Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, November 06, 1869, Image 1

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oiTosiTi: Tim
Odd Fellow's Hall,
Jacksonville, Oregon.
Traveler' and resident bianlurs will flno
I'Uenl In firt class tinier. siul In every
Way superior In miy In Ib1 xcctlon, an J
r-urpuwil by nny In the State. '
Anil a plentiful supply of (lie lio uferery
iblutf Ilia market nllnrds will be ob
tained for
Sa troubled will l spared tn deserve the pat
ronage of tin traveling at nell as tbe perai.v
sent coiumaully.
Jacksonville. Miirrli HI lSfifi.
Peter Britt,
Photographic Artist,
j.ich'soxviu.K, onrcox.
Ambr ot y pot,
Photograph s,
Oartos do Visltc
doxr ix mi: rtxixr srvu: or ai:t
I'lf'tiiir lt-tiirril
on i:xl in: i:n r i. in: sr.i:
JiMLIl6iM) SAi.00AT
ni. a. 15im:m wo
Ci! Liquors aii J Cigar always on baud.
12) CI3TS.
Tic thimiy piititln are Informed tlml Vxvr. k
SiTo i.r Hi- ni.w jstti: si.ion iii
H'lncli lliWr iKml will lb inml e'ti'lr In-wir
e in lf found 111 J.irk'iivllli lurMN'K HIT.
V i'iHfi iii f neniey iy ll but t'iu an
bard, "iml eau.iii. t.li u Ihrtii
KWif.'J I'.VI'K .t SAVACK.
701, .M.irkft Cor. Kcnrny Sts.
San Fiianiisco, Cal.
Dlt MrAl.lr-TI.K of llif above nrm. will
visit Jacksonville miiiiI iih- In Aiipns
next, mill Mill Kllilul In all Mi'lmss In M lim
H "lll iilMiiiilcHiif tin 1 1 mi' uf hi return
ttsroiiiiii llic riiliiiiin nl tlil ipir.
O . P . S 7 P L UM MlMrl . 6 .7
Surgeon & J)l)'jsicinn.
Hiring, r.labll.h il in; t.l.rn jitilo head
quarters at JwuVnnvllc', I W P""' ' r"
pirlliiu ol my tlui'i In yur wll'l, ami will at
ii-ml t'iMifli urtttctl prieilceas may r-ieoni
glvlm; especial ail-niliiii to Ibe sun-lcil trial
Uirlit uf fi isxle maladies
Oclnber 'J. lC9-Cin
Physician & Surgeon,
Onice at lil residence. In lbs Old Overbed
1liptlal, on Ori-umi .(.reel,
OFFICE-Corncrof California and Fifth
Streets, Jacksonville, Ogn.
Ho will iinictlcn In .larkm ami adjacent
cnunlics, and ntti-iid ptiniitly In profns'limnl
ran ini.'ii
In tho Ovorbeck Hospital,
WILL attend tn any lio may rwiulre hi
inrvlr... Ontrit nt II K HllHel ' office.
a Hie Kact iMe 3.1 .Slriet. Jackoiulle.nov2lf
Jutlooiivlllr, Orrupnf
JickfonTlllo, Oregon.
Tiik following number of tl.eSKN
iini:i. arc tnifxiiig, niul lor every five
mmilicr.H I will give a ye:ti' siibcri).
tliin to the JSumini:i,. I uisli to gut
lull lile,-!itiil I hope tliu Ir'iiiiils ot the
Si:mim:i, will look tliem up, nml lor
ward tliem by ntnil. Seuilone ol tlicin,
if you Iinvo no moic. I will give &U
conn rt )iicro in insli for any ol tho
llliMllg IIIIUll'tT!'.
1. Vol Xos. 1, C, .1, 'JO, 21, 50.
'J. Vol. All inifing.
.1 Vol. Xo. 8, 48.
I. Vol. No. 10, 13. 1 1, If,, 10, IT,
i!, so, si, Hi), si, sfi, sG, s7, sl), na, n,
nfi, 3d, :it, :ih, all, 10, 41, is, la, 4 1, 15,
III, -17, -18, 40, &0, 51.6S.
fi. Vot.. All iiiiatitiir, except Nos. 12
2a, S4, S7, 30, 15.
