Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, November 20, 1869, Image 2

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K .
BATVitDAr Mon.viNo, Nov. 20, 1800.
Tho republican excitement hnsjn'nrly
subsided. They aro bound to liavo a
king to rulo orcr the people; but It is
deemed almost impossible to select
llm, tbo Cortes and Cabinet botb being
much divided on tho subject. The
thrco principal parties in tho Cortes
bavo each appointed seron deputie; to
bold a conference, and try and come to
omo agreement in regard to the selec
tion of a sovereign. Tio Duke ol Ge
noa sem now to have-some prospects
of obtaining the throne.
Tlw decree of the Cortes establishing
nnrcitricted liberty in religion in the
Colonics of Cuba and Porto Ilico has
taken effect This it a great relorm
for the priest-ridden Spanish residing
oa those island i..
: Tkf Post Office.
Tho PoDtmtMer Goncral reports that
at tho end of the fisonl year in June,
1S09, thcro wero 5,005 contractors car
rying the mails over 0,487 mall routes
in the United Stales and Territories.
The aggregato length ol the routes is
223,731 miles, and the aggicgatc annual
transportations 10,72.1,103 miles. Tho
total cost ol service lor tho Inst year
was 11,081,729. During tho year
1,60.1 miles were ndden to the routes,
with an increased cost of f 200,0 ID.
Mr. Creswcll has his report nearly
ready for tho press. It will indientu n
reduction in expenses, and the Intro
duction of n number of reforms, nil
tending to promote economy. Only a
small deficiency will be aked of Con
Cress, and it is estimated that, if nlTniri
bad been managed in the first part nl
tho year as they were in the laot, tho
department would havo been sc1I-mi-tabling.
Mr. Cre-swell recommends
very earnestly the abolition of the
franking privilege; also, that caeli de
partment pay Its postage nut ot its own
resources, instead of adding to the ex
pense ol tho Tost Oflleo Department.
Ho is also in favor of abolishing the
letter box delivery system, especially
in largo citlis. He prelors the carrier
Eigns of Promise.
Tht predictions ol thoso who have
augured perpetual and undying Imtretl
between tho Northern and Southern
sections of tho country over the blood
shed and injuiics of the late civil war,
nud eternal dissatisfaction with liing
together under one government, have
been sadly disproved in tho course of
events during tho last tew months.
Timo has shown them up as (also pro
phets, and with utterriiM-cgard for their
feelings, has not even waited for a
"generation coming after them," to
make known tho spiiriousncss of their
protended oracles. Tlie Southern press,
which wo tako to bo tho best leflectlon
ol the Southern mind, affords proofs of
the icturning era of harmony and good
feeling with tho North, nnd of n wit.
lingness to join with it in unfeigned
Hinoerity.in building up the future des
tiny of tho nation, under tho auspire
of tho great principles of union, justice
and liberty, for which tho North ban
contended so long and with such des
pernio devotion. Wo greet these flat
tering signs of tho times with heartfelt
joy ; but with neither the exultation ol
Victory, nor tho gratified eeling of re
venge. "Our country" Mill str,-tche
from " tho Lakes" to "tho Oiilf," and
irom "ocean to ocean," not in boundary
merely, but in interest, in sympathy
mid in affection,
!.,-.. Orsenbtcks.
A.D. Shelby, offortlnnd, advertise
to sell goods for greenbacks at par.
This Is a beginning to do business on
this coast on tho samo basis that it is
jlono in tho Atlnntlu States. We be
licvo Oregon and California have losi
millions of dollars by not adopting our
l ft t I AM A 1 ...
.... .ua, currency, ta,, Fronricco has
got to chango her courso or she will
!,8?nlft,,V,a,, ofvada, Utah
and Idaho. Omaha and Chicago will
get tho greater part of their commerce.
Greenback aro in good demand. The
last quotatim below is 78J cents.
' An Opk.v LKrrKi.."-fho J)emo;
oratio Mwa Inst wcok published, under
tlje abovo heading, a vindictive, scur
nlous card from Gcorgo H. Dnrrls
gainst Judge John Kelsay, of tho 2d
. Judicial Circuit. Mr. Dorris was once
resident of this nlnce. nnd aiiwln..
In or office. We regret to see him
transfer bis cases from the forum to the
Mwspsprrs, in such low, vindictive,
The Late Elections.
Tho Democratic papers arc jubilant
over the New York and California
elections, but they appear to be igno
rant of the fact that elections havo
been recently held in Illinois, Iowa,
Minnesota, Massachusetts, Nebraska,
Ohio, Pennsylvania, "West Virginia and
Wisconsin, and that tbo Itepublleaus
have been triumphant in thoso States.
California only elected a few Demo
cratic judges. New York went Demo
cratic. Every politician expected it to
do so. This State went agaifrst Grant,
and everybody would havo been dis
appointed it it had gone in favor of tho
Itepublleaus. Ciow again, copper
heads. You arc welcome to his over
such vicloiiis as the November eleo
Andy Johnson-
The Or((ionum sayi ; A Nnshville
dispatch says that Andrew Johnson,
being sanguine of his election to the
Senate, was badly unnerved by tho re
sult, lie rcticd to his room in the
hotel where he resides, and was visible
only to his most irtimato fi lends, who
called to condole with him. Hut even
then his privacy was invaded by nil
impromptu procession halting beneath
his windows', cheering wildly fur tlie
newly e'ected Senator, nud bearing ban
ners inscribed: "Moses iindern Cloud,"
" Tho Ileal Dead Duck," " How about
tho Pocket Copy of tho Constitution,"
"Swlngin' 'round the Circle," nnd other
GiinkiuI. John K. Wool died at
Troy (N. Y.) on the 10th instant. A
dispatch from Troy, dated Nov. 12,
Gen. Wool's funeral will take place
to-morrow, Saturday. lltisint.s wil
be generally suspended. Major Gen
eral Carr has charge of arrangements,
nud has ordered out two hi ignites. The
Troy Citizens' Cmim. tho Albany Hnr-
gess t'oips and ii iu societies will unite
in the piocessioii. A regiment fiom
Governor, Island has been or.lend
here by Geueial Sherman. Go eruor
llofi'maii, Major Generals Hrown, Gib
son and Shaler, with their stalls, will
paiticipatc in the ceremonies.
