fl J. PI I ft M, W OREGON SEX riMJL. " S.v.rt liiuY .Moiimmi, Oft. L'J, 1PCO. Ctiba- Tho conl1ic( now f,'oin on between iIip tn.oiti-iMit Cuban. nml tliclr pircut st ito, lin become n -.object of deep ;i i-l touching interest to tin American .iIt. Alter n lapse of nearly n .ntiiry from (ho American revolution f independence, tho trujjglo between i ic despotic ami cii'lnriug ay-teui of t tic old worM nml the liberal mul pro it i-ivc itpitil of (ho How, ha heen r neweil, nml under very lunch the miiio tiupie.. The peoplu of (ho il-unl ol Culm, Fmtc grown weary ul tin- liamolul torpor nml despotic gov. cnitnotit of Spain, nml emulation tin :imi example ol tliu mvolulioimry lu'iiitnf Amirien, have .Inked (heir nil on t lie iiiilrpumlruca of their na tive il:inil. Tho eowciniiMie (lint tli.y nre now in tliu midst ol it lent Ail s'lHglo in biluilf of the principle of lii" I.VpiiMii-nn ',toi eminent, ol which we lm.o over been, Miteo our first e t,ile1itiirtil n :i nation, (lie proud i li impious ntnl exponent, natural1; n tr.ioti our ympr(hlet very Mroiily to (liein nml their rniims Hut they hae n cl .erVlrjim thnti that ol mere .:iuiiiiiiini ol principle, upon (lie l.iarli nml .iuVelin nf (In1 Amerirnu , nplex Tho spirit ol independence ii w matiifetcd in Cub, mi dinvily in! iicd out ul ndminition ol ihe hi t r mul rogrcmol America. I'lttcod in c!nc prAiiiilty to the gieitl rejmli lie, whose imrue a synonym ol po.v. r and grnudehr thmughnut (he world, mil whoH' bpiiKrii liberality capture i wry hem t which is rimci plihlo ol n mii Jc generous emotion for lieedom, theCiibiu mtiiotsJiavo drawn tiieir aipirations lnr liberty und independence directly Irom its jicaP'iiodol. Where then U tin re it (rue -h fair led, libcnil minded American cilion hodoos not l.ae llto liveliest iutoict in (heir be half" Wheie U tliell mujIi ii nie wlio-o reverence lor"!v tyinnnieal mul bigot id giutrumeut would induce him lo deny that any people lno ihiijjhi to uioilily or nhidUh the form of yourninoiit under which tliev live. when tho nmo becomo odious and oppreHVo Xo Midi nn Amcricnk nnywherc oxiit. The greit quiMtnn, howoor, to which t1ii Ktrujrch' hi tivn ri t yet ieuirin to Ih considered ! i, n to (lie position we ontil ( rnviipy ni n natimi in royaid (o ihcj luinvciiw, Spain is mis ol (he ne ki'owlcdged power ol tho earth, and her legitimate aulhoi ity over the Maud of Cuba Imn iiiit until a very iccent period been controverted. Our.goiein men! i an fully bmtnd asany either, by recognition ol the- SpanMi govern in ut, and has deemed it no disparage in nt to enter into fiicudly iutcreouiM' widi herns nu iiidepemlent Hivenign oxer her own Iciritory, mid liable to us only on thu faith of death n mid the (uicial ruliN f intcruntiiiiml law. With lier interna! adminihtiatiin we have nothing (o do. It may bo well or ill adapted to tho happiness of her piople, but thitus for those people to ju Ige. Spain has not changed nince we entered into national comity with her; mid wo mo slopped by n long mid ftitnillyinUrcoiiimi from now denying nn authority origin illy and consciously accorded. We Ivel that (ho time U hui rying on to meet us which will dc (ciinne forever the Spanisli dominion over Cuba, and wc Miicorcly itjoiec at It; but wc do not forget that the priii oiplo of foreign intcilercucc has ever bcni, and now moid than nt any dinn er time, JuuMy odious to tho Aiiieiican people. Wo aro oven now ready, mid it might bu rnid