iawagg." BlYFIlWih. Saturday Mornino, Nov. 27, 1800. I,. I. I'laticr.MO K 21 New Mrrcli- iil' llichangi;, If our only nittlitirlxcd fijii-nl In Sin rrXnclco. For 12-iMcrn AdvrrtlftltiK. Mil. FiiiKR la represented by S. M. I't-TTBNOii.t. t Co, of New Yotk and lloton. Iltiilaon K Mcnr-t nrc our only mi ttiorlz"! Aitenla In the Atlantic .Slnto". Oflic 41 I'ark Itowr. "Time" llulldinjr. New York flij. All order, tntirt cotnc llifotigli llirin. r'.vrnnit Hi.ANoiirr will hold illvino FcrviiTA.tl tlic Catholic clitircli lo-inor. row at tlic usual hour. (HMmHMBMnnMnimHDnaa Own and Shipley, and Sheriff Hcnrim Our report o( the lillh tint, of the pro ccediiig ol the Circuit Court in tlic two c.tsoa nyaliMt Shipley eoniinciiccil hy Alfred Owen, mid thu case n.iliisl Thunns 0. Owen, Deputy SlicrilT, cic.itcil tpiitua aciisntioii in Democratic circlci". In a few Iioum nfler the piper was out, Thouii'K 0. limine, Mii'rill' ol this county, met us, and in (piireil why we dicrihod Owen n Dopulj .SherilV, and onierod his p.iper to lto stopped and liU nilvertieniciit a the keeper of the yumi "Union Lively Stable" to he diconliuiicd. W think SherilV Kennies very fon itlve. Wo slmiilv atttcil that Un (iraud Jury had found n lino bill fur,n tn finul( ulili n ,1.,,,,,.,, ,,-.,,,, against Thomas (J. Owen, Deputy ', M.erill of this cumitv. without Mivlnif . mi! mm vriio wasSherin;or who nppointcd'him " ,,is -.iiitmitiity, both n a man and to oflUv, and a the rn-o will Mill be ' a "..it, and from the deep and un investigated by a petit jury, wo did '. intcict manileMed whenever not sty whether ho was guilty or inno cent. Wo expect no Democrats to p'atro uir.u t'to Si:nii.vi:i. tint do not think it to their interrM to do m. Our minimis nro crowded with ndvcrlicuu'iil, mid wo think Mr. Heaiues m.iy find that thu Sknii.nki. has been ns much or more ndvantagp to his livery Miiblo as his advertUeinent has ever been to the .Si:.iiNi:t. It may bo that Mr. Keames know the old adage that "n "iiiliy conscience needs no iirrucr," is strictly applicable to himself. Mo np I pointed 1 nomas U.Owen to othcoiift'jr lie ought to have known he had drawn his del linger duiiiii tho allray between his brother and Shipley. We know the (Iraud Jury louud the bill, and SheiiU Keames may believe he Is guilty; ut he is ntill Deputy SherilV. This, per chance l the caiiHo of his si'iisltlvencs. Von may Mop your paper, mid Mnp your ndverliuiuent ; but you enn't Mop niliic, nor can you muzzle tho iris. Thu Skmimii, cm live without your aid; nod it will chioideU' and rnndemii crime in whatever form it makes its niipearnme. II it idiovv its load under judieiil form, or in high jilielal places, it richly deserve mid Vli.ill receive the strougcM anlmndver moii ol tho press We hnvo tucd to run the Siintinki, for the good ol society, and not for the benefit of any parlicu lar individual. Wo have no political yinp.iUiy for Mr. Shipley. Shipley, Owen and the Sheriff aro nil Demo crats. Wo only published records and chronicled lauls, with legitimato mid appropriate rouclusinns from theso lacts. Tho uutcriil facts that Alln-d Owen commenced both lights, that Shipley in the second instance got tho best ol tho fight, and Owen delayed nearly three yeais bolore he oomnienced