Late Telegrams.
London, Nov. 0. Ily older of the
I'liecn, luueral services are to lie held
over the remains i f George IVabody nt
VeMminti r Abbey on Friday.
Nr.w Oiti.i-A.sH, Nov. a. A party of
engineers it'll lure to-ilay to survey tuu
.Miii)iI.!h anil I'. I I 'am It.illmad.
.Moiiii.i:, Nov. 8. Tmeklnying on
the Mobile and New Orleans Itnilroad
eoiiinionees to-day. Tlie eeremonv ol
dliving the Hist t-pikt) was pel formed
by Colonel Mann, proprietor of the
Ityhttr, who made n pertinent spoeeh.
Ho said ho regarded it as not merely
the inaiiguintioii of the onc-huudiod-mid
thlrty-elu'ht-mllo ruilnud, from
Mobile to New Orleans, but of the
great Southern Paciflo route, which
this Company, headed by ueji men as
Ames, Sprnguu and others intend to
San Fiiancisco, Nov. H. About 0
o'clock this morning the, regular pas.
ciu-er train of 'lie nestcin Pacific
Itnilroad, bound cai-t, cii.no i.') collision
with tho tiain from Hnyw .-.id's, near
Damon Station, about four miles from
Alameda. 'Mm locomotives of both
train woro totally destroyed, as were
four cars of the Western Pitcifia and
several of the Hayward train. Kleven
ihtsoiih are supposed to be killed, and
fifteen cr twenty badly wounded.
Poictland, Nov. 10. Tho Heatoii,
Mxth vessel of the N. V. it Portland
line, which Milled on May :10th, has not
boen heard fiom t-iuee snilinc A Mil
has been introduced in tho Legislature
of Washington Territory In incorporate
Scattlo as a city. -Thu house of Mr.
Kohinson on 1st street was eninred mi
Sunday last by a burglar. Alaim being
L'tven, tho burglar returned up stairs,
locking hitnst If in ono of the rooms.
A M)ieemaii forced tho door open and
ihu man madu pretence of being crazv,
but wns taken to jail. Tho Grand
Jury havo indicted several burglars
The new railroad bridge across the
Clackamas was carried away this morn
ing, which can not be replaced again
this winter. It is a heavy loss to the
Company. Amnn immftl nunn b.1.1
his leg broke in an attempt to avo the
Iim.ANn, though twice ns populous
as Scotland, drinks less whiskey. Tho
ninniint of liquor consumed in Ireland
during 1807 was 4,773,710 gallons: in
Scotland, 4,087,701, nnd in England,
more than both these amounts united,
viz., over eleven millions,
A Bio Tiike, 844 feethbl'h, stands
on tho hank of Itussian river, near
"faldsbnrg, Sonoma county, California,
which is supposed to bo tho tallest on
this coast.
A GrnkkAI. Court Mnrllnl will Bnnn
assemb o at Camp Toll Gate, under
General Wheaton as President Ho is
organizing soouts for Apache warfare.
Post Omen Dnr.vr.TMKNr,
ll'i-niny'on, ttpt ail. 1619.
PHOPOSAI.S will be received at the
Contract Ollice ol thN Department
until .1 i m. of March 1, 1870, fur
coiMoying the mails ol the United
Slates, Irom July 1, 1870, to June
00, 1874, in tho State olOUKOON,
on the routes and by tho schedules
of departures and arrivals herein
Decisions announced by March 14, 1870.
15101 From Portland, by .Cprlnevlltc, "1. 1M-
rn. lUlnh-r. Monllcello. Sourle
Island. Oak I'olnl, Wpsipnrl, and
p.ithlatnel, lo Atlorla. 110 miles and
.tek, three llrnrt week, In steam-
Leave I'orltsml Monday, Wednesday,
nl Friday nl (i n m ;
Arrive nl Atnrla lijr fi p m
Leave Atlorla Tuedy, Thursday, and
Hatnrdar nl fi s m;
Arrive nl Portland l.y fi p m.
l'rnpn.itli fur six-tlmea-a-wcek service
bciwi-cn I'orlland and Monliccllo In-
15102 Trora Portland, tjr Vancouver Fisher's
I .n ml I n tr. Cacai... and I lnf.it lllrrr.
In Tiik Dalle.. I in tnilc- still luck.
t llm n we.k, m etcatnhnals.
Lino Portland dally, etpl Sunday,
a I ft a in ;
Arrive nt Tin Hftllrs next dy lijr II pm
Leave Tin- Dalles dally, tAc.pl Sun, lay,
t 5 s m:
Arilteal Portland next day. lijr 11 pin
15103 From Oakland, li ('oils gc Grine. Eft-
tri-ni. t'liy. anl Lancn.irr, loCorvalli.
vu nine, nun kick, daily,,
St htthtt ron Afnl 1 to XvtenUr 1.
I.Mto Osklmi.l dally nl 4 p in:
Attiicut C.iinlll. n.xt t hy 5 p m:
Im-.ii' Cnrritltl tUlly nl 10 s in;
Arrlrt- at Uakluud nxl tU by II a m.
MfUtrm XvttmUr I to Afnl 1.