eager, to light the nholo power of Knglnml over (ho Alabama chims, which spiang from jut Mich an assumption on her pait to interfere in tho cnil eoutiovcrcy be tween our goveiuinci.t and its subjects who wcio in rebellion naainst it ; nml wo certainly cannot bono inconsistent as (o givo up and annul (ho iiiiueiiilu on which (Iioh) claims aro founded, while the depute, over (hem is nt 111 go ii'g on. The action ol tho covern- incut in thu cao of tho Jfornct plainly indicates its intention to prcscivo (ho doctrine of nonintorfcrenco inviolate. Tin: elccdon returns from Xobraska hulicato that (ho Hopuhlioan majorities will bo fully oqiml to those of thu Trcs identinl eleoJoii. In some counties, henvmer, a portion of each ticket is olccted, tho contest being moro pciboiial (hnu political. ' ' - - Klkctiom rotiirus from lown indicate -that (ho Jlepubllcnn majority will lo about 05,000, ' Th0 Mew York Wn,,.str.cct 0nmb,"- J It i rcpnilctl tlint thcMncknnd gold ,r.icr(, W,ici, ,m.(v oatiHd so niucli oeitcmetit tliiotigliont tlie country liao liccn indicted. Tlicy oiifjlit to be sent to the nei'ltentmn. Any one . who ill examine into their manner ol I doine; luisine-, will conic to no other ' euieIuion. So liir ns jifitnin to inon etary mat lei , wc have been complete ly under tho control ol (hoe men, vlioo (rnnsia(:(ionsarenow being made public. Tho putchn 'S mid Males made bv theso men arc not teal, and could not be, for (here is not in (lie whole country over ?oo,0oo,000 ol gold; and yc( the transactions ol threo days in SeptcmlMr, amounted to $I.IO0,t)0l, 000. Their mode ol doing business is n follows : A dealer will agree to sell a stnted Kiim of gold, deferable at a ccitnin date.nt lutipulnted price; when (he day ntric, if the piice has gone beyond (lint agreed upon, (he dunlcr pays tlio ilillercnce; but il is les, the purehncr siilleis the loss; while not a Miiglo dollai of gold is handled by cither patty. Il becomes a matter of interest for both to influence the gold mniket to iucronie piice, mid to Icsmiii (he same. Owing to their loiighnoM mid freipicut unjust eomliinntiom,they mo ctdlifd the bulls mid bears ol Wall strict. In Septeiubri they determined to inn up gold to 'JoO per eint.; but. Mr. Itoiilwcll. (he Sieretary "I (he Trrns-iry, ordered $l,ooo,o0n of gold (o be mid immediately which was enough to carry on the legitimate bus iness ol the country, mid this deflated their nefarious combination. The Tie.tMiry has published its intention to sell $ I -.000,000 ol gold during Oeto her, and to buy gll,imo,noo ol bonds in tlit .'mill' time. This will ellecdmlU de!ca( (hoso tock gamblers and !;;, , down gold nt reasonable rati'. Father llyacintlio- The New York papers lor tctcntl months, have el.Uiorately couiuieiitcd on thewitinltawalof I'atlier llyaclutiie froiu the Ktimaii coutinuiiioii. I It i icjiortcd lo be one ol the inosl elo ipuint preacheis in I'raucc. 1'ilor ( hi ibiioiiuciiig Itomaulsiii his gieal ',l,"li'"'. 