Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, December 04, 1869, Image 1

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Odd Fellow's Hall;
Jacksonville, Oregon.
Traveler and resident boitrder will (ltd
I'lsced In flret clis order. And In ere ry
Wy superior to Any In this reeilnn, niul
uipitscd lijr ny lu Die Stile
And plentiful npply of the ltel of every
thing U instkct, nfTonln will bo ob-
Istntil for
No trouble will 1 prel tnitrecrrdliepsi-ronnne-
of "' lrTcllim ell tbe perms
ntnt community.
Jacksonville. March M.1M6. tf
Peter Britt,
Photographic Artist,
Cartes do Vislto
Picture Itcilnccil
on exlaimedto life size
ill. A. BRENTAffO
Cfculee Liquors and Clgts alaaj on band.
121 CENTS.
The tMrlv puUln are lufnrimil that Pack
ii"ich iMr Mrrrf wllli tht mi cSolc" Ih-wit
i:m lu b fitunil In Jufk'invlll InrONI! HIT.
rx"cl in lii' money by It. but time" rr
hird, mid ciinnt npl a ikntii
ICctfiJ I'AI'K k HA V AUK.
701, Market Cor. Kearny Sl,.
.San Fiiancisco, C.u
Dll MrAl.IPTK.lt. nf Ihc stintc Arm, will
null JscVoutllle mint lime In A mint
ih-xI, nil will ailrnd lo ll liiolm- In M llm
lll Hi nolle of 'lie iw "f I'1" iiturn
t'ltuuitu the tntnmnp il this pspir.
Surg con fe()l)ijsictan.
. -m-.
Ilivlnr rUMItet1 ni tli'rlnlO n'1
iiM.rluru .1 -Tlu..4ii
" - - I . -.i. - .
111. III.' .1 HUprWl rK
imruiw ij my Uhwls funrmH-t. ltd lll Jit
t "I l'l licll Mirtflcl prSCllCf III4I p'l"ell
L-aiiitf r'P'-cUl nibiilliMi tu lliv mriikiU Irml
lu ill nf ft-msle nislwllui
Ocinlwr 9. I 'fill- dm
Physician & Surgeon,
JACKSn.V 17..;. OltEWOS.
Oftlcw at titr ri-tldi nca. In lli Old Owrbnl.
In.illil nil llrifiill Itrrt't.
Corner of CMlfornh nnd Fifth
Streets, Jacksonville, Ogn.
He will pnicllce In .lncIoii nml 8illnri-ii
eniinllf, ik1 ntteml prntnpily In prri--iiiunl
call lib.'il
Zn.the Ovorbeck Hospital,
Phynician and Surgaon,
n M'rinnn"illr lemli Inn iln-F'-r' Lot
It tiTpli Iwo nillr liorlli ol de Willow
Niriiiif, niul nlf -pi III" profi'lnnul ei'rr'e"' t
Ibe prnplnnf jiickxin and Jiieplilu"fUUiilli'.
" t univKi, r.. n. watuon
Jiicltspiivine, Oregon.
' I
" ' "" -. ,... ! '
DR. l; T. DAVIS,
Oppolto tlxo Old
vtfMk fc' A i StntG.4 ill Hnvli. tin emu
I S'Hircl "A . i V
praftt 'jEFentttieL
Tnu (olio wing numbers ol the Skn
7iNi:i. nru mining, niul lor every tiw
numbers I uill given ycar'n stibnurip
tlun to tlio Sk.viinki.. I wish to act
lull lilt', niul I bono tliu Iricnih el tlio
Sksiinkl will look tbciii tip, niul lr
wnnl ilium by innil. Sciul om.1 ol tlioui,
il youli.-wu no more. 1 will git 60
ci'iits a jiiuic in tnth (or any ol the
iniini: numbers.
I. Vou Not. 1, 2, ,1, CO, 21, 25.
'J. Vol.. All missing.
.'J Vol- No. 8, 18.
I. Vol.. No. 10, in, 14, Irt, 10, 17,
10, 20, 21, 1!!, 2 I, 20, 20, 27, 21), M, .14,
3.', SO, a", JIB, III), 40, 41, 12, 13, II, 15,
III, 17, IP, 10, f0, 01,62.
6. Vol.. All mii'ing, except No. 2
2.1,21, 27, 0, 15.
0. Vol- Nok. 0, 10, uii'sing.
7. Vol. Nok. 10, :7, 5S, 00,00, nil
S. Vol. No. 47, ?3, mining.
il. Vol. No. 20, mining.
