(ini'nit'iii . - - - .SiTumiAY Monxixo, Nov. 20, 1800, IliiitsiVn K Merlel are otir only an- 41 Ptrk No. "Timet" n.ilMln. Nw York Ci,y. All order m,,l come throe.!! them, dtllalOUi &t)titf4. Katiikr Ulanciikt will hold divine eon iocs at the Catholic church to-tnor-row at the usual hour. A Fkw weeks since we frequently flbem-il a young man, calling himself j , sauntering along the side - walks, lounging at the saloons, and crujoying the liberties of the place gin- erally. He suddenly diaPt,c.irod from vur contemplation; and on making inquiry a Jew days since, wc learned that he had indeed departed, and also eheUiHl tlm following facta: Ho came here about tao month, ago o. H'e southern stage and claimed a pa Mag. through to rortlaud, slating that his jgh fither nvi pan' ins way inrougu mu iiy . ... t i. l ... I... some ov oversight it was not put on the war bill. Tho agent rcluscd to pa ' him, and he then concluded to wait for, his father, who, he said, bad gone to ' rortlaud by water from San Francisco, and would come back bore on the stage. ! He wa well dnsed, courteous and accomplished, and being young, and witliai gtMiu loosin-:, niiracveu a pmni deal ofsympathy for hi mifortune. An attack of "chills" and fever soon alter! hi aTrival added a melancholic interest to thu sympathy that already oxiMc.l, and to "be a stranger in a straugu land' wns in his case not only cudunbl. but almost enviable. Hut the "fuller1 , his father, i'i getting bis ride to 1'ortlaud, tain paying his board bill, and kim everything with which be had flattered tho expectations of a kind hearted but loo credulous community. Uivoucr. Rut one suit camo oflT in the Circuit Court this week a suit for a divorce by a Mrs. M. N. Wade, on the ground of cruel And inhuman treat ment, AtlhouvK the evidence did not establish a very aggravated case of cruelty, the coutt deemed it clearly a rac within the statuto, and granted the decree prayed for. Once the phys ical security of the parties was all thnt courts would take cognizance of in nils of this kind ; but now, under tin influence of more liberal and equitable opinions, the happiness of the p.irtics ha In en provided for by statutes. Haik For several day past the much hoped for and expected rain has Imtii crming down pretty steadily in this section of the country. We hear the Chiunmen are bulling around quite lively in their mining preparation, and white miners In a few diys more will hivo plenty of water to go to work with. The milieu aro among our main resources for the circulating medium in this ealley, and we hail activity in working them as a harbinger of better times. Farming also run started up afresh, and the fields are showing forth tho marks of !ndutry hero and there throughout the valley. Tho prospect is encouraging. m Dentistry. Dr. W. Jaukson has permanently located in Jacksonville, where he proposes io practice his pn fession of Dentist ; and requests a fair trial of his profissional skill and ability by the public. See his advertisement in another column of this paper, under the head of "New To-Day." Hi'ntino. For some time back our f llow townsmen have found .'ivcrsio.i nod relict from buHiicd c irea in hunt mg.v Jt is undoii'ttcdly a healthy and rciutigorathig exercise, but our experi ence had tid t!)