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About Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 4, 1869)
TIIH flltRflON XRTINfil I ll? UlUi Jlil1 SiTVimAY Morni.vo, Dee. 4, 1800. .. ... .11 a. 41 '. Morxli. ' i bi'i Eiebanne, Ik our only authorliwl agent In ' ai Kfsnelsco, tor fcaetem Advrriiiing. n. Fhuss l' represented by S. U. I'smaoiLt. A C. of Sew York and Boeton. Hiirlsoa Meaet are our only n ikorlied ARentsln Ihe Atlantic, Staler (jlTlc 41 Par Row. "Tlmc" HulMlnir, Sew York City All orders muitcome through tbein. ' Katiikk Ui.A.vriiKT will hold divine sen ice at the Catholic church to-ruor-row- at the usual hour. 1'arjtOSAt- B. K. Dowell started for 'Wajhington, last night, on the 8tfic lira object in going at this time is to urcc upon Congress the propriety and justice of paying oft the Oregon In dian war claims of 1854. The best wihw of the whole community for hU success, in this undertaking, go with him. Mrs. Grnbc, rcllcof the late Dr. Gfube, of this place, with their two I II I 1 I A .1 ........ ...... nlan l.'ft nn tlin a.lliii- nl.H'n V1" ' . " titloti arc wing lgneu extenMvelv nr for her old home tn Rochester, IS. 1 j Americans In Mexico, in Hototi, 1'liil Alo Lewis llvvt, an old resident, ladclphiu aud eNcwhere, praying for a started at the same time for the East i recognition of Cuban independence. A cm State. 'petition N beinc extensively signed by J the tallies in llahimore. Ithasalready Go.nb Map. A young man, by the name. 'Die Junta state that if name of Weticl, who has benn work they can secure the detention of the Ing tn the tin trade for somo time past, ' gunboats until the meeting of Congress at this place, was seized with a stiange thn, ; '-cuntenU tit of hallucination, last lliursday night. He fancied he wat wedded to the handsome and accomplished daugh ter of a respected citizen of this place, and insisted on sending the old gentle man out on tho llauch, and " keeping hotel " himself for a while. The obi , Kcntltman could not see it In that light, and a. the infatuated young man persisted in taking poso-uiou of the sjabliilinicnt by force it ncccsary, tbe City .Marshal was called in, and lie was taken to the calaboose. -- T .vma . .. " 1. .... A . ., UUI.MIII ukiiii, iiuiiiuvi ui uui fellow-lownsmcn met at the Court House on the evening of the 1st, inst., , ,, .i-i- for the purpose cf organizing a literary club, from which they anticipate both entertainment ami instruction during rlr.r Tl.,f n. inr cuiniiig wriir. mi; inrviiiiy nam very well attended, and passed off with .: ... .. ' ' . itnfirai aat tal.nef irn frt fill rstt VM - vw..w.... j.enerlt or hastern ureuon. inev warn A committee of three was appointed n railroad from the Pacific to the Go to draflacoiiBtitutlon andby-lawi, and luinbia and Pugct Sound, the removal report at tke nut meeting ; aud a com-1 of Indians from Umatilla Reservation, ,. 1. . 