Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, November 20, 1869, Image 1

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Odd Fellow's Hall,
Jacksonville, Oregon.
Travelers and resident boarders will fltid
PUccil In first cIam order. and In every
Way luperlor lo any In this section, and
inrpasrcd by any In (he Stale.
And a plentiful supply of tic berl of every
tiling the mutki't afford will bo ob-
tallied for
No trouble will I spared to defcrro Ihe pat
ronage of the Warding as ell in the cru
ncnt commnnlly,
Jackonlllc, March .11. IMC.
Peter Britt,
Photographic Artist,
jacksox viu.k. omr.o.v.
Ambroty psi,
Photograph i,
Cartes de Vislte
iosn is tiik fisfst stvi.k of .nr.
Picture It'iluc'i1
in. a. BlttiiWANO
Choice I.Iiior nJ Cigars nlnaya on hand.
Th Ihirty publlo are Informed Iht Wr.
HTOK of ihe NKW HTATK HAl.OON will
ritfitch their Mfn' with the mnl choice In-wcr
In be found In Jark.imvltln lorONK HIT.
We firw-ct In iin money by II, but limes arc
hard, mnl "I rannnt " penple bo thirtlv
ir,.ctC9 PA IT. k SAVAUK.
im'S lltSII & McAMSTER,
701, Murkrt Cor. Krnrn Hts..
San Fiia.ncim.0, Cai..
Dlt. MrAl.lSTKIi. of the above (Irm. will
virll Jack.oinllle M'imllnir lu Auk'"
neil, anil will allend lo all burlm-radii his line
ue ill kIto notice of the lime of M return
Ihrnucli Ihe fnltiinii. ul thl piper.
Surgeon & yijijsician.
Iltvln rtblUhiI my tclccrapMc heil
quarters at Jaak'ouvlllo, I will spend a larRe
portion of ray tlrno Id ypur nlll, ami will at'
Uiid tif such rurplcal practice a may present,
lilvlnn i-MHclal allintlon lu Ihe surreal Irrat
went of female maladies.
October , lrC'J-6m
Physician & Surgeon,
jacksox viu.k, oinr.os.
Ofllcn al hi residence. In the OIJ Orerbeck
llnrpllnl, on Oreirtiii lltrrrt.
CFFICE-Comor of California and Fifth
Streets, Jacksonville, Ogn.
He will pracllc In JrWn and adjacent
counties, aul alteiiil promptly to prufe.rlimal
calls. Mrftf
DR, aTb. OVERBECK's"""
In the Ovorbock Hospital,
WILT, attend lo any who may' require hif
renlci. OMca at 11. K. Dowelf'ii office.
en the Kat ildo 34 Street. Jackionrllle. no2lf
n, f. dowkix, x. n. watsox.
JarltaaiiTlllf, prrgvn,
ekrontllle, Oregon,
Jp t eg0it j
Wjia. JLMa.3i .
Tiik following numbers of the Skn.
tin ix nrc missing, and lor overy five
n timbers I will give a year' subjcrip'
tlon to tho SKNTiNr.i,. 1 wisli to get
lull files, mid I hopu the (rienils of the
Skntinki. will look tlicin up, nml fop
wnnl tliem by mail, Send one ol tliem,
if you have no more. I will give f)0
cent" a jiieco in cnsli for any of the
mining numbers.
1. Vol. No. J, 2, .1, 20, 2 1, 25.
i!. Vot.. All mining,
a Vol No, S, 18.
. Vol No. 10, W, 1 1, 15, 10, 17,
lit, 20, 21, 'J.'J, li , 2fi, 211, 27, 20, 3U, 01,
aft, no, :i7, as, an, o, m, 42, la, 41, 45,
Id, 17, 19, 10, GO, 51, 62.
ft. Vol-VAH miyaing, except Nos. 1!
2.-), 21, 27, ao, I ft.
0. Vol No. 0, 10, milug.
7. Vol No. 10, 57, 69, 60, 00, mis
sing. S. Vol No. 17, 8a, mining.