-n;)riiilethst it would l' a haul profcaaio to fujlow tor a living. New Hook Stoiiic. J. M. Sutton h.i opened u new Hook Store at the I'on Office, on Oregon street, and has a vsry nine and judicious asaortmi nt of hooks for sale cheap, for cash. He has also for aale, on the aame ternts, latlnficrr, fancy notions, oto., until you "can't rest." See his) advertisement in "N'ew To.Day. Hio Yield. Mr. ChappeM, on Applt. gite. in this oounty, raised on hie farm this season from one pound of Early Hose potatoes 2fl0 Iba. Also from one pound of Norway oi H bnabtU. Who can beat that? ' Tin; ORKGON ,, FUher.aOJtai NewMercli nn.1 Lis wife are old residents of this ' wl,,,.1"?yotuapjioiiitmciitiiil profit, b"?"-"""- w.n friendr A journey over the '? ?lnh ," tl ' LO, -""'-" l did not come, and-to cut the s lory r)rmi 0 Wdnesd:.f. '"" rirt,c,1,a"-LMA,','r"A , n shcrt, our guest departed a few diys HtAMb.tCO., ti-., uii iu. .mu """ i '" t . . . .. - .v one ol unci. Avern ieeinre KKATIAftli. ' t'T ,7? L.f-Abham Ten- AusA-Th. Now York con . orook and firm It? rin,i . .i- 1.1 . . ti H -m - -; -- una , fr t,,e,r nn in Gooo Like . 1 flllpl t nn ftrat cil t! ......I.. t . I I t .,, tma wren, ooin no mountain, at lis season of the ypar Ith much difMculty and h aitcnteu - some danger, yet we hop soon to hear ol their afc.rrW.Ut their dcatlnitloiu - Dnow.vKt).-From Mr. Colwell, of il. r,u.,... r-:. .......... i! il : . '" "' ",," '"" wu ,rarn that young man, 17 or 18 tear of age, wai drow ned in Illinois river, Jo- sephine county, a few day days since. His nam"! was William Wakcmjn. He wns ,nieavonng to cross the river on horsi-back when the acsident happened. ; ni bo,y "ad not, up to latest inform tion, been recovered. T1K EjuJ K SejD SowKILTIl,p lm. por!lnl nvcntion wi b(J exhlWleii ,.at work" nl JaukonTille, on the 24th of 1Iinn,i, vArm,,r. u .i.n i,, nn opport,,,,.. t0 j,,,,, for l,om!CVi All are Invit.d to attend. See .!ver. tisemen, of John S. Herrin in another ,,. ; I ml l ... ...... . TM.jk u . - ---' i"... j . . in.-m.k manul.uturcl at the l'.tcifie Kolling Mills', San Francisco, on the 4th int. These mills hao received a large order " rails Iron, tho Oregon Pacllle Hail, ro;l,J Taiilk Tlnri;. This a.itoon is beinr I rcjl!ljnUlj ;U1(1 r,.n0Vatd. Nrwi Items. Cuoi.r.RA rages in Kief, Husi.i. Nkw Yoiik is to hive a new public mntket, costing 11,000,000. Tiik nn'rehants of Spiln volunteer to Cuba. , .', Liiino l.ung, a Chinese fisherrain. rowned in the San Joaquin river vn9Xa u.nofil on mfkli,.. than any on edncsday. n,,or gcienc,.