mi! iiiiiiM m;yiii;l S1l-KIAV MoilNI.Nfi, Ol't. 2.1, 109. I,. roller. 20 Ai '21 iNmv Alrrt-li-it'it'l'clitiiK-'. Is "llr 0,ly nuthorlxrd nuint In nn Kr.tncl'co. For Kleru Advirlllng Mn. limsit i renrcrrscntud by S. M. I'i.tiknoim. .1 Co of New York and Huston. llniloll Ak Mcttrt arc our only mt Ib.irif'l Agents In the Alliiiillc.Slnli", Oillo's 41 rrk How. "Time.'' llitltding, New York file. All order tmi'tconir through them. ri!flinjs golfac. 'i:v. A. L. l.tNDsl.KV, I). 1)., is tx- iit'Clt'il to Minch to-morrow, nt It o'clock, A. ., in tlio Mi'ltioilist clnircli. Father Hlnnrlict will Itolil iliviiic sor-iji-cs nt t lie (.'ntlmlio Cluirrli to-morrow nt tin.' usual lioiir. I'oMl.KT Willi Ciiixamc.n. A JJftl tlwiian, jut in Ironi AppliUe, stairs tli.tt .Mr. Kulili, nn old ri'sitlfiit ol tlmt sri'llon, uliolms a store t lie re, liml a rnutlit't with nil imliTiiilto ttiimWr ol fliitiaiiieii in lilt stori, n short tiini' nine It sc-niit tlio Cliinniiieii u cicat lrmitinK to tli'nl some toli.u'co, when Mr. Kulili intfi (itwI in (liTiiiio ol liin )i4itTl, willi tlif lU'cCfK-uy forei', noil tlii drought on tin; ((iiil'Ml. TiiuCIiI iiaiiu'ii wiiu proving to many lor liim, ivluii n tiavi-liT, rnlh'il liy Mrs. Kulili wlm )i:nl lii'iuil tlio Inland mine to see hIhiiii it, i-nmu in nml risciietl Inm. I'aimti. Armi:NT. Mr. SIirliirlt nl tlio Aelihiinl .Mills, uluro lit has Iitii in clitirpv lor omt m.t yi'nis, Inul lii eye si'Vfirly iiijutcil in tin follow itijj manner, on lust bumlay evening, lie was t-liaUng a liuir tit :nitM vvlii'ii .. pin tluw into Ills ie penetrating (lie i uliall over oiielliinl ol the lengtli ol tlio pin. Dr. IMiinniK'r, of this place, win called in mid attended tlie wound, lie Mate the patient linn no piosmt life ol the injuinl oigan, hut think-iu ricoxery probable. - -- --- i Itonui:i. A soldier, wlioso name we ' did not learn, claims to haw been lobbril on last .Momlay ulglil, at Jack ... . . soniilh. lie suys that ho was asleep nt the "Franco American," when two men rii-hcd into his loom; nnd while uiobi'M him by the throat, the other took his money. This lellow had un doubtedly been drunk dining the eve ning, and It In ipilte possible this dar ing lobbcry was only a drunken dream. Cami:. liuttc Creek has for nunc time back been n capital place for hunt ing. Hears and deer abound, The mast in that t leluity being unsually plentiful, io Mipposed tube the gieat attraction ler these animals; nml has biought a Utiod many of them to giief. Wiihin the past few days one man Is said to lnc killed 1 1 bears. Si.naiou Coiiiikit nnd wife, nlso n hmther of the Senator nnd his wife, ar med in Jacksonville on last Wednes day niglit on the stage and stopped out until Thursday morning. Tlio Stnator is oi-romV for Washington to attend tho next nession ol Coi.giess. We wich him a happy journey and a nlc at rival. John Hu.or.it authorizes us to say to the public, that owing lo bard times and the great seaicity of water, ho will ell his American Siibmciged Pumps at 5 per cent, less than eost ; and other articles in his lino as cheaply as any one else in .liieknuille. Wi: caught a