Tti WGCtS SETIML. STCiY3iwruca,Jaa tP,lSTO. Tac ReraV!rr& Stale Central Ccaa atactic, al Prtlata, Jaa. JMk. Frcst MajarM. TA Berry, c4 Miri b, Chairman; T. R. (Mental, ol Beo tan, Sfertsary; Messrs. A. Ifinmin, ol datKtrs xt lor A. MetrtjotncTT Ga. SL Scaaier, of Cony, Vr M. P. Jscrrr, proxy; A. J. ATtperwn, of Clactvaa . G. Wewtpr, i DoneU, Vy J. G. WripjVit, proxy; J. TtVaon, ol Grant, fcy J. G. AVHn, proxy; E. F. Rol, of Linn: W. VT., c4 Laee, W M. T Berry, ,kxt; J. IL XitcirlC ol MntlTtoraaa ; J. L Coriit, of Tolt; T. R HaaSler. of TSlUaoak, y S. A. Ciarfce, proxy ; J. H. FiV, ol Umatilla; D. "W. I.icMctiihikr. ol TJslca, or R. I. Boi, proxy; W. D. Hire, ol Waiiactoo ; J. G. 'Wilson, t of TiHaaooV, case in dnrinc the vestica. and by a vote km rerited to it aad adrte trith the Cosmittce. The Coaunktec, after settling tbc xoaUer ol proiT credentials, prooeded to ballot for choice of place lor holding the next State Conrcntioa, whereupon the city of PorUani was elected. The firrt Thursday, the 7th day ol April, was determined npon as the time. The basis of representation was fixed J a follow: One delegate for each sixty rotes cart for the Republican candidate for Congress in 1S6S, and an additional delegate for each fraction ni thirty-fire or orcr, and one delegate at latc for each county. Mr. A. J. Apperson, el Clackamas, was elected Treasurer of the Commit tee to reccrre and pay out snch fands a nay be raised for the distribution of campaign documents and newspa per. And prevision was xoade to sc- ccrc fends for such purpee. It appearing that in seme of the conn ties, tberc were no Republican comity committees, in conseqeece of mnoral. death, or failure to act, it was rcsolred thai in any neh case the State Cen tral Committeeman for snch cocntv should be acthorired to issne a caH lor the sttxt Countv Convention. A rccolction ras adopted, reooni Tnending that nonuty conWnUont lr eSeetioa of ddegates to tbe State Con- Tcnlion, be bold oa Saterdav, March I ruK The Ceamittec then a$esrncd. A Radical BcV vrcr ceicaporay nas tseerered a deep laid "Radical plot" to demoralize the Democratic party in this cesnty. Tolcian, Colvcr. and others, stand ac cused I sawing strife ad disseasioas Vttween "brother Democrats" ol the town, and county. And bow ? By re minding the rustic and Bavrpbtatcatcd country Democracy, that tbey have, hitherto, always played second fiddle for tbew urban brethren, wh, like true "ebftiren of this world have been wiser in their day and generation than the children of Kgbt," and nnWormly gobbled tbe best office in the gfct of tbc party The historian of the party U able to find but two exceptions to this rale, d Bring a period c voting three general elections and feel constrained, at last, to rely for a vindication of tht conduct ol tbe town poKtieians to ward tbe country voters " the reci procal ncccsity of each to tbc ether. Vbal coald they do witbent each other? There tonsl be leader and Wlcwers, nominee and voter to sus tain them. And where are the ftvcw k leaders of the party bat in the town; and the trre-i voters bat in the cen trrJ Tht system h worked like a charm. The Democratic party has grown great nnder it anpice. It concern bax-e been watched ever by wca who Idt assured that they bad a certain iatere tn i ascendency. Then even if thi distribution ol oJnec was wnjast at first, the uecioa,, bas become herediury in cliques by long wtagt and acqniscene, and any at teapl at a cbangenow, would portend diter. And then, where is there ft