'Kep carniM m ss and piety, had gamed bun many mcmls. lie was ncetiscil by his supi'iior ol laying too uiucli ndcs iijioii a spiiitunl in pule X o (o a formal religion. '1 he I'opeoi jnc sent lor him in order to give him iiilrjk'tion. Whal look place nt (he interview has ne'er bvin made public; but he now piolists agdii't the new docilities to I'D istddixliid by (he forthcoming Council. J.a-t wtck (he (elegniph repot (ml him on his way lo tho L'nitcd Kl itis. and I t-upposc eie this lie has allied in Xuw Voik. He is announced as a heritic, and perhaps he can now do n)iro good m thu Coil ed Suds than in I'raucc. We tolerate all, and ptOM'riho ioue. livery iiiiin has a light to prcahli in the l.'uited States according to tliu dictates ol bib own conscience, and no one dare to mako him nlnid Thu 1'opo's bulls or ('.Ncommiiuicalior.s Pavo no nioio illecl litre than a newspaper npiib. Spain- Aflalrs in Spain continue untitled. IVcipicnt oiitlneaks ate npotteil in dill'ei cut places"; but I liey am general ly optedily suppioiscd. .Much anxiety is fctill inauilcsted in thu cliolco of u Mivctcigu, I'ioiii picseut nppearauceh it seems probable that tin Duko ul (iciioa, a nephew ol king Kinaniicl, will hu chosen king of Spain by Ihe Cortes. Victor Kumnual ban iuiimalcd that a pliiieu ol his houu would only accept the crown by an unanimous vole. Tlds condition will probably be lulllllled, by the Republicans, CarlUts, and Isabcllisls not voting. California EIctian News. Stockton, Oct. 20. Linden precinct, Crocket, I)., 108; Wallace, JOUj Saw ycr, M); Pratt, 81; Dist. Judge, Hook er, 1)., 100; Carls, It., 80. Santa llosa, Oct. i!0..-Suprcino Judge, J. It. Crocket, 37:i; Wallace, 7:i; Sawyer and Trad, 111 each. District Judge, W. (J. Wallace, 7fl; Southard, 101. Shasta city gives (iartcr, Judge, U., !)0 miij. Vrcka, Oct. 21. SiskiyoV county will givo Hosboiough, )., about H)'o majority. Wallace, nml Crocket run behind, porhaps about .'J00, In San Krnucisoo i( goes Ucmocratic. Humll vote, Wnllnco badly scrntohed. Los Angclos. Oct. 20072 voles counted givo Crocket and Wallace 100 majoiity. Forl)itit.Juilgol78. Hon. .Murray Jlorru6ii hag 00 innj. over O. ii. Thomjrson Jor County Judge, Tho African becomes a bone or Contcn- tcntion In thoDemocratic Camp. The Democracy of Wisconsin and (he old style Dciu'iciuN ol (ho Xasby stiipe aro' hv the cats on (ho nigger niiestiMii. Though (lie icoliidoiis ol the Wisconsin Dmioeratsiiio not given verfitilliii tt tita'ittuii, we inler liom the loud wail scn( lorih by the Xcw Voik My too,- thai they mo hugely dis tatclul to (he unclouded ami itntaller ing iion of the old school Democra cy. It is piesunit-d that (hey haw sig nified (lieiraeipiioeence in the tesiills ol the tar and their endorsement of tho radical doctrine ns taught by the I .Mil amendment. Thu hvi lUtok openly denounces (lu-ui as daitors (o the Democratic ciccd lor tho sake ol plunder. Xow, hele at ibis point of (he cotdrovtrsy, a lew reflections pre sent thcinolw.s. What light has the organ n!oioiiid lo disipa(e foieter, nt .... !l.. ...!. ..! I... 1.... I.. one mcieiies looieiiiio, nn- m-i imiti ol the lamlshlng Deinociacy of Wis-con-in? Who Appointed It ceieir over llieir eoiintl; and who but Re publicans will laugh c willingly oer this sdiinge discord in the Democratic wigwam? It wasjii'l n m-eessarv lor the Deiiiocracy ol Wisconsin lo do all thec dingrecnble things, which they have done, to get a smell of bread and butler, as it is ncoi'sary lr (he Demo erney il Xew York lo stand by (he old Imidumrks (heir lathers set in (he good old limit ol long icin, to accom plish tho task ol keeping it when they hnve il. Uut tin uid mvly m net i lie ihe iiionns, nml why l.dl iutodissiti -ions mil' in; theini loV 'I'ln sinne ei'iniiion purpo-e aeliii'is all the Dem oerats I'ioiii Wi-consin to Tvxn, and liom M.iin" to Oiouoii. Itepiiblicnu even do mil doubt their devotedue-s (o I lint put