I.mvf Onkl,tin1 l illy nl fi n mj
Atrlvt- al Connlll ncil .Injr l.j p tn;
l.i-ntf CirrnllliUlly at fi
Arrln- at ().ikliitil nt-xt ilnv- y fi p m
U KTVlci-onrmili-No. H77;i tCf.1.) l
I. lkUi will' not be.
1.1101 From Cntrnllls. j Allttnr. JrftVrsnii,
Saltiu, Il.nl. Anrnr Mill", Orfxnti
Oily. tl Mlhtaiiklr, lo I'urilaml, 107
mll anil b.tck, dally,
SehJult from .ItiJ I (j .VuiwvVr .
I.farv Ciirralll" dally at fi a m;
Arrive nl I'urlUnd n.xi ..ij by II a tn
l.i an- I'urlland dally nt li n m ;
Arrlvs nt CotvallU next days by 9 a m.
Si-Mutt ron Xvitnkr to Ajnt 1.
I.eive Orvalll" dally nt fi u in;
Arrivii nt I'nrlt'tiid - cmil d.tys by fi p in
l.Mte I'lirlliml dtlly nl fi a in;
Anlvu ittt'iirriillls . ennd cliy I.t fi pm
11 vrlco mi rim it. No. U77J (Cat.) U-
ht, tills hIII not U.
IMO.'i Fiom !alitn, by U nnd Rlckrrall, lo
1 till.. Hi inlle snd back, tliren llmvs
a wcik.
Lfe Sulrn Monday, Wcdneadsy, and
KrbUy nt 7 in;
Arrlvt- at I (all it. by 11 ami
l.fitri' IUIU Moiidny, Wtdnetday, and
Frldity at I p tn;
Arrive at .Sslrm by 1pm,
I5I0G Fmni (iraml llonde, Iit SsltCrrek. Dnl
It". Mitniniiiitli nnd Indrnt.ndi.nce. In
llni-na Vi.la. 44 inllvs ami back, lire
Iae (iraml I'nnd- Monday al n m;
Arrive at lliii-na Vl.u b H p in;
l.rarr IIiiimi Vlula TiH'dav at fi a ro;
Arrlvv at Grand Hondo by ii p rn.
I ISI07 From Salem, by AumHvlllH, Sclo. r.rba-
'inn. nr.mii.iillH. uianinntl Mill, riiic
Wiliim tie Fork. Hfirlnt-n-M. and
IUIt',-im"t. lo l'l.'ttaul Hill, bHinlli.
and back, uncJ week.
I.favt! Sub m Tm-iiO. . " n;
Arrlvn at IWa'it Mill FrWa? st 1 p mr
l.fvtt I'li-n'snl Hill Friday by II fa;
num.- ni Dsitm JIuncJuy Iiy 0 p rn.
151(18 From Salem, b? Lincoln and ft-na. in
Wlii-alUiil, 27 miles and baok, onco a
Leave fialm Monday al 7 a m;
Arrlro at Wln-ntUml ty 12 hi
I-ave Wlitalland Tilt-May al 2 p mi
Arrive nt Salem by 8 p in.
15109 From La Fayelln, by MeMlnnvllls. tlelle
Tiie. and rtlicrldan, bi Grand Honde,
lamlletnnd Uck.iwlc a wtvk
Learn La Fsyetlv Tuesday and Flllar
at 1 p mi '
Arrlts al arand Rondo next Uti br 12
m; '
Ltnvo Grand Hondo Monday and Tliurs.
darut I n in:
ArrlvwalLt l-iiyrllnni-xtdarsby 11 a m
J rninsal lu comtni-nco at McUliinvllle
4 inlltf lvs, luvitcd.
15110 From La Fayeile. br Dnylnn. Amllr
Ilelliel. Kina. D.illn.:ilrldlfi',orl.Loiif.'
villi., and Lnckemiile. loCorvalllH.cn
inllea and hack, twice a week.
Leave Lu Fayclto Tuesday and Fildnr at
I p m; ,
Arrlvn nt Corvallla next dars bv 7 n ,
Leave Corvallls Monday and Ttaursdav
nt fi a int '
Arrlvt al La Fayette next daya by 12 m.
I'mpo.ala lo commence at I'orllaiid al
so. ir throe lliaea-s-xruvk trrice, In
rltcd. 151 ll From L Fayelto. br Mountain Hon.,
and No-ioolln. to Tillamook. I.O mlltti
....I i...i. mm . "."-
...i .i-tn,iinuo weK,
15112 From Albany, by Peoria, RurHnKlr.n
and ILirrlshurKh, to Lncater7 33
miles and back, twice a week.
Learn Albany Monday and Thursday at
Arrlvo at Lancaster by 7 pm;
Learo Ltnoai(or Tuesday and Friday S4
' Anlrr at Alrany by 7 m. I
Arrlrn a Tillamook Thursday hV m
Leavo Tillamook Tbursdar nl 2 p m'
Arriro at La Fayclto Saturday by j n
15113 From Oakland, by K'tto)-i'' and tcolls-
Imrpli. lo Gardiner, tit nilk's and back
once wi'tk.
Lcart; Oakland Mnndar at fi a mj
Arrirc nt Garillnr Wrdm-nlsy by 6 pra;
Lcate Gardiner Thursday at u a m;
Arrive at Oakland Saturday by 0 p to,
15114 From Gardlirr. br Emnlrc Cllr nnd
Itnmlolpti, to Port Otford, 69 miles
and buck, once a wt'k.
Lrave (!rtr.llnT Oily Thursday at fi n m:
Arrive nt I'ori Orford Saturday by fi pm
Leave I'orl Olfnril Monday al fi n ml
Arrlrt- st Gardiner Oily U e .msday by 6
p m.
