FIlANCO-AMEltlCAN HOTEL AND RESTAURANT, 01TOS1TH THE Odd Fellow's Hall, Jacksonville, Oregon. Travelers find rcddcnl borders will One D BSD AND BEDDHfQ Placed In firtl eh order. and In every Way m cnor to any In this M-ctlon, and iurpacd by any In th'c State. HER ROOMS ARE MIULY FL'RMSIIEP, Ami plenllfdl supply of "' u1 of every thing tbe tnatkrl affords wilt be ob tained Tor II 13 It T ABLE. No Irnublcd will I spared lo dcervc the pat ronsge of the trawling as well a, tbc perma nent community. Jacksonville. March 31. 1 If Peter Britt, Photographic Artist, JACKSOXVIU.E, ORECOX. Ambr oty po a, ' Fhotographi, Cartoa do Vislto doxe ix run fixi:st srri.E or aiit. l'lclurcs Itciliicril OH EXl.AHOEII TOUFESIE B aTloaii saloon HI. A. BKENTANO COTDXJCTOT?, Cbolee l.l-uor and GlRir always on band. THROUGH TICKETS Q) OKNTtt. NEW STATE SALOON. DKIN'KS 12J CENTS. Tlii- Ihiniu public ore Informed Hint l'rr. Htvtw ofin- NI.W RTATB .SU.OON will que icb ihrlr Miri with the mnt choice Im-wit m-w to be found In Ji.ckonllle InrONB HIT. -ipi-ei In In money by H, bnl time tin hard, mid we cannot pooplo go Mirrfy CxVl I'AI'K A BAVAUK. DO HUSH & JlcAMSTEI.'. DENTIST J?. 701, Miukft Cor. Krnrnr San I'hanci.xco, Cai.. f Ihe above lim. alll ) vlFlt JnekMHivlllr MMiiillnm In Aiibii netl, mid will ntlind lo nil bil,lliis 111 bl Inn He will ulve nitllci of tbc limn of bl return tiirniiub Hi column nl Ibl paptr. O. p! S. PLUMMER,M. D., Suvgcmi & JJliyoicirtu. lUrliiK iwUbllili'd my leleraptilo ln-ad iimrltM at -lank-ninlll-, I will upend n rr ii it lion or my (lm In your mld-t. mid will nl-l-wl id ncb Mimical practice a may pir-i-iil ;UliiKcrpicUUU',iiilon tullie Mimical treat r iiii'iil of fi'ituln inatadlca. October 9. IsCO lira DB. A. B. OVEitBEOK, Pl sicinn& Surgeon, jacksox nun. warns. Offlcr at III rwldenci', In tbe Old Otctbcck llniltl. on Op'yon tltrrct. DR. E. H. GBEENNAN, VIIYSIC'IAN AXD SUUGKOX, OFFICE-Corncr of California and Fifth Streets, Jacksonville, Ogn. tin u'tll nriiettce In Jurkron and adjafcnl conotior', and atti'nd ronihlly to proft''lonal call. fi'bltr OR. A.. OVERBEDS 33A.TTirtOOMS, la the Ovorbcck Hospital, WAKM.COIJ) &.SHOWKK HATIIS, SUNDAYS AND WEDNESDAYS. lilt. LRWIB (JANUNC, IMIVSICIAN & SUHGEON AXD fOlomtotvtolTtx, WIM. nUcinl In any w bo may rwjiilre bin prt Ice. Ofllcn at II. K. Dnwo l' offlio. on tb Kat aide lid Slm-I. Jac4ionTllle. no2tr n r powkia '.. n. watson. DOWELL & WATSON, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Jacksonville, Oron. DR." L. T. DAVIS, OFFICE ON PINE STREET, Oppoalte tUo OW AHKANSAS MVERY STABLE. Jackronrlllc, Oregon. ?00U VOL. XIV. Wo . .1 JM i'JI . Tub following numbers ol llic Skn ilMib nru mising, nml lor every live numbers I will (! a year's subserip lion to thu Sk.vh.M'.i.. I wish to get lull files, mid I hope the friends el the Skntinki. will look them tip, nml lor vwml tliom by mnll. Send one ol tlicin, if you have no more. I will give 60 cents n piece in cash for tiny ol the milling number. I. Vol. Xos. 1, !2, n, 20, 21, 25. i!. Vou All mining. .'I Vol. Xb. 8, IS. 4. Vol. Xo. 10, in, 14, 15, 10, 17, II), 20, 21, I'M, 21. 25, 20, 27, 211, 3H, 01, aft, no, 07. ay, :i, 10, 41, 12, 1,1, 4 1, 45, 10,47,48, It), fiO, 51,52. f. Vol,. All iniojlng, except X'os. i! 20,21,27,00, !.. 0. Vol,. Xos. 0, 10, iniMiig. 