the prosecution, aro not denied. We envy not the heait or brain of a man, or his aldeiH, ndvUor or abettors, who will comiuonro two fights on tho panic night, get whipped, and niter his crime is barred by thoMatute of limitations, commence n pinsfoullon ag:dtirt the man who whipped, mid thereby put tho county to nn enormous cud. Tinier thesu circumstances, if Shciill Keames, Owens, their aiders, advisers or r-ynip.i-thiscra don't like our comments, we ny slop such crimes; stop breaking tho peace of society; stop your stale or malicious prosecutions; stop unncccs suily running tho county In debt, mid vou will not find your names in the Sk.ntim:i. " I.ihi IIiiokk.v On thu night of tho '.".id inst, ns Klder Mai tin Peterson, of Ads county, wns rotiirnlng from his appointment in Josephino county, when on tho topol the mountain, about fun mile south . of this place, on tho Applegnto road, his horso slipped and fell against tho bank, breaking hi left h'g near tho ankle. Ho mounted his ImrMi without help, mid rodo to Dr, Davis's, who set tho fracture. Tho next morning ho loft this place for home, followed by tho good vishen of many frionds. Pkiisonau 0, 0. Beckman and family roturned last Ti cudny night on iHMngc, from their Eastern visit. ' 1F",vny CofiiT.-Tho Circuit Court . .uj.,icu yibiuruay. mo business done- al this term was unusimllv liod.f On tho criminal docket, in thu case of', lm mn. ... it V i . i r tho State vi. Hrown, Indicted for nn assault with intent to kill Adnr-y, the) jury found a verdict of 'Guilty," and saull with n. ilnniffi-nn u.nt.n.. ...... continued on thu i.llidavit of the tic (..win. i ilii ,t .. i i . fendant, till the next I-ebruary termj uuuit, iiiu grouiiii oi me coimnu- nncu was the ntntumunt in tho iiflldavit of the nbsenco of two material wit- ; nes!cs lor tho defendant MUs Xida mill Mat. lull. On the civil docket there was only otic jury ease l)i ury vs. I.ni-y. Suit by the plaiutill for necessaries furnished tho defendant's wilu during their ie.v I'nllnn ff.i.tt,.t n.,it..tt ..tntnlilV ii.... ... .? , , ' J I l'fl llll'flfi! lilt- I'Mlfil I mnl mm., . - ' " -" 'w --...v. iii.iiiiii.iii wero granted Wade vf. Wade and .MeVity t'. .MoVay. .Several olheis continued till next term of Court.' Pii:aciiimi. Hev. I. 1). Driver pre.ulud for the people of Jacksonville several evenings last week, and also on hiMl Sunday, both In the moining and evening. Wo under. tiw.tl the church was crowded on all ol these occasion', and we hnvo never witnesn-d a larger 'congregation In this placo than he drew tog'-ther-on the last day ol his m?j.iuiii ",,,0M -AIr U,lu'r ll Vl,'' popular ue minus iim appeal unco in me puiiu, wo could hope much good would be done if hu wero permanently located among us. MuCoitMiiK'rt .i.ma.vau. Wo have received thu above publication for the year of lb70. 'It contnin- useltil and intcnliii'' Mali&tic lelativu to the (population and resource of Oregon. 