Democrat whoc bosom doe not kiadle with gratitude on the biennial rctmcaof tbcaenesof June, ox-er tbe recollections of the numerous civilities be has received at the expen of thec w t asoa, oy a. Iloro proxy ; j. J anU provide for resuming specie pay "Watt, of YamhiH. Mr. T I Krirk?n, facnts. "The llonc appropriation com - aaercntlesBanlytownoScialsagainstbinsarc here, looking after procuring whom this prejudice is aought to be titles for the lands donated to the rawed? Xo, let tbe aotto of tbe Democratic party Jackson county be still, covir Iry raters, town gRn2s ad victory. m "Wmat. Oregon" crop of winter wheat k reported in See ceedition, and a large crop k aetieifated. Letter fat&r. Bern. WAsmxcw,D.CL 1 Jaaaarr 10. 1570. t TRC KEJUSSSmtLD.-Q A3CD CONCUSS. ncwxsss or. Senators aa3 nrnbers ho Tilled iW b ,fi ,v ,, .!? . ,v- w-j i. .. 1,. .. , .- , " "y .-.,.. "'t;.., -u.. ., c,c- triag, for tbe tncctieg of OonjTcss to- uy. An examination t4 tbc barine be fore eaci house tbows ibat a mucl larger amoant cl lezt4ilJon has beca blocked onl tbaa bas been generally forr0- In tbc Houtc ttcarlr bx bandred bill arc pending, and in the ocaale over three hundred hare been introdncrd. Of this number, twenty- five relate to financial matter, six pro pose Iree banling, three relate to a re dUtribaiioa ol the national bank enr- rcncT. and onlr one provides for an ad ditiocal !.!. f Minn1 lnV .-. four projw to fund the public debt 1 - mittee tart oa Friday, and decided to report to-morrow the legislative and executive, and West Point and pension appropriation bilk General Paine, of Wisconsin, has prepared, and will in troduce to-morrow, a bill providing for a new apportionment of Representa tives, to bf made on the basis of the ninth census. It increases the present number. EaiLCOAPS. Mr. Joseph Gaston, of the Wcstsidc railroad, and Jndgc Olncy of the Portland and Astoria railroad, who arc here applying for land grants are nn" derstood to have untiled their claims and a bill wiH be reported front the Senate Committee on public lands to the two jointly, cariy in the season. Negotiations arc also in progress for the shipment of iron, immediately on the tiassagc of the b3k I am ol the opinion it wiH pass both IIouscs with out much trouble, and thai then they can buy iron with the land of the Company. If so, on the citizens bl Oregon doing the grading, the road wiH be made rxEsoxax. xxn ansexujurcotrs. Two hundred and fifty Chinanen ar rived in Xew Orleans on the Sth inst, on then- way to Texas. .s. eos raowx writes to Senator Corbtlt that he con tracted an indebtedness of 12,000, Dy being minister to China only 8 months ; but he opposes the increase ol the China mission to a first class one. rEvotmexixT rtcco. While in Baltimore, I called to see John Biicks a rcvojutionary soldier, who now resides at 2Co. 1 Mulberry street. He said he was bom at Bloody Ran, Bedford county, Pa, the last of May, lfi.and was now in his lOSUi year of age. He was in the American army, in the battle of Yorktown, in 17S1, and saw Karl CerraHis surrender to Wahin-ton, at Yorktown. He is feeWe in body, and very poor. He is fed by two kind friends : the food be ing Inrnished by a lady of Philadelphia and a dairvman who resides in the neighborhood, bat has never received a pension. His evidence is imperfect, and he could only receive apenMon by an art of Congress. Our Representative might make himself nelul by getting np a biH for his relict Wc recommend him to the favorable consideration, not only of Mr. Smit