7. Vol.. Xoh. 10, 57, 58, 60,00, ini Ming. P. Vol. Xo. 17, 80, mining. J). Vol. Xo. JI, lushing. 10. Vol. Xo. 18, inlnxing. II. Vol. Xo. 25, inlying. NEW GOODS. 'Pin: snwmiir.iis aiii: Ninv m:cr.iv L I112 mi rxlinlc npply of d'oodf In llicli lilif or limine. cuiivll"i)l in patl ol tV Slow, l',uhroHil Hoj Simh rf wimii '.ilcrm. Xnih of all Mitt ; Amilol lion nml Strth 7imc Mofi ttmf Swift '' Iron N'.ii'i Kallt: HnU UvaH, SUIiit awl l.nh, Ttn Ktllltt.nml Unit Viihi: limn mi' I'mwitltl Killlti and Siut l'tnt (Vt"plmg Am, IIcoJ .lit', 7(c flnii llolltr CkiWiii Sliovihiiml Timgi, Firt Ihfiu Stunt Fuilt, SJioitlt, Ikor Unit, Hull ami Strap liiigtit Kaivti ami Fuikt, Spnont ami Lullttt Mrat Cnlttrr, S,ul liant, I'olnhwg iiont, I'otltt K'niti, Sinart m.J S'ltnn, Pitttiil Crtit ful Sunt IImL anil Html Mnrt Viituti awl Lmltrnt to- Stl'ier tft'ia fullui)tmtiltf S'lt'f IImJwc Tbre rump bave b en fully toted, and are ncknolcd lo poe ndiantuKe nvrr all olht-r I'mnp In u1 S "''' l Manufaclurcr'a prlc, wltbfrelBbt added Fuse anil Cup. IU.-tlnr and IliH '"'''" Shot and l.-ri t l.lfl Tump and Lead Tip.-1 It,,..-, firlod.lon... Older .Mill, Ctdar Tub. Iluckit. and Willow lUakcli. TIN-, COPPER-, AND SHEET IRON-WARE Of every deicrlptlou always on baud and made to order. Hydraulic Pipe, Paint. Oil. Turpentine, VaruUU, Window filauaud Putty. We Invite tho attention of Farmers lo our Stock of : -Ma 9 -w m9 Cultivator, and Harrows, Of tho mot approved patterns, and highly ...VL'.? Zl siir Shariicnlnu Straw Cutter Hill"".., ..- ... -. and Uay kiilvw. HOFFMAN & KLIPPEL. Jacksonville, October 10, 183. Admiiutrator'a Notica Kstnto ef A . !' eael. Tun mbacrlber ha tejn appointed Aflmiui ator(V if f 7,.l '?' L'l'iSX trator bavlm liatlncUllilira"',l,l"w,e,"rB"-. ' . naviiiK im"". , .... .....mi. ami ,,, prrM...--. "-'' nll,j . m,i,o nairnem nt timm amy ""","" 1 'v. :. ,: fJXlib io lb. .briber, at the .tor. of Hoffman A KPtfAFp,, AN, Adml.l.trator. Jackwnvllle Oct, W, '.Bn9, IIIDES MIIIDESI flSHB IIIOIIKSTOAHH PKIOEH PAID FOH F HUles of a kind, dellyered at tho market oflheunder.l.ed,mk.oovll..N6RTi DKcnbtrStb M9. M JACKSONVILLE. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1SG9. Tin; mm M!vii:i:i l'U(lM6lli:U I'.very Satttnlnv MoruliiK '' B. F. DOWELL, OFFICE, COIIXEII 'V U Tllllll) SWEETS. Tr.ltMl Ol' Nt'll.HCllll'TIO.M Kor oni year, In adrancc, four dollar ; If not paid within lb? I1rt ll mouth of the year, (he dollar ; If iml paid until tbe Mplrallon of IhiMcnr. lx dollars. TKUMH itf ADVItHTlMlNtll One niu (10 line or c0. firl Insertion, thrrc dollafV ; racli tiiliMqurnt lnerllnu. ime dollar. A iIIkoiiiiI i( fifty jvr cent, will Ic inadf In Hum. who adrcrtle by the year. I.i-cnl Tciidfirr'Cclvrd nl current rlr. '5f0 MY WIFE Say, darlinir, did you ncwr Wiilcb The thiilun lliAiifrom cloud do fall ! Add did yen niTrr try to eatob Thd4 ihaduwi on Ihe wall ? A inlflly a mcli hadnw fly, My happy iUyliaienrrflwn, UVr tnci' that day. when Irntn on ht;h, (oil ipuke tour heart my o-m A iffntlrftrciin 'nenlh mny btnk. Ilm Ixrn our llic' til oiiMurd lluw, lleisiiu with prayer nnd cnrd with thank, Our glad yar come and o. And when lh hill of life blt cait l.iin j; t4'l(m In tin tnle Iwluw, And thai our d ty of loll I pvt T.'ioto lrtij;tbealiiK hidowi ihow How b1it wrrewc, If, hihd to band, Thi folnnti