0. Vol.. No. It, 40, miming.
7. Vol.. Xoy. 10, 57, 69, 60, CO, niU
Mug. P. Vol No-. 47, 83, mining.
H. Vol No. '-'0, mining.
10. Vol. No. 18, mining.
11. Vol. No. So, mining.
'pnnsni-'ntiiir.iis aiii: smv iikckiv
I llIK Mil I Jli ll'Hf llppl) I'f (iixxl. Ill 1 hf ll
line uf lni:liit'4. ruii.ltln( In Mt ot
CoX Slow, 1'iulor nml lltz Simn if itinou
I'olltni. Ninh if nil uif .t(ni(W livn'
ami Slitl i Unix Shut oinl fruit; f'if
on ll'iti Hullf. Unit (Itrtm, SLillili
owl l.nli, 7'f Ktllli:iiml lliilt I'aiii;
mil mil r.mu.ulil Ktltlti end
Sunt ',nii; Vlioppinf Axu,
I haul Att; 'hint mnl IMltr
rniiii; Sliovil'iuul Timet,
I'nt I)ik, Sttiitt FdiLi,
Sioitlt, Door, hxkt, Hull
anil Simp ll.iigt; Kunti
niul I'n'l', Spnnit nml built I
Mail Culltr; Sid limit, I'olitlinin
linni, I'ihLiI Kane, Stfoi tml
S'ltm. I'mtitt tVr.ii Cut S-iv; lhul
unit IlinJ Sun; I'liinti mnl binttmi tu
lilhtr icillia fullawitmtntof S'tt'f (iitanr
Tin Tump bavc Ii en fully n-.trd. ami n
Ai'knimlnl in pueNBiliiiiUeiiir all tiiln-r
I'amp.in iiwi tibial Manulaclurir't rlci
nilb freiybt aJdi-il
oxant rowiaun,
Fioe ami Cp llla-IInc 'i'l II '" l''Jer
Sliut mnl l. ail; l.ifl Pinup' ami l.inJ I'll"':
Unpi (5rlinMini,ii. filer Mill, Citlar lub..
lluiUvli. aim imiiow i)ac',
A Nl
Ol every drwrlptlun aNay. on baud and
Miiile to order.
Hydraulic Pip,
lnlnl. O.I.. T'lrpeollne, Varnl.b, Wliidu
Gluuiuud Putty.
V Invito tho attention of Farmers to out
Stock of
:'- -M w- m9
Cultivator, ard Harrow,
()f I Im mnit approved pallirti". and Mj:bl
fliiMied i Uo Sir tibarpenlua Straw Luttir
mid Hay Khlvcs.
Jacksonville, OotobiT 10, !
Adminidtrator'a Notic.
.,'.... . 1....U l.nve. tie. easetl.
KaiWl W nnm . - - - 7 --
Tllif i-nb-crllier lias !'ii -ppolnlffl Adml'il'
iiiki-iiu im ,.uiui all irtii.
lbo llidi btl aro nniiir eo ' - ITJ""
liirihnlib. in llw miwrtor. at tbe spire "
lltl.i.dn Ar V llfinrl
f CD
in r -
wo rai v., -3
''VsH, I I at-
"" ' :ti HOFFMAN, AdMlslstrator
Jacloimvllle Oct. . ?"'' .
1 "Mia "f" II kW. Mimed ! tbe rke.
or tb. underslguedu JMksonvUI
PKeesbHltb IMI. "
THE 0RH(i0i ffiTliEb,
Ercrr SiKiinhtv .MornliiR by
TnitMM UK Nt'lllt'IlirTIONl
For one tear, In ailvance, four ilnllar. i If
tint pabl wllhtn lhellrt lx mniith'orthc tiar.
tlrr ilotlnrc ; If imt paia until tbe expiration
uf tbe car. lx Jollam.
OneFo,rt'r.(l0 line, or I'm), flr.t ln.-rllnn.
I..pal TciMleri. recelrH at e.irrrnl r.le.
Water Rinhts and Irrigation, No 10
nv uou'K.t.1. a watsiO., ati'vb at i.aw,
JiCkwMii.ix uuruu.v.