( yi,t fro, ,)0 olirr-01rr;. Tun time of the charter of tho Hank could more be soeaily obtained. The of Hrilith North America has been ex j arti an I economics which cheuiiMry tended to June, l.ll. I would teach, If more thoroiighlv anil A MKMOU.AI. aki,,g Congre.?onall1!:;,:;oM'l;i udio;l. would speedily ex- ft .Wnr It ' ifeiW"8 1 rSsXrs I:1 te o signature in irgu.ia City. U . hf l(0 y,rtie4 , hm. The lat spike, of silver, to be driven unon the comt ilcliou ol the hgi.iia and Triickcc Railroad is already manii lav tu red All the parties concerned in the late rohWry ol'ih California mill, at Ham ilton, have been arretted and the bul lion recovered. Gold hotrini; quartz has been li cineied at the h"id of I'lacerilo creek, about forty udb s northeast of Los Anje'e. The surface rock abounds with free gold. Tiik Wilcox A Glbbe Sewing Machine manufactory, Potter' machine shop and Cou'ghstll t lack f.ietorv, at Fulton (M.i.a.), have bevn burned down Ims, 'J50,000. Tiik California Pacific RtHroid lucks two mile of rails to finish the road to Yuba City, but it is repotted that all the iron in thu State is under control of the Central Pacific, A Monitor temple is to be erected in New York next year, to eost 1500,. 0(H), as a house of reception for Mor mon emigrant" from Kuroi and as a renting place for the traveling brethren in the United States. Tiik statement ol theTreasnry shows a balance ol gold on hand of 8114,000, 000: the amount of outstanding irnld, $.T2,D00,0O0; leaving a balance ol !', 000,000. Tho balance of greenback, on band is $1 1,000,000. In the recent battle between the Spanish troops and the insurgents, in the southern part of the Eastern De putment of Cuba, the latter lost 130 killed and a large number of wounded and prisoner. The Spani.h troops now occupy the position. Tiik paKengef and freight business of the PaciHo Railroad continues large. The travel Westward is about doulde that Eastward. Lath Arixona news eara flour in re colt i HO, g"hl, p'T barrel butter, $2 . t.'r pound ; eggs, $2 per do&n. r uncy price in general for all provisions. Raw bud (alien, but not enough to raise the creeks and help mining. Tiik Indians are troublesome near Prescott. On Ash Crr-ek and Airua Fria they are plundering and burning. Tho settler are in greni. PitKMTicB, of Louisville, calls George Francis Train, "A cypher hunting a figure to paas for nomathiag. Tiik Trnript "V . ""ft of revenue stamp are annually sold in Wnalilnixion Territory. The WomK inoton Standard cM it ninth year last week, being the oldest paper in the Territory. 3,2 90 wuret ro,iv,'d by the reveBue eolUetor in the last ten months. The ve cireua horae. lot overboard fros the Oeorv . & WryM in a gale were alted at $11,000. 13, 7 acrea of Governavint land wera disposal ot br le for oaih and otber win dnring tfce im-Ui Osjtofcw. cmucs an article thus' The quction now N, Whitl liMI ma .In ...I. I. I . - t . ...... " wuu our eicpnatii ? l'uittjci.iu ' less at il an.l military officials to watch ' wil t salaries and libvrrtt rations, Wc' "n',"t-, the people will lmidlv j.r ,H l,,U p,3.n' h-y woul7l Miller Hot throw iimIiI innnnrnflni. ...! NVc l,:e I'-l out 7,200,OOU p.hl.an-i "e cannomet it hack. Lit us take It J a!ae!l , General ThomaV advic. Lav, ., civil jrovcrnment nt all. hut .ml,, l., f - - v i "H military force at one or two snuta I and tl,cre - Tiig railway running out of East 1 on land is now actually being tra versed fur some