1 Wahingtoti Tor., Idaho, and Moutau.i; -md other valuable inrnrTnation. Kvery ' .irnier,evervbuinesinaiior mechanic should Imvo ou. It is compiled and puiniMieii ny a. J. .mcuoiiuk-k, rort laud, Oregon, mid lor s.du at thu uuw postolllcu boukitoie of J. M, Sultou. I.hkiiarv. Wcme rcmieMed to say that there will ben meeting to oignulzu n literaiy club, on next Wcdnoday evuuing, nl 7 o'clock, at thu Com t MoiiM- in JackMiuville. An iuMltutlon of this kind is much needed here, and wo heartily ooiumciul this hclienio to the attention of the young men in this vicinity. Si.vi:ii:ii ItKi.ovv.r-Deputy Sheriff T. (!. Owen started for Salem lat Tliuisdiiy night, on thu stage, having In his custody thu mnii Itrown, who wns convicted oC making an nssault with intent to kill on Adney last An gust, mid sentenced to thrco yeais Im prisonment. Tn.NK. Wo mv under renewed obligation to Mr. Wilbtirn rtccsoii, ol Wngncr creek, lor n largo box ol splendid npples the finest flavored we havu taMcd this season. May he nl ways bu ublo to be thus generous is tho wirh of all hands. Tin: K.von: Si;hi- Sowmt will be cxliibltod "nt woik," nl Jacksonville, this iiftcrnoon. Farmers will then have an opportunity to judge for llirin selves. All nru invited to ntteud. See adveitisemoiit of John S. Ilcrrln in another column. Correspondence. Kosimriio, Nov. 10. Ed. Skstixki.: Thanksgiving D.iy pissed off ipiielly, and was very gen ir.illv observed; inuuh moro so than usual. ' . . ., There is quite an excitement in this vicinity, based upon a recent decirion ol tho (Vmimiwsioncr ol tho denera Land Office, that no indemnity sohoo lauds in this land district aro recognized as such, for tho reason that' tho celec lions wero irregular, and no lh have been furnished that office by tho County Superintendents or other oil! cor. The lists should have been lur nished nl lio tltnu the selection wcio made, ten, twelve mid filteen yoaisngo. Many persons aro taking homesteads and pre-emptions upon hiioIi hinds, while it does not appear that tho Land Olllco has any nutlioilty lo reject their applications. , , . Thero nppoara to be much moro im provement going on In Kosoburg n tho way of building than has boon ob served for soveral year past. Northern iht- !';''' "8. ,,.at V,0"; II. It. Morford wns killed at HoUu City on thu 7th. Mr. M. ;vas an old settler in Southern Oregon, had a claim near ScotUburg in iWa, afterwards i moved to Hogue river, and Hiibsequently went north; was County Judge of Umatilla county at thu tlmo of bli death. Our County Treasurer, H, 0. Blooum, ho was sentenced bv Judge Prim for B , ior a wagon roan, their thrco vow in il. ln.',li,....!o... reports and plans were submit led to a tl.rco u.,rs in tho l cnitent.ary. mJul o t'U (lirccl0 0, l)0 l7lh l he case of tho Slato m. Ihomns hit ceitainlya bij thing un paper, 0. Owen, Denuly Sheriff, for nn ns. . their innn beinir sixteen fidA in lem'tli 'Htm ted" for" Sritcm with tin! State tax or tins county, on tiiostnge 01 Tuesday "'B111 last ,. 8Ur?0'0 n"a engineers Imve recently returned from the Coos Hay Mad survey. Distance from Kojcburg to nvnilnulo navigation on Coos Hay by l,1 survey is 03 miles ; said to ho n bv five kct in breadth. ,, ,9 "P01"1'" J1"1 wc ' wonliivo railroad communication with Port land, Ulcro belna only 100 more miles of road to nuiiii. Tlio Lite rains hnvo raised tho river sotno vvhnt, and the uteamer that Is being built at Giiidiior, to run in tho Seotiv burg and lfoeburg trade during the winter season, Is noon expected to inako bur trial trip. Youi, itc. I.imc Rivr.u. We Irani