H. Vol No. 'JO, mincing.
10. Vol. No. 19, missing.
1 1. Vol. No. 2fi, missing.
rniiK slti?(:imiikus ak sow iikchiv
1 lliit an exUn.ha npply of Coin), lu Ibtlr
line of lititliie.ii, conrt'llii); In part ol
Cu Slortt, Viiifor mnl Ihi Stout of tttiinni
Poll 1 1 in. A'iiii of all nut i Jitoiliil li'n
nml Stttl Hunt Slwa ami A'iiii; r.i(
htm U'mh Kttlltt, Unit Oirtnt, SLilltti
ami LhI; Ttit Ktllltt, awl Halt Vitnti
Jtratt ami Knamtt'il Kttlltt mnl
Kiuct Pants CViP'iMjj Axtt,
Ihcxiil Attt, liuttaml lliiltir
Ciiinif ; Sfiovtltaml Tungt,
Fitt Mii, Sltiitt I'vili,
S!ioult, Door Unki, Hull
ami Strap .rigrr,- Kniltt
ami FvtLt, Spoom ami hullti;
Mtat Culltrt, Sul hont, I'ulithing
limn, I'txltt hunt, Snwrt ami
Sfitiut, Fulfill Cratt Cut Snirtt llwk
ami Aim iu-j I'tiinti awl Annfrrnr to.
ftlhtrwilhafullanotlmintofSStlf Ihrdtrart
o m
i9HVT "
' There Tmnpr have b'en fully lertrd, and are
ackilOMled to por.erK adralitafrra over all other
ramplnnw sold at Manufacturer's prices,
with freight addid.
OrXJkjsri? rowriBn,
Tuse and t'p. llUnliiff and Itlllo I'owder,
Shot and Lead ; 1,1ft I'ump" and Lead I'lpo ;
llnpe, (JrliidHnne. Cider Mills, Cedar TuU,
IliickeU. and Willow llankcls.
Of every description always on hand and
nmde lo order.
Hydraulic Pipe,
Palntr. Oils Turpentine, Varnlrh, Window
Qlauaud I'utty.
Wo Invito tbe attention of Farmers to our
.Stock of
: -Mi 9 -w m9
Onltivatora, aod Barrows,
" Of the most approved pattern", and hljdily
flubbed abo rielf 8harpcnlii Straw Cutters
and Hay Kblres.
Jackionrllle, Ootobcr 16, 1663.
Adminitrtriitor'a Notioa.
Kilftte ef Aaa S. J-ove, docenie.
Tub subwrlber bas been appointed Adminis
trator rf tonit mm, of said estate; all persons
bavloic claims against said estate, are requested
?o present tbem "duly verified for PV"' V?
thow Indebted are required lo make payment
forthwith, to tbe subscriber, at tbe store of
Hoffman A KJJPP,','0FFMAN( Aqia,l.,r.tor.
Jaoksonvlllo Oct. 25, 1869.
UlS o " Wnds, delivered at tbe market
of th. vtonipH.ln Wa)fa 0BTII.
Dseiaiber tV Ul. " ,
Kvrry Saturrlav MorutiiR br
TKHM1 Ol NttimcitlPTIDNi
For one yer, In aileance, four ttollnre i If
not paii) within the rlrsl fix month, of the jenr,
n?e dollars; If not paid until the expiration
of tbejear, lx dollars.
tkh.iii of Anvi:uTiMicit
Ono Kinare (10 line or vn), Crl lnrllon,
three dollnrs ; each suWurnt lnerllnn. one
dollar. A dlHoinil ol (Illy per cent, will In)
mule lo thorp who aderllre by Ihe year.
Legal Truders recelttd at current ralw.
Water RixhU and Irrigation, No 12
Jirt'ii.wii.i.r, on:aov.
14 Ai tho use above spoken of are
not, properly, thorn of ncrvhiulu or
easemcnt between dominant nnd seri.Suinmer I.ako country. Taking with
cut citatcs, nor is it easy to dclinc
them, except a they am something
gained to one estate or lott to the other
beyond what naturally belong to it of
right; it may bo well to repeat, that
the right of a riparian pioprieti'r.jirf called "Oche-ho," a very mnart fellow.
milttm, to divert water from a strc.ini,'ln conversation with Oelic ho we learn
when reduced to u simplo jiropoMtion, that many of In peoplo have been in
seems to bo thin. Ho may not do it and about Surpri-'o Vuliey ; and it i
for any purposo except domcitic uses, title beyond diputo that hi people arc,
and that of irrigating his laud ; and. inoro or less connected with the In
whether, nnd to what extent, ho may dian about Hidwell. We heard here
do the latter depend, in each partial- many report in regard to the "Deep
lar case, upon whether it it reasonable, IIolu" murder, which took place in
having regard to tho condition and July last, nnd for which some suspected
circumstance of other proprietors parties are now confined at Camp Hid
upon the stream, mid thi in to bu dc- well.