but to the whole ol his Committee on revolutionary pen skmr. It i a disgrace to the nation for one of the revolutionary lather to live on the charities ot friends after the death of H his relative. The coed mhiitcrinc angel who feel so deeplv for his welfare, is a hnmane lady of Philadelphia. n. R. Ktscatn, clothe Oregon State Journal, ha a clerkship in the office of the Secretary ol the Senate, E. L. Jones, formerly a partner of Gov. Gibbs ha a second class clerk ship, in the loan branch of tbcTreasnry Department. Judge Oliphant ha a third class clerkship in the General Land Office. Dr. L. S. Thompson is keeping a broker's office oa F street, getting four and fix per cent, per month, loaning money to the destitute clerks Ac. Cok J. & Ruckles 3 J. R Rob- Stale of Oregon for the constrnction of , formed at Albany, Oregon, for ihe pur a military wagon road from the Dalles ' pose of digging a caaU from the San to Old Fort Boise, which has been TC,: to "l town, a distance of conMraeted by the Dalles Military ehle nes- Koad Cosapaay. Ther ace ks aetiac , agsats. R. P. Earhart, aiaaiaistratar of J. W. P. RaMiegtesH crtats, h bere, ' ttHg lac Wows f tic Sapem. wwct ia im jjfrurt. .Mr. rUcff m wUng Wm. There is bbi iiiuc u-eabM atxai it, liter via will be able to tare kis Kcaritics a 1l fta ftahh a a TTkiI a .a a ' . "... V. ! harc rnon'T over bis pnratecrrfaor; bcl h "'nL n. V. Scott, editor of the (W !.:-,),.- InoUnp . -a loam.,,,. how "Uncle Sam" does up the bailors , , B of the people. Shnbrick Nrrris, ol Portland, Ore gon, is here, on banking arrangements. Owen, StaaKt, asd SfeipJy. tmt Tit ttrrtro. n b. r. mviuJ This question involvM more than a few dollars to the Sxcmxu. It is nothing less than a conflict bttveen bordcr-rufiianism and law and order. In a former article wc showed that T. J. Rcamcs, the Sheriff deeply rvm- pathitcd with the real criminals. If am taencc an affray, and they are rranuca ny ', to Vntftre T 1 1 1 .1 1 . those whose duty it is peace, in vain mav we ex- ' tt fn ....mat. m. m.l . .., T...... as criminals go unpunished, sc long may every good, law abiding dticn of Oregon expect to see frequent occur rences ol the same offences. Sc far wc have only noticed this question as it made its appearance in the Cou'ts. The real facts and causes of those affrays make it still worse for the Owins and their sympathizer, T. G. Rcancs the High Shcrift of this connty. Wc arc credibly inlormed that the firs, abuse of Shiply, by Owen, was causd by a groundless jralouy. Allred Oven was once employed by Sachs Bros., but he ' desired to visit Missouri, and h his ab sence Mr. Shiply obtained ha place; and when he returned he cculd not get it again. Both of them, tlrce years ago, were generally considered nice beaux far the girls. Both ol them, occasionally, visited a beautiful girl, who is still single. During Uic week previous to the fight Mr. Owen saw this young lady at the store of Glenn, Drum & Co., and said somcthirg to her about going to a balk Owen under stood he engaged her company to go to the ball; she undcrttood it other wise. On the night of the fight Mr. Owen called to lake ihc young lady to the hall, and lo ! and behold, she had made no preparation; but she told him she would get ready in a few minute. Like a visionary and jealous crazy man, Mr. Owen concluded that Mr. Ship ly was the cansc of his partner's not being ready to go wilh him to the ball; so, while she was getting ready, Owen posted off to the store of Sachs Brov, and abuses Shiply, as