pose, and (hey surely ought not to que-lioii each other's siocciily. That purpnfc I- nothing less than the laud able ib sire lo proem e lin nd nml butler cunugli to coinloit their declining day und to leaw a small slake for tho in lancy of their po-ierity. Then, we say, pies-- mi in 1i.ii tif-n v together; keep our vision idewited to (he dignity of the common irm ; and when you cone Ingciiiei finally, nl the goal, lew will euro to i iction, whet her you ba come by sliiii.'ht or ile' mi way; or wlieth- r you Imveiiibleu ibiilnr ili ivriinniiit eri'diililx ola Wi-cons'ii uit'L'er, or the 'uiiik'ti and bi-.'oied piejudiie- ol a Xw Voik city ImsIiiiuiu, mm Oregon Chiiiam.tn. I'ei-oiinl. Dnrlntf the w.ek Admiral l-'nmgui j .asbieii lfliigfioii.lv ill at Chicago Si:n.1i i: Wii.i.iam- ninth a spieeb .1 1 1 k.ti.1il.t-ir .in I.iiiiIii lticl 1.1 ...-. -.Ml fi, .... '..-.,..,, .-... , i .liic.i: 1'niM leiuincd homefiom Sa lem, on S.itiiiday last. Dlt. W, 11. McAi.i.i.miiii ariiwd in (own fin Tiusday night. He is stop- iug at .Mr. Horue's, Tin: 1'icsidcnt, (Seiier.il Sheinvui, and l'li-tma-ier (ieneral Cresswell at- Iciuled the Fair nl 1'iedirick, .Maty lalul, on the I tlh inst. The Woman"-night Association in San Prnncisco- Tho following ciii'iilar has bcceii sent tti eveiy county in Cnlifonila, and oc casionally it has been piihlMicd, It means business. Wo wUh them sue cess. S.N I-'llAVtlhCO, Sept. 'JS, 18(11). tl.t'ASi : Viuir iinme has bei u giv en to die Ciililoinia Woman's Snll'iiige As-oeiiiliou a that ol a person of judg innjK and aliiliiy, who is waiiulyin. luuviid in Ihe piogicss and wella're ol woman. As the leading minds nf the. lav con sider, die bulbil a great educator id the people, why should woman be excluded liom its bciu Ills? This wiuicr we wish topetilit-u our Igihlatuie lor thu sufiragc lor woman, nml at thu same (iiiiu ihnt wo me obtaining signature tithe Mate IViiiion, we think il will bu well lo gel too sunn siguaiies to tlio Xalional Petition: which hbonl.l be ready bcloio Xo ember I full. I8U0. The ladies of San I'ranci.eo I. ..v.. . . . . . . !-.- oigani.eil a Calilbrnui Siato SuUuitio Asocialion. Santa Clam ami Sanl.i 1 Ciuz counties hnvu each inuniiized a Society, joining uiih Situ rr,iuccu County, as auxiliaries tn the Stato So ciety. Wo disiio thecooiioradoii of all (he ((unties in this ood work, mid will givo Instructions for oig.iuJzuiou Ildu-irul. I eueloho a fow specimens of a tract which each county might distribute- lo advaulnu'ti among tlio people. Tlioy will cost flvu iirh'u dollms per tliou sand. Larger pamphlet aru to be sent to us liom New Voik, containing tho views ol able men and women upon till subject. Please communicate cither by word or hiter with all who will im workers in this cause, ami scud us nntnim fi,. adjoining eniuides of thos0 whom we may mldioss to mlvntitage. Kckpcettully. Cokua Ouutjb Cor. Seo'y of Cal. W, S. A. Lnto Telegrams. Xj.u. VoIt; Octrio.-Tho IhhthV Washington special says he has seen 'a letter, purporting lo bo from M. lViuet, asjent ol the Hothsehihl", in .New 1 oik, to a menu in uuingion, tnting (hat his proposition mid cones. pondeiicu iclntiw (o otbring an nn limited loan liom the Kolli-cliilds to our (lovcrnincnt nt ( per cent., ha been conducted by him directly with the Picsidcnt, at his request. M. I'eguet fcijn the pultlic nniiouiiceinent in the llvruhl was evidently lb'.