tcrmined, in nil cases of doubt, bv a
jury. Hut iu no case may he do this
ho as to destroy, or render useless, or '
materially diminish or all'ect the appli-
cation of the watur by tho other pro -
" It follows, from what ha gouo be-l
fore, tli.it if by any mean a propiiotor'
of laud upon a stroam slinll have ac-
quired rights to tho enjoyment of the
water, beyond thoso naturally belong-
iug to thu same, a above limited and i
explained, it must havo been douo at'
tho expenso of tho right of some otlwr j
proprietor, by grant or otherwise, in
relation to whoso estato his own be-
comes a dominant to thv other as a
servient one. In other words, III own
thereby gains an easement while the
other is subjected to a servitude.
"How easements may bo neipured
by grant or an adverse user, which is
regarded ns cvidencs of a grant, wa
considered in a former article.
' It is hardly necessary to premise,
allcr what has been said, that ono may
acmiiie an easement to divert water, fr0m a "big wliitc Chief " before. His
whether for Irrigation or other itirj)osos, frank, open and yet firm statement of
by giant or adverso user, as against fil(,j8 nn, il,iUj.s pleased them very
other riparian proprietor below, much every word seemed to inspire
whether it bo to the Injury of tho land- cnnfidcnco nnd forco conviction. From
owner, ns such, or of an existing mill tic0 chiefs wo learn tho fact that
upon tho stream. Hut ho may not tlt,jr j,C(,,i0 nn scattered over a vast
without a grant begin to divert thu jC,m 0f country, reaching fiom Hid
water of a stream for any pui pose, so wojj (, ytjne's mountain to Malheur
so as materially to iniuro an existing n,i Willow Creek mines near Auburn,
mill, though it may not havo stood for "Winiia-inuo" said somo of his people
twenty years wcro in jail nt Hidwell, proving beyond
"It may bo further added, that what- doubt what lias ofleu been disputed,
ever would constitute a nuisance or in- tjmt tieg0 Indians as a tribe wcro in
jury to an incorporeal right of another,
In respect to tno use or enjoyment oi
running water as an clement, may, as
a general prOoitlon, prow into a
right of adverse enjoyment, by grant,
or such usu as is evidence of a grant,
and theicby become an easement which
one land-owner may havo iu that of
another. And among the lumilinr Illus
trations which havo before been men
tinned, aro thoso of watering cattlo, or
taking wnUr for culinary or domestic
purposes, nt a spring or watercourse in
another Innd, as easements belonging
to an ancient messiiago in possession of
him who claims to exercise such right."
Tun London Times calls on tho en
terprising men of Kngland for a grand
overland railway from tho Hosphorus
to tho Indus to rvm by way of Con
stantinople and Hussorah Jto the
EuphraXe Valley, nml thonoo along tho
coast to tho Persian Gulf and Belooob-
Istan to tho great ponlnsuia.
rum. Ontxkno. tho eminent German
1 novelist and dramatist, is going; to visit
'the United Stafei next 'Spring.
Cami llAiiNnr, Oregon, )
Oct. 'JO, 180H. j
Aa it appears to bo generally under
stood that tho expedition to which I
have- tho honor to belong wa sent out
for tho purpose of collecting and re
moving, if found practicable, tho many
band of Snako or Pinto Indian at this
time scattered from Spraguo Kivcr,
Klamath Agency, to the .Malheur
north, nnd to Cntnp Hidwell, Nevada,
south, on to a reservation. And a tho
readers of tho Skntinki., in common
with all good citizens, havo a general
interest in this tnterprisc, I will at
tempt brieily to give you a statement,
impel feet as I fear it may be, of the
situation tiB wi find it.
On Spraguo Kiver wcMlud one hun
dred Snako Indian under Chief "In
caltoic" and "Chock toot." ThN baud
is clo'ely connected with tho Wiirncr
band, nnd formerly, in company with
!lhein, inhabited the "Che-vvtt can" or
im from bprague KiVcr "Chock tovl"
and five of hi leading men, we reached
Camp Warner on tho 15th tilt. Here
wc found encamped near tho ganion
1 10 Indian under u voting flhlef!