10. Vol. No. 4b miiiiig.
II. Vol.-No. 2f, mining.
'pin: stMtsciintr.iis aiii: nmw-.iiitkiv
1 liu mi l iifhe 'iil'l'll if ('i"il In iheli
Hue of liielur.. cuiitl'lluk' In pt nl
t'i"t .Vfoir. Viiiloi niul Hi Slut t if tttiinui
I'ltlttnu. Xmh tf nil virtfJuoiM mn
ion Sittlf IIoih Sinn ami .V.uif Ct.(
Iron H'it, AVlu. Hi'lt Outnt, SUUli
urn .'i, Tf Kttllt: nii'l Unit nn;
ItniM nml Ettiimtltl Ktlllf tixil
S-mtt lUntf ('lioppiiii: Jut,
HriKiil Alt; 'Irntt nml Ihlli'
C7uii.li j N'mw.iiiic Tuiii't,
For Ihpt. Sluice Foil,
S'miI; Ihior ImIu Hull
anil Simp ll.ngtt Kmrtt
ami FiiiLt, 5miiii ii in LiiIIhi
Moil Culltt; .'in lifl'Hi l4iht"f
mm, Votltt A'iiirr, Skmritt inl
.Simii, I'nitiil CrCAt Cut i'-iiri; Hud
unit .tin .S'iw ; I'liiutt nml binltrm lo-
Tliie Pump. Intrt b en lully i.tl.d, nml nr
n.'l. mm lul In pu..e.idiiiiliiriiitr nil nllil
I'Miiip. 111 iim' 1 riild si Miuiulmilutrr' price
th Irfliibt u lil i
I'llH .l.ll l'-p. Ill.l-IM Ulfl It ll( I'limll'l
-bill mid I.' ') I I"'' l'uiilt nml l.trml I'll" .
Ilnpi-, Oiti.ini' Pblir 1IIIU. f.ihr Tub'
(In, kt It- mil Wlllnw II Hike's.
Ol every ilifcrlplh'ii always un Iwml and
ill.nli' lu nrdcr.
Hydraulic Pipe,
lMnl- O l. Tiiipmlli'i'i Vitnil.li. U'lud
filllNHIMll I'utly,
Vi Invite tho iillniltnn of Fannin lo mil
Muck nf
OalUvators, ard Harr'ews,
nr Hi.. m...i iinnriivi'd nsllirn. ami litdlih
llnl-lmli nl-n M( SlisrpiMilii(r Slmw Cullns
mid lty Ki.i'.
Jacksonville OclnH lfl- RflJ
Administrator' Notioa.
Ksrwte ef Ahm f?. 1'fvr. tie rated,
Tltv -nlfcrllier hss lieen tpji'ilnlfd A1mlnl.
fr.tt.tr f H' ,no, "1 mM JI-'m I Vn""
lia l-.ir il ilmi awliwl &' nt" "'P'"l;'
... ,.r, t tl I'd' leHW f,,r J,tvm:''''" '
ilinii Indeliteil srei nauM In mske psjin-ni
n.rtfiTcvlib. la It... eii4crlbcr, at tint W "f
fllllK IIIOllBiTOAWl ri wvfs, m. .-7
Ild. nf iU kinds, n.ller.fiatfik rk.
'IrBnS"' til
Every Sittiinlnv MornlHR by
Tor one vesr, In ndrsnce. four AnWutr ; If
unl paid wlllilii ttin Mrp-t rlx nuMilh of tin- yritr,
Ax? ilnllntf j If tint puid until lb explmtlon
of ih'j tiif, ix dollars.
OneKinsre (10 line or lee ). firt lnrrltnn.
Ilirrr ilnllit" j rach fiibrqni-nt Imrrlloti. nnc
dnlUr. A illfcnimt n Ally prr rent, will Ic
m.ido lo Ihii.c who drllc by llieycnr.
I.ei;l Trnilers receded nl enrtent rulei.
Letter from Jackson County
AsiiUM. Orteeii Nnv. t,sr,
T. a .
nt id.. I..... 1..:,,..:. ........ ...1.....1
. I .
- ".J'V. ."Ill I'lllll-. IV IILIV IHIIIIU'I
olif-vWiui It was iliscuvcreil by lliebu-i-
lie." maiincer. who
inaiiaL'vr. who u i ht v itiitii.
liied in law.ro tho per.on lo whom
iied iu fat or
il inoMlv alluded.
llo Ini'l il tnkeii
i... wiiuio.MA. : Aitfirui nu'o 1 iut-nunil .rineiple laid down in tint
seta eoinmunieal Inn to the ksiivi:!,, j ,,,,1 coll0lll.i IUI1i i ,,,,,,.,.
for piiblirati.n, h blli wn lavor.ib.y ltl0 villa wnmi sympall.y it pilrmtiti
received by the editor. A lew cm.s ...t. ...i ...,' w.