- icsult of iealoiisy on (he part ol (heSecntary ol the Tn aury, who was nol lousuld d in (he matter. .M. Fignet will letruii to li mice to-morrow, but he believe die nuillir will bo Micccsfully c.aiiicd out. .M. I'eguet is said to be a partner in l'othschilds's banking hou-e, ami was for many ycais (he spirit of their ui firm ! dm. TlnMiin' llfjintl nn Aln'hn Mllr. CiiiiAim, Oct. IS. A Wa-hingloii pecial says (Jen. Tlioinas, having made a thorough inspection n( Alaska and studied its condition mid re-ouiccs dining (he pa-t iiiunii-r, lias just for warded n icpoit (o (he War Depart ment, lie lake n wry dillcn nt icw ol the subject liom the one presented by'.Mr. Sewaid. lie think the piin cipal, il not the only piecnl wiluo ol die new Territory, will be iu die ell'iet Ii trnii-fir (o (lie 1'iiidd State will haxc upon (lie losing hold by Kuglaiid upuii l!iitih Columbia. He think die sending of l.'cwnue nod other civil ollicer ih-ro a techs e.t eiec, a the only bei.cfit is to those who draw llu saluiies. He thinks the military posts -hoiilil be ii dined, and that die oxpen- -is ol supplylm: mul keeping up a civil seivice vciy lai excied die lewnitc collected. The Teintory was a con--taut bind i ii to Itus-i'i. She held it at a gnat expense, simply for tho bciufit ol tho I'm Company. There is no probability o''any i migration in that iliiection, a tin re i not the slightest iiiiluceiueiit tor tiny. Xo mines ol valuable mineral have liccn discoveied, which would piy M wink. There is nleiity I timber and coal, but plenty of a-good quality and ensier nccc-s, enu lie had 1,000 miles south of the Teiritory. Tlieie has been no chnngo in trade on the pail of our meichnnts. The lew boues eiignged before ihe puichno -till eoi tinnc, but the lur dadc in tliu i int'iior must coulimto lo be can led on bv (be unlives. As mi nsriciiltutal to- l() ,, in vnm, .ntevcr. cr.iin- ,., , j.,., nili ,j,e tvw V()f.,.,n. blcs (hat can be proilucctl, rot if not u-iil wiiliin a lew weeks. Mock rais ing tanuot lie cnriicdoii.nud ihesnptr iibumlauce ol lain and tho greet lack ol sun preclude the Idea of any profit able cultivation ol tho soil, Coiri'sioiiilciice. Ki. Skmim:i.. The Circuit Court for Douglas county adjourned yestcr d iv, nfier u se-sion of eight days; die docket was a full one. There wcio two ciimluai caM", one for laiceny nml die other lor assault, the first found "not guilty," the later found "guilty," and is now lying in jail. Tho number of Imise, cattle, and hog ciecs weie num. emu, involving great expense, nml but liitle profit, one case for twenty head inhuinr hogs, has been tried iu this county beloiollircc juries, taken to die Supreme Court once, and Is again ap pealed the only point now being whether parole evidence can or will bo sustajmiUji coiiueulioii with a wiitten conduct. Singular lo say, thero was not a single diwncc case this teini, times in this'counly are too hard for pi oplc lo pari, I goes. At the Uar the legal linleinity wire well repioseiitcd this term. 1 noticed in attendance attorney- J, K. Wnts-oii, L. 1. I.ane, W. U. Willis, L. V, .Mosher, C. W. I'ileli, H. Ileimaii, . A. Skiner, S. P. Chad wick, Pioscciving Attorney II S. Stra linn, and Judge Kelsy; die attorneys mi moieor lebs iiitcresieil; tho court held night sessions nenrly every night. maKing iu mi a very biihy term. Lusi .Monday evening Senator Wi. limns spoke to a largo ntidiencu nt this place; die greater port ion ol his time, was occupied iu discussing tho rnilioad (piestioii ; he said