l THE'OREGON SENTINEL. " S s ' - Satdbdat 3Ioexecg, Dec. 31, 1870. LrJeJFi8Uer,20 & 21 New Merch- aai'tExchange, in oar only authorized agentin San Francisco. For Eastern Advertising. Mr. FisnEirisvrepresented by S. M. Pettejgill & Co. of New Yorkfand Boston. " Hudson Si Mcnet are onr only au thorized Agentsln the Atlantic State. OEcis 41 Park Row, "Times" Building. New York City. All orders must come throncb them. flriigions fgtotfc. Rev. M. A. Williams will preach ' at the M. E. church, to-morrow morn ing, at the-usual hour. Fatiiee Blaxciiet -will hold divine services at the Catholic church to-morrow at the usual hour. aMIMMMfr traoa ao Gebjtan Sanitary Fund. At a meeting, held at the Court House at ' this city, Dec. 28th, for the purpose of adopting measures to remit the money ' collected for the benefit of the German Sanitary Fund. Thomas Paulsen was appointed and instructed to remit the same to the North iGennan Vice Con sul at San Francisco ; and request him (the Consul) to forward the same and the letter accompanying "it to the Cen tral Committee,-Berlin, Prussia. Mr. John Miller, Treasurer, made 1 his report, and paid over the amount collected, ($231 00). 'On motion, Resolved, That the thanks "of the Germans of this city are due to Mr. "Wm. Kreutzer for the energy and interest displayed in collecting lor the German Sanitary Fund ; and also to those of our American fellow-citizens who have generously contributed there to. On motion, rcsolocd. That lists for contributions to the German sanitary Pund be kept open at Sachs Bros.', John Bilger's, and Win. Kreutzer's. On motion, that the Oregon Senti nel bo requested to publish the pro ceedings of this meeting. On motion, the meeting adjourned, until called again .by " order of the President. JOHN CIMBOURSKY.Pres. Thomas Paulsen, Sec lrJlEFOEM Needed. Letters from San Francisco for Jacksonville are some times sent by steamer to Portland and vthence here by stage ; thus making the -ttmo eeveral days longer than when -sent direct from San Francisco hero by -stage. Will our postal agent see that nhis is stopped ? .' m . "CoiI"For.D. This gentleman," who our readers will peihaps recollect, passed, through hero about the middle of November last, is styled a "bilk" by some of the Webfoot papers. We could havo told yon that long ago neighbors, 4)111 waited to soeif he could "bilk" you. The '-Col." is unquestion ably ono 'flf the greatest of modern humbugs. He might have "bilked" us, but, rashly in ited himself to take a drink at our expense, on too short an acquaintance, and we lost our faith in .liim. Sneak Thief. A whins man stole some clothes from a clothes-line out at Wm. Bybee's. last Thursday. It is the vmost contemptiblo thieving we have "heard of for some time, and would have .looked much better in a Chinaman than it docs in a member -of the Cau casian family. Pacific Insurance Coutany. Mr. Sol. Sachs handed us, this wceV, a fine counting-house almanac, for the year 1871, of the Pacific Insurance Compa ny. Sachs Bros., of this city, are the .agents for this popular and reliable fire insurance company. , Election. The Improved Order of Red Men,, in this place, held their reg. ular election last Tuesday night, and elected T. G. Owen, Sachem; E. D. Foudray, Senior Sagamore; and D. C. .Miller, "Junior' Sagamore. The tribe is flourishing. Ciikistuas Day. This time honored festival, passed off very pleasantly in this section, and much after the good old style. Little gatherings of friends and relatives, here and there, in town and county, good dinners and quiet amusements for it was Sabbath day marked the occasion, and made it a daj tobe rembered with joy and grat itude. Link River. Arthur Langell, just in from Link River, eays,they have had from 5 inches to one foot of snow there for the past 3 weeks. The snow on the mountains was over three feet deep. He reports the stock in good condition, The Link River boys are , not very well satisfied, with the way Fay and Burnett took care of their wamp Jands for them. Subscriptions for German Sanitary Fund. The following subscriptions lor this fund have been received, so far; all will be acknowledged in the Oeegon Senttxel, and the amount total carried forward'each" week: Amount carried foward $228 00 Kev. KK Anderson 3 00 Total amount, $231 00 ELEcnoN.