I " a 1 ! vim iiiiMMin iiwih . ii-- imii nnvi
ml and tin paper recoustrtictcd, and I , ,,, hliv,, iaM,.j,u., is thu delib
iimtherefiiit'H.mpellc. loseekupapir,.,,,,!,,,,. tfnI iraiiitnllity mid gnml
wlmsc coliiinns ilro nlwavs onin lor 1....11.... ....... t !..ui., ..........j ..
1.. , T '. .. IV.-fll.IU .!.. Wit P 'llllill ll.tlHI'll .V
. ng cviUnnd eoriiipiioii- Irom 1. I Mi 5tntr-l and d'hld.-l confederaev
.u.c.. No doubt y..u have by this llt. l0i,. wlk.f, 1 ,c,m , vi,-,
lime hcaid of tho cjwurilly attack .,, ,rrniifi It lini hoeii mv n.i-lorlii..e
iiM.irlrviMi ; Deputy Sherifl upon ll.o t .litV.-t- from von. It lint Ih-uii ...v
licrouii of (,eorgo .la(:k.oii, a puiceablo (,wj,,w, ni.lnjon.'wl.ieh f.r some- tim'e
citiren whom icsintitiiliilily cannot bu M1l 1 ,mu. ,,... al vnll(llM lmHlln.
iicsiioncd,ies.,ltii.gin the ..vnking of ',, ,,, Cubiuel, tint nd.lilional troups
bis arm ami otherwise inj.trlnu' - ! be ne.it lo reinforce tho f.-rts in
It would be will in e.Vj.lalu who lint ,l0 i;ir,rf Clurle-lon, with a view
Deputy Shcriir (Dttci.s) is. 1-nsli from I ,,, tu.ir ieur .Kdeneu should thev be
Price sunny, he I edio Mexico, wliei,ceiIt,.i(.(l) Mu ti.xt nll r)llt., t0.-d
he rjme to Jacksonville. It U mm. I ,,,,,, ,ow,t. l0 onlorwl ll.ciu to
posed that Iho Deinoency ol this ,,. ir ntwr n ,i, .leiW.oe, and
county, in order to hov tlii-Ii IiIbIi u .i,,.,,m ii i. .,i,.ui :.. .1 1.
appieeiuilou ol his bravery nml hcM.io
deed (or the "I.o.t C.iusu," nude him
Deputy hherill. in.tcadofalloHliii' any
old Doinocriiilo ill w 111 irniief nihility
to be appointed. III atlnck 011 .1 .ck-
son was nodoubt the result of bis Lie is
01 -t'liivitiry." a iniiunr. wniio ng iiiing t. plrt nn, 0j m-,kig nrriin-c
fiirthedelbilct Cnfeicracy; nn-liisl M, r the collection ol the duties
am inclined to bo chili liable, I will say ,lm,ie ,y mvjjj n Wileelor and oilier
that perhapi he was not i.Miiiieh loiy,,, rt.,iy t(i i, when iieces-niry,
uiame, a 11 win n.e moot mm iinu
ciliicatlnu. II" is now miner atrcsi
and Iu the hands of the Sheriff, yet ho
is cxi ri'Mni! nil ihc functions of Ids
ofllee, riding ovur the uminiy and hiihi
inoninir a jury for tlio November term
of our Court, who will inall probability
try him for a ponitenllary oireiicc. lie
''also Mimmoniug witui-Mca who will
testify fur him. This, I believe, is what
they c ill Democratic! justice in Jackson
cnu'uiy Hut is iint'iicli eoudunt mak
ing 11 V.iree ol botl hw nml justice. I
mil ghid lo acf that jhojiIc bore with
0110 voire roinlonin the outrageous
nets on the part Of, tli"i olliyials. Il is
shaui'lii) to see thmr dircgaid for the
good of on. uoiiliiy. Last year the
ii'tjcssilda property fell flinlt of the
ve.-ir belore by niOrc than tv Jitindred
and fifty tli(iii:iini d'dl.irs; and this
year it is leMsthaii lout bv twenty thou
sand. If the county went propel ly
a-'e-'o I. its wodlli. instead of falling
oil" fo hundred and scfenty tbrfii-and
dollar" in two years would have been
Inert a-cd by licit am iiint. PeopVJicre
are gittiutr'lired nf inylng-so roundly
to eo er the dclinqnoui'les of the pets
of thai party. . SIMON.
