claims against tbe United States will find it to their advantage to send a state meut of their case to J. T., 4REWj Counselor at Law, Solicitor fiefore the Court of Claims, Ifu, '"- - 478 II Strtit.'lVashlngton, D. C. 27oovC9 JOB PRINTING. KEEP YOUR MONEY AT 3JL 3G r "OREGON SEMLEL" OFFICE, JACKSONVILLE, OREGON, S. F. Dowell, Proprietor. HAVINGS THE LARGEST AND BEST Assortment of JOB TYPE in Southern Oregon, s well M a GORDON JOB PRESS, We re prepared to do all kinds of 3a 3E-I A. m 2BT OR3SfAM3SIfTAL inch ai Oarda, Clroulars, ninrioada, XZandbllla, X'oatolrjlB, d)o, And all other kinds of Printing, at rtatmMt rates. Call and tee at before seeding to Sau Frandtco for'Pr feting. GO. H." DURHAM, S3 FHOST STBKKT, ron,A!n ----- obkoit; tfSjJHsaVmasiaaBBisBa Pain ta enppored to be (he lot of ni poor morUls, as Inevitable as death itself and liable at any time to come upon us. Therefore It It important that remedial agents should be at band to be used on an' emergency, when the seminal principle lodged in tbe system shall de Tel ope itself, and we feel the excruciating ago nies of pain, or tbe depressing influence of disease. Such a remedial agent exists in the Pais Killkk, whose fame has made' the circuit of the globe. Amid the eternal ices of tbe polar regions or beneath the Intolerable burning sun of, the tropica its virtues are known and appre ciated. Coder all latitudes, rrom the one ex treme io the other, suffering humanity has found relief from many of its ills by its use. The .wide and broad arrea over -vbich this medicine has spread, attests its value and potency From a Hnall beginning tbe Pain Killer has pushed gradually along, making its own highway, sole ly by its virtues. Sncb unexampled success and popularity has brought others into tbe field, who have attempt ed, under similarity of name, to usurp the confi dence of the people and turn it to their own selfishness and dishonesty, but their efforts bare prored fruitless, while tbe Pain Killer Is still growing in public favor. ljanlm Spread1 the Truth. Some medical men, insist that it is undignified to advertise a remedy, how ever valuable it may be. Queer rea soning this. It is like saying that an article which, the world needs should bo hid in a corner that benefits and blessings may be too widely diffused that the means of protecting and re storing health should be a close monop oly, and not accessible to all. The ar gument is bad. It is worse than that J it is inhuman. Suppose Hostetter's Stomach Bitters an absolute specific lor dyspepsia, billlonsness and nervous debility had never been known be yond tho repertoire of the faculty, what would have been the conse quence? Instead of curing and invig orating millions, the good effects of the preparation would have been con fined to a comparative few. There is the highest authority for saying that light should not be hid under a bushel ; that whatever is excellent should be placed as a city on a hill, where all men can take cognizance of it. It is upon this, principle that the Bitters have been advertised in every newspa per of any prominence in the western hemisphere, and that the spontaneous testimonials in its favor have been translated into all written languages. Thousands .enjoy perfect health to-day who would be languishing on beds of sickness if the newspapers had, not spread the truth with regard to this n eqxtaled invigprant and corrective far and wide. Suppose profit has been reaped from this publicity. Is that any argument against it?. It the public health has been protected; it lives have, been saved; if the feeble have been strengthened and the sick restored, great good has been accomplished: and who so mean as to grudge to exer tions thus directed their fair reward ? THE NEW FOOD. For a few cents you can Tray of your Grocer or Druggist a package of SEA S0SS FAE1NE made from pure Irish Moss or Carrageen, which will make sixteen quarts of Elanc Mange, and a like quantity cf Puddings Custards, Creams, Charlotte Eusse, &c. It is the cheapest, healthiest and most delicious food in the world. It makes a splendid Dessert, and has no equal as a light and delicate food for Invalids and Children. A Glorious Change!! THE GREAT WORLD'S TONIC. Plantation Bitters. This -wonderful vegetable re sforative is the sheet-anchor of the feeble and debilitated. As a tonic and cordial for the aged and: languid, it has bo equal among stomachics. As a remedy for the nerrons weakness to W hichwomen are especially snb jectjitis superseding ewery other stimulant. In all climates, tropi cal, temperate or frigid, it acta as a specific in every species of disorder which nndermlnes the bodily strength and breaks dews the animal spirits. For sale all draggls. SrascxiBE for thcOBEGOSSKmKH. m' ..g gO 8 IK I' I In I IP ? ii S i IB 0 2 rs 2 '8 '' g ! ' A rm . 