15115 From Hos..barh. by Ten Mil Creek,
(local.) Cams- Valley, llnctl.) June
lion or Middle; and Son III Fork of Co
qulllc. (local.) L'-ntmrli" I'rnlrlr, (l
cal.) nnd SIxMiiics.lbx-al,) to I'orlOr.
ford, 120 miles and back, once n we'll.
lllddi-r lo propose sclicilule of depart
and arrivals.
16116 From Jacknnllle. by Appleale, Plalr
Creek, and Klrby. tn Waldo. Hi miles
and iMCk, twice a eek.
Leave Jacknnrlllo Monday and Thurs
day at fi a tn;
Arrive at Waldo next days br 12 mi
Learn Waldo Ttlerday and Friday at 2p
Arrive at Jacktonrlllo next day by 7 p
I'ropo'nW In extend to Crescent Clly
(Cal'a) luvltH.
15117 From Alorla. by Callitam'l. WetKirl.
Onk Point, ."oilvla's Html, ttalnler.
and Monticelln.ln I'orlUnd. llilinll
and back, twice nWek, In sleatnlmalf
Leare A'lnrlt Tur.diy and Saturday nl
4il.'. am; i - '
Arrive nl I'orlland by 0.45 p m:
Lne Portland tlonday and Ftlday nl
. a tn!
Arrlu- nl Alorta by 9 pm.
l'ropoal to end at JlontlccllC.,.'..1 tnllc.
151 18 From AulHirn. by RIcz'tIII, (local.)
anil llealy's Su'llon. Incnl, In Uin
llllit. "lib a brnncli lo GranllH
Cteik Mine. (IiicmI.) nnd In Independ
ence Clly. (Incd.) from DeiilyV Sta
tion, (local.) mllos and back
ihc- a week,
tlldder in rialp dl'lnncr trffil prnpo'e
Klmlule ol dipnturii and Hrrtvals.
15119 From The )vllerb.r Wa tn. Camp Wnt
sti.i. (ImcsI.) llfldK-C'r-ek lle.clnib.
Iiay Villi', mill Jnlill Nj- Clly,
Canyon City, IhO miles and back, once
a ik.
l.-avi Tlie Dalle Tnemlay nt 4 a in;
Arrlie al CaiMini Cllv Ftlday by fi p m;
l..-ave l'aii)nii Clly llmrdar at 4 a m;
Arrive nl Tlie Dalb Friday 'by li p m.
' llld in rxleiail in UoIpo City, IhO unli'F
, fiiriher. Inillvd,
15120 From The Dalles, br Pelllo, (locil.) I'm-
alllla. uiul Wnllu'llit. In Walla Wall,,.
157 mlle and luck, unco a rek.
Lean Tli" Utiles Monday st 7 it in;
A i the at Walla Walla fourth day by fi i
L'-are Walla Walla Monday at 7 a ms
Arrlvu at Tbo Dalles lontlb day by 6 p
15121 From Canrnn Clly. by Huutirllle. (In
cal.) Clk Dl.irfcl. (Incnl.) True'.tiia
lion, (local.) (Illn Ore. k. (I, .cal.) In
deH.tideiice, and Anlnirii, tn IUk-r Ol
ly. li) mile, nnd bnek, once a w.i k,
l.ra.a On..;.,., I'll t,,.,t,j l 7 , ln)
Airlm at Ibtker City Wedno-dais by 7
l.-ave ItakerClly Tbiir.day at 7 a m;
. Arrive nl Canyon City Saturday by 7 p
15122 I mm Tli Dalles, by Umatilla, WallnU.
(Wa.li. Ter .) Wnl n Wnlla, Mitchell'.
MMIIon, 1,1 Grand. Union Nntlh I'nte.
d-r. linker Clly. Aubnrii, Kire.a
Itancli Wel.er Hancb, Mlddloton. Cm
ineil.vllle, and Martln.rllle, 10 ,.H.
Clly, (liliihn.) 5511 nillri and bick.
three lljien a week.
llld Tor lx lltiiea a-treek .errlre Intllnl
Didders in pnpo.c .cbtnlulu of depart
urea and arrlvnli,
15123 From l'orllsnd. by U-lon ."cliotd llo-.e.
tnc.ii.i iMinatcu.. Clear Crrek lUut..
Lrifk.CiiiiVt,f. Ile,ir.r Mohlli,
Ibitli'Cretdi.Silreriiiii, aiiilSiibllmliv
in Ainn.rllle, H2 mile, and Uick, once
a wi-ek.
Leave rorlland Mntnbiy nt ( a m;
Arrive at Aiimtvllle TueUy l,. ii p m.
Leave Aiim.vlllo WidnewMy al fi a nil
Arrlro at I'orlland Thursday by 6 p m;
15121 Fro . llaker Clly lo Auburn. Hi miles
and bark, nnce n w.rk,
Leave Hak.rClly Wednvday at 8 u m;
Arrive at Auburn by 12 mj
Leave Auburn W.ilne.ilay at I p m:
Arrive at llaker City l.y 5 p in.
15125 From Ku.enc Clty.br Snl. law ami l.on
Tom, lo Franklin. :ty miles ui batk
once a week,
Lu,"i' Kiiene Clly Wednrnlsy at 7 a m
Arrlro at ,vrariklin by ii p mt '
Leave Franklin Tliur.day at 7 mi
Arrlvo at Kuene Cliff '" p in.
I5I2C from Cenlrevllle lo Forest tTrPve. live
mile, and back, oncu a wrk.
Leave Cenlrevlllo Mmiday at 10 a m:
Arrive at Forest Grove bv 12 mi
Leave For.Hi Grove Monday at p ms
Arrlv at Cenlrevllle by 3 p m.
15127 From OreKon Clly. by ilullerllle. New.
ell.vllH. ami Huliit Clair, lo Dnyit.u
38 mile, nud back, ihreo llinea a weik.
In t ninbnats.
