Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, April 23, 1870, Image 3

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Satuhdat Mouxixg, April 23, 1870.
Lt. P. FUhcr,20 & 21 New Merch
ant's Exchange.! our only authorized airent in
San Francisco. For Extern Advertising. Mb.
Fhsib is represented by S. M. Pettenoiix &
Co. of New York and Boton.
Hadsett & MeHct are onr only an
thoriied Agents in the Atlantic Slat. Offics
41 Park How. "Times" Building. New York
City. A-U orders must come through them
Itlfgitt. gjtotfotf.
A Caupmeetikg will be hold in
Heber Grove, to embrace the 5th Sab
bath in May.
Father Blaxciiet will hold divine
services at the Catholic church to-morrow
at the usual hour.
Jackson County Republican
At a called meeting of the Central
Committee, held this day, it u-.is de
cided that Monday the ninth (9th) ciay
of May, lie appointed for lioMinz a
County Convention, at Jacksonville, for
the purpose of nominating a full Re
publican ticket.
The Republican voter of thi county
are requested to meet, in th-ir respec
tive precinct?, on Monday, JJlav second
(2d) for the purpose of decline dele
gates to said Convention; the bai of
apportionment ueme as ioiiows: une
delegate for each precinct, one fur each
twenty votes, and one foreach fraction
of ten -otes or over, cat at the last
Consrcssional election. Under this ap
portionment the various precincts are
entitled to rcprcsenlation as follows:
Ashland ......5
Applegate 1
Itnttc Creek 1
idQcn .
Grant's Ps 1
Jacksonville 7
Inland 1
Uarzanila.... 2
Evans Creek....
1 Kn-k Point 1
ForestCreek 1
Flounce Rock I
Font's Creek 1
Fort Klamath 1
Uninntnwn I
Willow Springs 1
Plerline. ,.1
Table Hock I
Total, 30
It is earnestly urged that the various
prccinctsscnd a full representation com
prised of their best men, thoo who are
capable of tnkintr a broad and compre
hensive view of the situation, and who
are untrammelled by pledges or gov
erned by local prejudices.
Jacksonville, April 15, 1870.
Odd Fellows Bali. The Odd F. 1
lows Anniversary Ball.commemorating
the introduction, of their Order into
the United States, will come ofl on
Tuesday evening next. There can be
no question as to its siicces".
The AmiucTio.v Cask. The colored
"man, Albert Johnson, who was arrested
and imprisoned, a few days since, for
abducting the 13 years old daughter of
another colored man, by the name of
Butler, was brought bifore Judge
"Wade, on Tuesdav lat, and after an
extended examination discharged. Al
thoush the evidence biought out on
the examination was not sufiiou-nt to
warrant hi being bound over for the
crime charged in the complaint, Mill
enough leaked out to show that "old
Fifteenth Amendment", as the lmyscall
him, was not altogether innocent in the
premises, and fearing an an est on a
new charge, lio lias sloped. So the
utory comes to us.
Ladies Fair. The Ladies Fair, held
at'IIornVs Hall, In this place, on the
20th and 21st inst., passed off in a most
acceptable manner to all parties. The
music was excellent, and the different
characters in the varions tableaux and
plays were well represented. The au
dience, on both evenings, was quite
large, and the proceeds of the Fair
will foot up to several hundred dollars.
Improved Red Men". The first Tribe
of this Order was instituted in Jack
sonville, last week, under the name of
Oregoniaa-Pocahontns Co. 1. It is only
a short time t-inee Dr. Toltnan first be
gun to advocate the establishment of a
Tribe in this place. There arc now on
the list over 50 names, among which
are some of the oldest -ind most influ
ential men in this place. After the in
stallation ceremonies, on laBt Saturday,
the Tribe marched in procession to the
court house, wearins the appropriate
regalia; where Dr. Tolman, Sachem of
the Tribe, delivered an able address on
the history and objects of the Order.
He was followed by Worthy Vice
Incohonce, C. E. B. Howe, with a
lew interesting remarks, and a poem
appropriate to the occasion. Another
Tribe of the Order was instituted by
Mr. Howe, at Ashland, on "Wednesday
evening lat, with the title of Lalake
No. 2, of Oregon with 13 charier mem
bers. The prospects of the Order in
this section are decidedly flattering.
-Sacks Bros, have received their
nete goods. Their iieio advertisement
will appear in next week's Sentinel.