glinips-o of tie genial and benevolent countenance of our old Mend, (5. A. Kieiiskl, who is just back from Snu Finuciseo. It does us good to see his pleasant lacu again, and wo hope ho will conclude to tairy with us for n Hiasou. "" Wk would refer iho public to tho ndvertixemeut ol Mouis Haum in nn other column of thin paper. Hauin doctl ''advertise prices,'' nml ho does so as fr matter of taste and convenience tohiui tell reunrdless ol the leelincs of others " ri Tin: Couit House is just icceiving a new coat of paint, nnd promises tojook tiito lespeetablo when tho process is coinpleted. It has been sadly needed fr a long time, nnd wo think tho un dertaking both wise and seasonable. Ki:w AnvKitTifiKMKNT. Hu suro nnd nnd tlio now advertisement of the City Drug Stoic, whero everything usually f'niiid in nn citublislimontof tlmt kind, fan he had, of tho best quality nnd at a reasonablo price. H.v ins. Those in want of n good washing, (nurt who is not?) should pa ironizu Dr. Overbeok's Bathing Rooms. Tlioy nro well arranged, nnd neatly pt. lii:uti.AnMicKriN'(i oKTiiTlloinnoK Tmsii:i. ThcUoai.l convened Oct. llHli, 1 SCO, at tlio usual hour. Mem bcrsprceent; A. .Marl iu, President; D. I.inn, J. 1. Neil, .TolmOitli. Absent, O. Jncolts. The iccord ol the previous meeting wn rend and approved. Tlio Uecordcr hud before the Hoard n com munication from O. Jncoln, tendering his resignation ni Trustee of the town of Jnckonville, tlio same wni read and filed. The following hilts were ordered paid: K. H. Owens' bill, l(l; 1). C Miller's bill, 7;t S. 1 hydra's bill, t8 iVi, and, I0 50; total 7fi 75. Aj plication for town deed by A. I'rneter loi lot on Oregon street, vvns granted nml lot nesseil nt ten dollars. A pe tition from II. V. 1)ovvll was presented, praying the Hoard to jkim nn ordi nance to provide for running aque duct through piivato lands, and ap pointing rommi'sionem to nscs dam niies Vo, nml submitted n bill for that purpose. The petition nnd bill was read nml iclercd. There being no furtbei business the Hoard adjourned. A. Maui ix President. Hon. .lame I. 1'ay returned from below lal Thursday night, lie lias hO'jourued ipiite n white in the much vaunted Webfoot land, yet wo believe his predilection for Southern Oregon are in no way abated or impaired. ('mm:. This olliee is under obliga tions lo Sergeant l)uulap,ol t hi place, lor it larcc bucket of nice elder. It was some of the Sergeant's own manu facture, nnd wn just n good ns nny body's. YV nre much in Invor ol pa tronising ihe Sergeant's liberality. Hi:at that. T. .1. Allen, formerly ol Portland, over flO year, of nee. walked in our day, Iat week, 05 niilc, fiom what i called tlio ".Mountain House," on the Crescent City road to Tom Hell's fni ni In Iloguo river valley. ,.al ,iat( young men with high-heeled j,00.H j ..,,, C.U1 ' Oregon Itemi. I'or several months the Salem I'r.t has been publishing malicious nnd .lan dentin articles ngninst liov, Woods This "week the Cvutmcreittt follows suit. Tin: OiiKuo.v Siati: Faii: hnsbom In progress nt Salem during last week. It was a gnat success. Tim iceeipls iiinnunled to overSIO.000. Over 