'The ii'.'gei'tion, that an upper pro
.,.. . . i , . i .
piletiir miv lose his light to inhiiie
!, , , , i . ,
bis lumlx bv grunt, is in nccordaniu
... ., , ',, , .. . ., ,
with thu doctrine ot the ease o Cimk
tv. Hull, reported, in 3 Piekiring,
where it wax held tint the owner of a
mill may, by long u.xeluit tnji incut
ol the entire waters ot a Mrtani, the.
tiiui' beinsr tieeeK.iry lor the working
ot the mill, exeluile the tipiriau pro
pi ictornbiive from diveiling any put
tlnreot for (imposes of irrigation, it by
ui'li ilivcmou hu isinjiiiiously nlfeeted
in the opciat on of the mill. In that
, , , , , ,
ease the mill Mail enjoyed the water
Iirifilollnr-i eacli pnl.iniii lii-eitlnn imem,.,,., n t j v,u, ... vn,.,,S u '
..liar. Aillwniit nl ally i-r cent. "Ill be ' "V, ' Jtt,,0i" . ". 8 .
ia.le In Hmmc nlm a.vtl4 l.y lbocar. ! K. CoTvImtjIi is found ill 10 CushillgV
adveiMdy lor lortyyears, bntunder.hu l(M Q ,,,, rctl(U,r 1llkk,
modem ... le as to picxcMptlon, twenty . wM w w)i(, m.liw M,
yiats vvould undoubtedly be equally ,Ulimgi.f K.rnllPt l(i n Ct.rlll u,.lf a
e''Theeol.rtolPennsylvaniaeo.l,lercd'rIK,'tt"'"vt-,rl,,'e WM,or ';,r n? "a
ll.i. Milijcit in the ease ol .Miller v. iml,U'"1 lo ,,, lm"' on wl'il'1' ,,,c ,,nM1
Miller, where thu dtfen.lant had eon- win, im.l it they had not tramcended
V..VL..1 to tin. i.lab.till a naiecl ol laud i, tho dclcndauts bad violated no
.livc.tedpo.tii.m.ol the water lor il,e'
jmM. ol irriitming bis other lands
Ivlng upon the eame st.ea.n. As no
releivnce ts maile to any mill, It Is to
ply between two 1 ind-hohlers, whuie
one ehil.noil damage for being dep.iv.,1
ofthe natutal .low of .he elrea.n ......
uing through his hud. In speaking ot
tho lighu of Mich proprictnis, the court
siy: 'Thu law re'iiies ol the patty
that be should iifco llio stiiam in u nil'
ouable mauucr,and one ol the eomlitiiius
. ' , , . i .
, ,,e ,e isthat he do ,.., t . bat.oy
nriifleel l lie npplie.tion of the water
by thoee fciluatcd above or below him
on tho etrcn u.
'Hu reiMiiiablencM ol theiUtention
t the watir by the upper proprietor,
must depend on the viieu.iisliii.cen of
eich case, and is lo he judged ol by
.be juiy.' And limy ilbintralo the .o
mark, liy Mippisinu thu ease of a largo
slieam, where the diversion for puijio
hcsoI ii ligation might hardly be per
ecptiblo in its ellcels upon the volume
of the htrenn. ; and another, of a vciy
small M. emu, wheio euch ilive.Moi.
might ul.xoib, subMantially, tho vvlml.. ii'muumiiiH, Min-.ii- ... ... ,.,.hn
ol lh Mrcim; in regaul to which ilifl'. ihis Lodge, on tho death ot ourlale
erent rules would be applied in deter BioiI.it, Jo-Ihhi II. Sterne, rcijiecllnlly
mining the leasoiiablcoihs ot tho use. submit tho following:
Tho only practical test which they H'Amw, It bns pleaded the Supreme
suggest ls.ili.it .... ae.ion would be i..r Hiih-r ol the L'nive.so in .''