We would advise our readers to visit
their store, and sec for themselves.
Officees. The following are the
officers of Oregonian Pocahontas Tribe
No. 1, Imp'd. O. R. M. : Sachem, Dr.
Tolman ; SeniorSagamore, Dr. L. Gan
ung; Junior Sagamore, E, B.Watson;
Chief of Record, M,. Mensor; Keeper
of Wampum, T. G. Owen; Prophet,
E. D. Foudray. Lalake, Tribe No. 2,
has the following officers: Sachem, Isi-
'dor Caro; Senior Sagamore, J. P.
Roberts ; Junior Sagamore, S. J. Dow
ning; Chief of Records, Simon Caro;
Keeper of Wampum, II. S. Emery;
Prophet, Joseph Wells.
Persoxai Mr. C. E. B. Howe,
Worthy Yice Incuhonee of the Im
proved Order of Red Men, started for
Portland, on the stage, last Thursday
night, to intlitute the third Tribe of
the Order, in this State, at that place.
Mr. Huwc is a man of wide and varied
knowledge, and of genial and engag
ing converalion. He is, moreover, an
indefatigable worker in behalf of his
Order, and deserves its hearty and sin
cere approbation. Wc wish him suc
The Wrong Max. The Town Mar
shall arrested a man, Thursday morn
ing last, whom, from some suspicious
circumstances he suspected of being
one of the parlies concerned in the re
cent Sutter county murder. On further
inquiry it was ascertained that he was
the wrong man, and he was according
ly discharged from arrest It is a little
rough on the stranger, but the motive
was good which prompted the arrest,
and he should overlook the mistake.
Rehearsals. All members of the
Jacksonville Singing Class,"" who wish
to sus-tain a short course of rehearsals,
arc invited to meet at the M. E. church,
Sunday afternoon, April 24th, at 3:30
Personal Capt. Goodale was in
town a couple of days, this week, look
ing fine and hearty, as usual. He
started for Fort Klamath yesterday.
Miscellaneous Items.
Ixstrcctioxs have been sent to Gen
eral Ansur not to interfere with the
propo.ed expedition to the Big Horn
mines. The Piw-idcnt of the Associa
tion has it-sued a circular auouncing
that the expedition will start lrom
Cheyenne the first week in May. Ar
rangements ate made with the railroad
companies for a reduction of ratos of
fare, etc. It states that the expeditinn
will take with it a 12-pound mountain
The town of Medina (O), containing
3,000 inhabitants, was isitcd bij a
destructive fire at two o'clock on the
morning of April 15th. In- fiiir hours
every htiMiiess block hut two was burn
ed to the ground. There wre no en
gines, and the. efforts ol tfie people,
uith thickets, were of no avail. Many
pen-on were burncd,aud some severely,
but no lives were lost The fire des
troyed three entire sides of a square
jiieiiuling the hank, two hotels and the
Gazette ofh'c About fifty firms and
individuals arc sutfuiurs.
Fenians are said to have left New
York in largo niimhcis. Some s.iy
they have gone to attend the Chicago
Congiess othcis own that they ate
concentrating on the Canadian frontier,
with a view to another raid. The arms
and aniuiiition ston d in the various
Fenian armories of New York are said
to have been removed.
A dispatch fiom Rome says that a
number of Fathers abstained from as
Mtingin the m -eting of the Ecumeni
cal Council when the vole on the
Schema against heterodoxy was taken;
others accompanied their votes with
declarations of disapproval at the man
lier in which the Schema had been dis
coursed. General Stone, who served under
McCIellau, has entered the service of
Egypt, and left New York, April IGth,
for Alexandria. A number ofthe ex
Federal and Confederate officers have
gone also. An agent of the Viceroy is
making regular shipments of breech
loa.ling rifles, and recently made new
cen tracts.
Among the roughs captured at New
Haven while -ittcnding the prize fight,
were three- Brooklyn aldermen, who
are still in jail, together with a number
of others, and Governor Jewell says he
will send as many as possible to the
penitentiary for two years.
Quiet prevails on the Canadian
frontier, though millitary preparations
continue for "the reception of the Fe
nians. Mysterious movements of men
and aims have been noticed at Burling
ton and St. Albans, Vermont.
Tun Massachusetts House of Repre
sentatives has passed a resolution to
repeal the chme of the Slate Constitu
tion which piescribes a reading and
writing tes-t for voters.