11, 000 pei sons, it is said, vUlted the Fair. Put. Smith's horse, "Pathfinder" wen the trotting rnce. Time, il:(l nnd U.I5, . In n linggv, niilo heats. Mr. Dolor, of p0jj. (.0Uiity, cihlidtcd n lnrgo .1 yrar old steer, weighing 1 8 l(J pounds. l It. Hurkhait exhibited a short-horn Dur ham which weighed ovcr2,000 pounds, and is only five years old. Tiik following numbers ol the Sijn iini:i. are missing, and for every fivo numbers I will glvo a year's sub-orlji' lion to tho Si:nii.ni:Im I wish to get lull files, and I hope tho friends of tho Sk.viinki. will look thc,m up, and for ward them by mail. Scndono of them, If you have no more. I will give M) cents a ploco In cash for any ol the missing numbers. 1. Voi.-Nos. 1, 2, .1, 20, 2-f, 2ft. i!. Vol- All missing. a Vol. Nos.M8. 4. Vol. Xos. 10, 181. N, 18, 10, IT, If), 20, 21, tfl, 24, 2.r, 20, 27, 2!, .1.1, a4, aft. :m, .17, an, al), -io, 41, -2, l:i, 4 , 4ft, Kl, 17, -18, 40, CO, 51,52. ft. Vol. All missing, except Nos, 2 2.1,21, 27, :i0,4ft. 6. Vof.. Xos. 0, -to, missing. 7. Vol- Xos. 10, 67, 58, 60, 00, mis sing. 8. Vol. Xos. 47, 8.1, missing. & Vol.-Nu. HO, missing. 10. Vol. No. 48, missing. 11. Vol. No. 2ft, missing. . i .1!.. A land warrant lor snio in m- count apply to Mr. lloflmnn. Administrator' Notice. Estate or Ann 5. fcw deceased. Tin subscriber bw been nppoluted Adminis trator ti lomi non, of M eUsle 1 all person baring clHliniaRsloit "re '"'".''Vi! lo .rcenl Ibera duly rerlOed for pBtmeu , and tl.oe Indebted are required lo make nsymenl ruriliwllh. lo Ibe subtorlber, at Ibe More or uulru,u,,4Kii,PijhFFMAN(AdmWj,ralori Jaclnionrllle Oct. :s, 1869. riour! rier!l ;riomr!M I tllR subicrltter haTliiK purchased the Wsn- I MiToM or Horwooo WiM., are now prrpar. ft to make flour eoual to any In " KarmsaroluYlteatobrlnB tbelr wheat aod are guaranteed ''ENZIB MY, WhIugton Hill, Aug, Ttb 18, Ayer's Hair Vigor, For restoring Gray Hair to its' natural Vitality antKolor. a. a .i.rT-. ......... i;iiig which is nb oiiTO ngrecnblo, healthy, nnd eiroeliial for preserving tho hair. I'lttlcd or gray hair is toon restored to its original color triti U,e gloss and freshness of youth. i'llitt lnill. la flit.!. cncil, fatting hnii cheeked, and Laid ncM oflen, though not nlwnys, cuicd by its use. Nothing enn icsloto tlio linir where tlio follicle mo ile.Mrovcd, or tho glntiil' ntrophied nnd decayed. Hut such ni retnaiii enn ho saved for usefulness by tliii application. luteud of rouling tho hnir wilh a paty sedi ment, it will keep it clean and vigorous Its occii'ional uc will prevent the hair from turning (-ray or fulling oil", nnd consequently prevent baldness. Frco from thoio ilelvtorioui Mibtanees which inako some jiieparatioui dnngeiotis nud injifrioiis to tho hair, tho Vigor can only benefit but not harm it. If wanted merely lor n HAIR DRESSING, nothing cNo can ho found so deirnhlc. Containing neither oil nor dye, it ilovi not soil white camhiie, mid' yet huts long on the hair, giving it a rich glossy lustre mid u gratelul pei funic. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Aycr d Co,, I'llACTICAt. AND ANALYTICAL ClIUIIITS, lovi:li .it ass. rniOE si.oo. Ayor's Cathartic Pills, Tor sit Mcdlsluo. tho purpoto of a LxtWo Tftluin in. one nir.ll. rliml. milt it.mIIx in. iiim'l lr rtitjlhly u n .jiluilli', iiorit.it'irr snjr Iwlurt uiinrr. f Bilnlri Into ii.i-, In tirrv ontiltyniKl Tiii.in j nil tli'-c-, hi tin. mill lull clUri.'Ilt illltull I'M. rti( ntitluiii n-.v Mm i , lli.-ii II i u Inon-rc-tmlilii nml f.ir iiiotu riU-c toil rt'Hily tlnu nujr .ill.r-r. Tlm.o h'i lilt trlttl II. Viinn- Oul It ciinM tin n lli'i.i "Ii.i lt.it o ml. kimtt Hi it a rim-t tiirir in unit r iiihI rncu li, mi ( nil Kii'm' Hut uli it i. il !. tt it ulna I Hint It nrwr full, ttiniiuli nnv Lnill ornrclixtvr It. rniiiini.ltliin. Wi It lit Ili.ii..tni ll"ill llioti. s unit i(ri'rtii1i.itrirtlii'lrri'iii.iilRlilci'iiiv.ur the I .lloiiluf rnmpliInK, but ii.li iiirr. nrr Wimnn In I vrry ni'ljlilioi h't'kt, nml iro nnxl mil pnlill.li Hum. .VtuUM Mall ,12c iii.'inJltlii in ill UluiMoti fiiiiUtiiliiniiilnriiainrlornii)r.li,ktsiliiilniB, tho- m-iy ! fnk.-it uli iMr '' f. I'n-lr iiiicir ro Uli s Mtrr - lln-m rrrr fiT.li nit.l i.iav.-t llicni ilrv..mt l.i I iVi,ilii llniiiiiivljf vrjcliWa IM iMtm f.in nrl.r from llitlr iihi hi nnjr itnntltr. Ilicy onrrulu liy lln-lr i-nnfinillnAucii-e .i thn Inlffinl l -en t-i im1iy tin l.lixfl nti'l lliniilila It tiif tiiMtthy n"ll-ri tnii'H 9 ilia ub.lnii-llon of llm itnnmiti, linvch, llvrr, Bint olln-r nwi if tlio Iki-ly, t t'Ulnx tiitir mvpilir nrlloii Ip health, an I I.) i.irrt.lli'f. ulieretrr Uiry r., urli ilciaufc-nii-nt in wn the llr.t iirUIn iir.li.ii. Mmulo ilnri-tliin ,-tra iilirn In llic urnpj'fr on tin Inm, lor Ihe fj'.l mli coinj'l.ilritt, itlikfi thr.a l'lllt i.-iiilillyniri. t'nr It.ril4 or Binllxfllnn, I.l.ilr. nr... t.jiuiii.r nnl . . if .riln-, liny .liouM l. I ii'n ui'Mi. inic:, tit ttiiuiiUlo Ihv tto.il ri-Ii nml n-iir.' Hi In-iliny li.n Ami ncllon. In, C.iirr I'lniiiit.iliil nii'l llinil'ii ivinp Inin.. Illlli.ll llrti Urlir, ll U Uruil.u l.r, J.uiiiillir er tlrmt MlrLnrx. Illlititt ('..llr Hint lllllitiM 'rrr,lhcy lioul.l Imjn. illl'HI-lj lil.rtll.il I'.t liril-i',1 n Kirclllinill.vittil mliiuiM ii.iiiiii(ill.jntlrii' tmiiiulii.il mii.o it. Iiir l)yralrr nr HUrrhurn, luit uua lull I in-r l Ei-iieriCr n'iliril rW liiuiii4flii.(JMit.iJr.iirl, Pulnl. Mllon tf III llt-.itl, I'jIi. In llii Mlilr, llrtlb mil CiiIii. tliry. sltniiM l niiiiliiiinii.lv Islrn.n. IV.IIIIH' I, itl h ifrfTTtH" iimmh nrllan "f llm ()ttiiiu. Willi in h rlun;a llio.i) runiinluti ilmiiiiit- ir. Knr lroirnnl lrnilrl Mnrlltnr lliry tio.il. I ii-inVi'ii 1 1 Mrpi.inil iri'inriit ilue. it yw iluri' tin rfli'rl iif.i ilMOIn ilirn'. I nr Miiiir-lon a lirvn il'-o iliouM lxt Ulrn It I'rn.lii oi 1 1"' ili'.lnM i iTorl liy mil itliv, A n f lOtHT I'M, tale nne or lint I'M' U 'rn nmiu illji'.tliin nml tvlii'ii'lhi" itniinrli. An iht.uIiiiisI il'i'O ttlniulalr. tho itmnnrli nil Iwni-U litl.1 h'-Jlihy ai-isiii, n-.tnri-i tlio nmH-lltP, ami Im iRiirnt.' llm f !. Ilruro It l iittrii ml. THiitni:iMii Mhi'iv in. utIiiiii .lirainri'mnil rxlt. Oiiih Ini liH'lttiilfrnlilru rll. oltni Dn1 lint nilo orthi-.c iiiat.i-ihliiitiil.li,riiiillylirlti-r,li'niii lli.Mr li'in.iiu niil rcnuintlni rilcu on tlio ilixe Uenimnitui. JiU, J. V. A YKtl CO., I'rnrllrnl Clirmhtt, LUUf.l.l.. MASH,, V, S, A. ELDORADO MILLS. TMIK Rlmvii Mill". fiirmirW lh Valley Mill I at I'liu ill, Ori'Kim. lnvvluK '' a mrclisi ul I'T C.u iiiiifiliiH'il.nm1,il.iiiiii'jlily npilr ni vvltli nNo. I iniroiiilW'uoilwarirSroiilti'r. nml ln linjiri'Viil MitiKirs. wiui "'i imin-iy new llnlllii Olntli, l now teaily to triad .. I....I mi ..