Lt-iiye On..,,,, City Mond.iy. Wednesday,
and Irlday nl 7 am; "
Arrive nl D.iyion l.y 7 p mi
8'h,rur",", T"",,H'V' Th,"-"l'y '""I
HAiiirday al 7 a in; '
Arilreut iregon City by 7 p m,
15128 From Fnirlbld. (local.) by Snlm Lo.,1-.
iiconda. I'nrker.vlll... ,cn ',,, ,
'; ''' "l Ne.dy.7o Ore;:, ,
Ciy. Ih ml ,., ,i Uick, once a wik-k
V-nvn Fnlrllebl Tueitlay 7 ,, MWK
Arrive al Oreumi Clly by ,.''
Lea vt, OrB Ui, W.d'i. May at 7 a in
Arrlvo at Folrlleltf by p ,. ' ' " m
15128 From AMor,al,jClataan.Ri.mr,,ii.....
M.i,iV,,.,c-y.,,,- N-lmelt l.andlnir.
i.eVoVn.l:,,0", m,lw "'"'
.enve A.K.rla Tin-day at 7 a mt
Arr v at tii i.m....!. ....". . " . -
Arrive ai Astoria next day by B p m'.
15130 from I'orlland. by Tarlor's Ferrj Dar.
o... Amlty. Hlclirt.N, and Monmouif,
Learn I'o'rtUiid Tue.day at a mr
Arrirr at Corvallls nexi day b, Tp mt
At l oat ftrtlB4 out dy by 7 p n.
ril One, an.l
, 47 mil.. aaJ
Wel ciieiiaiem. ' "- "j""!
In. I mmin. .ii.rti.wy. i "mi
Attlt. at eratll. SaiiSay by Sp m
late Srattl. l.m.y at S a tn I
Atrlte at Umatilla Su..dy by fl p m.
UI3I rrom Ktetp". tUntli, l.r ny Tall.y, tn Humboldt
llt-lti. IVinllf.aml baVV.onr.a .
Ixiii. Ktn ll.nch W.ln.Mat at 1 J hit
Attlt. at llninl..lll Sa'lnby pnu
la.. HumtoMt lla.ln ThutUy al S a ai
Atrlt.at Kipffti rtli.liy ptn
tilU Tr.'ni Th. Dalle., by lloeManH.n.a'al.) Week ltue,
(.r.l.,nli,;r..(l..l.) I,. r..VlmC. II, (1.1
etl.i'.itnll.. an.lhvk,nnr. a.k.
la.Th. Iia If. l..liy at 7 a mi
Attlt. at V- klma M'r.n.a.ar by 12 m
I...T. V'.klin Thn.iay al 7 a mi
Attlt. al Th. U.llf. Salnr.Uy by 12 m.
ISI3S From AIMnr, l.r Tbton Milt, ('".). U IlMo.
till., 21 mil., an.l lrk nf . a .k.
tat. Albany Momtay at h a m
Attlt. al lln...lll. by fl p m
l..a. nrowrt.tlll. Tn.lay al S a m
Ault. at Atlainy by 6 1 m.
ISI37 From Pillar.!. H nrWr.p.1, (loral.t ant Ch.ba.
I.m llap. II cat,) la l)l"n, 30 tiill.i an J bark,
one. a -k.
I.Mt. P.Mllan.l Satnt.lay at 7 a m
Attlt. at tiatt.i h. t l mt
l.at tia.il.ai M..r..ay nt J a ml
Atrltr al IVltlai,.) l.y J p tn.
Ul rromC
rrniOmllL, by 1'hllotnalh, S-.m.r.. (I..al ) Sam-
ntl,(l"al.)ll.lnn.lall'a, (l.wal,) l'l....r Oily.
Mill. rik. Va.iBte,Or.l.rtlll..(ll.i Xiti.
in-l ti4U. t.,.ttitt, ;nmll.a.ii.back. Hit.,
llnt- a wr.k fnan May tyv
one. a K.rk lb. rr'ldu. 0(1)1. yi
bt.nibrt I, aihl
MJV to .Vrffm'er.
Uat. r..fttll. Mutt Jay, WVIn...Uy, ant TrMay at
Artltr.t ,V..t e.tt .'.,.l,t r. . mi
I.m. rtl M.ai.l.y, W.li.r.liy, and Tlblay al
Sam. "t fl . mi
Attlt. al Cvltalll. tint day. by . tn.
.S'ntmt-fT to .lAty.
I,.t.r,atll. Mn.l.y at fla ml
Attn, at .NmiMI Wntn...l l-yAprn)
lai. Nfi-.tl Thur.l.y al fla mi
Anil al (..linlll. Salut.Uy I7 fl . nt.
UIW rmm Unlolll. to X.wlnn, (i:ik Clly. I vat nam.)
t.i. Ia-l.illl. Mn.lar at fla ml
Atttt. at N.wl-n n.a. t.j I.j 1 1, mj
lae X.nl.ni Wnlnrotl. al fl a mi
., ...,..- .Ir. ., ., .., . mrr-m.
Attlt. at Unlttltl. ti.il day lr . m.
till-) Fnmi All.any. br t)Hrinn,S.. ltan.Vall.t-.il,
cnl.l I'amp I--Ik. Ibnl I rr.o.kxt llli.r, (I il,
ainl(Kha.a,Vallry.lbal,,tiiM.tnlnln tli.,,.
Ill.H-r. tn .tat. -tl.tanr. au.l r. HheJit. ,.(
ral.l mil., ai.l In.k.nrwaa ...
U.1HUI.. nl airtltU.
t-.ui I',. a., n...i ....1. i, n.. li. 1 tm. .11 ...ii v
...JL . .lC lillaiHl.'i.h.tlOu at.l.k,
Ill.ll7r. ..,,,.?.U.. I.L.I. t I.......
.i.li" ' ' ''I"' ff J.r'lMtf. at,4 at.