described in Shiplys statement, which has been published. His abuse of Shiply is de scribed a wicked, vindictix-e, and in tolerable. After this Owen takes the lady to the ball room; comes to the bar-room to get his tickets and at the tabic, where the tickets were sold, he commences his first fight; but they were parted without any serious dam age being done. They met again, on the same night, near Glenn, Drum it Co.V store, and Owen again strikes the first blow. They fight from there down to and aronnd the New State saloon ; and Owen gets severely stabbed with a knife. Shiplv remains in Jackson- xillc; no prosecution is commenced. About a year ago, Shipley married an- other good girt, who belonged to one of the largest and most respectable families in our city; and ever since. Shiply, at Jeat, has nol meddled xxith Owen's galantry, yet, he is still single. A bright, blnc-cyed daughter has been the fruit of Mr. Shiply's marriage. Af ter all this Owen seeks to ruthlessly tear Shiply from hi wile and child, and consign him to the penitentiary. As twines the ivy around the sturdy oak, to clings the daughter and mother to neriaincrana nnsoanu. ine man, or set of men, that would dclibcratclv, under these circumstances try toscxer Shiply from his wife and child, does not deserve the sympathy ol any one, mach les of te High Shcrifl of th county. We call npon the Sheriff, wc call upon all good citizens regardles of parties to discountenance such in famy, Xcvts Item. raRoosKn Oct. James Craigan and Ross were pardoned out of the penitentiary, after having served a por tion of their respective terms by the Governor of Oregon, on the 27th inst. A joint stock company been er& Koina will soon retam to France and will enstitnte proceeding heiere the High Cowt ef Justice ta re eorer damages fer the faaBy of Yieter 2ir. Late Telegram. N kw York, Jan. 24. A meeting of the directors of the .Northern PaciBe railroad, held in Xcw York on the 22d, declared in favor of work being vigor ously pashed in the approaching spring. SaxFra.vcisc, Jan. 24. On Sunday afternoon, last, the bod v of a little cirl. named Mary Ryan, was found nnder a j wiiart at ban trancisco. Her nerson had been xiolated by some fiend, who naa men silica ner. she was only six years of aee, and the people ol this city were thrown into a terrible state of excitement on the discovery ol the double crime. Sax Fnaxasco, Jan. 25. Great ex citement pievails on account ol the arrest ol the supposed fiend, who so horribly outraged and murdered the little girl, Mary Ryan. But lor the coolnc and determination ol the offi cers the crowd, on Davis st., would Have bung him immediately, on supi cion. Some 2,000 are collected near the City Hall, and the greatest excite ment prevails. All the way to lac City Hall the people on every side shouted, "shoot him," "hang him," "cut hira in pieces." The policemen, by the mot strenuous exertions and the assistance of many citizens who had assisted in the capture, succeeded in keeping the enraged multitude at bay. At the mouth of Dunbar a'lcv the crowd was immense, and a determined effort was made to take the prisoner trom tne otneers al clubs and cane were used freely upon the noisiest, and finally the officers forced their way through the mass, and got their pris oner into the station hous?, the multi tude swarmed to the very doors. Many women were encountered on the way on the city front, who flew at the prisoner, like tigresses but fortunately for him none ol them got their hands