HWtii Ottinnitin, Nov. 20lh.
1- . ..
Maihhn'k "Pmawi op Lin:"-
JVII us not in idle jinglu, iiinrriairn is
an emply dream," lor the girl is dead
tliMl'M miisIv. ami things aionof what
they stom", l.ife Is re.ll. life In eaiuest,
xitiL'le lt!e8seiii"in a fib; ".Man tlion
nrt. to iiiiiii rciuriicft," ha been spoken
of the rib
Nni enjoyment mid nhtmye received your reidtnatl"n ol the
destined end or wav: but nien' .ITSccroiaiv nfSlalo with sur
Bonow i our
10 act that each lonioirow finds us
nearer iiinrriairn day.- Idle in loin: and
vnuili in Heeling, aiitlinirhenits, ihough
li'r'ht and g,i)v hi III like pleasant driiin
nfd bertliug wedding marphe all the
way. Iu, l he wotld'a broad fli'Jd o
hurtle, in tho hivouno of lite, bo mil
like fumb driven catlJe 'be. a lier.diie)
n. wife. Trusl no fntiire. 'Iiowc'cr
I p n aiii, let the rtoid past birv its
ileail I ni'i. ')ci ii iiii ..vi'KM'rf"!!,
heart illiiti nd liopc nlieaiUJ.ivea
of inirr'pd folkn rfl'iiind us'wo'can live
our lives n well, an I dep'irliiil lenvo
behind u such oxaiiiplea as shall lei) :"
sucii exain'We Hi at. rifipthr, rnslliig
tl'iue in idle ."port, a forlorn unmarried
brother, seeing, hnl taken liMit nnd
couit. Lot ii", then. bf"ii an'l doing,
with a heart on triumph, frcltill p."
tiintf. (ill mmuliig,.nd oa'cli 0110 a
husband, get.
Tiib.Sbstiw!, faffl :. MT here l npl,
n lAWy'T'o.r doctor nrr present dwelling
in Japliitip couniy." 'HlUiflil oxomi'.
Hon; icmoyp the folioplmifira nml
.Tosoulllnit will lie 'A-.rtyrfuw foilwd.
Thejti Cox cpuld coma lo th XeJ "!'
itura forever, - WtUj Oregtniw,
-. .....;.v.. J.,.. ... . . if t wt .&
" . . j i, i i . ,i i i i ii
Commeneitnant of tho Great Rebsllion
n,n..:.i n.. T .1. .
"F1"' vvmtjiunuciKe unicttn J !
dtnt Buchanan and Sicrttary (Juts.
,ri ., .,-",, .
Jlie Injident transmitted to tbq
Senate, in answer to their resolution of
the 17th inslant, cniiios ol cwtaiii cor-
. . .. I .. i . it i . t
ii-sjioi.deuee between I'lCideut U.c
,.l n...l o. ...... f. u....
, -- b-
the policy lo be punned to avert the
iciiciiinn iiieu inreaioiiing, wineii led
to the icsiirnitioti ol .Mr. Cns.
The (iist letlr ii from Mr (.'nss lo
the P11-M1 nl, dated Den. I'.ybOO. He
says: "Tlio present alarming oiii in
our natinuil uflniis L11 engaged vour
set ioiis.coiKider.il ion, nnd in your lu
cent mcsMirc on hao uxnruod to
...... ,...t .1. ,,... 1. 1'. .. ... .1... 1 '
n t .iii. tii'uuuii v uiiuii- ." ti. i-
ooiintrv, tho views you have formed
' . . -. . . .
a ' .-'
iin-btiiiiiimiigiil Willi
"" .n, m,,,,H;,UtMI c..ns..,pienc-,
the iiiol
, ,. e ...I...I.... u'l.i. .i...
UIIIM-.I11 It I'l nilU'' llllMlli II IL II1U 1'
uu? it N mUiH'iLi.l uimI iro r lor thu
? viii.llt tl'n In lliliilkl 111111111 nlhlitif tit.
:. .. I-..i.i ...1.1..1. i.;... -
r,.!,..,! vour must carelul nlt.-nt ion. anl
ifi. ti. ...!...... 1. ...... n. t w..ii L-....