ilvrrjifl bufotr, We CiIkIiI logrlhcr icnch Iti alraud To crou our o'er. IIk lire not half a life who llvei lllmrlf hi firl and end In llfi', He lite n Ihriduld life who Rlrtl lllnixlf to (10J and wir. t.J. Gold DUcovery in Alaska. Wv annex the following intcrcs'.ing item from the Sitka 'June of .Septem ber Ith : 'Gient excitement was created in Sitka lni Tuesday by the arrival ol aomo Indians Inxn the Tacoo country who hrought specimen ol gold which wns taken from a river that empties in to Awk bay. The point whero the In di.iiiH diseocrcd the gold is not firdis Inut from Tacoo, mid 'about ninety miles northucht from .Sitka. On rpu-s-tinning the Indian a to how he cime to diseovei it, he told Gunerals Davis and Thomas that ho had seen Aim r icaus mine up the .Slickccu river, and that he had'done the same, tludiug that (pointing lo the gold) and flue hand, which lin had given to GenoralT'ioums. Tho "old U ot'n very lichnualitv, 11ml, to judgo Iroin it nppeiir.iiioi', wo should say it is woith f'.'O an ounee. We were always s.ttMicd that Auiska u a rich mineral country, but, owing to our having a military government, it is al most next to nu'imjioysiliiliiy to induce practical miners to come and pmprut, and yet General Davis does all he can in aid it. If wo aro to judgn Irnm what wo havo seen, Alaska bids fair lo 1... .-.I !..!...,. P.... !....!..., :.. .1... no 11111- 111 inu rum-Pi- ii'iiuuum in Initcd Stttes. Iiumediately nl'or the discovery was inado known, our citi ztii tug.igeii n lew men to go out ami nroMH-ct whero the trold was found, taking a'oug the Indian who found it, and yesterday morning tho p.nty star ted bv the revenuo outter Lincoln, which is bound for that Kcolion. N 0 1 egret to state that the parlies who liavu gone know but little, il anything, about mining. They will, however, do their best. Tho Indian who found tho gold worked about three hours, and in his utile way took out from $1 to 81 25. This wo consider very good pay in panning out with n shovel. Wo do not wish to creato nny undue excite ment nbout gold being discovered as yet, but ol ono thing we nre satisfied that in u vory short time Alaska will bo tho While Iiuo ol this coast. Gen eral Thomas has takon the sneoimens found to Sail Francisco, nml wo shall doubtless soon learn if our impressions aro correct." Income Tax- It may not bo generally known, though tho lact will (To o gonernl in terest to most income tox pwors, that, ns the revenuo law nowVand, tho tax- on incomes will cease to no coucci -i after next year. An nmendmont to tho llOth sooiion ol tho law, adopted In 1807 is ft follows t "That tho taxes on incomos herein imposed s'inll bo levied . ... .1... Xfornli mill tin (lllO on mo jsv iiy " ,-", mi n.v ... ---v -- - . ,- , .30, .0 t ,0 pi-npr otor noovo to uso 1110 w nd paynblo on or before 1 tho 30 ,,,,! t0 thu 0xclu- $ZL f 1 ftll Unless there-1 "Ion of tho proprietor below, a'prono i870"'. ".i,nr Runoff onac St U.o Incon'sistaut with tho doctrne ,orc, Y' ,,'" "'.i-n' ,,? thla Taw tho fl'ih Snthis country after 1870, -Jnbrtrti(l.riB-t8-" I Commercial. J Jv 4 ll'JI'Ji'l IJvJi Water Rights and Irrigation, No 10. HV t)0VKt.T. A WATSO.V, ATl'YS AT LAW, Jassosvii.Lt:. orxoun. 