General Prim has intimated that a
certain time would be allowed during
which the Spanish clergy must take the
oath of allegiance. The clergy have
shown no sign of yielding.
The Young Democracy of New
York are to reorganize and continue
the fight against Tammany. It is said
they will run Smith EV for Mayor.
Tue man 'who can make un, own
fire, black his own boots, carry" his own
wood, hoe his own ga'rden, pay hk own
debts,- arid lives withortt wine and to
bacco', need ahk no favor ot him who
ndes in a coafch sad four.-
Mazzini and a revolutionary party
are organizing for abotbei attack -on
Rome. Several arrests of suspected
conspirators have been made in the"
Pontifical towns.
The woo! room, engine and dye room
of Wilcox's Woolen Mills, at Meriden
(Conn.), were burned April 15th. Ed-
'gafP. Ten Evck was fatally injured
and two other firemen wounded.
At Jacksonville (III.). April 15th
there was a furious snowstorm, while
peach trees were in bloom.
The Pontine Bleaching Mills, at
Warwick (R. I.), were destroyed by
fire April 15th; loss, $50,000.
Reports from Cuba state that the
rebels under Jordan had defeated the
Spaniards near Puerto Principe.
Charles B-iin has been arrested at
Portland, On, for the murder of W. A.
Wilson near Austin.
- ov
I h'T-bT announce mvM-lf as a'candidate for
the offlse of Sheriff. ntj-cl tolie decision of
be independent voters of Jackson county, at
their next June rlecilou.
My Platform.
Whereas the" olSce of Sheriff i not a political
office. In a party view, having hat one source of
party Influence to wit : newspaper patronage;
Therefore. I ph-d;" mjHr.il elected, in o-der
to rid ibe oQice of all f'rly bia, to award all
mv ffi.-iol .ii-,. i.on- v.elher for the county
or private Individual', to any newspaper pub
II h.-d In Ihe counly, lhat will contract t
god work at the lowest price. .
j. m. sun on.
Jacksonville, Oregon, April 9, 1870.
The Sarsaparilla Diggers of Yuc
atan. This singular set of people are
descended from the ancient Aztecs ot
Southern Mexico, and still retain some
of the peculiarities which Stephens and
Pre-scott gave of their ancestors. Dr.
J. C. Ayer & Co. employ a small army
of them in digging Sarsaparilla root
Provided with narraw spades, a coil ol
rope, and a bag ot water, they an
ready for the forest where the wild
banana furni.-hes them with food, and
thick-leaved trees their only shelter.
Few of those who find themselves
rejuvenated by this product, know how
they are indebted to the toil of these
humble laborers, who dig health for
thousands of Doctor Ayer's patrons,
while they somctimts lose their own.
Jioslon Commercial.
The Republican Platform.
The Union Republican party of Ore
gon, in Convention, makes this declara
tion ol its principlts and policy :
isr. uiiititenug nevoiiou to me
Union, first, hist, and forever; and un
wavering fidelity to the Constitution
and its amendments, and to the laws
of our National Legislature.
2d. He wholly approve the princi
ples and policy ot the administration of
President Grant, as carrying into prac
tical application the principles for which
wc have succesrfully stiived. And we
particularly commend these points in
his Inaugural Address, wherein, he de
clares "let it be understood that no
repndhtor of one farthins of our pub-
liu debt will be trusted in public places,
and it will go fir towards strengthen
ing a credit which oughtto he the best
in the world," and "I would protect
the law abiding citizen, whether of
native or foieign birth, wherever his
rights are prejudiced or the flag of our
country floats;" and "I will have no
policy "to enforce against the will ofthe
3d. e have confidence that the
Administration will wisely and firmly
protect the interests and sustain the
dignity of the Nation in respect to
other nations, and especially with re
gard to our just claims against Great
4th. We denounce all forms of re
pudiation as a national crime, and the
national honor requires the payment
of the public indebtedness in the utter
most good faith to all creditors at home
or abroad' not only according to the
letter, but the spirit ot the laws under
which it was contracted. And lor
this purpose, we f ivor a strict economy
in the Administration ot the .National
Government' and the application to
such payment of all surplus revenue,
from whatever sources derived; and
lhat taxation should be equalized and
reduced as rapidly as the national
laith will permit.