froui Ar thur Lanyell, a rcridenl of Link Hiver valley, that the Snake Hiver Indians previouly guarded at Fort Warner I , . have recently been brcught to Port Klamath. Their numbers nru variously oslinntod at from 100 to 1,000. lie thinks this baud compiles nil thu Indians previously located nl Port Warner. .Si-Em: Paviikxt. Mr. Poutwill has prepaied a plan to submit to Con. gics, whieh requires the banks lo ie deem their greenback alter July, 130, and the Government after January, lb7l. Telegrams Vr.tiKA, C.vt- Nov. 18. The Yreka Canal is again furnishing water to the miners, alter n eeatlon of three and a hall mouths. Times will .oou he uVh, as I here is a vast amount of rich jny dirt piled up waiting lor wnter. Last it Co. have completed another tunnel on a lower level to their mini 1 7. lcducs mid find it from six to eight feet thick ami rii'hcr than any taken out nt thu upper tunnel. This indicates tint the ledges on Humbug creek nru of good hI.u nnd richer as I hoy go deeper, giv ing quite an Incentive to quaitz mill iug in thai K'cliou. M" If you wMi tho very best C.vn ivn PitoTiV.it vims, vou must call on nitADLEWfc KPLOVSOX, 12!) Mont gomciy street, San Pranclsco. A Family Sew ing Machine, or n Sil ver Watch" given to very u'.ub o"l sub sciibors to Aiixomi'h M vo vzixi:. Per sons raising l.all a club have the choice of n set ol Silver Folks, Table or Tea Spoons. Agents wanted, male and lenule. Large wages paid. Send lor lull particulars. Address FRANCIS A CO., c.irc ol Itox 20.! 1, San Francisco, Cal. WIM.IA.M DAVilJSON, Olttcr, No. l FltONT STHKCr. AilJ-ilnlne TctMpli OIUi;, I'orllivtiJ, Onjiin. SPECIAL COU.KCroil OF CLAIMS. Account. Not.-, HnmJ. )rn. nml Mrcan lilo CUlm of erory ilocrliiloti iliriurjli'iul OrojrnasiilllirTctillnrlts. Wild. UK MAUI." A SI'KCIAI.TV AND PHOMPTbY Ctll. l.i:0Ti:. s wi'll ' wllli mine p-jtrl to cnii. niiiy In nil Imdncm innilcu Inlru.lul to til cue. nnil Ilio prncwU 'M r iiiiiclimll.y. n VIN KIM.f.U Cvnr. Souk Tiiiiovt. Ar'avoilttf Mnl'fliiP with nil cl.i-. Is II.IVIS' l'AIN KU.LI.B. TV jou laro I'alnlrrs' Colic Vak tiik I'aix Iviiun. NO Mnllclno l f ipiiUr. j As tiik Pain Kiutn fKKI lli Pais Kim.kb alwajri on Uanil. II-' jon Imve n Ciicnii nr Cm n. IV. TIIK I'AIV KH.I.KU. rOOK out nnil mil ! roinlit vvlilnmi n U ll'ilHtf of VMS KlI.I.KB III III "'"I"-. Ilir ivrry IidiIt ii llu- 1'aiv Kii.ikii j V'n SrnW'j a'l lluvisKr. E VKIIV sailor sIhhiM enuy a ImiIIK' or VMS KIIJ.Klt Willi I""". CMKMIinil, tin Pais Kiij f for ll OOIII liuvrnni aim r.i'iiii u.v. S Id) liy AM DUL'tJOISTS. I3QUN. ClIltltY-Totliowiro of T. Ccsiiv, ol lliln place, n ilaujliler. IltnitT On the J3J Inslanl near Van llnniV Sclioitl lloii'o, In lM county, to tho ivlfe of IIoiociit WiuoiiT, n ilnuijlilir. NRWTO-DAY. "iiy nic huviiiS clulms iiKiiliut Ilio Uiilleil StutMWlll nnil It tii tliclr mlvniitago to soml u suite nicnt of tliclr ensoto J. T. DUBW, L'ounttlornl .hit, SJititor Ufort the Couit of Clmmi.lft., 47S II Hired, Whliigton, U C 27iorC'J Notice of Tinl Bettlomoat. Statu ok Oukoo.v, ) County ok Joskki IN TIIK COU.NIV uiiuhi lis asu run Hid County or Joupliln". In Iha mutter of thu clnt nr John Curler, dvcesseit, Nollco It hprfhy clven lo nil perom Inter Mini, Hist DnvlilSoxInil. Ailmlnl.trstor of