'The right ol flowing water U now welt futll.'d to ho n tight inciilunt to the pioperty in the Intnl. It U a right pullici juris, ol such n chnr acter that, while it Is common !inilrom that part ol tho .Slalo ami the cuual to nil tliroimli whoso laud it runs, and no onu can obstruct or diveit it, yet, as ono of the bencfienl gifts ol l'rovldenco, each pro prietor has a light to n jimtnuU reason- able use ol it ns it pnes through hi land, nml so long ns it is not wholly obstructed or diverted, or no larger appropriation ol the water running through it is mado than a just and lea fonablo uc of it, it cannot be said to be wiongful or injurious lo n proprie tor lower down. What is a just and reasonable ue may olten bo n diflicult ipic'lioii, depending oil vain us cir cumtnceM. ,'To tako a quantity ol water from n large running stream for oriiMiiulacltning purpnes would en'i'e no sensible or practicable diiuiuuatioii of the benefit to the prejudice of a lower proprietor, whurca, taking the same quantity from a snnll running brook, pis-dug through many larm, would be ol great and manifest injury to thoe below who need il for domes tio Mipply, or wateiing cattle, nml thcrcfotu it would be a uureasoualile ue ol the water, and an notion would Ho in thu lattci case, and not in the for mer. It i". therclore. to a cnnider.iblii t-tcnt a (pic a miction ol degree. Slill tho it.,.i ZA, .,....!,.!,. nounced that it will purchase $Ki,o00, that each p.opr.etor' ,Qn u hmU J,, 8lO(n00(0(0 ,, rcnhonablo uo of U L.,1,1 ,,rg Xoveinber. Thu litnm 1 ule is tho same, his n right to a lor his own benefit, lor domestic use and for manufacturing nudngiicultural purposes It has sometime been undo a question, whether a riparian proprietor can divert water from n running stream for purposes ol liriga lion. Hut this we thlnd, is an abstract ,, , c.,,,,,01 w T,. eilht-r 111 tho nliiun-illvo or negative, as a ruio nppiicauie 10 an caces. 1 uai "1 portion 0, tho water of a stream nuy bo uud lor thu purposui of irrigating laud wo think is well i-stnhlicd as on of the rights ol the proprietors of tho soil along or through which it passes. Yet a proprietor cannot, under color ol that right, or I lor tho actual purpose , , 1 11 1 own land, wholly " of irrigating his nracl or divert the watercourse, nr,.,r.,tjvi.y vma. The city gives Chi tako such uiircasonablo qttintityol wa-'ilcn 7,7BO, Adams l.OKI, Clianiberlain tvr.ornako such iiiitciisuimblu uso ol it, as to deprivo other proprietors ol the substantial beiulit which they might tleiivo from it, il not diverted or uieil unreasonably The light to the tfti of (lowing water is titblicijuri, tfl coinmou to all tlio riparian proprie tors; it M nut an nbsuliito nnd exclu sive right to nil tho water llowing past their land, so that any obstructions would give n eaut.u of action, but it is a right to thu How and enjoyment of tho water, subject to a similar right in all the proprietors, to tho rensnnablo en joyment ol tho name gift ol Providence. It is only, therclore, for nu obstruction nnd deprivation ol this common bene fit, or for an unreasonable: and unaii thorired uo of it, thnt an action will lie. But for such deprivation or un warrantable uso an action will lie, though there bo 110 actual, prcstnt damages. "Two things, however, should bo kept In mind in considerlngthis subject : 1. That any Mvcnion of water, properly so called, oxoent for domestic uro or purposes ol irrigation, is a violation ol tho natural rights ol property in tho riparian proptictors below 5 and, 2. As seems to bo more than indicated by tlio cases already cited, a riparian pro prietor may not stop thu (low of the onliro stream by a dun, nnd pen the same baokr for tho purposes oven of irri gation, if thereby ho substantially de prives other proprietors upon the stream of tho natural flow thereof. 