5th. We make no distinction be
tween citizens, whether of foreign or
native birth ; and that we sympathize
now and ever with men of all nation
alities striving for selfsjovernment.
Gth. That we are opposed to any
change in our naturalization laws which
shall admit to citizenship any foreigners
not now entitled thereto under said
7th. We favor a judicious system
of railroad and river impro-ements in
Oregon, in order to develop our re
sources and invite settlement of our
nnoc cunied terrtorv and lor this nur
pose insist that Congress should make
us liberal crrants of aid.
8th. We are in favor of a tariff for
revenue vvtih such discrimination in fa
vor of our domestic manufactures as
will not diminish its efficiency for the
purposes of revenue.
ath. Wc favor universal amnesty
to the neonle of those States lately in
rebellion, which have been restored to
full relations tn the- Union. -i
I0tb We are in favor of iostering
the cause of education, and are opposed
toany diversion ofthe common school
ftwds of (he State to any other- pnr
JioSe than the support of common
11th. We rtcotrnixein the "Union
Republican party the measures and men
who saved the Government from des
truction, and thai its continuance in
power is the only sure safeguard to na
tional neace and Drosrjentv. .And with
this platform we appeal to the voters
ot Oregon ior their suffrages and sup
What Is a Tenlc 1
Bear this in mind. lhat although a
tonic is, to a certain extent, a stimulant,
a stimulant, vnmoaijied by any meat'
dual substances, is not a tonic, but a
debihtant. In U OSTEITE R'S STOM
ACH BITTERS there is a stimulating
element of the purest grade manufac
tured in this or anv other coumrv.
Every fiery and corrosive l or acid
which contaminates the ordinary li
quors of commerce, is expelled from the
rye spirit which forms the alcoholic
basis ofthe BITTERS, by careful and
repeated rectification. The juices of
ihe valuable roots, harks and herbs, in
fused into this wholesome nrodnct ot
the finest grain, still farther modify its
autre; fu unit it uecomes, in lacl, a
iimple' diffusive agent, minus all the
tcady and brain exciting properties
vrncn oeiong, more or less, to all li-
Jnors in a raw state. It is merely the
tafe and harmless vehicle which ren
ders the medicinal virtues of the pre
paration effective, increasing their ac
tive power, ami diffusing them through
the system. Hence the pleasant and
cntle glow which is experienced after
taking a dose ot the ttlTTEHS. In
stead of creating headache, rs unmedi
tated stimulants aie apt to do, this salu
brious tonic is the best known remedy
fir bat complaint. It calms and
SMths cerebral excitement, strengthens
tie nerves, promotes the secretion of
the gastric juice, invigorates th bow
ls, determines the fluids to the. surface,
inproves the appetite, increases the
uiimal vigor, regulates or anic aci.'on,
aid, from its mild yet effective altera
tive qualities, is the very best piepara
tion that can be administered to the
yeaker sex in the pcculier difficulties
tb which their organization subjects
Proposals for Cavalry Horses.
nut QciKtu Dipiimsr or tni Colcmbii,)
Ornci Cour Q. Si, rniuxB, April 3, 1870.
Bvt. Mij. Gen. commanding the Depart-m-nt.
SEALED PROPOSALS, in triplicate.
nll be receivi-d at this office np to noon on
Tuesday, the lOlh da; of May. 1870. for thede-
nrer; &i im city or at rnri uane. wrepon. oi
(tfO) Two Hundred and Fifty CAVALRY
IIORSRS of the standard age and size, viz :
-rrora (15i Bfteeti to (IS) sixteen hands blsfa.
and from (5) five to (S) nine years old."
Proposals will be considered for the whole
number required, or for bands of not less than
liny hors-n.
Ill bnrres presented will be tnbject to the In
pptlion of a Hoard of Invprctor.
7be delivery to eomm'-nce n Wcdnwdiy,
Juie 22rt. and to be completed by the lit day of
Uh. 1870.
AH b!d should stat in; price per capita, in
com. at thcM Head yuarlers, unci the price
most be expressed in writing as well a. figures.
A dTJO'it liy au accepted draft of 5 per
cent oil the amount of the bid will be required
as a guarantee that a bund will be entered into
if contract Is awarded.
Bvt. Rrig Gen. and Qr. Ma. U. S. A
Chief Qr. Mis. Dept. or the Columbia.