Hi nlMTO catutf, hss.llli-a Ills scciuiU therein I' U ilirrcfore nnleri'J hy thu Cuurt that tho (lf'l Momlsy heliig the 5th dy or Jnnimry m-xl 1870, bu et spart for thu Bul lelllement o" '!! order nf Hon. 0. Csldwell, Judge, thl 10th day of November, 18(9. botV CHAnLES I1UOHE3, Clerk, --.... IlirORTMT TO FillJIIiltS. EACLE SEED SOWER I j I will fay lo tlic Farmer, of Jacttion county lint I run Imvlng tills tuAcliino put up nt tlic CaIiIni'I blmp of Dnvlil Mini, wlirru It enn be icn 1 will exhibit tlita machine on SaIut- ilny. tlio 27tli il.iy ofllih inoutb, ns n linnJ ma-1 vuiiiv. niiu ui.u uiihi;ii.jii in a Hamuli, i ai mtTB nre rcipcEiiuuy inviuu lo cximino lum nm chine ami see It ow ftrnln. Mr l.llin Is niitlior Ized In till llit- nlmio tnjcMnr, and give re ceipts lur inoiuci nc"irni tiiiriior It joiin s. HKimiN. M BOOKSTORE. T.M. SU'I'ION' is leippjr to nnnonntc to t In I lie public lint liu hits opened n Now Book Store, AT TOR aposa OPPIOE, Oil UltgOH Slltlt, Wlicrc l.e will Tor oml In ion! (ration nf CASH PAID IN HAND Sell lilirxtcntitc Affoilnunl ol TOYS, NICKNACKS, &c, At pric to ml lir Iiipi'. II i (.lock in' !! of S hoJ Will, l',tptr, t'tnt. Ink. GM 1'ent, 'mi llooln McnviiiiitluMi. Illiiuk UooU nit eiml ti .( imilitlioit 'I'm Lui l.cl'i.t, JniHhuli. Iliwnlt Hint l)iy Ihvkt, .S'urI di'ln, I'apti ditto MiKtltiiiiriitti llii-ki, (Sift lltukt. A'mt, tiiiii miml'tilt'i oilier xc oTiowa not now nfcri'iiry lo ihiih-. On 11 nvoxtiicl, Atil In will iiIumj eii.linvur to liuvc Jtinr thihg nnr to ttioM lo you. Spu-UI attention psij lo tlio 3NTow XXixrwlaiomiA. Any paper otiluei) nn tlio dtt notice, .lacfcimvill", Xor 20, 1C1. t-f 1)11. W. JltKHOS Denial lio:ims at Homes Jfotcl. l'lUliculAr ntlinlloii (jlfcii to the tradition i.f c!iiMri'ti' lei'lh. Tclh r.vtrac'iil nllhont pain, by tlio uiv of Ih? I lie iiu'IIkM of ntiLltii-fla. All work Mumnlul, and lull.f.icllon guirau In-.). jAck.onvllli!. Nor 10,-lf "EXCELSIOR" LIVBUY STABLE. On Orrgon Mrcrt, Jackomillr. PLYMALE & MANNING. 3 &t & 'l.irlnc jnt rrcclicd from .V.m FrancUco n linn .lock nf IIAUNKSd, IIUlitilKd .t CAIUtlAtJlW, WVnri' prrpue.l lp fnrnl.li nur patron, and llu public j; ncrnlly, with at KIN'K TU It NO UTS An can I had on I lie 1'iicllla Coatt. Paddle liiircr hlrrd to go to any part u( the Cbuntry. Atiltunlt lIUUtJUT AND SOLI). Ilnrrrs I roVe to nnrk Ingle or duuhle. Ilnr u bniirdid.nnd lln lcst caro beilomd upon tin-in ulillo In our charge. i jtirOL'U TKIIM.S AIIC UKASONAIIM:.-, ' A IIIhthI harc of tlio public pulriinnc U i ollcll-1.- I'l.VMALI.W MANNINU. I Jic!ioiivllle, Ogn., Oct, 17lli. Ayer's Vigor, For restoring Gray Hair lo ils natural Vitality and Color. I A dressing which is at. onco nrccnhlc, lionlthy, nnd cO'ccliinl for rn-cscrvlnu; tho Imlr. I-'wUil or jni.y ' AniV i J poii rtitorcd to its original color xrith tlit gloss ami fmhncn of youth, Thin hnir is thick. cnctl, fulling hnir checked, nnd lidd ncss oDcn, though not nlwnys, cured by ils uso. Nothing can lcsloro tlio hair ivhero tho folticlos nro ilcstroyed, or tho glands nlropliiod nnd dccnyeil. lint such ns remain enn lto snved for usefulness by this npjilicntion. Insicnd of fouling tlio hnir with n imly ecill ment, it will keep it clean and igorous. lis oecnsional uso will