tub oniifiox mum. SlTtT.DAY Ml'ltStNII, Xov. 0, 1 SCO. I, IMnlirr.20 & '21 iiv MitcIi- RnVKcliini If our only niiltiorl.Nl mjput in ,,i Vriictcn. For Ktern Advertl'lng Mil Vmun l rcprcreeenleil by J?. M. I'kttknoiix .V l'o of Nc York and Ilo'ton. Hint"" Mpimt Arc our only an iijf il Ant In the All mile .flute. t)flle 41 Park Row, Tim-' lliiitdlng, NVw York t'-iy. All orderi mut come through them. UUfliot.5 Notices. Ki.v. I. 1). Diiivkr, Ayent of the Ameticaii Hililo Society, will tlcliviTnn ft.lilrc on to-morrow, at 1 1 o'rloek, in tlie'MetliOilist cluirili. Tlic public nre rrt'i'l!iilly initcil to nlti'tnl. I'vriimt Ui.anciikt w ill lioM ilivim; crirc at the Catholic clitinli to-inor-row nt the UMi.-tl hour. em fat imhiii ii itiiaiiaw.i i Kr.N away. An )r. Overbook wai ri turning front I'liion Tohii, lat S.il unlay night, from a profeslonal viit, in company uilh .Ininc Stewart, lii biiirjry ran into a rut at the tmlo ol the r il, throwing him out on lii lifail, ami jirkini; the lines out ol hi liari'l. Tlit team iintno'liatelv inn away, with Me wart ami a big New I'otitullaiHl dog who had acconipauietl tlio expeilition. in the buggr. Stew art hatl gone along to carry , lantern, a the nittlil wa urv "lark and the road a ditlieult one, but the lantern had gone out, and get t.ng dii!ati?tied with riding alter a pair nt frightened horcen loit to t lit I r own pudauec, in the thick ilarkno of that inglit, he ipiietly rolled over the baek I the buggy upon the ground, and rime off without a xcratch. The dog remained where he wa, and wat found next morning with the hore.t and c hielo, at ome ilNtaiico Iruni the place where the aeiidrut happened, and dis puted the poorioii lor ome time w itii the person w ho found them. The team had run tliw buggy on n apling and topped. There wan no damage ocea i'iiuil by the accident, except a prettj acre gatdi on the Doctor's head, mid a painful bruise of hi leg. Owns ANf Siiiiii.y. Alfred Owen ti'id a complaint, lat week, ngaint T. II 11. Mdplty, Supcnntciidant of C. in inoii School, before Jame It. Wade, .1. I', (barging Mr. Shipley with making tuu anaullh on him with a duugrroux ueipon, on the 1st of November, IStlt?. T'ie .ItKiee bound him over in both i r for hi appearance in the Circuit I irt in the um of one hundred did a Jiiolice Wade, on Tlmrpilay lat, nl o'ried the envoi the State . Tliomsi ( Owen lor uu nMault with a dan f'r.nH, weapon on OeoVgo S. Jackon, n -Spieiuber lut, and bound him oer I- r hi appearance, to the next term of tli Circuit Court. MX'ii-ii'. Lat Sunilay, as James ( irltvcll, of this place, wa diiviug n' 'g the street In front of the Cotut Hone, bis horso shyed nml run one ol the buggy hub against tlieCourt House f nee, breaking the buggy badly, and throwing diiver, fragmcntH ol tho ve hi' If, reins, A-c., all together in a heap w the ground. The horse then started ti run away, but Card well luckily got tlj lines wrapt around hi feet, nud be ig a heavy man, succeeded in stopping Mm, alter dragging ft short distance. The buggy was badly smashed, lint Card well wa not injured. Sliding was fun for him, but it ir rfi on the lit tle hant, Dnowxi:ii. On tho '.".nh of Inst month a boy eight ye us of age, by the naum of Triplet, i uppo.od tn bae been drowned