Any one having claims against
the United States will Olid it to
their advantage to send a state
meat ot their case to
Counitlor at Law, Solicitor
befort the Court of Claims, t.,
4TS II Street. Washington, D. C.
O J3UL 3C :
I. P. Do wo 11, Proprietor.
Assortment ot JOB TYPE In Southern
Oregon, as well as a
We are prepared to do all kinds of
P 3C-i m. JC 2W
JE!-.1 Titling,
sucb as
FotBtoaravy cfco,
And all other kinds of Printing, at reasonable
I rates. Call ana see ui before sending to Sao
mndseo for rrmrtog.
B3T If you wish the very brat. Cab
inet Photographs, yon must call on
goraery street, San Francisco.
AVflnte Divorce legally obtained In Xew
York. Indiana, Illinois and other States, for
perrons from any State or Country, legal every
where ; dsef tlcm, drunkencss. non- support, etc
sufficient cause ; no publicity; no charge until
divorce obtained. Advice free. Bwineft estab
IWHdflYleen years.
Address, M. IIOUSK, Attorney,-
hr3m So. TS Xuun Strut, Kev Tork City.
iflg an eitettstie supply of Goods in their
line of butine. ecrsifttng in part ot
Coot Stoves, Parlor ami Box Stores of rtmou,
.Pattern. KaiUpf all sizes; Aaoi led Iron
and Steel; Horje Sliocs ami Nailr; Cast
Iron Wash Kttle. Bale Oitentf SktlUtt
anil Ld', Tit Keltle'.and Ihte Pans;
Dtau air? Enamerd Kettles and
Sjv.ce tilns; Chopfing Aiet.
Broad fixes, Irate and Halter
Chains; Sioreltand Tongs,
FireBvgs, Sluice Forts,
SioscU, Door Loch. Bull
and Strap ll.ugcs; Kuires
and Forts, Spoons and ladles t
Mat Cutters, Sad Iron', Polishing
Irons, Poctet Knives, Scissors end
Sicars. Patent Cross Cut &ivs ; Buck
o"d Ihnd Sixes ; Planes and Lanterns, to
gether uith a full assortment of Shelf Hardware
These Pomps have been fully tested, and arc
acknowled to possess advantages over all other
Pumps In use ; sold at Manufacturer's prices,
with freight added.
Fuse and Cds. Blastlmr and Rifle Powder.
Shot and L-ad ; Lift Pumps and Lead Pipe ;
r r-!.i- r,. , ...n . , m.r. 1
uup;. uiiiiu.iuiies. oiucr Alius, iseuar luns.
Buckets, and Willow Baskets. '
Of every description always on hand and
made to order.
Hydraulic Pipe,
Paints. Oils, Turpentine, Varnish, Window
Glass and Putty.
We invite the attention of Farmers to onr
Stock of
jk 3d -YfW m,
Cultivators, and Ptarrows,
Of the most approved pattern, and highly
finished ; also Self Sharpening Straw Cutters
and Day Ki.ives.
Jacksonville, October 16, 1S63.
Forwarding and Commission
TV TARIC your gocd. care of D. If IT.. O event
1V1 City; send shipping receipts anil bills of
lading ; rM zoi aim clurges payable in Orescent
City, on delivery of good'.
Our wan-houses consist of two brick and one
stone building.
Awiring our patrons that no pain will be
spared in looking to their interest, we ask for
a continuance of Ihelr pat favors.
Crescent Cily,.March 1, 1870.-ftb26ir
VEIT SCHUTZ, Proprietor.
X fnrmNl lhat thev can And. at anr time, at
the CITY BREWERT the beH of Lager Beer,
In quantities to suit the purchaser.
Jacksonville. Jan. 15. 1870-tf
Late Snrgeon U.S. Army,
Physician,- Surgeon,
Will practice In Jackon and adjacent coun
ties, and attend promptly to all calls on profes
sional business.
Office and residence on Fourth streel, oppo
site the M. E. ehurch.
Jacksonville, Oregon, Jan. 8.1S70. tf
ActJniHistrator,s If otice.
Estate of Henry S. Hughes.
THE undersigned having been appointed ad
ministrator of said estate, all persons
having claims against said estate, are requested
to present them, duly verified, for paymsnt.and
those indi-btfd to said estate are reqnlred to
make payment forthwith, to Ihe undersigned,
at his residence, one mile north of Phoenix,
Jackson county, Oregon".