'" '" ....,.., .......,
legion of ihe rcv'.nii.'; nnd it Is vet
Biy ., ,,.,i tlt..u .asiin- ,houl.l
1... .i,i,.,,. 1 ui.i.n,,. it,.. 1 1..1... 1
iav,. ,k.se urged ll.o xiniiIIiih-v of
Imfiittll itclv removing the on
)(m. (l ciiarlesion to one ol the furls
tlirat- when the ollieo IllSV lieeomo
vacant, the proper authority may be
ihciu'to collect tin duties." Mr. Cass
then i-ay-: "Whlu the light and to
poniblllt.v of deciding belong to you,
it U very desirable that nl this nctt'oii
Juiieliiro iheiM nlimil. bo fir rs pnsildu
uiiinimity in your councils. Willi a
tiow to .ifn nnd eflieient action, I have
therefore tell it my duly to tender you
my rci-iuimtion of tho office of Scere
taiy of Slate, iiid t' ask vaur iiermif
don to retire fiom thai olqr'iiil fisneia
tio 1 with yniirs.'ll and tho members o
your U.ibiuct which I have enjoyed
during rtluiiHt four voira witlintit the
(icciirrtncopf 11 singfu incident tit, inter
rupt hu pers'iiiiil i.itcroyumy which
ho iapiily existed.
I oiiiuot closu t lie letter wilhinit
bearing my testimony to the r. alous
nlnl oiriHfjIi'votiun to theliH inter
ests of tboTonntry with which, aliirintr
a term of unt-qinllcd trinls. and
troii'de! you hv.' H'iultt to di'ohnrgo
the duties of yo'nrjligli Matlnn.
Thanking you lor the kindness an.'
rjoulideiiru von baye pot cat-cd to man
ilest townnl me, nnd with iho expre
sion of my warmest retiniil, l.oih for
voiirelf and tho gei)tlenen ol, your
Cabinet. I nniBirl with great respect,
your obedient servant,
I.i'.wje, Cars.
Ik the huident of the Unitid Mute,"
To this letter Mr. Dnolianin replied
as follow:
WARiiivilmrr. Dee. Irt, 1P0O. Sir I
,rtr(niulrei.'roi. Afier wi'had piod
itliroush "nearly the whole term of the
ndiniuiiraion wlthmii'unl nnd cordial
friendship nnd teganl, I eliensncii too
O.ll nept nope mat noiniiig.iuiaiiv m-rur
tn, (Uultirb. onr ofllciall-iviiiions until
lis cud. Von liavQ dociilel difTereiilly,
audi have no tiujit ti)niiilili,
I must cxprefH tjfiy gralUleallon nt
Wibf (oiiqtirreiioo wvlil l In general
principle laid rtiifiilii rnv Into mes
aue wnl ym APlFI'vlrttrn'it "'"''I'
ivlmfi avinpnthytiHiil i' naiiiplio np
niials nd t.ii!ioesiirn." Tldi I value
very hiudilv, nnd I rejoice thilt'xvp con
cur iu the opinion tlpit (?ongre dqc
i.Vf ii.Vesstl). tYowcr, itudcp iho' I'dft.
Mitiitioii, so cooroe ft State by fo.co of
.-.-I I. - . .... V...... I... ! ..I'll
armn'to remxin inthwronieueracy.
Thi'ou,Mlmon;vbicii' ,wt uniurtn
paoJy (Hirer Is ,tijl 01 or(u'rmg,a
iiio'imenl ot tno army nmi
navy to
C)i.r,lcston, nnd i orrectly statpd u
Vour letter
ii rcpijii".tvii, 4, ,ji in ii-
Intend to nrguo lln question
encfl and vour .uiib1UlA'd. eEarhcter, I
t UTU)l
'.it I . J.
nt to ay mat' your rein-UK upon un nno rcsun 01 osmniiwnni imhiic
snbeet w.to .hoard by inysolf and hg nbouf.the Tririt''orTHoror p'nfl
CabVietwlh al UjvMliejjillie to.o' eriblnyrhent tn tn,o puDuq ;rv'cc
ltinh nn Inn. vnnr lonir axiicr . 1 nlirrtml "a well n ni Home. .1 rnrov
NO. 40.
neccstity ami propiivty, under existing
eiruitinstances, of ndoplinu suoh u
.,..., re
Tliu Secretaries ol War nnd of the
iNnw, through whom tl.eorlt'M mtit
mv lsued to riinlone tliu f.irt did
not concur in jour iews; and wliilm
the nlirlu rt-MioitMbilitv lor tliu lelu-iil
in led mum nuv.'lf flmv ttin- tl.n
' ; l "I" '. ,ms' '. ) . V
iiumiMT.-oi ini .noiiiei inoieninuiy
ltm.1l.,l. You nnv hivo j.nWl
corrat tly nn this important q.itMion,
ami yi ur opinion is eniitleU lo giatu
ciUiM-ler.itioii ! but, iiU'ler mvcutiviu
110111 01 iiuty, ami nuiiiiiig a i no
thai no present necessity cxit for n
resort to totee lor the protection l tho
piibliu properly, il tvm impicMblu fur
me to Ir.nc lisked a colliriou ol anus
iu the Inrb'ir of Chirlesiou, nnd tlieru-
.. .i....... ..