?. i .i.t'ii. Piov h ence to lako rom usiu thelniiW
a.live,s...n,Wu-.f.vr.!o mwh vf the o(,noo, us,,llll,,8( 0..r wo.thy and
volume of wt ttr i obstructed as to be Wl.- beloved Hiother.loxhuall. Sloine,
nluiidi jienej'tihle in its practical una AY eecr, That in the dealh ol
l(luUI'i Urol her Siorno ilii- Lodge has lo-t one
"This rcle.enco to tho sie and Mate ol its most won l.y and well beloved
!;-. f a,1?n,,s ,,,, ,rz 2gFZ$, HSSJ
live lights ol.ip.i mil proprietors along COiiHfifiitliiH nml u-olul t-Uiyi-n, one,
its cmi.se, to apply its waters tor pnr- w(0 , ,l0 niius lulaiions of life en
poses ol itrigatimi, is adopted by the dunicd himself tn a hir.'e circle ot
court ol Now Yoik, als", in the en-e of friends by his i uniform kindncs an-
ii ... Vnm io Wl.ii,1i.1 above couitesy, by bis si net intojitty, and
Arnohl m. 1-oot, U WimUII "e ,1V tI1. fartio vli srliy which bo always
cited. , n.':.ifuti (I tnwaids lliolaul.aol otheis.
"Tlioac.lonin that oaso was mr tli jefu(ne((t Tmt H0 tender lo the
veiling nml wasting the waters of n nmjy f 0ur deceaMtl Hr alter tho
soring,' which l.nil previoit"ly flowed bear.lelt svmpatby ot his Hioihre.i, in
lout the defoudanlV land through that their great be.cayement, and the as
irniu mi i o guraueo ot our Finternnl regard for
ofiheplaintiftV. 'I he court say : 'The "J"" .,, Wi.ro ..cin-rt iiimI sleaicrt t.s
delfiidnnt had tight to use so much hu,,,,, Hie, and may lie, who tc.uni-reth
i ihn niir as w neecsnrv for his. i In. wind to the shorn iamb, cuido and
fainilv ami hi entile, but hud no right console :hen. in the r heavy iifBiutlmi.
i. V . irrl.iln Ins meadow il lesolred, Thai the thanks of this
in use it for rriuMlng Ins . ado ll . o m, wi(liri(
tltorcbv ho deprives the plaint iff of tho o ,ir,:n0,Saeittmeuto, Calilor
reasonable uso of tho water In its mvj,,: ), hroihetly lovo and attention
tural ehannel,' (and ciio the Inngimgo glvon by ih'm io Drollier StiTiio liir
.1 K,.l.,.n J n Crooker vs Uraga.) nig bW last si.kn-BMind alter bis death,
ot N elson, J., In t rooK. r t W . sohe(, Tm lu roi.llOI y 0 our ,t..
When ap-aklng of the right to . .tuning I 0 0rr of ,,,,,
water, ho saya : Ve cannot lako Irom j,,,,- bo diaped, and the member
one parlY right, for the aako of thupV(.ar the usual budge of mourning for
coo venienc of another. thirty dy.
Ul "V "!' " w !
"So, wliero the owner of land, in
proper manner, but thireby wholly de
prived thu inljirent hudou'iicr of the
s.ime, it was held that he had no light
thus to do. while he had n light to
apply it in a reasonable m inner and in
a leasonable qutnliiy for irrigation, ho
was not at libeity to deprive the ad
jacent owner of what he uoeded for his
c ttt le.
"Hut tho point U so fully considered, !
nml hi ri.ni v .I.H...I in.1 !lliili-.t,..1 l,v i
If. 101 i int Mlllo iixcl li.. .'hI.IimI to llio .
.i...,,,: I.-,.. i..t.i .i..... 'i'i...
, ml t.n.t Nr;ls ,ni , 0UC( ,, was
fetl, in part, by ii spring.
" I lie deleiidnut under a grant limn
the owner ol the laud, had erceted a
i.iilll iiiwi uv un kliu riiiniu, nvi l'i
, , , , ', , , . ,
they inied n tcservoir, from which, by
' . . ,. , . '
Means ol pipes, tliey drew wuicr to
. , '. . , ...
dam just below the piiug, whereby
Mipply their engines used upon their
"The plitlnt id owned laud through
vhlch theoiiglual stream Unwed; tho
I mil of number proprietor iiituivening
letwicn the lot in which was fhu dam
nml thu phnlitilW laud. Tho netion
van for thU diverxion by means of the
iiiintk. lutil limn ll... lt.ui.t('nlf III u lilnli
1 .r- .