(.lit.nift. nt tin. ii.iiiil mtt. Iii-nil : :iii IIk. Klotir 8 U. Until ami 2 lit. flmrl r hii.tii'l rnr ciion mirriiniii.niiu nm-ni. nu Mill liirr.lli tlo.tr with lltlch nml wnrrntit It llio MinBuiuul lo tli.it orany mill In llm wnrlil. , J.T.OI.r.NN.l'iop, Jnckroatllle, Oregon, Aug. VU, IH'tf, .c i& TOLIIVKRIVKR! ALargeAssortment OP DIIY' GOODS, (JIIOCEKIES, HARDWAHB AND OI2NKKAL MERCHANDISE, AT NURSE'S FERRY, AT Link River. THE BRIDGE Across Milk Ulrer l now cnmplele, sort llio trsvelllnirpiilil'ocsn nowcroM Hi the follow. Inn llliersl rt) I Wsroih 60 Horsemen' 26 1 chscpper one hundred besd fin i Cattle, per one Xundredlicsd 00, OKORGK KOURfiK. mm )hHMRlMtWtC!S ' r .' m'i"i .i..ii EjMIii HERE WE ARE AGAIN W t T II imr:Kmw c : s SACHS BKO'S HAJ AVK JUST KECEIVKD TIIE 'inest and most CompKto Stock DRY HOODS, LADIES HATS AN'I) CLOAKS, IIOSIEHY, CHIKDHKN'S SHOES, MISSES' SHOES, LADIES' SHOES, PAN'CY GOODS, CAIU'ETS, CLOTI1IKO, HOOTS. MEX'SAN'D HOYS' HATS, CHOCK EH Y, CHOCEUIES, LKH'OHS, TOHACCO, .tc, Ac, A inl lliuimnilt nfotlicr article! lo-i nitmtrou lo intiilloii. WE DOH'T ADVERTIZE PRICES, Till vllU.ire'jou. Hint fit ci ftn.l till sell Ooixli oT nil kititlt CHEAPER FOR CASH, Tlmn tiny ollur Lou'vla llili county. 3W 3133 "Wi ll nlnt nt ncnl, and Gogdi we ML'ST Srll, Tall amiin.l to unr Store mi Cillfortila Mrcr t nml ice ut, Wo "111 ihowyou our Gnoji wlili plesttire. SAGHS BROS. 2-i'J" Wo Kill your m tluul.tr atten tion lo our line stuck ol I.inlios', MU se.', nml Cliililren's Shoes, nlo .Men's Hoots, which were nutlo in Sun Fran eiseo. Jneksonvillc, Oct. P, UflO. Summons. irsTicriscouuTFoit Tin: ntnoiscT il r Kirlijr Ille, tilatu of Orison, County r Jiieliine. 1'i.tiil; llo.o ) Civil action to recover vs. II. V. IM.rlarult. ) monry. To II K. I'lirlitinll.tlicnliovo naninlderendant; In Hie iiatnn or I tie ?tale ul Oregon, you are InTcliy rroiilnil to appear tH'liirn tlie iindrr IkiihI. a Ju-llce or tlm I'i'iice. lor llm precinct HfnrcMl.l. on Hie 251 li d.ty or Oclulivr, Isi.V. at in n click In tlie fornioiiii nf ulil iliy, at Iho iitllce or .aid Jii.Uct, m laid precinct, to aiuw it llnialiiivur.iiiiiiil pl.ilulitflii a civil ncllon. Tli-drfend tut villi Ukii nntlca llml If be full, to answer ltmcniiiilaliit herein, the plain llir villi t.ike Jii.lnin.Mit ngaliiit.lilm tnr S lllly oiii.iiiiulriiili ilnlar, liiKi'lhir wllli his coils nml illiiirnii'iilt. (Jlvui imdiT my hand Ihlt lib d.iy or Siplitnliir. Isi:!i, J. II. Sirum, Jaittcf of thi l'taet, PACIFIC UNIVERSITY, KUHKT OnOVH, UIIRUtt.V, m:v. s. ii. MAitsii, n, D rniiiu-nt. IlKV. II. LYMAN. A M..Pmr. or Malliemnllci. CKO.II.COI.MUIt.A. M I'rcr.if NuturalSclencc JO. W. MHItJll, A. M....I'ror. or l.anjiiaBe. A. J. ANDKIISON A M. Principal of Acadimy MRS. vt.J.vlNIU'itSON Preceptress. I'OL'II COL'KSKS OK 8TUIY-.Jenilemt, Scliiitlllc. CnllcKluto aud Ladles Cullefjlate. MikIo Innitlil. Icn'li'iii.v Year li;lns l)i Last U'cdne.day of .Inly, Cnllfjfe. year hegmi the first Monday of stiiKtiit next. I'or pirllculnri address. 