Tho Warner Indian arc more orlcs
'related to thoso under Uig Chief "We-
oii-we-nli," who suriuiuleied nt Camp
Hartley. Accompanied by "Oche-ho,"
wo Ml Camp Warner on tho iHlh for
this plane, reaching hero on tho 211,
traveling ono liundrcd nnd fitly miles,
over a miserable sago plain, in three
days. Fifteen miles fiom Warner wo
eo the last water a human being can
drink for the next eighty miles, and
not a stick of timber 1 to bo had tho
entire routo bigger thnn sagebrush,
Wo had expected at this 1'ost to find
five or six liundrcd " very peaceable
l'iutea" but were sadly disappointed,
finding in fact, six miles fiom tho gar-
rLon( 0ty ai,0,,t fifty or sixty peoplo ;
j woro informed that was all that
,j comu jn yet, having had notieo
Homo ton or fifteen days to meet hero
on tie osu,, Chief"Winna-muo" and
u'e-you-wc ah," with fifteen or twenty
of their head tin u, met the .Superin
tvndcut, and listened to such aa speech
OT j ,iarc 8ay they had never heard
j,ri.at,.r danger of being dragged into
hostilityJiy uejMg allowed to stragglo
aroim, nml provide for themselves,
r-ic Superintendent has a heavy and
jmnj iH.oro him iu collecting these
pe,,j,0, Many untruound exaggerated
slorjes jmVc been circulated among
tlivm. ralculated to prejudico them
against going onto a Reservation, nnd
nothing but indomitaWo energy and
persevorauce can possibly lead to suc
cess, ,
As this letter has already outgrown
my exjicetalions, and is probably last
exhausting your patience, I must close,
reluctant as I am beforo mentioning tho
many favors and hospitalities wo havo
shared at tho hands of tho gentlemanly
oflieers both hero and at aiup w ar
nor. Via Nox.
That portion of Washington Terri;
tory east of the Cascade mountains is
reported to bo rapidly filling up with
nttlrn. Ovor ono hundred claims
have been taken in Yakima Wdwjn
this Foil.
Jin that would roaoh tho hearts of
others must speak from tho depths ot
his own. . r
NO. 44.
A Cannibal Lunch.
Tho London Dail'l Xtr says :
If any of us look forward to'be eatdfi
by cannibah. ho may wish to lie in
formed how ho is lo be cooked. It is
n comfort to know that the savage who
may devour him nrn by no means de
void of refinement in their culinary
disposition. Some Krtneh soldier
were lately takon prisoner by tho Ivn
naks, nnd ono of them was killed nml
enieu. ins comrades iic'enue '.no pro
cos. The Kanaks first deeapitato their
victim a matter ol no small dilhculty,
considering thu bluntnc of their
hatchet. Ten to fiftren blow nrc
necessary. The body) t'icu Imii,; tin
to a tree bv tho feet, and the blood al
lowed to run out for tin hour. .Mean
while, n holu a yard and a half deep
nnd a yard wide is dug iu tho gtouiiif.
Tho hole is lined with s'onus, nnd in
(he midst of them a great llro is lit.
When the wood is burned downix little
and glows with heat, it is covered oier
with moro stones. The mini is then
(leaned nut and divided into pieces
aiiont a loot long, the li.imls and ii-jt
being thrown nway as worthless. The
pieces ol tho man arc placed on the
leave of a largo roc trcu cculiar to
the tropic. '1 lie meal is surrounded
by cocoa mil, banana, nml some othwr
plants noted for their delicnto flavor.
I'liu wholu i then tied together (Irmly ;
the firo is loinotcd from the pit ; the
meal is placed in ainoiiL' the hot stones.
nnd tlui", carefully covered, i lelt to
rook for an hour. Women do not par
take of thi warnars' feast. .Men alone
tiro permitted to enjoy so great an
Honor nml so. rare a delicacy.
News If ems.
Two children, nged 1ft and Klyoars,
tried to L'cl marrieil iu Uc .Monies, re
cently, were refused, nnd wi'pt over
their lailuro.
A Mormon older waH rceontly made
very much ol n parent. I Iu wn pre
sented with nine boys and live uirls tho
same morning.