iiv nave ilelealeiPtlie ie:inuiiulu liopes
I itllit'lall yl llin llllill l.llllltl. 0. I.ll
., "')'". " "'? ' "'"I"'," '""
. I TiltUI if lit ittn mi. I lit.. I !. .11 I ItHi.i
W7,,""",V"""M ",v ;;" ,,M,r
'f.tlllt t M.I.I llint .lit ti.ilt I ..I... 11 ill.
I you iiitoieliiciiieiit'inv htnttlelt wi.ln-s I
(I .t II 1 I I lllllh Llll 1J I I 1 b-IIVIT II ILII
that the ev nim: of vi.ur daft mav be
proieiou and happy.
very rispectluliv youi-s,
.)aILH lil'CIIAKA.V.
The Hon. I.ctrit Cuis,
Xi:w Yomc, Nov. 17. A jjieclal
V:ihin!'ton diiialch ssm l.eavv
friiuds bate just been discovered in the
P.tyninsleiV Dotiaitmeiit nl iho iuiiiv.
itiV'ihiuu lous to the extent of 8100.
1 . . . ..
It is stnfed lint .lefl". Davi dors not
intend losetllein America. Ilemeielv
pineeeled lo Mis'ivdppi 10 M-tllu his'
private ullairs, and will soon join Ids
lauiily iu I.'iiidiin
It s lejioiled at the rooms of the
Cuban .linifi yesteidiv that the
liriti-h Minister'nl Washington has
been inilruotcd by his (.nveliiltteiit to
tr.iuiiiit by t li-irr'iili to ilie auih.iri
tiesol the Hiitish Wct lndii Maud
to allow
vessels bcirliiir the Cubm
Il ig to enter their lent and remain un-
iiulc'icd tor 24 Ii
led lor 24 hours iu 'luvonhiiivu
wi'li iiiteiiiati.iual eutom.
Chicago,' Nov. 17. The Alibaun
l.egislainru hitilled the 1 3th amend-
uicnt vi'slerdav in thu Seiialu 'u "
none, House onto 10,
A snow st.n in uoiuiueiicod early
yetuiday moridng. It is still Mgiin;
.villi vl'iloni'c. 'lelegrajihie coinmiinl
ration iu all diu'etions I almost com.
pl'dtely destroyed. No repot is can be
leoeived. We hnid of the atoim 11s
fir casl as Philndclphia.
Uiciijiomi, Nov. 17 Today the
woikmcii struck light iu the itiuiiol
lielwei.n While Sulplier nnd Co Iiiutmi
on thoUheplipeakn and Ohio It'tiilitud.
The tunnel will be completed in a fw
Iliclunond, Nov. 20, Judge Joluj
Ktou, aitku.vliilgiiig tho icccipljif Ills
erydeiiti.ila as Seiuitor, wiitcs lu Qov.
Wulkcr, iudorsiiig thu (lltei'tith anieild
uicnt, and hnii'g it will oou beyme
a pu,it odthe CiisiiNitum. He ailvp
citcN and hi cmiipletc faith iu the pay.
mi'iitol thu jii'ihlii) debt, mid n liiitig
that all do id issue bo c lt iiMile.
NvW Orlcniis, Nov. "A Tlwtprninl
Jury havfipicseiiieil llvu bjlls ofiinlicij'
ineiit again, tato Aujlitnr WyckolTu,
(or auditing fraudulent veteran war
Oenrue'jown, Coloiailo, Nov. 21
A teirilie lornado iiero, 011 the lflh,al
inost totally doftroyeil locr (icorge
tpwn. flousos were demolished iu
iiory djm'iinti. Dicing the heayiost
blow the air waseoinpletoly lllledwitli
trees un I iiimlnr of every de-.cription.
Thp new Kpicripal cliulih was du
strxyed, anji a number (if finilies ure
honi'elcss. One person was kill'd and
sutcial sovyrelv iiijmeit. The loss, of
property is cstpiititeii ai MUjOuu.
.ri.VA.VCIAI. ijumoiis.
' Chicigo, Nov. 20, SiMjeinU from
Ntlw Yi.rk say Uoutwell miuuid re-
nort will submit tho (olhiwiiig rjuport
ho Cojigrc,s for a leturn to apeciu jiay.
mcoi ; ..,.