--The Jacksonville Stamm, No. 148, Independent Order of Red Men, held their regular election last Thursday evening, and elected the fol lowing officers: Thomas Paulsen, O. C; Joseph Wetterer, U. C; A, Ullmann, Secretary; Veit Schutz, Treasurer. Trustees: Herman v. Helms, Thomas Paulsen, Henry Klippel. Complimentary Benefit." A com plimentary benefit, tendered, by many citizens of this place, to Miss Alice McGinley of the McGinley Troupe, will come off, at Home's Hall, this evening. The little Miss is certainly a clever performer, and we hope that our citizens will patronize her benefit liberally. Hoese Race. The "trotting race," mentioned in the Sentinel several weeks ago, will come off, at Bybee's Track, this afternoon. We are informed that the Jacksonville Brass Band will be in attendance. Seeious Accident. J. J. Smith, son of Riley Smith, met with a serious ac-cident-about 11 miles from this place, on the 25th inst He was tightening his saddle girt when a Henry rifle, w hich was hanging by a strap over the saddle-horn, wa3 accidentally dis charged ; the ball passing through his thigh and into the ground beyond. The thigh-bone was not injured, but an ug ly wound was inflicted of a dangerous character. Horse's Grand Cueistmas Ball came off in fine style, on the evening of the 2Gth inst. Over 40 tickets wero sold, and all who attended express their complete satisfaction. Musicians' Ball, The Jacksonville Band will give a ball, at Home's Hall, on next Monday evening. Tickets, S3 ; including supper. See their ad vertisement in another column. Tuanks, to Mrs. Home, for a liberal donation of fine cake to the printers of this office. Me. Joiin Moon will accept the thanks ot the printers of this office for a keg of excellent cider. Personal. B. F. Dowell arrived at Washington, D. C, on the 13th inst. Cowardly Revenge. Some one cut the top of one of Ply male & Manning's buggies to pieces, at the ball over in Sam's Valley, a week ago last night. The person who did it is unknown. Life Insurance. Wm. M. Turner is Mr. Frink's successor here, as agent for the Pacific Mutual Life Insurance Company of California. The company is deservedly popular and reliable, and Mr. Turner will be found a clever and efficient agent. Wood for the Sentinel. Now is the time for those indebted to the Sen tinel office to pay in wood. Wood delivered now, before we lay in our winter supply, is worth just as much to us as money. Tue Plaindeakr can find some good authority in regard'to what James D. Fay said about Burnett and Wells, in his 14th of November speech, in the recent Jackson county letter, to the Portland Daily Bulletin. Those who are afflicted with Rheum atism, Neuralgia, Gout, and Scrofula, should try Dr. S. G. Smith's "Aramir aculas;" a cure guaranteed. It is cl limed by this medicine that its pura tive powers are wonderful to experi ence. For Sale by W. B. Douglass, City Drug Store, Jacksonville, Oregon, and all dealers in Medicine. I5oct70m6 E. D. Wenban, Traveling Ag't. LS If you wish the very best Cab inet Photogeafjis, you must call on street, San Francisco. A Familv Sewing Machine, or a Sil ver Watch, given to -very club of sub scribers to Arnold's Magazine. Per sons raising half a club have the choice of a setpt Silver Folks, Table or Tea Spoons. Agents wanted, male and female. Large wages paid. Send for full particulars. Address FRANCIS & CO.. care of Box 2021, San Francisco, Cal. Death of Judge Olney. Judge Cyrus Olney, perhaps better known as a man in the northern por tion of .the $tate where he bad. lived for many years past, yet well known in public life all oyer the Stale, to those who