in lingua Hit or, atwli.it i known a Cooper's Ford, some five miles above Hybee's ferry. Ho was running away from a .Mr, Jackson, with whom he had been stopping for somo tune, and it is supposcd tried to wade the river at that place when, tho cur rent proving too swift, washed him oil' I" feet and drowned him. Parties hav e been searching lor tho corpse ever mice, but, so far as we can learn, with i "t success. I'liti:. A fire broko out in tho wash li'iifo belonging ty,tho Finnco Aineri ' Hotel, at this place, on .tho 'JOth "it . which, but for its prompt cxtin K'U'liiiicnt might have proved quito se fi'iis, It caught from a slip in a stove I'1!'1'- 5lr. Coo, Fletcher, a hoarder, ibly seconded by a Chinaman belong '"-.' to the establishment, constituted l'lc firemen corps on tho occasion, and was as good a a thousand would have keen under tho circumstance. TllE nilenrtUnmniit nM'Tlin Oroido i Watch Co,appears in anothor column. I Ti:LRoriAPinr HKoi-crtoN-.-Wo are &? If yon wish the vcrr host C wi informed by tho Telegraph Agent at ! ' I'iiotociku-iis, you miit call on this place that thoro i a material re- BIMUl'KY.fcKLM.OFtfOX, l2i).Moiit duction in the pi ice of tclegranhiiiir. The tarill ban been reduced between all points on the Pacific Coast, from 33 to 60 per cent. Heretofore, a moaa"i of 10 word from .lackomiIlc to San t.V...,! .!.! i.iiiv.i:-uii wns ?, ii u now sent tor 1 50; formerly tho tarill' to Vreka w.i8 75 cent, ii i now 35. To Salem it wa f 1 50 and i now 75 cent. The change is very satisfactory to our bui ne community, and there is no proba bility that it wUl result in a falling oil' in the receipt ol the company, but on the contrary wo believe that a still farther reduction would largely increase their buiues, and piuveut future com petit). mi. Fatal Acrtnn.vr. Canyonville, Xov. 4. About s o'clock this morning Mr. F.li Durbiu was coming through the canyon with hi six hore team, and on a heavy down grade the team became until uiagpable and jumped oil' the grad),, Injuring Mr. Durbin o serious ly that, ho died four hour after the accident. The gra le was very narrow and tho road crooked. Mr. Durbiu wa a man iteemod and beloved by all who knew him. Xrnoirr. From Mr. Colwell we hwiiti that a, Mr. Turnbiill took out of a thiim oi Altlioihu Creek, a lew daj ince, a nugget valued nt flo7. He iuloiin us further that the mining propcrt at that place are ipiite llat toring, and the price of claim has gone up. Tho inineis arc working luck into the WIN. An F.iiiioi: occured, hist week, in our reports of tho proceeding of the cae, in Josephine county, of Mcllwaln c. Simmon. It should have been stated that the case, alter nrgument, without a jury, waubmittcd to Judge Prim. llot'Mi 0er. A man by the name o Clin. Wriuht, wan arreted lat Thtirfday niht lor an asault with n deadly weapon upon the City Marnhal, Aher Wall, and bound over on Friday to await the action ol the next ft rand Jury. lie immediately llled security and wa relea-ed from custody. On tho -'nib, ult., Senator William and hi. wile left Portland on the steamer lor San Franciro. From there they will jo by railroad to Waihing ton. I'-W Is oneofDoct. AyorV lecturer he Mate that Chemitry oouler more practical benefit on maiikiud, than any