Oregon ami Califor. nia would soon be connected by rail, That may bo so, and under the manage ment ol Hen. Ilolladay net benefit Southern Oiegin in the leust. Tho people of thisdisdict are getting died of (oo many fine spun, iliiiirilitu iiiifronil stories, if theio is uny inteuipin of put ting dm railroad through (ho Uinpnun and lloguq river valleys, why not at onco givo the "land grant" to the company (hat will ns6iuo us that they intend Xo do this? The act ghing the grant ol land to j Ilolladay eonipells the railioad t.o go thfoiigh t'mpipia and Kogueiiver al-' leys, nml it will be built soon. If i( is not built by Ilolladay it Co , it will bo built by the California Company. I( ' is now pushing (lie work (his side of .Mniysvillc. Ki. I , The political sky in (his county i gelling vciy cloudy, the storm .v 1 1 1 be a lieice one, eandiilatis on both sides me already dotting thitnsclws out; iu number (here is no lack, I hey will dain well, and idiovv nil nvailablo points. I 'ochurg improves some gradual- ly. Two new buildings nn" nt ptoeiit going up, one for n saloon, nml tliu other n shop. The stone is on (he gtounil lor (he foundation ol thu new court house, the brick is burnt, the lime delivered; nml just ns roou us spring opuis even t lung win no in rendiucs for the masons mid caipenters to go to wotk. Votirs, t&, I'l.l.ifs. Tut: wheat crop of .Minnesola nver age 20 biehcls to the aeie, ami will yield -"0,000,(100. , A Family Sewina .Machine, or a Sil ver Watch, given lo very e'ub of sub- ' scilber to AitNiu.it'ss .M.mivzim:. Per sons lai-ing ball a club have the choice of a ret ol Hlwr Pol ks, Table or Ten Spoons. Agents wanted, male mid lemate. huge wages paid. Send lur lull pai denials. Address PKAXCJS 4fc CO., i care ol llox 'JO'.'I.S.hi I'raccisco, Cal. i -,r- n i ..... ...:-i ii ...,...i ... ... .-' If you wish die very best ( .ail IM'.l rnoiiHilivl'lls, you must call oil IH(.DIJ"ViV Id l.(MSO.,l2H3loiil gomciy street, S.iu I'mnclsco. . WII.UAM DAVIDSON, omce, N. o-i i-iiiiNT.sm:i:r. Ailjnliilii); To!i'i;rili OKIcr, Porthiiul, Oregon. srncfM. coi.uxvDit or cuius. Account. Nnlr, llotnl'. Puifls. nnd Mt-rcui- lllo Clslin at .-jrrv ili-cililliiii ihrniielmiil ntt'cnn nml llicTrrrlnirlrr. Wll.l, III! . MAHIC . .sit.ciai.tv and imiomi'ti.v cm.. l.l.'CTi:i. will n with mhie rrissnl I" icmi- tun; In nil liiliirs nuller liilriclul In lil care, and Ilia iirt'Ct'tib I'slil uvi-r I'liiicliiully. imc, uu .hu 1 1 i i . in: a i. ctr.vri: im:ai.f.ii. ,, 1) I 1'. D. Ji;rr-iniiN. .on r Win H.'l'-e. f Ibis !. -I I. y r. on tin- :.'inl (-li.l.pr. -. nKil ti Jf ur. on tin-I.'ml (Irtnlicr. N.LAV TO-DAY. CITY DRUG STORE, .TACKSONViJLLl. ON HANI) AND TO AI'MVK A COM jilttv a?urlnirul of pftUGS & CHEMICALS. Patent Medicines, PAINTS, OILS, Trusses and Supporters, LADIES' AND GENTS' SHOULDER BRACES, TOILET ARTICLES, PERFUMERY, BRUSHES, ETC. AMI STATIONERY, Photograph Albums, mia-ts-ukc :::-, Ami a larpr cnllccllen of mlccllmi-oui Worki, comprlilng Ulogrili)', Travel-,, ltomancr, X3ollo-Xjiottxoaif AMI GrXW BOOKS, ii.-.iin..u n .... . . -..,....., i rvuiijiiiiiia una I'liiiiily Hfclpet carefullv ceui- pounded. Country Orders jwomptly at tended to, GEO. tV.