dNt inco each day by a real, iuimiM.ik.ih1y umuine locomotive, with a propeel of reaching Oregon City and Aurora bclaro a great while. This much of a aticccs, in spite of the Cflorts of the doubter), who have been hampering operation in hopes to force .i miiiiineni oi llHirn lvcr-C propheMe As the said .li,nl.t.. nrn m 4 ..... .i... lur,'cr " "In in or.l.r to stop progr.s, " TJ.Tn f "M',Sl .,,,7l a 9 ' !??lr, '"I" l" 'i'" thriuVs l7u: UrciKC' IS damages. In this wav the ciimoanv )..... i.i. . .. ui u uroi.cn up xtuiltratd. Tub Commtreial Jemlit, of San I-V-lflf-I.itn .1. Tlmr U ...... .1.1.... certain, the Or.-goni.in dis-rve miicn crc'iit lor the supeiior quality of much ol their tbiur now largely consumed bv our citivti. ' i ItsT" If you wih the t cry best Can IVKT I'ltOTMURU'll, von innM call on HKADI.KY A UL'LOFOK, I2'J Mont ginnery street, au Francisco. A Family Sew ins M .chine, or a Sil ver Watch, niveii to verv c-ub ol su i criher to Arvomi Mad zi vi:. iVr , sons i.iiiiiu half a club have the cholei. , of a set ol Silver Folks. Table or 'IVi pooiis. Agents wanted, male and , .,.,. ,i, m. :.,.. .... edies, and advise tint th practical ap plication ol chemiMry to medicine, the art, manulaetures, and agriculture be enjoined upon our college and schools. WrhjhtsvllU, Ji., Star. NEW TO-DAY. ' NEW BOOK STORE. J. M. SUITON in hHpp In nnomre lo In l Iih piilti e ib.t h hit np-iird m Ntw Book Stor, AT TIIK post orrioji, on Oitgcn Slittt, Where he will for and In torsi 'erstlon t CASH PAID IN HAND S-ll htsix'rnove A-mMnvotnf Wtntloncry-t TOYS.NIOKNACKS.&c, A. pre- In mil ih" UnH-s. lbs "lock iiu. sitls of &hoi-J llitilf. Pipr, Pun. Ink, Gold I'tnl. 'aw llooki Mtmuraiulumi, UUuk Itookt tm nitnt lantty tmituhon TuiLty Is-lxtn. JuiKiiuli KtorJi. ad iy Ikokt, tep dilo, Piipti ditto MitctUiiuruui liucii, Gift Ux.U, .Vn, iimi numbtili'i UAr noti ovrm not DUST rwvij lo l)Bie. CmXX iroxxxa, And h ill slwsy enJrTor lobars some tSii-S nw le show lo jou. Sjxclal attention psid to tb zg-vrtat Sueluosjfj, An paprr orilueil o sliQ'tett Dot ice. Jacksoosille, Nst. 20, liC3-l-f WWm TO F.IIMU EAGLE SEED SOWER I I il ay to Hit' Farmr of Jackto.. count Ib.t I sin IiutIiic tb a roebina put up at th. Csbliifi Sbp of lid l.tnii. whrr Il can if .ecu. I will exhibit IbU micbli.9 on Wedue. ,y. ibu 2Mb da of Hilt Hiunlii, at a baud rui ettiiiw. and al-o atudi l a wsu-m. Karw r are r-turlfull luelted In enmiiie Ibis m ehlao and it o (train Mr Linn It author isrtl W ell "' ,,,"rr rasehlus. and kits to c.iuU fur mouks rec'lenl ilurifor it JOHN S. IIERR1N. BR. W. JICKMM, ijaT'ar,JCaTsra Venial Rooms at Hornet Hotel Particular sttenilon given to th rsfulstlon of eblldren's teeth. .... .. Trrlb exlrscled without PIn, b lbs at Of the late method of snattbeila. All work wraU-4,odlIirMtloa rearM- UgeNoBTllle. Ho -tf .... t'.i mo iir. i.tr-'u u-.iuri'S nam. r.