1 f .1 (the vacant lands of Eastern Oregon mituc of one apjjointvd to secure the ,urvpyC(1 Mul opcncJ t0 settlement and v.uun iiuunc iiuiiiiiug lur mu miiin :. meeting of the association. The meet' ing thou adjourned to meet again at the samo place, at 0 o'clock, r. m., oext.Moutiay. ,. u . " .. !.Maryvillr. The bridgo acros Fcath- Kpitob .Skxtimu-AI1ow us h"'t.r H?ivcr wm i,c finished to-morrow. pact in your colutns to express gra- ' titudo to eur Iriendi in Jacksonville forf A (JKnMAN named Jacob Rode maker ,. , 1 1 I. . fcrommitted suicide at Portland (Oregon) v 111 uiuiic) uu iuuic jiitiriup, contributed at the partonago on Tucs day evening. Quite a number of ladiea and gentlemen contributed to the in terest of the occasion by their pretence. ' at the parsonage, and the evening was rendered pleasant and desirable in a May not boob, by us, to be forgotten. C. k M. C. Auwwoxf. Lko DnoKKN. H. York, of Apple gate, got his leg broke, last Sunday, by falling from his horse. Ho is subject to fits of epilepsy, wo are informed, aud it was owiug to one of these coin ing on him suddenly, that the accident happened. At last accounts he was doing welt. DtrncuLT SunoicAi. Operation. The Albanv Htaiittr. of Nov. 7th. ...... . in , t 1 111 l llarntburir Aaron sajs: "Ur. Plummer, of Jacksonville, I itarmtt 0 V assisted by Drs- Tuto and Steely, on ' J"',, Thursday last, succcs.fully removed a nnM-y MIm l 2 tumor from the arm ol Mrs. Ilaekeusto, ""f ," Th",nM of tils city, The tumor weiglit-d eleven j cltr K'i L ounces. The lady bore up well under OwmaM It II the operation, and is now doing finely. 'rim Jo-tjIi ' ' ' CiiiOnrmlloi LKcruKE.-I.ast Saturday evening, KIuj"!.".!... 3Ir. J, W, Clarkson, delivered a lecture C D W at the Court House, 011 the aubjert of 71? education. Mr. Clarkaon Ulonge 10 carliori.s .t the humorous atylo of lectures, and , J3i,n;. furnished a vast amount 01 ainua-mvnt rvf.Th") 'or his audience, He apoka for over . 'j,pA "' n hour, and closed his remarks aminNl I Ei Ji the noisiest deuipnitiationp of applause. 1 p,'iJ'A0'tr "" " a I e-r.-'I MartW Packixo, Alex Miller atarted for yWKt fimtm'if Fort Klamath on Wednesday last, with , Fn r''"2 .. 1.,,,. . .l.. . mi.- ti .....:... 1 iuu. iui iupv )ubi, iiiv mail niim repot. about 12 inchea of anow, on on tha mountains, and some fallen tim ber in the road betwoen the post and this place. i Chhutmas' a.d Naw YKAka Bai.u See advertiscnivut of L. Homo lor a Christina and Xaw YtarVIbll uuder Ao hea( of ' New Today." CnnisTJf ah Balu Read Royal Ben edict's advertisement, in another column of to-day'i papar. J M-Sctiojj nukes " last call ' in J to-day's paper. Those (nitrated had better make him a " call." R AIMIOAU Commisbionkiw. Tho tele1- graph in forma us that the Pros!- dr-nt has appointed Messrs. E. II. Geary, . of Linn countr, Jesscc Applegatc of uougiasj, and lliomaa A. bavier, of lonianu, commissioners to examine ' . . 1 .nki .......... at... ia -! j ' aud rcort upon the first section of j Or Antral KailroHwl- I plcted. A vcry good commission, tho com Ortonian. Murder op H. il. MunrosD, -The n..... t..... .. t'....f:... i r. i . Mil r .':.... T..