(i:n. Sin:iniA.v is exercising tho most
rigid economy iu tho War Department,
mid reducing expenses right and left.
IlAiutr Mkii.i, n lielaullcr of. .an
Francisco, is now tho Uailroad King ol
South America.
Tho lato l'lesident l'icrco left no
familv, Hi wifo died several
I years
icd be-
nun, and their two children d
ioio her.
Wnin.v (ho jiast yoar :J,5O0 people,
mostly from lorelgu countries, iarscd
through Pittsburg, on thu way to Join
thu Mormon nt Salt Lake.
Tin: Sujiervisor of Internal Ituvouiio
for Virginia lenorts thnt iu his opinion
there will ba $11,000,000 more revenue
collected iu that Stato this year than
Tin: tot.ll recclils of the- I'liion Pa
cific Uailroad for the mouth of October
were S70,i:2 70-100.
A. T. SriiWAitr has sold twenty
shawls this season for M,000 each, nnd
ono for ?f,7H0. One woman run up a
bill of $20,noo in two months.
Farm anil Household.
Ckhh.vi K(n LuATiiKit. A formula
recently announced for tho preparation
of a cement for uniting pieces of leather,
is prepared by taking ten parts sulphite
ot carbon, one part oil of turpentine,
and adding to tliem enough of gutta
percha to render tho mass sciniUuid.
Tho piece of leather must havo tho
Hiirfneo to be joined entirely free from
fat, then covered with n cloth nnd hot
iron n.vsed oror them; and finally
coated with tho cement, laid one upon
tho other, and kept under a pros until
tlio cemeht is complotoly dry. Kx
pciimcnt show thnt this material will
give a perfectly satisfactory result.
Clkanino a Gkanakv. Having
formed a bed of sand upon tho granary
fioor, plnco earthen vessela of powdered
brimstone upon it, to which sot firo
after hnvlngjilosed tho doors nnd crev
ices, This fumigation, it is said, will
jirovcnt the existence of tho weevil or
other insects iu tho grain. Or first
sweop tho ceiling nnd sides of tho
granary, and lastly the floor. Carry
out tho dust, being sure to burn it.
Then wash nil tho, interior of tho gran
ary with n strong lyo mixture, nnd,
whon done, finish by giving the wholo
a good coat of whitewash.
Tiik reason why Foil chickens are so
hard to raise, is bepauso tho nights in
cold sualhor aro so long that tho crop
becomes quito empty long before day
light, nud tho oreaturo suffers from
lmnrrnr. The last feed at. night should
bo a liberal ono of corn, nnd tho food
should oo at nanu as soon a Jiivyujt
down from the roost.
Whkn nroworox sets choked, strap
up fore leg, and compel tho animal
to juipp. This will compel tho oblaI
tony out,
French Husbands and Women's Rights-
Several gentlemen in Paris whoso
wives participated in tho meetings era
phntically advocating thoemancipation
of women, plajeil their fjiouscs the fol
lowing little tricks:
A lawyer, whom they engaged for
this puipose, called nt their houses in
their absence, and desired to sco
Madame. Madamo was occupied with
her toilet, but tho visitor insisted .on
seeini: her. So she was obliged in rn.
ceito tho lawyer, who very politoly
handed her n stamped paper. Tho lady
read it in Isurpriso, and turnod very
pale. The lawyer lull her. What did
the paper contain ? An npplicntlou for
d'norce on the part of her husband.
Tho lady a?sed long hours of painful
suspense. At last her husband camo
from hi olhVo
".My friend, what ir. tho meaning rf
this pajifi," she asked, with a pale lace,
Why, it is an npnlicati.Mi lor a divorce
froi-i j on. I believo you want to bo
fieo 1 I do not want' to bo vour Ivrant
any longer. ' 'T am' sure," said, she,
a ciiii id (ear" "Oh iiiJTr nra 'rpitlo
won,' icpncii too wicked husband,
laughing Inwardlv nt her dcire (o do
Miiiiethiiigto mako him cnnifortitblo;
"1 nut rpiite weH, an I I am sure you
will likewise got well n soon as you
nte free"
"Hut, my dear husband, 1 do not im
derbtand what you mettn 1 .Shall 1
fetch y. ur!ip.."4 ?" "No, (hank you.