-n.i inr WILLIAM OAV1DSO.V, Ofllce, No. 4 FRONT STREET, Adjoining Tclegrspb Office, i'ortliod, Ortgon. SrECtAI. COLLECTOR OPCLMltS. Account. Noti, DooJt, Drsfit. snd Msrcsn tile Clttms of rtry dcrlpllon Ihroarjhoul Ortfton snd lt Territories. WILL DC MADE V SPECIALTY" AND PROMPTLY COL LECTED, at well wiia sdue regard to ecoo om; la sll bainM mslters lolruttrd to h!i cure, nd the procerdi psid ottr puoclasll. IlKAt, KSTATK UEAt.KR. D VIS KILLER Ccnst Ssm Turoat. ArsTorlte Mfdclnc with sll cIsm( Ii Davis' Pais Kilus. If yoj btc Pslnlerr. Clle L's trs Pits KlLLts. N'O Mrdiclne U o pop.ttr. As tuk Pit Kills. TT EEP lbs PaIV KtLLts ws;i on bsod. IK jou bare Coioil or Coi.n, l'ii: tuc Paw Killsr. LOOK out ssd not he cviubt wlibout l(,illl-nf PaI Kn.URln lbs Louie. IF.X ? try Ul ne ih Pai Km Las -i For SrsAtM ami Urcuki. EVERY tailor thnuld rsrr; s botlle of PaI Killsr with blm. REMEMUER. lbs I'm KiLLr.n l for bulb Internal and Etternal lit. S LD l.y ALL DRUfiOISTS. DR. L. DANFORTH, irliyBlClAn and OUTgeon, 1 1 AS rierin.rx'iillr lecateJnn tlir Kert Lnv II llincli two noli- nrili ol the UMInw .irisit mid itfT-r hi priif.oiinl m-rH" to th pipl or J tin) n aid J iwpbln tm.iiilr.. IMTIJXT OFPICKT Alexander & Mason, soLtciTons or AMERICAN AND KUHOI'EAN AKB Counstlort at J'attnt I.ne, (1J ;iri tiprrtK . )liIHn of rn.ali.) WAIIIIN0T0.V, D C. Ppr &nfu!ly rrrp-irtLtai I'steatt ireurrd EttmlnAtlont In lb Patent ORlee Fin df CAirye and nimtirjiul h mini lu an ca, unlttt it I'jlinl M UMtl (.'hUjM at rtaaouable as an other rrlullt Send for Ciwiiraii firm, Inttructlons and referi.e. Ayer's Hair Vigor, For restoring Gray Hair (0 its natural Vitality and Color. A dressing which Is nt onco agreeable-, healthy, and effectual for preserving the hair. Fadtd or gray hair it tocn rtitortd to itt original color with thi ahti and frtthnut of youth. Thin hair is thick. ened, falllofr; hair checked, ami bald' nets often, though not always, cured by its use. Nothing can restore the hair where the follicles are destroyed, or the glands atrophied nud decayed. lint such as remain ran be sated for usefulness by this application. Instead of fouling the hair with a pnsty sedi ment, it will keep it clean aud vigorous. Its occasional use will prevent the hair from turning gray or falling off, and consequently prevent baldness. Free from thoo deleterious substitutes which make some preparatious dnugcrout aud injurious lo tho hair, the Vigor cao only benefit but not barm it. It wanted meruly for a HAIR DRESSING. ' I nothlngeUe car, be found so desirable. , ah. a la. .n. nAi.l.AB ..1 .tB .I..A .. tifm not soil white cambric, and yet lasts Ion; ou the hair, giving it a rich glossy lustre aud a gratelul perfume. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., PbaCticax and Analytical Cuchmts, LOWELL, MASS. rues si.00. 1S GOOD AS GOLD. 920 llai th Only Gtnumt lmpiavti Oroide Gold Watch, M-tHufiitluwl by THE OIIOIDK WATCH CO., rilKYare all lh- Ii maki. Iltimlnir Catet. llS'ly cbael -, Maud rut hh Jtnt gold, and are tuinl In appearaMC- to thH Ih-m unit walrbrt ii-itally ciiiii 115" Fit Jmltd iMitt, GeDli and 1,-iiic' ''if ai 915 rMCls. Our Double Kxtrn ItrMnrd PolM )r.ii ftnlit liiiillujtU-, rl I Jewel. d Lv r. art tjwil to IUMI Gold JTa'eAet; lli-uu at-tl iih) Owirjnitft l Vttf cviKttimt and irir d nc tornttS. vtlh