-. V "' rr "I s K .'"T; doro Uurmcistcr with murder in the I first degree. This crime not being a bailable offence ho was lodged in Jill Telegrams New YonK, Nov. 24, Affidavits for the seizure ol the Spanish gunboats were made by Alaiio of the Cuban Junta, Mho claims that they me inten ded to make war not only on all estab lished government in Cuba, but also on Peru. The Cubans place great con- ' fidenee in the action ol Congress. Pe UIU'IIKA." Ill UIO .11111111 UI UIIK'C!J. 1 I . . . . . . " . IIaana, stating that five Spanish war tsels ha e left there for New York. The gunboats have keen seized and are In custody of the U. S. authorities. The writs arc made returnable on the lMh of December bofore Judge Match- fun), but it is thought the case will be opened immedlitely. The contractors who built the gun j J!:,!'?."'., WJ t"T?Sl T D;fl!icl Altor7u.v m,i t0 amcillj the libvl omitting all rekrencu to Cu ban atfalrs. Ci.Kvrt.AM. 23, Tlie National Vo ; man's Suffrage Convention adopted a . .....!,...... ... .1 ..t. ...... I II.m.m W A r.l .ontcritinn adopte.t elected Henry ant j v.iilinilliiiiiin nun rii-cii'ii iiwiui ""'"Inr . Reedier President of the ortranitation. ' ' J'? OnrooN). '", 20. Citizens of La Grande, at a meet- , w.i.iw roanU.xl in r!a t.'t 000 ftj and Daniel Chaplin to Washington! iluritii! the comlnc session ol uongres, f. - c "' 1 10,,r. mXnr nA "X; I ,tie in having measures passed for the '. - . , " rt . I jmrnignition, News Items. On Nov. 20th traek la vine commen- 'red on the Oreiron Railroad from p, , Tiik dam across tho Willamette slough, near llarrisburg (Oregon), his been washed away, entailing a loss of 10,000. Oxr Dr. Denton, of Portland (Ore gon), eloped laat week with the wife of Samuel Hoover. Roth parties leave families. LI8T OP LKT TKHS Ptmninmg in lit Poi Offict at JotkunviUt, Ihtton. DtttmUr 1 . 1669. If talltd Jot in nn- montk thty vilt bf nt to tU Ded LtiHr I fJ!!rr Adlon Oenrg Vrm'tmnff It L All-n J'"" Allen Rachel Alff.rd Al ' A . . n..r.. lnirmin J n Lliil .trthnr Llllle.tlfrl Matlhew t,i'gliurl 0 McDonald Jsrnr VrNeal A Mllfhfl Tloma Mmm I K 2 1 DalWy FmcI D ltF , twin Unrllii T J MantfiiM Urt A UeDa-iM Wm Miller Ml .ota Mmll A a Ml. r' Nlchi'l" Thnmat J Nidaml llMirt Ocle.ln v It 0 IVrrr It II HnkMnn Vf It I'll mlp' PutsM M ritmn Jr phlbn Hi-yiKi'd Mary A Iteynnld S Tti.tilnton S V Under Jaekmn ltlelianlii J Pulherland Vlclorv A Srm ad S Kill. nl'lnn Fmllh K Sejf.;rlb J E Hlnry John Fmlih II L Strlnan Mrs Sp.-ar Mr A 8nfdirat Mr Mary Swlnale VHM8 fc TnN Thatcher n M Tolraan Jamea Vincent Jllleer 5 Wamer J II Wllllamt Aoimo Wlnfl Id M ffadr-MroMM Wlltna William VS'llliaus Mrs. H niu"r'"; fin rrl. i"i 7. Il.ndry i , llnffman A.ed lUtViVitA'mrl llayrlan Jnbl llamllp' Jam-.s Hnack 0 W Hand J Jones Wm A JohBMWl J Vf J-nnlng 0 II Kriaglt S foreign iMtiti. Simon Peter WlOfcat htttti KM f$r. Fottogl. J. M. Boaltrltat. Dolton, (J l 0o. Bood, Corralllrt Orsfoa. Tub importation of rags irom the Medlturranean, hide from Brazil, nnd other commodities from the tropics, is