other Hcicnce, yet from no othemource could. ior' be no easily obtained, The art and economic which chemitry would teach, il more thoroughly ami generally studied, would pecdily e. croic n mot beiicllcent iullucnce, lie (reel v con 'Vf.seii that ho I indebted to this iicieiiee lor tho virtue ol hi rem cdicit, and advise that tha practical ap plication ol chemitry to medicine, the art., manufacture, and agriculture bo enjoined upon our colleges and ichool. IVrttfAttvlllt, J'n; Mtr. Burning of tho Steamer "Stonewall". Over 200 Person. lot Sr. T.oul, Oct. 28. Phillip, a plan ter ol ShrcwHport ha anive.l from tjie wreck of tho Stonewall, and fur nUhe the lollowing brief particular. ol the terriblo dNaMer The boat cauglit fire about ft) o'clock on Wed nesday evening, about 45 mile above Cairo, in tho .Sliiippr ri.er, Ipdiii a candle which n deck paenge.' had near some hay, whilo playing cud. Tho steamer was run aground on a bar, the pilot supposing that tho passengers could wade ashore, Unfortunately, at tho end of the bar was a nlougli, wheie a largo number drowned. Tho boat was only run upon the bar about two teol, ami the shallowest water was about the bow, live or six feet. There was so much hay on board that the boat burned like tinder. Tho Helle, ol .Memphis, came up at Oj and rendered all tlio nsMStanod possible. Of 2.VJ passengers ami crew, only HO nro' known to have been saved. W lion last seen, Capt. Scott wa floating down stream on a log. Tho people at Neil saw tho light and hastened to assist. Ono man rescuod 10 persons with n skill'. Had it not been for tlu-ir help, all would have been lost. A gentle man from Padncah, Ky., swam ashore with a lady, and at her entreaty re turned to savo a chjld. In swimm ng ashore, ho was grasped by a drowning man and would have himself drowned had, ho not shook him off. One man was taken from tho wreck so badly burned that 1 died as soon as ho 1 rri.n u.r.r.1 MO onlllll rcacuen snore. miw .. passengers, 00 of crow aqd quito a number of ladies on board. All were probably ot except ono. Tho pilot and carpenter were tho only ones of tho orow saved. Tho Stonewall was owned by Capt. John Shaw and Deniefc t nntr Slin u-H valued at 15.000, and :.'.V.1 Inr ARO.OOO. SoVCUtV C&ttle. horse, and mule aboard were burned. gomery street, San Francisco. A Family Sew ins Machine, nr n S!l. ver Watch, given to every club ol sub- scriber to Aiinomi. M MiAzts-R. I'er- !on" raiing half a elub have the choice of a set ol Silver Folks, Table or Tea IIOOI1S. Agent Wanted, male nn.1 female. Large wages paid. Send for! inn jtarucuiars. unires FRANCIS ,t CO., caro ol Hot '.".Oil, San Frarcisco, Cal. MAHUI13D, At tli r;d,Te" of r (S'orgr II, l:ilec. NortniMT .l. Iiy A II Mcllnain. J . r Ntti- To miios lo Mi IliuiDLtH IlKlom. nil f Jn-j.itn count j-. Ort-nn. The crmplimi-uti of llic pattlcf rfcdred At tin- rcMrnc ef ll.e trMe's fathtr. Mr limoli I". WilWr nn Him Hb of NovptnlxT. I. KMtr.Mariin IVirtsuii. Mr. J. S, Mjtr.cn to Ml Mtutiu M Waijckii. Conii'mtnt tf the rttrs rrccltnl, BO UN. To Ih IOiif Cms Wtf-s, at ltock Point. aijItl.Nor. J. C) 1 hlfH0 t Vi'il.r.r MiNMMi.at JaeV- Minrillr. a uirl " n MS Kll.l.lillCijy Sohk TimiT. .'m A Karwlitv Mnlktrl with nil c1ji'. tl 1'ilN Ull.l.m. 7 V rotl hue PalnUr" Cn!, I l' i"im l'i Kli.l.rn. N'O IM elii I o i'nilar. A- IIIK I'tIN KlUilt. -"KI!1' Ibt I'tis K uin ly on liarsl. IK jom br a Ottntt or Cot n I'm ihr IMs Kiu.ns. 10 UK it nml hot Ih cAHsbt wl(hnt a a l)"til- ( I'iix Kit i.kr In lb bon. IKTfttfy lwJjr hh- ib Pti Ku J IMrnritt iml IJR imrMnr.