-GKAVES, Jickion-llle, Octolwr 23, 18C?. ''"' jyjEir goods. rpilF. -"""ISCKIIIi'llS A UK Ndw" ttf.ClllV I lint mi exli nltr Mi'ilv t.f (!til In tla-lr line of lm:ltir. ciiioI'IIiik' lit isrl ol CooL Slow, Vilihr ami Hrj Stoitf tf Villi out I'l'ltmn, Ain't nil Mil t ! .Utniltil Inn nml Sinlf llni't iflift $ ami Aii (Vl Irpn K'hs.'i A'wf. Unit Oirint, SLilhtt mul .ii, Ttn Ktlllf.nntl Hikt ram; Hunt mil l'.umntltl Ktlllt ntnl Sunt IKint t Choppm)! Axil, Hrmitl Axt, 'timt nml llillc Cluiim i S'invtlail Tmiffi, Firt thp, Slwtt Fuiki, S.'i(,tt!t, hot bxkt, Hull and Simp Ihnpm Kwitt ami link; Sptwtu awl lullm Mail Culltrt, Stiit lien, I'ubf'iiiij; tmut, I'otktt A'ii't(, Sntii nud ."'MM, I'ltltnt Cnu Cul .V.iir ; Hulk Dii tlimf rVitr-t ; P!ttn(t ntnl hutttfht to ttthtrxcilha futlii'wilmtiilof Sbtlf llmltmif. 0 t 0 tx ' !. Tlisp Pamn- li-ive Ii n (ully irlul. mul sro nckiiii.'liil lo iiii"r"iUmilsi(rsiir nil niliir ,...' ...m.u MmmUeiuterV i.rlt.-., n.lti rrvlcbt ml! il i O-iAAlT X'UWJJiiJll, I Kits sml l'i. Ill.ollni; nml It ll-t I'tmtlr, i Shut nml I.-nil bill I'liinp mul l.t-ml l'lv. j ' It'ip", (itl'i'.i.ie. (Mir Mill, Cul.ir 'lul, . ItiKkvU. mul Willuiv lUskc's. TIN- COPPER-, AM SHEET IRON-WARE Of every iicilitlon nhrjyt ou luml mul ' I" unlvr. , . .. . ! Jiyarauiic ipo, ' IMInl. 0 f. TurK'iilliic, Vsriuiti, Wlnduw Cla-s unit 1'olljf. ... , .. ,, ., ,, . .. , yP,n0 ,e Kticutlun of Knnotrt to our ISlucknr IMP Ma m9 Cultivators, ard Harrows, , nf (lj,. n, ,,,,,rvrrt fMiirrn. nml lilchl niil.1,,,1 1 l.o ?. If SLarnoulim SlrJw Cutlrti (IiiI'IhiI j nlxi Pi( 9tirculiiK lraw Cullvrt mm nn) M.ivit. HOFFMAN fit KLIPPEL. Jncb'nnvllle, Octotxr IC. lsf,j, " WANTED. 10,000,000 KKKT OK LOGS, OF THE BEST QUALITY Of Sugar Pino, Wbito and Rod Cedar, and Yellow Fir, To lio delivered between tlio month oi'Aiiril nml November, 1870, to tlio ELLENSBURQ MILL CO., AT THE MOUTH OF ROGUE RIVER. For mrliculur, enquire nf Geo. 31. Scunnnu, at Kllcimbiiig, Curry Coun ty, Oregon. Soiit. 11, J SCO. am. Administrator's Notice. "IN TUB MATTKIl OK THU ISTATU OK L Annul CIihiiiIiitk ilrcinml, Tin' nniliT'Iniii'il linvlnu Ih'i'ii diiljr nppnlnlril Ii' IIih CimnU (Ninrt nl' Jncti'nri cnnnly, re uoii. (In rniliAtioiltlni;) Ailiniiilnulr nT '.Ud "tu'i'S 1 h-ririire, nniice l lii-nliy ulvni lo nil H'r'niit Inili-liiiil in mill i .Inti-. in inik" I in- lisle imtint'iil In I lin uiilt-rttrii-l at hl ri'- lili'iici nn l.mi'ii Urt'ck Oimniy mul SuIh iifiiri'niiil, All pirou .Imvliii; cUltn aunliikt llic iili -iiiii nm r(iilrcil to prr-nt the aino piupi-rly vi'ililnl hi In ii'Diilcnrf. afiirrMl , cr lo W. II S, 1 1) Mi'. Jnckiunvlll-, wlitiln ill inuiitbi Irom Jiilu htrior. It F. MAUIIY. Jnckon?llle, Orccon. Si'pt 2l, 18C9. 37 O.P.S.PLUMMER,M.D., 5 urge nit 3l)ijoician. Having talih'il mjr tlfraplilo liail liiiirti'M at Jni'k.oMvlll", I will npuiiil a Ur)je piirtlou of in tlni'i In your mMt. and will at li'inl In urli urnlcnl prucilcn aa may nre'vnt, plvlinr cpt-oll ttll'iillon lo Ibt, urilcl treat ini'iil nf remain inalaillei. October P, li-CS-Cin NEW STATE SALOON. DHINKS 12J OKNT.S. Tho thrtlu nuiilln are informr-il that Pirn a Savaok i.r iln- NKW 8TATK SAMON will niluimll limit i1.Im.mt Uftlti ili.l inM.I hIkiIau lnltC'APa ! ." ."": "" "V" ."" "'"v1"..:: nij- in Uf touna in Jurknonvlll inriiNr. un. M'" ,,,c lo lone money by It, bnt timet am hard mul we eannut er penn an Ihinlu lOnctfiO l'APK & 8AVAOF. t'T-!nw&iH 17 t' hrii rrTrtmr"1 "-" P i Ik . ct- ' w''.ifcyiirfti. . k " i(iB-'t''r'- ' Warren Lodge No- 10. A. F, 4k A. M., Ji IIOI.Ii ihelr regular communlcaiioii Jyoii lh Wfrtnc'ilay Kventngn or pri-crtl' Arlng the full moon, In JicaaiiKViui oi kuok. A, U.BTIN, W. U. 0. W. SiTloit, 5c'r, wwiyf in