prevent tho hnir from turning gray or fulling oil', and consequently prevent baldness. Free from thoso deleterious substances which inako somo preparations dangerous nud injurious lo tho hair, the Vigor can only hcuclK but not harm it. at wanicu merely for a HAIR DRESSING, nothing clso can bo found so desirable. Containing rjeithcr oil nor dye, it docs not soil wl.uo cambric, and yet lasts long on Ilia hair, giving it n rich glossy Instro nud a gralel'ul pcrfuino. Prepared by Dr J. C, Ayer 6i Co,, Practical and Analytical Chemists, LOWELL, MASS. . rxioa i.oo will here we abe aoain VTITD. "Xa -! f 3kT . jp iftW H 00. Z SACHS ISKO'iS HAVi F AVE JUST RECEIVED THE 'incst nnd most Cunideto Stock OF DRY GOODS, LADIES HATS AND CLOAKS, HOSIERY, CHILDREN'S SHOES, MISSES' SHOES, LADIES' SHOES, FANCY GOODS, CARPETS, CLOTHING, ROOTS, .MEN'S AND ROYS' HATS, CROCKERY, GROCERIES, LIQUORS, TORACCO, Ac, tc.4 And ilinit.ini2i ofollicr MtlultJ ton ntimtroc' to uiiiitloa. WE DON'T IDHBM PRICES, Rut nlll nute you t'nt ne can and nlll itll Goodiof all MnJi CHEAPER FOR CASH, Than any other houieln Ihli county. It nisi t ncid, and Gvcdi re MUST Sill. Call sroutid to our Rlorc wi Cullfurnta itrctt and ice ui. We nil) thowyeti our OooJi i.h p'ciiUM'.Jt SACHS BROS. Zffl" Wo call your particular ntlru lion to our finu stock ol I.udios', .Mis ses', nud Children's Shoes, nlso .Men's Hoots, which were made In Jjan 1'inn Cisco. Jncksonvlllc, Oct. H, 1800. Ayer's Cathartic" PillsT For all tho purpose of a I.axatlva Modlcluo. rriliai in one innn clno I u iiulfrranlly ir. quliv-l by eiei)tnnly ut n rallurlle, nor it ct rr any licforo to uiiIutxI. y aduptnl Into iiic, In rcryrouDlryanilaiiiuior nil rlii.ci. at tlili inll.l Init clUutcnl mi;allva I'M Tlio ulivloiu rr.v FunliilhatllUamornro. iialilo nnil r.irmure iffnc tunl rcmi-ily Hun auy ..iii..r. -l'li.i.u uha liftta I.I&.1 I. l-..n.. li-il It .nr.il IILMilt llm.ti uhi Il3ltt nm, kninr tlil it cure Ibvlr lu'lrfliUor iiml liicndi, niul nil know llnl wh it ll itoe ' U iloe sl a, thai ll ncrrr Wl llumigli miy lautt or nrleilur ill rumpuilllnn. Wo liavu lliou.nmlt upou tliuii iiml of rerllili-.ttn uftlirlr renmi knlila nic or tlio MliHlnf roniilalnl, but niclii-iirrt nry known In e cry nc-Ulibni ln.., nmt wo ncisl not iiilllli lliciii. .Vhi'U'.l tn all a'ii nnd romllllan in nil i lluintc lontiinliiir nelltier rnlnnul or nny ilcli-lrrlninjlrii";, llity may 1) t-iki-it Willi MMy by nnj body. Ilulr niltnrro.MliisirnrrpllimcrrivliouilmakM llicin le:inil lo tike, w Wle Uln purely vwKablii no Imrin can arlJ fro n llicir nu In nnjr iiiautlly. Thry opriala by llicir pnwerAil Inllueiiro on Ilio Intrriial l.rrr.i lo piirlry tlic Mnu. ami llniiilalo It liilnlioillliyniljii iciiidw lliuob.triiclloniortlio itnmarli, bowil. liver, ami oilier onjint of Oia lNiy, rc.torliiz Oieir Irrcjriihr action lo nealln, an'l by nirrfllnx.Mliereier iliey pUI,iurh Uoraiig. incut ui nic tin) lint oiUIn ufillica'C. Jllimto illri-lloni nro Kivim In ilio wrapper on the li'ix, fur the fjllonluj complalnli, uhlcli theio j'Hj niplilly rura Kor Iypt-i.l.i or Dinlls'Ollan, LUlIrt. nr. B.mitfiiiir m"l !. "f tii-llii, they iliuuM be Inlun ino.lcrnti'ly tu tllinulato the itoiu acIi nii'l rcttoiu ill linillhy lono nnd Action. Kur D.l.rr CiiiiiitMlnl nml ll inrloni ymp. toin. Illlliiu IIi-.iiI.ii hi-. Wit k IliniiUrlir, Jiiiniillcn nr i.rrru UliUnrx, llllluu Cullc ami Illlliiu 'irr,lheyhpiili bo Jii-iHrloiiilytuVeiifuruiiliraie,loRoniH-llliodlic.