- 7 VKHY stttor iliiuM carry i Uttli- of I J I'm KiMiKultblitm. ! ) KM KMIII.lt lb I'uv Kit i..r I fur V Imlli Intrrnal nml Kttroal nf. S I.I Ly AI.I. DKtnnLsr3. XKWTO-DAY. 13 GOOD A 06LS. JC20 lUtti li Otty (it il if Inpinvl Oroido Gold Watchos, .V-ilu' 'ntl bi . Till: OKOIDK WATCH CO., Til KY are all tin" lft mal., Iliin'W- (Vr Hn.ljr cbai , .J .mi. xtar lilt fit,t ff 1. amlnr iieil In acix-iiianrc tn tli- li.t cU walJi.-. ivitll cii'l ii! 51 ". I ' 'I J ,!t.l I rrt, (5-ut' J"l 1.11 ' .! il. I'HCll, Our Double Kxtrn Itefhiril ?o!..l Orolitr lio'il Mulling I 4r I ilt Jcill'll l.rv r. art tiui i il'H) t,'Jj H'attif, Itvciiatitl Hli.l riM4MiW ( k" for Hi lif ill,. irrr ilnJ Hvt UtrnX. irilk 'ici y.ntU'it a) l.'U tatli .No inoiii'V I riiiulrcil in ml- It II re. W u p-ul lijr Kl'ri"unjbil Willi 'II llir I'nllfil M4l-4 pajliile 1(1 Uffrlkt mi ijr llrrry ullli lie i!r.l-s In iim-ii nml iainl,i-luri- ut il fi. :h1 if nul niifciii rilut'iil I J liljine llir Ktl'r ibjig". Ii'ui mil It iff li uJ 4 IJilftvretl l'jil4i;r, jmtj, U) enil nt fn-!i ii aiiaie- i- .ttt'it ttmhus r i ll'iMfi Gilt nn .v.. - ii'iiM riirj:. tfdL' 5:i;.v3io U'ui. 'if i for 'J0 ; or. SKI J.'.V f.'O ICuffAfj l'o. 3 1 -Jo. AIo cletriiiil Orolilp (iiilil Clinlti. ii Mwn mill iim.1 o-iiy i) l. lor i.w.e- a -l (ll llllrllll II. riom 10 III 40 Ir.flll lollir Ot Si i ....... . : . ' 31.$.? and racli. H'lit U'tb Hiilclii-'Hl dm i ...i t.i.nl....!. .,.-.... mi li.j ..,.) '. ..t ! . ...,.., !- ..-...... - wulcli rnH 'nl. ami to avo.il bigu coiictr.i or Jer oiiljr from Tin; onowi: r.trcn en . CnntC'J I IK l'bn St. Stir Jwt. LIST OF l,KT i'KHS lltiMiiiinz In tlit I'oit UJJift at JittLtonnllr, 0,ti;o,i, .Vnr .1, leC9 ir nnt e.illnl for lcfore lue W ihy or nrt in mi 111 thvr will bit cut to llie I'fjJ Letter onicf., A!c irn. Cap. M F., JcVfn. r... Ariiflrnaa. It. I.., Jolninon. Hugh, Acock, Win., Jubntoii V A., llowrn, Sam'l, llrunly. Jobn, Iln.Mi. Mr. A. Ii. Ilmillilir. Allilan, lliytry, Sam'l. Ilro-ii Mr N E, lKaib, Mr. Ii., rollln J V., Cukilre. I. 'wle, Carlton, S. A.. Cookley A. J., Coffln. I II . (Ve Wm. K., Cox. Jnti lib. KUfcr.V. G., I.lnJtpy. G ' I.i)Hirl. Sam'l, 1.1-ver, W. T., More, Kll. McVry. Mr. ., Mclnlo'li. Jim , Miitivllj. Itub't, Mclntlre, Mr. A. A., Nolaud, Henry, Ogleitijr.ll.O, Pottrr. Wll.on, 2. Patl, Ml Nancy M , I'nulmn. I.mnartl, Dick Mrt.. I'lckcnt.O. II., imiforili, Manly. I)ti Mr lUnna'i, Unlcrltnn, J.T., D'nrnrtl Mr. Mary, ItomUn. I.nry T., lUnrurlli. Dr., IlleliarJa T. J., Knppole. (Ac,, ?) Snodurau. Mr. 31. H.,, r'nrknrr. Mr I.. 31., Sinltli, 7m; w Farmer, II. W Slmmoni. Win , Slnrgfi. A. W., 2, filll.Jnn. I. Smith, Sam'l. GiMlaril, Carle, Slahl, l!ey J. W., finman, Sam'l, Belt. Win II.. Orlelr,J., Sanborn . W. It., ' SmeaJ. .S. Heskatbc n. Mln A., S.Stounlit. John Hakklnt. Wm., Smith. T. II., Ilouck. G. W .. Iltimpkrlf. S., HnO'on. I). H , llmilrlck, YA., HnwIelt.A C, llugsln'i I- "' Turpln, II, 0., Thnrop'on. II.. Tinkham. Levi, William. Jnt Walnrlgl.1. It., Walnn, F. I'., Walker. F. J.. Wlleoxcn. A. K. Jolidfon, W. P Jtlin.on, J. !' Tim following tetter are belJ at the I'ot Offlcc, Jackfonvllle. Oregon, for poitago : Geo, Boon, Corralll, Ogn.j John Jnitlce. Buckeye, Cal. ', J. 31, SUTTON, P. M. B. f , POWBIX, B. B. WATSO.V. DOWELL & WATSON, ATT0EMEY8 AT LAW, JackMH UU. Oregon, WILLIAM DAVIDSOX, Offlcc, .o. 01 HWNT STREKT. Adjoining Ti'cgnph Ofllc", I'oriUml, Oregon. snrr.ir. 