lUlra '. Ota. l tiO . ach. Ne sHunev rfajHlreel Iss -vtanCP. ve wild by hi'r anywhere with in the United Slate payable tu agent on de lliery wlih Ihe prlfll-t l "P-n and ixsralna lieforo paid rf. and ir not ll.rClory rititr-iMr by psTlnc th EpreM ebtrset. GU ri U nnt by mad at Registered I'ackage, prtpud, by etidiun csh In sdeanei.. ii ,ient nndrnt hr hx Hanhtt ttti an F.iira H'-ic'i FREE, 'n.ihug SEVEN 911 H-otcUiforZOOi or. SEVEN 120 IfecAss for 9 1 20. AlseleMOreMeUiVlatilSM4 or Istett ud inteotly ylee. lor Latlie- ana Oell'-m'n. rriita lt to 40 Inches long, at $2. 4. toVand U each, seal with walcbet at low c.1 wboleenle prkess Blste kind and slse of watcb rrqidrrd. sod to srold bogus eooesras order only rrora TJU OROIDE WATCIl CO, ltovl 14V9 Mm ., ' Tml. are AOAirr iriT 3Csote of nrxiw OOJIMIS SACHS BRO'S TTAVE JUST RECEIVED THE Finctt and molt Cotnpkto Sloek or ' DRY GOODS, LADIES HATS AND CLOAKS, HOSIERY, CHILDREN'S SHOES, MISSES' SHOES, LADIES SHOES, FANCY GOODS, CARPETS, CLOTHING, HOOTS MEN'S AND HOYS' HATS, CROCKERY, GROCERIES, LIQUORS, TOBACCO, Ac, Ac, And ihouiinds of olbcr article toa aamcron to mention. iff DON'T ADVERTIZE -1-- Jrl Ji. 2 IFi Jaif nut will a. .lire yea, that ws can sod will tell Goodi of all kinds CHEAPER FOR CASH, Tbsn say other homo la tblt couat. 29M K V 3C3 TsV Is what ws seed, and Coodi wc MUST Sill. Call around to our 6tore on California street snd tee ui. We will tbowta oar GooJi wl.h ptestart. 34GH8 BROS. J57" Wc call your particular atten tion to our fiuo stock of Ladies', Mis ses', and Children's Shoes, alto Men's loots, which weru made hi San Fran cisco. Jacksonville. Oct. 0, lfiCO. Ayer's Cathartic" Pilli or all the purposss of a Laxative msdMia. Perhaps no one mettl- cint it mi uoiri.iir ra qnlrol by ererjU! as aeauitnic, nor waai nor wat tree fmjr iKNn t unirtrtai r a.loi'WJ Into u., la arerrcouatrraaitainonf sll cliiMt, aa Ibu rniiJ but eOlcisnl purgaUrs rut. Th otirlotit rta soa It, VaxX lilts mora ra , liable ami Ut mora effte 'tuil nmolr thu an oibtr. Tbua who oar tril II. know that It eurad tiirmi thoia wtw bars awl, knnw tbat II cure t Uwir otlshbori aad rtWuili, anl all know that what U Uaei oucs II 'lot always that It nerer fall throtifh any fault or neiiertuf Ut ctiinuotiUou. Ws bars Wwuianilt uin Uiou tanii t nfcerUfletUt uf Uwlr rtmwUU caret or the rullawlnvenmiiUloU, but tucbeuret ar known la trcrr neitilrhi)ot, aoi ws nemt not pubUth tfitm. Ailaplcl U all Mt an1 conJIUont la aU.cJlraaMt) tonulams' neither ealonitl or any ilelturlout dru, Ibey majr be takes with tafcty Ly anylwily. Tbel iifir cnaima' prewrr. uiii.iiir nw w rT" Utein pleatanl to Uke, while belns purely rentable nsi has-srt Mn ant from their II M III iflT dQaUlUtT. '-rtpWa.W! . . - -..k I . Hn.alnl..ln..luM..f ih. no harm can ants rrom mcir um hi Into healthy ai-lUm re more In ob.lructkmt of lha ttomarh. bowcln lifer, and oUr errsai of the. bwlr, rt.tnrlns their Irrtmilw aclloa lo nealth, ana by rorreeUar. wherertr Uiry eiltl, tack dstanf a nentt at ara lha flnt origin ofilliet. Minute illrertlont are rfren In the wrapper on the boi, fur the foUowlng complaints, which tbeas J'Ut mpl.llrcurei ror MKBvaMla or iBdlrratlvw. IJaSlva. Ibould be lake moderate!) mrumr ami lakea mixleniteir I t at atpnH!11"; lo lUmulats Ih stonv ach ami rettora lit healthy tone and aeUoa. For Lltrr CoaaalaMa,t ami Itteanont trmri. Snini, SSIIIwwa Ha4ck.alUb MafatrtatclM, aVaitattlcti or 4Jrew Blcliavaa, SBtll .'