,.,m... .,. ...... 1n . . .
A XI) ('Kill H'lllAi'l-
.l UI.KIII lUAir..
The nndeplk'ned
-. hIiii.i' ivi-I
1S131 rtom IVttUn.l. by nnuwo. rornl
Lm.p e..tlln.l M..n.lay n That. My it 7 a raj it. "im.it ucnH.t m.y .nnl O,. ,,.., .
A rrlre ! U fajelle nitt .ly I I' "U I f f Pd tM'" '",""' as.re.aMj l (..fit, i , f' ''
til.. i . W..H. T,i,L. a. ltl.lT at 2 D mi On the tl onV. U. ,.r ill...t,n. it,. ,".' 'Hfc
ArtHalP..flUB.IniMjibjSpmi Hi. D.plaienl, f,.r ''lojt,,tfkr;"t
Proiw.aH lo inbraca Centr.tlll. ua rout. In.lleJ. r.qulie.1 l.y the lr.artnitnt to Ao ,o, t.,t ran, L ,!V'
rra At F tttliiM 1 tt f. . Itna....! """Bit.
IJ1J1 rrom Aiihnrn, by P.r.hnlM, (Ineal.) nttt'Tllle, oniTetln mailable tnatlrr tail i.fthi.nitll, ""'',k,H
(l.al,) lllrch t'ffhk, (bswl.) ami D.-jlr'. Slll,.n. S. The I Imaner lletieral fnv "rJ.f anIiwr.M,,,...
aal.) t Unullll. with bt.ath lo llranllel'rerk ilce on a ronM l.y alttflii( ilt.f r a - m rTi iti "'
llllne.. (local,) mllM an.lbKk.itice aweek. ' Ui..nlrael .y. He mar rlnn, whl.l...f7 '"'
DI.MMlnlal,IUIaneeanJ rvw .Jilal.i ol I'ire. an.l artitali Inallrat... . h.rtitnU.i, ,' IrV"
ltiMttntei dJ arihati. . Ihem .nf.lll11 lo e..i,nrctl,.n with t.llt,. VlL. iV
e re ... nt p.y, ,n.t.l.4 It., n.khlnx llm. U "kJ i ,?,' 'V
IMJJ rmm fmalllla, by eonnty ...I ef V..VIma emty. f,;ifTle."BiSiVl M?f fi'r."",r " ?WI
nlll.tt nddre-f la . . county l.f. Slate 'Mr.r ' etltj. e.iUlnljr. a.e) K.ltrltj.-
nl ., ,M,H.s l cnofev he tn. II.. r, ?''.1 "' '! XtW "" m" -,,w"
Hie UiilltilM.lt..., Imin July I, Ih'll. In June
t'f. lei I. li-1 roilie .an. , l-l'lfll Hill
. Illidr Ibe adverlLetiMil nl llie ',i..
-ll-lerGent-Ml .Ul.al Sept. 3H, MX "ill, -ce.
leiily.ctrtaiiilv. nnd tecuilly," lor llie uuiiual
urn uf
, , . ........
rail lr.ti It tat.', tnll lit full lllotrUI.lt it
ll.tilitl.nuti tht rmilt tht myttl if Ikt unit talt
mui. .....1 .. .... . 1 .1 .t,.' t I . (H"f lo .nt.r l.i.. er i.tfHai II.. e.utcit (. ik.
ron. ,i,l ,t nr. ait,,lM,nfltrfirtvl wmMLot, M.f.le, ir.4.1 f.r In tht er.4e4 bkb, lUli leplll
" tin l.iwt and tnttrttttiunt alLxMlotht wlrtrliif ablllll.a IH U .ti(.trl ,cali,.i ikrm.
The iiiider-ltfinil. re.ldlnc mt .State
f . iiuderlake Uiul, If Ihe fiiri'KuiiiX
bid forcnrr.iliiK the mail mi route No. li
accepted by I ho I'li-lma-lrr General, th.- bidder
bull, prior In llie . d.iy or July, IH70 i-nUr
Inln the tetiilrid nbliyainn orcoulracl In iar
liinnnies..rvlco proposed, with uood und sum
Clenl .iiritlvi.
JTAti ' trv.ti, umltrtl.inJ.n.j ,Uttlrtly tht lijiantioni
nil hibilnin utiunt,! fcy oiinit.,f viultr tttt'th
itctiun t tht actitftXmgrtH of July 2, Ijj3I.
UaUd (,SInetl by twoffuarantoie.)
. Certificate.
The undertime,!, po.imatlcr at , filate
". "'. ?' c''r''""". I'krtKB ma itTii or omi'K,
lhat he . ariiialutii Mih th,, alajve KUHraut.
or., ami knows Ihem in lw m.n i,fmw,i
and uhht lo make oikI their guarantee.
Hated v.- (SIbiii.1.)
Qmtoininy alio (vmtitiom to U inwyorarn in tht
tonttMU M mt tiltnt tht Vtpaitmmt raoy Jtm
eme.'"kM.,n.ln!,,'.i """''I ". eacl, Inl.rmMl.t.
Iu.fl.', i ... '"'"Il'erale. .cinr.. (r a.itln( th.
mall. I km ii ralli-iavl and .li,., n ,", to
!:.,;r,'r,?-;:r,,,v ,Uu ' i"'u," 5
, v.r;; i:;,",'..,.':"'j,1 ?-.-u.
IhiIiis e.u.c.,11'! in .Vuu.i U,V ". ,,,"" "' '
euet.rlii Ini.n L.L. , . ' . "P ' rmnili.i an. .inr.aa
! -aWiSISy ,a " " " ". VarSS
. .' .'''!" ."'.'I b. Impo.!. !. ,k. a.u .