'ujytw.' nrcui.vs. Account", NV.f, ItomN Urafu. an.l Mn-1 ''' Clilin vt frtv itcseriuilon ihrnnahout ' Oitfon nn.l I be Terrtlorlr. Wll.l. IlKMAllK, A SI'irtAl.TY AND I'ltOMI'Tl.Y COl. I.Ki.'THIl, II s w.ili line r?aril to ttnn- In til mintt mmun liiirmlwl to LI erc. anil llif frctffil" i i otr ptinclonllr. nr.w. ustati: in:.i.nii. Ayer's Hair Vigor, For resloring Gray Hair lo Its natural Vitality and Color. A dreing which i nt oco nvrrciiblc. healthy, and ellcctiinl i fvr preserving tho hair. 1'ubil or gray hir i' won rtttortil (li lj nriittttnl tnk .,gil - - wy rilrttAJv' - '. " rv" """ -limf- ''' hneti o youth. 4c, Thin hair i thick ened, fulling hair clicked, and bald neii often, though onlwny, cured by its ne. Notliiiiz cau re'itoru iho hnir where tho follieJe" nre tlesirovt'il. I or tho gjiiiul atrophied mid decoyed. Hut sueir a remain ran be saed for tilulnMi bv this (,,,plicntion. In.lead of fbnling l)a hair with n pnty sctli- meat, it will keep it clean nml ivroui. It occasional uo will prctciit tho hair from turnitig gray or foiling otf, nml coifeipieuilv prevent Imldues. l'reo from thoe dcleturiou substiiuce whirh make some preparations tliitr'nou nud injurious to tho hnir, the igor can only betiellt but not harm it. If warned inerolv for tr ' . . HAIR DRESSING, nothing elo can bo found m de!raLlo. Coniaitiitig neither oil nor dve, it doe not soil whito cambric, nutf yet lul Intig on the liair, giwtig it it rich gIony hiitru nml n gratclul perfume. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Aycr & Co., rilACTICUt. AND AN.M.VTICAI. C'llUlllJTJ, i.ovi:m siass. ' rmen i.oo. Ayor's Cathartic Pills, Tor all tho purpose of a I.in.tlTO UcOielno. rnliai nn nnn mtMI rlnpKtx iiukvi-mII) re. iui'il b rrr)l""'ly at a t-ailurtl , nor urn rrrr any iTiun- to unirrml Ii- a 1'ii'Uil into u c, In rrrryMiiinlryamlamiinir all lU-'iw. m Dili mll'l t.nt rdli-unt punritit lull. 'Iho ulitiout rc. ton . tli it ilHitiiKiri'tT li i.'U an I fu iii'iru rUcc- liul r- in-It llian any s.V' iiitii-r 'liiot lio liana i I.I..I n ln,u- llnl It pnrp.1 llu-iti. tlio.iiurhl liatia ! n..t. kH.iw Hi il it run tin ir nrixlilMirt ami frkmli, an. I all Uninv Hint Inl it Hue t uu- II iln nl w) Hut It tii-irr roil tliMiWh any Unit or nralrrluf II- . iiniiHiuli m WV lai thmi.aii'li ii'H llinu tin l'iirrtiil iti-i ftln-lrriinirWjb!ociir'of llio fill m mi roini.Um -. lint turli run- nn knnwo In r.,11 iiiiiiT ikiniiL'Vin .. Iilil i -. V-yn, ihU.ili.iHt, ami iiins no: imUl.tulieni, .l .i.l.l I,, nil ny. i.n.l nni.tillilll. Ill All rlhlllUM! I n iin-iin". iiiuii.iMiirin. I .