8. II. M.-OiSII. itonoB. U. S, Lano Oitick. Itn.sKiifno On.v,, I June 2Clh, 18119. I Complaint hnvlnB been entered nt tills Office dy Win M. Matliei. and H, 0. Tnylnr srhIiiM Joint 0, Huinlln fur nlumdnnlnK Dniiatlnn Claim A'ntlrtcnllnnNo. 2-17. lal-l S.-nl. jr.. ISM, up on tlicHniltli I lnH .) or aectlnn Ili.TiivvnUilp 117 smith, Itiinse 1 V., In Jsrkcon county, Orexnn. with a view to cnncdlallminf raid Dn nation Claim . tlio said pnrllci am liereliy rum. innni'd to appear at this Ontct) on tho UM dny of July. 181.(1, ot I o'clock p, in., to respond and furnMi testimony concerning said alleged abandonment. JOHN KKLLY neglder, Annuo It. Fust. Receiver. CHEAP SEWIH6MCHINES1 (30 IIOMB SIIUTTLK SEWING MA tZQ CHINK. A doiil.le thrsad lock stitch Hhihi Machlna ; stllch silk" nn hnth lilcs. (Jt1Q Celehrated CommnnSensn Family Ma 3lO chin, flnlh ranchlnes fully warranted Inr live years. Maahlnes sent to any part of Ihe (Jiil by expres. 0, 0, 1). ( (rents wanted In every town on the I'aclfto Onasl, Liberal CoinmMon, Pacific S-wInx Machine Co., Jotly 109 Moatgotatry 81, 8. F. UP WITH THE TIMES. J. NEUBER . ITAS JITST UKCKIVIM) AN 1NV0ICH 1A tilgooiU front Hie hust nl ll.e lli.ist qunl. liy uf I. A 1)1 KS' A N I) U KN'1 3 N 11W I 'AT. TKIIS (JOLI) CIIAINS.UKNTrf'hlltVKU VKST CIIAI.NH. A line i-l.nlrc lol t.T MN. ' AMKI.KIl IIOSOM I'INH. KA It KNUIM I nml imoiy, si.kkvk unii coi.i.Ait itu r i IONS, snd IIUSIIM STUDS. A. clmier Inl of DIA.MONll, OI'KI. and I'KAIU.I IliNGS. A!o stilid tings i.r liij ovui tnuVcf ini Imnil nil tin time. Snllul Hilvir ware, ' mrli MTAHI.KnidTKASrUDNS. DKS I SKItT.SUllAIIand KAI.I'dl'UONS.TKA nml DININO l-'UllKS, IIU'I'I Hit anil1 I'UUIT KNIVKS, WIIOI.K ANI OPKN i TOI'TIII.MHI.H.S ofnllsiiis. Tine LWO I, IS II I.t:Vi:i(8 in solid (jold Itiintliii. Cases I A liciuiilul Inl ol I.ADIHS' WATCH KS In solid (InM llunliiiL' Knuinfl.il Cn... 'I La... I liivt turn Mltctfil with Kirul care for reliulite lime Ivirjur. Alsojutt rcetlvrt an lotolcc ol tLc AMERICAN LEVER WATOM, in liiaty Hunllri; Cart, ptt fiam 35 toftfj ilollun. Tlu-se ote w THE BEST WATCHES I'nr Hie motier nor lirouelit Into the matkel. 'I'lioy. are Mumiliicitifinl liy ' tl.e National Wntcli Conipjny. at Kljflii, 111. An nifoitinriit e! On linml nil tbo time. A new lot of ilglil uij nun iniriT nnnr ciixk. irnm llic lest jc Oirlr.. IM.ATKI) CASrHUS.'rAIII.Koiiil I'HASI'OONS. KNIVHS ami IOMKS, TOIIACCO IIOXHS. Sl'KCS ul ill lilMl llie Iiit.lnii stiinkiil. fur iik eyes. I'OCIv i;riin.lTAIII.HLM;il.HllV mntkeil 1X1.. Ai:tum)i;o.ri, Fl.l'IINA.H. JIUSIC IIUXHS, fniiejr ni.J brieilliu; JIIIIH (.'AllHSslsrar iniikri, lalk' Irnvi-Hmr, nml rliiilm.