-Mcil action nr ii'iiuno l!.J iibtriirll(im wlilrh camo It. nr ISy.rnlrry it ltlurrbueia,but one mild dii'ii Ii Ei-nuMlly ru.!iireil. t'nr Hlieiiiiiull.m,Jiiii,rri'l, Iliil lulliiii of llit lli-url, laln In llin Hlilr, Jl.ick nud U-iilin, Ihcy ihould lie roiitlnuoutty lakoii, at rcnulrr-il, lo ctiiuiu Ilia iliion.eil union nf the (yiluiu. With inch cliango tlioio complalnli ill.'ippo.ir. Fur llrojiay and Iroplrul Nni-lllnr tlif-y nhiiilM be liikvn In l.iro ami Iri'ipicutiloiet 10 pro dure ihu ciTert urn iliuitln purje. Kor Miiiirrliii a l.irtic ime tlioiiM be taken at It pioilucui thu ili-tircd clTi-rt by mpalhy. At .1 Itlimrr VIII, tnko mm or tiro I'lttt lo pro moio ilijanllon mil icllci o the nlomv Ii. Auoi-cAiiiinal iloia tlimlUte tho ilomarh and ttuni-U Into health)- ni'ttmi, re.lnri'4 IhaTippetlte, ami lutlgonilM tho ly.llil. Ilrnco It Itnflrn ad v.iulak'iMiii Hhcra no rrlm ilerannetnent ralitt. One who lerU liileralily wrll.nilim nml tlialniloia (ifllie.ei'Ktiiuki-thlinlurl.leciilrillylii-tlirJinin Ihcir I'lcimliiff ami rcuovatins cOccl on tlio ulgc live apparntui. DH, J. C, A I'KK t CO., I'rarf Irnl ChrnxUt; LowKLt.. MAsa.y. a, a, AGENTS WANTED-$10 A DAY, TWO SIOMAI'H I'UUM LLOYD'S Patent Revolving Double Mnjis Tv fiinlliiriil. Anii-rlcB And Knropr, ami America Willi Uiv Uiillrit Mlalra porlloii on an linmuiise talc. rilllKSKgrMt Mp,nowJii.t.'oDipllt,Clxalncliei M. Iirgf , iliow er; iilwe nf liniioi Unct , all Hllrai,U todilc.niiitb.litMl llrtlwn In lh rmluui Huio. iio Suit, llicio U are Hl) In eerj ichool anil t.mllrln Hi ImJ-Ihty wenpy tlil'c l ll', ami by iiiaan uf I lie ll.ier.or, tllbnr alla ca b llirowu front, anl airriwrt brought lt.l to II. ). Connly Klihtt ar.4 Urga dUoonul glren tognnl Ag.nl. Apr.ly fjr Clrenlar tiran. and and mny fur and ice Butyl Map Oral, Ifaot old lea back jr. d.oiind. Ji T LuQYPi JBCafllOT,rf.T yjjyjy wVI9iwm IWMilWI STOP THAXG0UGHIN6 COME OP TOW CAM'T, AJf t WE PITT 13 yoJ Vou late lrtl Try remeJy but IU. ONK eriuani, bj lu loirliule m.ni. to lurinMe all cm liar prtpanuioiii. ll It not lurprltiai yon ahom l bt r'locunl to try MmiiMct 1 an.r the msjr t ptrtrotr.ll yea hra tntde or truby CompoMD tou-.aJ ca tb public ai a earuio. curt; bat NEWELL'S Pulmonary Syruj Ii realty tti YFtlY nrsTresiMyeri'rreirpia'm for Ibttareof Comgli, Coldt, N)r Tbroat. Ai'.hn.r, tthnoclngCcoih Uioncnlili an't Cosiurapnta, Ihou. noli of opl lo CMfoiDUtJ Ortron hate No Irtaiybtctlued blbijr.riin turtUTt iri NEWELL'S Pulmonary Syrup and with e.iwa.tcrilF.lteltllK'lf ae,ai!iat arpr Uuen IT now t idrtJ eureka to oil nhiarauil afu.lnl.il n.lti Oiis, lb" crratot Pahifta'! llu aj. for the lititing of all dnow"- of Ui Throat aLd Luoji, auuncg yea ihu NEWELL'S Pulmonary Syrup hu cured tliwiuadi aad It will citj YOU If yo-j try TI.H laTaliiiila nMllneliiJ'a'anllolli" lu-et aotihior. braling and alrtt gihauing in III eUrd , in. tirtljr free Iru-n all ihuou or ilf ki'infii ding, aol -rfclly lurmlfia uodr aJlilrtuto.Uocr. Cirilncalti from matiy promlaeci ell I J m a. yn FrtaclKo aceeuipiay (my