have paid any attention to the proceedings of our legislature for the 4 years: died at Astoria on the 2lst inst., at 9 o'clock in the morning. A man ot erudition and experience in public matters, an able and ready debater, and over all a man of inflexi ble integrity, Judge Olney has been a prominent and useful member of our State Legislature, at every session, since his first election in June I860. At its last session, although in a hppe less minority as far as political connec tions were concerned, he nevertheless was a bold and active advocate for every measure for the common welfare, and an equally bold and active antagonist to every scheme calculated to bear un justly upon the people at large. He was elected to thu lower House last June, and consequently, his official term had but barefy begun when he was called away by death. He was a man of" unflinching integri ty, and his loss, like that of our own, and only honest representative, RaJer. will be mourned by all who knew him, irrespective of party ties, as a public calamity. !!READ THISl! DRY AS A yg ! LET niM WHO IS THIRSTY CALL ON Henry A.' Breitbarth, at the , jBZSXjXua. TJNTOKT, and be relieved. The nrfdersigned has reduced the price of ALL drinks to 12 J cents a drink. The Liquors, Wines. c., are of the same quali ty as thoe Formerly cold by me at 25 cents a drink. Freh Lager always kept on band. JST" Billiards, fifty points for the drinks. HENRY A. BREITBARTH. Jacksonville. Dec. 3, lS70.-tf THE NEW FOOD. For a few cents you can buy of your Grocer or Druggist a package of SEA HOSS FAEINE made from pure Irish Hoss or Carrageen, which will make sixteen quarts of Blanc Mange, and a like quantity cf Puddings Custards, Creams, Charlotte Eusse, &c. It is the cheapest, healthiest and most delicious food in the world. It makes a splendid Dessert, and has no equal as a light and delicate food for Invalids and Children. A Glorious Change it THE GREAT WORLD'S TONIC. Plantation Bitters. This wonderful vegetable re storative is the sheet-ancher of the feeble and debilitated. As" a tonic and cordial for the aged and languid, it has no equal among stomachics. As a remedy for the nervous weakness to which women arc especially sub ject, it is superseding every other stimulant. In all climates, tropi cal, temperate, or frigid, it acts as a specific in every species of disorder which undermines the bodily strength and breaks down the animal spirits. For sale by all druggists. NOTICE. TO TnE TAXPAYERS OF JACKSON County: navinp virilcd the different precinct' within said county, as per notice given, the tax books are now open for the payment of taxe, at the Sheriffs office, and tales remaining unpaid aP ter the expiration of thirty days, from this date, will be collided by levyingupon personal prop erty at the expense of the owner thereof. HENRY KLIPI'EL. Tax Collector. December 12, 1870. NOTICE. Estate of Sample M. Jurney, deceased. THE undersigned having been appointed, by the Connty Court of Jaclfon County, State of Oregon, Administrator of said estate, all persons having claims against said estate are required to present them with the proper vouchers within six months from the date of this notice to the raid administrator, at his of fice, at Jacksonville. B.F. DOWELL, Administrator. Jacksonville. Nov. 30, 1870.-ll)dec4w NOTICE. Office of the Gold Hill Quartz Mining Company. 'IHE Trutccs. Officers, and stockholders of A the Gold Hill Quartz Mining Company are requested to meet at the office of said Com pany on December Slst, 1870, for the purpose of electing Officers for the ensuing term. HENRY KLIPPEL, Prcs., Ike Sicns. Sec. Jacksonville, December 14, 1S70. iffl!PSEiii m t f. i U i B 1 $ g5 I In S n g g o M 3 11 S 1 ID 0 sr - S; 1 B 1 Eg g n ffirrj I) S r 2 O a O o u s V I i H W w a sx J d 3 S Q Si W 7 g YOUR BILLS .A. DFJ.2E3 INT O 'W -A-t Grlertns, You must Positively PAY-THEM! J. T. GLENN. 