, '., , . . . ... , , . .
he tailed to ehow any autual damagi s
. , ., , .. .... ,,
Mtimuiniii il f liiicilit. Mnl llin .'imf
nght ottiio piaintm.
" "MJ- " Hie C l,.vf Jna-
tlw. '! have been a .... II xtrenm of
ter but it iiit.M, wo h'.nk bo con
t.i ii tittii tins u.iinis rim in i mv ii ii.
xiilered that thu same rubs of law ap
"'"" ,
pl.V to It. III! I leglllatU tl.O I IghtS ol li
paiino proprietors through and ......
who-e lands it p..s,e,., ns n.u held to J
' " r ttie"m?' t M,,,J,.C i
Ju the oonsiilcratlon that what M
bu a icaMiu.iblu and proper uco ot a
i-on-Kli rublo hinam, oidiuaiily ea.ry
ing a largo volume of water, lor initia
tion, or oilier similar um-h, would beau
unreas He "ml iniinious uso of n
l to furuixh
and wuleriug-plaeBS lor cattle.
lO 111'. CONIINU.'.U.
Ai RfiiTjiini.ii.ii. C.il.. October 10.
j tvphoid luver, .lo-liua II.
Sierii", lonnerly of Jacksonville, O.e
go.., uged 17 yea.s.
Ill Meiiioiliim.
To the Ojliccr ami Mnnbtr of .iff.
o;nc Loilye, ATo. 10, J. O. O. K
of Ortjon.
Your Committee appointed to dinlt
T . , itJl
..---- '.
which wa a opring of water with n pread in lull upon tlio minutes of the
wntoieournu Iron, it into the land ol an '0iW n,,d .be ft'A '" !!' ''P'1
a.ljicentouner, stoppe.1 the (low and nu, lllu Xela Agc am! n copy lliero
ucd It for irrigation on his I.ind- in n of bu pteieiited to thu children" ol our
NO. 42.
I littohcil, That theso resolutions be
! deceased iirothei
Silas .1. Day,
Wjt. M. Ti'ii.vnn,
Nuwman FlSUKIt,
Cot rcf ionilcnce.
Jackson vi m.u, Nov. 1, 1800.
Et. Suniinhl Tho mineral resnur.
cus of our co.mty nro of such vital im-
P;"-1''"; t only to the miner but to
",v '":" ' " ',
ilh pleasure I give you thu opinion ol
a iirii-tieil miner in ru"inl to I lie inin.
rt J'r,U ,,C,'' '."'" '" lutfnr'1 " ""
ura' ulim" '" ""' u,ov' l""''
The pl.teer mines ol our early days,
as Inr as water could be obtained, at u ex
hausted, our population, as well as our
ajjncultiiial producis aro iucroisiug;
why should we not try to bring the
hidden miuernl ticauio to daylight,
and to d"elop those mines, that nte
only waiting foi thu euergitiu miner;
and the ciy ol " haul times " will ecae.
The chain ol tuouiitaius from the
head ol Jacknn Civek down to Hoguu
Hivrr hhow, niter a cloje exam! latlon,
the eame strata ol wash and ccuiuul
gravel, that on places, in the cour.e of
time, lias been laid bare by the inter
veiling ctreatnx, removud, putlly, by
great tdtdes, Irom thu original position
W,0,H 'r 'ttWh ' 'Ut'l' '''
,1 niiMiiihilna .. ti.... It il.ia i.rt...i.ul
mniiey to extract It.
Jlnt ol more laming benefit will le
the quai tz-miuiug, if ever u ipitulUts can
he induced to invent in our mines.
Nouu ol our ledges have been thorough
ly leMed, no greater depth than n huu
died leet has been obtained, and that
only in thu timber gulch ludge, with
mtixtactiuu to the owners of that ledge.
Why nut go down into thu bowels ol
w(ai onr
wmiI? (ll lUcn,k., ,,,,,,,.
A , t)(al .,, u ,ivce (), ,,,.
tvnletl .ini mu,t ,avu t,m. ,Kmr.