-s IIASKHI'S, ll.vys TH'-CAKTS link WIIHHlrHAIMIOWS, DOIJL-IJAJ3ir.S, 1'l.oTfrsl TOY DHUIIH, Children's CIIA1 CKS. THC CCLCDRATCD HOWE AMI FliOREtVVE snwna-iviAcnrrjE. Us lias n UritP Inl of Tnvs n lnul a larce !. r II .fl- III l.i.l. .rit I i.i.. ., "" ' """' 'I" Binnmu lll linoiisani IlllfS. Tim bot ol Oiiilnr nml Kiddie Hlrliufi. H iuii noiiriinrni 01 rirr..-. ironi Hie licut .Mrr limnii In the cliniiunt (."uy rim'. Minilli I'lrces nml hlenn nl nil kinds, Toliarco Pouch. M, MATCH IIOXKd.elp.rlc. am) a larce nswimcnt or the hint CIUA1IH. AUo al vtnys the limit choice lirands of TOHACCO. nil arid Imrd jiroinl. One cut lor iruoldn; uml cliealtik'. Alllilndiof WATCHES. rLOCKS. JEWELUV AXD SEWING-MACHINES Clcanril and repuIrl at the lowet pries. To thoic who live nl a iliHaneo nml send liv .Stage ilririrs nnd MxptCM, ll.e drivers' or ex prismse iTiti i.e pani uj inc. lie suro nnd rem) 10.1. NKUIIKU. vv'ntch Clock and Jovrelrv Store, for denning and ri'inlrlnc JOII.V NKUHL'IL JlUKS T. GI.KW, Joll.1 S, Ulll'M Ai.rxiMien Minn.v. GLENN, DRUM & CO., CDKAItSS INC GENERAL MERCHANDISE CALIFOIIXIA STUKirr, JACKSONVILLE, OREQON. XEW FIRM, NEW GOODS UltiNPlIM NlSiW PRICES! LOW PRICES WILL WIN ! rpilR A HOVE NAMF.D FIRM J tuko iilt-iteuru In noillylnir llielr trlend and the pulillo pi-ni rally, that they are now receiving and Dpeuluj a Ttry larg and ex teoilre stoclt of STAPLE DRY GOODS, READY MADE CLOTHINO, HATS AND CAPS, CALIFORNIA AND SALEM CLOTIIH, 11I.A.NKETS, HOOP SKUITS KTC, ETC. BOOTS AND SHOES, Ladlei', Mim' nd Children'! Shoei. 49 We hare, olio, lo connection with St tSf Ihe above, a very larite and "'Ol ir- extensive clock or choice -it o !& Oroccrles, Hardware, -S tr Qneensware, -fiMt 9 Glass. - ware, Cutlery, -"I Mr Taints anj Oils; nlto,-at lrWinilow Ulasi, Nails, Iron-t Mir and Steel. Cast am) Steel " Qr riowi, Wooden aod Willow ware. - We are ready to sell anvlhlnit In our line at Iho LOWEST CASH PUICB, l'enooi wishing to boy good, will And It greatly to tbelr ad vantage lo ciamlne onr stock More purchas ing (i liewhcra. as we aro determined not lo be undersold by an house In Jackson eijunty. Give u a call, and then judge lor yourself ai to our capaeltv to furnth goods aa above. OL KNN-, DRUM. C. Jstkionvllle, Maroh I, HIT. If STOP THAT COUGHING COMB or TOO CANT, Asm WK PITT O you Vou Iit trlM trtrj rtmeOf but lh OXE dfiun.il. lijr III IDInnno titnt, la tuptnrJe til Him llir MTprelioii. It It sot lurVrl'Ins Ju thouM b rtlntUM la try fmtthln (Ih tnrr tht moy ri (nmDti tou tt mJ ot ituhf cjwio4 olitt4 a tbe ruUlo m a ctrUla currj but NEWELL'S Pulmonary Syrup l rmnjritit VXIlT lT$T nmrif trr r timjmiitrt for ltietorr.rcouh. iVIJi, Sore Thrwi, A'hms Vrh(iftlrf'Coiitti.DnwliiiMtDlCtiiiiirttin. Tln. SinJi or toiI la Ctllfomi n4 Orrron httt kwa alrMdf Uo.lu.J ij Itii lurprtttci cumlTt -ari NEWELL'S1 Pulmonary Syrup n1liti cce Svtor.1 tlrw It th'lr Binti!M irf l jtlcn We now hiMh-m oiir. r lo all hn arn nC nnnilMM wilh Iklt, lli imiil I'JUiirtW lt. im, tot tt Irtllnn or all AiKtf tt lbs TtiTMt M tuc(, uiurtcg jou IbU NEWELL'S Pulmonary Syrup hit ruml theunaJt id! II will tun TOU If rw Its It. Tills iRTnlmUe nrdMlnelirltSMfittslliA Urti SAAittioc. Lmlmjianil strmiribttilnii nillirlrtti. ta. Iirtlr lii. ttvm