4 FULL AND COMPLETE STOCK AL CX. ways on hand at the City Drug Store. BOOKS, STATIONAHY, TOIIT ARTICLES, ctoc, cfijo. AGEXCY FOR THE "W.L. COWAN, Druggist. GASOLINE OIL' &. LAMPS AT TUE City Pnig Store. Jacksonville, Sept. 10, 1870. W. HERMANN, Lately from London Moroliajit Tailor, Jacksoxvjllk, Oreoos, Next to the Franco-American Bestasnnt, Is prepared to make new suits, in the lates style; satisfaction guaranteed. Cleaning and repairing done at reasonable rates. 2july70tf NOTICE. Estate of Jackson Rader, deceased. rI",HE undersigned having been appointed, by JL the County Court of Jackon Connty, State of Oregon, administrators of said estate, all persons having claims against said estate are required to present them with the proper vouchers within six months from the date of this notice to the said administrators, at their residence on Butte Creek. JOSEPH SWINGLE, CLARA RADER. Administrator;, Jackson Connty, Dec 8, 1870.-10d4w Superior PIoids. TUE HATE RECEIVED A SUPPLY T T of those superior PLOWS, which ire- introduced last season, and wnicn nave given snen entire satisfaction to those wno nave used them, being w ell adapted to different soils. Also, a fall Assortment of Parlor and Bos Stoves; Assorted Iron. Nails, .' Horse Shoes and' Nails, Superior Meat Cutters, t Cedar Ware, Rope, iyhelf Hardware, Oils, Paints, Glass, fcc ALSO, THE CELEBRATED ALWAYS OX HAND, A FULL VARIETY OF SHEET IRON WARE. ZW Hydraulic Pipe, Tin, Copper, and Sheet Iron Ware made to order. HOFFMAN &. KLIPPEL. Jacksonville, October 22, 1S70. J". N"lTN-UST, KEEPS constantly on band and manufacturer to order all kinds of Saddles, Harness and everything In the Saddlery line. I have also nn finn a In.mi tin.v nr ti. .; . and best kinds of TKAS1 & DRAUGHT COLLARS, with a large assortment of Saddlery Hardware and Saddler's Tools, all of which will be sold at greatly reduced rates for CASH. 3T Carriatre anrl Tinrrv TVimmTn. MnA order and with the best material. " Jacksonville, November 1, 1870.-U DR. W. JACKSON, , mm mr-nx'mu ' ja. JX.SSS JBL, m OFFICE: Coma-of California ty Fifth Sts Particular nttpntinn mrAn i- . ... of children's teeth. b Ration Teeth extracted without pain, by the use of the late method of anastheia. All work warranted inj .',:. r.i: . , 1 -" eauaiatuuu guuran Jacksonville, Nov. 20. tf CITY BREWERY! VEIT SCHUTZ, Proprietor. THE PUBLIC IS RESPECTFULLY IN fnrmpit tht thaw nj . at . Ihc CITY BREWERY, the best of Lager Beer, u iiuaut'wes iu.buk me purcnaser. Jacksonville, Jan. 15, 1870-tf XT. S. HOTEL, JACICS03TVTLI.E OIIEGO.V, Corner of California and lhird Sts. L. HORNE, Proprietor, BEGS LEAVE TO INFORM THE Public that he bag the largest, best, and most commodious Hotel in Southern Oregon. It is located in the central part of Jackson ville ; Stages from the North and South leave regularly from the U. S. HOTEL. The House has lately been re-painted, and renovated ; the rooms are newly furnished, and well ventilated. The Bedrooms are supplied with SrRIXG BEDS, and every other con venience for the comforts of the guests. BOARD AND LODGING Can be had at reasonable rates, according to the room occupied. Will be supplied with the best the market can afford. FAMILIES Can find at this House rooms especially arranged for their comfort and convenience, as well as every attention and comfort usually found at a well kept Hotel. A LARGE HALL h 1 attwhed to the Hotel, for Balls, Meetings, Shows, 4c, and can be had at rcasonabla terms. Jacksonville, Oregon, Jan. 8, I870.-tf , Floor! Floor!! Flour!!! 