8 O 4 M O g o of " e 3 2 o u s $ L. S ' I -" r, g h ff a 5 . oft? 3 q "a, ft T . O a - 2 a ft YOUR BILLS FLE3 30"C XV You must Positively PAY THEM! J.T. GLENN. UdscSw t FDLL AND COMPLETE STOCK AL X wa;s on band t tbe City Drug Store. BOOKS, STATIONARY, TOILET ARTICLES, cftjOop tbo AGEXOT FOR THE L?nH2 ' VT. L. COWAN, Druggist. GASOLINE OIL & LAMPS AT TlIE Oity X3Z-U.C Store. Jacksonville, Sept. 10, 1870. W. HERMANN, Latelj (ram London. Morobaiit Tailor, Jacksonville, Obeoox, Xtxt to th Frsnco-Amcrksa Bsstaattit, - Is prepared to make new suits. In the lates' ntyle; satisfaction gnaranteed. Cleaning and repairing none ai reasonania rates. 2july78tf !!READ THIS!! DRY AS A LET HIM WHO IS THIRSTT CALL ON Henry A. Breitbarth, at tbe BXIiIiA TTTJIOSJ", nd be relieved. r The Undersigned has reduced tbe price of ALL drinks to 121 cents a drink; Tbe Liquors, Wines. 4c.. are of the same quali ty as those formerly sold by me at 25 cents ft drink. Fresh Lager always kepi bo band. Ear-' Billiards, fifty points for the drinks. HENRY A.. BREITBABTH. Jacksonville, bee. 3, lS70.-lf Superior Plows. XSTE HAVE BECE1TED A. SUPPLY T T or those superior PLOWS, which we Introduced last season, and which bare given inch entire satisfaction to those who baye n;td them, being well adapted to different NtW Alto, a full Assortment of Parlor and Box Stoves; Assorted Iron, Nails? '', ' ; Horse Shoes and Nails, Superior Meat - Cutters Cedar Ware, Rope,',.-. Shelf Hardware, Oils, Paints, Glass; &c. ALSO, THE CELEBRATED ALWAYS (W HAND. A FULL VARIETY OP C2W . SHEET IROIT WARE. ZW Hydraulic Pipe, Tin, Copper, and Sheet.Iron Ware made to order. HOFFMAN &. KLIPPEL. Jacktonvllle, October 22, 1870. A ScnoLABsmp in the National Bus iness College, at Portland, can be had on favorable terms by applying at the Sentinel office. J. NTJISrA.7 KEEPS constantly on band and manufacture to order all kinds of P Saddles, Harness, fij and everything la the Saddlery line. I bare also on band a large stock of tbe finest and best kinds or TEAM & DRAUGHT COLLARS, with a large assortment of Saddlery .Hardware and Saddler's Tools, all of which will be sold at greatly reduced rates for CASK S Carriage and Buggy Trimming done to order and with tbe best material Jacksonville, November 1, lh70.-tf ASHLAND MARBLE WORKS. MARBLE MANTELS, MONUMENTS, Urave Stones, &c, always on hand, or made to order. J. H. RUSSEL Ashland, July 9. 1870. ly SUMMONS. r N THE COUNTY CODET OF THE STATE of Oregon, for tbe County of Jackson. Action at Law to Recover Money. C. W. Kahler, Plaintiff, m. T. N.Ballard; D'fft. To T. N. Ballard, In tbe name of the State of Oregon : Von are required to appear in said Conrt and answer the complaint of said plaintiff, Bled against you. within ten days from the time of tbe serv ice of this summons on yon, If served within said county, or if served on yon within any other county In this State, then within twenty days from the time of the service, or If served on you oat of the State of Oregon, then it is ordered by T. H. B. Shipley, Jadge of said Court, that publication be made for six weeks in the Oregon Skxtixel prior to tbe first Mon day In February, A. D., 1871. And you ore notified that, if yon fall to answer said com plain t as above required, the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded therein. to-wit: for s judgment against you 'for the sum of one bnndred and forty dollars in gold and silver coin, with interest thereon at ih rate of 1 per cent, per month from tbe 9 tb day of November. A. D. 1870, and the costs nd dis bursement of this action to be taced. Done by an order or said Cour'., made on the 20th day of December, 1870. . ' " C. '?. KAI1LER. 24dec70 Atcorriey for Plaintiff. LAST CALL. ALL persons indebted to Glenn, Drum & Co., either by note-or book account are hereby notifird to call and settle immedi ately, or proceedings will be taken In law to enforce payment GLENN. DRUM & CO. Jacksonville, Oregon, December 24, 1870-3w C. W. KAHLER, ATTORNEY- AT - LAW, Jackson rllle, Oregon OFUCE: Opposite the Court House. sm DR. W. J1N, OFFICE : Corner of California S( Fifth Sts. Particular atfentioh given to tbe regulation