known to bring the gurms of dilea-e, chiefly fevers, which are sometime vcry cng nrf latal. ATErt ague CurtE stimulates the liver to excrete these germs from the system as effect ,.,tiv as it docs the miasmatic poison W C.n.eouently i, nffords invaluable protection to stevc- dores and others whoso occupations expose them to these dangerous infec tions ; and we hope to render them a 'luiWe in giving them tins information A Yurk Despatch. . m Z3T If" you wish the very best Car i.vkt I'iiotooraimi, you mut call on lJKADLEYdsULI.OFSOK,42U.Monl4 gomery street, San Francisco. A Family Sewing Machine, orn Sil ver Watch, given to -cry club of sub scribcrs to AitMurVs Magazine. Per sons raiding half a club have the choice of a net ol Silver Fotks, Table or Tea Spoons. Agents wanted, male and lennle. Large wages paid. Send for full particulars. Address FIIANTIS A- CO., care ol Box 2021, San Francisco, Cal. WILLIAM DAVIDSON, Omce, No. 64 FROST STREET. Adjoining Telefrapb 03ce, i'ortlaod, Oregon. , SPECIAL COLirXTOtl OF CLAIMS. Account'. Notes riond Drafts, an.f Mercan tile CIIbi of etfry ilccrlitlnn Ihroiishoiii Oregon and tbe Terrllorle. ttll.l. UK MADK A SPECIALTY AND PROMPTI.Y COL LECTED. a well a ltb a due rrfard to econ nmy In all bu'latM maiteri lntrulrJ to bU care and Ibe proeetdt paid or paoctnally. ItKAI. KSTATK UHAl.Klt. a1xx IS.lllor. 7"E beg leaie to tall Ibe attention of Ibe public to tbt Ion celebrated and ritalrd FAMILY MEDICINE. Tb I'Al.V KILLER a purely TeKtiabl compound, ami while II l a mot rRlcleiil rm dy for Pain. It I prfvciy afc medicine rrn hi Ibe mutt unKilllull bafnl VMi SC.M.MKU COMPLAINT, Or n other form cr towel dlrra In children f n,, u i, n almmt certain cure, and hi without doubt t-ren mor succrnfal lu curia? """S JSo I- A . T r .1. -. Than any otter kuournnedy.orTrntbemott Tr weialeni. the PAIN KILLER i contderr.l i.y inenailfr,.. ...k r.urur.a r.-.r,. ... lbne cllnmtei A SURE REMEDY. IJ'clra died! On the 3d of Dcmbr, IUsst. tun of Pr A II. Ornsai.cs. cf tbli place. NEW TO-DAY. & HOLIDAY PARTIES, '$ 'v IIIOUNU li.fertni his friends s,l pj J lion, thai br 'll cKe a CHRISTMAS EYE, Dec. 2llli, it in I'Hlled Slates' Hotel; ON NEW YEAR'S EVE. The bM or mu'lc In thi- county hai bn cur.d, audfttry mrilll I ml lo lomre icenrral enjoyoient aud comfort. The proprietor lbaik Ibe puMlc fr thHr paM lil"-rl patron ate. and hon- In raurw bit obllgaUom Sln ilurlug tbe cumins Hi 1IJ. uoit.S'E. Jack-onrllle. IK-e i, IM. CHRISTMAS BALL. Vr -Ii-iI.V K .' M l,.'u Jr in1) -'ti,5 f p.'eal lAf ol fi i ROYAL BENEDICT -y noiifli-s tU nJlil. "aibi Tpubllc.... rail,, tbal ho illglie cxx jisrxy aa a XaXj Christmas Eve, Dec 24, 1889- At hl HoiiHMin m.-,3-t-ii-H3a-m.'a-r'J-32 12 Miles frsM JacksoHTillc. The proprietor bi- by Ihuro'uub pre para- thin iMbe able In tflre Ibe. IwH tiif.ictlin In bit patron loil wiotle. a col table and a jnllt lime an- guanliil.