1 'HE subscribers having purchased the Yfjisn kotos or Hopwooo Mill, are now prepar ed to make flour eqnal to any in the market. Farmers are invited to bring- their wheat and are guaranteed satisfaction. , Mckenzie Mr. TTainington Mill, Aor, 7th 1863. STOP THAT GQUGHIN6 SOME OP YOU CAJTT. AXD WE PITT yoa. Yoa bare tried every remedj but lb OMJ destined, by ita intrinsic merit, to supersede tU nn lbr preparations. It Is not surprising yoa shoaid b reluctant to try something elsa after the many ex perimecta yoa have mado of trasby compounds foisted eu the public as a certain can; bat NEWELL'S Pulmonary Syrup Is mlly tba VERT BEST remedy crer eotopoaAd! for the card of Coajhs. Colds, Sora Throat, AiiSmi, VlieopltLgCocgtifBrooailUstmlConsUiDpUon. Tbo. Binds of people Id CtUfcmfci and Oregon bars teen alre&dj benimd by tbo surprising cur&Uvft poem NEWELL'S Pulmonary Syrup and with one ncord eln It their cnquanBcf appro. UOoo. Wo now address ourselres to all who are un acquainted with this, the greatest Panaccaof the age, for the beallng or all disear" of tb Throat aij Longs, asiuricg yoa thai NEWELL'S Pulmonary Syrup bu cored thousands and U Tin euro TOVffyaatry This tiv&laabl medicine Is pleasant to Ibo taste j toothing, healing and strengthening In its effects; en tirely free from all poisonous or deleterious drugs, and perfectly harmless under all circumstances. Certificates from many prominent citizens ox ja Jrand&co accompany every bottle of NEWELL'S Pulmonary Syrup BEDKGTOS & CO. Agents, San Francisco. DR. E. COOPER'S UNIVERSAL MAGNETIC BALM! , A general Family Medicine. It is a sover eign remedy for ' Diptheria, And kindred diseases of the TnROAT, and' unequalled In curing Dysentery, Diarrhoea, Cholera, Colic, Cholera Jlorbus and Fever and Ague,- Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Colds, Toothache, Burns, Sprains, Bruises, etc., etc, are a' once relieved by lt timely use. Trnlv a Vegetable Prepar ation. R'STRONO Eenn!ne wlttl0ut l.r of REDI'QTON & CO.'S T 0ELTJA WATEE,- USE OTHEK. Unexcelled for Toilet Use and for the Bath. REDINGTON &. Cd'S ESSENCE OF JAMAICA GINGEK. ThiS Valuable nrPnAmttnn itnntaTnt,,. I. .. highly concentrated form all' the properties of Jamaica Ginger, has become one of the most pupuiar uomesiio remedies for all diseases of the stomach and digestive organs. As a tonic, it will be found invaluable to all persons recovering from debility, whether pro duced by fever, or otherwise; for while it im parts to the system all the glow ard vigor that can be produced by wine or brandy, it is en- ...., .. .., .uciciiciionaryenects mat fol low the use of spirits of any kind. It is also an excellent remedy for females who suffer from difficult menstruation, giving almost immediate relief to the spasms that so frequently accompany that period. It gives Immediate relief to Nausea, cinsed o"n,enrScanu:ersrIlr0ad W " """. Jrnnf p .TaIaab!e a external application or Gout, Rheumatism. Neuralgia, etc wo i ,r , . PDINGTON .fc CO., 529 & 531 Market St.. between First and Second, corner of Ecker. San Francisco, Use Electro-Silicon, Or Magid BrilliaL REDINGTON &. GO.'S FLORIDA WATEjJ. FOR THE UANDKERCHIEF. This article, possessing the most delicate fragrance of Flowers, is uncqnaled as n,.per fume for the Handkerchief. FOR THE BATH. Used in bathino it ...i. . strength to the system, and gives that eoftnes and delicacy to the skin so much desired by al It removes Sunburn, Freckles & Pimples, Diluted with water, it makes an excellent Dentnfice, imparting pearly whiteness to tba. teeth, sweetness to the breath, and renders the gums hard and of a beautiful color. It should always be used after sbavlnjr di luted with water, as it relieves all Inflamation REDINGTON & CO., 529 & 531 Market St., between First & Second, corner of Ecker, San Francisco. Use Electro-Silicon, Or Magic Brilliant ' ELECTRO-SILICOtt, OR MAGIC BRILLIANT. DIRECT FROM NATURE'S LABRATORY . The best article ever discovered for Cleans ing and Polishing Gold. Siltcr and Plated Ware, and all smooth Metalic Surfaces, of whatever description, including Kitchen Uten sils of Tin, Copper, Brass, Steel, etc. To Jewelers and Workers in Gold Snd Silver Plate, the Electro-Silicon is of fBeflimabie val ue ; the tlme.eaved. and the vexatrort prevent ed by its use, wijl forever endtar Its name to all who have bad evidence or its-merits. - BEDIXGTON & CO.. Sole Agents, San Francises. FOR FLAVORING EXTRACTS. EEDtSGlO CO-'SABITM BEST Sept. 5th.JF6S. seplS-lj