bolUeef NEWELL'S Pulmonary Syrup ntDl.S'CTO.V k CO. Afioli, So TraaelKf. DR. E. COOPER'S t'.VIVIIIISAt. MAGNETIC BALM. A eencr.d Tamilr Medicine. UUniotcr- Ign rctmdy tor Dipthorin, And hludrrd iI.mok vT llic TIMIOAT. ard uimiiinllrd In curing- Iiy.tnliry. Lllaiil.nia, Uliolvta, Cullc, Cliol"in Miubiia and Fever and Ague, N'urMfl.i, lllnnin.ill'in, Colli., ToolLaflm, lliirn. .Siiraltta, llrulxa, tlc.,itc, rue u' or.co relieve! by u. Mnuly inc. TruK n Vogotnblo Trr par ation. T .Vonf ccnQln without l .ft t,r It. .STUONfS. UEDI'GTON & CO.'S . ' OltlDA WATER, ISI. .VO OTIICII. I.'uegtvllid for Toilet Uu and for Ilia Hath. REDINGTON & CO'S KeSKNCK OK IAiIABCA (aBiNOlCll. Tdll l ft 111 ft 1 iltl nti laiirnf tiin ortit Itatnlti fia a e a..i...iw - 1 ( t urtig svmihiiiim III lilchly cnncciitritieil I ui iii ull ilio pruptriic cf Jniunlca (iliU'cr. Im Ihcotiio iiho of the mml popular nnini-aiio ri'inullra fur nil Olltaiti or Ilio iloiu.icli und dlui-allii nrcniu. Aa ll Innle. Il will lin fnllntV liirnl.inl.lA Ift nil petfoua rieovrtlnc Irom delulity, wl,'ll,ir pin dtictd liy fovtr, or iilt)rnlo ; lor wlillc ll lui- pjii in iiicayau'iii nn iiic iuw ni.il riRor mat tun uv 'iuiiui-ii i.y mini or uniiiiiy, ii I cn -tlrcly frit) from I lie icncllunary illttli Hint fol- iuh iuo un ui apiniaui nny innn It U nlro un i-xci'llent ninrdjr for fcmnlra wlio antft-r fioiu dlCIriilt iiiciiflinnllcD, Riling ,ilmot Itninedlatc relief lo Ilio Manna lliat iw Iriipirntly nccoinpaliy Iiml period, Ii K'ii. I.nt,i.1li.i.. , it.. r ,,. IL-..... ........ ,,...-...... ii iviivi ,W illllirill, CUKil liy rlditii; in n railroad cur, cr by ita-ilckricii Ut U.IIVI lt1P( F, It la nlo talunldo ni an rxtern.il nppllcalloa ' (Jout, ItLi-iiiimtlon. Neurnliilii.clo. or lll'IIIVl!Tl' I ri ilC nud 118 I'ront Hi., Hnn Krnnclico. Hie i:itctro Silicon, Or MorIo Ilrllllai .. REDINGTON & CO.'S FLORIDA WATI2K. FOR TIIK IIANDKl'.nClIIIir. TliU nttli'lc, poFcInif lL.it moil dt-Healo finsrunco id I'lowcrr, la iiticqiialcd ni a per fuiiiu for ttii1 llaudlii'rclilif. FOR THE BATH. I.Vd In Imtlilni;, It Imparla energy r.nn itrniRtli lo Ilio (y.li'in, nnd kv llinl Kiflnrn nnd delicacy lo tho ililn lo niiicli deilttd ly nil It removes Sunburn, Freckles & Fimple. Pllulcd wllli uulcr, It inuUea mi excellent !)i'nl'll!c Impurllni,' piorly ivlilUneia to ita lei ill. anri'liir.H lo Ilio lircaili, nnd rrndera lie Hum Imrd and of n Ix-uuiifiil color. It tliould alwajH lio ilKd qfior fliarltiR. d lultd "Illi water, ii It ndli-vi all IiiUhii ollonl ni:mN(iTON,v Co., dlC nr.d 41B Front Bt,, San Franclico, Uao Weclro-SIIIcon, Or Mat' Urllllant. ELEOTRO-SILIOON, OR MAGICBRILLIANT. i)iiti:cT ntou NAjrunr.'.s lauhatoiiy. Tho licit article cm dUcovertd for Clraoi lng and rolMitng Gold. Sllrcr and I'laltd Ware, und all imoolli Metallo Purfucee. of nlmtcvtr defcrlpllon, Including Kllclien Uler. a of Tin, Copper, llraaa, S'ccl. etc. To Jtmelera and Worker" In (lold and Silver I'lato, the Ivlrclro-Slllcon la of Inclllmatdo val ne j tho tlmo raved, and llie vexation preient. id uy It mo, will foruvcr endinr ill name ta all who bant Imd evldenco of III rocrltf. RKOINQTON CO.. Role ArcoIi, San Francisco. FORFLAVOaiNO EXTRACT, BKD1M0V0J k CO.'BAVVtnii VEST. Cent. HU, IPCS. atplS.l);, ; ? A