-l.iilii to all n;n ninl ruiiilillnii III nil riiiiiiu ruiiiiiniiijniulii-rralniiuloranjrilfklrrluuttlniir, Ilii-i ic lnjtiaru Willi nMrliyaiwIimlr. H'rlf n.,rriinif ircorvi,flli'iiiifri'rrn'lianit nuki'4 ti,m,,Muiitiouf.wliiliitiiiuiurflvein.uiilij n Una cm arlte tt n llirlr uk iii any iiuiiuliy. i hv nt .r;itd l.v itipip iHiivprail inui-iirtf tin tho Inliiiul tlirrr.i to purify Iho Moo.1 on. I nmiiUla It into tiralt'iy a ll m re root tlio olilniril.int or th tomrh, biHili. Iiu-r, ami nllii-r nnrin of tlio ImhIx. re tirnu Uiclr iririil ir nrllnii to hc.illh, an.t by lonp-Minr.wlirri'rpr lln-y rlt, turti ilorang. luc nl. a are lla firt orlln nfili-oie. Jlmiii illrci-linn am gltcn In llie nrarper on th Ink, for Ilia following complaint, uhK'fc llicio J'lllt rjpi.lly ri.ro nr lyirl or Enilla-rtlliia. LUiIpm. nri. Unruur nn.l . of .iirlllr, Ihry thmil.l Lip Ukrn ni'Ml r.tti-ly to illinuUlo Ihotloiu arh an.l n'.luro ll licalihy I iu nn.l nrtlon. lor Llirr 'nipUlnl ami )ta variom tymp. lmu, llllluua llt-.iiUrhf-.Mlrh llriilitrlir, J.mnillro nr ri-i- ulrUiii-M-Hlllom Cullr ati'l Bllloii !-, Ilu-y ulionlil be Jn. UU loJ.iy Uksn lor ram cucm i orn-ri luoiuiraini . anioiiorrpiiiotoiliAoliiiriiilionliuliiau.U. I w!r"i,,,,"-,l lur llhpiiuMiUni.Ctaut.GrMTrl. Iltl. l.illnn ii f tlit II purl, ljln In lht Mlilr, ' llrL uli.l tL.ilaia. Ihp- thiul.l lid 1'ontlnuuutll- taken, a rv.piirr I, li cliuui-tlicilMcan-.l nill.inof IIIP tyticni. lliui tuil luaiiaU viiutu Kiiiopiaiillt ili,i.wir. lur lroy ami lrotlrul Nnplllng-a tlipy rliniiM br t.ikni 1 1 l.irjo ami li-iiient ilotet 19 pro alii iliocffi-Pt of a ilr.nllj purzr. lor Miiiirpaalun a lariro too thnuM to taken at it prlii'' tliiiili'.lrpili-.ti-rt by iniialliy. At .1 IHmirr fill, tlio ono or In-o Villt to pro moto iti,n.'ttloii ami rcliern tlio tlnnuch. AiiiHU-aiiuiial ilo.o ttlinulalr Iho ttnm.ch ami boui'lt into lipaltliy ni'llon, ivtnrr Din ariwlllp, an.l liiTlicoratv tho tjr.tini, IK-nre It it otlrn ail-,anUirt-nii iilipm no ti-rlont ilcranirpmrnt rililt. (I'll-jm r.H'l, nliiriililyurll,onpii rlml thatailota of ilioto t'lllt in.iki' tilin lii-l ilcrnlrilly licllor, from Uii'lrilf.-iiiilnit ami icnoiatliig cflcit on Uiu jlff tiro nppar.ilui. DR. J. V. .11': II CO., l'mrllrnl ChrntUU, LOirf.LL, MASS,, IT, 8, A. SUMMONS. TN TIIH CIUOL'IT COUltT OF THE STATE 1 of Orct;on ror the County of Jackton. Nancy I.. Slow, l'lslutllT, ) r. f A.J.Stoiv. Dcremlant. J Suit In Equity for a illrorce. To A. J.Sniw i You nre required to appear In talil Court, and aniwr tho complaint of raid plalntlir, filtJ agalnit yon. tillliln ten dajfrom the time ol tt-rtlce of thl tummou. on you, If ftcrrcd with in raid cminty, or IfwrveJ on yoa within any othtr county of ttili Slato, theu within twenty dayi frum tii lime of nrvlce, or if n'rvfd on you out of tho Statu of Oregon, then It Ii or dered by llou I' V I'rlm, Judge of tald Court that publication bo made for lx wcrki in Ibe Ort-gon Sr.Mi.Nei. prior to the 13tti day of No Temkcr, 186'J. And you are notlflcd that, if you fall to an iwcr eald complaint a aboe reijulrcd, the plalntllf mIH apply to the Court for the relief demanded therein, lo wit. for a decree dlisolr Inp: the bond of matrimony, between yourself und the above plaintiff, and for the care and custody of th) children of aIJ marriage, to wit . I.lllle Jane nnd Eliza Ellen Stow, aqd the coil ami dliburirmcuti or thlitult, Given under ray hand tbl 27 Ih day of Sept., A. 1869, Dowtix A WaTiov, Att'yi