'Whether ni-tint In tho lnnmia'u of Ilairis. J.. In Van lloosen vs. Coventry, topoited in 10 Barbour, 'a tUvem'on of water is reasonable, is a question not so inuoh na mentioned liv any writer or judge. Tho very proposition pssninps tho right .1 . ....''. .1. ...... i ... tl.n u-it. universal y adin ttod, us wo navo seen, that all thyo proprietors havo tho same to db co.vnNPJtn. NO. 43. Into Telegrams. Washington, Xov. 1. In tho Su tircinu Court todnj Chief Jutice CIipo (lctivcrcil nu opinion in the e:sc ol Thornigton 5. Smith k llnxlcv nml decided tlcil 11 promissory nolo given in payment ol pioperty purchased at .Monl'gomciviii 1S04, when the author- !... ..,.(... l..!.li I.. I.. II. !tv nl tho 1 niloil .Statt'H wan (i'liiilid only currency in use was Lonledvrala Trc'iioury notes, is payable in Conled eiate not oh alone, and that the V. S. Courts posos power to enforce the Mine, Hid Loutt nlso ruled that eon- tracts hlipulating lor piiyments in that currency cannot be tcgarded as made in aid ol loreigu iiiniou in onu case ur dome-tie liiMirieotion in the other. They have no uecessnrv relations to a hostile Government, wfiother invading or insurgents. Tliey nre liunsactiou in the ordinary course ol civil society, though luaile indirectly and propose end4 tiulawlul, Government is without lilumc, except when it js proved to hao been entered into with nu actual intention to fuither invasion or insur lection. Corinne Xov. I. J, II. Ueadle, edi tor of the Utah llfjwrtr, whileattend ing Probato Court Itiigham City, was set npoji by .Mormons and bin'lcu ileal ly to dcalh. Thu oaue of the attack is Meadlu's writings iigalust liolyg.iniy. The principal nmnilnnt is u sou of tin? Probate Judge who stood hiokini! nl the attempted asaination Trouble is apprehended to-morrow. Xew Yoik.Xov. 1. An ugroement for the cniiMiildation ol the Central ami Iltid-on I liver H.iitrond, was ratified lo day. The eapilnl stock is, 15 per cent, to tho CVutinl nnd xft per cent, to Hudson Kler Company. Vanderbllt is President ol ihe con solidated companv mid August Hchull, Secretarv. Tlio ' nwury Dopartinent to day An says this announcement caused groat disgust among tho cprculalors in gold nml gold bonds. The rc'idt was lice sale nt lowur prices for both, Somo .peculator throw overboard all their gold and bonds to bocomo bears. .St Louis. Xov. 1. A Gorman So-. cioly ol 1-reo llilnUers 01 tins city nave aj-?ISJTc3 f K T(nk,.ls ,0 i, .tl nl Naples on tho 8tli ol weceiniicr. lloiton. Nov. I. Ilinnony Hall, nt Gro'ten .1 unction, was burned yesterday; t)f.S, 8,000. Secretary Houtw't-ll has wiitlcn a gold biok'-r hero thai his reason for ,; aclliug gold at lloston is, that the receipts ol gold nt tlio lloston uusioni ! ouo do not exceed the payments, hence ho can tscl gold there, ,",,... v0... .,.1T10 volo u coin- (woiklugiucn s camiiiiatei, (110, (icorgu .M, Brooks Is elected eoruu .11. nrooKs is eiecien 10 von- . ...