upon1 him The prioner gax-e his name as M. Qainn, and says he has been a butcher at Sanciloto, and on the Potrc ro. He says c h' been lor some time without work, was half starved, and did not care what bccirne of him. That he was desperate, and could give no other reaon for having secreted himelf whem he was found. There were probably 300 persons in pursuit of him for over two hours. There is a great crowd round the City Hall, and manv women constantly applying lor admision to sec the man. A mbcqucnt dispatch says that Quinn has made a full confession, hut denies the murder of the Jittlc girl, af ter committing the outrage. He states, that he met her on Sunday afternoon, and indr.crd her to go with him Wncalh the wharf; that he had never seen her before, and did not know her name. He described with minute ness the rontc which they took, and the place wliere the double crime was enacted ; but persisted in saying that she was alive, lying on the gronnd, when he left her, and that he nsed no violence towards her from first to last. Aycr's American Almanac, for 1870, has been received by the druggists and dealers for delivery gratis, to all who call for it. This number contains proofs to show that some ol the stars hax-c existed for -sixty million of 'year. Wc had not suposed such proof pos. sthlc, but the Doctor gives it in a shape which seems indisputable. His wittic isms have long made his book accept able; his medical advice makes it in di'pcnsablc to families an noxr ne adds the most startling problems of abstract science to its attractions. A Family Scwinsr Machine, or a Si! vcr Watch, civen to -vcry club ol sub scribers to A nx old's Maoazixk. Per sons raising hall a club have the choice ot a set ol frilxer I-oilcs Tabic or Tea Spoon. Agents wanted, male and Icmalc. Large wapes paid. Send lor lull particulars. Address FRANCIS .t CO., care ol Box 2021, San Fraccico, Cab WILLIAM DAVIDSON, OIHce, No. 64 FROST STREET, Afljololng Trltgrsp Office, rortUtxt, Orreea. srm.u coLuxzvn or clams. Accounts, Sotff, Bonds, Drafts. mt ).lnan tlk Ctktms of ertry description Ihrootbont Ottgnn 4 the Territories. WILL UK MAlE A SrEClALTr AND TROMrTLT CUL l.tCTHt), well tt wild a dot tretrd to econ omy In all bqlnet nattert Intrertrd to kis care, tod tbe proceeds paid orrr yaoctoallr. RKAI. KITATK nRALRR. USE DPoJjol Rmer roi CHOLERA BOWEL COMPLAISTS, For Polls. Cats. Tirsle and Scalds. Old jtnre. Sprains. Swrllitif of Ibn Joints. Toolb trbe, Tain In Ibt Face, NrcralgU and Rbroa alljjr, Frotltd Fctt, Felons. Sere Threat, Sudden Colds, Coach, Ac Ct It for aay or lbe, and yoa will never do witfeoallL Its roctf! at a TilqaWt famltr bts lodoced olbt-i ta Imitate and conalerSt tbe rala KHltr to tome exust. JSflran c Cetmtnfiitu SOLO Vj ALL DSUGGISTS. l'o1 i M EAGLE BREWERY ! jos. wasaoaaa Pr.p'r. rraEBESTOFUtGEltUEEIt KETTCrJX- i'iAb AA JoiJr for jMmtr. "--. v...(. li .. , ll WV ! JckoTille, Ja. IS, ISTOv-tf SB Gin BEEWERT! VE1T SCIIUTZ, Proprietor. THE rURLlC IS RE3PECTFCLLT IS fomwsl iktt ihT can Bod. at anr lime, at tbe arr BltSWOtt tb b.l of Unr Uetr. in qiaat'lin to tolt ibe pnrebar. Jackwotillf.Jsa. JS, UTO-tf FltANCO-AMEKICAN HOTEL AND RESTAURANT, orrosrTE Tns Odd Fellow's Hall, Jacksonville, Oregon. Travelers and resident foarder will Bod MADAMS GILFOYLE'S BEDS AND XEDDZZfO riaced in Brt clan order, and In errry Vt snpenor to aaj in Ibis section, and unsurpassed bj an; in tbe Stale. DEK ROOM IRE .TEWIT FrRSlSHED, And a plentiful sapplj of tbe best of erery IblrfJ ibe market