-ed to tho who patron x,euedc. noYAL BEXJJDICT. JocktOiiTllIc, IKC. 4. ISO, LAW CALL. t LL Ibo- indebted to th late Arm of SUT A TOS STBUIS4 Mtlisrtbr notlrM I., come forward on or before, the lit day o Jaiiuajy, InlO. a,nd lettlelhelr accoumt, either by ea-b or note, as tbe book kmt t cIomtiI j. m. surro.v. JckotiTille, Dec. 4. IpfiUMf Any ee IssiTiiil cllpms (afsttust theCMltm HMIflWlU M - (lirlr BJTHBlte !H,f ,,'" mhI ef their cate to J, T. DREW, CoiWor nf JU. Solicitor btfon tht Cgjrrf of Clamt, f, , ml H pftt WaMsM, ii JTcot4 State or Obeoo.v, I (HERB WE ARE AGAli Couyrr of Joso-iisk. J ' TS THE COUNTY COUIIT IN AND FOR , W!T 1 the Cotinly oi Jovpblne, In tbe miller ofi the elt oT John Carter. dceeMnl. ' -m-. --fc - - Notice U hffby glrtn to stl pcfoni Inter ., "mA " clctl, lbt Dirld Sciton. AdmlnlMrstor 6f the Uje etUtr, hu filed bit scciunt therein It : l Iberefore ord.rH ty the Court that Ibl nr( HfX'W iJ 0 Ji W S Mnmlay being tbt Sib day of Jannary nut, IS70 lie Mt apart for tbe dnal Klllement of raid nUle. ( , . . Ily order of Hon C Caldwell, Judge, this , Uih da? of Notember, H9 . ,VVC! tJtlAIS! toti; CHAtlLCS HUGilta. Clerk. I SACHS 1I1CU79 NEW BOOK STORE. TM SUTTON t hippr to sunoonce to t (o l bi public llatberus opened a New Book Store, AT II1K X O 151 T O X 3F I O M, ci Uic;it Strut, Where he will for snd In consideration of CASH PAID IS HAM) j Sell hit rxttnmc Aportmtnl ol , TOYS, NICKNACKS, Ae., A I prlp- !null ill- llrnri llii sliK-k int nl of S'kJ llixi: Piiptr, I'mi. Ink, (itJd Pent. ' lietli MtiwranHumt. W.itit lloolt ii C'M eoi'tfy. im'tniion TuiLty .r-'pr Jo'iiiiali Uttirih and Ih'tj IMt. $Http vi'le, Paptt ditto M'rtilUntvut JltxLi, G' llccii. Scttb, nnd Hunltiltii olht- NOTIONS not Do nrceury lo tume. Cnll nx'oxiiad. An I li "ill alwues en-J'Stor to bare Mif tiling not to show to rou. S-(cclal altcrlion paid to (he Novvai 33unluo. Any pjpr otducd on bo'trt rxpe., Nor 20, IS-t-f ffiSSR Ull. U. I1U.1. ? Denial Ili'jim tit Hornet lktd. I'riu:r alleniloa glren to tbe rr;ultln of cbilJrrnV lulb mv- lrlh ttllhont pain, by the u. of tbr jale ni'lhol of anailbnla All work warranted, and ntlifacllon cuiran led. Jack-oarlUe. Soe SO tf ( EXCELSIOR" L. I V K R Y S T ABL E. On Orrgon itrttt, Jatktonvillf. PLYMALE L MANNING. 'atlnsJutrccUrUfrom5in Franctwo s flue Mock f IIAIISKS3. IIUOOIKS t CAURIAOK3. U are pre prrl tf furntth our patroai, ud Ibe public Knerally. llh at FINK TUHNOUTS cn I" bad on the Pacific Coait. Paddle liurt hlrrd lo go to any part of the country. Anlmalt WTHUT A.VI) SOLD. nreslroketo wnrk t'lniileor ilnuble. llnr esNiardrd and the tM csr lilowed upon them bite In our charge, rerOl'lt TKKMS AHE ItEASOSAHLE.- A liberal ibare of th pnblle patrnnar fs otlclll. I'LYMAI.K MANNLSO. Jitk.onTllU. Oen.. Oct. 17th. Ayer's Hair Vigor, For restoring Gray Hair to its natural Vitality and Color. A dressing which il nl onco nrecnble, licallhy, nnd ctJcctiial for "recnin( iho liaTr, t FaJtd or gray , hair 11 soon rtttortd to U original color with tht jpn and frtthntu cf youth. Thin Imlr is thick ened, frilling hlr checked, nnd bald ness often, though not always, cured by its use. Nothing cau restore the