all snv if ilWnl-nn draft tbJ irlly liirmlfM sailrr all rlteiim.titrr CritiSMtrt (torn tiunr I'tnmln.nt (illitbl ja rituiKa(wiiD; ittrjr Ivlllt cf NEWELL'S Pulmonary Syrup MDIXOTO CO. Ai.au, fen friMUo. DR. E. COOPER'S INIVr.lliAL MAGNETIC BALM. A Renrrnl Family Medicine, II U loitr el(ti remtdy lor Dipthoria, And kindred illea.rs or the THIIOAT. an4 iiniiiiiallid In cuilnj llyrrtiliry, Dlarilmia, t'tiuUta, Colic, Chnlrru Mt.rt.ttw and Fovor and Aguo, Nrtirati-ln, llhitiiiiall.m, Colds, Toothsckt, llnrn.. A'nreltm. lliul.n. ele.. rle.. ai nm. I lejlevrj liy lu lmrly me. j Trulv a Vegetable Ttr par- nuon. 3frimi, rrnuln. Ilhniil !. .1. ..T It.yTltOM!. REDI'OTON & CO.'S . ' ORIDA WATER, tat: no OTIU.M, L'neifellrd for Toilet L'.e and for tb lash. REDINGTON & CO'S KSL.NCE OF JAMAICA CIIVGEK. TliU raliialde preparation, eontalnlag la a hlyhlv coiicenlraled I or in all the properties of Jimmies (iinger, hus Ivciime one of the most lipnlnr dnuvstlo rrmrdlrs fur all dlieaica vf IliU riniiti.,1, wimi 1IIUI.IIII1 iiiunr. As a tunic, It will he fun ml Invaluable ( aN perrons it-covering from dihlllty, whetlirr pra lucid by fever, nr otherwise lor while It lm parts to tho system all the glow acd vigor that can be produced by wine or brandy, It Is ea. tlrcly flee Irom the reactionary edicts that fol low Ihe uic of splrlUor any kind. It is alio an excellent remedy for femalaa who sutler from dlfflcull menitruatlon, giving atmn't Immrdlale relief to the spstms that t ftuently accomiiany that period. It glres Immediate relief to Nausea, ciani by riding In a railroad car. or by seailckntM or other cuitca. Il I al.n valuable as an external arplliiUea or Gout, Ithcuwatlim. Neuralgia, etc. KIIUINOTO.V A CO., 41C and 418 Front St., San Franclice. Use Kleclro-Slllcoa, Or Uagle IrllMau. REDINGTON & CO.'S FLORIDA WATER. F0 THE IIANDKERCniBF. This article, poiseislng the most deltsale. fragrance of Flowers, li uueijuslcd at a v fume for the Handkerchief, FOR THE BATH. Cud III bnlhlng, It Imparts energy aaa strength to tbo syntctn, and gives Ihat soflnsN and delicacy lo the ikln so much dctlred by all, It removes Sunburn, Frecklei & PlmpUfc Dllulidwlth water, Il makes an exctlleai neutrino, Imparling pearly whllenssa to Ike teeth, sweetness to the breath, and rtndtri U gnmi hard and or a beaulirul color. It should always be u.ed after shaving, af lutcd with water, a It relieves alt InOamalloo. HF.UINUTON A CO., 41C atd 418 Front Kt,., San Francisco. Use ElectroSllltOD, Or Magfe nrllllanl. ELECTRO-SILICON, on MAGICBRILLIANTo DIRECT FltOU NATURE'S LABRATORT. The best article ever discovered for Cleans Ing and Polishing Gold, Silver and I'lattw Ware, nnd all smooth Vetallo Surfaces, ef whatever description. Including Kitchen Uten sil" of Tin, Copper, Dress, S'ee). cle. To Jewelers and Workers In Oold and Silver Plate, the Eleclro-Elllcon la of Inestimable, vak ue t the lime saved, and Ibe vexation prevent, ed by Its use, will forever eadear He earae H all who have bad evldenee of Its raerlla, REDINOTON k CO.. Bole Agents, Ban Franaltw. FOR FLAVOMNQ EXTRACT, UMJfeMelll OO.IAMfU IMf.v Sept. 31k, 1M. HpleM. -T