! ami VMIIwaa Wmiotn, they ihonM ba Ju-dk-iou ily taken fur each eata, to corrert the tUteated action nr remora th ob.traelloaa whUh eauts it. ror BVaaaiarr or awiartawta, nut one snua ror akiaaaasUaa,lexM,raTl. ! ilaa mt Ska Sfitn. aaia la tka at. Sack and &laa. they ahouM bo eontiauootly taken, aa reqtiirvii. va cnaar tns aneateii action or the tyttern. With tuch coaags Utots eompliinu djiiw-ir, For tSraaay arul Wraaalcal walllaaa they should Im Ukea In lares and ireueat doaat la pro dure Uie effort of a drattio puree. tar NaaartNtalaa a larse ilnta thnuld he takes at It proliiM! Umi ilrtlrol effert by tymnalhr. At a IHrr I'KI, uksnnenrtwa "(Uelo pro mote dltfttUoa and rellara lha tlomaeb. An onca.lnnal ilota tUmulatat the ttnmaeh and bowel. Into healthy action, ra.toret the appetite, and Inrlgoralet lbs ty.teni, Hence il It often ad eanlaeeout where nn aerinut ileraarement etl'tt. One who Cerlt p)Urally wrll.nnen Smlt that a dote of that fill makea him reel ilteslnlly better, from their Heading aad rsastratlog aCeet oa Iks dlgea Bre apparatua. BM. J. O. ATMS CO., rrmetltAt ChmtUU, JLOWKll. MAMB., V. ST. A. AGENTS WANTEDS A DAY. two ate mai run as. LLOYD'S PateRt levol? lg Stible Mivfi Twt Caatlnenta, Aaarta antl Kaeaae, aa AaaerSSa wllk Ike VmIU4 MlaSea aacStoN aa aa latSMMM aaale. THESB (real Map, aow Jut rntpUteS, St x Si lack. Urse.tnuw ttery place of lapurtaace.all kenned laihtt, and tka latttl alttrtllaai fa Ike earioaa Kara ptaa Suite. Tkaw Mape are iMed4 la eeary atkool (amllf la Ike tan) Uty aetapy Ike tpae Mt aa4 It awaae of tht Barertar, eilker ilia eaa ba threw. Sreat, a4 aay part beosiat Itrtl U Ike eye. Caaal Blat and taraa atataaal girea lo food Steele. Apply Sir Clrtalar Itrmit, and tad awaey Sr aad at. kstfi Haae Brel, If see sold tkkea $ aw vvrnMpVt arWPIR W T HERE WE w STOP THATJ.0U6HIN6 SOJOB OF TO CAT, A"l W PITT jn. Ten bar Irlnl trirr ramedy kit IM OXi AVtunH. be Its uuiatie ntnt. u suaerMde all at. Iltr pn fjtntieiis. II 1 1 not turprutnt t akogM Sa tlaruc to try emtthlns tlM trr tb tttt ts peeattits roa tart bm of trust eaasvlaSS Mims ta a avwia as a nanus evt; Sas NEWELL'S Pulmonary 8yrup at rttHrtbt TZftT tlOTrfBtfy tete ttusaniaaa Sjt th. cart ef CoaLi, flU. Son Tbrou, Aitknav Wboofltg Ceoh Broothll.tnCioBti. Tb audi ef rwl ia Ctlirsrsia uJ Oiieta kar aaam alraaS SwtiuH br U larpnataf CitfMir fwtafl NEWELL'S Pulmonary Syrup at olta est atenl (trs It th'lf taqttliM asar ttia Wt mi nMrrMovmlfMtoill barii. arqiKiislMwtilitkii. ibttrtiitM rutctaKftbeaf. fbr ibt bt!it( er ail dittae tf U Tart aal iMtt, attaruf ;i Uis NEWELL'S Pulmonary Syrup bu nr4 Ibesaudt as4 It wJl tuts TeVarSls Tblt lntittit.lt biMkim It t l.ttaat Ss IM SSSS SnMbiBf. btUinf todMrrtfibttifit