afford witl be ob tained for HER TABLE. Hereafrr. ber IInse will be bept open all nlgSt. and sqnare mmts can b bad at aaj time ibroatb Ibe Mjht. Oystrr prepared In erery sljlc. Innebrs etc to be bad. SUgn pasrnper, and nthrr. onl late at nigbt. can alwats Bml a rood lire, bot meals, and good bed at ibe a bore restaurant. N tronble will be epared to deserrt Ibe pat-rona-e or tbe traeelbig as well at tbe penaa- nent community. JacaMoarlll. Dee. 13, 1S(3. If DR. GEO. B. TOLMAN. fLat twtm V. a ArwyJ Physician, Surgeon, AXD ACCOUCHEUR. Will practice in Jaekoa and adjacent cona ties, and attend promptly to alt call, oa profes sional basinets. OSce and residence on Fonrlb itreet, oppo site tbe 11. Z. eborcb. Jackfoarille, Oregon, Jan. SIS11- tf CHEAP FOR CASH ! CSr. DS.a,370XV"aSl3JL, H AVISO JUST OPENED A LARGE stock of Staple Groceries, at tat xsnxo-ec: stozis, Corner of California and Oregon Streets, OCTori Z3n.x-(srvixaisf Soeb as bare not been otTered before at Jack' eonrille. This stock Is fresb and of tbe beat quality, and CASH purtbmn will do well to call oa him. STAPLE PRODUOE Taken in extbange for Good. December 23, lEf . 3m I4Rtt.l.ntr is an excellent ankle "EUREKA" hi.TX'rVetrL'frt idncedlllennleerMlly admired. It Is pit np In baadwiin mnlla bats. In wblcb orders for Meersebaam pipes are daily parked. !.) HIM. HITS ItlassfJ bT WB9 leaf crown ; It It antl nereows In It eflHt. as tbe Sicollne bas beta extracted; II leate no dif,rTTal.le tat after tmoklnf II i eery mild. HfM In coter and weight, hence one ponitd will ls-1 as long as three of ordinary to bacco. In tbli brand w also pb orders erery day for Brt cls qvality MfTrscbsnm npes. Try It, and eonslnce ynorssltes. It i all It elalmi to be, 7a rrtiMT er vun UiKIM.ARDa CENTURY Ctrwli,B Ttee. Tbta Brand of Fine Cot chewing tobbaco bas no eijnal or rape anywbe. Iliawiih- on t doabt lb belt cbtwlag tobacco la tbe conntry. SN UP PSu;,3, Scorer 110 years, and U1I aekaowMged -aht beif wbererrr aeed. If yonr ttortkeeper does sot bar Ikes arti cle for sale, a-k him to get them ; tbey art told by respectable jobber almost tTtrywher. Circular of prices farwa.-ded on application. r. LORILLARD, Jfiw Tox. ,-3B IK. W. JlCKSON, :tmrmr9 SXTTJ DcnM llooma at norm's Jefei. JZSfl?? &' to Hh rrnkUM U&ftfll fatltft ll V. t.s. ..iLl . . f J tMt f All wotk wirraattd, and tatUfactloa rsaraa teed. jatafoarrtlf, Sot. "O.-tf THE OZfLX STANDARD HISTORY of America. Orooloy'n AxuorloAia CsOjJBTFsialCT t Dther tbo M or Sd eolamta of Greeley's America) Oaflcl. or both Tolnmee.ean be had in Jtay. next, by leating a wrllUa appUcaUon therefor with J. M. Solum, rostai.ier, Tor G. R Rlood. Tbe appHcatioa most be made by tbe Dot day or April, next. In ordT that tb rrqaisile aomber of book, may be brnght ap from below. G.'R. RLOOD. Ages't for Oregan. JanUlf TJ. S J1CKJOXTIUE OREGOt, Csmtr tf CeJifernia and Ikiri 3tu L. HORNE, Proprietor, BEGS LKAYE TO INFORM THE l'ablic tbat be hat tbe larrcrt. best, ami moit csaaodlooa Hotel la Sont&era Oregoa. It Is totaled la Ibe central part ol Jackson eil e ; Stag from tbe Krtb and Sontb leat rejaUriy from tbe U S. HOTEL. Tbe Ilonse bas lately been re-painled. and renoeated : tbe rooms aie newly famished, and well TentifatH. Th- IWroems are ropplied lib SrElXG ItEDX and erery other con tenienc ror the eomfutU or lb gnesu. BOARD AND LODGING Can be bid at reasonable rates.aecordTag to tbe room occupied. Will be npplicd with tbe bcit tbe market caa aSerd. FAMILIES Can find at this Ilonse rooms especially arranged for tbeir comfart and coorenience.'a well a erery attention aad comfort araally fooad at a werl kept Itutet A LARGE HALL Isattiebrdtothe IUteU for Balis. Veetingr, Sbowt, 1c-, and eaa bo bad atreaiooabU tcrma. Jaeksoarllie, Oregon, Jan. 8, ItTOtf Administrator's Sale. Brc VIRTUE OF AN ORDER OF THE County Court of Jo-epbiae ceonly. Orr- goa, tbe nndersiganl. Administrator Vawu aon. or tbe estate oT John L. Hail, deceased, will on Satnrday. Ibe Itlh day of Febrwary. 