- .t-... tn ilm Ttli DUirlnL in the nlaee ol Boulwell. Xews liom tho election says seventy lour towns foot up lor Clntlen 20,082, Adams 11,310 and Clianiberlain 4,020. Thu complexion of tlio Legislature is undecided, but nt 8 o'clock tho Antl prohibitionists wero out iu.loice with bauds of music. Thu indications are that tbov havo carried the Legislature. (Jov. Clntlen is leeleeieu ny a piuniuiy of ten to flflevn tliousaud. 'Ihe vote in 107 towns nnd cities give Clafien 42, Hft, Adams !I7,I50 and Clianiberlain 10,fi00. Tho Legislatiiru Is claimed by both tho prohibitionists nnd license men, and is probably pretty nearly divided on iho Ihpior question, lho Heiuiblicans havo n btiong majority in both branches. Wheeling, Xov, a, Full returns from 00 counties in West Virginia .i.nii'i.1 ItniiublieiiiiH. Illiberal Ilenub- lie 111, nml 21 Denu-crats oleeted to tho House, ol Delegates, with 11 counties to hoar from, which tho Democrats estimate will ok-ot a Republicans, 4 i-iiwunl lieniihlicniiH and 4 Democrats. Tim liliorals Incliido such Ileimlionns as favor repealing tout oaths nnd dis- . ... . . -PI... liancnising moasiires. "u xtunds IB 4 DenlncratH. Kight of thu llepnbliosns aro regarded as liberals. A C'oiiHi'.rnoN. Afemt. Editor of the WuKhlniton Star: Will von havo lho kiudnecs .o correct a htnteinent tliat a ladv has been refused an intor viow with Presiiloui Grant on account ol tho slylo of "lho covering ol tho mortal coyle." .,,.. , In justice to tho Chief Magistrate ol Urn United States, I deom it a dutv to statu that I have not called nt tho Pros tilimitiil Mansiotij!fieo his inaiiKitration, and should feol sorely, giieved to have tho stnioineat roiorreu 190 ueneyyu; m it vyoiild carry the, Idea Hial wo are .,., it.n litmlhllfittn count iv. wo so proudly boast ol no, not even tho half Uepubllcan country, which, we aro in reality,, , Ydnrs, patnptirally, . MaiiyE. Walker, M. D. Wasblngton.D. 0 Mareh 31st, 1880. Correspondence. " What ream of paper, and flood of Ink, Arc wnled by men who never think." A great number of correspondents might profit by remembering the above couplet, but then, I suppose that edi tors nrcjvilling to publish n grcAldeal of chaff" for n few "grancs" of nowi. Kocburg nlonc Airnishcs but low items, but then we nre nurroundco! by a grtat country, groat lor Its arable lands, it mincnl deposits, etc., if not for stall ling news Horn. The snrvoylng par ty, A. H. Flint, surveyor; havo 6 turned, after spending several weeks in surveying and locating n practical route lor tho C. B, Wngon I.ond, front this point to tho tidewater on Coos iHav: I understand that tho road will " . - ... bo comiiloti'd ns soon ns possible. Tlio Myrllo Crook mines, south of here, arts yielding somo flattering prospects, I hear il repotted that men ate making from seventy to eighty dollars per day to thu hand, with rockers; this is only in small gulches and rich deposits. Xo doubt, there nre rich mines in thnt dis trict, but from tho scarcity of water they .vill never amount to much, A considerable number of old bridges throughout this county arc being torn down and replaced by now and sub. slant! tl ones, greatly to tho satisfaction of tho traveling public. A bed of coal ha been discovered In the