rpjrJPUlnlltt 37 6 Ulysw w .. .. HERE WEj AHE AGAIA" 4 r I t u JR J t t M f ' hd r : m 2 SACHS ItltO'S TTAVK JL'ST "HHCKIVKD T1IK " Finest and mol Compltto Stock OP DRV (SOODS, I.ADIKS HATS AN'D CLOAKS, UOSIKUV, CIirLDllKN'SSUOKS, MISSIS' SIIOKS, I.AnilWSllOKS, FANCY GOODS, CAKFKTS, CLOTH INTt, ' HOOTS, ; AII-'NT'S AVI ISMV II VIV .tll.. a ;WM. WIS IJAIa, CKOCIvKKV, nUOCKIMICS, LUH'OIIS, ' TOI1ACC0. Ar , ti., ,,,., , , ., 'Uu ""5, of,",,l'r ar,r,p' ln "" '" m""i""- WE DON'T ADVERTIZE PRICE S - . . HfliMHJI Pa illa..tityou ha I e cn ami will nil ' fino, nf nl1 ,ll,l ' CHEAPER FOR CASH, Tim anv other home In Ihti count, t Ii !ial tve n(, nr.J GooI we ML'ST Sill. Call nrsuml lo our Store uu California ilrect lllit ice II. We nlll ihon-you onr (JooJt lih plcaitire. SACHS BROS. My" We c:ill oiir particular atten tiun to our llnu mock ol J.:ilic. Mis ch", nml CliililrenV Mmei, nlo .Mcii'b Moot, illicit were nude in San l-'ran cUco. Jacksotnllle, Oct. 0, 1P60. AGENTS WANTEDflo ADA Y. TWtl till .MVI'S FOU l. LLOYD'S Patent Rnohlng Double Maps Too I'liiilloriiU, Am'tirA flint Knrnpp. anU .Mnrilca Willi llir I'lillril NlMr mMIou on mi liiiiu.il tralr. 1llrnerat Mr,ii.' Jut -mI.lcl,(VI .' Intli.i Urft. li.iw .i.rr rtr if lniirlnr. all lull,,. ..Jt, aii'l Hit Ult.l il.ntloA. In U virion furo rtinMalr.. TLt )lrMt ntp-tr.1 intttry (Li-.l tai f.mll In ll.tUn.1 llity wenfjr tL trp ul rat )Un, njl;m4nur Hit lititr.tr, tlllitriM ran tt tkrvwii fd.nl. an.l tny pari lr.xijl.1 Itftl In ll.t tjp. Ouuutr KUtu tn I UiKt itltniuul (litn la(xl A .till. Ari'ly firClrraUr Itrm. tnl .nil uiun.jr f.r an.) itt o-flt Mi Dill, If not yl Ultn lk i.n dmtnj. J T LLOVH, . a C-JtllanJi etrttl, N Y. 'liimnTII IfrilAnn,.( 111 LlNFOnTH KELLOGG AIL "I" ' J laia.l.UUU JUlNIb (Succenor to L. D. Dencbley A Co.) No. 3 and 4 Front Street, near Market, I . SAN FHANCISCO, I.MPOHTKUS AND JOI1IIERS OP American, Knglish nnd German HASDWARE k CDTLEEY Agrlcnllural and Mining Toolt, Rop, Steel, Powder, FUSE, SHOT, LEAD, ETC; .-llso, Manufacturer! and Proprietors or tbo GERRISH Sabmerged Double-Acting FORCE PU1 PS, rttottJliyJ,A.Uorrtll,Otl.,lieT Tb t'htapcal, Hlmplrtt, and Moat Durable Pump 1.1 THE WOHLOI Jt.tottwiattJfjf tal.Ouatl, CoodIX Ul.hlt fcr nil. March 271b 1669. -ra HIDES! HIDES! rriHE IIIQI1EST CASH I'RICEH PAID FOR 1 Illdei or all klodi, dellrered at the market or the undesigned, la JaekeooTllle. J0HN0RTH. Decenberait IfctO. tf leBBBBB &99S STOP THAT COUGHING COMB OP YOU CA.T, AXD WB PrTT ii Jo'i Yea l.M tf1-l rrttj ntnrtf but tb OiM tn.tei, tf 111 intrtntie nnl. to iqprJ til tlnv llir i-KpanucDi. It ii cot I'irvniifii jm ihraM b rtiucuuit to try Mmtthlct Im intr lb nnof -rnmcti rou hr miilj of Unbj toopg-jMa fo tM oq tL piMio m truio curt) but NEWELL'S Pulmonary Syruj Ii rtillf it vrnY HEFT wrwJjr r Mmroqaim f.ir iLccuisof C iiitia. CoM. Sore Ttitmt. Aithm. W ht ing Cih, lironrniiu tnd CCM'jnptlon. llio. tacUcr t'V in CtlirortUaal Oron ht b-x !rtJr WcilittJ trtb mrrtuict (until ! NEWELL'S Pulmonary Syrup iMnlih " rA t 'll!.ir nnwl fl rpf Uiioti Vi v r, i. pMc.jr 'tinil hi rt . SninainM i'b 0, tli tnalott IVUiKrntl)i ,-f, tH Ow lim iti( f I ilncv" tf tlit TLrMl tjj tntft, umncg vu ilul NEWELL'S Pulmonary Spup Lit tvrvl tbut J tn I It r i.t cur YOU If fn Uf Tbl InrnIuM tnJ.lc llt.t tolh Urt pmninf; ninnic urn Mrtijinfnmf mi iitfnrd', ca lirtly lrr frmi all ivuod.hi ikifurmii liniii, , ,Bjf-iirMnr.liinlr!lflfram.UiKh , " Crri ftrAi.1 from ikiitr tnimincM citiif&i ol NEWELL'S Pulmonai'y Syrup RtDIXCTO.S it CO. AtaU, Sjq FnadKi. DR. E. COOPER'S lMVI.r..Ab MAGNETIC BALM. A (rrneral Ftimilr Mullelne. II l a MMr 1 " """ , nd.K!r,.f") ',M"'" "l' TIIKOAT. i wniiu.iiiM in mnnii nvfrnicrr, iiiant-a'a. ri...u.. ..n fi ..i... . ti..i...