1T0. at tbe Conrt Ilonse door, in Kerbyriile. in raid county, between tbe boon of tea o'clock. .. and foor o'clof k. r x . of nid day, tStr tor rale, to Ibe highest btddrr. tbe following de scribed real esute, belonging to Ibe estate of said John L. Hall deceatrd ; to wit. Tbe & W loftbea W orSee. 1J, lb S. loftkeS-E. of &- It. UeS. E-loftaeS. W. I of See II. tbe N. E I or the N W. t of See. . the North or the N. E. j or Sc 13. and the N. W or tbe N. W ot dee. H.eoo taintog 310 acre, all In T. JS, S. R. t TT., la Jo sephine connty. Orrgox On tbe coaSrmatioo of tbe tale or said prem ises by tbe Cnqnty Court, aforesaid, and the payment of tbe pnrcbae money, a deed will be executed to tb purchaser roe tbe ram. 5ale to commence at I o'clock, r. x. Termt cash. In gold and Hirer coin. SAMUEL HARRKES3, Admlntttrator. Jan. 8. UTO.-tw n u , n , , , , TO THE WORKING CL.W3.-Wt art bow prepared to fornUb all ei with constant employment at home, tbe whole or the lime. r for tbe spare moments. Baslar new. Itbt and preStaMe. Persona ef either eex easily earn from SOe to $J per ereniar. and propolioaal son by derotinc their whole time to the busi ness. Coys and girls can earn nearly a moeb as men That ail who see Iblt notice may tend their address, ir.d test lb bn)n's., w make Ibis unparalleled off-r 1 To auch at art nol well satl.rVil. we will send SI lo pay for tbt troqbbt of writlnc Full partknlarr, raluable taatc-le, whieb will do lo commnc9 wotk on, and copy of Tkt rrftt't iMtmj &e;inm one of thelargnt and best (amity newrpaper pub libed all snt ftee by mall. Reader, If joa want permanent. proSlable work, addreta R. 0. ALLKN. Jar.8 3n Acanrra, Mituc. Notice. rpHK F0I1LIC ARS HEREnT NOTIFIBD 1 that I am nol a prtn r In running tt saw mill knwn as tbe Borroogh't Mill, near Rnrat Rlrer. and bar nol been n partner, eiiber directly er Indirectly, tine tbt mill be caa lo ran at that place, and will nol hi re sponsible for an; liaMliliei Incurred by tbt par. tie in running raid mill. J. r. PARKISL JaclsoiTltte, Jaaatry lb,ll?0.-wl OaardiaB's Sale. TN rURStJANCE OF AN ORDER Of THK i. County Court of Jackson count, OrrgM, madeJinuary term. 18711, lb underrlcned. cuardian of tbt Infant blrt of Fxnnr KeCabe. deceased, will on Ibe 5th day er February. 180, at Ibt Court House; door la Jacks county. Oregon, at ISfrctok, a. , of raid day, oSr lor !. to tbe blgbt bMder, aH m rtgti. line, ana pierrai oi raia aeirt, m and to tbt following premises, tituated la Jae-fctoa county, Oregoa s ta wit : The S. W. oT Sec , la TowaaWp 31, S. R. J W., containing 1(0 acre, and known u kh homestead farm of taid Fanny KeCabe, de ceased Tbe conditions of tbt abort rnit art SIM to ta gold aad rilrtr coin, art to be paid down. and n coin not far tbt balance, with aawrored recurity.dut at IX aentb trat date, aad bear, lag 12 per cent, per aana. from dwtt U htb giren. On tbe confirmation of tbe abort eel Vj IV County Court, a deed will be executed to IM purchaser. Salt to be kept opea fro 18 a'eloek, a. a. ta 12 o'clock, x. U 0. WADC, CaaedtM.