mountains, some distance north west of here. Il is said that the dis covery was made by a couplo of in gros. 1 believe tho " lllg Hoy ' ol tho ICutiyn has an interest in tho '-coal," although ho is not ono of tho "niggers" that discovered the '' conl bed." Hear- iiijj ol tho discovery, "Hig llooby" mounted n mustang nnd started to pronjKvl lor coal, hoping to "be pleased 10 bo ablo to statu" nu "assertion" when ho relumed; nnd, suro enough, nl'tcr two days riding in the mtjnitnins ho returned, very much "plcned to bt able to stntu" one ft that week "anthracite coal" struck in tho Ump qua valley I "V-Ytfn" Is obliged to tho iW,';j-uiaii fur examining tile docket and giving notico that thoro wero two divorce granted hero at tho Into term of Court, I overlooked that; he can bestow ns much attention to tho "grass wildcni"nsho likes, provided they nro willing to bo bilked. Tho AWjn-fcllow lias conceived tho Ido'a thai no correspondent should send a letter from l.clurg, us ho U tho nu cleus ol iiitclliiaict for this valley. Last Sunday I had tho jdcaktiro of visiting General I.ano nl his country homo ; age has luid his finger on tlo old mini's brow, nod silveioil Ids head with gray. Ho has retired to his coun try sent and privatu lifu among tho hills ol Uuipqua. During tho past week I noticed Hon. Httfiis .Mallory in town; ho did not speak publicly whilo ho was hero, I do not know whelhor ho is nenndidato ngnln or not. Howover many candi dates thero may be, southern Oregon must not bo Ignored. licspectfully, Furrus. Roseburg, Xov. .1, 1809. A Sao Sionv. Ono of tho saddest stories in connection with the power nrdent spirits havo over a man is told bv n woman in Milwnukio, who has a husband whom sho has not seen for nineteen years, but recoiyes letters from him regularly. Ho is n baud on a Liverpool packet, innking regular trips from Xow York and back. Every time lie shins from tho former port, he wiites to his wifo that upon his arrival In Xew York next time, ho will cor tnlnly conio home. Tho ship arrives, but 110 husband. Soon comes tho in evitable iettcr with tho pamo intelli gence, Ua did intend to come, but was paid off, got Intoxicated, spent his iiimiev. nnd en mo to his senses not en- ly penniless, but shipped on board tho paoket again. Ho declare sho will never bo fooled ngain, nnd goes to work with tho idea of obtaining menus to return home, and tho next trip is repetition of lho old 6tory. Mennwhilo, tho wife toils on, nnd lives in bono that somo day tho truant husband may corao back, Tnu Sri'.VKXs Battkky. It has boon discovered that the Stevens Battery, which is building under General Me Clellnns's superintendence, will be 250 feot in length, 30 feet in preatHb, and will draw 27 fret of water, BrU fp bo plated with foui-inch iron platM, nnd her deoks will bo mado pnj. jrelf of thnt metal. Tills marina monster will carry four guns of great calibre, which will throw a nolid shot weighing ,700 pounds. Sho will bo completed in 187L A Neapolitan has invented an instru ment which he calls an auismograpb, which shows thy vulpcHy of a tvesaW, tho changes in' hof direction, and u deviation of tho eon) pass. . A Terope fancb ticket has beerfplaokti in the field in La tialU count,' Uli, mnkliig four distinct tickeU-JfiMaK. Mean, Democratic, Workiogmen'! Temperance. I A