((U1, ,,, 10,lloru ,le ,I1U,,8 ' U
, iUor u V(1 l( r t,0
pnubice. Just so with a gddd.ea.ing
, , , fe f J
ipiar.z ici.ge. u taKcs tune, many
hard lick, nml capital, to open the
same; thu quicker it is opened, the
i-oiincr will there bu a productive re
There are plenty ot ledges horu that
would piy well il they wcro properly
winked; there aro plenty of steady,
cucigctiv', industrious miners here, to
do the work, if thoy had assistance
Iron, tho merchant, thu tanner, tho
capitalbt. There aro plenty ot men
here willing to vvo.k, if they had a
prospect to be paid eventually lorllcir
work ; and the liugiiigol thu pick, the
thunder ot the blast, would biiug n
new impulse into our community, simi
tar to tho caily days of our mining,
now nearly lorgottcii.
A Mini:...
Uthjiy" or Gas Tail A discovery,
which is likely to bo ol gieat ndvaut
insula ngiicnlluie, has recmtlv been
repotted to n French ugriuulntr.il snei
i ty. A gardener, whose Iraniesand hot
lniiies .cquiicd painting, ilocided on
making them black, as likely lo at. tact
the heat be.tcr, and from a principle
ot i-aonmuy he mado uso of gas tar lit
stead ol black paint. Thu woik wn
pi rtiirn.cil during tho winter, and on
the approach of spring .ho guile mr
was httrpiised lotind thatnll lhespidei
and insects, which usu illy inlested I.i
hot.hoi.se hid disappeared, and a'so
that a vine, which, tor two years ore
reeding hud so (alien oil' that ho had
in. ended lo rcplaeu il by another, had
acquired (resit lorco and vigor, mid
gave every nluu ol producing a large
o.op ol gripes, lie afierwards used
the Mine substance to the pot-ta and t rel
Ib.wmks, .vhicli hupnorled tho trees in
the open air, and met with the same
result, all tho eatcrpillais and other
insectH completely diappiaring. It i
said that similar expert nts h.vo
been made in somo of thu vineyards ol
thu Giromlu with similar results,
Coloiiing ron WAUJ.-Proeuro from
a paintsliop one pound of chrn.no yel
low, and three ponnds of whiting; mix
and grind them thoroughly together,
I hen add a qnart-of-hojling water, and
stir il well In, Next ooil a quarter ol
a pound of glue in n qutit of water,
and when completely dissolved, add il
immediately to the mixture, and i-tlr
tho whole vcrv hard. Thin it with
more water till you get il ot the de
sired consistence. It will be a. beauti
ful yellow, approaob.Bg to lemon eolor,
Lato Telegrams.
New York, Oct. '23. Father Hya
cinthu yeslenhy u.adu tho followfiiff
statement" "I believe it is impossible
to enjoy freedom of tho.icr.ht und tier
eiso it and yet belong to tho commun
Ion ol t ic Uivtholiu Church. I still con
ider myself n C.rraelitu Monk, and m
devoted as ever to tho IIolv Mother
Church, but I miintiiu that t exercise
mv priestly functions by the authority
ot God alone; that the Church has no
right to change tho faith as handed
biwu by our filhcrs, to add or take
from it anything whatever. I believe
Protestants to belong to tho great
brol hut hood ol I villi, but I do not in
tend to ally mysel' with thoir poculinr
The Sun bilieves that tbe roporlcd
Hmh'clillds loan was well (minded, aud
that noulwell will propose a bill to
Congrc-s nuthoiiziug him to accept it.
ChicauoUut.Su. 'I lie Commission
ers lor thu examination ol tho Pauifio
Itailro ids aro ol opinion that both lines
nro in much hotter condition than usual
lor new to.i'N, nml will recommend
acoptaneu bv tlieGoverntue.it.
Tho Ilepttlllcan't special siva tint
tho expemlituns ol the Pott UAlco De
partment have increased about a million
ol dollars lor the past Usual year, and
the iiieo.no inereaeil two millions.
The i clot in i inaugurated t-inuis March
will show n still g.ialir iiuprowuiuut
this year.
Lotteiy dealers aru to bo foroed to
nav an Internal Revenue tax. It will
m-t a quarter ot u million pi. dually.