.rn,r.,. m MihCCiT? .VJff?. If 1 "W b
II. la ..,!.. ... ::...:" "" wrll.l Mrai.aa. tni
i.r. r th. .mi.....
t.,..'!",l"kl"1, V1 ''"b.'al lm... anl nll.rr roulM Vail.
i.t. tl,. i i..l. ( c..n..y.i,f, a-luili. ..( . h. ..,rial dsW
aii.nla i.( ! I',i nm. . i.... 1,' V '.I '"' lowmA
SStfA r.'." !.:. -"-'Kii " ba'rZJ , " MA"
.,.'.' """""'I ai,. .Ir.ml.! line. Il r.iil. .r.m, f JH
II. U.,rii....,, al, n,r hrlil.l. C,' 111. ," .'f.,'. ,, kH
m ,Cutmcu. ,'':"-'",'".i-.i.yi1, ii,... .;'.;' t";;" H
v.,li.,,iil cli.rii.i a, (., , , ,,, ii. 1, , u,,?. vftSaVjfSh
.......... ..,,., ..,.., -raaaaa......
w::r; Ml,sv.;iSuri:s; - s
f'h'.iM?. , ,', '" '"P"'""''' ' oem',, , Sba math
,1.- .z... -j'-- ... .-..uari iira.t a ..i-..i--. -7 v-
forrtfnjlnn, aflr dtman.1, lomntt, ll.m.n.. ,
11 IheMittKloi tntu.t.r It e.rtrt.,M. ..1,'
C.rli far.i.r utranilMat mi aroiitt. " 'nl,a
I eiitt.llm.iii (or.nynih.r t.o-, ,, tl..r 1.71. ..... ."
.Uinnlly lo cmtta'tor n. ....Mb,' ,",,?" '" '
atiLMint ..(..nk. .Il.tn.d llh. an. , ,nti,S!',,U
.Bt..ri.., iii.ii ir.iuirp .n.h .1...1... "
t.lalaej . k,,h
9, Pay menu will I mvl. by enlUtl .n, fMl M ,...
., p -tma.t.t.. . nl..l..e.ft thi ",, ?''
iaittr-MT It. NntftnUr. f.l.tn... till'. !" IK
10 Th. .Il.l.me. at. alt.n .fcM n ,' ,"',
I. tealr than al.i-tl Ur. I. I'll., t.1.,. "1" !.""'?
,-l.r,.. may I. Ii.c.ltre.1. .No ,,, r il, kVi,,"?;"
b...l ..n .nth at.Min I, tan I r.rti,.UtrJt n I, . ait.'.i'
ml.iake . ;.r mi.jr.t.l.ni...n a. to II,. ,.v J ,,;''
n. f .t l;rl.l. r..y-l. r.ttl.t Sle,iiaeV .i ,li!,'
!;',r.:,."","J'" tti&zizi
11 IUI l.r. at. eautlonel lo mt, t,,f ..j., ..
I llm- to t.th II,. IkMilmrnt l.y th. '.y MIMtTaihW
,3 p M . llattl, I. l.-rt., (. , l-J. l.lti .n.M., JKA
'III jh.I I-. n.r,.atl la e..tnaltl.ai .Ilk a bW ..( ..
,vi,aM. am mill rr..lt..l In llm. .ltl, ,, i.j, ,",
e.milUte.1 aal.Kh .t. llh..ul II,. .r.hl., tw.r.. i,
anlae.ttinnl..rirr. tnntH.ory .,(.;(, Aaraal.;
12 IIH.I.,. ..o,,M B,.l ,,r. ,.-. tJ,,Cl', Wo',.
eoe.1le In lb. ajt.rl..tiimt, ao-l tk... If n,,, t'
"..faialrly" f,.t rtifl.r.at ..t.lt., ir tk. trnla, ui
l- th. .i.. offMI (..t ll, a.tt. Nitle., th. HL.r
t.ri.f.Mltloti. n.at l..rf..l.l t..l f .
." .Tl"".,'.1"".11'1 " ''"' " '"' U4 for ia a t.
' ' (...HHilM..r eumMnai.,a U.I. l" hrt (. i!.
,"'' '" !"" in-4rviiHOara (.H.H.n ., .. itJ
tapaol we.Mirtl.rM.
1 1. Tt.
nl r.
..net.i.r lb. bkl .r. Mhal It. I.l.u.i.l ,. ,j
I lre-. 1 anJ I be n tm. ..( e h mMnlr .4 a Stat, "ktr. a
. (I.ll.r. ai.te.mM t.m-.'a. f, ., MatlleaM.
ii.. irinii it...), r.ir.i-1,.,1 i.j ti ihi,!,.,,. ,;
'!!" "' '" "" "" ,"'n '',""1 M4,a4Uitl4MlH
Allrir.U.. .haitMrr.! W luUalllel: n.r tlvaiM Ml.
iir. "imiiii.m iw iii,.iran .1. itiifa.l ,.(a III l.r
f inatant. mil I. alt..... 1 11 air.. If,. llr,aa l.rlal.j
an I rpe.lt.,1 la(.t. lb. la.l .Ui t te-.lt it. i, ..;,
1.1, la.1 hi. I la. (U.tanl.pl by lu tr.t.a,ll ir
Mai. Th U an I tntraiare .Vtild . -tltarj-1 i-UUIr
llhlb.nilli.ani.,(r,.,a-t.ti ' '
1l.ett..irtinnl lrr.-. lb. ll(l,t tn t.Jett aai HI
hkli mat la-.l,.mnl.iliaia(anl, an.1 al, 1-1 Ji.rr.tr '
II,. Mi.r(illli.r.a,lrftM. .Ml I kM.ti. (Atllf J.I.