hair where tho'follicles aie destroyed, or the glands atrophied nnd decayed. But such as rcraaiu can bo saved for usefulness by this application. Instead of fouling the hair with a imsly sedi ment, it will keep it clean and vigorous. Its occasional use will prevent the hair from turning gray or fulling off, and consequently prevent baldness. Free from those deleterious substances which make some preparations dangerous aud injurious to the halrt the Vigor can only benefit but not barm il. If wanted merely lor A HAIR DRESSING, nothing else can be found o desirable. Containing peither oil por dye it' does not soil white cambric, and yetvlasta long ou the hair, giving it a rich glossy lustre and a gratefu perfume, Prepared by Dr. Ji Ci Ayer 4 Co., PRACTICAL AMD AXAlTWCAt CHtMlfM, T.rtwa'f.f. HaTAfiA. I MOM fLMa fiyi TTAVE JUST KEC.KIVKD THK Finest and most Complete Stock or DRY GOODS, I LADIES HATS AND CLOAKS, JIOS1KKY, CHILDIJEN'S SHOES, MISSES' SHOES, LADIES' SHOES. FANCY GOODS, CARPETS, qi.OTHING. HOOTS, MEN'S AND HOYS' HATS, CROCKERY, GROCERIES, LIQUORS, TOUACCO, Ac, Ac, And ihou'inJi of other article to4 riomerou tj neollon WE DON'T ADVERTIZE I r H I O 353 IS, , tut lll anttre you hit eca and will tell Goodt of all Vlndt CHEAPER FOR CASH, Than any other houn-ln Ibli cotinly. Is hat we ned, and (ioodt wt ML'iT Sill. Call aroucd to our Store va California it reel and tee ui. We rllt ibow yaa our OooJi wl.h pleaiure SACHS BROS. HJ" Wc cajl your particular atten tion to our lino stock ol Ladles', Mis ses', and Children's Shoes, also .Men's Hoots, which wcru made in San Fran cisco. Jacksonville. Oct. 0, 1FC0- Ayer'rOathartio Pill, Tor all th purpoM of a Laxatlr KaUleint. 1'frnapt no one mem cine It m unlrertally rr qalrrd br eTerjrldjr ai a cainartle. nor wat trr aar befart to unltcrtal r adoptetl Into ute. In rrtrrnHjatryasdamoDf all tuttet. at Uila mild but cfflelent purfaUr flit, Tbe obflout rea ms ii. thit It u a more rv , liable And far mora effe. 1 1 ml remedy Uun any rtthrr. TlluM Who bat lrle.1 It, kaow that II erel Ihenii Uiote wbo hai aol, know ibu II eurrt Ihtir neltlxir d to and all know tlul what It iloet one Il Uo alwar; -Uial It aeter falli Ihroujti any laull or nelrlf Ui competition. Me hare Uiouiaadi upon thou I in Ji of ctrtUVatet of Ibelr remarkable euret of lha IMomlai emi-laloM. but aneJl cure; ar koownta ei try neixhbo.hooil, and we pw-l noi publurr them. .. .'.!,. i ... i !! nimliiliMit In all climate: .,.,.-.........---. .....,..,,,(.,. ..,- eooiaininineiintTtiuir. . ... .- Uter uajtl Ukea wltk u&fir by anybody. iu(r eoatinc pre tenet uiem Cr nr.n . Uiem nieatant 10 ini, whim .uir.j . .... k.1 ... n. h.Mi ,hir mu, in ur au Ther openilo I tiielr powerful Inaueneeje tt tnleniU l.rra to purify U l.lou.1 anlwttmuuiy n low healthy acUunremotetheiib.trurtlont of Uit tloinjrh. bowelt. liver, and other orxant of Wij lr. retfrin their IrremiUr aeiloa to health, and br rorrrrtlnj. whererer they ealtt, men Ueranjt inentt at ar tin flrtl origin uf illteate. Minute illreeUont