First. Tlio Naiinnal Ikinki to ledeeiu
'their notes for greenback by July,
1870. .' '
.Second. Tin gpyernmentio redeem J
ho irrennba,oks in gphl alter January
M. Ifi71. f ,
Tlibd. Frets banKinjr for all parties
ppon bond bearing interest at 4 per
coot, in uold. .. . ,.
Fonrtl). This, pojpt (don't eo jt) ia
pot ijuite eltl'il.
"There Is sdmo (Hvi-ionln re'anl to
the- qiu'stlon'whethcf'tlil'bnYiks'hhVll be
jifrinilted (0 isiue. cot or as nolo, or
wluithcr ,Jie UpiVed State -linl lake
chara" of all e'iriiul.vion by llutli",uoi'(
.giV'cjilnck .111 a plan .iiiiewhntimilir
' i tTio"tno IPink' of K.i-xlaid. Ii I.
. . .1 .1. .. ...
lowevor. undorstnoil that no green
bauk of smalltr denomination than
fit'o tSr i"n dollar hal bo iiMiod.
Wnsld niton. 3?nv. 22. Secretary
I .TV 1' .. '. . 1' ... I ."
FIsli Ip-da fmmauy prCBenten tno new
wh flri'sed h' full dlnlonjatur unif 'Vli
ThVPicsIrTeiit' in, liiJrVcnik'rk alluiV
i.'iviien miiiiMur in nit- x-n-pini-.il. ..
Which had been acknowledged by '(Ho
m ..
.1 lli . il. .. II.I.I L.JiJ I..TI.H1MJ.
himself on tlio occnion t6 rentier horn-
npc to the change in jmbliu dentiuiuiit.
Tliu 1'rtr-idont has promoted .Kobert
M Uoufbi!", mm of tliu Inte bvnntur
Dotiu'hi", ns lils 1'riTiite Secretary, Jai.
T. Kly, o( Illinois, taking Douglas'
Connor position in Asit:int Prlvitto
Secretary. These changeo do nbi hflect
Oinerari'ortcr. '
St I.olii. Nov. 22 The Misiburl
I Htver, lort ijeott nnd Gull Uuilroad i;n
filibhi'd to within suru ii)ilcr3 of Fort
, Scott, and will bo coinpliluJ to that'
1 pliieu in ten tl.iyl
t II-Hi .Mlnllf rlil.
Mamhd, Nov. 17 Five Meamors
'"" a,;l, ,01' J mvaim sit.co nunuay,
. J-rryiiig (rom 3,000 lo ,000 olunteurs.
'I'heHepiibliscai. committee has renlo'n''
r,,':,.u;,1 wh Ooiii-inl Prim ngnhifcl; llw
b'imhliielit ol the Itcpitl'lunn pnSoil-
, .. in C.h,. P.I.,. L.,1,,.1 il ,t lm
- '. , ....'" .. '
would consult bis eollu.igliei beforo
liuiil ncili'ii. The I'.inlioi) .of Havana
h.i an it ed nl Oadix and embaiked lor
Oiliiuller, but was ntroted on lionrd
the steamer nnd tiikin ushoie. lie is
noty deliined at thu palucu of the Gov
ernor ol Cadiz.
I.isno.v, Nov. 17. Advices from
Moutevideil report a "pimpero" nt
South La Pl.itta, iu which la vitnula
neio tttctked. Their names Jitu,uit'
Il1.111.1x, Nov. R Tlio (Jovei'funcnt
ninniiticis its intention 'of iVfiirmihg
tin laws eontrollng the puidio nx-i,
Madrid, Nov 2ir Accounts are in-
'ccived of nn duliuctie cailhijuak.e nt
the I'liilliiinu Ishinds. The tea 100
and buililngs ueie'pro'tr.ited. Tlio
loss nf property very gieaU At
Madrid eight were killed and lu.tuy in
jur,,!. .
Tun New York I braid ruMrnisos
Demoemts thus: "I lie only onp to
only 01
nominate as it competitor
firant. nho bus a chaneeol success, an-
- - - -1 -- - - . .... - ... . 1
ne.ns to be O'ln ml I howl, iniwnr
record is seaicely bs (litlni:nishcd
than that of (lemral GranL He rtou
ihu Hist really ureal and important
battlo as well as thu one most ilecii'
a thu one most ileemvp
ot the war. lie is u mini of splenilul
ticiuirenients, solid nud latgo bfain, a
high Imied gentleman ol iin'prmiclf.ililu
ohanieter, nnd u Viigininu, who Cdiiiil
probably enny thii"uliolu South, nc;
'iiich ami all, in a Pieideiitial coutust.