lutttetiitav lirtlf rrre frttn til rvinuoat or Stltttrmit Sraaa aai fftlr btmlrtt und.r an drtaamiacaai CrrtlScitrt freni mirir rmalattl auatas S Mt FraaciK actwaptay titr toul tf NEWELL'S Pulmonary Syrup aXOCtOTO.t CO. Aitats, Saa rraadsas. DR. E. COOPER'S UNIVKIISAI. MAQNETIO BALIA A general Fatally MrJldne. It U a sstsv 'if re mid j for DipthorU, riil klmlrtl tll.rs.rs or the THIIOAT. ssl ituiitiallnl In curing Dy.rnlrry, Dltrrt-aa, cbultra, Colic, Cbulera Mortut and Tever aid Ago, Netiraljrla. rtbeiimathm, CoMt, Toclbteks, llurnt, fpralnt, llrultrs, etc., sto., are a' case rellurl Ly lu tlmtly ue. Trmlv Vegetable Virpar atiaa. pr Sont geottlns wlihoot si; .tt, f H. STKONU. REDI'QTON 4 CO.'S . r 0RIDA WATlK, UK NO OTHKM. Unescsllrd for Toilet Use sod for lbs Bath. REDINGTON -1 CO'S ESSENCE OF JAMAICA falKGEfa. Tblt raliistle prrratstfon, coalalnlsg la a 'ilstily coiicviitratnl turm all lbs rtrrtlss ef limalca (inKi-r. bst Utonie one or lbs ssssl iHipular domrtlle rcmrtllis for sll dltestss f tb Morn icu ami illirr.tire oresnt. At a tonic. Il Hill t fouiuTloTslutble tssN leront recorrrlng Irom drtlllty, abrlbrr pre dueetl ly Tever. or oiberwlte lor while It last purtt to Hie tyttern sll the irlow atd slier tbst an losjirodnccd by wine or brsndr, It Is es ilrely Irw rrom the rescllonsrr eficls tbatrsl iiiw ibe me or tjilril or any iibd It It aM) aa excellent rrtrrtly ftir fe stsles liotulfer from difficult mrn.lrMsiloo, ilslse ilraott immediate reKer lo the tnatsss list se nquenlly sccomimny that perltxl. It Klr immediate relief to Nsutes. esasH y ri.ling In a railroad ear, or by seaslekatse ir olber esuret. It it slo valuable si sn Mternal spallMrlsa r Ouut, Kbeumatlim. N'rtiralirla.ele. Ill snd 418 front ft., jati Franclsee. lite Electro-Sllleos, Or Msils BrlUISAs. REDINGTON & CO.'S FLORIDA WATER. FOR THE HAXDKEnCHiEP. This article, potsrrtlng lbs motl rlelleaU fragrance of Klowert. la unenusled u s sw rume ror tbr Handkerebler. 1 FOR THE BATH. Used In bathing. It Imparls energy as irMiglh to Ibe tyttern, and glees tbst soflsess nd delicacy to the tkln so much desired by all. It remores Bunburn, Frecklee 41 liapl. Dilated with water, It makes sb excellent DentrlBce, Imparling pesrlywbltsossa ( th UYtb, aweelnet lo Ibe bteslh, ana rSMdSf. tB urnt bard and of s Uaullful color,,, , It tbould slwsys be u.ed srter sWrtiery uted with water, at It relierre all 'if-rrsiltsi ukrikoton a roT 416 scd 418 Frofat 8t., Baa rrsulin. Cte Electro-SMIeoo, br Us Brllllssit. ZsIsBOTRO-SZLZOOM. OB MAQICBRILLlANT. DIRECT FROM NATURE'S LABBATOIT. The bett article essr dleenreresl ror CImb ng and Poll.hlng Gold. Silrer sod fists Vare. and nil tmoolh Metal le flnrfstee, af ibatererdetcrlpllbn. Inclodlng KllshM Dtssv ltnf Tin. Copper. Rrsss.SUel. rid. To Jewelers and Workers lo Geld aad Stlver tat.. the Electro-Silicon Is or rneitlstsMe. rap. tbe time tared, and the resetls pmaa4 d by Its use. will rower eaaVai Its aasas k ui wao oare nan eemrnee er lis aseflla, REDINGTON CO.. Sole Ages td, Bm Fruiliw. FOUFLAVOMNQ EXTrXAtTf, BaMSrSMSTa e.AI left, fstr, 1MB. I i sH J V