are aiien In the wrapper m the lw, for tha followlnj eoinplaUll, wh-i tltrto fUtt rapidly etire Vot RjirtrtU or Ia4lr-Uw. XJall BP.t. m.mmtl!mT and Uh rAWfSiSClher liould be Uken tnoileraltly to tllmulata lh ttoui ach and retiore Itt heiluir lone and actloo. r'or Lltrr t'aMillRs and lit tanout tyrap torn., ISIIiwaia HpataHacliP. Stick Mia4MBp, JwamllcP or mirtmm SHcaiiapw, Mdai Cwllr and ISIIIoiia raven, they thotild be ju dlcloutlr Ulen for ear h eae, to eorreet the lUieated action or remore the obttruc Uoiit whleh eaute lu for Ueery ur Blarrataca. but one mild do.e It a-roeralir rniulmU lur Mhewi. . aSrp. aalm4. twilwn of tan- Mrurs, Wmfmlm th Ml, SSck and Cola, they ipouM be rotiUnuoutly Ukco, at require. I, to rluuin Um dUcatcl action of the ivttrm. WIUi tuch chaon thoto comuUlnti lur pSraaMy and Braaalcal awalllac lby itmuM lit Ukco In larvo and freUut doaet to pro Uure the effect of a drattle puree. for aaaaraaalaat a lanra dot ihouM be taken at II IHTxlucpt Uie ilntreil effect br i)mpatby. At a OlHHtr VIII, take one or two Vittt to pro luote dlfeillnn and relieve the ttoinacb. An nreailnnal doto ttlmulatet the ttnmach and bowel Into healthy action, retlorei tho anpetiie, and ln(l(oratri tbo lyttem. Hence. Itlionenad vanlazeoua where no terlout ileranireoient extttt. Une who feelt Inlerablywell.nnrn Audi Uiatadota of UVta fUlt maket blai feel ilernledly better, from their rleaatlnt and reiioiaUnf effect on thedliet tlve apparatua. & DM, J. C. ATEH CO., frmttUml Ck,Ut$, &OWMLL. MAMI., V. I. A. i-ZiJ AGENT8WANTD0ADAY, two .to nt.rn vor . LLOYD'S Putent levil vlmr BiMe Maps AHrlcWIII III VnH4 IUUI ?mf aai aaajaaav fwjf I rVIIKSKfrMtMa.Swjattraipltta,MaMladiM M. Urt,hw trtri vUca ol InporUaea, all AallrcaJt Uu,4illittiltrallo4Ia Ik rarlow r fwaatalM. Tkae Ma ar aS4 to peary oolaa. lBiif n . wii.r vrxapf ' .- -n aaJ k7 auaai ( tkt Amw, alihar aMa caa ka Ikrrva frt,aSaaTanirwckl ktret ib ey 1 Oaaaty aMtoaa4lamataMaaXa4Mpw4a4rja. AlybrWrralMrM.aa4iaoayrjd I pat aaa alaas IM, UajftpaW uka. WkcaaatA H onsiarti fm, FT. Wm inur. lantur STOP THAT COUGHING COMB Of YOt CA" AUD WK PITT ) M V(MhrtiVdrrmto'rbi.t lb 0K ili.tfi) ty iu iblflui ratrH, l tjprrKvl a.i utv IWr ffrrruoM. Itttt, jwli!m;ib. re omnt to try MtiwUiifet ! ft.r the .; ifMnn'.i yij kit BbM of Irut; tmforitti tit4 oa Itt piMte aa m trrtaia cure, bat NEWELL'S Pulmonary Syrup It milyllie VERT MisTrtri'?Tfretrr'M for lfcBMf Cunbvi""!!. Nf Tlinn jU,m, ntl. t p1 lo CfVltti-a ad Orri kite t ilrft; Uutlnnl hf Uw tuiun vtn NEWELL'S ' Pulmonary Syrup t tv tfc.4 llh .A &.wrf a4il .1 lkl. .! .& Utter. Wre tfctenifPfUt ' t'l breS "f tiOtl Willi Ikli, lli. trtttrtt ltMfTflt.wt, for the trKai f aa !' f tbe lkrH5J,. In.ti iUuH.,,Mlll '?' NEWELL'S Pulmonary Syrup Ui nni Ummj.i iM II wCI nre YOU If jti, q Tbt iitlMt rxtfw'it' it"uin latba Uni IMILitC btaliiatrl t'-rftif n n( .a lit SH j e itttf In ftiflila,! pei, .ttti-uunovf-inn, tol ifeeUf Mmtmt i r,i TwntUMtt CtrtiAoutt tim nuar t-tj ixai oiuial a. Mi rrucuco Hiuti tey tt cry vUU af EWELL'S onary Syrup tDI.vorON k CO. .Iftsia, Ma rrtaetcii pR. E. COOPER'S rvivriWAi. 