Why ih i.!l .mi iuipo'O on jourself
this ahvMi vnko which you havo never
lrno ? 1 hVird your crie for deliv-
; trniieo, I am oppressing vtu ns you
say, and liruceforih I shall no longer
work fur .you. Hitherto wo men had
to bear all the buideii nnd cares ; wu
toiled all day long, passed sleepless
nighti I" dcvUe new way of making
money, nud struggled with a thousand
eomielitois iu order to enru our daily
bread, wliilo you were dressing, taking
tide and allowing other to mako lovo
to vim. All this will reaie. Down
with slavery ! Wo aro iu duty bound
to rustoro such poor women ns you to
freedom ntd independence ! Hurrah
for liberty 1" An hour afterward tho
two sat down to supper. Tho lady no
longer talks of hor wrong nud her do
siro to recover hor liberty. Similar
scenes occurred nt thu house of other
PuismanPitnisiimi; nt. Procuresses
nro now punished lu I'nissin by confine
ment in the Peiiitoutlary for two years,
'inn cttHnn ulttrnl ilieoiin that is to
say, with n bread nnd water diet every
oilier day. That judicial phrase, ruin
run nil tiUcrni ilitlnts, has repeatedly
gi en riso to curious mistakes on tho
putt of lucAperienced Herman crimi
nalists. Ono of them who had to in
dict l hat penally on a poor sinner,
thought thnt "eturiuF wns a misprint,
and that "cyiVjiu" (chain) was meant,
lu consequence ol which lie had the
ioor sinner londod every other day
witli chains. A colleague of his was
sorely nuzzled by tho words utlkrnit
tlithu. After studying over tho mat
ter for somo time, ho nrrived nt tho
conclusion thnt tho tiufortunato crimi
nals were to receive ono dny bread nud
tho othei water. A prisoner who un
derwent that punishment during ono of
the hottest summers, said tint thu
"water" day wero jmsablo enough,
hut tho "bread ' lay wcro hornulo no-
youd expression, it i unnecessary to
add mat thoso judicial luminaries
lived in tho Grand Duchy of Mecklen
burg Schwerln.
The Seven Ancient Wonders.
1. Tho brass Colossus of Rhode, 121
feet high, built by Ceics, A. D. 288. It
stood across tho harbor nt Rhode
sixty-six years, and wns thou thrown
down by nn eartinpiaKc. it was
hnucht bv n Jew from tho Saracens,
who loaded uiuo hundred camels with
2. The Pyramids of Kgypt. Tho
largest ono engaged ,100,000 workmon,
was fifty years in building, and hn
now stood at least .1000 years.
0. Ihoacmicductsof Itomo, invontcd
by Appiu Claudius, tho Censor.
I. Lnbyiinth of PsnlniotichiiH, ontho
banks of tho' Nile, containing within
ono enclosure 1,000 houses ond twt
royal palaces, nll,,coycrm with maruio
nnd hnvlng only ono entrance" Tho
building wnH said to contain 3,000
chambers and n hall built of marble,
adorned with statues ol ,tio god.
ft. Tho Pharos of Alexandria, n tower
of Ptolemy Pliiladelphus, in the year
172 beforo Christ. It was erected as n
light-house, and contained magnificent
gallorics of marble, a largo lantern at
tho toji, the light of which was seen
nearly a hundred miles oft. Mirrors of
an enormous sizo wero fixed nround the
galleries, reflecting everything In tho
soa. A common tower is now erected
in the snmo placo.
0. Tho walls of Habylon, built by
order of Semlramis or Nobuchadriozzar,
and finished in ono year by 200,000
men. They wcro of lmmenso thickucss.
7. Tho Temple of Diana, at Kphesus,
completed in tho reign of Scrvius, tho
sixth King of Rome It was 450 feet
long, 200 feet broad, nnd was supported
by 123 large marble pillars. ,.
- - .
Tint ccntoBarv of Univorsaljins, jraa
oommemorated ftov, 3., at Dr. Chapjni i
Church. Horace Greeley, Rev. E. C.
Howies, P, T. Harnum, and othorjf,
addressed the mcoting. $10,000 were
contributed to a fund, 12,000 to U
oicd for the benefit of the cbureh,
with her Mudest mile, 'yoa hsWwet ..
feet, nnd will cnteh cold, my (remtV'
husband ! Pray, sit downvlj.TTthe:r6(f
and worm yourself i'Jwll ' I jfefTOH'