II iMtiiti, (Jet. SI. -A devrod ol'Cor
tes establishing tin rest tinted liberty of
religion in Culii aud Porto Rico, to
day promulgated, will go Into effect
immediately ns the law of thu 1 mil.
One clnttse of the decree provides that
no perxni. be piuviit'ed from holding
offi'i- under the Government hv reason
of his ii-licious belief. Thu dec ice is
received with icnrnt satifaclion. It
is probable a Proles nut church will bo
cft.hlis'tcd in till-city.
Putigl.kuep.il, Oct. L'5. Tltero was
a laud -lido near Kondoui yesterday.
It moved llneeneresol laud n cousid
einblo distance, covered litooks yard
to the denth ol six leet and swept away
thu i .mine home and engine. The
ilamauo is heavy.
t. Louis, Oct. 'JO. An Omaha spe
cial says that the published statement
that 'lie Nobraska Legislature ratified
thu I'ifleeuth Amendment last March
is incorrect. The Legixlatt.ro ad
Jou' .od without action. The Governor
wi proiiauiy cm an extra sea-ion
this winter.
Portland, October 87. Track-laying
on the tltsl rallied it. Willamette Vol
lev was commenced yesterday.
'The ba.k Adeline Jillicood, with a
oiru'o ot win at, sails to-day tor Liver
pool direct.
Tho deiiiand for flour in Kastern
Oiugou aud Idaho is increasing. Pri
ces using.
Snt?Tii.:iiN JjVacific Railway. The
LoiiKvilhi Con vent ion adopted, by a
vo.o ol llneo to ouo, a report in favor
ot the lower or SllM parallel route for
the Southern Pn cilia Railroad. In this
connection the Louisville linlUtinhio
ly referred to the I wo routes ns follows:
'"Then' are two proposed Southern Pa
eillc l.ailrnads: one following the 3Sd
and the other thn35th parallel of north
latitude. The for.nur may bu culled
the lower and thu latter upper South
ern road. Thu lower road crosses thu
KioGianiloat Kl Paso, and the latter
at Albuquerque. Tho Colorado river
Is cro-scil bv tho lower road at FortTV
Yuma ; by the upper nt Fort Mohave.
The upper road nuns to reach tho sea
coai-t at San Francisco; thu lower at
San Diego. Tho tipper road is sure
to bu obxtructcd by deep xnows; the
lower road not at all. The lower road
passes through s.no of the 'oldest
towns on thu continent; thu upper road
passes only through tho mot juvenile
and precarious ot mining camps. Tho
upper road Is tho pet cit General Pal
mer; the lower road his special lival.
Tne upper inad traverses tho most rug
coil and mount iluous portion ot Ari
zona, while thu lower passes over tho
plums and most fertilo valley, of lhat
Tetritory and is almost entirely unob
stiucteil'by mountain passes."
Man and Woman. Tho following
beautiful passage is from Henry's Cora
mentaiv on the Hlble:
"Adim was (list formed, then Evo,
and she was made from man, and lor
mm, all ol which nro urged as rea
sons for humility, modesty, slleneo and
si.limi'siveness. of that siu in general,
nod piitietilarly tho subjection and
rovorenoj which wives owo to their
husbands. Yet man boing made last
ol c.e.tion, as tho best and most excel
lent of nil, Eve's being made alter
Adam, out of him, puts nn honor upon
that six, ns Clio ulory of man. It man
is the head, she i the mown ; a crown
to Iter husband, th) crown of visible
creation. Tho man was dust refined,
but Iho woman was 'doubly refined ;
one rc.no vo from 'he earth.
"Woman was made of a rib out of
tho side of Ad m ; not mado out of his
head, to top lib.. ; nor ot his feet, to be
trimplcd upon ny inn: miioini m i
stile, to no equal who jmui , mniti
arm, to no protcetea; nnu iii-nr
hcart, to bo loved."
Tub new Oapitol in Sacramento j fj
almost roady for uso. Il is gotten tt , 'Cf ,;
on n grand scale, coiua.ncs aw ins
of glass, the duty on which is 28,000..
Tho doors are ol walnut and laural a4r
cost $300 apiece.
To be happy, be tempera.. ,
'T- I