1MA.GNETIO BALM. A puberal latnllr JliOielnc. It It a four lgn rtnitdr for Sipthorin, Acd.klldffd diten. rf Ibe THROAT, and anriualled In cutlnir limt-rjr. llUtibira, CboUra, Colic, ('buler.t ilnri.ut iihI ' rover and Aguo, Nenfilcls. Ilhei tnaii-n. CM. Tnatbscbe, Dora i. .fpfitit. It-ta.ara. eit , rU., arc a' onto rtWstnl br lu Hinilr uie. TrN a fcgotablo Err pur nfion. ;. .None peaulae nilheut il . ! uf II STIUlNO. --. REDI'OTOS' & CO.'S - ? CRIDA WATER, tK Nn UTII1K. UDcjctllcd fur Tom I Uiv aud fur lie Haib. REDINGTON &. CO'S y lcKNCi: OF JAMAICA GIXfiiKK. hlcblf euBr.ntralril f(.rtn !! il.a i misim. .r Jamaica (llnpcr l.abecm nuv uf the inert IMipuiar uonir.iic rrmtuict ror all Um met of Ibe tlomtcb and diet illi i rant. Ai a ICll.ll. 11 Ulil 1m. f..llli.f 1l.1,..l.' In all pertom reeoverlnc irtw dil.illiy. wbeibtr pru ductd by fever, cr tilhrritLej lur wblle It Im part to Ibe ytrm all Ibe tint an! tlror that can ircxluced by wine ur brand. Il It en- .ci; im 1 1 um iuc reacnur.arj emcis ILat (ol luw tbe ute uf iplrilt or any Und It It alto an excellent rruinly for fcmalca wbo mArr frum dlcicult mmtlmailon. pltlns alrnott Irornedlate relfef to lie iio. Ibat u Irrcinentlt acrgtniiny tbst period. T llcivcs lmiufiUu relief loXaurra, tsuitd by ridlnjr In a railroad car, ur lv va-tickue oroiber cu. Il Ii alto valuable ai an rlirnal application i ju- i(u uiiialiim, .N'eutlel, rlc. in:uiMi"iox.ico., UC and 416 Trunt St., ban Francltco. Le Klectro-SIIIcon, OrSIiKlcBfllllsL.. 8 Cr - & CO.'S FLORIDA WATER. FOR TIIK HAN'OKKRUIIIKP. TMi article, poncing tbe ircil dcllcato frsgrancc nf Klowcrt. Ii iinfual(d at a pu funis for tbe llaudkercbltf. FOR THE BATH. I'tetl n bathing, Il Impartt encrpr ann ttrrngih tn Ibe tTtlcm, and circa Ibat tnflneit and delicacy lo tbo Vin w niucli deilidl hj all It remove Sunburn, Freckles & Pimples, Diluted with water, it tr.aVet an excellent Oenlriflc, impartlns pearly wbllenrw to lt teeth, twcclnrfi to tbe breath, and renders It gums bard and of a lx dutiful color. It thould alwars bo utrd ofler fhatlnp, d lulcil with water, f It rcllevn all InOairailon, ' RHDivrrrON co.. 41 C atd 416 Front St., Ban Fracclico. Un Klectro-SIIIcon, Or ila'c nrllllant. ELECTRO-SILICON, OB MAGICBRIIpLIANT. DIKECTFBOJ. KATUltE'S LABKATOjlT, Tbe bett article ever dlecoTered for Cleans Inr, and PollibloK Gold. Silver atd i'laitd Ware, and all smooth Metalle Kurfacc. of wbaleTeriWtrlptlOT.iocludlu Kitchen Ulen. ill of Tin, Copper, Brai,SieeJ. etc. To Jewelers and Worker In Gold snd Silver Plate, the Klectro-Clllcon la of InMllmaMe ts1 qs t tte tin sarrinriu Ilia y.xajtnfi prevent, ed by Itt use, will forever ecdear ltf narss ta all wht oar bad evidence cf Hi neriStJ 1 ', BEOINOTOW k CO.. , l Sole .gents, San FraricjjKo. FOH FLAVORING EXTrlACTta, ' aWepata'0-tlITaJt,tSr. ? . .-.- ii . '.- w..f . .a 1 asm, way mmjMiw-711 n. npr"7 "it VSv ' Pufo tXLc? jrftEt3TrTCT6N A r i m i i fi i M m h i 1 .jmM: Bi .f Jrhftt