of children's teeth. Teeth extracted wijhout jialrr, by the use of tuc law mcbuoa 01 auuiueaiB. All work warranted, and satisfaction guaran teed. Ja.ciHOB.TiUe, Nir. 2tf "" STOP THAtCOUGHIdC SOME OP tOC CANT, At Tfrjt PITT Too. Too br tried ertry rsmedj but lbs ONE eesUiwd, by la Intrinsic merit, to mpenala til list llupmaittiou. ItlsnolsurprWnj; youlbouklb teladsat to Uj stmetMoz elM after the sua? u tKrtmtuts too have mida of busy coaittaaaj tasted ea the publla as a certain can; sol NEWELE'S Pulmonary Syraj tsitsHythoTERTBESTrtmriytteitxiuijuailrt tor th core or Congas, CoKs, Bore Tluoit, Attaint Vheopisc Congh, Bronchitis snd Connoptlon.'Ttio.'' suds of people la California and Orejon ban btea alrtadj Uatattsd by tao snrprislBg.ctinUT peua NEWELL'S. .' Puimonary.Syi?i and wlui onxeord glw Uir "oqntnW spprs bstion. W now address onfKlvea to all no an un. oanalnted with this, tbotTts.'Mt Panacea of tlMaje, for the healing of all thee" f h Bmat aa4 Luijs, assuring yod that NEWELL'S Pulmonary Syrup has cored thousands and it wUI enre TOtflf jnbl It . I . . r This laraloabls tnedlclnalspleasanttatlie'.Ustat SMUunfcheaUngandstrensalngbiltsea'rcis'.ea. tlrelf frw from all poisonous or deleterious drags, and perfectly harmless under all clrcnmstancea. Certificates from many prominent citizens cC jsas Fnndsco accompany every bottle of NEWELL'S Pulmonary Syrup EEDKCTON & CO. Agenta, San FnncUcJ, DR. E. COOPER'S DNIVEBSAIi MAGNETIC BALM. A general Family Medicine.. It Ii a sovtr- eign remedy for Diptheria, And kindred diseases of the THROAT, and unequalled in curing Dysentery, Diarrhoea, Cholera, Colic, Cholera Morbuaand. Fever and, Ague, Neuralgia, Rheumatism,, Colds," ToolhlcW, Burns, SprMns, Bruises, etc., etc.', are a once relieved by lt, timely use. Trnlv a Vegetable Prr par aiion'. k None trenulne'wItnoutaNr.'st i.r n.oiuunu. ii i ii fty EEDI QT0N & C0;8 -' OEIBWATBi, C3E KOOTBEK. Unexcelled for Toilet l?se and for the Bath. , TTTrTZSX- REDINGTON & CO'S" ESSENCE OF JAMAICA GINGER. . a l4. Thla vnlnnhlff nrpnnrntlnn i.nnfInTnt. In hlffhlw cnnrpntrntpH fnrm nil th nrnnprtlp. nf Jamaica Ginger, has become one of the most popular domestic remedies for' alldireaies of uic riuujaij nuu uiKcetivc; urgaua. As a tonic, It will be found Invaluable to all nersons recovrfnp' from rietiHItv nhpth. .... duced by fever, or otherwise jfor while It Im parts tu tue Bjsiem an tne glow ana vigor tnat can be produced by wine or brandy, it is en tirely free from the reactionary effects that fol low the use of spirits of any kind; v ii is aiso au excellent remedy lor lemalei who suffer from difficult menstruation, giving almost Immediate relief to tbe spasms that s rn.nn.ntlv t nonmnanv It.l .! :' ...-1........J w,wW)l.uj MiakpniVUi fc It srives tmmpiliatp. rplipf in Man... ...j by riding in a railroad car, or by sea-sickness, or other causes. ' It Is ftlsn VftlnnMp'ii. an or Goat, Rheumatism. Neuralgia, etc. , . , KKWNSTON 4 CO.. 529 4 531 Market St.. between First and Second, cornir of Ecker, Sau prantlico. Use Electro-Silicon, 1 Or ifigjttfilllat. REDINGTQN & 0O',S , FLORIDA WATEil. FOR THE HANDKEBfJlflfetf. This article, possessing the most delicate fragrance of Flowers, is nnequaled as (super fume for tbe Handkerchief. FOR THE BATH. Used in bathing, it imparts, 'energy ana strength to tbe system, and. givestha't softnea and delicacy to tbe skin so much desired by al It removes Sunburn, Freckles & Pimples. Diluted with water, it makes an excellent DentriSce, Imparting pearly whiteness to 'the teeth, sweetness to the breath, and renders tbe gums hard and of a beautiful color. It should always be used after Bbavlnj;, dl luted with water, as it relieves all inflamatlon R'EblfcGTON & CO., 529 k 531 Market St., between; First. Jfc" Second, enrnrrof EckerSan Francisco. Use Electro-Silicon,. 1 M' :'J Ti Or Magic BrlUlan. ELEOTRbiLICQN, MA6IQ BRILLIANT. 'DIRECT FROM NATURE'S LABRATbEt'. . The best article ever 'dlsdovere'd for Cleans, Ing and Polishing Gold. Silver and Plattd Ware, and all smooth Metallc. Surfaces', of whatever description, incladinr Kitchen Uten sils of'Tih. Cdpper.rass. Seel. etc. To Jewelers and Workers in Gold and Silver Plate, the EleCtro-SIHcon.ii of iMattmable val oe-; tht'trme" saved." and thfe VexiUonTireTent. ed by.Hs use,- wlllforevej; eadejritaiiava to all who hav'e"had evidence oTits merits. 5EDINGTON&CO..I Sole Agents, San Francisca, FdR'FL A V ORINQTXTRtCT's. KIDLtaiO.'V A CO.'SAJEIHEJIEST Stpt.5tb,I86g. septS.