Such n tieket as Thomas and llniienok
I'm tlie Deiiiociatie jnity, with a pint
Iiiiiii based on tint livinir issue ot tbt
day. would be haul to beat, oyen ujth
Cc'iit'iul Ciant a the oppoiiug vtihdi
date. What do the Deiuoeiut s.ly?
Will they nbandon their old titiit'y Imcfc
mil .1. !' "I take ii sncli a mnlia'a
(lineial Tliniiri for IH72?," Thu Olilv
trouble is llint (Jenoial TJ'ltviDjs(.rtu).
good a Uepublnaii n Gen,. f.rnuLnnd
ttouldu'l take n D'emociatlo nomina
tion. ' " ' "
A Giiiiat Saijt Mi,NKf Tio ban .Ipso
(Cal ) lilriot thus desoiibc tlid Hum
boldt r-all iiilne, nborit eljhfy ttlllca
nortliwet of Au-tiu mid noblarlronp
the railioad Iinu: i i., ,,
, 'Jim hiiilmu ol this Hikilllpliiflcpju
exactly liko that of n lakq froxe'ii qvpr.
The Milt is liard and "tiiuodlh' nk Ic'rf.
Wtio it not for lliie -particle whioli
Tin coinlcncd from vajinr lulling frnm
lieuealh, and wJiii'h cot or thu.yryt
line :it to the ili;pthHjif( pvThap one.
eight of an inch, jt would innkvinVx
cellcnt ftVfltin 'ink 'nt all'dmrK'wf Ithb
jear, except rluiiiigthe vorylufiequrai
oi caslnii) when covered with tvntcrVl'liia
inugiiiliieiit expanse of er)Mall.ed jajt
is no bus. than twenty mile in Icngiji
mil twelve iu width, without tt break
or llaw, or one pail Tclo of soil for'tbb
giealer portion ol thnt extent.' Tliu
rtratuin nl Iid alt, we had almost
Hiid ice vthicli' Itt'onliMnally suggest
to our. mind, is about six or suycii
inches1 thick, miiloi Which' confc n
lner ol sticky lugnhii' looking mud
about to feet tliiyk, , imd ,iiilJi4fUii
n-jain nimthir stuituui uijoild iK n
hard a iini iznml tr:iiijiaVj'it a jilans,
of uiikiiomi tliiekuesi"to n Wllrtl
we visilcd tlio mine abrml four ycitrt
ngii, we found a hole 'which bad burn
.uiikiabnnl lx feeuilt liiwtr Jaye
id' iilj, near tlio edgu jnf the di'I'M1)
wit liolil going through it.' In umnier
ihl salt jiluiii, glittciing nnd Beintillat
lug in thu light of on nlnfoat tropfcal
un. presents a inot brilliant oppyar
mi,qe. The (rosty,c9Vuiiig pf Jq qlidi
6 ill is as wiiito as diivcn JS;wVlwV
I hilt iipi I Ion when cX(loed flQcla
darllilg prismatic oidor. ' 01 'cottnio'
then U salt 'cunuuli in thisdmrnenso
deposit to hupply the wpililjor, untold,
iiKVfi. U in.icinarloibly nro,, 'iiaiig.qs,
per ccnl salt and a pgr con rula.
inner than that wo mo (or our1 tables.
' 'm tin. ,i .nil' l
Ir It ald ithlit PiimatriGoncralr
'Croswcll vyill recomineiid, in Mf fyty'f
coining lenort tho nbpiilion oltlic
tranklng prlvilopc. Good I Oregon
should ent twt. voto in tho'bcnntb
nnd duo In'tho llousdlon ilmtunoasureji
Tliert i no reAMm, under Uao why,,
Joiic, wfio ha been BH'CtfJj.flj Com
L'lebs, should bo permitted to jnovo hi
library f,o prfrpui ).asldngtoii at, plo-1.
ure iu the iinll bags, or to seinl iiacka;
"cs of liN'frankWi cifVlopsto' hlif
ilcii.'l IP beMisod wriehever'theywahf
tn wiiw to anybody loo private,
busJne., Oilier pooplp.jHiyfl, tft tPWr.
pos(a?J, nii.il we reckon ptber Pl'.pulOi,
oughVto b6 nblo'to do tho amo; We
lira down on intdal tHM W
- ' . u.t lit
uVtM Mtojwfavl wf,
tlaa wprnm grpwf
pendencd Of tWfJult
I anttiN.l mAa .a .a.A1.'.. .1
DKtabtrl "