--i ' Cbulrrn Colic. Cliulru Molbu ami Fovor and Ague, Neuralgia, lilieiiinnll'iii, Coblt, Tootbaihe, lluriit. .viiraln. liriiUie, etc., etc., arc a one ! relptp-l by a. limit ti-e. ! TruU a Vtgotablo Ttr yar j a lion. 0 ."Von jcnalnn wiibout l .t i , of n.yrito.sG. - REUI'OTON & CO.'S I ORIDA WATZX, tK xu or 11 HI. ruesce'ldl for Toilet l' ami fur tLe Rath. REDINGTON & CO!S laSENCE OF JAilIAICA CiillVOEII. TLIi ralunblo preparation, contalnlea In a Milily coiictnlratnl Itrm all the prepertlei of Jtm.ilcu (Ihzrr. hai txcoine one of lb met pnputnr domt'-lio rimnl.it fur oil dlitaiei f the ttnmach end ilik'i'llvi' ereen. A a Ionic. It lll be found Imaluable to all penon rrcovrrliij from deblllly, vtlitllirr pro ducd by fcTcr, or olhirHl'et lor while ll In pirtf to theytpin nil theiilow aid tlpur Ibat can be produced by wlno or brandy, It ll e titily fue from Iho reactionary I'lftcl that fol low the utu or tpliiti of any kind III nltn nn ctecllpiit ntnedyfor fcmalee whoiiiircrfrnni iliQlcult nien.irnallon, Ki'log ulnion Iramidljlii r'llif lo the ipainii that to frtiiueutly accotiirany that period. ll bIvm Iwict-illate relief lo Nouiea, esie4 by rldlni; lo a railroad car, or by tcatickoeu wi ijiiilt vnntrp. It Ii alo valuable at an eilernal tppllctilea ii, iiuvuiuaiitni. .PiirniKia.cic. ItEDlNtnoNACO., IIC and 116 Front St., San Franclic. LTie Eltciro-Sllleon, Or Magla Brllluu.. REDINGTON &. CO.'S I I,Oi:iI)A WATER, for tiii: iiani)ki:i.uiiikk Tbll article. fiOiscitlnir Iho mntt Jpllcala fragrance or Flower., u iinttjualr d ai a per- rilln frtl I It A llatnilLuajillai.l .- .m .mv Hiiunvivuivii FOR THE BATH.' L'tcd In bathing, It Imparl i" energy auo ilreuRlh to the ayilcm, and glrea that lortoew and delicacy to the ikln o much desired by kit It removes Bnnbnrn, Freckle. VpSmplM. Dllutrd nltli water, ll make an excpUaat Penlrlflce, lmpirtlnj,' pearly Hblleneta to lk teeth, weetnem to tho breath, and renders lha k'urn hard and or a beautiful color. It thould always bo uted rter ihalnf, i' luttd with water, at It rcllerpa all lfiflmallort IlKDINGTON & CO., 41C ar.d 118 Front St.Ssn Franebe. Uie Elcrlro-Slltcon, Or Magic Brilliant. ELECTRO-SILICON, OR MAGICBRILLIANT, DIIIECT FROM NATURE'S LAORATOST. The beit artlclo ever dltcovcrcd for Clea Ing and l'olliblog Gold, Sllter and Platl Ware, and all imootb Metalle Surface!, tT whatever description, Including Kltcbea Vtmi lilaofTin, Copper, Urate, Slee), etc. To Jewelers and Workers In Gold and Sllrtr Plate, the Klectro-Sllleon Is Of Incilloabl rat L t (be time eaved. and the eexatloa pmtaOt ed by Its use, will loreyer enaoar lis shhm at all who baro bad eeldeneo of Its maritfl. REDINGTON A CO.. Sole Agli, Baa Fraailm. FRFbAVORINQ EXTRATk MtHMtinara otiinu mmf B!it,Sr,ll. HfittTt I 'f ! il mw J