S, IM-V. .retkai SI 1 '
l Tl.. l-la -Inail I !- ...Ifl. .n.rwilt. "Mall Pr
i.m., Slal. .( llt.r.n," a-Hi...l '.ImitI A'.l.ltal
I.M...I.. flafc...! , ....l, ,l -.. . 1- .....
.,a I.t .1 I.., n e-r,l; ...I i.-im.'.i... III .t l.il.i.'
, i.ni.Mt I,.. Ilf. ... aii,d,
n.)..t. (- l.lt.i. . I ny kUd;ln lUIr qn.il.it ,..
K. Tli.eotittvl.at.ln U n.ft.,l aal r.lai.H I.
lb. I"..iin..i,l 1. ,r bl4.1l,. 1. 1 il.yi.r July,
l;ni bHttbr.Ptti.. mn.l b. h.(itnnniktt .lay or a
lb. Intll .lay mil aDrt II, l,.ll,rt tl,. fvMlxl. ., ,,,.
rail.n- Hat,
Tr.h.l.r. i(t.li(l.,ia-( ( (tl.ret In en.ltatl., ait
(l M.l.i. 1,1 l.a.ae.l rv...a.nll. r.nn. I t. alko.d,
" "-t't. n in.t.ia). laa. h-.thr ll.at II,..
?'"! b'""'si Hi. 1111 aTf.4 lu Ikrm H,r...h
in-iri. , 11 i,,',-i,iii. n-'lh. tl,al Ih.y .Ml U .1,
, ,"r -' ,rin. .'I I-., rmirw I
I rln.-l'ral.nt,hof n.arra,lrrvla. laili.v.
ll.an.ial.lt f.-l, fnni a. lailm. mil, lmilatlj .n.r
i,!,,,,,,,, .l.nh neil. tepmt lb.lr ...l .ll.l.n.. f.oni
' "' ""' lall.n. In.n.bl. II,. ISallh.-l.l II... ..I In
, ,,, ,m,i ...! nl lr.mlt1.li4Jljtl.il.
1(1, yrfi..a .lahlr.n (4 a act 4 (aitM. a,tott-l
, MtnliS. ak, 't.nViMlhatra,in.. M k. Iran.r-ala-
I ll.-nil lb. mill .ball la I.t, "In tiny r..,lnl,. k,.Ml
I Ml Iff l.t.l.tlar .arnr.rnl inaraal.t. It ll,.Mll.flr.
(in.af.. llh"IMb.r Hl'l.nft to tl. H...I. .(twh
lr-.i..-4l.U.a. H,nm.jU ...... Inf.M.Mlk.
' iluawlrtllj. e.tl.lnly e4 ...riy ,.( inch trami. fla.
lk.- :,.,flbl.la. M..lkatpr,..lll"M"'l Ik
I malt.allh (Irtll' triUli.lj, mill ... Hill J,"
iinti.iir tir.ii a.tinrii in tie in amy letjal
III, la, ate eiiixliMirl a ifl.,ll( r-irlh. .
fir. M.all. tlttaa.v. rl.r... a,, uh.l.v.i m..w
I li. III. inixle t eonr.jranee tuetaaarr In
j Ji. A m...Sr.ilk.ail a bbl In any o( ll. t.-.all.l l.fa
' lain.nM.UNi inat-.n l aa.irai.ia l- tKiitfl,M at
. I'll" eifne allh iiUfr..mHllli..a. aj.kli.a . MJ
T ftjKS.W"!"' " 'J""!"""
-I lviiaaM.ttai.t. Irat(lia4lnr.flirj H.. (.
I nn.nrf , a..ara.-iar", in -wi.i-r, wnicmi nnaainf i.ai
I wmil -r llll. lii.llM.II.-i, by pH.lum.'.i. I.
llnlallini .,rili.lraalll l.f u... .al.lall
tn.j .r. rfc-ii. vi .i,nui.ni t.,e.ii4iiiy, Mr.
" " lintntellalr tinn.r.l. All UI4t, gnat.
-it I'l.nl e.,i.lfnrl.4t. ami i.ix, kanita al Ik.
In-tuiilim,al, mu-l, eaally allh i4k.r., anir. '
n,a- .n4 t.itlSraf.. ,( il,.lr tarAri.My .aUl.atl.lly
in lb. (ln. ali pf.arilUl, Tb. rtitiSrat. tl t.M
rl.fiei aiu'l I l..l b a p.ima.ttr, ur by a J)t i4
a tvuil vt ian-.l. .u ulb.r will b. adnlitt.
J'oitnuitttr u rural.
(Successors to L. 0, Benchley 1C.)
No. 3 and f Front Bti-Ht, met Mtrkst,
American, English and German
AirltMllarai anal MlafU,
Rop, Sttl, Powdtr,
tlso, .Vannfoclnrtrs and
J'roprMors of Ua
Submerged Double-Actltf
I b CbMwal,
Hlmplrat, anal
MfMl UaraM. Fnwf
Altai. w.iUdfcel.UCwMt. C"
Kltili (ur wl.
March 27tb 1869.
KEV. S. II. MAItSII, D. D PrrsMsst,
HKV, II. I.YMAN. A H..VM: ofllaihu-ni'l-
GKO.II.COI.LIKH.A. H I'rcf ot NsturslUclcncs
JO. W. UAUJH, A. M....I'rof, ofUngusi
A. J. ANDEKSON A M. Principal of Acsdesiy
MRS. t.J,.NBEIt80N.,..,....rrecltf.
FOUR CO0R8E8 OF BTUDY-catlfSile,
Scleulllle, Colleglato sad. Ladles ColrlsU.
Music taught. ' ' , , . .
Academy Yvsr belns lbs Lsil WralscstUy
of July. CollegajyarblMlklaVs Mosdsy
of ugmt nrst;
i tniiivn i.r in. amouiii or Itrft.
ma iu l.i.
I Sr ititT.it
' -'-" i