'April 9, 1870.-4W
too. ToahmtrMemTnmtdrlwttbvONS
dtsUBtd, by 111 iBtriuia meriu o snoemdi n slat.
ttarpmwuwaa. Itlstxxturprttiic Ta sboaM to
relucual la try Mmethln- tb. snr ito auLBra
nrtnwats too kav tula or'lruav'caoMMa
PuJmwiky Syruj
Is mBr the TEST BtST reaeJf emewaemadtj
for tnacnraof Conjha Clt5, SerrvTtro, AiUinu.
V boopiDS Coat,. Broachius ant Cuujuiuiuob, TboZ
audi of ptopl la Csliforalaaad ontatri torn
already btstatud by tao sorprlsiaf raatlr pn
Pulmonary Syrup "
indwilh eaa aAont lva It tBrtr tnnatlUM spert
UUon. Wo now address oureelTti to ail icbortol
anoalattd vltli this, tba mint Paaaoa ir Um aca.
for iha beating or all ducaT" of Ut tinat aa2
Loags, auBriiff you thai
Pulmonary Syrup
has earri thoosaals aad It i3 eara YOU IT joa try
This InTataaUs BeoKnA tfruut to (B Uttal
-soothioi. healing and strengthtBlsg la tu acts en
tirely freo from all poisonous or deHlertoos inn.
and perfectly barmleis nnder an circumstances.
Certificates from many promlneni dtun . jaa
FrucUco accenpaay every Inula of
Pulmonary Syrup
XEDIXCTOtt k CO. igeats; &a Frsacisca.
A general Family Medicine. It Is a sover
eign rcmidy for
And kindred diseases of the THROAT, and
unequalled In curing Dysentery. Diarrhoea,
Cholera, Colic, Cholera Morbus and
Fever and Agae.i
Neuralgia, Rheumatism. Colds, Toothache,
Burns, Sprains, Bruises, etc., elc, are a onet
relieved by lu timely me.
Trulv a Vegetable Prr- par
aaioa. None cenuine without si . .rt-. ,.t
D CTOnvn '
Unexcelled for Toilet Use and for the Bath.
This valuable preparation, containing 'in a
highly concentrate! form all the properties of
Jamaica Ginger has Ucome one of tbexntst
populardomei'tic remedies for all diseates of
the stomach nnd digestive organs.
As n tonic, it will be found invaluable to all
persons recovering lrom debility, w briber pro
duced by fever, or otherwise ; lor while It Im
parts to the system all Ihe glow and vigor lhat
can be produced by wine or brandy, It Is en
tirely free from the reactionary effects that fol
low the use of spirits of any kind.
It is -also an excellent remedy for femalti
who suffer from difficult menstruation, giving
almost Immediate relief to the spaims that so
freqnenlly accompany that-period.
It gives immediate relief to Nausea, cmicd
by riding in a railroad car, or by sea-sickners
or other caues.
It Is also valuable as an external application
or Gout, Rheumatism. Neuralgia, etc.
tlG and 418 Front St., San Francisco.
Use Elcctro-Sillcoa,
Or Magin Brilliai...
This article, possessing the most delieati
fragrance of Flowers, is nnequalcd as a per
fume for the Handkerchief.
Used In bathing. It Imparts energy ana
strength to the system, and gives tbnt softness
and delicacy to the skin so much desired by all
It removes Sunburn, Freckles & Pimples.
Diluted with water, It makes nn excellent
Dentrifice. imparting pearly whiteness to iht
teeth, sweetness to the brcalb, and renders lit
gums hard and of a beautiful color.
It should always be used after shaving, di
lated with water, a it relieves all inflamatloi
416 ar.d 418 Front St., San Francisco.
Use Electro-Silicon,
Or Mafic Brilliant.
The best article ever discovered for Cleaai
Ing and Polishing Gold. Silver and Plated
Ware, and all smooth Metalie Surfaces, f
whatever description. Including Kitchen Uten
slls of Tin. Copper, Brass. S'eel. etc.
To Jewelers and Workers In Gold and Silver
Plate, the Electro-Silicon of Inestimable val.
ue 5 the time saved, and the vexation prevent
ed by Its use. will forever endear Its name U
all who have hud evidence of Its merits.
Sole 'A gents, San Francisco.
r b Of.lavoiinq extract,
r ?